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A- Should you indoctrinate your children with the idea of battling against the
mistake of failure=>embrace failure, they will make a progress and succeed
in the long run
B- Our teacher will always be of service when we are in need of anything.
=>We can seek support from our teacher whenever we need it
=>Our teacher can provide us with support whenever we need it
C- You can follow some following advice to keep calm such as maintaining
your composure and find out what makes you worried, keeping a diary will
allow you to understand yourself and exude your real feelings, and confiding
to your buddies to de-stress yourself.
=>There are some approaches to contain your anger such as seeking inner
tranquility, keeping a written account for the sake of introspection, confiding
your feelings to your peers
D- These days, youngsters have a tendency to fend for themselves and even
rebel. Their parents always bear grudges against their hairstyle and the time
they expend on technological devices.
 These days, there is an increasing tendency among teenagers to behave
inependently and rebelliously (such as adopting odd hairstyles or
addicting themselves to computers)

1-People’s longevity are much prolonged due to the advancement in terms of

medical apparatus, doctors’ drill and new treatments. Of medical industry
=>Medical advances/devopments are helping people to lead a longer and
healthier life
=>The current rally in life expectancy is attributed to advanced health care
2-the utilization of embryonic stem cells lying in human embryos after
fertilization has become a moral issue.
3- Computers accommodate film-makers to create progidious special effects
for their projects and are also a stepping-stone for making a killing.
Modern movies are more complete with computerized visual effects and
huge budgets
4-Computers have been all the more established in terms of their improved
speed and smaller size.
5-Women’s social standing and divorce cases happen more in prosperous
and industrialized nations
=>Industrialization has given women the power/empowered women to be
independent, thereby increasing divorce rates

Intro:1-People will succeeed in losing weight if they get into new habits.
2-Changing some habits may be a good way to lose weight
Steps : 1-Taking more physical exercise will help you keep healthy
2- screentime-limit-benefit a lot
Limiting screen time will benefit us a lot
=>You are supposed to reduce screen time
3-Sticking to moderate servings and avoiding sweetened beverages
contribute to weight loss
4-skip breakfast-get more calorie
You should eat breakfast so as not to consume more calories afterwards
5-People will be in good shape if they take the above suggestions


Eco-labeling process, in which a product obtains a label for its environmental

friendliness, is unvailing due to many sore reasons. First, it is not noticeable, even
if it is, inattention and the products’ price have clouded purchasers’ decision when
shopping. Besides, unlike many small firms, few major companies which are more
influential adopt eco-labeling system. Eventually, expensive fabrication means
pricey products, which makes the company resigned to capital loss.


Although online universities have made achieving a degree all the more easier,
they do not receive recognition from managers. First, their subjects and classwork
pale beside actual colleges’. Additionally, students rarely get support and advice
from professors to enhance their projects. Moreover, unlike traditional universities,
online ones hamper them from developing social and interpersonal prowess. Also,
employers doubt the alumni’s achievements due to the lack of academic veracity
when having exams.

The bar chart elucidates the ratio of teachers in both genders which was apportioned in six
categories of educational institutions in the UK during 2010.

As an overall statement, males gradually take precedence over females through the ascending
stages of schools, whilst the latter worked more with students of middle school or below.

Specifically, the teaching at kindergaten, elementary and middle school was primarily distaff.
There was roughly 96% of woman instructors at nursery school compared to well-nigh 5% of
their counterparts. Similarly, primary school also displayed a gender gap with approximately
92% of female workforce, being nine times as many as males. Though this gap was less
conspicuous in secondary schools, only one out of three teachers there was a man.

Whereas equally a half of each sex was recruited in college school, men prevailed over woman
in private training institute and university. Around 55% of males teached at private training
institute as opposed to 46% of the opposite sex. University was apparently male-dominated
given the margin of 70% to 30%.

Demonstrated in the table is the data considering the frequency of participation in sports of
both genders from 2005/06 to 2008/09.

Overall, women were more inclined to exercise indoors than men were as the latter preferred
pedalling. In the meantime, the percentage of people of these two sexes who embarked on
running-related sports was quite stable throughout the researched period.

With regard to swimming or diving, since 2005/06, the scale of male attendees showed a fall
and subsequent recovery with 13% in 2008/09. Their counterparts, however, took a good start
at 18% and made up 16.5% at last. Apropos cycling, throughout the same period, there was an
increase in selection from men when the percentage in general more than doubled the
corresponding figure of women.

Nevertheless, in terms of jogging, cross-country and road-running, only a minor alteration could
be seen in the proportion of male and female participants. In 2005/06, 6.9% of men pursued
this kind of sport, doubling that of the opposite sex. From the next year onwards, the former
statistic fluctuated around 7.5, whereas the latter ranged from 4.3% to 4.8%

The bar chart shows the number of students from high school who were affected
by heatrelated illnesses in one year when participating in sports events in central
US states. The line graph shows the average temperature in Fahrenheit over a year
for one of those states. When considered together, the information suggests that
there was a link between temperature and the number of illnesses suffered by
sports participants, but this was not consistent.

The vast majority of illnesses occurred in August, reaching a peak at just under 70
incidences per 100 000 sporting events. This number was at a much higher level
than at any other point in the year, almost seven times that of September, which
experienced the next highest occurrence. It also correlates with a similar peak in
temperature, which reached approximately 92 degrees in the same month at its
highest and 69 degrees at its lowest.

However, in the winter months, the numbers of heat-related illnesses and the
temperatures did not follow similar proportional trends. Temperatures dropped
steadily from August to December, dipping to a minimum of 20 degrees and
remaining there for January and February. However, illnesses reached their
minimum of zero in February and May when the temperatures were at 25 degrees
and 55 degrees respectively. There was actually a minor increase in the number of
illnesses in January to roughly seven, when temperatures were at their lowest point
for the whole year.

Overall the figures suggest a possible association between very high temperatures
in the summer and the number of heat-related illnesses, but the correlation is not
consistent at other times of the year

The bar chart depicts the number of heat-related ailments undergone by American high school
students in central states when taking part in 100.000 sports events in a year. The line graph
demonstrates the variable temperature on average recorded in a central state. As can be seen
that there was a relationship between the number of illnesses and the temperatures to a
certain extent.

August was the month that registered the highest number of cases with slightly under 70 ones
per 100.000 sports events, being sevenfold the occurrence in September, which came in
second. Coincidentally, August also witnessed a peak in temperature when 91 degrees at the
highest and 68 degrees at the lowest were recorded. From this month until December, the
frequency of ailments suffered by students and the changing temperature showed a quite
similar pattern, in which the occurrence slumped in accordance with a decrease in

Even so, from January to July, this trend fell into an inconsistent state as the number of illnesses
did not correlate with the changing temperature. While the temperature was at the lowest rate
of 20 degrees in the first two months, the occurrence in February reached rock-bottom as
opposed to roughly 6 cases in January. Similarly, May also experienced no reports relevant to
the frequency of ailments despite the recorded 75 degrees at its highest and 55 degrees at its

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