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Definite Indefinite

(Countable nouns)
( Countable and
Uncountable nouns)
A car
The dog An apple
The dogs
Remember, using a or an depends on the sound that
begins the next word. So...

a + singular noun beginning with consonant

sound: a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog

an + singular noun beginning with a vowel

sound: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot;
A user

A university

An umbrella

An hour

A horse
Definite or Indefinite?
We use indefinite articles for nouns that
are being introduced into a story.

Yesterday I saw a great movie. The movie

was about a little girl and a dog. The girl
and the dog lived at an apartment. But the
apartment had only one bedroom...
We use definite article (THE)

The noun represents a unique thing or person in the context:

The president has resigned. (there is only one president in
the country)

Use the with names of geographical areas, rivers, mountain

ranges, groups of islands, canals, and oceans.
They are travelling in the Arctic.
We use definite article (THE)

Use the with countries that have plural names

I have never been to the Netherlands

Use the with adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people.

The French enjoy cheese.
We use definite article (THE)

Use the with the names of famous buildings, works of art,

museums, or monuments.
I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower

Use the with the names of hotels & restaurants, unless

these are named after a person.
They are staying at the Hilton on 6th street.

Use to talk about musical instruments:

Joe plays the piano really well.
Zero article Do not use articles

with names of countries

Germany is an important economic power.

with the names of languages.

English uses many words of Latin origin.

with people's names.

Mary Carpenter is my boss.

with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports

Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful city.
Zero article General meaning
Cars can be dangerous.
People are complicated
I like cookies.

Abstract nouns
Education is very important.
Love is a great feeling.

Academic subjects:
History is not boring.

1)Definidos , indefinidos, sem artigo

2)O som do início da palavra
3)Cuidado com a tradução
4)Cheque as regras

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