Part 1 Famous People: Don't Tend To

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18 口语课下练习反馈

Part 1 famous people

They have some privacy maybe they didn’t want to share with other people
Famous people is also people – S
 想成为名人吗
Buy a lot of things to my parents - - buy sb sth ; buy sth for sb
There are too much famous people – S

Part 3 Clothes 讨论过思路,思路是 ok 的,措辞需要委婉化。

To other peoples—S
Know Chinese culture—前面没有提到任何 Chinese culture,这里提出来很突兀
They will don’t choose—G
They didn’t want to change their dress style--- they don’t tend to change their dressing style

Part 1 make a list

Food I will buy—foods
Write a list is better—doing sth is …
Much better ---改述
Is really trouble--- troublesome; burdensome
A little bit hard to do --- hard—time-consuming

Part 2
Talking about a time … I wanna say my best friend---- 你的朋友 不是 一个 time(上次就说过
In my six yrs old in my primary school – when I was 6 yrs old
She found me and told me --- 时态控制的很好
The girl is really sad—T
Call her mother or her parents --- 重复了 call her parents or her guardian
I help her because she’s my friend ----- 前后逻辑有点对不上; T
At last, she can – T
His parents was very appreciate me --- G ; 男女;S
Appreciate v
Her parents appreciated me a lot for my good deed.
Appreciation n.
Part 3

Q1 没有深入解释
Listen to my true hot --- ?
They maybe not very happy to hear them – S

Q2 表述有点混乱,思路不清楚,下午我们一起讨论一下哈。
Probably ---adj
Have some different --- V
It’s maybe if you have something in trouble,
Tell this with your friends

答案在解释 cooperation 的重要性,没有解释为什么是 school 的任务。
8.14 口语课下练习反馈

下面的小问题自己看看, 改一改哦。
Part 1 being happy
Look some show--- watch
Made our laugh --V
It will harmful to your healthy – V
She order me to join in a party –
I can have lot of gift – S
He still give me – S; she/he
She’s really good – really nice
If we without money --- G

Because I think math is very interesting so that I like math --- Linking words
Yes I was—时态控制的很好
I can learn the math --- the
Math ; mice—P
How can I say that question – V
F and M also good at math --- L
Technology ---P
Is really develop—V
Really important in our life—改述,使用了三遍
Small nose – P
At that time I think – T
A long time ago—很久之后, long after that,

Part 2
Talking about a time .. I wanna say my full dress --- full dress 不 是 一 个 time , 也 不 是 一 个
Invite people TO my birthday party
Then she bought a full dress FOR me
The dress is blue and there are lot of crystal on the dress--- 改成复杂句式
I very love it ---- 顽固问题,再次出现!!
And then I think I will very happy --- G ; T
Told me
In this birthday --- ON
You can have a wish to have something -- ?

Part 3 这几个问题,观点给的都不够全面,无法有逻辑地展开。
 人们应该在工作场合穿正式的衣服吗?
Shouldn’t wore –
Wear; wore--P
 为什么人们喜欢穿传统服饰?
??? some people … disappear-- ???
 传统服饰会消失吗?
Lot of people – lots of
很多人穿漂亮的衣服,所以很多衣服会消失?---- 面对更复杂的问题时表达不畅
 老人喜欢变换穿衣风格吗?
因为不爱动,所以不会 change

Part 3 talent 这里经过讨论之后,基本能够把我们的思路表达出来,个别细节部分需要再

Let’s more people --- P – let more people – 习惯性加 s
Yes I do – yes I think so 问的是你的观点。
They will pay more money to help the children --- give them more education related to art
Ordinary – P
Is more closer—V much closer
8.11 课下练习反馈

Part 2 natural talent

Running is very useful in our life – V
Can help us far away -- escape when facing disasters, such as …
Signposting – 给的很好
Gradually – 用的很好
As for how did I feel about it – 很好
At first, I feel --- T
Then I will try my best--- T
I will tell he or she
You can far away – stay away from ~ ; save your life in emergency

Part 3
 家长应该为孩子做计划吗?
改变措辞: 这里有好的影响,也有坏的影响

 孩子什么时候开始为自己做计划?
5 yrs old –
T 他们有意识设置一个 objective ---?
On daily basis--- 用的很好
Really basis – V
This is the plan we made in one day – 人称指代不清

 人们做计划总是能成功吗?
Clear our life – V
Some people can, some people they can’t 后面要讲清楚,哪些特质的人可以,哪些不行
麻烦:bring them a lot of trouble; troublesome; burdensome
Finish theirself – G

Part 1
Don’t want other people who pay more attention on me – G
Once time --- once; there was a time
Bought – 时态控制的很好
Customer; costume; cosmos ---P
My 6 yrs old – G
Without special – V

Fragrant –P
In mother’s day --- on ~
Show our appreciate to – appreciation .n.
Older ship ?
Daughter; son –P
Will very happy to see that – G
7.9 口语课下练习反馈

Part 1 relax 每个问题回答太短了,要 3-4 句话

By take a nap – by doing sth

When I doing sport – do
To relaxed—to relax
Take a travel ---- take a trip ; go for a travel
Scenery –P
Maybe they will feel – maybe 问题 ; they would feel

Part 1 car trip

It will take me too much time ; it will make me so tired --- T
Farthest ---P
Felt; feel –P
I like sit in front—P
If I sat back, I will feel – would

Part 2 local news

Which one is near to me--- 第一句话是废话, 没有推进任何信息,要改。
2 people who have argue with each other
Took the knife to hurt – P
Police –P
Saw the news in Binjiangdao station --- on social media
Why the news was interesting ----这个新闻
Really near to me – sth is near me
I fell very astonish --- ~ed
Be clean ? calm –P
If you have something in trouble --- are in trouble ; meet some problems

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