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What I Know

1. C.
2. C.
3. C.
4. A.
5. D.

What’s In
Connecting Ideas

1. Similarly
2. For this reason
3. Consequently
4. Hence
5. Nevertheless

What’s New

1. C.
2. B.
3. C.
4. B.
5. A.

What’s More
Activity 1: Textual Analysis
1. Writing Pattern: Problem-solution
Explanation with evidences: It has been said that problem-solution written pattern is a
problem that is being presented with a solution. Based on the given text, it states a
problem where in Ghana, bikes are in high demand but the people there were too
poor to finance the construction of factories that build traditional steel bikes. In
respond to this problem, the country came up with an idea which is the mass
production of bicycles from locally grown bamboos as an alternative for
traditional steel bikes.

2. Writing Pattern: Comparison and Contrast

Explanation with evidences: Based on the given paragraph, it shows comparison and
contrast answers how the subjects are the same or not. It examines and
emphasizes how killer-bee and regular bee differs to their similarities and
differences to each other. It says that killer bees and regular bees have no
difference in terms of their deadliness. Both have venoms in their stingers, and the
effects may vary depending on the person's tolerance level. They both attack
when in danger and behave the same. But some differences in behavior make
killer bees more deadly, compared to ordinary honeybees, killer bees have:
quick triggers, big colonies, staying power.

A. Graphic Organizer


Homes and businesses were destroyed.

At least 248 people lost their lives.

More than 160 people died in the storm.

Storms Roofs were ripped off homes.

Trees lay in the streets.

Debris was scattered everywhere.

What’s More
Activity 2: Transitional Words
1. Whenever
2. In addition
3. Besides
4. For example
5. They
6. When
7. Whereas
8. Nevertheless
9. Because of

What I Have Learned

3-2-1 Chart

Two things I found 1 question I still have in

Three things I have learned
interesting mind
 I learned to identify  Exemplifying the  It is necessary to
common patterns of given paragraph to memorize all these
development used in which written text they written patterns aside
written works. belong. from familiarizing
 I learned to determine  Filling-in the blanks them?
the correct use of with the appropriate
transitional devices. transitional words of
 I learned to the given sentences.
differentiate each
written patterns.

What’s More
Our Priceless Childhood Memories

Each one of us dreamed to have a fun and remarkable childhood memories that makes us
remember the best times of our lives. My childhood years weren't that fun if I didn’t have a best
friend that is willing to play with me in indulging ourselves underneath the heat of the sun. From
playing outdoor games like hide and seek, patintero, sungka, to cutting the plants of our grandma
just to play cooking games. I remember the time that our grandma scolded us because we almost
cut all of her plants, including her favorite flower with is the orchid. For me, the most vivid
memory that I have in my childhood years is when it's raining. Rain is not an excuse to stay in,
it’s the perfect time to go out and play with the rain Gods. Rain is friendlier, I believe so.  Days
like this are priceless; it’s not every day that we can take a bath in the biggest shower room
created for a moment by Mother Nature. That time we are having so many remarkable moments
that we shared together from closing our eyes and lifting our head to feel the drops of rain on our
faces, playing games, dancing in the rain, and even sticking out our tongue just to taste a few
drops of rain as we take it as a kiss from heaven. Years had passed by and everything is
constantly changing. We slowly get matured and changes the way we communicate to each
other. Even though we haven't done these things anymore but these childhood memories will
stay in our hearts. Whenever I go, I will never forget this person that becomes my source of my
happiness, and made my childhood years more fun, remarkable, and precious. And this person is
none other than my cousin, Rigel Dawn.


1. D.
2. B.
3. B.
4. C.
5. A.
6. A.
7. B.
8. B.
9. C.
10. D.

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