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1. account for: giải thích, kể đến
2. ask for : đòi hỏi
3. break down = fail , collapse : hỏng, suy sụp
4. break out = start suddenly : bùng nổ, bùng phát
5. bring up = raise and educate : nuôi nấng
6. bring about = cause sth to happen : xảy ra, mang lại
7. catch up / catch up with : bắt kịp , theo kịp .
8. call off : hủy bỏ
9. call on = visit : viếng thăm
10. call up : gọi điện
11. carry on : tiến hành
12. catch up with : theo kịp với
13. come along : tiến hành
14. come on : begin: bắt đầu
15. come out = appear : xuất hiện
16. come about = become lower: giảm xuống, sa sút
17. come over = visit : ghé thăm
18. come up with: think of : Nghĩ ra
19. cool off : (nhiệt tình ) nguội lạnh đi , giảm đi .
20. count on = investigate , examinate : tính, dựa vào
21. differ from = not be the same: không giống với
22. fall behind : thụt lùi , tụt lại đằng sau .
23. fill in : điền vào , ghi vào .
24. fill out = discover : khám phá ra
25. get over = recover from : vượt qua, khắc phục
26. get up : thức dậy
27. get along / get on with sth : have a good relationship with sb: hòa
28. give in : nhượng bộ , chịu thua .
29. give up = stop : từ bỏ , bỏ
30. go after : theo đuổi
31. go by  (thời gian ) : trôi qua
32. go after = chase , pursue : theo đuổi, rượt đuổi
33. go ahead = be carried out : được diễn ra, tiến hành
34. go along = develop, progress : tiến bộ
35. go away : biến mất , tan đi .
36. go back = return : trở lại
37. go in : vào , đi vào .
38. go off ( chuông ) : reo , (súng , bom ) : nổ , (sữa ) : chua, hỏng ,
(thức ăn ),  (đèn) tắt , (máy móc) : hư = explore
39. go on = continue : tiếp tục
40. go over : xem lại
41. go out ( ánh sáng , lửa , đèn ) : tắt
42. go up : lớn lên , trưởng thành = grow up , ( giá cả) : tăng lên
43. go down : (giá cả) : giảm xuống
44. hold up = stop =delay : hoãn lại , ngừng
45. hurry up : làm gấp
46. keep on = continue : tiếp tục
47. keep up with : theo kịp , bắt kịp .
48. lie down : nằm nghỉ
49. jot down = make a quick note of something: ghi nhanh
50. look after : chăm sóc
51. look at : nhìn
52. look down on sb = coi thường
53. look up to sb = respect : kính trọng
54. look up : tìm , tra cứu ( trong sách , từ điển )
55. look for : tìm kiếm
56. make out = understand : hiểu
57. make up = invent , put sth together : phát minh, trộn
58. pass away = die  : chết
59. put on : mặc (quần áo ) , mang (giày ) , đội (mũ) , mở (đèn )
60. put out = make st stop burning , produce: dập tắt ,  sản xuất
61. put off = postpone : hoãn lại
62. put up = build : xây dựng
63. speak up : nói to , nói thẳng
64. set off = begin : khỏi hành
65. set up = establish : thành lập
66. stand by : ủng hộ
67. take after = resemble : giống
68. take off : cởi (quần áo , giày , mũ ) ; (máy bay) cất cánh
69. take over = take responsible for st /V-ing:đảm nhận trách nhiệm
70. take up = start doing : bắt đầu tham gia
71. try out : thử
72. try on : mặc thử (quần áo )
73. turn down : gạt bỏ, bác bỏ
74. turn off : khóa , tắt (đèn , máy móc , động cơ …)
75. turn on : mở ( đèn , máy móc , động cơ …)
76. turn round : quay lại , thay đổi hướng
77. turn up : đến = arrive  = appear  (xuất hiện)
78. wait up (for ) : thức đợi ai
79. wash up : rửa bát đĩa .
80. watch out : đề phòng , chú y
81. wipe out = remove, destroy completely : xóa bỏ, phá hủy

PRACTICE: Choose the best option

1. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along                           B. count on              C keep away                 D.
turn up
2. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in                     D. goes up
3. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of
the epidemic.
A. take up                             B . turn round           C  put off                       D.
do with
4. The stranger came _________ me and asked, “Is there a post office near
A. on to B away from C. out of                        D. up to
5. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______ you at all.
A. after                                   B. along                    C. up                            
D. over
6. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well ____ her classmates.
A. from                                 B. with                     C. for                             D
7. I would be grateful if you kept the news __ yourself. Do not tell anyone
about it.
A. from                                 B . to                        C. for                             D.
8. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.
A. get                                    B. fall                       C throw                         D.
9. They were late for work because their car _______ down.
A. got                                     B. put                       C. cut                            D.
10. The authority _______ down that building to build a supermarket.
A. knocked came C . went                        D.. fell
11. I didn’t get to see the end of that movie on TV last night. How did it
A. go B . make C . bring                        D . turn
12. I’m not surprised Margaret’s ill. With all the voluntary work she’s
__________,she’s really been doing too much.
A. taken off B. taken on C. taken in                   D. taken to
13. At present we are __________ an anti-drug campaign.
A. setting up for            B. carrying out            C. taking part             D.
joining with
14. At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”.
A. Watch on             B. Watch out               C. Watch up                D. Watch
15. Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll _____ .
A. turn down B. turn off C. turn over                   D. turn up
16. UNESCO _____ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
A. stands for B. brings about C. takes after                D gets across
17. Don’t forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.
A. let                                     B . make                   C  put                            D.
18. The passengers had to wait because the plane ___off one hour late.
A. took B. turned C. cut                            D. made
19. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on                    D. Look after
20. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
A put on                                B. went off               C. got out                      D.
kept up
21. These shoes felt too tight, so I took _____ and tried a larger size.
A. away them B. off them C. them away                D. them off
22. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.
A went over                          B. got over               C. took over                  D.
looked over
23. I can’t _____ walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?
A  go on                                B. get on                   C. go up                       
D. get up
24. When you are finished using the computer, can you please _____ it
A  take                                   B . turn                     C . do                           
D  go
25. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the
emergency exits.
A fell                                     B . exploded             C. called                       
D . rang
26. Look out. There is a rattlesnake under the picnic table!
A. Listen                               B. Be careful            C  Go                            D.
27. Jones’s husband passed away fast Friday. We’re all shocked by the
A got married                        B . divorced             C. died                          D.
were on business
28. If you want to be healthy . you should ………….your bad habits in
your lifestyles
A. give up B call off C break down               D get over
29. Watch ………… ! a car is coming
A. out B up away                         D off
30. Try to study harder to catch …………….your classmates .
A up                                      B. up with                C.  out                           D.
31. Don’t be impatient ! I ‘m sure he will turn …………on time
A. up B .round C. on                             D. off
32. Go _______ this book because it has the information you need.
A. over b. by c. off                             d. on
33. My husband spends far more time helping our three kids ________
homework and studying for tests than I do.
A. on b. to                          c. with                           d. in
34. My husband and I take turns cleaning ________ the kitchen
depending ________ who gets home from work earlier.
A. away / to b. from / in c. up / on                       d. with / for
35. The efforts for the advancement of women have resulted ________
several respectively achievement in women’s life and work. b. with c. for                             d. in
36. The small white flowers are my favorite. They give off a wonderful
honey smell that scents the entire garden.
A. release b. stop                      c. end                            d. melt
37. I couldn’t make out what he had talked about because I was not
used to his accent.
A. stand         b. understand                   c. write                          d. interrupt
38. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Please, go on and finish
what you were saying.
A. talk                b. quit                         c. continue                    d. stop
39. The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd was looking on
A. blowing       b. watering                c. preventing                 d. Watching
40. What does “www” ________ for? Is it short for “world wide web?”
A. sit                b. stand                        c. lie                              d. point
41. If you do not understand the word “superstitious,” look it up in the
A. find its meaning b. write it c. draw it                       d. note it
42. The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd was looking on it.
A. blowing b. watering c. preventing                 d. watching
43. Not all women can do two jobs well at the same
time: rearing children and working at office.
A. educating b. taking care of c. homemaking      d. giving a birth


1. It is very important for a firm or a company to keep_________the changes

in the market.
A. pace of B. track about               C. touch with                D. up with
2. The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will
have_________by 2015.
A. taken over B. caught up                  C. used off                    D. run out
3. We intend to_________with the old system as soon as we have developed
a better one.
A. do up B. do in                         C. do away                    D. do down
4. Put your shoes on properly or you’ll_________over.
A. get B. turn                           C. fall                            D. bend
5. The teacher made a difficult question, but at last, Joe_________a good
A. came up with B. came up to               C. came up against        D. came
up for
6. Unexpectedly the lights_________and we were left in darkness.
A. turned down B. went out                   C. put off                      D. gave
7. The train to the center of the city was_________by a heavy snowfall.
A. held up B. took back                  C. put off                      D. given out
8. My hat has just_________behind the sofa although I thought I had lost it.
A. turned up B. gone away                C. run into                     D. come
9. Jim’s_________flu again. That’s the third time this year.
A. gone down with B. put up with               C. led up to                   D. come
up with
10. Considering how little they have got in common, it’s surprising how
well they_______ together.
A. get through B. get on                       C. get down                  D. get up
11. Her brother was offered the manager’s job, but he_________. He
said he didn’t want the responsibilities.
A. turned it off B. turned it down         C. threw it away            D. put it off
12. Roger Federer couldn’t _________ the possibility of withdrawing
from the championship because of injury.
A. rule out B. pass over                  C. come off                   D. do without
13. He is disappointed at not being offered the job, but I think he
A. turn off B. fill in                         C. get over                     D. take after
14. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm
didn’t_________as usual.
A. ring off B. go off                       C. get off                       D. take off
15. His son_________him so much that we can’t see any differences
between them.
A. takes after B. looks up                    C. takes in                     D. looks over
16. My sister in-law is beloved by all my relatives for she
can_________all right after getting married.
A. get on well with B. get up                       C. get over                     D. get
out of
17. I know we had an argument, but now I’d quite like to_________.
A. look down B. make up                    C. fall out                      D. bring up
18. Don’t worry about trying to catch last train home, as we can
easily_________you_________for the night.
A. keep/off B. put/up                       C. take/out                    D. set/off
19. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm_________.
A. went out B. went on                    C. went off                    D. went
20. Boys! Put your toys_________. It is time to go to bed. Don’t
A. around/for B. away/up                    C. down/off                  D. off/to
21. At present, we are_________an anti-drug campaign.
A. setting up for B. taking part                C. joining with              D. carrying
22. You should have_________those shares when they were cheap.
A. taken out B. sold off                     C. bought up                 D. taken over
23. I’ll_________you_________to our research department. Please hold
A. put – away B. put – out                    C. put – through             D. put – up
24. Jane’s very modest, always_________her success.
A. playing down B. turning around         C. keeping down           D. pushing
25. Those companies were_________due to some seriously financial
A. taken off B. set up                        C. wiped out                 D. gone over
26. Deborah is going to take extra lessons to_________what she
missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on             C. put up with               D. take up
27. Mrs. Moore waited for the class to_________before she continued.
A. bring up B. pass away                 C. settle down               D. bring on
28. I haven’t_________my mind where to go for our holiday this year. I
am quite busy at work.
A. turn up B. made up                    C. break up                    D. changed
29. Since Carl was unable to pay his bill, after a couple of months, his
telephone was
A. cut off B. broken up                 C. dropped off              D. rung up
30. I can_________the house being messy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.
A. lead up to B. come up with           C. go down with           D. put up with
31. Belinda Harrell_________taking her driving test until she finally
passed it on her twenty-first attempt.
A. kept on B. cleared off                C. used up                     D. wore out
32. James is now too old to live on his own, so he is being_________by
his daughter.
A. found out B. brought up                C. moved on                  D. looked
33. We arranged to meet at the station, but she didn’t_________.
A. get through B. turn up                      C. walk out                   D. wait on
34. Don’t worry we’ll have to wait a little longer because I’m sure he
A. turn down B. turn in                       C. turn into                    D. turn up
35. When they_________for the beach the sun was shining, but by the
time they arrived it had clouded over.
A. went out B. went off                   C. set off                       D. left out
36. When Mr. Spendthrift ran out of money, he_________his mother for
A. fell back on B. fell upon                   C. fell behind                D. fell in with
37. If you can’t remember his phone number, you can
always_________it_________in the phone book.
A. take/down B. look/up                     C. find/out                    D. bring/about
38. If a machine stops moving or working normally, you can say that it
A. cut off B. wiped out                 C. seized up                  D. go off
39. Many people_________television as their main source of
information and entertainment.
A. rely on B. try on                        C. put on                       D. hold
40. It was so foggy that the driver couldn’t_________the traffic signs.
A. make out B. break out                  C. keep out                    D. take out
41. It took me 10 years to_________enough money to travel around the
A. set out B. put away                   C. put by                       D. save aside
42. I think I should have_________your mother while I was passing.
A. dropped in on B. come up with           C. got on with               D. run into
43. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I
A. see them off B. see off them             C. see through them      D. see
them through
44. I’m sorry I offended you. I_________what I said.
A. take back B. get back                    C. come back                D. get away
45. I hope I can_________you to be there if I need any help.
A. let know B. make out                  C. get through               D. count on
46. I don’t know what we are going to_________if I lose this job.
A. get by B. live on                      C. give away                 D. grow up
47. He is disappointed at not winning the competition, but he will
A. take after B. get over                    C. look after                  D. go over
48. Though considered the king sport in many parts of the world, soccer
has never really
A. caught on B. carried out                C. taken off                   D. put through
49. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager
will_________that position.
A. stand for B. take over                   C. catch on                    D. hold on
50. The company management decided to_________more workers to
meet the production schedule.
A. take on B. make out                  C. take over                   D. make up

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