Scheme of Work - English Stage 1

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Scheme of Work – English Stage 1

This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge as a suggested plan for delivery of Cambridge Primary English Stage 1. Learning objectives for the
stage have been grouped into topic areas or ‘units’. These have then been arranged in a recommended teaching order, but you are free to teach objectives in any
order within a stage as your local requirements and resources dictate.

The scheme of work assumes a term length of 10 weeks, with three terms per stage and three units per term. An overview of the sequence, number and title of
each unit for Stage 1 can be seen in the table on the next page. The scheme of work is based on the minimum length of a school year to allow flexibility. You
should be able to add in more teaching time as necessary, to suit the pace of your learners and to fit the work comfortably into your own term times.

Some learning objectives are designed to be recurring across all units. As such, these are listed separately at the beginning of the scheme of work as ongoing
work across Stage 1. These ongoing learning objectives are followed by the learning objectives for the topic of the unit, and related phonics, spelling and
vocabulary. (Learning objectives are given using their curriculum framework codes and a summary rather than following the precise wording in the curriculum
framework.) Activities and resources are suggested against the objectives to illustrate possible methods of delivery. In the fiction and non-fiction units, these
include more general activities that can be carried out at any point across the unit to reinforce learners’ skills.

There is no obligation to follow the published Cambridge schemes of work to deliver Cambridge Primary. They have been created solely to provide an illustration of
how delivery might be planned over the six stages. A step-by-step guide to creating your own scheme of work and implementing Cambridge Primary in your school
can be found in the Cambridge Primary Teacher Guide available on the Cambridge Primary support site. Blank templates are also available on the Cambridge
Primary support site for you to use if you wish.

Two sample lesson plans (short-term plans), with suggested resources, are included in Appendix A at the end of this document.

Cambridge International Examinations is not responsible for the content of materials or websites recommended in this document. All website references were
accurate at the time of writing. As websites may be changed and newer, better websites are being created, teachers are advised to check all websites before using
them and encouraged to actively search for appropriate new online resources.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1 1

Nine units of work are suggested for Stage 1. In each school term there are three units: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The range of topics suggested is:


Fiction Unit 1A: Stories with familiar settings Unit 2A: Traditional tales Unit 3A: Fantasy stories
(40% of teaching Reading, and retelling stories with familiar Reading, and retelling traditional tales and Reading and retelling and stories in fantasy
time) settings and writing a similar story. writing a similar story. worlds and writing a similar story.

Non-fiction Unit 1B: Signs, labels, instructions Unit 2B: Dictionaries and non- Unit 3B: Simple recounts
chronological reports
(40% of teaching Reading and writing instructions. Reading and retelling non-fiction recounts
time) Using simple dictionaries, and reading, and writing a recount.
retelling and writing non-chronological

Poetry Unit 1C: Simple rhymes Unit 2C: More simple rhymes Unit 3C: Poems and rhymes on similar
(20% of teaching Reading and writing simple rhymes. Reading, reciting and writing simple
time) rhymes. Reading, reciting and writing poems and
rhymes on similar themes.

For learners to become more proficient in English skills, it is important that they keep revisiting and consolidating skills in different contexts. For this reason, many
of the learning objectives are revisited in different ways in every unit. This gives all learners the opportunity to grasp the ideas involved. Within each term, the order
in which units are taught is not important – the level of expectation is consistent across all three units. It is important, however, that you teach the Term 1 units
before the Term 2 units, and the Term 2 units before the Term 3 units.

The teaching and learning of English skills is a continuum. The prior knowledge expected for these units is that learners have acquired some basic skills in:
 recognising the letters of the alphabet and knowing which sounds they represent
 making simple rhyming strings (e.g. pat, cat, sat, fat, hat)
 recognising some high frequency words (e.g. a, all, am, and, are, at, away, big, can, cat)
 early reading (i.e. understanding the directionality of print and that print carries meaning; distinguishing text from pictures; recognising some of the words in a
text; knowing vocabulary such as book, cover, beginning, end, blurb, page, line, word, letter, sentence)
 developing early writing skills (e.g. being able to write own name, beginning to try to express own ideas in writing).

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

The skills and understanding developed in Stage 1 are important for learners to make good progress in subsequent stages. If this level of work is too easy for the
learners in your class, it is recommended that you use ideas from Stage 2: comparable texts are often studied in each stage, so matching a text type with the
appropriate learning objectives is usually fairly easy.

In general, specific texts are not recommended because of the different resources available in each school and location. Teachers have the flexibility to use
resources that they have available and locally or nationally relevant resources. Descriptions of the types of texts you will need are given at the beginning of each
unit. Books with large pictures and text are particularly useful for teaching learners of this age – the more the learners can see and read the text, the more effective
the teaching will be. It is assumed throughout that you have access to a whiteboard, blackboard or flipchart to record brief texts for general discussion and

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Ongoing work
The learning objectives listed below should be taught, reinforced and developed throughout the entire school year.
You may wish to allocate time each day to teaching these learning objectives, or you may prefer to allocate a set amount of time each week.

Ongoing phonics, spelling and vocabulary

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro6 Develop reading skills, using a Share simple large print and picture books with learners. When reading, point out:
1Ro7 range of strategies to identify  new high frequency words
1Ro8 words and sentences.  phonically regular words which learners can model decoding
1Ro9  how the words relate to the picture
1Ro17  that a capital letter is used for I, for names and for the start of a sentence
1Ro18  the role of punctuation including question marks and speech marks
1Wo3  the idea of a sentence (remind them that a sentence is not necessarily one line of text)
1Ws3  how the pronoun I is always represented by a capital letter
1Ws4  spelling patterns in rhyming words. (Are they the same?)

As reading experience increases over Terms 2 and 3, begin to include:

 CCVC and CVCC words
 CVC words with long vowel phonemes that learners can model decoding
 words with common endings -s, -ed and -ing.

CCVC = consonant–consonant–vowel–consonant (e.g. frog)
CVCC = consonant–vowel–consonant–consonant (e.g. sand)
CVC = consonant–vowel–consonant (e.g. feet, where the double e sounds as a single long vowel
phoneme ‘ee’)
1Ro7 Develop skills as independent As learners read themselves, either individually or in guided reading groups, encourage them to use all the
1Ro8 readers. information they can to work out words and make sense of what they read.
1Ro12 Encourage them to use all the skills that have been modelled and ask them to explicitly state which
1Ro16 strategies they are using to work out words. To develop their skills as readers, encourage them to:
1Ro17  make use of full stops
1Ri2  talk about the story, including all of the issues that have been discussed as a class
1SL2  read aloud from simple books independently
1SL3  converse audibly with friends, teachers and other adults
1SL5  speak confidently to a group to share an experience.
1Ro10 Recognise an increasing range Introduce an additional 25–30 high frequency words each term. By the end of Stage 1 learners should
1Wo6 of high frequency words. recognise about 140 common words.
1Ws4 Teach and reinforce the recognition and spelling of high frequency words in regular sessions. This could
 pointing out high frequency words when reading
 using them in writing activities and oral sentence construction
 reinforcing them in handwriting activities.

Do ‘quick-write’ activities: teach learners to write the word as a handwriting activity on one day, then ask
them to reproduce it several times on the next day. Reinforce at the end of a week. Quick-write is a
multisensory activity, combining aural, visual and kinaesthetic (movement) modes of learning.
1Wo1 Hold a pencil comfortably and Teach and reinforce handwriting in regular sessions when ‘families’ of similar-shaped letters are taught
1Wo2 form letters correctly. and reinforced. The key to each of the letter families should be their starting strokes. Commonly used
letter families are:
 f, i, j , l, t, u, y (long ladder letters)
 b, h, k, m, n, p, r (one-armed robot letters)
 a, c, d, e, g, o, q, s (curly caterpillar letters)
 v, w, x, z (zigzag letters).

All taught letters should be correctly formed in all writing. The placement of the letters f and k will depend
on the style of handwriting chosen. Learners often find it difficult to transfer letter formation to their regular
writing, but bad habits learned now are harder to eradicate later on.

Introduce some basic joins when all letters are correctly formed. At first, only join up pairs of letters which
will help learners as they learn to spell words independently (e.g. y-ou, M-um, c-at, s-a-nd).

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1A: Stories with familiar settings
Reading and retelling stories with familiar settings and writing a similar story

This is the first of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of stories, first enjoying them as readers, then retelling the stories orally and in writing.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview to this scheme of work and should also know:
 vocabulary such as book, cover, beginning, middle, end, blurb, page, line, word, letter, sentence
 all the letters in the alphabet and the sound that each represents.

Resources needed:
 a range of illustrated large print story books with stories with familiar settings (they should all have minimal text and a strong storyline)
 audios of some of the stories for learners to listen to
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of picture books for reading aloud to learners
 simple puppets (sock puppets will do) for phonics work and for re-enacting the stories
 card/wooden cut-out letters.
Unit 1A: Stories with familiar settings
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro11 Know how to predict the Teach learners to use the title, front cover picture and blurb to predict what the book is likely to be about.
1Ri1 contents of a book.
1Ro7 Develop a sense of themselves Share the large print books with learners and enjoy the stories. Sometimes, pause before reading on to
1Ro8 as readers. ask learners to predict what may be about to happen.
1Ri2 Talk about the story.
1Rw2  Who are the characters? Who was their favourite character? Why?
1SL4  Where is the book set?
1SL5  Talk about the sequence of events in the story. Use the vocabulary beginning, middle and end.
1SL6  What does the author want the reader to feel at the end of the book (happy, sad, etc.)?
1SL8  Do learners like the book? Why, or why not? What was their favourite bit?

1Ro11 Increase familiarity with Learners sit in pairs or groups and listen to audios of the picture books. They follow the text in the books
favourite books. as they listen.
1Ro13 Retell stories. When a story has been read several times, encourage learners to participate in retelling it. This can
1Ri2 include:
1Rw1  straightforward retelling in groups or as a class
1SL1  using puppets to retell the story
1SL5  drawing a picture and using it to retell the story.
1SL9 As learners retell the story, encourage use of vocabulary and language from the book, especially dialogue
words spoken by particular characters.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1A: Stories with familiar settings
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple stories based on Once learners have read, discussed and retold a story, they should attempt to write parts of it. Depending
1Ro8 stories you have read together. on the development of learners, work can vary between:
1Rv1  sequencing events using pictures from the story
1Wo4  writing captions for individual pictures
1Wa1  writing captions under a sequence of pictures to retell the story
1Wt1  drawing a picture of the story and writing a commentary.
1Wp2 As learners write, encourage them to use:
 known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words you have taught
 full stops to mark the end of sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 1A
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and write Every lesson should include some phonics games and activities, e.g.:
1Ro2 all three sounds in single-  ask learners to say phonemes in ways that reflect a mood (e.g. bossy, scary)
syllable words.
1Ro3  play rhyming bingo by drawing out of a bag an object/picture and asking learners to call out if it rhymes
1Ro4 with any of the three pictures they each have.
1Ro7 Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Cat, c-a-t, cat. Hat, h-
a-t, hat. Fat, f-a-t, fat.’

Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading. Include
‘sh’, ‘th’ and ‘ch’ in these activities. Although each sound is represented by two letters, they are still one
phoneme, so a word like shop is a single-syllable word.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make simple, single-syllable words.
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for reading  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict
and writing. what will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different vowel–consonant (VC) combinations.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1B: Signs, labels, instructions
Reading and writing instructions

This is the second of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four

Learners will read and discuss a variety of instruction texts, first enjoying them as readers, then giving instructions orally and then in writing.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview and also know:
 vocabulary such as book, cover, beginning, middle, end, blurb, page, line, word, letter, sentence
 all the letters in the alphabet and the sound that each represents.

Resources needed:
 a camera for recording learners’ experiences (optional)
 a range of large print books with pictures or posters featuring instructions; these can include instructions with no text or those with minimal text
 a range of books, including non-fiction, which learners can read with increasing independence
 notices up around the classroom with simple instructions in pictures and writing, e.g. Way out, 4 learners at a time, Put your coat on your peg, Put your hand
 card/wooden cut-out letters.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1B: Signs, labels, instructions

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Rx1 Recognise different kinds of If possible, go for a walk around the school or its neighbourhood, looking for labels which tell people what
instructions. to do. (If a walk isn’t possible, limit discussions to printed notices in the classroom.) Record by drawing,
copying or photographing signs and labels, e.g.:
 Push to open
 Stop
 Fire exit or signs for fire exits
 Visitors, please ring bell
 Now wash your hands.

Talk about the shared function of all these notices and labels. Discuss what they have in common and
what is different.

1Ro11 Know how to predict the Teach learners to use the title, front cover picture and blurb to predict what the book is likely to be about.
contents of a book.
1Rv2 Talk about the function of the title page and contents page in non-fiction books.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1B: Signs, labels, instructions

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Ro7 Develop a sense of Share the large print and books, posters and class read-aloud books with learners.
themselves as readers.
1Rx1 While reading the different kinds of instruction books, talk about:
1SL4  the purpose of the books
1SL5  the layout and features of instruction texts, e.g. the aim stated at the beginning, a what you need list,
instructions numbered in sequence
 the similarities and differences between instruction books and storybooks (introduce the words fiction
and non-fiction)
 the kind of things instruction books tell you about.

Encourage learners to talk about their own experiences of following instructions.

1SL1 Give instructions. When learners have had experience of reading instructions, give them opportunities of giving instructions
orally. For example:
 ask learners to give the rest of the class clear instructions for regular classroom routines (e.g.
preparing for dinner, going out to play, changing for PE)
 let learners invent PE games or races and give others in the group instructions on how to play them
 teach one group of learners the instructions for a game/ routine and ask them to tell the other learners.
 play games like Simon Says: one person gives instructions for the rest of the class to follow, e.g. ‘Put
your hands on your head,’ but they must always say ‘Simon says’ first, i.e. ‘Simon says, “Put your
hands on your head.”’ If they give an instruction without saying ‘Simon says’ first, all those who follow
the instruction are out of the game.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1B: Signs, labels, instructions

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple instructions Once learners have read, discussed and given instructions, they should attempt to write simple
based on instruction texts you instructions. These written instructions should be based on a classroom activity that learners have
have read together. participated in (e.g. making sandwiches, making something in an art and craft lesson, preparing to go
1Wo4 home, getting dressed).
1Wa1 Depending on the development of learners, work can vary between:
1Wa6  sequencing events from pictures and folding them into a book
1Wt1  writing labels for what you need
1Wp2  writing captions for individual pictures
 writing captions under a sequence of pictures to give more complete instructions.

As learners write, encourage them to use:

 known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words you have taught
 full stops to mark the end of sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.

1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 1B

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and write Every lesson should include some phonics games and activities.
all three sounds in single-
syllable words.
1Ro3 Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Cat, c-a-t, cat. Hat, h-
a-t, hat. Fat, f-a-t, fat.’
Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
1Ro8 This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading. Include
‘sh’, ‘th’ and ‘ch’ in these activities. Although each sound is represented by two letters, they are still one
phoneme, so a word like shop is a single-syllable word.

1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make simple, single-syllable words.
as a useful strategy for reading
1Ws3  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict
and writing.
what will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different vowel–consonant (VC) combinations.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1C: Simple rhymes
Reading and writing simple rhymes

This is the third of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is two weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of simple repetitive rhymes, first enjoying them as readers, then exploring their own rhymes.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview and also know:
 vocabulary such as book, cover, beginning, middle, end, blurb, page, line, word, letter, sentence
 all the letters in the alphabet and the sound that each represents.

Resources needed:
 illustrated large print books and poster texts of simple rhymes and nursery rhymes
 a range of books, including simple rhyming books, which learners can read with increasing independence
 card/wooden cut-out letters.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 1C: Simple rhymes
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro6 Join in with reading simple Use large print books and posters to share rhymes. These can include:
1Ro7 repetitive rhymes and poems.  nursery rhymes
1Ro8  finger and action rhymes
1Ro10  playground chants and skipping rhymes
1Ri2  nonsense rhymes
 songs
 simple poems.

Once the rhymes have been introduced to learners, enjoy chanting and reading them together.
1Ro6 Develop reading skills, using a Share the simple large print books and poster texts with learners. While reading, point out words which
1Ro7 range of strategies to identify share the same spelling patterns and also rhyme.
1Ro8 words.
1Ro7 Share and enjoy rhymes. As learners become more familiar with the rhymes, encourage them to:
1Ro8  share readings with friends
1Ro10  recite and perform the rhymes (with actions if possible)
1Rw1  talk about which rhyme they like best and why
1SL1  discuss the rhymes in groups, saying what they enjoy/dislike about them
1SL4  ask one another questions about the rhymes
1SL5  play guessing games, e.g. ‘I’m thinking of a rhyme; it’s about a star.’
Unit 1C: Simple rhymes
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple rhymes based on Once learners have read, discussed and recited rhymes, they should attempt to write some. These can be
1Ro8 rhymes you have read rewrites of known rhymes or simple explorations of rhyming patterns. Work can include:
1Wo4 together.  sequencing events in a rhyme from pictures and folding them into a book
1Wo5  writing captions for individual pictures
1Wa1  writing sets of rhyming words.
1Wp2 As learners write, encourage them to use:
1Ws3  known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words you have taught
 full stops to mark the end of a piece of writing.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 1C
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and write Every lesson should include some phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 all three sounds in single-
1Ro3 syllable words. Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
1Ro4 word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Cat, c-a-t, cat. Hat, h-
1Ro5 a-t, hat. Fat, f-a-t, fat.’
1Ro8 Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
1Wo4 This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading. Include ‘sh’,
‘th’ and ‘ch’ in these activities. Although each sound is represented by two letters, they are still one
phoneme so a word like shop is a single-syllable word.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make simple, single-syllable words.
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for reading  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict
and writing. what will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different vowel–consonant (VC) combinations.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 2A: Traditional tales
Reading and retelling traditional tales and writing a similar story

This is the fourth of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of stories, first enjoying them as readers, then retelling the stories orally and then in writing.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Term 1. They should be able to:
 make CVC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 50 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding CVC words, recognising some high frequency words, using picture cues to help to
work out the words
 form most letters correctly
 write simple sentences.

Resources needed:
 a range of illustrated large print books featuring a range of traditional stories and fairy tales from the country where you are and around the world;
books should have patterned repetitive text where possible
 audios and/or videos/DVDs of some of the tales
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of good quality picture books for reading aloud to learners
 simple puppets (sock puppets will do) for phonics work and possibly for re-enacting the stories
 card/wooden cut-out letters

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 2A: Traditional tales
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro11 Know how to predict the Teach learners to use the title, front cover picture and blurb to predict what the book is likely to be about.
1Ri1 contents of a book. Introduce the words author and illustrator.
1Ro7 Develop a sense of Share the large print books and class read-aloud books with learners and enjoy the stories. Sometimes,
1Ro8 themselves as readers. pause before reading on to ask learners to predict what may be about to happen.
1Ri2 Talk about the story.
1Rw2  Who are the characters? Who was their favourite character? Why?
1SL4  What kind of people are the characters? How do we know?
1SL5  What do the characters say to each other? What can we find out by listening to them talk?
1SL6  Talk about the sequence of events in the story. Use the vocabulary beginning, middle and end.
1SL8  Do learners like the story? Why, or why not? What was their favourite bit?

Talk about the differences between traditional tales and modern stories with a familiar setting.
1Ro11 Become familiar with different Let learners watch or listen to different versions of favourite tales. Talk about how the stories are the same
ways of retelling familiar tales. and different. Discuss this with reference to character and story sequence.
1Ro13 Retell stories. When a story has been read several times, encourage learners to participate in retelling it. This can
1Ri2 include:
1SL1  straightforward retelling in groups or as a class
1SL5  using puppets to retell the story
1SL6  drawing a picture and using it to retell the story.
1SL10 As learners retell the story, encourage them to use vocabulary and language from the book, especially
dialogue words spoken by particular characters.
Unit 2A: Traditional tales
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple tales based on Once learners have read, discussed and retold a tale, they should attempt to write bits of it. Depending on
1Ro8 tales you have read together. the development of learners, work can vary between:
1Wo4  sequencing events from pictures for the story and folding them into a book, adding repetitive language
1Wo5 from the original story if appropriate
1Wa1  writing longer captions for individual pictures
1Wa4  writing longer captions under a sequence of pictures to retell the story
1Wt1  drawing a picture of the story and writing a commentary.
1Wp3 As learners write, encourage them to use:
 more known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words they should know
 full stops to mark the end of some sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 2A
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and write Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 all three sounds in single-
1Ro3 syllable words. Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the word.
1Ro4 Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Frog, f-r-o-g, frog. Sand, s-a-
1Ro5 Begin to learn consonant n-d, sand.’
1Ro6 clusters in initial and final
1Wo4 position in CCVC words. Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading.

Many learners respond well to a puppet robot who needs help to blend and segment these words.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make single syllable words (CCVC and CVCC):
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for reading  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict what
and writing. will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different CCV, CV, VC and VCC combinations.

Scheme of Work – English stage

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 2B: Dictionaries and non-chronological reports
Using simple dictionaries, and reading, retelling and writing non-chronological reports

This is the fifth of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of reports, first enjoying them as readers, then retelling them orally and then in writing.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Term 1. They should be able to:
 make CVC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 50 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding CVC words, recognising some high frequency words, using picture cues to help to
work out the words
 form most letters correctly
 write simple sentences.

Resources needed:
 a range of books with large pictures and text featuring non-chronological report texts
 some very simple dictionaries
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of good quality picture books for reading aloud to learners
 card/wooden cut-out letters.
Unit 2B: Dictionaries and non-chronological reports
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Rx1 Use alphabetical texts. Introduce simple dictionaries to learners. Talk about their purpose and the way they are organised.
1SL4 Encourage learners to play question and answer games using the simple dictionaries. For example, ‘I’m
1SL5 thinking of a word. It begins with s. It means … What’s the word?’
1Ro11 Know how to predict the Teach learners to use the title, front cover picture and blurb to predict what the book is likely to be about.
1Rv1 contents of a book.
1Rv2 Introduce the index and glossary (if there is one). Discuss the organisation.

Compare the functions of the contents page and index.

1Ro7 Develop a sense of Share the large print books with pictures and class read-aloud books with learners and learn from the
1Ro8 themselves as readers. information. Introduce the purpose and features of non-chronological report texts, including:
1Rx1  they are non-fiction (not fiction) and are intended to give information on different subjects
1Rv1  the information in a book will relate to the title of the book
1Rv2  the book is usually divided into sections by headings
1SL4  you can read texts from different parts of the book in any order – you don’t have to read the whole book
1SL5 in the right order
1SL6  you can use the contents and index to look up information
1SL8  information books like these can be about almost anything.
1SL1 Talk in the manner of a Encourage ‘show and tell’. Learners bring in a small box (e.g. a shoe box) with something (or a picture of
1SL4 non-chronological text. something) that interests them inside it. They can give the class information about their chosen artefact.
1SL6 Other learners can ask them questions about it.
Unit 2B: Dictionaries and non-chronological reports
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple reports based on Once learners have read, discussed and spoken like a non-chronological report text, they should try to
1Ro8 reports that have read write one. This could be done by making a class book about something and asking each learner to
1Wo4 together. contribute, or different learners could:
1Wo5  write longer captions for individual pictures
1Wa1  write about and draw several aspects of the same subject.
1Wa6 As learners write, encourage them to use:
1Wp2  more known letters to represent sounds in words
1Wp3  high frequency words they should know
 full stops to mark the end of some sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 2B
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 write all three sounds in
1Ro3 single-syllable words. Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
1Ro4 word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Frog, f-r-o-g, frog.
1Ro5 Sand, s-a-n-d, sand.’
1Wo4 Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading.

Many learners respond well to a puppet robot that needs help to blend and segment these words.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make single syllable words (CCVC and CVCC):
1Ws3 analogy as a useful strategy  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict what
for reading and writing. will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different CCV, CV, VC and VCC combinations.
Unit 2C: More simple rhymes
Reading, reciting and writing simple rhymes

This is the sixth of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is two weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of rhymes, first enjoying them as readers, then reciting and exploring the rhymes and writing their own version of a popular

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Term 1. They should be able to:
 make CVC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 50 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding CVC words, recognising some high frequency words, using picture cues to help to
work out the words
 form most letters correctly
 write simple sentences.

Resources needed:
 illustrated large print books with poems and rhymes as well as stories written in rhyme
 posters showing rhymes and simple poems
 a variety of books with rhyming texts which learners can begin to read independently
 card/wooden cut-out letters.
Unit 2C: More simple rhymes
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Join in with reading simple Use large print books and posters to share rhymes. These can include:
1Ro8 repetitive rhymes and poems.  nursery rhymes
1Rx1  finger and action rhymes
1Rv2  playground chants and skipping rhymes
1SL4  nonsense rhymes
1SL5  songs
1SL6  simple poems.
Once the rhymes have been introduced to learners, enjoy chanting and reading them together.

Choose one of the rhymes and encourage learners to replace pairs of rhyming words (e.g. Humpty
Dumpty sat on a box, Humpty Dumpty saw a fox / some rocks …; Humpty Dumpty sat in the sand,
Humpty Dumpty saw a band / a hand …).
1Ro7 Share and enjoy rhymes. As learners become more familiar with the rhymes, encourage them to:
1Ro8  share readings with friends
1Ro14  recite and perform the rhymes (with actions if possible)
1Ro15  talk about which rhyme they like best and why
1SL4  discuss the rhymes in groups, saying what they enjoy/dislike about them
1SL5  ask one another questions about the rhymes
1SL6  play ‘fill in the missing word’ games of their own, based on the poems and rhymes.
1Ro7 Write simple rhymes based on Once learners have read, discussed and recited rhymes, they should attempt to write some new rhymes
1Ro8 rhymes you have read together. by replacing words or phrases in known rhymes. Depending on the development of learners, work can
1Wo4 vary between:
1Wo5  sequencing events in a rhyme from pictures and folding them into a book
1Wa1  writing captions for individual pictures
1Wt1  writing sets of rhyming words.
1Ws3 As learners write, encourage them to use:
 known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words you have taught
 full stops to mark the end of a piece of writing.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
Unit 2C: More simple rhymes
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and talk Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 2C
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear, read and write Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 all three sounds in single-
1Ro3 syllable words. Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
1Ro4 word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Frog, f-r-o-g, frog.
1Ro5 Sand, s-a-n-d, sand.’
1Wo4 Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading.

Many learners respond well to a puppet robot that needs help to blend and segment these words.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make single syllable words (CCVC and CVCC):
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for reading  Ask learners to explore what happens when the first letter is replaced by another. Can they predict
and writing. what will happen if the first letter is replaced by a different sound?
 Ask learners to make as many words as they can.
 Read all the words aloud. Talk about the fact that they rhyme and share spelling patterns.
 Repeat with different CCV, CV, VC and VCC combinations.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 3A: Fantasy stories
Reading and retelling stories in fantasy worlds and writing a similar story

This is the seventh of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four

Learners will read and discuss a variety of stories, first enjoying them as readers, then retelling the stories orally and then in writing.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Terms 1 and 2. They should be able to:
 spell CVC, CCVC, CVCC and CCVCC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 80 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding phonically regular words with a short vowel phoneme, recognising more high
frequency words, using picture cues to help to work out the words
 form all letters correctly and begin to join some
 write simple sentences independently, although using phonic spellings for more complex words.

Resources needed:
 a range of illustrated large print books featuring traditional stories in fantasy worlds (books should have an accessible text)
 audio versions of some of the stories for learners to listen to
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of good quality picture books for reading aloud to learners
 simple puppets (sock puppets will do) for phonics work and possibly for re-enacting the stories
 card/wooden cut-out letters.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 3A: Fantasy stories
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Wo1 Hold a pencil comfortably and Assuming that basic letter formation is secure, introduce all long vowel phonemes as joined up, to
1Wo2 form letters correctly. reinforce the fact that two or more letters are representing one phoneme. This will support learners both
as they spell the words and as they read them.

Learners should not be joining whole words at this point, but they should be joining ‘chunks’ of letters
within the word – most usefully long vowel phonemes.
1Ro11 Know how to predict the Teach learners to use the title, front cover picture and blurb to predict what the book is likely to be about.
1Ri1 contents of a book. Use the words author and illustrator.
1Ro7 Develop a sense of themselves Share the large print books and class read-aloud books with learners and enjoy the stories. Sometimes,
1Ro8 as readers. pause before you read on to ask learners to predict what may be about to happen.
1Ri1 Talk about:
1Ri2  Who are the characters? Who was their favourite character? Why?
1Rw1  What kind of people are the characters? How do we know?
1Rw2  What do the characters say to each other? What can we find out by listening to them talk?
1SL4  Talk about the sequence of events in the story. Begin to use sequencing words as you recount the
1SL5 events in the story
1SL6  Do learners like the story? Why, or why not? What was their favourite bit?
1Ro12 Retell stories. When a story has been read several times, encourage learners to participate in retelling it. This can
1Ro13 include:
1Ri2  straightforward retelling in groups or as a class
1SL1  using puppets to retell the story
1SL5  drawing a picture and using it to retell the story.
1SL9 As learners retell the story, encourage them to use vocabulary and language from the book, especially of
dialogue words spoken by particular characters.
Unit 3A: Fantasy stories
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Write simple stories based on Once learners have read, discussed and retold a story, they should attempt to write their own version of it,
1Ro8 stories you have read together. or to retell it. Depending on the development of learners, work can vary between:
1Wo4  sequencing events from pictures for the story and folding them into a book, adding some of the book’s
1Wo5 vocabulary to caption the pictures
1Wa1  writing longer captions for individual pictures
1Wa2  writing longer captions under a sequence of pictures to retell the story
1Wa4  drawing a picture of the story and writing a commentary.
1Wt1 As learners write, encourage them to use:
1Wp2  more known letters to represent sounds in words
1Wp3  high frequency words they should know
 full stops or question marks to mark the end of some sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and talk Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 3A
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear all three Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 phonemes in a CVC word with
1Ro3 a long vowel phoneme and Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the word.
1Ro4 recognise some of the letter Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Train, t-r-ai-n, train. Sheep,
1Ro5 patterns which commonly sh-ee-p, sheep. Road, r-oa-d, road. Boot, b-oo-t, boot.’ Focus on the long vowel phonemes ‘ai’, ‘ee’, ‘ie’, ‘oa’
1Ro6 represent the long vowel and ‘oo’.
1Wo4 phoneme.
1Ws1 Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds. If
Know that one phoneme can you have cut-outs of joined letters, use them at this point to reinforce the fact that two letters represent one
be represented by two or more sound. This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading.
Many learners respond well to a puppet robot that needs help to blend and segment these words.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make CVC words with long vowel phonemes. Learners can try to make
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for sets of rhyming words on analogy, e.g. feed, greed, seed, weed.
reading and writing.
When they contribute a word which could follow the pattern but doesn’t match in terms of spelling (e.g.
bead), explain that long vowel phonemes are less predictable than short vowel phonemes and consonants.
Take the opportunity to introduce the new spelling.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 3B: Simple recounts
Reading and retelling non-fiction recounts and writing a recount

This is the eighth of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is four weeks.

Learners will read and discuss recount texts, first enjoying them as readers, then recounting their own experiences and writing them.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Terms 1 and 2. They should be able to:
 spell CVC, CCVC, CVCC and CCVCC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 80 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding phonically regular words with a short vowel phoneme, recognising more high
frequency words, using picture cues to help to work out the words
 form all letters correctly and begin to join some
 write simple sentences independently, although using phonic spellings for more complex words.

Resources needed:
 a range of texts featuring non-fiction recounts: these can include large print books with pictures, and posters; you may wish to make your own texts,
or use learners’ own writing as the basis for discussion
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of good quality picture books for reading aloud to learners
 card/wooden cut-out letters.
Unit 3B: Simple recounts

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Ro12 Develop a sense of themselves Share the texts together. Once they have been read, point out key features of recount texts, including:
as readers.
1Rx1  their purpose being to recount a real experience
1Ri2  they are written in the first person I because the writer is the one who had the experience
1SL4  they feature sequencing words to show the order in which the events occurred.
1SL6 Ask learners to discuss:
1SL8  which experiences they can relate to
 which experiences they think are most interesting
 what might have happened to make an experience more interesting.

1Ro13 Recount their own When recounts have been read, give learners opportunities to orally recount their own experiences. This
experiences. can include:
 straightforward recounts in groups or as a class
 using artefact boxes or photographs as a starting point
 using speaking frames, where you give learners two or three opening sentences and they have to
structure their recount to fit into the frame, e.g. ‘One day, I went to … and I saw … Then I thought I
1SL1 would … At the end of the day I …’
Unit 3B: Simple recounts

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Wo4 Write simple recounts based Once learners have read recounts and orally recounted their experiences, they should attempt to write a
on recount texts that have recount text. This may be an individual recount or a recount based on a class experience. The advantage
been read together. of the latter is that you can model the language and help to scaffold the writing using writing frames.
Depending on the development of learners, work can vary between:
 using a chart to record information from a text you have shared
 completing minimal details in a writing frame, e.g. I went to … Then I saw a … Next I went to … and
1Wt1 … At the end of the day, I …
1Wp2  sequencing events from pictures from a text you have read together and folding them into a book;
learners can write captions, using the language of recounts
 writing longer captions for a sequence of pictures
 drawing a picture of the experience and writing a commentary.

As learners write, encourage them to use:

 more known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words they should know
 full stops or question marks to mark the end of some sentences.

Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.

1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 3B

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities

codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear all three Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
phonemes in a CVC word with
a long vowel phoneme and
1Ro3 recognise some of the letter Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
patterns which commonly word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Train, t-r-ai-n, train.
represent the long vowel Sheep, sh-ee-p, sheep. Road, r-oa-d, road. Boot, b-oo-t, boot.’ Focus on the long vowel phonemes ‘ai’,
1Ro5 phoneme. ‘ee’, ‘ie’, ‘oa’ and ‘oo’.
1Wo4 Know that one phoneme can Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds.
be represented by two or more If you have cut-outs of joined letters, use them at this point to reinforce the fact that two letters represent
letters. one sound. This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for

Many learners respond well to a puppet robot that needs help to blend and segment these words.

1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make CVC words with long vowel phonemes. Learners can try to
as a useful strategy for reading make sets of rhyming words on analogy, e.g. feed, greed, seed, weed.
and writing.

When they contribute a word which could follow the pattern but doesn’t match in terms of spelling (e.g.
bead), explain that long vowel phonemes are less predictable than short vowel phonemes and
consonants. Take the opportunity to introduce the new spelling.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Unit 3C: Poems and rhymes on similar themes
Reading, reciting and writing poems and rhymes on similar themes

This is the ninth of nine units for Stage 1. You should expect to cover three units each term (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Time suggested for this unit is two weeks.

Learners will read and discuss a variety of poems and rhymes, first reading and enjoying them as readers, then reciting them and writing their own poems.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Learners should be familiar with the early literacy skills described in the overview as well as those for Terms 1 and 2. They should be able to:
 spell CVC, CCVC, CVCC and CCVCC words, hearing all of the sounds
 begin to use rhyme to build analogous words
 read and spell about 80 high frequency words
 read simple texts using a variety of strategies, including decoding phonically regular words with a short vowel phoneme, recognising more high
frequency words, using picture cues to help to work out the words
 form all letters correctly and begin to join some
 write simple sentences independently, although using phonic spellings for more complex words.

Resources needed:
 illustrated large print books with rhymes and poems on a theme you have chosen, e.g. animals, feelings, festivals, food
 a range of books that learners can read with increasing independence
 a range of good quality picture books for reading aloud to learners
 simple puppets (sock puppets will do) for phonics work and possibly for re-enacting the stories
 card/wooden cut-out letters.
Unit 3C: Poems and rhymes on similar themes
Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro7 Develop a sense of Share and enjoy the poems. Sometimes, pause before you read on to ask learners to predict a rhyming
1Ro8 themselves as readers. word.
1Ri2 Discuss chosen poems.
1Rw2  What is it about?
1SL4  Does it rhyme? If it doesn’t rhyme, what makes it a poem?
1SL5  Is the poem describing something or telling about events?
1SL6  Do learners like the poem? Why, or why not? What was their favourite bit?
Introduce some names of poets, so learners begin to get a sense of author.
1Ro13 Recite poems and rhymes. When a poem has been read several times, encourage learners to participate in reading it with you or
1Ro14 learning to recite it. This can include:
1Ro15  straightforward re-reading/recitation in groups or as a class
1Ri2  using puppets to retell the story.
1SL5 As learners become more familiar with the poems, encourage them to use existing poems as a model and
make their own poems by substituting words and lines.
1Ro7 Write simple poems based on Once learners have read, discussed and recited a poem, they should attempt to write their own version of
1Ro8 poems you have read it, or to retell it. Depending on the development of learners, work can vary between:
together.  sequencing events from pictures from the poem and folding them into a book, adding some words or
lines from the poem to caption the pictures
 copying the poem for inclusion in a class anthology
 writing a new version or verse of a poem, using the original as a model.
As learners write, encourage them to use:
 more known letters to represent sounds in words
 high frequency words they should know
 full stops or question marks to mark the end of some sentences.
V1 7Y01 English Stage 1
Always ask learners to read back what they have written soon after they have finished.
1Wo5 Read own writing aloud and Allow learners time to read aloud what they have written in groups.
talk about it.

Phonics, spelling and vocabulary for Unit 3C

Framework Summary of learning Suggested activities
codes objectives

1Ro1 Be able to hear all three Every lesson should include some level of phonics games and activities.
1Ro2 phonemes in a CVC word with
a long vowel phoneme and
1Ro3 Use regular opportunities to reinforce segmenting and blending. Say the word, the phonemes, and the
recognise some of the letter
1Ro4 word. Learners repeat the sequence. Repeat with another word. For example, say, ‘Train, t-r-ai-n, train.
patterns which commonly
Sheep, sh-ee-p, sheep. Road, r-oa-d, road. Boot, b-oo-t, boot.’ Focus on the long vowel phonemes ‘ai’,
1Ro5 represent the long vowel
‘ee’, ‘ie’, ‘oa’ and ‘oo’.
1Ro6 phoneme.
Use card/wooden cut-out letters so that learners have both an aural and a visual input for these sounds. If
1Ws1 Know that one phoneme can
you have cut-outs of joined letters, use them at this point to reinforce the fact that two letters represent one
be represented by two or more
sound. This activity combines segmenting a word for spelling and blending the phonemes for reading.

Many learners respond well to a puppet robot that needs help to blend and segment these words.
1Wo4 Develop awareness of analogy Use card/wooden cut-out letters to make CVC words with long vowel phonemes. Learners can try to make
1Ws3 as a useful strategy for reading sets of rhyming words on analogy, e.g. feed, greed, seed, weed.
and writing.
When they contribute a word which could follow the pattern but doesn’t match in terms of spelling (e.g.
bead), explain that long vowel phonemes are less predictable than short vowel phonemes and
consonants. Take the opportunity to introduce the new spelling.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1 43

Appendix A – Sample lesson plans

Stage 1: Lesson plan 1

Week beginning: Unit 1C: Simple rhymes Class: Stage 1

Timing Framework Learning objectives Success criteria Activities Resources Evidence of
ref. (see notes below re. differentiation details, etc.) achievement
W: whole class; G: group; I: Individual
Description W/G/I
10 mins 1Ro1 Hear, read and write Can I hear the sound? Show pictures/objects. Say the word; segment the W Picture and objects: O
1Ro3 initial letter sounds. Can I read the sounds? sound. Learners repeat. CVC / CCVC / CVCC
Identify separate sounds Can I identify sounds
within words, which may which have more than
be represented by more one letter?
than one letter.
10 mins 1Rw1 Talk about significant Display and read ‘Pictures’ poem; ask learners if W Enlarged copy of O
aspects of a story’s they notice anything about the endings. Underline ‘Pictures’ poem
language (rhyme). rhymes.
Use cut-out letters to show what happens when first
letter(s) changes. Discuss.
25 mins 1Ws3 Use rhyme and relate Can I find words that Learners try this for themselves in pairs using cut- W/G Card/wooden cut-out D/M
this to spelling patterns. rhyme? out letters and words from poem (still displayed). letters
Record findings.
Learners share their words.
15 mins 1Ro14 Learn and recite simple Can I say the words of Point to the poem. Read the poem together. W/I Sheet ‘Can I find O
poems. the poem? Challenge learners to think of a new pair of lines words that rhyme?’ D/M
Can I talk about my using their rhymes and recite them. Record. Audio recording
rhyming words? equipment
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adults’ role (linked to activities) Notes / extension opportunities / homework
Consider pairings of learners. Note here observations from main activity. Which learners achieved 1Ws3 and 1Rw1 in this Q&A: question and
More able can work independently to find rhymes. activity? answer
Classroom assistant works with learners who need more support and may act as D: discussion
scribe on a sheet for the whole group. learners finding their rhymes early, ask them to write new lines for the poem (some may be
shared in the final plenary.) O: observation
Teacher acts as observer.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1 44

M: marked work

Stage 1: Lesson plan 2

Week beginning: Unit 1C: Simple rhymes Class: Stage 1

Timing Framework Learning objectives Success criteria Activities Resources Evidence of
ref. (see notes below re. differentiation details, etc.) achievement
W: whole class; G: group; I: Individual
Description W/G/I
15 mins 1Ro3 Identify separate sounds Can I say and write the Revise the phonic work done in the previous W/I Objects and pictures O/M
within words, which may sounds ‘sh’, ‘ch’ and session. beginning with sh-, ch-
be represented by more ‘th’? Introduce sheet: ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’. and th-
than one letter. Worksheet ‘sh’, ‘ch’,
Learners complete independently (some with
support). ‘th’ in resource pack

20 mins 1Rw1 Talk about significant Can I find words that Remind learners of rhymes form previous session. W/G One set of rhyming O + self-
1Ws3 aspects of a story’s rhyme? Introduce rhyming cards. cards per pair (or assessment
language (rhyme). group for less able)
Working with a partner, sort them into pairs.
Use rhyme and relate Card/wooden cut-out
this to spelling patterns. Discuss how they will know if they have succeeded. letters
15 mins Circle time: W Rhyming circle starter O
Rhyming circle activity – teacher starts and learners words (could be made
take it in turns to say a rhyming word that matches; into cards which are
start new word when no more thought of. turned over as each
new sound needed)
10 mins Read ‘Little Monkey’s’ poem: talk about rhymes. W D
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adults’ role (linked to activities) Notes / extension opportunities / homework
‘Sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ activity: give as little support as possible. the end of the session, have an accurate view of which learners are struggling with Q&A: question and
Talk partners for rhymes: mixed-ability pairs. hearing rhymes. answer
Less able: classroom assistant to ask learners to identify pictures; take one and xt lesson will involve reading more simple poems and detecting rhymes so learners can D: discussion
use cut-out letters to spell it so learners can see rhyming pattern as they work discuss favourites, etc. O: observation
orally to find its pair. egin to discuss rhymes that ‘work’ and rhymes that don’t – this could be active learning
approach, looking at good example and not so good examples (as a whole class) before M: marked work
Teacher acts as observer if possible.
learners are ready to plan their own poems, which can be assessed with their partners.
yming circle game can be starter for next time.

Stage 1
V1 7Y01 English Stage 1 45
Look at my picture of a dog.
Look at my picture of a frog.

Look at my picture of a cat.

Look at my picture of a rat.

Look at my picture of a kangaroo.

Look at my picture of you in a zoo!

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

John Foster

Oxford Reading Tree Glow-worms Poetry Stages 1 and 2

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1 47

Stage 1

Rhyming cards

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Stage 1
Rhyming circle starter words

back best chin gum more

bad bring clock hair rash

bake broom cries joke ride

ball bun cut lend right

band burn day less sail

base can drink lip shop

bean car feet made tank

bed cat gate mice train

bee cheer good mine wild

bent chew grow mix

Stage 1

Name _______________________

Can I find words that rhyme?

_____ o g _____ o g

_____ a t _____ a t

_____ o o _____ o o

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1

Stage 1

Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys at the door

One went home and that left four.
Four little monkeys up a tree
One fell down and that left three.
Three little monkeys at the zoo
One ran away and that left two.
Two little monkeys in the sun
One fell asleep and that left one.
One little monkey having fun
Fell in a pond and that left none.

Brenda Williams
Oxford Reading Tree Glow-worms: Animal poems

V1 7Y01
Stage 1 Name ________________________________

sh, ch or th? Write the correct sound under each picture.

V1 7Y01 English Stage 1


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