KDF - Newsletter 2020

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Karwan Development


Karwan Development
Foundation’s annual newsletter
Karwan Development contains summary of KDF key
Foudation’s Annual Newsletter activities. Current newsletter is
December 2020 also mapping landscape of
development efforts in Paksitan
in Covid-19 era.

Syed Abid Hussain Gillani

Islamabad, Pakistan
Table of Contents
Message of KDF Chairman ...................................................................................................................... 2
Message of Innocent Orphan.................................................................................................................. 3
Vision of Karwan Development Foundation (KDF) ................................................................................. 4
This year Newsletter - Background ......................................................................................................... 4
Pakistan This Year ................................................................................................................................... 4
 Political situation......................................................................................................................... 4
 Social indicators .......................................................................................................................... 4
 Economic Trends ......................................................................................................................... 5
 Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 ..................................................................................................... 5
This year KDF efforts ............................................................................................................................... 5
 Regular Programmatic work ....................................................................................................... 5
 Children Care Programme....................................................................................................... 5
 Education Programme ............................................................................................................ 6
 Tree Plantation under Environment Programme ................................................................... 6
 Water Project in District Tharparkar, Sindh ............................................................................ 8
 Winter Gifts for children ......................................................................................................... 8
 Eid-ul-Adha - Muslim Festival of Sacrifice ............................................................................... 9
o Pandemic and Akhuwat e Ramadan ......................................................................................... 10
District Field Visits ................................................................................................................................. 11
Province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)................................................................................................ 11
District Peshawar .......................................................................................................................... 11
District Chārsadda ......................................................................................................................... 11
District Nowshera.......................................................................................................................... 13
District Mardan ............................................................................................................................. 14
District Swabi ................................................................................................................................ 14
Province Punjab ................................................................................................................................ 14
District Rawalpindi ........................................................................................................................ 14
District Hafizabad .......................................................................................................................... 15
Azad Jammu and Kashmir ................................................................................................................. 15
District Haveli ................................................................................................................................ 15
District Muzaffarabad ................................................................................................................... 15
Annual Newsletter
Karwan Development Foundation
Dec 2020

Message of KDF Chairman

Message of Innocent Orphan
Vision of Karwan Development Foundation (KDF)
Transforming vulnerabilities into resilience.

This year Newsletter - Background

Karwan Development Foundation (KDF) is based in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan. The
KDF operates in provinces through its local partners. The effectiveness and impact of
development work depends upon politico-economic situation of any country. Political
governments, social indicators, and economy have foremost importance for success of any
development effort, whether it is led by government or non-governmental organizations.

Year 2019-20 is entirely different globally due to spread of pandemic, Covid-19, that started in
first quarter of 2020. This has impacted each segment of society and made economies helpless.

Pakistan This Year

 Political situation
General elections were held in Pakistan on Wednesday, 25 July 2018 to elect the members of
National Assembly and the four provincial assemblies. In the National Assembly elections, the
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) received the most votes and won the most seat. This was first
time in history when PTI come in to power in Pakistan. At present PTI is struggling to contain
impacts of Pandemic Covid-19 and also facing criticism of opposition parties. This political
government is facing severe criticism due to low economic and social indicators.
 Social indicators
Social indicators like Poverty Labour & Employment, Education, Health, Housing, Water &
Sanitation, all are in focus of Government and development agencies. However, unforeseen
pandemic has seriously disrupted all estimates and negatively impacted each social indicator.
As per Asian Development Bank report In Pakistan, the proportion of employed population
below $1.90 purchasing power parity a day in 2019 is 2.3%. Economic Survey of Pakistan
(published in June 2020) states that the lockdowns, though partial, have repercussions on
employment, and it is expected that due to partial lockdown, 12.6m workers may lose their jobs.
According to the government’s annual plan 2020-21, Pakistan has the 9th largest labour force in
the world which is increasing every year. The number of employed workers will reach 62.91m in
2020-21 from 62.18m in 2019-20. According to the Labour Force Survey 2017-18, the
unemployment rate for the next year (2020-21) has been estimated at 9.56 per cent.
KDF supported Government of Pakistan’s National Education Policy Framework that was to
overcome multiple challenges facing the education sector. KDF Education program is focused
on education of Orphans children as they segment of society needs support of development
sector actors. According to a UNICEF report, Pakistan is home to 4.2 million orphaned
 Economic Trends
As per reports of international monitors, Pakistan’s real GDP growth is estimated to have
declined from 1.9 percent in FY19 to -1.5 percent in FY20. Government in its Economic Survey
reported growth rate as -0.38 percent. Per the same survey, inflationary pressures were observed
and headline inflation rose to 14.6 percent in January 2020
This decline reflects the effects of Government of Pakistan’s measures to contain COVID-19
that followed monetary and fiscal tightening prior to the outbreak. Later government adopted
smart lockdowns and opening of business under strict compliance of government instructed
Standard Operation Procedures (SoPs) for protection from Pandemic. However, this pandemic
hit almost each segment of economy and individual.
 Impact of Pandemic Covid-19
Covid-19 has impacted negative the whole globe. Being developing country Pakistan was already
under pressure of loans and low social indicators. Pandemic spread at times when Pakistan was
struggling with international partners to meet current account deficit issues. The irony is that the
low-growth-high-inflation cycle usually takes time to recede. This is perhaps the worst thing for
an economy, especially when it requires a growth rate of over seven per cent to absorb a large
youth bulge.

This year KDF efforts

KDF not only focused its regular work that is taking care of Orphan Children
 Regular Programmatic work
 Children Care Programme
Since 2015, this program is funded by Innocent Orphan, Denmark.
Innocent Orphan is an NGO that is based in Denmark and is one of key
donors of Karwan Development Foundation (KDF). Innocent Orphan has
been started by a number of enthusiasts with different backgrounds and
affiliations, such as social worker, lawyer, volunteers from other relief
organizations, self-employed business people, etc. Together, they have
extensive experience within NGOs working both at home and abroad.
Innocent Orphan place a special focus on orphans, as no child across
countries, cultures and religions deserves to live in cramped conditions.
Our association is independent of political and religious interests without
regard to politics, race, culture and religion. Innocent Orphan works in
accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and
focus on the places that we believe need it most.
Detail of activities related to this programme is covered under education
programme and field visits section. Wholly at present, KDF is funding 15
orphan children education in Chārsadda, 48 orphan in twin cities
(Rawalpindi & Islamabad), 30 in Nowshera, and 51 in Muzaffarabad.
Among same number KDF distributed winter gifts to protect them from
winter. 60 girls are graduated from KDF supported training center that
was started in May 2019, and currently 30 more girls are under training.

 Education Programme (Skills Development/Vocational Training)

Child care programme is one of sub-component of this programme. This
programme focuses on education and skills development of marginalized
community of covered areas. Under this programme KDF not only
supported schools, training institutes, but is also funding education of
children. Currently, KDF is supporting one vocational training
center in district Chārsadda where 60 girls are graduated into
different trades and 30 girls are at present under training. Already
KDF funded 30 advance stitching machines and is regularly supporting
salaries of two of its regular female trainers.
 Tree Plantation under Environment Programme
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount
of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our
waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of
wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and
homes for many birds and mammals.
Sustainable Development Goal No. 13, referred to as ‘Climate Action’,
urges countries to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its
impacts”. The United Nations specifies a range of actions and goals that
need to be completed to fulfil SDG-13. A country’s progress on SDG-13
is measured on integrating climate change measures into national policies,
strategies and planning. Compliance with SDG 13 also requires countries
to adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in
accordance with the UN-specified Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction 2015-2030.
Pakistan successful in attaining the Sustainable Development Goal Target
13: Climate Action, a decade earlier than the 2030 deadline. Pakistan is
ranked fifth among countries most vulnerable to the effects of
climate change. Therefore, Pakistan’s achievement on SDG 13 looks
like great news on the climate front. This is result of Government of
Pakistan and social society join efforts. KDF has also played its part into
it by its tree plantation drive all difference districts of Punjab, AJK, and
KPK. Tree Plantation plays a vital role in combating climate change
 Water Project in District Tharparkar, Sindh
People are living and dying for water in Thar. The Tharparkar, district of
Sindh, spread over 22,000 square kilometers, is a chronically poor area
with an estimated population of 1.2 million. Of these, 95 % live in around
2,000 villages. Water shortage is a major problem of the area. To support
people in Thar facing drought for the last many years, the KDF installed
water hand pumps. These are solar water pumps.

 Winter Gifts for children

KDF used to distribute different gifts on behalf of its different donors.
The purpose of these gifts is to support orphan children mainly for their
seasonal needs.
KDF has distributed different gifts among 80 orphans of district,
Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Chārsadda, and Nowshera. Gifts included winter
jackets, jerseys, shoes, and gloves etc.
 Eid-ul-Adha - Muslim Festival of Sacrifice
The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha is to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s
devotion to Allah SWT and his readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. At
the very point of sacrifice, Allah SWT replaced Ismail with a ram, which
was to be slaughtered in place of his son. This command from Allah
SWT was a test of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness and commitment to
obey his Lord’s command, without question. Therefore, Eid-ul-Adha
means the festival of sacrifice.
Muslim sacrifice Halal animals on this occasion. On behalf of its donors
KDF performed sacrifice of animals in district Mardan and Tharparker.
o Pandemic and Akhuwat e Ramadan
This year’s Islamic month of Ramadan arrived amid the Covid-19 Pandemic due
to that most of low income families lost their livelihoods. KDF team spent its
days and nights in distribution of food packages among most deserving families
during the whole month. KDF covered district Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Mardan,
Chārsadda, Muzaffarabad, Haveli, Tharparker etc. Detail of food packages is
covered under field visits section below.
District Field Visits
The following is brief on district wise field visits during this year:

Province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

District Peshawar
 March 2020 for plantation of tree (150 trees)

District Chārsadda
 Plantation Drive 300 trees (quarter 1, 2020)
 Emergency response food packages (60 food packages)

 15 package separately to students already funded by Karwan

 Ramzan Food Akhwat - (55 food package)
 School kits distribution and payment of school fees
 Visit for school fee distribution
District Nowshera
 30 food package Akhwat Ramzan
 Nowshera also has 30 students funded by KDF with support of its donors like Innocent
Orphan. Already during August 2019 KDF paid two years advance fee
District Mardan
 80 food package Akhwat Ramzan
District Swabi
 Akhuwat e Ramadan food package 60

Province Punjab
District Rawalpindi
 Tehsil Kahuta: visit for 300 trees plantation
Twin cities joint coverage (Islamabad and Rawalpindi)

 Akhuwat Ramadan Food packages for Islamabad Rawalpindi = 300 packages

 Islamabad Rawalpindi Tree distribution 1500 trees
District Hafizabad
 500 trees plantation

Azad Jammu and Kashmir

District Haveli
 Village Forward Kahuta: 1000 plants distribution
 Akhuwat e Ramadan 180 food package distribution
District Muzaffarabad
 Akhuwat e Ramadan: 50 packages in first visit and 30 in second visit
 Muzaffarabad students (51 students) Advance fee two years paid in 2019 that’s why no
fee in 2020
 This year success stories (annual report part)
 News on Key Plans for following year:
o Development of database of sponsored students and assessment of their
o Karwan Team strengthening
o Compliance with Government of Pakistan requirements after FAFT Laws
o Impact assessment of ongoing programs
o Initiation of no cost programme related to awareness raising of elder children on
online learning/remote education, internet safety rules for kids, online
harassment and how to seek protection from online threats of digital world and
career counseling
Innocent Orphan
Tel: +45 50 25 36 00

Karwan Development Foundation

Islamabad, Pakistan
Phr. +92518312171

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