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VWWOKKBOOK Upstream ATER Tin ~~ Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Express Publishing _ Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 HW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: inquiries http:/ © Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley 2005, Design and tilustration © Express Publishing, 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, of transmitted in any form, or by any ‘means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. First published 2005 Fourth imoression 2007 Made in EU ‘This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-84558-761-1 Acknowledgements ‘Authors’ Acknowledgements \We would lke to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skils to producing this book ‘Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Mery! Philips (Editor in Chie); Julie Rich (senior editor; Nina Peters (editorial assistant); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design tearm; and Emily Newton, Kevin Haris, Daniel Parker, Erica Thompson and Timothy Forster ‘We would also Ike to thank those institutions and teachers vino piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production ofthe book. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, f any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers wil be pleased to make the necessary arrangements atthe ist opportunity. Upstream BEGINNER Al+ Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Beaks Express Publishing Contents STARTER UNIT Let's start 4 UNIT1 1a. Friends on the Net... 6 1b The world over z 1c Pleased to meet you! 8 1d Writing 9 Grammar in Use .. 10 Reader's Commer n Progress Check B UNIT2 2a Family ties : 4 2b Families of the world 6 2c Family fun! 16 2d Writing. a Grammar in Use .. 18 Reader's Comer 20 Progress Check 21 UNIT3 3a Dayby day . 22 30 School days... 3 3c Careers day 24 3d Writing 25 Grammar in Use 26 Reader's Corner 28 Progress Check 2 UNIT4 4a. Fit fora Queen! 30 40 Home exchange 31 4c Anew neighbourhood 32 4d Writing 33 Grammar in Use . 34 Reader's Corner 36 Progress Check .. 37 UNITS 5a Amatter of taste. 38 5b What's on the list? 39 5c What's cooking? . 40 Sd Writing a Grammar in Use... 2 Reader's Comer 44 Progress Check .. AS UNIT 6a Weather blues 46 6b Inaction! 47 6¢ Just my style! 48 64. Writing sar 49 Grammar in Use ... Reader's Corner Progress Check... Ja Charmed lives! .. 7b The way it was! .. 7 tt’sallin the past 74 Writing uNtr7 Grammar in Use .. Reader's Comer Progress Check a Once on Planet Earth 8b Animal hall of fame 8 Storyline 8d Writing... Grammar in Use... Reader's Corner Progress Check 9 9 UNITS UNIT9 9a Tomorrow's world .. Action-packed! 3c Making plans 94 Writing Grammar in Use Reader's Commer . Progress Check UNIT 10 10a On your travels... 1b Well-travelled! 0c. Time for a change! 10d. Writing Grammar in Use : Reader's COMET eure Progress Check Irregular Verbs Let’s Start es 4 Crack the Code! Look and write. EMME, XIBU'T ZPVS OBNF? Now, answer the question in code: Teen Talk! Match the text messages to the sentences. Do U It me 2 w8 4 U? That's great news! How RU 2day? See you at seven! That's gr8 news! Do you want me to wait for you? cue7l Okay for tomorrow. OK 4 2morrow. How are you today? 3 Find and circle the colours. Then, write. yellow (ee i ¥ a ” slo cme we 2 cun Elim znnheePwere2 zZnmrnztze>e iD} sara? | think it’s about quarter past five Already? Dieriinnas Soe My dance class is at half past. 3) Senool cays Listening 4.) listen and tick (7) the right answer. 11 What time is Sara’s doctor's appointment? AL ©0OO fk 2 Where is Ben's Maths book? AL one w Where does Michael 2 work? [AT] ™ 4 What kind of holiday. WaNTED Babysitter: [AL Careers da he Vocabulary Practice 4 fillin the puzzle. What's the extra job? 1. He flies planes 3. This person works at a 2. This person protects the school. community. 4 You take your pets to this person. Speaking om What am I? In teams, take ‘turns to mime a job. Team ASI: (mimes writing on the board) TeamBSt: Areyouapolice officer? Team ASt: No! (continues ‘miming) Team BSI: Are youateacher? Team Ast: Yes! 2. Work in pairs. Student A: Look at the details of a chef's job and answer student B's questions. Student B: Ask student A the questions about the chef's job. a aerate I work at the a fesston Hotel, / Teme! : Baio what’ on the \ (work forty) ( hac ) hours a week menu every dy. | prepare ay the main dishes, _/ \ (\weara white >) coat andhat._) (get £1,500 7 |. amonth. Seto = Where/work? + WhatWwear? = What/do? © How much + How many money/get? hoursiwork? Read and choose. Haw long does a Rugby match last? A 90minutes B60 minutes C80 minutes An article 1 Which of the following words are connected to a vet's job? * surgery * cinema * medicine * operation * country ® injection 2a Michael Peterson is a vet. He works in a small town in Yorkshire, Englond. Michael's day begins very early - at six O'clock. He gets up, has © quick breakfast, then gets into his car. In the mornings, he drives ‘round the local forms to check on the animals — mosily cows, sheep and horses. At eleven G'dlock, he goes to his surgery in the town, People bring their pets for Michael to look at. ‘Most of the time, they only need an injection or some medicine, but sometimes they nood on operation. Michael usuolly has lunch sondwich ~ standing upl -a Gets up: - Inthe morning: At 11 o'clock: .. LUNCH: oe In the afternoon: In the evening’ In his free time: b. Now, use your notes to talk about Michae''’s daily routine. 3. Which paragraph mentions the following? Read and write the number. ‘+ What the person does in the afternoons Paragraph ‘+ What the person does in his free time: Paragraph ‘* The person's name, what their job is and where it is: Paragraph ‘+ What the person does in the evenings: Paragraph * What the person does in the mornings: Paragraph Read the article and make notes about Michael's daily routine. In the afternoons, Michael often goes to schools in the area to talk to the students about looking after their pets. Michael's evenings are very quiet. He gets home quite late, cooks dinner and usually reads or watches TV. He goes to bed carly, ready to face the next busy day. In his free time, Michael likes going to the cinema or taking long walks in the country with his two dogs, Sheba and Nell. 4 Rewrite the sentences, as in the example. 1 He gets up. He has a quick breakfast. He gets into his car. He gets up, has a quick breakfast and then gets into his car 2 She drives the children to school, She takes the dog for a walk. She goes to work. 3 He eats supper. He does the washing up. He reads the newspaper. 4 They arrive at the sports hall. They train for an hour. They have a friendly match 5 Portfolio: Write about someone's daily routine. Use Exs 2 and 3 to help you. 25 41 Write, as in the example. go/the cinema Bob and Patricia (a— go. 2°%099'"9 Richard meethis friends 2. Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example. 1. Mary/play/volleyball/on Saturdays. Mary plays volleyball on Saturdays. 2. Theylvsit/their parents/at weekends. 3 John/have/English lesson/every Monday. 4. On Sundaysishe/haverbreakfastat 11:00. 5 Welga/shopping/every Friday. 6 He/study/for the exams/every day. igo dancing/on Thursdays. 26 Gramimanin) Use Sally and Ted go to the cinema on Sunday evenings. at Mortimer College. study/Computer Science te in the afternoon, on Saturday mornings. playfbaseball in the afternoons. - every Friday. have/guitar lesson Read and complete. 1A: What time zi (your father/ start) work? B: He (start) work at 7:30 in the morning, 2 A: Where (your mum/work)? B: She (work) at Memorial Hospital BA (your parents/like) working with animals? B: Yes, they (both/love) animals. an : (Simon/like) working long hours? B: No, it’s quite tiring. 4, Look at the table and make sentences, as in the example. NEVER SOMETIMES OFTEN USUALLY ALWAYS. have coffee for breakfast do the washing-up play video games v go to the gym v cook for friends ge to the cinema v Laura always has coffee for breakfast. b. Talk about yourself. How often do you do these activities? 5 a. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the list in the present simple. have (x3) © get leave » start wake up * drink * watch * do meet * finish © walk * go (x2) Sylvia 1) at 7:30 every day. She 2) dressed, and then she 3) breakfast. She 4) the house at 8:30 and 5) to school, School 6) at 9 o'clock. She 7) from 12:15 until 1:15. Schoo! 8) at 3 o'clock. Sylvia 9) home at 3:20. She 10) a glass of orange juice and then she 11) her homework. After that, she 12) her friends in the park. a lunchbreak ‘At about 8 o'clock she 13) dinner. After dinner she 14) TV. She usually 15) to bed at 9:30, b. Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Sylvia. A: Does Sylvia wake up at 7:00 every day? B: No, she doesn't, She wakes up at 7:30, 6 Correct the mistakes, as in the example. 1 She Jike cooking tikes He don’t mind working at weekends. late fit and strong She likes work outdoors He can rides a motorbike. Please you phone Jessie Parker on 5348291 ouaw Match the questions to the answers, as in the example. (1T@] D0 you like your job? [2]_] What do you do on Sundays? What time do you go to bed? [4]_] Where do you go on holiday? 5 |_| When do you do your homework? [6]_] How do you travel to work? ‘At 10 o'clock. In the evening. By train, Yes, | do. To France, usually. | always relax. ey aeance 27 Readers Gores, 4 Do teenagers work part-time in your country? What kind of jobs do they do? 2. Read and fill in: actors, children, parents, money, supermarkets. For teenagers in the USA, working part-time to earn some pocket money is very common. In California, 1) .. - ‘of 12 and 13 can work but only as TEEN AGERS babysitters, paper boys/girls, gardeners, 2) 1. OF singers and only for three hours a day. Older children, 16 and 17 years old, can work longer hours and can work in tase .. fast food restaurants and as pizza delivery boys/girls. Most teenagers say they work for a little extra pocket money and 4) wre usually agree that it is good experience for their children. They say that working part-time teaches young people about 5) . and the real world 3 Read again and answer. 1. What kind of jobs can 12 and 13 year- 3 Why do most teenagers work? olds do? 4 What does having a part-time job teach 2. Where can you work when you're 16 or young people? 17 years-old? 4, Use your answers from Ex. 3 to talk about part-time jobs for young people in California, 5 Interview some teenagers with part-time jobs. Ask them the following questions. Report your answers to the class. 1 How old are you? 4 How much money do you earn? 2 Where do you work? 5 What do you do with your money? 3. How many hours do you work? 28 Vocabulary & Grammar A, Circle the correct item. 1 Helen Science at Chester College. A tries B teaches — likes A cen is Someone who takes care of sick animals. A pilot — B_doctor C vet 3° Diane to travel A wants B want C iswant 4 He likes ..... jeo games. A play —_B playing C plays 5 It's ten o'clock the morning, Aon B at Cin 6 Tom doesn't... working at weekends. A love B mind Cc know 7 Becky is good... Maths. A at B in Cc to | | 8 She never to bed late at night. & Ago B going © goes | 9 Which jobs are you interested .......? . Aon B in Cc at 10. Ican........ a motorbike. A drive B fly C ride 11 Paul... Up at 10 o'clock on Saturdays A gets —_B_goes C be 12 you work in an office? A Does B Do C Doing a TV channel A on B in C for 14 “Do you like working long hours?" “No, | A like B don’t Cc do | 13 A reporter works .. 15 Phil plays sports because he wants to be and strong. Afit — B good © sick 16 Kim has Maths.......... Tuesdays. ! Aon Bin Cat | 17 Acre must be a good swimmer. ‘A dog-walker B babysitter C lifeguard 18 Ron .... evening A brush 19 Bill... drive to work every day. A don't B do C doesn’t 20 I must. Arise Brush . his teeth every morning and B brushes Cis brush to the office for the meeting. C worry Communication B Complete the exchanges. What do you do in the afternoons? What's the time, Mandy? On Tuesdays. What do you want to be? Its seven forty. eance 1A: What time is it? Br roses: 2 A: When do you have History? 8. srenaemeosone A B: It's quarter past six 5 AL. B: A chef, because | like cooking very much. Tota 2x8 100 marks 29 Fit jor a Queen! Vocabulary Practice 4. Match the rooms to the pictures. A. living room C bedroom B_ bathroom D kitchen Reading Read and write A or B. 2. @. Use the words below to complete the spidergrams. 4 * bath «pillow * armchairs * bedside table ® * cupboards * sofa «sink « fridge * fireplace * bed Consort Road, SE15 © coffee table * cooker * cushions * towels * curtains Large family home ma three floors, four double " aa bedrooms and two % A bathrooms. Garage, garden, spacious living room with fireplace and large, modern “£ ™ ss kitchen. coffee table Tel.: 020 8981 9944 (9 to 5) sink tee (tice | e Alleyn Park, SE21 Small studic ut & Xe ¥v close to ty ean, Kitchen area with cooker and fridge. b. Use the words to describe your house. ‘Small garden. Close to train station. Listening 3 \,) listen and complete. 1 Itis perfect for a family. 2. Itis close to the Name: Grange Hall shops. —_—_—= 3 itis neara train (Number of rooms: H ) stBb6n, ‘In the bedrooms, there i double 4 Ithas got eight » rooms. TV, a large esse . telephone § [ties apod place ir (Breakfast served at () a student, a 6 thas got a place for acar. Home exchange Vocabulary Practice 41 Match the types of houses with the correct pictures. flat [] villa [J cottage [] b. Which one would you like to live in? Why? 2 Fillin the correct words, then write sentences. shome * studio * tourist © fully-fitted * swimming * three-bedroom 1 swimming pool 4 centre oan kitchen 5 exchange | a socinneinseeeeene @pArIMeNt 6 staosmtasaanont 1 ‘My house has got a large swimming pool. 3 a. Complete the crossword with the opposite of the adjectives. 1 small 1 2 cheap 3 unattractive 3 2 P 4 modern 5 busy 7 — | 4 D | 5[a b. Complete the sentences using the adjectives from Ex. 3a. 1 Thisa- flat is ina q———_ 4 Katehas gota t_ cottage street ten minutes from the city centre in Whitby, 2. My house has got a s—— —__ _ _ living 5 My flat is quite big, but it is ina b___ room with a fireplace. area. 3° The villa is quitee —_____ —, but it is very large. 31 A new neignvournooe Vocabulary Practice Read and write the words. People who like reading go here. This is a nice place to go to watch a film. You can buy fruit and vegetables here. People go here when they are sick. Children go here from Monday to Friday. People take their cars here You can have a nice meal here. This is a good place to buy food for the family. eVaunwns Look at the map and answer. 3 museum -greengrocer's ae baker's | chemist's | hotel = = § G © o Ss re ze é& Arden Street 5 G a | butcher's | bank | post office theatre Where can you Everyday English 1 change money? At the bank 3. Use the map to complete the dialogue. 2 bay stampsy" ‘A: Excuse me, where can | change money around here? B: There's a bank in ss A: How can | from here? B: Walk along Canal Street and into Arden Street. The bank's on your right, next to A: Thanks. You're welcome. 3. get a room for the night? 4 buy some vegetables? 5. order a bitthday cake? 6 get something for a headache? 2 7 iy some sausages 4, Portfolio: Draw a map of your 8 gotoseea show? _ neighbourhood and present it to the class.

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