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International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems


Design and Implementation of a New

DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics
Regular Paper

Jonqlan Lin1*, Ci-Huang Luo1 and Kao-Hui Lin1

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
*Corresponding author(s) E-mail:

Received 05 February 2015; Accepted 11 October 2015

DOI: 10.5772/61744

© 2015 Author(s). Licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

Abstract mass and superior accuracy. However, the main drawback

of parallel robots is their small workspace and often limited
This investigation concerns the design and implementation manipulability in certain areas of the space [1]. Several
of the DELTA parallel robot, covering the entire mecha‐ research initiatives conducted in this domain, particularly
tronic process, involving kinematics, control design and those by Clavel, have led to innovative architectures such
optimizing methods. To accelerate the construction of the as the famous DELTA robot [2].
robot, 3D printing is used to fabricate end-effector parts.
The parts are modular, low-cost, reconfigurable and can be The DELTA robot has attracted much attention in both
assembled in less time than is required for conventionally academia and industry. The literature contains much
fabricated parts. The controller, including the control information on the history and types of parallel robots [3].
algorithm and human-machine interface (HMI), is coded In general, the DELTA robot consists of an equilateral
using the Borland C++ Builder 6 Personal software envi‐ triangular base, with one arm (actuated via a revolute joint)
ronment. The integration of the motion controller with extending from each side. The small, triangular travelling
image recognition into an opto-mechatronics system is plate is connected to each arm by a pair of parallelogram-
presented. The robot system has been entered into robotic shaped forearms. The result is three translational degrees
competitions in Taiwan. The experimental results reveal of freedom, with one additional uncoupled rotational
that the proposed DELTA robot completed the tasks in degree of freedom at the end-effector, resulting in one
those competitions successfully. motor being fixed to the base and connected to the end-
effector by a telescopic arm with two universal joints [4].
Keywords DELTA Robot, 3D Printing, Parallel Robot,
Image Recognition, Pick-and-place Performance evaluation is an important issue for optimal
robot positioning within workcells [3]. The literature has
proposed several performance analyses for parallel robots.
A hand-eye calibration method for the parallel DELTA
1. Introduction robot is presented in [5]. Stan et al. (2011) proposed the
evaluation methodology of three degrees-of-freedom
Parallel robots have advantages for many applications in (DOF) which consists of local manipulability, transmission
the fields of robotics, such as rigidity, speed, low mobile quality, stiffness and dexterity [6]. Similarly, the new

Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744 1

parallelism between the fixed base and a moving
platform, enforcing the necessary mechanical constraints
to confine the motion within a certain three-dimensional
(3D) space. The end-effector is secured to the moving
platform and connected to a fourth actuator secured on
the mobile platform.
kinematics analysis of a 3-DOF DELTA robot is also
displayed in [7]. In addition, the kinematic analysis for 4-
DOF is indicated in [8–11].

Robot-design optimization plays a crucial role in the

continuing effort to improve robot performance and
increase productivity [3]. Several solutions have been
proposed to problems in performance optimization [3–4, 8,
10–13]. Unfortunately, the literature lacks a detailed
treatment for the multifunctional end-effector of a DELTA
parallel robot, especially in pick-and-place operations.

Understanding mechatronics might be quite challenging

because of its multidisciplinary character and need for
state-of-the-art tools and information [14–15]. Hence, this Fi
paper introduces a new design for a DELTA robot with
an end-effector for multifunctional operations and
provides insight into the way in which this academic
innovation was transformed into a mechatronic kit for
university education. Figure 1. Robot
Figure 1. Robot architecture
architecture for the for therobot
DELTA DELTA robot. fr
This paper is organized as follows. The architecture of the
with respect to the fixed base. A parallel kinematic archi‐ lo
DELTA-implemented robot will be demonstrated in3. Kinematics
tecture with the drives mounted to the base makes very
Section 2. Section 3 addresses the kinematics analysis and an
high accelerations of the end-effector possible.
workspace definitions. The system implementation is Th
demonstrated in Section 4. The real-time experimental The kinematics may be solved as a forward or inverse task.
results of the DELTA robot are presented in Section 5, and The kinematics analysis is based on the geometry of the
conclusions are given in Section 6. DELTA robot, which might be described as follows. The
robot consists of a triangular moving platform and a fixed
2. Robot Architecture base (Fig. 2).

The proposed DELTA robot features a parallel manipulator

comprising a fixed main supporting frame and a moving
platform linked by three independent, identical and open
kinematic chains (Fig. 1). The DELTA robot consists of a P2 Z
moving platform that is connected to the main supporting O
frame by three identical and parallel kinematic chains, each P3 P1
of which is driven by a revolute motor mounted on the
supporting frame. A forearm is composed of two bars of
equal length, and each bar ends with ball joints. The two L
bars of each forearm are designed to remain parallel to each
other while the robot is working. Thus, the parallelogram C3 C1
formation guarantees parallelism between the fixed base
and a moving platform, enforcing the necessary mechanical
constraints to confine the motion within a certain three-
dimensional (3D) space. The end-effector is secured to the Li
moving platform and connected to a fourth actuator
secured on the mobile platform.
3. Kinematics Z
3.1 Inverse and Forward Kinematics

A simple kinematic analysis suggests that a mechanism

based on the parallel architecture can possess high accuracy Ci r

and repeatability. This is because the end-effector motion

is generated by actuated links directly connected to the
base. The DELTA robot utilizes three parallelograms that
allow the moving platform to remain at a fixed orientation Figure 2. Geometric description of the DELTA robot

2 Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744

A static Cartesian coordinate frame XYZ is fixed at the Alternatively, for the establishment of the direct kinematic
centre of the base, to which a mobile Cartesian coordinate model, we solve the system (3) with respect to X, Y, Z, which
frame XYZ is assigned to the centre of the mobile platform. yields the following system:
Pi , i=1, 2, 3, and Ci , i=1, 2, 3, are the joints located at the centre
of the base (as presented in Fig. 2) and the moving-platform ì
passive joints, respectively. ï X = AZ + B
The coordinates of points Pi in the reference frame related í Y = CZ + D (5)
to the fixed base plate are given by ï 2
ïZ = G + G - FH
ïî F
é R R ù
êR - 2 -
2 úú
ê where
ê 3 3ú
éë P1P2 P3 ùû = ê 0 R -R ú (1)
ê 2 2 ú
ê0 0 0 ú Q2 + Q3 - 2Q1 2Q12 - Q22 - Q32
A= B=
ê ú 3( R - r ) 6( R - r )
ë û

where R is the radius of the fixed base’s circle. (Q2 - Q3 ) (Q32 - Q22 )
C= D=
Similarly, the coordinates of points Ci in the reference frame 3(r - R) 2 3(r - R)
related to the moving platform are given by

é r r ù E = r - R + B F = A2 + C 2 + 1
êr - 2 - ú
2 ú
ê 3 3ú G = AE + CD - Q1 H = E2 + D 2 + Q12 - L2
éëC1C 2 C 3 ûù = ê0 r -r ú (2)
ê 2 2 ú
ê0 0 0 ú
ê ú 3.2 Workspace Definition
ë û
In this subsection, the workspace of the proposed DELTA
where r is the radius of the moving platform’s circle. robot will be discussed in detail. For a robot in the context
of industrial application and given parameters, it is
Hence, the constraint equations for the DELTA robot are
important to analyse the area and the shape of its work‐
generated by applying Pythagoras’ rule in three dimen‐
space. Calculation of the workspace and its boundaries
sions to each pair of arms [4, 7]. Noting that L 1 = L 2 = L 3, the
with perfect precision is crucial, because they influence the
equations define three spheres:
dimensional design, the manipulator’s positioning in the
work environment and the robot’s dexterity in executing
ï tasks. The workspace is constrained by several conditions,
( r - R + X ) + Y 2 + (Z - Q1 )2 = L12
ï mainly the boundary that is obtained through solving
ï 2 2
inverse kinematics. Moreover, the workspace is limited
ïïì 1 ü ìï 3 üï
íí( R - r ) + X ý + í( r - R ) + Y ý + ( Z - Q2 ) = L2 2
(3) first by the accessibility of drives and joints, then by the
ïî 2 þ îï 2 þï
ï occurrence of singularities and finally by the link and
2 2
ïì 1 ü ïì 3 ïü platform collisions.
ï í( R - r ) + X ý + í( R - r ) + Y ý + ( Z - Q3 ) = L3 2

îï î 2 þ îï 2 þï Figure 3 depicts the task’s definition and dimensions. Fig.

4 shows a dimension concept of the DELTA robot and
Therefore, Eq. (3) is used to establish the expression of the depicts its workspace, the location of its world reference
inverse kinematic model: frame and the chief geometrical parameters of the work‐
space. Fig. 4 shows the location of the centre of the me‐
ì chanical interface from the centre of the moving platform.
ï Moreover, the angle θ in Fig. 4 is restricted to between 30°
Q1 = Z + L2 - ( r - R + X ) - Y 2
ï and 80°. In order to generate a reachable workspace (1000
ï 2 2
mm × 700 mm × 400 mm) for the proposed DELTA-robot
ï ì 1 ü ìï 3 üï
ý - í( r - R )
í 2 = Z + L - í( R - r ) + X + Yý (4) system, a numerical algorithm was introduced. For the
ï î 2 þ ïî 2 ïþ
ï design of a DELTA robot, the kinematic parameters of the
ï ì 1
ü ìï 3 üï robot should be initially determined. The design parame‐
ïQ3 = Z + L2 - í( R - r ) + X ý - í( R - r ) + Yý ters are determined for a desired workspace with the
2 2
îï î þ ïî ïþ
optimization techniques described in [13].

Jonqlan Lin, Ci-Huang Luo and Kao-Hui Lin: 3

Design and Implementation of a New DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics Competitions
) =  
) proposed DELTA-robot
platform. Moreover, thesystem,
angle inaFig.
numerical algorithm
4 is restricted to

+ ( −  ) =  was 
between 30° and
introduced. For
° . In order to generate a reachable
80the design of a DELTA robot, the

workspace (1000 mm × 700 mm × 400 mm) for the
+ ( −  ) =  determined.
kinematic parameters of the robot should be initially
proposed DELTA-robot system, a numerical algorithm
The design
was introduced. For theparameters
design of aare determined
DELTA robot, thefor a
ression of (3)desired workspace with the optimization techniques
kinematic parameters of the robot should be initially
described in [13].The design parameters are determined for a
h the expression of desired workspace with the optimization techniques

3 −
described in [13].

+ }
  By analysing Eq. (4), we note that for each value of given
√3 Qi (Qi ∈ Qimin Qimax ), the workspace of each kinematic chain
{ −  + }
60 °
is a sphere radius R, which is irregular in form. Obtaining
+ }√3
3 1540 mm 60 °
a workspace of regular form is possible by forming a circle
2{ −  + }
1540 mm
2 equation X 2 + Y 2 = r 2 that is perpendicular to Z. The goal is
(4) 1220
(4) mm to obtain the largest prescribed and regular dexterous
700 mmmm
workspace using the objective function
nt ofdirect
the direct
(3) with to
respect to r = (AZ + B)2 + (CZ + D)2. Here, the kinematic parameters
tem: 1000 mm are the three variables to be determined: R=889 mm, r=49
1000 mm
mm and L=1540 mm.
60 °
60 °
(5) 4. System Implementation
Figure 3. Workspace
Figure definition
3. Workspace definition.
 −  −  Figure 3. Workspace definition. The system implementation will consist of three parts:
− )

mechanism and hardware development, kinematics and
 −  )
  software development (Fig. 5).
√3( − )
+  + 1
 +   +   − 

4.1 Mechanism and hardware development
The design of the proposed DELTA robot includes a two-
 −  θ axis rotation of the wrist, a gripper and a six-axis robotic
e proposed DELTA θ arm. The proposed DELTA robot consists of a fixed base, a
or a robot in the travelling
kinematic plate and three
parameters kinematic
are chains
the three that connect
variables to be the
iven parameters, it fixed base to the travelling plate, which is the robot’s end-

 ( ∈  ೘೔೙  ೘ೌೣ ), the workspace of each kinematic
ByFigure 4. DELTA-robot
analysing design
Eq. (4), we noteconcept.
that for each value of given determined: R=889 mm, r=49 mm and L=1540 mm.
d the shape of its
d DELTA θ effector. Each kinematic chain comprises an upper arm that
ot in the chain is a sphere radius R, which is irregular in form. is
4. actuated by a revolute, brushless DC servomotor and a
System Implementation
lower arm. Figure 6 displays the 3D-concept drawing and
equation   +   =   that is
meters, it Obtaining a workspace of regular form is possible by
Figure 4. DELTA-robot design concept.
ape of its Figure 4. DELTA-robot
forming design concept
a circle the
Theconstructed system.
system implementation will consist of three parts:
perpendicular to Z. The goal is to obtain the largest mechanism and hardware development, kinematics and

objective function  = ( + ) + ( + ) . Here, the

prescribed and regular dexterous workspace using the software development (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. System implementation structure.

Figure 5. System implementation structure
in the fabrication of parts.
4.1 Mechanism and hardware development
4 Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744

The design of the proposed DELTA robot includes a two-

axis rotation of the wrist, a gripper and a six-axis robotic
arm. The proposed DELTA robot consists of a fixed base,
To speed up the construction of the robot, 3D printing is
utilized to fabricate the end-effector parts, which are
designed in a modular fashion for ease of reconfiguration
and assembly (Fig. 7). This method reduces the cost and
tooling time by approximately 80% of those values ach‐
ieved using Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) in the
fabrication of parts.


(a) 3D-concept drawing

Figure 7. 3D printing in end-effector fabrication.

Figure 7. printing in end-effector fabrication

4.2 Control and Image Recognition

4.3 Software Development
A single six-axis control chip 8051 (Model: C8051F360) is
The software is composed of a standard programming-
used as the control board in this work. Such chips are
language compiler and a boot loader that executes func‐
(a) 3D-concept drawing used to connect Universal Asynchronous Receiver
tions on the microcontroller. The controller, including the
Transmitters (UART) to a control computer. A stepping
control algorithm and the human-machine-interface
motor driver (Model: 7080), manufactured by Applied
(HMI), is coded in the Borland C++ Builder 6 Personal
Motion Products, is used to drive the forearm of the
software environment. The software framework is part of
DELTA robot. Additionally, the Complementary Metal-
7. 3Dassembly
printing in cell. For the positioning
end-effector fabrication. task, each
Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) video camera (Model:
coordinate of the input position is calculated, given the
VMD-P310A) with 300 megapixels is used for image
4.2Control and measured
and Image positions of the robot. The input
(b) Real implementation values for the task space are then converted to joint space
Figure 6. System implementation. using
A singleinverse kinematics
six-axis control and chipcontrol is then applied
8051 (Model: C8051F360)to each
axis of the robot.
used as the control board in this work. Such chips are
used to connect Universal Asynchronous Receiver
4.3 Software Development
5. Results and(UART)
Transmitters Discussion to a control computer. A stepping
motor driver (Model:
The software is composed 7080),ofmanufactured by Applied
a standard programming-
Motion Products,evaluation
is used is to
drive the forforearm
language compiler and a boot loader that executes
DELTA within
robot. a workspace.
Additionally, the To evaluate the perform‐
Complementary Metal-
functions on the microcontroller. The controller,
Oxide of the developed
the control algorithm(CMOS) robot, athe
camera (Model:
is built.
VMD-P310A) A repeatability
with 300 test is carried
interface (HMI), is coded in the Borland C++ Builder 6 is out
usedto ensure
for imagethe
recognition. of the robot system. The measurement
Personal software environment. The software framework set-up has
(b) Real implementation
nine points,
is part of theeach with assembly
robotic assigned coordinates
cell. For the (Fig. 8). The
Figure 6.System implementation.
Figure 6. System implementation proposed DELTA robot moves through
task, each coordinate of the input position is calculated, the test points
(points 1–9) 15 times, and estimates the
given the reference and measured positions of the robot. coordinates of the
points each time they are passed. Clearly, the measured
4.2 Control and Image Recognition The inputDevelopment
4.3Software values for the task space are then converted to
joint spaceofusing each inverse
point are very close
kinematics and to control
each other. The
is then
A single six-axis control chip 8051 (Model: C8051F360) is mean positioning
applied to each error is small,
axis of the robot. approximately 2~3 mm.
The software is composed of a standard programming-
used as the control board in this work. Such chips are used The mean errors (mm) of the measurements of points 1–9
language compiler and aboot loaderthat executes
are5. (-2,3),
Results(0,-2), (2,-2), (0,0), (0,0), (0,0), (2,-3), (-2,2) and
to connect Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters functions and Discussion
(2,-2). This on the microcontroller.
positioning accuracy is close Theto controller,
that of an
(UART) to a control computer. A stepping motor driver including the control algorithm and the human-machine-
Performance evaluation is important for optimalthat
commercial robot. These results reveal the
(Model: 7080), manufactured by Applied Motion Products, interface (HMI), is coded in the Borland C++ Builder 6
robot system is reliable.
positioning within a workspace. To evaluate the
is used to drive the forearm of the DELTA robot. Addition‐ Personal software environment. The software framework
ally, the Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor The
is partproposed
of the roboticrobot assembly
system was cell.entered
For the into robotic
(CMOS) video camera (Model: VMD-P310A) with 300 competitions in Taiwan.
task, each coordinate of Three
the inputtestsposition
that were carried out
is calculated,
megapixels is used for image recognition. in those
given thecompetitions
reference and aremeasured
below. of the robot.
The input values for the task space are then converted to
joint space using inverse Lin, Ci-Huang
kinematics andLuo and Kao-Hui
control is thenLin: 5
Design and Implementation of a New DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics Competitions
applied toeach axis of the robot.

5. Results and Discussion

accuracy is close to that of an equivalent commercial mm and the spacing between adjacent dominoes is 30
robot. These results reveal that the robot system is mm. The robot must pick up the dominos and place them
reliable. in their assigned positions (from point “S” to point “E” in
Figs. 9(b)–(c)). Figure 9(d) presents the real pathway of
The proposed robot system was entered into robotic the dominos during the experiment. The location of the
competitions in Taiwan. Three tests that were carried out domino was associated with the path. Finally, all of the
in those competitions are discussed below. dominos were put in place after the DELTA robot had
pushed over the first domino (Fig. 9(e)). Therefore, the
experiment reveals the fact that the proposed controller
Figure 9. D
can track the desired path. The proposed DELTA robot is
intended to perform pick-and-place operations.
5.2 Case II E

The second
verify the
Figure 10 in
The drawin
of a robot.
and conver
the desired
(a) input work
and analys
Figure 8. Coordinates
8. Coordinates of thepoints
of the measured measured points for
for the repeatability testthe computed a
repeatability test. those that
selected for
5.1 Case I Domino Experimental Test
5.1 Case I Domino Experimental Test
Fig. 11. The
First, the pick-and-place operations in a domino test were
and the cor
verify the reliability
pick-and-place of the DELTA-robot
operations in a domino testsystem.were success rate
Pick-and-place operations involve a straight system.
used to verify the reliability of the DELTA-robot vertical
motion at the pick-up
Pick-and-place location
operations (from the
involve starting vertical
a straight point to
target even
the end point),
motion followed
at the pick-up by a straight
location (from thehorizontal
starting pointmotion

the another
end point), straight vertical
followed motion horizontal
by a straight at the placement
and anotherThe path-planning
straight vertical process
motion comprises searching
at the placement
for a motion
location. The that ensures the
path-planning accomplishment
process of these
comprises searching
assigned tasks. that
for a motion If theensures
desiredthe position of the end-effector
accomplishment of theseis
assignedthen theIfcorresponding
tasks. anglesofofthe
the desired position each of the three
arms must bethen
is specified, determined. This experiment
the corresponding angles of each focuses on
of the
three arms must motions along specified
be determined. paths. After
This experiment the
hardware is initialized,
on point-to-point motions thealong
DELTA robotpaths.
specified is moved to a
After the
hardware position. Oncethe
is initialized, it has obtained
DELTA robota is
moved toofa a
work piece, the
predefined system
position. starts
Once pathobtained
it has planning; it estimates
a coordinate of a
time when the DELTA robot can start the tracing process.
a work piece, the system starts path planning; it estimates
a time
Once when the
the desired DELTA
point robot have
coordinates can start
been the tracing
determined, Figure 10. D
the operator can use inverse kinematics to calculate the
control trajectory to be followed. The complete control
trajectory is divided into various sections. Each domino is
translated from a starting point to a target point. The
reference point of the pick-and-place path coincides with
each grid point to find the best position between the robot
and the task.

To play the domino game, the symmetry of the domino’s

path was identified. Figure 9(a) displays the original (d)
locations of dominos. The thickness of each domino is 10
mm and the spacing between adjacent dominoes is 30 mm.
The robot must pick up the dominos and place them in their
Figure 11. T
assigned positions (from point “S” to point “E” in Figs.
point pictur
9(b)–(c)). Figure 9(d) presents the real pathway of the
dominos during the experiment. The location of the
domino was associated with the path. Finally, all of the
dominos were put in place after the DELTA robot had
pushed over the first domino (Fig. 9(e)). Therefore, the
experiment reveals the fact that the proposed controller can (e)
track the desired path. The proposed DELTA robot is
Figure 9. Domino test for the proposed DELTA robot
intended to perform pick-and-place operations.

6 Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744

5.2 Case II Experimental Scenario Environment

The second test was a writing and drawing test case to

verify the reliability of the proposed DELTA robot. Figure
10 indicates the desired drawing path in the test. The
drawing combines a Chinese character with a picture of a
robot. The desired drawing in Fig. 10 was scanned and
converted to point coordinates. Figure 11 presents the
desired path among the grid points. On the basis of input
workspace boundaries, environmental constraints and
analysis of the resolution, the workspace was discretized
into grid points whose coordinates are computed and (a)
numbered. Among all of the grid points, those that can
feasibly become reference points are selected for that
purpose. Figure 12 shows the robot’s performance in the
drawing and writing test, based on Fig. 11. The reliability
test was conducted several times, and the corresponding
task was completed with a 100% success rate. Accordingly,
the proposed scheme can cause the DELTA robot to follow
the pathway and move to the target even when creating a
complex drawing.



Figure 10. Desired drawing


Figure 11. The desired drawing converted to a point-to-point picture
Figure 1

Jonqlan Lin, Ci-Huang Luo and Kao-Hui Lin: 7 5.3 Case

Design and Implementation of a New DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics Competitions
5.3 Case III Image-recognition Test
Case III is an image-recognition test. The robot must pick
upCase III is an image-recognition
a coloured ball and placetest. Thearobot
it in holemust picksame
of the up
a coloured
colour. Figure ball13and place itthe
displays in aflow
hole chart
of the for
Figure 13 displays
recognition task. Figurethe flow chart for the
14 presents the actual
tion task. Figure 14 presents the actual
place performance of the proposed DELTA robot in this pick-and-place
third test, and of theindicates
proposed DELTA
that the robotrobot
in this third test,
and indicates that the robot effectively
performed the pick-and-place task with the colouredperformed the pick-
and-place task with the coloured balls. The robot safely
balls. The robot safely avoided obstacles and reached the
avoided obstacles and reached the target hole. This test was
target hole. This test was performed many times, and the
performed many times, and the task was completed with an
task was completed with an approximately 92% success
approximately 92% success rate. These experiments indicate
rate. These experiments indicate that the DELTA robot
that the DELTA robot tracked the object of the desired
tracked the object of the desired colour, and that the
colour, and that the proposed system is effective owing to
its advancedsystem is effective
adaptability, stabilityowing to its advanced
and robustness.
adaptability, stability and robustness.

Figure 13. Flow chart for image recognition.

Figure 12. Writing and drawing test for the proposed DELTA robot Figure 13. Flow chart for image recognition

8 Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744

Figure 14. Experimental results for image-recognition test.
Figure 14. Experimental results for image-recognition test

Jonqlan Lin, Ci-Huang Luo and Kao-Hui Lin: 9

Design and Implementation of a New DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics Competitions
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10 Int J Adv Robot Syst, 2015, 12:153 | doi: 10.5772/61744

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