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Established January 2009. Like a serious newspaper.


The Pittiful News

The Official Satirical Newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh, Published Weekly • Vol. 3 • Issue 18 2011
“We’re not pitiful, the news is.”
Pitt sophomore Crisis in Middle East deepens and spreads
behind weather By: Jake Swanson
that NATO, and, for that some purchases at Rite Aid,
matter, the United States just to double-check some
By: Caitlin Kempf The situation in Libya is maintain their position in facts. Sorry about putting
Staff Writer not running as smoothly as Libya. this in an important story,
many would have hoped. “With the uprisings in but I know I’ll read my own
Psychologists at the University of NATO recently took full Egypt, Syria, and Libya, it is writings, and then that’ll
Pittsburgh are trying to verify the control over the situation, imperative that these coun- remind me. Otherwise, I’ll
theory that Pitt sophomore, Jenna which, up to a recent point, tries be shown that a dicta- forget. I can’t figure out how
Nimbus, controls the weather with had been chiefly under Unit- torship cannot stay in place. to leave a memo on my
her emotions. ed States control. A lack of involvement at phone, otherwise I’d do that.
Counseling Center intern, Chris The situation is complicat- such a critical phase could be There’s a lot of things I can’t
Reed, told the Pittiful News that he ed, with intentions not being destructive to progress in the figure out with my new-
first heard about Jenna last Febru- exactly as clear as they region,” said that anonymous fangled phone. I can take
ary, during the Snowpocalypse. “I should be. Although the mis- person. “I’m not advocating down all those green pig bas-
was doing a chart review for class, sions in the civil-war- what happened, but I will tards, but I can’t call my
when I noticed that she had spiraled wracked country are stated say at this point, it’s too late mom. iPhone? They should
into a terrible depression at exactly as being strictly humanitari- to pull out.” c a l l i t t h e
the time the blizzard began. And she an, it has also been stated Speaking of being too late iCan’tPhoneAnyone.
came out of it just when the snow that one of the goals is, in to pull out, I have to make
stopped. I know—I talked to her Crisis, Page 2
fact, to remove Gadhafi from
RA to verify,” says Chris. power.
After that, Chris, a psychology ma- Not only that, but the
jor/meteorology minor, took to fol- White House has stated that
lowing Jenna around campus. “It the United States can in fact
was like every tear she cried fell also carry out this goal.
from the sky.” “Does the United States
Chris didn’t have enough evidence have the capacity to unilater-
to bring this case to light until last ally with military force pro-
week’s storms. She’d been having an duce regime change in Libya
on-and-off relationship with her boy- or another country?” asked
friend from home (which Chris claims White House spokesperson
is the cause behind the fluctuating Jay Carney. “It probably
spring temperatures). Friday after- does. We probably do.”
noon, Jenna was officially dumped, Military action in Libya
and then came the hail. And torna- has been criticized recently,
do. mainly due to a conception
Jenna has been meeting with her that the United States may
psychiatrist to keep her mood under be getting into a third war,
control, but it isn’t foolproof. More with the wars in Afghanistan
storms are likely in the near future. and Iraq still occurring. This
“I’m excited to be talking about is especially a point of criti-
this,” says Chris. “But I’m con- cism directed at Obama,
cerned that when the government who, in his campaigns, advo-
catches wind of this, they’ll sue her cating ending the already
for damages or something.” occurring conflicts.
The Pittiful News tried to reach Some unidentified spokes-
Jenna for comment, but it was snow- persons, though, are main-
ing at the time of publication, and taining, that, especially in
the editors were concerned about the wake of massive political
what condition Jenna would be in. Veteran actor Sean Connery passed away yesterday. Haha, April
shifts in the Middle East, Fools! He can never die!
2 The Pittiful News——

What is your sign saying? Middle-east scarier than Middle Earth

By: Tim Horn Seriously. Stop making fart Crisis, Page 1
Staff Writer
jokes. But, I digress. Where was I… wants to read opinions in a low-
Aries (March 21-April 19): Scorpio (O ctober 23 - sorry. Um…right, right, Middle budget paper like this, though,
Today would be a really bad November 21): Explore East. that’s like a hipster telling you
day to tickle Elmo. your deepest inner desires. So, basically we want to send in what to do. I could get a job at
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Well, except for the one just air strikes right now. I think the Pitt News. Wait, no, too late
Today, you will meet the about Grandma. That’s just that’s right. Cindy’s nodding from for that. Besides, the only useful
woman of your dreams. gross. across the room, so I know it’s information I know is the history
Tomorrow is when you will Sagittarius (November 22- right. Cindy’s my secretary. See, of vibrators, but they already
realize that she wasn’t born December 21): Today is just our organization is gonna be fund- published that.
that way… a bad day to pour gasoline raising soon, so I figured that I’d I’m losing my word-count. Lib-
Gemini (May 21-June 20): on yourself. Not that you make some advance movements, ya’s a mess, the regime needs to
You will read a completely should be doing it anyway, bolster our quality. be armed…Cindy’s right, the re-
pointless horoscope today. but still… Anyway, air-strikes. Air-strikes bels, the rebels, how do I always
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Capricorn (December 22- are coordinated attacks using on- forget this, the rebels are the good
Today, you will not pass Go January 19): When life ly aerial forces. The Obama ad- guys, they want to blow up the
and will not collect $200 gives you lemons, make lem- ministration is using this fact as a Death Star, that’s the good side.
Leo (July 23-August 22): onade. Unfortunately, your chief distinction between the Lib- Okay. Now you’re informed on
Remember that chick I lemonade today will taste ya conflict and the ground inva- Libya.
mentioned Taurus picking like s#*t. sion of Iraq. Although personally, I would have gone on to detail
up? That’s your girlfriend. Aquarius (January 20- I think that Obama should just other countries, but I’m out of
Virgo (August 23-September February 18): Today will be invade. Or maybe nuke them. But space, so I won’t. I’m sure noth-
22): A day like today favors a day full of interesting ad- my opinion doesn’t matter; you’re ing syrias was going on there any-
the bold and brave. Sadly, ventures. Notice I didn’t here for the facts. way.
you do not fit the mold by say they would be pleasant And the facts are that the en-
any stretch of the imagina- ones. tire world is screwed up and the
tion. Stay inside and watch Pisces (February 19-March only way to deal with it is to blow
QVC. 20): Today is the perfect the place up. Wait, Cindy’s telling
Libra (September 23-October day for you to challenge the me that that’s not a fact. Sorry,
22): Expand your mind. norms of society. After all, opinion. Maybe I should write an
every village needs an idiot. opinion column instead…no one

The Pittiful News

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