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Ligia Lopes Pereira Pinho

Matrícula: 2015206742-11

PAE. 2021.2

Avaliação no ensino de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira

1. Relate the ideas presented in the chapter with your own experience.

My experience regarding evaluation is in accordance with some of the examples showed in

the text. I have taught English at a language school for six years, and one thing that is clear
to me is that most of the students seem to be more interested in a number on a paper than
becoming proficient English speakers. Most of my students, adults coming from the
traditional classroom model, were concerned about getting a specific grade to move on to
the next level. For example, whenever a student failed an exam, I had to explain to them
why evaluations were not about numbers but about effective communication. Frankly, most
of them did not understand the process and became frustrated or mad at me.

Summing up, I agree completely with the urgency of rethinking the way students are
evaluated inside of the classroom during their educational formation years. By doing so,
perhaps they learn that more important than getting a high mark is to learn effectively.

2. State how evaluation is associated to innovation.

According to the text, evaluation seems to be connected directly with the impossibility
of putting into practice some new teaching practices that try to break with the traditional
model of classrooms. Lately, a lot has been done for the development of new teaching
techniques that can prepare students for a world of constant change. Moreover, broad
literature can be found in the field of new approaches to teaching and learning processes,
mainly thinking about the use of new technologies. However, in the sphere of evaluation,
little seems to have been changed in the past decades.
It is vital to change some outdated teaching practices, but these changes also must be
connected to the way students are assessed during their learning processes. By maintaining
traditional forms of evaluation, it becomes even harder the transformation of antiquated
teaching practices..

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