A Fishtemp Chapter III

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Design and Development Methodology

This chapter discusses the methods used by the researchers in developing their proposed

application and device. The details for software methodology, research instruments, hardware

and software specification, system requirements, object analysis and design, testing and

evaluation and deployment plan are discussed in this chapter.

3.1 Software Methodology

The researchers used Scrum Agile Methodology in developing the proposed A-FishTemp

application and device. The Agile approach for software development is one of the easiest and

most productive methods for turning a vision for a business need into software solutions. Agile is

a term used to describe approaches to software development that employ continuous planning,

learning, enhancement, cooperation with teams, evolutionary development, and early delivery.

This facilitates flexible reactions to transition. The Agile model believes that each project needs

to be approached differently and that current approaches need to be adapted to better fit the

requirements of the project.

Scrum is a software development model that helps teams to concentrate on achieving

business value in the shortest period of time by reviewing real working software regularly and

quickly. It emphasizes transparency, cooperation, and iterative progress toward well-defined

Agile Scrum Methodology is used by the researchers because it motivates the group to

meet the deadline, it focuses on quality and allows the researchers to organize and know its

priorities. Scrum is flexible even when the proposed project is rapidly changing.

Figure 3.0 Agile Scrum Methodology

Figure 3.0 above shows the diagram of Agile Scrum Methodology which the researchers

used in development of the proposed project A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile

Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and

Waterproof Temperature Sensor.

The following represents the various phases in Scrum Agile Model:

Product Backlog Creation. In this initial phase the researchers listed the requirements

needed by the proposed A-FishTemp Application and Device. During this phase, the researchers

listed the requirement by prioritizing and considering the functionality desired for the proposed

A-FishTemp Application and Device.

Sprint Planning and Creating Backlog. In this phase, the time in developing the

proposed A-FishTemp Application and Device is considered. The researchers are estimating the

amount of time available in developing the proposed A-FishTemp Application and Device.

During this phase, the researchers are dividing and prioritizing the necessary task need to be

done first to in the development of the proposed A-FishTemp Application and Device.

Working on Sprint. During this phase, the development of the proposed A-FishTemp

Application and Device begins. The researchers are meticulously developed the proposed A-

FishTemp Application and Device to make sure that it meets all the requirements required.

Coding for both proposed A-FishTemp application and device are done in this phase. Arduino

IDE are the software used by the researchers to set up the propose device and Android Studio to

code the proposed application. Java is the programming language used by the researchers. In

developing the proposed A-FishTemp application and device the researchers will use a Unified

Modeling Language such as Use Case Diagram, Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram,

Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram and Activity Diagram.

Testing and Product Demonstration. In this phase, the proposed A-FishTemp

application and device will run through a test whether it will be capable of doing the main

function and the main objective cite by the researchers. The proposed A-FishTemp application

and device will be test by the officer/s from Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and

Fishpond Owners in Quezon Province. The user will test if the proposed device detects the pH
level and temperature of fishpond and test if the result gathered by the device will display at the

proposed application. The researchers will use the ISO 25010 as a software evaluation tools in

testing the project.

Retrospective and the Next Sprint Planning. In this phase, the researchers will look for

a better ways in improving the proposed A-FishTemp application and device. The feedback from

the user will acknowledge by the researchers in improving the project.

3.2 Requirement Documentation

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

The following requirements describe the main functions of the proposed A-FishTemp

application and device.

Splash Screen. Shows the logo of the application.

Toast Message. Displays a message if the device is successfully connected to


Menu. Displays the different features and functions of the application.

Manual Icon. Gives the instruction on how to use the application and device.

Information Icon. Gives a description and information about the application and

information about the developers.

Trivia Icon. Gives additional information related to aquaculture.

Gallery Icon. Shows the different photos and description of cultured fish and crustaceans

in Quezon Province.

Result Icon. Displays the result conducted through the IoT device such as the pH level,

temperature and the possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured in that specific


3.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

The following requirements are not directly concerned on the main function of the

proposed A-FishTemp application and device but is concerned on the requirements needed by

the product.

Product Requirements

Functional Suitability. gives the specified task and developers objectives and providing

accurate results that users need.

Performance Efficiency. the processing time of the application is just a couple of

seconds before it shows the result. the applicable android version for this application is

Jellybean 4.2 and above for the smartphones.

Compatibility. the IoT device perform the specific task and send the information on the

mobile application through Bluetooth connection. without affecting the other devices

Usability. the application and IoT device are easy to use and appropriate for their needs.

the application provides information and instructions how to use the application and iot

device to give learning how to use it and lessen the errors in using the device.
Reliability. The application and IoT device can easily operate and approachable when

the users need to use it.

Security. The information’s that gathered by the application and iot device is only

accessible for the users that conduct the testing on the fishponds. The information that

they gather cannot be modify because its system generated.

Maintainability. The application can modify effectively without affecting the existing

system and can be test if the system can be performing the specified task that users need

Portability. The application can easily install and uninstalled in an android phone. The

application can effectively and efficiently be adapted to any smartphone that have

android version Jellybean 4.2 and above. The device can be carried anywhere in the


3.3 Data and Processing Model/Training Model Diagram (Machine Learning)

3.3.1 Context Diagram

Figure 4.0 Context Diagram

The figure 4.0 shows the process on how the user will use the proposed application and

device that will work in each other. The user will connect the proposed IoT device in the

proposed application. After the proposed application connect to the IoT device, the user can test

the fishpond water by the using the proposed device. The proposed device can determine the pH

level and temperature of a fishpond. The data gathered by the proposed device will display at the

proposed application and will suggest a possible fish and crustaceans that can be culture in the

tested fishpond and the proposed application give some information about the fishes, crustaceas,

and also give information about the proposed device and application. Also, the developers is the

one who will check if the output is accurate.

3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 5.0 shows the process on how the data in A-FishTemp Application will flow. It

represents a two process whether the device will be successfully or not successfully connected on

the IoT device. If the proposed application is successfully connected to the proposed IoT device

a toast message will appear on the application and the proposed application will start and at the

same time do its function. The led on the proposed device will blink if it is successfully

connected to the proposed application. If it is not successfully connected, an error message will

show and the user will check if the IoT is already connected on the phone.

3.4 Methods of Data Gathering

Qualitative Method. This is a technique where researchers conduct an in-depth

communication with a person or group of individuals. An employee of Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources and Fishpond Owners are the respondents in this method.

Quantitative Method. This is a methodology based on measurements and data

processing in statistical or mathematical terms. The researchers used a quantitative approach,

through questionnaires, surveys and interviews, to assess the statistical, mathematical or

numerical analysis of data collected. The fishpond owners and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources in Quezon Province are the respondents of this method.

Interview. It is a method in which the researcher conducts a meeting with the officers

from Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to support their analysis in determining the

quality of water in fishpond in terms of its pH level and temperature. This method is conduct to

support the credibility of the application and device proposed by the researchers.
Questionnaires. This is a collection of questions from which the respondent receives

substantial statistical data. To collect data from citizens, survey questionnaires are used. The

researchers use this method to gather all the knowledge, opinions and recommendations of the

respondents in order to obtain the results or data necessary for the study. The researchers will get

the result from 5 fishpond owners in the province of Quezon.

Survey. This is a method of gathering individual information and using it to find out a

specific information by asking the individual a different research query. These approaches are

used by researchers to obtain all the information required to produce better and more precise

results. The researchers get the result from 5 fishpond owners in the province of Quezon.

3.5 Requirements Specification

3.5.1 Project In-Scope and Out-Scope/System Architecture

The researchers proposed A-FishTemp application and A-FishTemp device that

can help the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and Fishpond Owners in

detecting the pH level and temperature of the water in a fishpond. The proposed A-

FishTemp application will display the result of pH level and temperature of the fishpond

detected by the proposed A-FishTemp device. The proposed A-FishTemp application

will also suggest a possible fish and crustaceans that can be culture in the tested fishpond

depending in its pH level and temperature. The proposed A-FishTemp device will not

detect the reason that causes the fishpond water to have unstable pH level and

The proposed A-FishTemp application and device has four modules. In the first

module, it has the Blinking LED which is the function of the proposed A-FishTemp

device to inform the user that the proposed A-FishTemp application is already connected

to the proposed A-FishTemp device. In the second module, the functionality of the

proposed A-FishTemp application is included. Splash Screen which has the proposed A-

FishTemp application’s logo, Toast Message that appears if the proposed A-FishTemp

device is already connected to the proposed A-FishTemp application and the Main Menu

which has the icon for the different features of the proposed A-FishTemp application are

included in the second iteration. In the third module, the function of manual icon,

information icon, trivia icon and gallery icon are included. In manual icon, the video

tutorial and instruction on how to use the proposed A-FishTemp application and device

are discuss in this part. Information about the researchers is discuss in the information

icon. In the trivia icon it has an added information about aquaculture. And in the gallery

icon, images of fishes and crustaceans that is mostly cultured in Quezon Province with

short description are included in this part. And in the fourth module, the result of the

detected pH level and temperature of fishpond will display in this part. The suggestion of

the possible fish and crustaceans that can be culture in the tested fishpond is also included

in this part.

3.5.2 System Architecture

Figure 6.0 shows the structure and behavior of the application. It also shows the

connection between the proposed A-FishTemp Device and the proposed applications. It shows

that the hardware which is the A-FishTemp device that detects the pH level and temperature of

fishpond water has a connection with the android phone that will display the result and suggest a

possible fish and crustaceans that can be culture in the tested fishpond depending on the detected

pH level and temperature.

3.5.3 Hardware and Software Specification

The following are the specifications needed in developing the IoT device proposed by the


Table 1.0

Hardware Specification of A-FishTemp device

Hardware Specification
pH sensor Used to measures pH level
Waterproof Temperature Sensor Used to measures temperature
Bluetooth Module Used in Arduino to communicate with any device which has
a Bluetooth function
Arduino Uno Used as main microcontroller of the device
Connecting Wires Used to travel electric circuit from one point to another
LED’s Used to notify that the application is connected to the device
Resistors Used
Project Enclosure Box Used to hold and protect all the sensors

The following are the specifications used by the researchers in developing the android

application proposed by the researchers.

Table 2.0
Software Specification of A-FishTemp device and application

Software Specification
Arduino IDE Used to code the sensor used in the device
Android Studio Used to code and design the application
Java Programming language used

The following are the specifications of mobile phone to be used in the development of the

proposed A-FishTemp application.

Table 3.0

Mobile Specification

Mobile Specification
Operating System Android
Android Version Jellybean 4.2 up to Android 10

3.5 Object Analysis and Design

3.6.1 UML Diagram

The following shows the Unified Modeling Language diagrams. This includes

class diagram, activity diagram, system diagram and system storyboard.

Figure 7.0. Use Case Diagram

Shows how the user will use the application and the IoT device to determine the pH level and

temperature of the fishpond water. User use the proposed application and IoT device to test the

fishpond water pH level and temperature to identify what fishes and crustaceans can be cultured

in the tested fishpond. A-FishtTemp have a IoT device that use to measure the pH level and

temperature of the fishpond water and an mobile application that use to display the data that the

device gathered from the fishpond and suggest a possible fishes and crustaceans that can be

cultured in the tested fishpond, the application also give short tutorial how to use it and give

information about the fishes and crustaceans.

3.6.2 Class Diagram

Figure 8.0. Class Diagram

Figure 8.0 shows the flow of use of the developed framework and the interaction of the

modules between the user, the user interface and the module of the training model initiated by

the training manager for implementation of the proposed application and device.
3.6.3 Activity Diagram

Figure 9.0 Activity Diagram

Figure 9.0 shows the graphical representation of the procedures in the application.

Moreover, it shows the process on how the proposed application and IoT device work if the

application and device will be connected and transmits the detected data from the device to the

proposed application.

3.6.4 Sequence Diagram

Figure 10 shows the sequence of the application where the user controls the application in

displaying the result from the IoT device. The user will first connect the proposed application to

the proposed IoT device. After the successfully connection, the user can now use the proposed
Figure 10. Sequence Diagram
application. The proposed application and device will identify the pH level and temperature of

fishpond then suggest a possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured on the tested fishpond

depending in its pH level and temperature.

3.6.5 System Storyboard

After opening the application, the startup screen of A-FishTemp will be its logo.

Figure 11. Splash Screen (Logo)

Figure 12. Toast Message

After pairing the android phone in a device through Bluetooth, the toast message of

Successfully connected to the device will appear in A-FishTemp application to be able to know

that A-FishTemp device and the A-FishTemp application is connected already.

Figure 13. Main Menu

The main menu screen of A-FishTemp will be shown. In this screen, there is the manual

icon which consist of the instruction on how to use the application as well as the device. An

information icon which has a short description of the application and a description about the

developers. There is also a trivia icon and gallery icon for an added feature of the application.

And lastly, the eye icon which is the main function of the application, to display the gathered

data of the device which is the pH level and temperature of the fishpond water.
Figure 14 shows the manual screen which consist of an information on how to use the

device and the application. In application, there is a provided short video on how to use it.

Figure 14. Manual Screen

Figure 15. Information Screen

Figure 15 shows the information screen which consist of the application’s short

information and an information about the developers.

Figure 16. Trivia Screen

The trivia screen will show some information related to the researcher’s study like as

shown in Figure 16.

Figure 17 show the gallery screen which has a picture with a name and scientific name of

the cultured fish and crustaceans in Quezon Province.

Figure 17. Gallery Screen

Figure 18 shows the fish and crustaceans short description. It will vary in what

fish/crustaceans the user clicks and choose on the album.

Figure 19. Result Screen

Figure 19 shows the result screen which has the inputted pH level and temperature. It also

has a suggested possible fish and crustaceans which varies on the fishpond water’s pH level and


3.7 Testing and Evaluation

3.7.1 Test Plan

A test plan is developed in order to achieve the aim of transmitting a well-functioning

Android program. This testing approach was related to the Agile testing methodology-

based application that is equipped to adapt to the evolving needs of the product

advancement venture. The testing procedure involves unit testing, integration testing,

system testing, and functional testing.

Figure 20. Agile Testing Methodology

The figure 20 above shows the model of Agile Testing Methodology used for A-

FishTemp: An IoT Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in

Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor.

Unit Testing. This test method will be used to deliberately test the output of A-

FishTemp: An IoT Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in

Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor and determine its proper

result. This is being carried out prior to testing for integration. In this analysis, android device

modules and sensor data will be independently tried as a standalone unit to determine if the

desired output will be performed by the system.

Integration Testing. This testing method will enter each unmistakable unit of android

application modules and sensor data. The purpose behind this test is to identify deformities in the

interfaces and associations between modules of the android application and sensor data. Overall,
the A-FishTemp: An IoT Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature

in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor will try to determine if each

of the android application modules and sensor data works coherently.

System Testing. This method will be carried out to evaluate the entire and implemented

programming. The reason for this test is to decide the compatibility of the framework with the

predefined necessities. Hereby, this will assess if the A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based

Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor

and Waterproof Temperature Sensor meets the user’s requirements.

Functional Testing. This test method will be conducted to decide if the A-FishTemp:

An IoT Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond

through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor will be met the useful determination

needed. By preserving the data and looking at the yield, each usable module will be evaluated.

This will ensure that the system legitimately fulfills the specifications for each Android

application module.

Acceptance Test. This test is an evaluation of the client's worth. The intention behind

this test is to determine whether the A-FishTemp: An IoT Based Mobile Application for

Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof

Temperature Sensor is consistent with the particular necessities put forward by the target users

and after that, to assess whether it is suitable for deployment.

3.7.2 Test Case Document

The following shows an example Test Case Document that will be used in testing the

proposed application and device for detecting pH level and temperature of water in fishpond.

Table 4.0

Test Case Document for Module 1

A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and
Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor

Test Case # 1 001 Test Case Name Application Module 1 Page: 1 of 4

System A-FishTemp: Subsystem Module 1

IoT Based
Designed by Developer 1 Designed Date:

Executed by Tester 1 Execution Date:

Short Test the full

Description process of
1. The user already opens the mobile device.
2. The user already read the instruction manual in the device.
3. The user already navigates the device.

Step Action Expected System Output Pass/Fail Remarks

1 Blinking LED Shows that the proposed
device is already connected
to the proposed application.

1. Final Module: The pH level and temperature of water is detected through the
2. The device suggests the possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured in
thet tested fishpond.

Table 5.0

Test Case Document for Module 2

A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and
Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor

Test Case Name Application Module 2 Page: 2 of 4

Test Case # 1 001
System A-FishTemp: Subsystem Module 2
IoT Based
Designed by Developer 1 Designed Date:

Executed by Tester 1 Execution Date:

Short Test the full

Description process of
1. The user already opens the mobile application.
2. The user already read the instruction manual in the application.
3. The user already navigates the application.

Step Action Expected System Output Pass/Fail Remarks

1 Splash Screen The system will show
screen with the
applications logo

2 Toast Message The system will show a

message that the device is
successfully connected or
not in the application
3 Main Menu The system will show the
main menu of the
application with some
icons for different
functions of the

1. Final Module: The pH level and temperature of water is detected through the
2. The device suggests the possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured in the
tested fishpond.

Table 6.0

Test Case Document for Module 3

A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and
Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor

Test Case Name Application Module 3 Page: 3 of 4

Test Case # 001
System A- Subsystem Module 3
IoT Based
Designed by Developer 1 Designed Date:

Executed by Tester 1 Execution Date

Short Test the full

Description process of
1. The user already opens the mobile application.
2. The user already read the instruction manual in the application.
3. The user already navigates the application.

Step Action Expected System Output Pass/Fail Remarks

1 Manual Icon The system will show a
video instruction on how
to use the application and
a word instruction on how
to use the device

2 Information Icon The system will show the

main menu of the
application with some
icons for different
functions of the

3 Trivia Icon The system will show

some information related
to aquaculture.

4 Gallery Icon The system will show an

album of fish and
crustaceans with a
description that is mostly
cultured in Quezon
1. Final Module: The pH level and temperature of water is detected through the
2. The device suggests the possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured in the
tested fishpond.

Table 7.0

Test Case Document for Module 4

A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and
Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor

Test Case Name Application Module 4 Page: 4 of 4

Test Case # 001
System A- Subsystem Module 4
IoT Based
Designed by Developer 1 Designed Date:

Executed by Tester 1 Execution Date

Short Test the full

Description process of
1. The user already opens the mobile application.
2. The user already read the instruction manual in the application.
3. The user already navigates the application.

Step Action Expected System Output Pass/Fail Remarks

1 Display the pH The system will display
level and the pH level and
temperature temperature of the
2 Suggest The system will suggest a
possible fish and
crustaceans that can be
culture in the fishpond.

1. Final Module: The pH level and temperature of water is detected through the device.
2. The device suggests the possible fish and crustaceans that can be cultured in the tested

3.7.3 Evaluation Plan

The development of A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for

Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and

Waterproof Temperature Sensor will be test using the ISO 25010.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 25010 will be serve as a

reference for the software evaluation. The ISO 25010 includes the Functional

Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability, Reliability, Security,

Maintainability, and Portability.

The respondents of the proposed A-FishTemp application and device are the

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and Fishpond Owners in Quezon

Province. The researchers chose five (5) respondents who will answer the survey

questionnaires provided by the researchers. The researchers will use 4-point Likert

Scale in evaluating the response of the respondents on the given survey


Table 8.0

Scales for Evaluation Ratings

Verbal Interpretation Weight Interval

Very Good 4 3.25-4.00

Good 3 2.50-3.24

Fair 2 1.75-2.49

Poor 1 1.00-1.74

Weighted Mean. The weighted mean will be evaluated depending on the 4-point Likert

Scale. This will be based on the response of the respondents on the execution of A-FishTemp:

An IoT-Android Based Mobile Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in

Fishpond through pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor.

The weighted mean formula is:


WM = Summation of computed weighted mean

w = weight or the scale value

f = frequency of response

n = total number of respondents

3.7.4 Deployment Plan

Figure 21. Deployment Plan

Figure 21 demonstrates the deployment of A-FishTemp: An IoT-Android Based Mobile

Application for Detection of pH level and Temperature in Fishpond through pH Sensor and

Waterproof Temperature Sensor. The deployment may be useful to the community, local

government, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and to fishpond owners. It will help to

lessen the issue of fish dying due to the poor quality of fishpond water in the province of


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