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The copy and paste are now the huge issue today, due to this new learning system

that more
on research activities some individual attempts to just copy and paste the whole text for easier
finishing work that’s what we called Plagiarism. The plagiarism is an act of copying or stealing
others own works, idea, or information with having credits to the owner. Whoever get caught
by doing and violating plagiarism or copyright may be punished under the Cybercrime Law (Act

As a student and doing some research paper it is so attempting to press the ctrl+C the ctrl+V
but I think the best way to prevent myself from plagiarism is that I look for more article and
watch videos on YOUTUBE for us to gain more knowledge and well understand. I also do
paraphrasing and put references at the bottom of my papers.

Therefore, I conclude that committing plagiarism is not just about lying to your teacher or
educator but to yourself. But if you really like the author’s idea just cite her/his name or give
credits because they deserve it for their hard work. Just be honest and proud from what you

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