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resp: Wissen: WY ANTHONY RON CCIE S Haaren CCT “urns Sabo acne, DRCUPANCITY RATIONAL HGH, Ske CONSLELOS. PEREZ Cammbeicos HC DG: ICTABE Pave Disove AXANGELINE CE REVES ‘alonds Priest Cooalinave, BPSC JDEED OF DONATION KNOW BY ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS: ‘This Deed of Donstion made and executed in Quezon Cry, Phutppines by snd petmeers: The COMMISSION ON INFORMATION ANO COMMUNICATIONS. TECHNOLOGY, an institution euly organted snc existing under and by virue of Executive Order No. 269 ested 12 January 2004, with prncpal office sdaress at CP. Gareis Avenue, U.P. Diliman, Quezen City, represented here By it Chairman, RAY ANTHONY ROXAS. CHUA I hereinafter referred to 24 "DONOR? and. ‘The DAGUPAN CITY NATIONAL MIGH SCHOOL, a pubic high school creszee by low with prineips! office aedress st Tpuae, Dagupan Cry, Pangatinsn, repretentee herein By its Principal, THEODORA NABOR, hereinatter reterred te 2s OONEES WHEREAS, the DONOR i the abcolute owner of the following pertons! property deserbed 2¢ follows: E Taesty (20) Wentstazcn Comocters (consisting ef tomer case CPU, mentor, keyboard, mouse, heacset and UPS) with prenstaliee Operating System & mice Procuctvity Tools softwere One (t) Sener (corsissng of tower case CPU. mentee. Keyboard, mouse, headset and UPS) with pre-insisted Operating System & Ofice Produetvity Took Sofware (One (1) trees LAN Router Taertore (21) Wreless LAN Acagters (One (1) Threesnedre Priver One (1) nasemesta Prasector Tao (2) Arcongeicning Uns (One (1) Sienagemtarter time Lazcrasery WIMEREAS. te DONEE represents thst It If an nisbtution Guly organized and vallay existing under the laws of the Repudlic of the Philippines and nas the requests corporate authority to accept eonstions and te enter ita, perform and execute this Deed of Donation and Acceptance. WHEREAS, tne DONOR is donating the aforementoned propery subject to the folowing Terms and Conditions: 11. Tre purpose for whieh tne conation was approved and grantee By the DONOR ‘shall not be changed, mosited or altered without the pror werten consent of ‘the DONOR which wilinot be unreszonably wittheld By the DONOR. 2. Tre DONEE snail sutmit = quarterly progress and financial reports and programme development detail to the DONOR on the use of the shove ‘enumerated properties snd donstion. 3. The DONE shail not medify ine configuration of tne computers unless CICT. CDG ISenonls Project Management Otice letued a wreten certification to Ine DONE suthorizing tne ald organzaton. 4. H the DONEE commes a breach of the condtions proviced in the sections. stove. the DONOR or irs sctigns, successors.interest, may take such setion, tneaueing the revorstion af the conaton, in arcer to protect Rs interest. 5. Upon the revocation of the donstion, the DONEE shall fortwith return te the DONOR within 30 day: the donsted item: above enumerated without prejudice to camages. 6. This Deed of Bonation is executed to etfect the agrcement of the parties and the conveyance In 3 Memorandum of Agreement between me DONOR and DONEE asted___nerewsth sached. tn cate af nan-campiance ‘or woistion of the Agreement by herein DONEE, tne fachities ard kems conveyed hal revert Bark to the DONOR. 7. The DONEE 2hsil commit to the sustained operations of the ISenools Learning Resource Center and shsil use the computer harcwsre units, network ‘equipment, and electronic peripnersis donated by the DONOR exclusnely for the eperstions of the Schoo LRC. & The parties hereto mutually agree that ths canaton In tavar of the DONEE dees not in any way bind me DONOR to grant future requests tor donation By the DONEE. NOW THEREFORE, for sad In consideration of the performance and obzervance of the shove epligatians, the a3i¢ DONOR Nereby ceces, transfers and conveys by way of Donation, unto s2kd DONE the personal property above-described free trom ail lens snd encumbrances, ACCEPTANCE The OCONEE heresy ACCEPTS me foregoing canaton af the abovedesenned property for wth its sincerest appreciation ard grattude for the kmnenest and aberality of the DONOR. In withezt whereof, the parties hercto have set their hands at the pisce fest sbowe wenten on this poNoR: DoNeE: COMMISSION ON INFORMATION AND DAGUPAN CITY NATIONAL HIGH COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY scHoOL By: By RAY ANTHONY ROXAS.CHUA Itt THEODORA NABOR chairman Princios! WarNESsEs: CONSUELO S. PEREZ EVANGELINE C REYES Commissioner. H.C D.G/ICTABE Program choos Project Caordinator, ISPSC Direcor ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLICOF THE PHILIFPIVES 55, Quezon ery ) REFOREME the ___ persons ppeared before me: rg ers re or Faieens Const RAY ANTHONY ROXAS. CHUA It zz114726 | Generay, Sn Francisca November ooees tesco THEGOGRANABOR I vino are known ta me to be te same otfiisis who executed the toregaing instrument 2nd they both sekrowleage to me thst the t2me lt thelr tree and voluntary act ang deed that of the government agency and institution they reprecent herein. This instrument consisting of three G} PSges Including this page on which this scknowleagment is written and signed by the parties and their instrumental witnestet fon the lett hang margin of each page thereat snd at Eottom of tame Instrument on pge 2. roters to 3 Deed of Donation executed for the purpore|s) therein set forth. VATNESS MY SIGNATURE AND SEAL on the date an place first sbove wrinen. NOTARY PUBLIC

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