Theory 3

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Shri. Ganesh Bagaria

Every Human Being aspires to be happy. All his efforts are toward this end. The
outcome from his efforts depends on the focus of the effort, specifically on his notions
about happiness. When these notions are right, the outcome is mutual happiness.
When the notions are wrong, the outcome is unhappiness.

The purpose of education is to establish right understanding in the human being so that by a
certain age, the individual is able to gain clarity about happiness and the programs to ensure it.
The process which enables a human being to lead a happy life in continuity regardless of region,
caste, creed, gender, race etc. can be termed as Universal Human Education. Such an education
only can lay the foundation of an undivided society and universal human order, which all of us are
looking for.

Today, with different people having different notions of happiness, one can observe the mixed
result at an overall global level in spite of significant material gains, there is increasing strife in
family and society as well as damage of nature leading to significant and potentially irreversible
climate change.

All this is happening in spite of the best of intentions, so the question this raises is “Have we really
understood our basic aspiration”?

Basic Human Aspiration

On closer observation, we can see that every human being aspires for a way of life which ensures
happiness for all human beings living in harmony with nature.

At an individual level, happiness is harmony and integration among all four dimensions within the
self - Thought, Behaviour, Work and Realization.

At the level of society, individuals aspire to ensure harmony and integration among four levels -
Individual, Family, Society and Nature.

This is the aspiration; this is the desire, this is the innate need of every human being, regardless
of age, gender, caste, creed, nation and beliefs.
To gain clarity on this, let us ask ourselves some questions about each aspiration, about “How I
want to live” what is written on the left OR what is written on the right in the table below. In this
process, we will also get clarity on “How I am living now”.

We can ask ourselves “Do I want fulfillment at all four dimension and all four levels?” OR “Do I
just want to ensure Accumulation of wealth, that too Unlimited at the Individual level?”

As an Thought Behaviour Work Realization Work
Four Dimensions All Encompassing Justice Physical Laws Reality Physical Laws
Solution(resolution) (Existence)
Happiness Mutual Mutual Continuity of Accumulation of
in the Self Happiness Prosperity Happiness Wealth

As a All Encompassing Prosperity Fearlessness Co-Existence Accumulation of

Society Solution (Trust) Wealth
Four Levels (Right (unlimited!)

In Every In Every In In In
Individual Family Society Nature Individual

First: As an individual four dimensions:

1. In Thought To have clarity (a state of resolution or solution) OR confusion (a state

of problem)?
2. In Behaviour To have just i.e. mutually fulfilling behavior with other human beings,
resulting in mutual happiness OR to have unjust behavior with other human resulting in
domination of some over others?
3. In Work Adherence to physical laws with rest of Nature by cyclic mode of
production, resulting in mutual enrichment, prosperity for human beings as well as
protection of rest of nature OR exploitation and indiscriminate extortion of the rest of
4. In Realization Assurance and authenticity of having known the truth, of having
understood the reality, resulting in continuity of happiness OR lack of realization leading
to mere belief or assumption of it?

Similarly, as a society at four levels of human existence:

1. In Every Individual All encompassing solution, a state of right understanding

leading to happiness and self satisfaction is desirable in every individual or a state of
confusion leading to unhappiness and dissatisfaction? OR having a state of right
understanding in some individuals will do and rest can follow them?
2. In Every Family Prosperity, capacity to produce more than what is required
as physical facilities for the family leading to a feeling of having more, is desirable in
every family OR Deprivation, a feeling of having less than required, regardless of
how much has been accumulated (through production or exploitation)
3. In Society Fearlessness, Trust, feeling of being related to the others is
desirable OR a feeling of mistrust, a feeling of being in opposition to others leading to
fear? Undivided society based on this feeling of trust (acceptance of relationship with
every one) is desirable OR a society divided into sects, cast, creeds, races, nations
opposing and fighting each other?
4. In Nature Co- Existence, a relationship of mutual fulfillment of human
being with rest of the three orders of nature leading to prosperity in human being as
well as protection and enrichment of rest of nature is desirable OR indiscriminate
exploitation of rest of the nature leading to threat of the very existence of Earth?

The State Today

What are we doing now ?

Are we ensuring the fulfillment of all these four dimensions of personal existence or we are we
just focusing on work to ensure accumulation of physical facilities (called wealth), that too without
deciding how much of it is required (it is implicitly assumed that it is unlimited! do we really need
unlimited amount of any physical facility?). Also this Accumulation of physical facilities is being
done without ensuring mutual fulfillment (through cyclic mode of production), resulting in resource
depletion and pollution.

Are we ensuring the fulfillment of all these four levels of human existence or we are just focusing
on Individual to ensure accumulation of unlimited physical facilities for him, without deciding how
much of it is required? This too is being done for selected group, in terms of class, nation etc. and
not for every individual (It is implicitly assumed that benefits will slowly percolate to everybody!).

With the limited one dimensional approach taken by us, we have arrived at the following situation:

At the level of individual: We see today that human beings on the one hand suffer from
unhappiness, dissatisfaction, a sense of purposelessness or futility, tension, frustration,
depression even suicide and on the other hand show the signs of domination, violence, crime,
terrorism etc. The body health is steadily declining in spite of improved levels of material and
medical facilities. A majority of people find themselves engulfed in problems of one type or the
other, and some people have even come to believe that no solution is ever possible.

At the level of family: One finds that in family, among the members, there is complaints, fights,
inter- personal tensions, injustice and hatred. Numerous attempts are made to solve these, but
invariably it leads to disintegration. Reason for all these is ultimately assigned to lack of sufficient
material facilities (a feeling of being deprived), without ever deciding how much is going to be
sufficient in terms of physical facilities.

At the level of society: Problems are visible in the form of poverty and unemployment on the
one hand and division, discrimination, exploitation, opposition, struggle, and war on the other
hand. There are talks of cooperation with each other, but they end up in one form of exploitation
or other.

At the level of nature: Problems manifest in the form of ecological disturbances (seasonal
imbalance, pollution) and lack of natural resources. Air, water, soil and food are getting
increasingly poisonous. Fertility of the soil is reducing. The problem of water shortage is
deepening. The nutritional value of food is decreasing. Ecological imbalances have resulted into
global warming (heating up of the earth), heralding larger problems and disasters soon.

On the one hand, many breakthroughs and wonders are being made by modernity, science and
technology; while on the other, man still remains an unknown and unrelated to himself and other
human being. Today, human being has become the biggest source of problem for human being.
The possibility of war between two nations, terrorism, fear of fights and violence within nation
states and corruption tiring out the daily lives of human beings has increased. Ecological
imbalance, chemical fertilizers and pesticides and sedentary lifestyles are making the body weak
and prone to diseases.

The ultimate result of all this is that suffocation in individuals, disintegration in society
and damage to the environment are on the rise. Man is thus getting isolated and lonely.
Getting isolated is more fearsome than any other scarcity.

We can now clearly see the problem. We can ask ourselves 1) if we are aware of this state 2) if
this state is what we want 3) if we continue our effort in the same direction, will it fulfill our
(Human) aspirations.

If one looks at these conditions a little deeply, it seems that man has not even been able to rightly
recognize his needs so far. Today's prevailing materialism has made us to believe that unlimited
acquisition of physical/material facilities is the ultimate aim of human being. Entire culture,
science, technology, education and nation states are being applied to ensure this. As a result,
every human being is being engaged in this. Material acquisition has become the aim for a
man's thought, behavior, work and realization, without even bothering to find out how much
material facility is required for an individual, family and society.

While man's need to live, to survive has been recognized as a primary need, the need to live in
perennial happiness, in a state of no-conflict, to live with knowledge, has not yet been recognized
as a basic human need.

The reality is that to live with knowledge is an innate and basic need of human. It is only on the
basis of knowledge that man is able to live in harmony within him and in harmony with the larger
organization (other humans and rest of nature). Otherwise, he lives in a way purely based on
what he has ended up assuming (which may or may not be so in reality, i.e. may right or wrong).

In the absence of knowledge, absence of a resolution (samadhan), man is unable even to

correctly recognize as to how much material/physical facilities is required. As a result, he is
unable to feel prosperous in spite of having excessive amount of physical facilities/wealth. He
keeps getting stuck into a vicious circle of trying to accumulate unlimited facilities/wealth.

On studying Nature, we find that it consists of 4 orders Material Order (soil, air, metals…),
Pranic Order (plants, trees…), Animal Order (animals, birds…) and Human Order (human
beings). There is relatedness and interdependence amongst all the four orders. That the
relationship is one of mutual fulfillment & mutual enrichment is clearly observable amongst the
first three orders. In a forest, for example, trees, animals and soil all get enriched one's
enrichment is not at the cost of any one. These three orders are fulfilling for human beings also.
While human beings have natural acceptance for being fulfilling for other human beings as well as
the other three orders, they are not able to be fulfilling.

Further we can observe that every unit in the first three orders has a definite conduct. A piece of
iron has definite conduct, a neem tree has definite conduct, and a cow has definite conduct. It is
only human beings that have indefinite conduct.

On studying existence and place of man in it, it becomes evident that these problems are not
innate to existence or nature. These are due to absence of right understanding in man and
fulfillment in relationships between human beings; i.e. problems are manifested by man. If man is
the cause/source of the problems or if man is the carrier of problems, then the cause/source and
carrier of solutions would also have to be man.

The conduct of units in the material order is based on their constitution, the conduct of units in the
pranic order is based on their seed, the conduct of units in the animal order is
based on their breed. The conduct of human beings is based on their education-sanskar.

More specifically, human beings' conduct (recognizing & fulfilling) depends on their assuming
(assumptions about reality). If the assumption is wrong then conduct will be wrong and indefinite.
If assumption is right then conduct will be right and definite. Assumptions can be based on
knowing (reality as it is) or not based on knowing (an assumption about reality which is not
necessarily so). If the assumption is based on knowing (There can be only one right assumption
about the one reality) then the assumption is right otherwise one is not sure.

Due to lack of right understanding, or due to incorrect assumptions, the human order does not
have definite conduct and is not yet able to ensure mutual fulfillment. This can be seen in the
form of problems such as pollution, resource depletion, and extinction of animals, global warming
and threats to human race on earth.
We can ask ourselves “which fear is predominant?” a) fear of Wild Animals, b) fear of
Natural Calamities and c) fear of the Inhuman Conduct of Human Beings.

This fear of the other human being is on account of his indefinite (inhuman) conduct. It can not
only be recognized as global terrorism or fear in society, but also in everyday interaction with
even the closest relatives “we don't know how our own child will react or our own father will

Attempts so far to free ourselves of these problems, have been predominantly on physical
facilities and have not placed right human understanding and responsibility of human beings at
the center. The result is that we have not been able to live in harmony (within oneself and with
entire existence) and form a human tradition on the basis of these attempts.

The Vision for Universal Human Order

This is a proposition about the innate harmony in existence. It can be evaluated and understood
within the self. At the root is a holistic, and all encompassing detailed view of reality at every level
of existence, from Individual to Family, Society and Nature/Existence that the existence is innately
co-existence (harmony, order) and not a chaos or disorder; and Man just needs to understand
this co-existence and align with the innate order in the existence.

On the basis of attempts made by a few of us since 1995 in the form of work, behavior and
participation in our society, we have now begun to feel that it is necessary and possible to have a
harmonious inter-relationships in the four dimensions (thought, behavior, work and realization),
four levels (self, family, society and nature) and 10 steps (family to world family); that such a
possibility comes naturally since harmony (self-organization) is inherently there in existence, one
does not have to create it. Existence is in harmony (self-organization) itself, is organized in itself.
The harmony (self-organization) is the form of co- existence, and every human being can
understand this harmony, and after having understood it so, can live in harmony within himself
and in harmony with the larger organization around him.

Living on the basis of this harmony (co-existence) results into:

At the level of individual: Right understanding (resolution) is ensured in every human being.
This resolution inherently manifests in human talent as- knowledge (of self, existence and
human conduct), wisdom (identification of human goals) and science (process of
achieving human goal) and in human expression as- behavior, work and participation in the larger
order. The possibility of an undivided society, holistic natural order and human tradition becomes
clear as one lives according to the right understanding.

At the level of family: Resolution in each member of the family, mutually fulfilling relationships
and prosperity in family are ensured. It becomes possible to identify the physical needs of the
family on the basis of the right understanding and members of the family are able to produce (in a
recyclable manner) more than the family's requirements for physical facilities and experience the
feeling of prosperity. There is enough scope in nature for this kind of effort, and enough capacity
and scope in the human being for putting in these efforts. A prosperous family is able to fulfill the
its physical needs of an and also help out other families, hence, one establishes a relationship of
mutual fulfillment, instead of exploitation of other families in this manner.

At the level of society: Self-organization in society, emerging out of such families, has five
dimensions- education-right values (sanskar); health-restraint; production-work; exchange-
storage; justice-security. Such self- organization ensures the fulfillment of human goals of
samadhan (complete resolution), prosperity, fearlessness and co- existence. The
possibility of realization of this holistic, all encompassing self- organization from an
individual to family to world family seems very natural.

At the level of nature: The human being, living with complete resolution, relationships and
prosperity lives in a mutually fulfilling manner with the remaining three orders (Material order =
Soil, water, air, etc; Plant Order = plants and shrubs, etc; Animal order = birds and animals) thus
ensuring his prosperity and the enrichment, protection and right utilization of the remaining three

\Man living in complete resolution, prosperity, fearlessness and co-existence at all these four
levels, is able to be satisfied in all his four dimensions- satisfaction in thought by way of complete
resolution, satisfaction in behavior by way of mutually fulfilling relationships, prosperity in work by
way of enrichment and protection of the remaining natural order, and bliss (continuity of
happiness) by way of realization (knowing) the reality, the existence as co- existence. It thus
becomes possible that this satisfaction is being expressed and established in individual, family
and all ten steps (family, .. village,… nation, world family) of human order. On the basis of the
success that we have been able to get in the past ten years through this understanding, behavior
and work; and the enthusiasm that stems from it, we thought it appropriate to share and start a
dialogue with you on the necessity, possibility and naturality of this human order.

Programs Emerging out of the Vision for Universal Human Order

The programs emerging out of the above vision are listed below:
I. People's Education Program (Lok Shiksha Yojna)
II. Education-Sanskar Program (Shiksha Sanskar Yojna), and
III. Undivided Family and Universal Human Order Program (Akhand Parivar aur
Sarvbhaum Vyavastha Yojna)

The People's Education Program is meant for the people who could not avail the program for
right understanding in childhood. This is carried out through workshops, seminars, discussions,
etc. Presently, such workshops are being organized for all sections of the society, including
educationists, software professionals, village people, prisoners, lawyers, people from
government, businessmen, social workers, etc. In the workshop, the content of right
understanding is presented to the participants through simple propositions, and they are
facilitated to verify the propositions at the level of their natural acceptance, without drawing any
inference from any external source, be it a text or notion or saying or a person. In this process,
the individual becomes aware of the needs of the body and the self, the feelings innate to every
relationship, and the mutual fulfillment that he desires with every unit of nature.

This process prepares the base, in the form of teachers and responsible people who would be
competent to facilitate the program for human education-sanskar.

The Education-Sanskar Program is meant for the children so that by a certain age, they are
able to ensure the right understanding and right living.

Education is essentially to develop the understanding of the harmony or order or vyavastha at all
levels of our living – from self to the entire existence. Sanskar includes the commitment,
preparation and practice of right living. The preparation includes learning the skills and technology
for right living. This leads to living in harmony at all levels from self to the entire existence.

If a child does not go through education-sanskar, he/she is driven to live with animal
consciousness under one's own pre-conditionings or sensation-led living practices.

On the other hand, if a child goes through education-sanskar, he would be able to:
a) With human beings: live with justice* . This will ensure a peaceful society free of
struggle, envy, wars, destruction
b) With the rest of nature: live with mutual enrichment. This will enable the fulfillment of all
human beings' material needs and ensure enrichment of the rest of nature. It will stop
pollution, resource depletion, deforestation, extinction of animals and birds, man
induced havoc in nature, global warming, etc.

Education-sanskar is the collective responsibility of parents, teachers and the responsible people
of society at large. Once established in the society, it will start from the family through parents.
Through interactions with parents, the child will get sensitized to the human feelings, conduct and
skills, and this process will get substantiated and accomplished through the regular program
provided institutionally.

With program for people's education and education-sanskar in place, Program for Undivided
Family and Universal Human Order can be envisaged. The children along with responsible
adults prepared through the above two programs can own responsibilities for the program for
integrated and synergetic societal order targeted at harmony from family to world family. As the
harmony in the society starts from harmony in the family, the family is the basic building block of a
society extended to the world family. It is by ensuring happiness and prosperity in the family that
fearlessness in the society and co-existence in the nature are ensured.

There are five dimensions of a synergetic society: education-sanskar, health-sanyam, production-

work, justice-protection and exchange-storage. Programs enabling harmonious functioning in all
the dimensions are required for sustainable development of a society. Working in this direction,
the society will function harmoniously and get organized in the ten steps of family- family cluster-
village-village cluster …-world family.

In the past fifteen years, a number of people have come across the above mentioned programs
across different parts of the country, and slowly programs are getting matured in diverse
dimensions. People have come to understand the importance of natural farming, nature cure of
diseases, social systems promoting mutually fulfilling exchange of goods produced and
preservation of nature. With the help of social groups, holistic technologies and production
systems are being promoted in villages and cities. Some establishments have also come up
which are working at the foundational level to help emerge a new society based on trust and
mutual fulfillment.

Steps of Transition for the Present Educational Institutions to Ensure Universal

Human Education

Universal Human Education comprising of people's education and education-sanskar

forms the basis of the process to ensure Universal Human Order.

An appraisal of the present education system reveals that the courses are focused at learning of
technologies, production systems and management techniques targeted at generation and
accumulation of more and more physical facilities, not giving due importance to the happiness of
the individual and the harmony in family, society and nature.

The responsibility for ensuring human education-sanskar is that of the parents, the teachers as
well as society. During the period of transition from the present state to the desired state, the most
significant responsibility is that of the teachers. Therefore, the education-training of teachers is of
primary importance, so that they understand the co-existence, the universal human order and live
accordingly. For this, people’s education is required (essentially, people’s education is for the
grown-ups for understanding co-existence, living in co-existence). Through people’s education, in
addition to teachers being prepared, parents and responsible people of society who understand
universal human order and live accordingly will also be developed.
To initiate a holistic program for education at such a stage, a detailed roadmap needs to be
worked out by each institution and implemented step-wise. A brief layout for the transition, at the
level of educational institution, to reach the coveted goal from where our education system stands
today, can be envisaged in the following 8 steps:
Step 1: Introduce a foundation course on Universal Human Values in parallel with other
courses with a view to initiate the process of self-exploration, leading to right
understanding (gyan). i.e. introduce right understanding and right feeling in the
academic curriculum. Higher level courses may be offered in addition to the
foundation course. Social projects, social internship and conducting the course as
an integrated workshop may take place wherever the teacher is well prepared. This
will ensure better grasping and comprehension by the students
Step 2: Align the academic curriculum (all courses) in the institution with right understanding,
leading to thought about all encompassing resolution (samadhan), so as to establish
Value Based Education at the level of the institution
Step 3: The lifestyle and institute culture reflects Value Based Living. i.e. on the basis of right
understanding and right feeling, behavior, work
Step 4: The institute develops into a live model of living with happiness and prosperity, i.e. on
the basis of right understanding and right feeling, behavior, work and participation in
the institution order. Programs for self-sufficiency of the institution through cyclic &
mutually enriching production activities and take such activities to a scale where all
the faculty, staff and students can be supported internally. This will help transform
the institution into a family participating with self-responsibility for a cohesive
harmonious journey toward excellence for all
Step 5: The institute becomes a nodal center to share and promote value education and
value based living in the local community. Institution works on all 5 dimensions
Step 6: The institute becomes a resource centre for the district level. The Institution works in
collaboration with other institutions for all 5 dimensions
Step 7: The institute becomes a resource centre for the National level
Step 8: The institute becomes a resource centre for Undivided Human Society and Universal
Human Order

During the past eight years, significant efforts have been made in introducing Value
Education into the curriculum of technical education. Starting with IIIT-Hyderabad in 2005, by
2013, Value Education is a core curricular subject in 28 universities in 5 states in India and
Bhutan. The results are quite encouraging and support the validity of the views taken above.

Based on all the progress so far, realization of the holistic possibility seems real we just need to
understand and participate.
1. Every human being aspires for a way of life which ensures continuous happiness and
2. Universal Human Education is the process which enables all human beings to fulfill this
3. In the process of development in the modern world so far, man has not even been able
to rightly recognize this aspiration and efforts are primarily on for unlimited acquisition
of physical facilities. This has led to multiple problems at the level of individual, family,
society and nature.
4. On studying existence and place of man in it, it becomes evident that
nature/existence is in harmony and the problems are not innate to existence or nature –
these are due to absence of understanding of this harmony in man.
5. To ensure right understanding in man and establish a human tradition to live with this
understanding for all, value education input is a proposition, which has to be evaluated
and understood within the self and to be lived as an expression of this understanding,
in terms of behaviour, work and participation in the larger order.
6. The possibility of realisation of this holistic, all encompassing self-organization from
an individual to family to world family seems very natural. The efforts made in the last
fifteen years in this direction instill a confidence that this goal can be realized on earth.
7. The programs emerging out of the vision for universal human order can be
categorized into three – people's education, education-sanskar and undivided family &
universal human order.
8. Education is essentially to develop the understanding of the harmony or vyavastha at
all levels of our living – from self to the entire existence. Sanskar includes the
commitment, preparation and practice of right living. The preparation includes learning
the skills and technology for right living.
9. The present educational institutions can ensure their participation in ensuring
universal human education for all through an eight-step transition.
10. The course on Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics is a foundation
course in the eight-step process of transition. This course will need to be augmented
with higher level courses wherein the holistic alternative can be further researched and
explored in all the dimensions of human living.

*1 To live with left (fulfillment of all four levels and dimensions of human existence) is to live
with human consciousness and to live with right (fulfillment of physical needs by accumulation of
material facilities alone) is to live with animal consciousness. The way to ensure development of
consciousness from animal consciousness to human consciousness is what the course on
Human Values and Professional Ethics is working for.

*2 Justice is the recognition of human-human relationship, and its fulfillment, leading to

mutual happiness.

*3 Human Value is the participation of human being in the harmony at the level of individual,
family, society and nature










1.1. What are Ethics?

1.2. Value Systems
1.3. A Brief History of Ethics
1.4. Ethics Definitions
1.5. Key Concepts
1.6. Ethics Alarms
1.7. Importance of Ethical Conduct in Business
1.8. Professional Ethics
1.9. Ethical Issues Facing Engineers
1.10. Code of Ethics
1.11. SAIMechE‟s Code of Conduct



2.1. Introduction
2.2. Steps in Ethical Decision Making
STEP 1: Define the Ethical Problem
STEP 2: Identify Affected Parties
STEP 3: Explore Optional Solutions
STEP 4: Evaluate Solutions
STEP 5: Select and Justify a Solution







Details Please Complete details

Name of candidate

Name of supervisor

Work Unit

Name of mentor

Date started

Date of completion &


(Direct extract from SAIMechE‟s Standard of Professional Competency (SPC))


Conduct his or her engineering activities ethically.

Assessment Criteria:

The candidate is expected to be sensitive to ethical issues and adopt a systematic

approach to resolving these issues, typified by:

1. Identify the central ethical problem;

2. Identify affected parties and their interests;
3. Search for possible solutions for the dilemma;
4. Evaluate each solution using the interests of those involved, accorded suitable
5. Select and justify solution that best resolves the dilemma.

Range Statement: Ethical behaviour is at least that defined by the Code of Conduct.


The following icons are used throughout the study guide to indicate specific functions:

This icon indicates information of particular importance

This refers to the learning material in this module which is aligned to
the SAIMechE Competency Standard

Practical activities to do, either individual or in syndicate groups
during the training process


Additional resource information for further reading and reference


Self-evaluation for candidates to test understanding of the learning

Quotations which offer interesting points of view and statements of
wisdom and insight


Provided for candidate to document notes during presentation of



This module provides easy to follow steps to help you define, analyse, understand and
solve ethical problems.

This module is designed to equip you with the basic skills required to:

1. Know the definitions and major concepts in ethics

2. Understand the ethical approach to decision making,
3. Follow the assessment criteria steps when making a decision
4. Understand the SAIMechE Code of Conduct
5. Explain the concept of personal ethics and their relationship to business and
engineering ethics
6. Describe the role of a code of conduct in a work environment, when following
ethical principles
7. Uphold the code of conduct within the work team
8. Identify and solve ethical problems in upholding the code of conduct
9. Communicate effectively, when explaining and describing the concept of ethics and
the application of a code of conduct.

This module introduces the engineer to these ethical responsibilities and concerns. While
it may be impossible and impractical to present in this module all the guidelines
pertaining to engineering practice, certain issues of concern will be highlighted and

Candidates will have the opportunity to discuss and debate values and ethical standards,
and thereby understand and be better equipped to address ethical issues.


This programme uses the basic structure of SAIMechE‟s Competency Standard and
specifically the assessment criteria to take you through the process of learning, as an
understanding of the assessment criteria and the range of understanding required is
fundamental to professional competence.


Resources Professional Ethics.

Candidate Guide
This Candidate Guide is both a manual, covering
the theory of ethical problem-solving and
decision-making, and also a workbook containing
exercises for skills application with self-
assessments to chart your understanding of each
Candidate Portfolio of This is a separate document which provides
Evidence Guide guidelines for candidates on how to compile their
portfolio and a template to structure their practical
task evidence into a file for assessment by the
mentor/ assessor
Books and Websites Refer to References at the end of the Candidate

Videos Seconds from Disaster

Folder Enclosures This includes all hand outs, checklists e.g. “The
Engineer‟s Code of Conduct”




 Describe and define what is meant by the word

 Explain the role of general ethical codes in good
business practice
 Be fully conversant with The Code of Conduct


1.1. What are Ethics?

Ethics is relevant to you in your everyday life as at some point in your professional or
personal life you will have to deal with an ethical question or problem, e.g. what is your
level of responsibility towards protecting another person from threat, or whether or not
you should tell the truth in a particular situation?


 Your fair share is whatever you can get away with
 Nobody expects you to be honest when they're not looking
 It's not stealing unless they catch you


Truth, Falsehood, Water, and Fire were traveling together and came
upon four heads of cattle. They decided to split the cattle evenly and
each take an equal share. But Falsehood was greedy and told
Water that Fire was going to burn his land and steal his cattle.

Water believed him and jumped on Fire and put him out. Falsehood
tricked Truth into believing that Water was going to steal their cattle
so they took them to the top of a hill for Water cannot run uphill.
Falsehood laughed that he had tricked everyone and Truth, realizing
Falsehood had lied, began to fight him for the cattle. They called
Wind to determine whom the cattle belonged to, but Wind did not
know. According to this fable, what are Falsehood and Truth still

According to this fable told in Ethiopia and other eastern African

nations, Truth and Falsehood are still in a battle with one another.
Let's hope truth wins.

1.2. Value Systems

Values are the unarticulated beliefs that form the foundation for ethical behavior, i.e.
practices that are viewed by our society as correct behavior. As an Engineer, you should
acknowledge the fundamental importance of the following values both for yourself and
your profession:

1. Quality of life - people being satisfied with their whole life experience;
2. Health, human potential, empowerment, growth and excellence - people being
healthy, aware of the fullness of their potential, recognizing their power to bring that
potential into being, growing into it, living it, and, generally, doing the best they can
with it, individually and collectively;
3. Freedom and responsibility - people being free and responsible in choosing how
they will live their lives;
4. Justice - people living lives whose results are fair and right for everyone;
5. Dignity, integrity, worth and fundamental rights of individuals, organizations,
communities, societies, and other human systems;
6. All-win attitudes and cooperation - people caring about one another and about
working together to achieve results that work for everyone, individually and
7. Authenticity and openness in relationships;
8. Effectiveness, efficiency and alignment - people achieving the maximum of
desired results, at minimum cost, in ways that coordinate their individual energies and
purposes with those of the system-as-a-whole, the subsystems of which they are
parts, and the larger system of which their system is a part;
9. Holistic, systemic view and affected parties orientation - understanding human
behaviour from the perspective of whole system(s) that influence and are influenced
by that behaviour; recognizing the interests that different people have in the system's
results and valuing those interests fairly and justly;
10. Wide participation in system affairs, confrontation of issues leading to effective
problem solving, and democratic decision making.

1.3. A Brief History of Ethics

1.3.1. Natural Behaviour

Even when observing the animal kingdom, there are clear signs of rules of behaviour.
The young monkey does not mess with the “big daddy” and when lions are feeding off a
freshly killed carcass the hyenas keep a good distance. All of this behaviour appears to
be instinctual or intuitive but it serves the very clear purpose of maintaining order within
the animal kingdom.

1.3.2. Human Behaviour

Human ethical behaviour has been observed from the earliest recorded data and
anthropological and archeological studies have indicated that all primitive tribes have
very definite rules of behaviour. Christopher Boehm (1982) has hypothesized that the
incremental development of moral complexity throughout hominid evolution was due to
the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries in moving to open savannah and
developing stone weapons. Human morality, though sophisticated and complex relative
to other animals, is essentially a natural phenomenon that evolved to restrict excessive
individualism and foster human co-operation. Group morality develops from shared
concepts and beliefs and is often codified to regulate behaviour within a culture or

1.3.3. Mythology

Perhaps the existence of mythology arose out of the need to regulate society and this
was much easier to do when the stories were fascinating and the members of the
community could identify with the mythological characters. Out of these myths grew
rules of behaviour and conduct which contributed towards controlled and ordered living.

1.3.4. Codes of Conduct

Moral code examples throughout history are: the „Golden Rule‟, the „Five Precepts‟ and
the „Noble Eightfold Path‟ of Buddhism, the Egyptian code of Ma‟at, and the „Ten
Commandments‟ of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Among the earliest written codes is the „Code of Hamaurabi‟, the sixth King of Babylon
who lived between 1810 BCE and 1750 BCE. This code was of a more secular nature
and was written up on stone pillars for all the subjects of his kingdom to see and live by.
There were very clear, if somewhat brutal, sanctions for anyone who transgressed them
but this led to the orderly functioning of that ancient society.

1.3.5. From Ancient Greece to the Modern Era

Ancient Greece was the birthplace of Western philosophical ethics, moral precepts from
the 7th and 6th centuries BCE. Names like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle have become
household names. Greece had moved from being a warring group of tribes to a
community of people living in city states where individuals spent time thinking about such
things as happiness, the „good life‟ and the value of being organised.

Ethical principles and practices have become the cement that binds a society together in
such a way that individual citizens may pursue their desires and reach for their goals.
Grayling (2005) states that: „manners are central to true morality; they are the lubricant of
social relations, the sweetener of personal interaction, and the softener of conflict.
Without them society itself would be impossible and out of control. The answers to
questions about how a complex, pluralistic community should cope with the stresses of
internal difference and competition have to put civility at their heart, because nothing else
- certainly not the blunt instrument of the law - can do nearly as well‟.

1.3.6. The Need for Ethics and Codes of Conduct

“On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too
good, and not quite all the time”
George Orwell

Therefore, from the early stirrings of functionality in primitive society, through the early
codes of city life and academic philosophizing we arrived at a place where society needs
rules of conduct which, when expressed as simple plain good manners, can provide a
framework for the „good life‟ which is of benefit to both individuals and society.

A 2005 global study of over 1100 managers and executives

identified the top three factors most likely to cause business
people to compromise ethical standards:

 Pressure to meet unrealistic objectives/deadlines

 Desire to further one’s career
 Desire to protect one’s livelihood

John Eckmire in the essay Ethics Dilemma

1.4. Ethics Definitions

It is useful to have a clear understanding of what is meant by the word ethics.

Definition of Ethics:
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines
ethics as:

“Relating to morals, treating of moral

questions; morally correct, honourable”.

This begs the question: “What is the definition of MORALS?”

Definition of Morals:

“Concerned with goodness or badness of character or disposition, or with the distinction

between right and wrong; dealing with regulations of conduct”.

Definition of Ethics from the Dictionary of Psychology:

“A branch of philosophy concerned with that which is deemed acceptable in human

behaviour, with what is good or bad, right or wrong in human conduct in pursuit of goals
and aims.”

Ethics explores the nature of rights, of moral responsibilities, and of how to go about
addressing an ethical problem.

Engineering ethics is the field of applied ethics which examines and sets standards for
engineers' obligations to the public, their clients, employers and the profession and is
appropriate in all aspects of professional practice.

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
Janis Joplin

1.5. Key Concepts

Here are the meanings of some key words and concepts:

Ethics: The process of determining right and wrong conduct. The

discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral
duty and obligations

Ethical Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of conduct


Ethical The process of sorting out the principles that help determine
Reasoning: what is ethical when faced with an ethical dilemma

Ethical System: A specific formula for distinguishing right from wrong

Unethical: An action or conduct which violates the principles of one or

more ethical systems, or which is counter to an accepted
ethical value, such as honesty

Non-ethical Powerful human motivations that are not based on right or

Considerations: wrong, but on considerations of survival and well-being, such
as health, security, love, wealth, or self-esteem

Ethical Dilemma: This is an ethical problem in which the ethical choice involves
ignoring a powerful non-ethical consideration. Do the right
thing, but lose your job, a friend, a lover, or an opportunity for

advancement. A situation or problem facing an individual that
involves complex and often conflicting principles of ethical

1.6 Ethics Alarms

Jack Marshall, director of ProEthics,

runs an ethics blog (
and he says:

“Ethics alarms are the feelings in your gut, the twinges in your conscience, and the sense
of caution in your brain when situations involving choices of right and wrong are
beginning to develop, fast approaching, or unavoidable.” The better your ethics alarm is
working and the sooner your alarm goes off the more likely you are to do the right thing,
or at least use good ethical reasoning to decide what to do.

He goes on to say “creating an ethical culture is the shared obligation of everyone, and
each of us needs to think critically about what is right and wrong, make our opinions
known, and never hesitate to communicate those opinions for fear of being „judgmental‟”.
We should be judgmental – civil, fair, open-minded, and also willing to hold ourselves to
high standards of conduct. Living ethically is not always easy, but it becomes easier with
thought, debate and practice.

1.7. The Importance of Ethical Conduct in Business

The field of business ethics often overlaps and informs ethical decision making for

Conducting business ethically is critical to a company‟s success in the marketplace.

Customers, suppliers and employees will not support a company that is involved in
fraudulent, dishonest or unethical practices. Setting high standards of integrity in
business relations and promoting their adherence by employees will enable the company
to merit the confidence and support of its customers and the public at large.

As an employee or consultant you act as an ambassador and represent the organisation

in your business dealings. The company‟s reputation is in your hands and it therefore
depends on you to do the right thing in the best interests of the organization. High
standards in business conduct will go a long way to meriting the confidence and support
of your clients and employers.

While business practices may change over time, our commitment to the highest
standards of integrity should remain constant and unblemished. Conducting business
ethically is critical to success in the marketplace. It means more than obeying the law; it
means that high standards of integrity must underlie every activity we undertake. It is up
to the engineer to apply these guidelines to the best of their ability in their own individual

Many organizations provide broad principles on expected ethical behaviour in the form of
a Code of Conduct. However, the responsibility to apply the guidelines and use sound
judgment in situations that could compromise integrity is up to the individual. It is the
individual‟s choice not to commit dishonest destructive or illegal acts – even if instructed
by a supervisor, co-worker or others to act improperly. It is no justification to claim that a
higher authority ordered illegal acts.

“It is curious - curious that physical courage should be so
common in the world, and moral courage so rare”
Mark Twain

1.8. Professional Ethics

In life our behavior is governed by different norm systems. The word NORM comes from
Latin “NORMA”= yardstick. Norms dictate what we “ought” or “ought not” to do. The norm
systems governing the behaviour of a professional are:

 Individual morality
Refers to individual values of a specific person and what they believe to be right.
Individual morality is influenced by how a person was raised. It is their personal
value system. The sanction for disobeying one‟s individual morality is a guilty

 Positive morality
This set of norms represents what is considered “right” in society at a particular
time. The sanction for failure to obey positive morality is social sanction.

 Law (Legal Norms)

Laws protect society and prevent anarchy by regulating behavior.
Public Law – also referred to as criminal law: between the state and individual.
Private Law – also referred to as contractual law and focuses on the relationship
between persons.
Formal Law and Common Law find expression in the reported judgments of

 Professional Ethics
Professionals are a group of people who earn a living by undertaking a common
activity and who regulate most of this themselves. Firstly they must form a
constitution, e.g. SAIMechE, and secondly they must publish a professional code

of rules or an ethical code of conduct. This code must be in line with the law and is
often more restrictive than the law.

1.9. Ethical Issues Facing Engineers

Whistle blowing is an ethical issue facing Engineers in that they are obliged to report to
SAIMechE the alleged wrongdoing on behalf of a client or employer who endangers
others by failing to comply with the engineer‟s advice. This duty supersedes the duty to
client and employer, and if the engineer does not bring such failure to the notice of
SAIMechE his/her membership may be cancelled.

There are several other ethical issues that engineers may face. Some have to do with
technical practice, but many others have to do with broader considerations of business
conduct. These include:

 Relationships with clients, consultants, competitors, and contractors

 Ensuring legal compliance by clients, client's contractors, and others
 Conflict of interest
 Bribery and kickbacks, which might include:
o Gifts, meals, services, entertainment and recreation opportunities
o Treatment of confidential or proprietary information
o Consideration of the employer‟s assets
 Outside employment/activities (moonlighting)

“Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think
back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time”
The Dali Lama

1.10. Code of Ethics

The norm system governing and regulating engineering professional behavior is

professional ethics. Certain common principles underlie professional codes and
bodies, e.g. Medical and Dental Council, Police Service Code of Conduct, Estate Agents
Code of Conduct. Codes may not be exhaustive and may not include all the rules and
regulations that apply to every situation. The contents therefore have to be viewed within
the framework of company policies, procedures and the requirements of the law.

In our society ethical concerns have escalated in the past few years and have been
raised at government level. Organisations have hot lines for employees to anonymously
report unethical behaviour. In our field of engineering issues of fairness have been
legislated and we have a Code of Conduct in place. The question of ethical practice,
however, covers broad ground and encompasses everything we do as professionals and
the way we behave towards each other and our clients.

Practising engineers must become aware of their ethical responsibility towards the client
as well as being on the lookout for possible areas where ethical concerns could arise.

Engineers need to understand what values are and examine their own value system
which determines their interactions. What pitfalls regarding business and professional
ethics face Engineers and what standards of integrity do they need to be aware of and
adhere to, i.e. what ideals should they strive towards?

The Boy Scout Law: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and

Most codes have common fundamental principles which boil down to four universal
fundamental principles:

1. Respect for People’s Dignity and Rights

 Respect the client‟s personal integrity (privacy, confidentiality)
 Be non-judgmental of the intrinsic value of the client irrespective of age,
behavior, culture, gender, race or religion
 If you are not competent to undertake a project/ task refer to another engineer
 Respect the knowledge skills and experience of your colleagues and other

2. Responsible Practice
 The critical focus of this principle is to limit your practice to your field of
expertise and competence
 You must have the appropriate knowledge and skill before undertaking an
 Undergo relevant training and adhere to best practice
 Keep abreast of new developments in your field
 Use a new technique under supervision of a competent and experienced

3. Integrity in Relationships
 The power relationship is unbalanced between the client and the engineer as
most power rests with the engineer (having the knowledge and skill) which
leaves the client vulnerable
 Professional codes expect engineers to act with integrity
 For engineers to be accepted in society and successful in their profession
they need to be trusted. There is a fiduciary relationship whereby one person
(the client), in a position of vulnerability, justifiably reposes confidence, good
faith, reliance and trust in another (the engineer) whose aid, advice or
protection is sought in some matter. In such a relationship good conscience
requires one to act at all times for the sole benefit and interests of another,
with loyalty to those interests (source Wikipedia)

4. Responsibility
 Clients are clearly the engineer‟s first responsibility but engineers also have a
responsibility to society
 Examples of responsible social actions are to:
o disperse information that can advance the profession
o protect the public trust in the engineering profession by “blowing the
whistle” on non-professional conduct
o assisting in some instances where worthy causes cannot afford
professional services
o protect society from dangerous practices


1. What makes an ethical person? Identify persons who have famously held fast
to their principles despite opposition and even when doing so placed them in
2. Can you think of an unethical role model for the youth of today?
3. Discuss one of the following topics:
a. Honesty is the best policy.
b. The truth will set you free.
c. Honesty is something so tough and tempting. It demands self-denial and
spiritual purity. Honesty counts even things that we may think simple and
immaterial. Who doesn‟t sometimes behave dishonestly?
d. You are allowed to tell a white lie once in a while to spare someone's
feelings; that‟s not wrong!
e. Is giving a bribe dishonest if I have to accomplish something?
f. To be honest with yourself, will make your life simple. Honesty is the best
policy. Be honest and you are less likely to face any difficulties.
g. What are some advantages of conducting business with integrity? Some
people say they have no responsibility beyond maximizing the value of the
firm in financial terms. Can this position be defended? If so, how?
h. I try to be honest and treat others as I would like to be treated. I hope that
others do the same. I believe it is very important to have empathy for one
i. If I am hungry and my family is starving, is it acceptable to steal food from
the local supermarket?
j. Workers sometimes take sick leave or students miss class and stay off
work when they are not sick. Is this acceptable?

4. Discuss one of the following topics:
a. Is corporal punishment unethical or immoral?
b. Is it ethical to tax the citizens of a country excessively?
c. What is the correct thing to do about illegal aliens?
d. Is cloning to produce children ethical?
e. “Euthanasia is an acceptable practice in a civilized society with an ageing


Quick Test

Two ethical questions:

Question 1:

You have been asked to participate as an “Engineer in Training” in the design and
construction of a nuclear power plant. You will be working in a team of 10 design
engineers. Some of the engineers are experienced and capable nuclear plant designers.

a) Is the use and development of nuclear power plant ethical?

b) Can you participate in the design of such a plant without any previous experience?

Question 2:

You work for a Government department as a Procurement Engineer. Your wife works for
one of the companies that supplies some of the pump spares that you use. One day you
decide to stop buying spares from this company because they have become too

expensive and the company has said they cannot drop their prices. You inform the
supplier of your decision on Wednesday.

On Friday your wife comes home with two tickets to the rugby final on Saturday and you
go to the game and thoroughly enjoy it. Two weeks later your wife comes home and
informs you that she has been given a voucher for a weekend away at an exclusive
game lodge. Her boss told her she and her husband deserve a luxurious break.

Should you have gone to the rugby?

1.11 SAIMechE’s Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct provides information about the standards of integrity that the
Council expects all members to follow. These rules of conduct serve as a guideline for
practice that must be adhered to at all times. This is to ensure that engineers conduct
themselves in a manner that is professionally and ethically acceptable, and do not bring
the profession into disrepute.

Know about applicable regulations & guidelines and think

about them when conducting your work.

The limitations of professional codes are that they have

restricted powers as they are voluntary and only apply to

The SAIMechE‟s Code of Conduct is not a substitute for the responsibility of each
engineer to exercise sound judgment. It is meant to serve both as a guide to assist each
engineer to resolve ethical dilemmas in an increasingly complex global business
environment, and a public statement of the Council‟s commitment to the highest
standards of integrity. It provides a universal set of principles to guide individual
engineers on ethical matters.

Having a guideline to follow is helpful to assist engineers in practicing principled business

dealings in an increasingly complex global business environment. The Code of Conduct
cannot address or set “rules” and regulations that apply to every possible situation or
ethical dilemma. It should be viewed within the framework of company policies,
procedures and requirements of the law.

What you are tomorrow depends on what you do today.

Ultimately our conduct is our own responsibility. None of us should ever commit
dishonest, destructive or illegal acts, even if directed to do so by a supervisor or
colleague, nor should we direct others to act improperly. In addition, don‟t deviate from
the code even if doing so appears to be in your employer‟s favour. Your reputation is in
your hands – so do the right thing.

Code of Conduct for Professional Persons

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is threefold:

- to increase professional and ethical consciousness among engineers and

their sense of ethical responsibility;
- to guide engineers in making more informed ethical choices; and
- to help the Engineering profession itself function at the fullness of its

As professionals, engineers commit themselves to supporting and acting in accordance

with ethical guidelines covering the following six main areas:
 Competency
 Integrity
 Public Interest
 Environment
 Dignity of the Profession
 Administrative

We will look at these six aspects in greater depth over the next few pages.

Registered Persons:

MUST ... discharge their duties to their employers, clients, associates and the
 public effectively with skill, efficiency, professionalism, knowledge,
competence, due care and diligence

MAY NOT … undertake or offer to undertake work of a nature for which their
education, training and experience have not rendered them
× competent to perform

MUST … when carrying out work, engage in and adhere to acceptable

 practices

Registered Persons:

MUST … discharge their duties to their employers, clients, associates and the
 public with integrity, fidelity and honesty

MUST undertake work under conditions or terms that would compromise

NOT… their ability to carry out their responsibilities in accordance with
acceptable professional standards
MUST engage in any act of dishonesty, corruption or bribery

MUST … disclose to their employers and clients, or prospective employers or
 clients, in writing:
(i) any interest, whether financial or otherwise, which they may have in any
business undertaking, or with any person, and which is related to the work for which
they may be or have been employed
(ii) particulars of any royalty or other benefit which accrues or may accrue to them
as a result of the work with the client or employer concerned
(iii) the status pertaining to professional indemnity insurance cover

MAY either directly or indirectly, receive any gratuity, or commission or
NOT… other financial benefit on any article or process used in or for the
purpose of the work in respect of which they are employed, unless
× such gratuity, commission or other financial benefit has been
authorised in writing by the employer or client concerned

MUST… avoid any perceived, real or potential conflict of interest

MAY knowingly misrepresent, or permit misrepresentation of their own
NOT… academic or professional qualifications or competency or those of any
other person involved with work, nor knowingly exaggerate their own
× degree of responsibility for any work or that of any person

MUST… give engineering decisions, recommendations or opinions that are

 honest, objective and based on facts that are used in reaching
recommendations or opinions given to clients or employers

MAY personally nor through any other person, improperly seek to obtain
NEITHER… work, or by way of commission or otherwise, make or offer to make
payment to a client or prospective client for obtaining such work
MAY unless required by law or by these Rules, divulge any information of a
NOT… confidential nature which they obtained in the exercise of their duties

MUST … notify Council immediately if they become aware of a violation of
 these Rules by any other Registered Person

MUST … notify council immediately they become insolvent

MUST … without delay notify Council if they become aware of any Registered
 Person who is subject to one or more of the following:
(i) removal from an office of trust on account of improper conduct
(ii) being convicted of an offence and sentenced to imprisonment without an option
of a fine, or, in the case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or both

Registered Persons:

MUST … at all times have due regard and priority to public health, safety and
 interest

MUST … when providing professional advice to a client or employer, and if such

 advice is not accepted, inform such client or employer of any
consequences which may be detrimental to the public health, safety or
interests and at the same time inform the Council of their action

MUST … without delay notify Council if they become aware of any person who
 has been declared medically unfit by a registered medical practitioner
to practise as a Registered Person

Act morally and ethically at all times.

Registered Persons:

MUST … at all times have due regard for, and in their work avoid, adverse
 impact on the environment

MUST … adhere to generally accepted principles of sustainable development

Registered Persons:

MUST … order their conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and

 reputation of the profession

MAY NOT… whether practising their profession or otherwise, knowingly injure the
professional reputation or business of any other Registered Person
MUST… provide work or services of quality and scope, and to a level, which
 is commensurate with accepted standards and practices in the

MAY NOT… knowingly attempt to supplant a Registered Person in a particular

engagement after the client has employed such Registered Person
MAY NOT… advertise their professional services in a self-laudatory manner that
is derogatory to the dignity of the profession
MAY NOT… review for a particular client work of another Registered Person,
× (i) with the prior knowledge of the other Registered Person, who must be
afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit comments to the client on
the findings of the review
(ii) after receipt of a notification in writing from the client that the
engagement of the other Registered Person has been terminated
(iii) where the review is intended for purposes of a court of law or other legal
proceedings, including proceedings arising from these Rules

Registered Persons:

MAY without satisfactory reasons destroy or dispose of, or knowingly allow any
NOT… other person to destroy or dispose of, any information within a period of 10
years after completion of the work concerned
MAY place contracts or orders, or be the medium of payments, on their
NOT… employer‟s or client‟s behalf without the written authority of the employers
or clients
MAY issue any information in respect of work prepared by them or by any other
NOT… person under their direction or control, unless

× (i)
such information bears the name of the organisation concerned
information so issued is dated and signed by the Registered Person
concerned or another appropriately qualified and authorised person

MUST … order their conduct in connection with work outside the borders of the
 Republic of South Africa in accordance with these rules in so far as they
are not inconsistent with the law of the country concerned: provided that
where there are recognised standards of professional conduct in a country
outside the Republic, they must adhere to those standards in as far as
they are not inconsistent with these rules

MUST … always ensure adequate supervision of, and take responsibility for, work
 carried out by their subordinates

MUST … ensure that, while engaged as partners, directors, members or employees

 of a business undertaking which performs work, the control over the work
is exercised, and the responsibility in respect thereof is carried out by a
Registered Person other than a person registered as a candidate in terms
of section 18(1)(b) of the Act

MUST … when requested by the Council to do so, in writing provide the Council with
 all the information available to them which may enable the Council to
determine which registered person was responsible for any act which the
Council may consider prima facie to be improper conduct

MUST … notify Council without delay of any change of his or her physical address

MUST … within 30 days respond to correspondence received from clients,
 colleagues and Council in so far as it relates to work or proceedings in
terms of these Rules


Consider the following and then consult and share your answers.

Consider an unethical practice that you can remember in the work situation. See if you
can identify which category of ethical behaviour in the Code of Conduct the situation
belongs to, e.g. gifts and favours, physical threat.
Describe the situation briefly and what the consequences were for the persons involved
and for the organisation. What would be the best way to behave in a similar situation?















Complete the Initial Test in Appendix 1 (10 minutes are allocated for this).




 Understand the practical problem solving steps to be

taken when making ethical evaluations
 Be competent in relating ethical dilemmas to the
various aspects of the Code of Conduct
 Be fully aware of the relationship between the practical
problem-solving process and the assessment criteria


2.1. Introduction

There are always ethical problems and situations that occur in everyday life and
especially in daily working activities. We are confronted with ethical issues at every turn:
we open a newspaper or turn on the TV to the latest political scandal; on the sports field
national heroes are disgraced for match fixing; the morality of medical technology such
as cloning, or agricultural breakthroughs or practices that impact positively on the quality
of food and affect seed integrity are questionable, and at work we face memos containing
questionable organizational decisions.

There are many complex issues facing business today which create ethical dilemmas
that are difficult to resolve. In the engineering field, for example, new technology has
created new problems or dilemmas for which there are no easy solutions, e.g.
downsizing of staff, pollution control, disposal of toxic waste, depletion and allocation of
scarce resources, cost containment, changes in law and technology, employee rights,
discrimination against women and minorities, and product safety. Other ethical issues are
intellectual property, expert witnessing, public communication and conflicts of interest.

Although you may have built in a proactive approach to problem solving by anticipating
possible problems and having relevant solutions and alternatives available, there are
times when an unanticipated problem requires solving.

Ethical dilemmas can cause you to lose sleep as you worry about the correct course of
action. These ethical dilemmas can be complex without an easy answer, and dealing
with these ethical issues is often perplexing. It means weighing your ethical code of
conduct against the consequences for the people involved.

How, exactly, should we think through an ethical issue? What questions should we ask?

What factors should we consider?

This section provides a framework for ethical decision making following the requirements
of the assessment criteria included in the Competency Standard. This framework will
assist you to apply the code of ethics in a business setting and offer a mechanism for
discussion and problem-solving to lead you through the resolution of complex issues.

There are three ways you can get to the top of a tree:
1) sit on an acorn, 2) make friends with a bird, 3) climb it.

2.2. Steps in Ethical Decision Making

How does a person go about solving problems by making the right decision/choices?
This answer lies in the problem-solving/ decision making techniques.

There are five simple, infallible steps for resolving problems: (Notice that they are the 5
aspects of the assessment criteria)

1. Identify the central ethical problem

2. Identify affected parties and their interests
3. Search for possible solutions for the dilemma
4. Evaluate each solution using the interests of those involved, accorded suitable
5. Select and justify the solution that best resolves the dilemma

This seems almost too simple, but it‟s a matter of how the above method is applied. In
reality what tends to happen is that people rush into deciding on solutions too quickly.
They assume they know what the problem is and its cause.

If the real problem is not accurately and clearly identified you run the risk of going off on
a tangent and finding a solution for the wrong problem.

The following are the five steps that provide a systematic method of solving ethical
problems and making decisions:

1. Define the 2. Identify

Problem Affected

5. Select and

3. Explore
4. Evaluate

To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself:

First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third,
who could I ask?
Jim Rohn

STEP 1: Identify the ethical problem

What is the problem?

In Step 1 you have to determine precisely what must be decided, i.e. determine whether
there is an ethical issue and/or dilemma. Is there a conflict of values, or rights, or
professional responsibilities? Which clause of the Code of Conduct is affected by
this dilemma? If no connection can be made, there is no ethical problem.

It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see
the problem.
G. K. Chesterton

The first step in analyzing ethical issues involves recognizing that there is a problem that
requires resolution and a thorough understanding of the problem. The problem may
seem obvious but it is advisable nonetheless to still undertake research, investigation,
and study until it the whole problem is understood. Do not make the mistake of rushing
off to solve a problem, which may not address what is really wrong underneath.

Collect all the appropriate information, e.g. looking up records, asking for opinions, etc.
Correct information concerning the problem must be collected. Real facts and causes
must be investigated and assumptions, deductions and unsubstantiated claims must be
avoided. Some ethical issues create controversies simply because we do not bother to
check the facts.

The real problem may not be what you initially think the problem is. The presenting
symptom may only be the tip of the iceberg and the real problem underneath may be a
lot bigger than it appears on the surface. For example, falling production levels is a
serious issue but is a side effect of the underlying trouble.

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

John Dewey

Clearly describe the problem. Before you can start to solve a problem you have to have a
clear understanding of what is wrong. This description must be concise, objective,
nonjudgmental, and should focus on the process, not speculate about the cause of the
problem as this might lead you to jump to the wrong conclusion.

Apparent symptoms are clues that must be sifted through to find the real problem. It is
not always easy to pinpoint the real problem. Although this step may be time-consuming
it is necessary as you will waste more time pursuing a red herring. It is important to
clearly define the problem requiring a solution.

A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.

Francis Bacon

Know Your Motives (Why? Why? Why?)

Asking ourselves 'why?' helps us delve deeply into our main motives -- why we do what
we do. This process helps us go deeper into our reasoning, habits and unconscious
beliefs. Once we become aware of our underlying motives, we can choose to change
them, if we wish.

Regularly ask yourself, "Why am I ...?" Listen closely for the answer that surfaces in your
mind, and write it down. Now look at your answer and ask „why‟ again. Continue with this
process to reach the true source of your motivation.

Identify the actual root cause of the problem. Find out what the missing link or
explanation is for why the problem exists. This is a fact-finding mission to assemble
enough facts about the problem to understand it properly. Use the tools provided in the
previous outcome on problem solving to help you to sort out the issues and get to the
specifics of the problem.

From what source does the problem originate? You are looking to the heart of the matter
to establish the underlying basic core of the problem. The root cause is a controllable
force that can be dealt with.

Assemble the facts pertaining to the problem. Collect all the appropriate information, e.g.
look up records, and ask for details. Assess and use the collected information to tease
out the problem.

When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking

at the leaves.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

The root cause is the pivotal cause that made the problem happen in the first place. You
have to dig down past partial explanations to the very foundation and only then can a
long-term workable solution be found, otherwise time and energy will be spent fixing
symptoms instead of the real problem. It is vital to trace back the contributing factors to
the ultimate source.

STEP 2: Identify affected parties

Who is affected?

Who will be affected by any decisions made and the execution of the solution?

If you have any doubts or questions as to what the proper course of conduct should be in
any given situation, consult with relevant stakeholders, the interested and affected

Certain key role players form part of the process of finding the best solution to an ethical
problem. Seeking co-operation and involvement of all the stakeholders will improve the
transparency and legitimacy of the engineering operation. The participation of all those
affected by the ethical problem is important and needs to be clarified.

The resolution of conflict cannot rest in the hands of one or two individuals. Decisions
can affect a wide range of people. Ideally, decisions should not be taken by one person.
To improve the quality of decisions, problems should be solved by means of group
discussion and participation. All stakeholders in a situation must be involved - for legal as
well as ethical reasons.

These principles must be applied in business, with decisions based on the expressed
viewpoints of all stakeholders in a given situation - even indirect stakeholders. Potential
clients should also be recognized as stakeholders because their choice to do business
with a firm may be based on the firm's reputation for ethical behavior (Sonnesyn 1990).

Decide who will be affected by the decisions made. It is a good idea to involve them from
the beginning to get their input. This could be anyone who is affected by the problem,
with a stake in the outcome of the problem or anyone having decision-making power.
Confer with all the necessary persons (i.e. clients and colleagues, as appropriate)
regarding the ethical dimensions and the potential risks and consequences of alternative
courses of action.

It is important to communicate and consult with those affected in order to gain their
support. Having a wider stakeholder input will also help towards a better buy-in when it
comes to implementation. Decide who the stakeholders are, who can best represent
them, what their primary motivation is and how you should involve them.

A good place to start with problem recognition is an opening discussion to get all
necessary stakeholder viewpoints on the table. This offers viewpoints on the problem
from all different angles. Perceived symptoms can be categorized as either hard or soft.
Hard data is hard scientific, factual information. Soft data involves human factors such as
feelings, opinions, attitudes, personality conflicts, frustrations, and hearsay. It is important
to study both hard and soft data to fully understand the problem. When the symptoms are
discussed, the nature of the problem may shift from what it originally seemed.

STEP 3: Explore optional solutions

What is the solution to this problem?

This step involves formulating and devising a full range of alternatives. This is a vital step
towards establishing agreement for the final decision. From the information gathered,
alternative actions are formulated. One must look for a number of alternative solutions.
The first solution is not necessarily the best one and a few alternatives should be

Problem solving involves developing a choice of strategies. It is unusual for only one
solution to immediately present itself as the obvious and ideal answer. Sometimes it is
the least undesirable solution that ends up being chosen as the best solution. Potential
strategies are explored that will address and permanently eliminate the root cause. In this
step a complete list of possible solutions is generated.

A comprehensive list is necessary as this stops you from being impulsive and following
the first reasonable-sounding idea which may end up being incomplete or unbalanced. It
also prevents likely courses of action being overlooked.

Produce an exhaustive list by tapping into the creativity to come up with every possible,
conceivable solution that could be thought of. Often people will have their own idea of the
best solution so it is important to hear everyone‟s input and get all the solutions

A range of alternatives are first generated, and then in the next step, evaluated in terms
of cost, time, and complexity of each corrective action being considered. Each alternative
is weighed according to its advantages and disadvantages. The alternative with the most
advantages and the least disadvantages is then selected.

STEP 4: Evaluate solutions

What options do we have? Evaluate and prioritise each solution in accordance

with the general interests of those involved.

In this step, each idea is evaluated and compared. Each alternative is weighed according
to its advantages and disadvantages and the alternative with the most advantages and
the least disadvantages is then selected.

"No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking."

Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet), French author,

wit and philosopher (1694-1778)

Tips for Evaluating Solutions

Identify the key values and principles involved. What meanings and limitations are
typically attached to these competing values? (For example, rarely is confidential
information held in absolute secrecy; however, typically decisions about access by third
parties to sensitive content should be contracted with clients.)

“Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own

Stanley Arnold

The ethical values and principles which in your professional judgment are most relevant
to the issue or dilemma, should be ranked. Why would you prioritize one competing
value/principle over another? (For example, your client's right to choose a beneficial
course of action could bring hardship or harm to others who would be affected.)

"As long as one keeps searching, the answers come."
Joan Baez

 Eradicate unacceptable alternatives, i.e. those that are impractical, illegal or

 Finally, if possible, settle on at least three ethically justifiable options.
 Analyse these options in turn and establish which ethical principles and values are

Questions to ask:

“What would solve the problem?”

“What strategy could resolve the root cause?”
“What solutions have already been thought of?”
“What approaches haven’t been thought of?”
“How could we stop this situation from recurring?”
“What different methods might work?”
“What crazy ideas might help?”

Take account of your own motives and try to detach them from your decision. Try to
detach your emotions or feelings from the equation and focus on the consequences to
the affected parties.

Examine your personal ethical code of conduct. Pondering ethical issues requires a
strong sense of right and wrong. Sometimes it helps in solving a dilemma to ask your
conscience what the right thing to do is.

Consider the consequences - what will happen if you come down on one side of the
moral dilemma versus the other. Think of the effect on those involved. Will anyone be
hurt or suffer unjustly? Take secondary parties into account as well; for example,
children. Listen to your instincts. What is your gut reaction in terms of the right thing to
do? Often the nagging gut feel is sending you an important message.

Should any of the options require the sacrifice of any ethical principle, evaluate the facts
and assumptions carefully. Separate solid facts from beliefs, desires, theories,
suppositions, unsupported conclusions, opinions, and rationalizations. Bear in mind the
credibility of sources, especially when they are self-interested, ideological or biased.
Carefully consider the benefits, burdens and risks to each role-player.

What would the most ethical person you know do?

Think of the person you know or know of (in real life or fiction)
who has the strongest character and best ethical judgment.
Then ask yourself: what would that person do in your

Come to a conclusion about what is not true and what consequences are most likely to
occur. Evaluate the viable alternatives according to personal conscience. Prioritize the
values so that you can choose which values to advance and which to subordinate.
Determine who will be helped the most and harmed the least. Consider the worst-case
scenario. Can ethically questionable conduct be avoided by changing goals or methods,
or by getting consent?

Once the facts have been ascertained, we should ask ourselves the following questions
when trying to resolve a moral issue:

 Are you treating others as you would want to be treated?

 Would you be comfortable if your reasoning and decision were to be publicized?
 Would you be comfortable if your children were observing you?
 What benefits and what harms will each course of action produce, and which
alternative will lead to the best overall consequences?
 What moral rights do the affected parties have, and which course of action best
respects those rights?
 Which course of action treats everyone the same, except where there is a morally
justifiable reason not to, and does not show favoritism or discrimination?
 Which course of action advances the common good?
 Which course of action develops moral virtues?


Here’s a simplified version called the Integrity Check,

borrowing a bit from the Rotary Club’s 4-way test, Stephen
Covey’s 7-habits, and Police Dynamics training

1) Is it true?
2) Is it just?
3) Does it build trust into the relationship?
4) Is it a win-win?
Sheriff Ray Nash

STEP 5: Select and justify a solution

Which is the best solution for all concerned?

In this step a workable solution is decided upon.

Decision-making is deciding on the most suitable way to solve or handle a specific

problem or situation after considering the different alternatives. During this step the
choice is made. The best alternative must be selected.

All the previous steps were in preparation for this step to ensure that decision-making
works properly. One of the alternative solutions generated before is chosen as the
course of action forward. One strategy has to be decided on from all the options and it
has to be one that everyone will be behind and accept.

The final decision has to be rational and objective. Basing the decision on the work done
at the previous steps helps avoid unilateral decisions taken using political power,
personal preference or poor leadership.

There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to

see, yet small enough to solve.

Mike Leavitt

Develop an action plan that is consistent with the ethical priorities that have been
determined as central to the dilemma. Can you support or justify your action plan with the
values/principles on which the plan is based?

Three "ethics checks" to help individuals decide what is right:

1. Is it legal?
Will I be violating either civil law or company policy?

2. Is it balanced?
Is it fair to all concerned in the short term as well as the long
Does it promote win-win relationships?

3. How will it make me feel about myself?

Will it make me proud?
Would I feel good if my decision was published in the
Would I feel good if my family knew about it?

Blanchard and Peale (1988)

This step is about evaluation. This involves comparative evaluation where poorest
options are taken out of the equation and the options that remain are weighed against
each other; the alternatives are ranked, scored and prioritised until a final choice is
made. The objective is to find the best solution using a rational, practical method.

Decision-making implies using judgment, i.e. the application of knowledge, experience

and common sense to analyse a matter logically or sum up a situation correctly in order
to reach an acceptable conclusion between the more and less important aspects of a
matter, followed by level-headed action. In short, one‟s sense of judgment allows one to
make correct and intelligent decisions. It enables one to choose between two
alternatives, in a scientific manner.

Answer yes or no to the following questions:
(taken from Team Problem Solving, p111)


Quiz Question…..  x
1. Does it solve the problem and the root cause?
2. Will it realistically accomplish the objectives?
3. Does it satisfy all established criteria?
4. Does it satisfy all people involved and affected?
5. Can workable action plans be developed to implement it?
6. Is there time to implement it?
7. Do the personnel and resources exist to make it work?
8. Will its implementation end the recurrence of the problem?
9. Have all its risks, disadvantages and possible consequences
been considered?
10. Is it the best choice in terms of:
a) Benefits
b) Costs
c) Risks
d) Commitment
e) Workability?

The tricky part about this step is to achieve consensus decision so that there is
ownership and buy-in for the implementation. This is not always easy as people possess
different viewpoints, however, the advantage of this step-by-step problem
solving/decision making procedure is that everyone has a chance to be heard and all
angles are taken into account.

No-one must feel left out and they should be encouraged to make an objective stand and
lend support to the decision that the group feels is the best one overall. Develop a plan of
how to implement the decision that maximizes the benefits and minimises the costs and
risks and then implement the plan.

Exercise 4

Case Problems
Here are three practical Engineering examples of “ethical dilemmas”

1. An Engineer is required to design a “Pressure Vessel” using a specific “Design

Code” that requires a material thickness of 20mm. The designer is asked to
reduce the thickness of the material in order to reduce costs for the customer who
is planning to buy a large number of these vessels. What does he do?

2. An Engineer is responsible for the disposal of “Hazardous Chemical Waste” and

due to the high costs involved is asked by the CEO to arrange to have the
materials dumped in the river that runs past the outer perimeter of the factory.
Does he comply?

3. During the design of a pumping station a particular type of pump is specified for
the task. There are 3 possible suppliers with some minor technical differences that
would not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the design, but the one
supplier is a little more expensive than the other two. This supplier offers the
Engineer a free 10 day holiday in Mauritius if he buys the pumps from them. What
does the Engineer do?

Consider the situation presented in the case study and write your thoughts on what you
would do to resolve the issue:

Exercise 5

Workplace project for presentation at the next workshop

How do you apply ethics in your work situation?

Select a workplace project which involves ethical issues and use that as the basis to
write a report and prepare a 10 minute presentation which involves suitable media. This
report and presentation will be evaluated at the next workshop to assess your
understanding of the requirements of Outcome 8 - “Conducts his or her engineering
activities ethically”

How do you apply ethics in your work?


Complete the Assessment Test in Appendix 1 (30 minutes are allocated for this).


Report and 10 minute presentation evaluation.


Discuss Case Studies (Appendix 2) and Programme administration.




1. Competency Standard.

The SAIMechE Competency Standard is the fundamental document underpinning the

journey to Professional Competence. It is the foundation document informing all aspects
of the training programme that relates the requirements of competency to the working
environment of the developing engineer. It is the standard of practice against which all
activities of a competent and professional engineer is measured.

2. Outcomes.

The eleven outcomes are the fundamental building blocks on the path to competency.
Demonstrating an understanding of these outcomes as they relate to the day-to-day
working environment will indicate that a level of competency has been reached, which
will enable the candidate to function at a professional level within the commercial and
business environment.

3. Assessment Criteria.

The assessment criteria are the requirements against which the candidate is evaluated in
order to determine understanding and competency. These are objective criteria which will
ensure capability and transparency, and set a standard that ensures a proficient level of
competency and professionalism as required by industry and in the interests of public
health and safety.

4. Range Statements.

The range statement sets the boundaries of the requirements of each outcome and
determines the limits of competency as required for professional practice. In the case of
Outcome 8, the boundaries set are specifically limited to the contents of the code which
serves as the benchmark for ethical behavior within the profession.





Instructions  In the following test you will be required to answer all questions.
 You are required to obtain 100%.
 If you do not get them all right, revise all the learning material and
redo the test.

Answer true or false to the following questions:

True  False ×
1. A Registered Person can continue to practise if he
becomes insolvent as long as he is medically fit.

2. A Registered Person may not divulge any information

that is considered confidential by his employer unless
this is required by law or the Rules of Conduct.

3. A Registered Engineer has no need at any time to pay

attention to public safety and can ignore public health
and the interests of the public in general.

4. In reaching recommendations or forming opinions,

honest and objective facts must be used by Registered
Engineers as the basis of any engineering decisions
given to clients or employers.

5. If a Registered Engineer becomes medically unfit, and

this is declared so by a registered medical practitioner,
he may continue to practise and any other Registered
Engineer who knows about the situation does not have
to inform anyone.

6. When involved in any project which concerns a number
of interested and affected parties, conflicts of interest
arising from various design concepts and proposals
need not be taken into account.

7. A Registered Engineer needs to be aware of the

importance of his work and proposals and their
influence upon the environment, ensuring that there is
no adverse impact.

8. Registered Persons must disclose to their clients, in

writing, particulars of any royalty or other benefit which
accrues or may accrue to them as a result of the work.

9. The conduct of a Registered Engineer must be ordered

so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of
the profession.

10. When undertaking work, acceptable professional

standards can be compromised if it is in the interest of
the client or employee who is paying the Registered
Person to advance the development of his business.

11. Work or services provided by the Registered Person

need only be of a quality required by the client and the
standards can be adjusted to suit the employers‟

12. Acceptable practices need not be adhered to by a

Registered Person if he stands to benefit financially
from work carried out on any project that requires his
professional skills.

13. A Registered Engineer can advertise his professional

services in such a manner that enables him to secure
work even though it may exaggerate his ability and skill
as this is an acceptable advertising practice within
South African society.

14. Registered persons must discharge their duties to their

employers effectively with knowledge, skill, due care
and diligence.

15. Any information, under normal circumstances,
including documents, drawings, reports and electronic
data can be destroyed after a period of 6 years from
the date when the work was completed.

16. Once a Registered Engineer has completed his degree

or diploma and has been accepted as a Registered
Person by ECSA he is no longer required to do any
further study during the course of his career.

17. If any information in respect of work performed by a

Registered Engineer or any other person under their
direction is issued it must bear the name of the
organization concerned.

18. Generally accepted norms of professional conduct do

not apply to Registered Persons who are employed by
companies that have their own Codes of conduct and
Rules and Standards which may not require sincerity
and integrity.

19. Registered Persons must always ensure adequate

supervision of, and take responsibility for, work carried
out by people who work for them.

20. A Registered Engineer must respect the interests of

other people and always maintain the honour of their
profession in all their endeavours.

21. When the Council considers any act to be prima facie

an act of improper conduct a Registered Person must
provide the Council with any information which may
enable the Council to establish the facts.

22. Excellence is not something that is necessary, and is

not encouraged by the Engineering Profession.

23. A Registered Person must respond within 60 days to

correspondence received from clients, colleagues and
Council in so far as it relates to work or proceedings in
terms of the Rules of Conduct.

24. A Registered Engineer may not undertake or offer to

undertake work of a nature for which their education,
training and experience have not rendered them
competent to perform.

25. Registered persons must ensure that, while engaged
as partners, directors, members or employees of a
business undertaking which performs work, the control
over the work is exercised, and the responsibility in
respect thereof is carried out by a Registered Person
other than a person registered as a candidate in terms
of section 18(1)(b) of the Engineering Professions Act
(Act 46 0f 2000)


1. What are the 5 steps in the practical ethical decision-making


2. What document is the primary reference document when

making ethical decisions?

3. How would you go about establishing what the central ethical

problem is?

4. Why must other people be taken into consideration when

evaluating ethical issues?

5. Why would a number of solutions be considered when trying to

solve an ethical dilemma?

6. List some of the factors you would take into consideration while
evaluating a possible solution to an ethical problem.

7. Comment on what role project costs play when considering a
solution to an ethical issue.

8. Describe how ethical issues are a factor in matters of

sustainable development.


Alumnus football
by Grantland Rice

Bill Jones had been the shining star upon his college team.
His tackling was ferocious and his bucking was a dream.
When husky William took the ball beneath his brawny arm
They had two extra men to ring the ambulance alarm.

Bill hit the line and ran the ends like some mad bull amuck.
The other team would shiver when they saw him start to buck.
And when some rival tackler tried to block his dashing pace,
On waking up, he'd ask, "Who drove that truck across my face?"

Bill had the speed - Bill had the weight - Bill never bucked in vain;
From goal to goal he whizzed along while fragments, strewed the plain,
And there had been a standing bet, which no one tried to call,
That he could make his distance through a ten-foot granite wall.

When he wound up his college course each student's heart was sore.
They wept to think bull-throated Bill would sock the line no more.
Not so with William - in his dreams he saw the Field of Fame,
Where he would buck to glory in the swirl of Life's big game.

Sweet are the dreams of college life, before our faith is nicked -
The world is but a cherry tree that's waiting to be picked;
The world is but an open road-until we find, one day,
How far away the goal posts are that called us to the play.

So, with the sheepskin tucked beneath his arm in football style,
Bill put on steam and dashed into the thickest of the pile;
With eyes ablaze he sprinted where the laurelled highway led -
When Bill woke up his scalp hung loose and knots adorned his head.

He tried to run the ends of life, but with rib-crushing toss

A rent collector tackled him and threw him for a loss.
And when he switched his course again and dashed into the line
The massive Guard named Failure did a toddle on his spine.

Bill tried to punt out of the rut, but ere he turned the trick
Right Tackle Competition scuttled through and blocked the kick.
And when he tackled at Success in one long, vicious prod
The Fullback Disappointment steered his features in sod.

Bill was no quitter, so he tried a buck in higher gear,
But Left Guard Envy broke it up and stood him on his ear.
Whereat he aimed a forward pass, but in two vicious bounds
Big Centre Greed slipped through a hole and rammed him out of bounds.

But one day, when across the Field of Fame the goal seemed dim,
The wise old coach, Experience, came up and spoke to him.
"Oh Boy," he said, "the main point now before you win your bout
Is keep on bucking Failure till you've worn the piker out!"

"And, kid, cut out this fancy stuff - go in there, low and hard;
Just keep your eye upon the ball and plug on, yard by yard,
And more than all, when you are thrown or tumbled with a crack,
Don't sit there whining - hustle up and keep on coming back;

"Keep coming back with all you've got, without an alibi,

If Competition trips you up or lands upon your eye,
Until at last above the din you hear this sentence spilled:
'We might as well let this bird through before we all get killed.'

"You'll find the road is long and rough, with soft spots far apart,
Where only those can make the grade who have the Uphill Heart.
And when they stop you with a thud or halt you with a crack,
Let Courage call the signals as you keep on coming back.

"Keep coming back, and though the world may romp across your spine,
Let every game's end find you still upon the battling line;
For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name,
He writes - not that you won or lost - but how you played the Game."



Consider each situation and answer the following questions:

 Is there an ethical problem?

 What are the primary references to the Ethics Code?
 What should the Engineer do?
 What could the Engineer have done to avoid the situation?


A professor supplements his income by consulting. He won a bid for a large project that
was billed according to his professional hourly rate; yet he uses his graduate students to
do a lot of the work under his close supervision and pays them a lower hourly rate.
Opportunities for applied experience in the field are limited in this geographical area, and
students are even willing to work for free to gain some applied experience that they need
to meet their graduate school requirements.


A consultant has a Ph.D. in engineering but is not registered. When asked by potential
clients about his credentials, he represents himself as a consultant trained in engineering
(i.e. a qualified engineer) and able to provide all the services that a registered engineer


An employee wants to be coached by an engineer with whom he has had an extensive

coaching relationship in the past. The new employer of the Candidate agrees to retain
and pay for the engineer‟s services. After the coaching relationship is re-established, the
Coach approaches his client (the Candidate) and asks if she would recommend him for
additional work in the new company.


An engineer feels he has been harmed by the unethical behavior of an unregistered

engineer who is practicing outside of his area of competence. Consequently, the
engineer files an ethics charge with the ECSA.

An engineer was asked by another consulting firm to develop a specification for a client
organization. The engineer paid a “finder‟s fee” to the consulting firm that brings him into
the organization. The organization is quite pleased with the work, comes directly to the
engineer, and asks him to quote for a related project.


An engineer in a large organization conceived and designed a major research project;

however, an intern collected and analyzed the data under the engineer‟s supervision.
The engineer wrote a paper to be presented at a professional conference and listed
himself as first author and the intern as second author. When the engineer showed the
paper to the intern, he protested that he should be first author since he did all of the


A group of engineers from different companies in one industry decided to develop a

specification. The engineering consultant hired by the consortium wrote criteria for the
specification. One engineer has a very difficult time meeting the study requirements and
takes some short cuts. The engineering consultant has no way to determine if the
guidelines were followed.


An engineer who works for a consulting firm asked another engineer employed by a
client firm out for a date. They hit it off and are now engaged to be married.


An engineer was retained by an organization to conduct an audit of its engineering

practices in preparation for a safety audit. Several years later, a plaintiff‟s attorney
contacts the engineer and asked him to serve as an expert witness in a safety case
against the same company.


Research and information has been extracted from the following sources:


Institute for Global Ethics

Big Questions
Ethics Resource Centre
Articles on Ethics
Site on business ethics and ethical leadership
Business Ethics Magazine
Business Ethics Blog http/

Kidder, R.M. (2010). The Ethical Reasoning Model. Institute of Global Ethics. Retrieved

Klimes, Rudolf E. (2000). Ethical Problems,


Introducing Ethics - A Graphic Guide, Dave Robinson & Chris Garratt, Icon Books Ltd,
UK, 2008.

Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases by Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard,

Michael Jerome Rabins, Fourth Edition, 2009, Cengage Learning, USA.

Lateral Thinking – A Textbook of Creativity, Edward De Bono, Penguin Books, Ltd, 1990.

Creative Thinking and Brainstorming, New Edition, Rawlinson, J.G., Gower Publishing
Ltd., 1986.

New Unblocked Manager, 2nd Revised Edition, Woodcock, M. and Francis, D., Gower
Publishing Ltd., 1996.

Decisions – Decisions, Hart, T. and Earl, L.

Use Your Head, 6th Revised Edition. Buzan, Pearson Education Ltd., 2003.
Creative Problem Solving for Managers Developing Skills for Decision Making and
Innovation 2nd Revised edition, Tony Proctor, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005.
De Bono, E. (1970). Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by step, Harper & Row.

Marvin T. (1996). The Ethical Process, Prentice-Hall.

Josephson Institute of Ethics. “Five Steps of Principled Reasoning.” 1999.

Blanchard, K., and Peale, N. V. The Power of Ethical Management. New York: William
Morrow and Company, Inc., 1988.

Byrne, J. A. "Businesses Are Signing Up for Ethics 101." Business Week, February 15,
1988, pp. 56-57.

Cassell, E. J. "Ethics in Medical Education." Journal of Continuing Education in the

Health Professions 9, no. 4 (1989): 225-228.

Kirrane, D. E. "Managing Values: A Systematic Approach to Business Ethics." Training

and Development Journal 44, no. 11 (November 1990): 53-60.

Lankard, B. A. Practice Ethical Behavior. Connections. School and Work Transitions.

Columbus: The National Center for Research in Vocational Education, The Ohio State
University, 1987. (ED 288 981).

Miller, P. F., and Coady, W. T. Vocational Ethics: Toward the Development of an
Enabling Work Ethic. Springfield: Illinois Department of Adult, Vocational, and Technical
Education, 1986. (ED 288 062).

Sonnesyn, S. E., ed. "Four by Four." Training and Development Journal 45, no. 3 (March
1991): 29-37.

Thompson, B. L. "Ethics Training Enters the Real World." Training 27, no. 10 (October
1990): 82-94.

Grayling, A.C. (2005). The Heart of Things. Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century.
(1st ed.) Great Britain. Orion Books.


Formats for recording the portfolio of evidence

During the course of the candidate phase training, the Candidate will accumulate a
portfolio of evidence comprising the reports supporting the various exercises covered in
these guidelines for each Outcome.

Note that the PDP Administration will provide a web site document system that will allow
the candidate to store all the PDP documents created as a back-up facility and will
enable the candidate to allow access by the Mentor for any reviews that are required.


Guide to the Candidate

You will be assessed against Outcome 8.

In order to determine your level of competence you will be tested by:

 Tests done during the workshop and evaluated by fellow candidates and your
 Written assignments (practical tasks given to demonstrate understanding of this
Outcome through application in a work setting)
 Knowledge assessment and presentation (i.e. 10 minutes oral presentation
using Power Point). Please Note: Oral presentations may need to be taped for
moderation and re-assessment procedures.

You will need to prepare yourself in the following ways:

 Familiarise yourself with the contents of this guideline

 Familiarise yourself with the reporting formats required
 Familiarise yourself with the references listed
 Do the written assignments as required by this workshop
 For oral presentations of reports, a ten minute presentation is required to
summarise the exercise performed


A detailed briefing on the exact requirements was given to you by the

Mentor/Assessor at the Introductory Workshop in order for you to prepare
for the assessment process.

The evidence you will be judged on includes:

 Your proven competence in all areas questioned in the presentation (Competent
or Not Yet Competent)
 The practical tasks compiled in your Portfolio of Evidence

Good luck, and remember, the mentor/assessor is there to help you.



Chapter No. Title Page Number

I Introduction & Human Values 3-4
Human Values 4
Importance of Human Values 4
Core Values of VIT 4
II Code of Professional Ethics 5-8
Need for Professional Ethics 6
Teachers & their responsibilities 6
Teachers and Students 7
Teachers and Colleagues 7
Teachers and Authorities 7
Teachers and Non-teaching staff 8
Teachers and Guardians 8
Teachers and Society 8

Chapter I



Higher education is leadership education. The values and virtues practiced in universities heavily influence
the future leaders. Many institutions of higher education simultaneously show excellence in academic
subjects, are green campuses with manifold ethics curricula, are active members in community engagement,
and also are adept in providing value orientation to all stakeholders. It is universally felt that the status of
teaching profession requires to be raised to ensure its dignity and integrity. Accordingly, it is considered
necessary that there should be a code of ethics which may be evolved by the teaching community itself for
its guidance. There are five major areas of professional activities which encompass the work of a teacher. For
each of these areas certain principles have been identified to serve as guidelines for teacher’s conduct.


Basic human values refer to those values which are at the core of being human. The values which are
considered basic inherent values in humans include truth, honesty, loyalty, love, peace, etc. because they
bring out the fundamental goodness of human beings and society at large.

Importance of Human Values

 Provides understanding of the attitudes, motivation and behaviours

 Influences our perception of the world around us
 Represents interpretation of “right and wrong”
 Provides a way to understand humans and organisation.

The five human values which are expected in all human beings, irrespective of whether they are employees
or not in whichever profession or service, are:

 Right Conduct – Contains values like self-help skills (modesty, self-reliance, hygiene etc.), social skills
(good behavior, good manners, environment awareness etc.), ethical skills (courage, efficiency,
initiative, punctuality etc.) and Ownership.
 Peace – Contains values like equality, focus, humility, optimism, patience, self-confidence, self-
control, self-esteem etc.
 Truth – Contains values like accuracy, fairness, honesty, justice, quest for knowledge, determination
 Peaceful co-existence – Contains values like psychological (benevolence, compassion, consideration,
morality, forgiveness etc.) and social (brotherhood, equality, perseverance, respect for others,
environmental awareness etc.)
 Discipline – Contains values like regulation, direction, order etc.

Human values are integral part of one’s personality and affects employability quotient. Many employers are
inclined to hire those who have better human values. Keeping up this spirit, VIT has defined the below five
as core values, which has been detailed in HR Manual Part I.

Core Values of VIT

 Student Focus
 Strong Ethics
 Striving For Excellence
 Social Development
 Respect For All

Chapter II



Professionally accepted standards of personal and business behaviour, values and guiding principles. Codes
of professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help to guide members in
performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles Professional ethics may
be understood as professionally acknowledged measures of individual and business conduct, values, and
guiding principles. Professional ethics is nothing but a code of conduct applicable to different professions
and is set up by the expert members of such profession or professional organizations. The underlying
philosophy of having professional ethics is to make the persons performing in such jobs to follow the sound,
uniform ethical conduct. Hippocratic Oath undertaken by medical students is one such example of
professional ethics that is adhered by even today. Some of the important components of professional ethics
that professional organizations necessarily include in their code of conduct are integrity, honesty,
transparency, respectfulness towards the job, confidentiality, objectivity etc.

Need for Professional Ethics

Professional ethics are accepted standards of personal and business behaviour, values and guiding
principles. Codes of professional ethics are established by professional organizations to help to guide
members in performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles. Professional
ethics is set up by the expert members of such profession or professional organizations. The underlying
philosophy of having professional ethics is to make the persons performing in such jobs to follow the sound,
uniform ethical conduct. Professional organizations necessarily include components like integrity, honesty,
transparency, respectfulness towards the job, confidentiality, objectivity etc. in their code of conduct.


Whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself / herself in accordance
with the ideal of the profession. A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his / her students and the
society at large. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his precepts
and practice. The national ideals of education which have already been set forth and which he/she should
seek to inculcate among students must be his/her own ideals. The profession further requires that the
teachers should be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and amiable in disposition.

Teachers should:
1. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community.
2. Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
3. Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
4. Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc.
towards the contribution of knowledge,
5. Maintain active membership of professional organisations and strive to improve education and
profession through them.
6. Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work
conscientiously and with dedication.
7. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the
college and the university such as assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and
counselling students as well as assisting the conduct of university and college examinations,
including supervision, invigilation and evaluation, and
8. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service


Teachers should:
1. Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion,
2. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political economic, social
and physical characteristics.
3. Re-organise the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their
individual needs.
4. Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time
contribute to community welfare.
5. Inculcate among students scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy,
patriotism and peace.
6. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any
7. Pay attention to only the attainment of the student in the assessment of merit.
8. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students
without any remuneration or reward.
9. Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals, and
10. Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration,


Teachers should:
1. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
2. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment.
3. Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher authorities, and
4. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or sex in their professional


Teachers should:
1. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures
and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own institutional bodies
and/or professional organisations for change of any such rule detrimental to the professional interest.
2. Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tutions and
coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
3. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge
responsibilities which such offices may demand.
4. Co-operate through their organisations in the formulation of policies of the other institutions and
accept offices.
5. Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping in view the interest and
conformity with dignity of the profession.
6. Should adhere to the conditions of contract.
7. Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made, and
8. Refrain from availing themselves of leave except in unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable
with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic

1. Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a cooperative
undertaking, within every educational institution, and2.
2. Teachers should help in the function in joint staff-councils covering both teachers and the non-
teaching staff.


Teachers should:
1. Try to see through teachers’ bodies and organisations, that institutions maintain contact with the
guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary
and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for
the benefit of the institution.


Teachers should:

1 Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational
programmes which are being provided
2. Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual
3. Be aware opf social problems and take part in such activities as woul be conducive to the progress of
society and hence the country as a whole.
4. Perform the duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of
public offices.
5. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote
feeling of hatred or enimity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively
work for national integration.

Duties and responsibilities attached to various roles in teaching staff, administrative staff, technical staff and
senior officials are detailed as HR Manual-Part II.


Human Values
Human Values reflect the sense of right and wrong in a person. They also refer to
appropriate courses of action, values define what ‘ought’ to be in society. Trust and
Affection are seen as foundational and complete values in a society.

The concept of human values and man's inner reality.

On line with the explanation of the heart, mind and soul of man, Karen Homey, the
psychologist, made important observations on human values. Based on her clinical findings,
she noted the integral relationship between man's true nature and human values. The
definition clearly implies that the essential reality of man is the source of constructive
possibilities or values. It focuses attention on the heart, mind and soul of man as expressed
in feelings, thoughts and actions. These are mainly responsible for man's act of valuation.
This is supported by the International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences (1969: 283) which
explains "sheer reflex behaviour does not manifest value or valuing". The manifestation of
these inner aspects of man therefore need to be further highlighted in order to understand
the types of human values evolving from them.
In addition to the explanation of human values as basically related to man's nature of being
human, recent researches have projected other explanations. Based on clinical findings,
leading psychologists, Abraham Maslow and Erich Fromm proposed the humanistic theory.
The meaning of humanism given in J. A. Cuddon's dictionary of literary terms clarifies the
implication of this theory: At its best, humanism helped to civilize man, to make him realize
his potential powers and gifts.

Value Education (Basic Guidelines)

Moral sense or conscience is the need of the hour in todays society. Value Education helps
to understand what is ‘valuable’ for human happiness. Value education needs to encompass
the following-

1- Universal (Needs to be applicable to all human beings)

2- Rational (Appeal to human reasoning)
3- Natural and Verifiable
4- All encompassing- cover all levels (Individual, Family and Society)
5- Leading to harmony
1. Universal: Whatever we study as values education that should be applicable all over
the world and should be adopted by the human beings from all part of the world. It
should not unfollow by the people of certain cast, religion, tradition, gender, nationality,
etc. It helps to deal with the things on universal level.
2. Rational: These should be in harmony and based on reasons. Human being shouldn’t
blindly belief on everything they heard. What the sermons taught to they, they influence
us to do the things but we should do the thing on our own basis.
3. Nature and verifiable: Human being should learn something seems to be natural
and that should be acceptable by the nature. When we move toward our goals by being
natural then it leads to the achievement and gives the happiness. We need
to verify these values on our own basis, it means we shouldn’t follow the thing only if it
is written in book or preached by the sermons.
4. Leading to Harmony: Hence we can say that value education helps us to be in
harmony and maintain balance in all the relationship. When we understanding these
things lead to the situation when we know about the balancing of everything like
harmony with others, with nature in natural way

Accurate identification of our desire: Every person in this world has their own desire or
wish which needs to be fulfilled by them on any cost for their happiness. Hence the value
education helps us to understand our needs and know about our aspiration with accuracy
and also helps us to find the correct path towards the fulfilment. It also helps to remove our
confusion and bring balance at all the level in the fulfilment of desire.
Understanding universal human values to fulfill our desire: Once we understand
about what is really important for us, they become the basis for our desire and the action
engaged with it. In order to make society as well as individual happiness and balance with
his surroundings, there is need to explore the value domain through value education.
Complimentary of values and skills: To fulfill our desire both the values and skills are
important and one should have the both these to fulfill the needs. When we identify
our correct goal and we move forward in correct direction at the right time then it is known
as the value domain. For e.g. if anyone is wishing to have the healthy and fit life then only
wishing these things cannot goes everything correct but she/he needs to understand the
meaning of health take action according to the need of healthy life and make the body fit.
Evaluation of belief: Every person has certain type of belief in some kind of fact but that
belief is really true or false we don’t know but still we follow that because we had been
heard that may be from our parents or by our elders, or by reading, hearing, what we see
from our eyes, etc. every person has their own type of believes. We may have some type of
believe in one thing but other may not believe on that thing and it is not important that one
single fact may be followed by all over the world. Thus, value education will help us to
evaluate our beliefs and assumed values, and their importance in reality.
Technology and human values: The present system of education has generally based on
skills and we give the first importance to the science and technology. However, the science
& technology can only help to provide the different instrumental aid to achieve the needs. It
is not important that science will always help to find what is really valuable to human
Hence, we can say that we must understand the value of needs first of all before moving on
the further process to fulfill that aspirations and the desire.

Self-Exploration is the process in which self-investigation is carried out. It a dialogue
between ‘what you are’ and ‘what you want to be’. Self-Exploration enables us to look at
our problems within, introspect and resolve them by becoming aware of our natural
acceptance. Self-exploration as the process for value education -discusses the process of
finding about what is valuable to oneself by investigating within oneself. To understand all
this, we should start observing inside. Self-exploration and its purpose are defined as –
a) what you are and what you want
b) it’s a process of self-evolution through self-investigation
c) knowing oneself and through that knowing entire existence

d) recognizing one’s relationship and fulfilling it

e) it’s about knowing human conduct and character and living accordingly
f) it’s about being in harmony with oneself and entire existence
g) identifying innateness and moving towards self-organization and self-expression.

Wealth vs Prosperity
Prosperity is defined as the state of success, wealth and good fortune. When someone
possesses more than required number of physical facilities, they may feel prosperous.
Wealth, on the other hand, is a materialistic concept and solely related to physical facilities.
Prosperity is a feeling that also includes Wealth. A wealthy person may feel ‘prosperous’ and
feel ‘deprived’. Prosperity, unlike wealth, leads to the sharing of physical facilities.
Understanding Needs of Self and Body
Human Being- Physical body and self (person’s essential being/ personal)
Feelings which can’t be qualified by Self (I)
Needs of self (I)- Happiness- Qualitative needs. Needs can be fulfilled by right thinking,
balance in thinking and action to achieve continuous happiness. Needs of Self like- Respect,
Trust, Happiness, Love are continuous in terms of time.

Body- Physical Facility. Food, clothing, shelter- they are temporary needs. Fulfilling physical
needs through material dependence.
Activities in Self (I) and Body-
Self (I) activities- Thinking, dreaming, analyzing, understanding (Emotions)
Body activities- Digestion, Respiration (happening on their own) (Material)
Self and Body Activities- Seeing, talking, listening (Need to participate actively)
In self, knowing things leads to recognizing and fulfillment. The body is an instrument of the
self; the self is seer, does and enjoyer.
According to R.K. Mukherjee, “Values are socially approved desires and goals that are
internalized through the process of conditioning, learning or socialization and that become
subjective preferences, standards, and aspirations”.

According to Zaleznik and David, “Values are the ideas in the mind of men compared to
norms in that they specify how people should behave. Values also attach degrees of
goodness to activities and relationships”

According to I. J. Lehner and N.J. Kube, Values are an integral part of the personal
philosophy of life by which we generally mean the system of values by which we live. The
philosophy of life includes our aims, ideals, and manner of thinking and the principles by
which we guide our behaviour.

According to T. W. Hippie, “Values are conscious or unconscious motivators and justifiers of

the actions and judgment”

Understanding Values in human relationship

Understanding is how we evaluate values while beliefs are assumed values. Relationship is
between self (I) and the other self (I). There are nine feelings (values) or expectation of
feelings (value). They are definite and can be recognized, their fulfillment and evaluation
lead to mutual happiness- trust: the foundational value in relationship.
Trust- ‘To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be
happy and prosperous, is called Trust. Having faith in others and believing them. Trust is the
belief and confidence in the integrity, reliability and fairness of a person or organization; an
essential human value that quantifies and defines our inter-dependence in relationships
with others. Trust is a choice we make toward someone when we are inspired that they
have either earned our confidence or are by some other means worthy of it. It is difficult to
acquire, and when fractured even harder to redeem, so perhaps the lessons of trust are not
how to earn it, but what it takes to keep it. And perhaps the greatest value of trust is not the
accomplishments we make with it, but rather what trust accomplishes in us on our quest to
become people who are worthy of receiving it.

Respect- Personal space, individuality for others. In an article by Harvard Business Review,
Rogers warns that lack of respect or an imbalance in the way employees are treated can
create dysfunction in the job site. However, when employees report feeling respected, they
tend to be more loyal to their companies and grateful for their jobs.

Affection- Connection, being related to each other. Affection is usually identified with
emotion, but actually these are very different phenomena although closely related.
Whereas the emotion is an internal individual response which informs of the survival
probabilities that every concrete situation off, affection is a process of social interaction
between two or more organisms. Social species need, at least in some periods of their lives,
the collaboration of other members of the same species to survive. A social individual
cannot obtain by itself all the resources that it needs to survive. Sociability is, then, the
result of needing the others to survive. We define social interaction as any kind of
interaction which shows a certain degree of help or cooperation. Help and cooperation is a
requirement in all social species. Without help, without cooperation of the others, an
individual of a social species cannot survive.
Care- Nurture; The ethics of care mainly analysis three aspects:1-The role that emotions
play in life, and how they affect our perception and projection of reality,2-The sensitive
(being empathic) approach to the specific context or situation we are experiencing, and 3-
The world of relationships with oneself, others and the environment. The ethics of
care improves our humanity. It is a positive message, a message of Peace, Love,
Understanding, Joy, Protection, and Kindness.

Guidance- Right understanding and feelings; The feeling of ensuring right understanding and
feelings in the other (my relative) is called guidance. We understand the need of self (‘I’) for
right understanding and feelings. We also understand that the other is similar to me in his/her
faculty of natural acceptance, desire of wanting continuous happiness and the program of
living in harmony at all the four levels. The other is also similar to me in the potential of desire,
thoughts and expectation.

Reverence- Acceptance of excellence; The feeling of acceptance of excellence in the other is

called reverence. We understand that we aspire for continuous happiness and to realize it,
we have to understand harmony at all the levels of our living, and live accordingly. When we
see that the other has achieved this excellence- which means to understand and to live in
harmony at all the levels of living ensuring continuity of happiness, we have a feeling of
reverence for him/her. This feeling of accepting the excellence in the other is called
Gratitude- Helping others and feeling of being helpful; Value of Thankfulness Gratitude is
the feeling of acceptance for those who have made efforts for my excellence. Gratitude is an
emotion that occurs after people receive help, depending on how they interpret the
situation. Specifically, gratitude is experienced if people perceive the help they receive as (a)
valuable to them, (b) costly to their benefactor, and (c) given by the benefactor with
benevolent intentions.
Glory- Inspired by the past. Glory is the feeling for someone who has made efforts for
excellence. We find that there have been people in the history, or even around us, who are
investing their time, energy and their belongings to achieve excellence (to understand and
to live in harmony at all levels of living ensuring continuity of happiness), to make others
excellent. This gives us a feeling of glory for them.

The characteristics of values are:

▪ These are extremely practical, and valuation requires not just techniques but also an
understanding of the strategic context.
▪ These can provide standards of competence and morality.
▪ These can go beyond specific situations or persons.
▪ Personal values can be influenced by culture, tradition, and a combination of internal and
external factors.
▪ These are relatively permanent.
▪ These are more central to the core of a person.
▪ Most of our core values are learned early in life from family, friends, neighbour-hood
school, the mass print, visual media and other sources within the society.
▪ Values are loaded with effective thoughts about ideas, objects, behaviour, etc.
▪ They contain a judgmental element in that they carry an individual’s ideas as to what is
right, good, or desirable.
▪ Values can differ from culture to culture and even person to person.
▪ Values play a significant role in the integration and fulfilment of man’s basic impulses and
desire stably and consistently appropriate for his living.
▪ They are generic experiences in social action made up of both individual and social
responses and attitudes.
▪ They build up societies, integrate social relations.
▪ They mould the ideal dimensions of personality and depth of culture.
▪ They influence people’s behaviour and serve as criteria for evaluating the actions of
▪ They have a great role to play in the conduct of social life. They help in creating norms to
guide day-to-day behaviour.

Basic Human Aspirations-

The program to fulfil basic human aspirations, discusses how happiness and prosperity can be
ensured. The desires and wants which are to do with physical things are called “physical
facilities” and the other category of wants is “relationships”. The authors also suggest a neat
equation as follows: Right understanding+ relationship = mutual fulfilment Right
understanding + physical facilities = mutual prosperity. It explores about what the ‘right
understanding’ is and it is tied to the need for happiness. The state of our happiness or
unhappiness depends on three aspects like right understanding, relationship and physical
facilities. Happiness may be defined as being in harmony/synergy in the state/ situation that
I live in. “A state or situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like to be in that
state / situation. The state of liking is happiness.” Whereas, prosperity is the “feeling of having
or making available more than required physical facilities”.

In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by
maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. This is an attempt to achieve
happiness through pleasant sensory interactions. The physical facilities are not seen in terms
of fulfilling bodily needs but as a means of maximizing happiness.

This has resulted in wrong assessment of wants for physical facilities as being unlimited. But
this pursuit is self-defeating. Neither can we hope to achieve continuous happiness through
sensory interactions nor can we have prosperity, as it amounts to trying to fulfil unlimited
wants through limited resources. This effort is engendering problems at all the levels. It is
becoming anti-ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival itself. Some of
the consequences of such a trend are summarized below:
1. At the level of the individual – Rising problems of depression, psychological disorders,
suicides, stress, insecurity, psycho-somatic diseases, loneliness etc.
2. At the level of the family – Breaking of joint families, mistrust, conflict between older
and younger generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry tortures, family
feuds, wasteful expenditure in family functions etc.
3. At the level of the Society – Growing incidences of terrorism and naxalism, rising
communalism, spreading casteism, racial and ethnic struggle, wars between nations,
attempts of genocide, fear of nuclear and genetic warfare, etc.
4. At the level of nature – Global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution, resource
depletion of minerals and mineral oils, sizeable deforestations, loss of fertility of soil.
Human Values and Professional Ethics: A Critical
Abhishek Gupta
Administrative-cum-Accounts Officer & Head of Office
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy (Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt.
of India), Kapurthala (Punjab), India.


Everything that we see belongs to one of the four `orders' i.e. Material Order, Plant/Bio
Order, Animal Order, Human (Knowledge) Order. Material order is the most abundant in
nature and exists in the form of all the soil mixtures, metal and compounds, various gases,
water and other liquids etc., Plant/Bio order exists as the smallest seeds to the plentiful
grass, the various plants and trees and the all the vegetarian in the ocean. There are several
cyclical processes that we can see in nature. The quantity of water on the surface of earth
remains conserved by itself, no need for human intervention. Breeds of plants and animals
are similarly self-regulated in their environment. This phenomenon is termed as self-
regulation. These two characteristics namely, cyclical nature and self regulation provide us
with some clues of harmony that is in nature. When we consider humans and animals, we can
understand that they are as a coexistence of the Self (`I') and the Body. If we look at the body,
we find that in its fundamental unit, there is a cell. The cell belongs to the plant/Bio order. As
humans, each one of us also has desires that we pursue an ability to think and the ability to
make choices. In this Desire, Thought and Selection, we exhibit more activities than any unit
in the animal order. As a result, humans are in a separate order than animals. Thus, in human
beings, `I' has the activities of Desiring, Thinking, and Selecting/ Tasting, with a possibility
or need for Understanding and Realization. Only humans have the need to know and that is
why it is called the Knowledge Order. This Knowledge, this right understanding is what we
have been the process of self-verification in us, we have to start becoming more aware, and
start exploring into the proposals at all four levels of our living.


The basic human aspiration of every human being is continuous happiness and prosperity.
Exploring the meaning of happiness, we found that happiness is to understand and live in
harmony at all levels of living. While discussing the harmony at the level of society, we came
across the relationship of human being with the rest of nature. Here, we will discuss the
harmony in the nature and see how the entities in nature are interconnected and mutually
fulfilling. Everything that we see around can be put into one of the four orders - Material
Order, Plant/Bio Order, Animal Order and Human (Knowledge) Order. The big land mass of

the continents, gigantic water bodies like ocean and seas, mountains and rivers, atmosphere
above, the helps of meals and mineral below, the dense grass & fossil fuels deep below the
surface of the earth all fall into the Material Order. In fact, if we look around beyond the
earth, the material order is visible even in the form of stars, planets, moon and several
astronomical bodies. Our land mass is covered with grass and small shrubs and they form the
lining on the entire soil. Shrubs, plants, and trees form huge forests along with the flora in the
ocean. All of this is the plant/bio order and it is the next big order on our planet. The material
order is far greater in quantity compared to the plant/bio order. Animals and birds form the
third largest order and we call them the Animal Order. Hence again, we see that the
Plant/bio-order is far greater in quantity than the animal order. Humans are the smallest
order and they are referred to as Human Order. Animals are far greater in quantity as
compared to the human order. Each one of us can recognize all these four orders around
ourselves and see that together these four orders comprise of all the units that we see and
understand around us. The first three orders namely the Material, Plant/Bio and Animal
Order are interconnected. Each order is connected to each other order. And the relationship
between these orders is in such a way that they all coexist with each other.

Material Order
Soil, Water etc.

Plant/Bio-Order Animal Order

Plants, herbs etc. Animals, birds etc.

Fig. 1. Material, Plant/Bio and Animal Order

The Material Order provides the nutrients to the Plant/Bio-Order in the form of soil,
minerals, etc while the Plant/Bio-Order decays and forms more nutrient, thus enriching the
soil. The Plant/Bio-Order also decays to substances like oil and coal, which are stored deep
within the earth as protection against the heat from the molten core inside the earth as well as
the heat from the sun (today, this is the material we are removing and using as fuel). Plants
help move the nutrients through the various layers of the soil. The roots of the plants hold the
soil together and prevent the soil from erosion. Plants produce oxygen/carbon dioxide and
thus help in the movement of the Material Order. Thus Plant/Bio- order and Material Order,
naturally exist in a relationship of mutual fulfilment with each other. They also co-exist, they
don't deny the other. There is a mutual interdependency and co-existence we can see here.
The Material Order provides the basis for movement of all animals, birds and fishes. Water,
Oxygen and other gases are necessities for both plants and animals. At the same time, the

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Animal Order helps enrich the soil with its excreta and these excreta help the plants with
nutrients. The Plant/Bio Order provides food for animals, birds and fishes. The Animal
Order helps in pollination of the flowers of the Plant/Bio- order. The relationship across all
three orders is - naturally one of mutual fulfilment. None of these orders denies the other.
Now, it becomes clear that the above mentioned three orders are fulfilling to each other.
When we look at the connectedness with human beings, we find that each of these orders is
fulfilling to the human order. This we can verify looking at the multiple uses we are drawing
out of these entities. We humans also have a natural acceptance to be mutually fulfilling to
these three orders. However, we are not able to ensure this mutual fulfilment. We are
dependent on the material order or soil and minerals and metals, but only end up polluting the
soil and depleting the fossil fuels; we are dependent on plants for our food and holding
together the larger ecosystem, but we have destroyed forests and destroyed multiple species
of plants and herbs; we are dependent on animals to carry out our production and
transportation activities, but have made many species animals extinct, and are today known
for our cruelty towards animals.

Material Order
Soil, water, etc.

Human Order
Plant/Bio-Order Human beings
Plants, herbs

Animal Order
Animals, birds

Fig. 2. Material, Plant, Animal and Human Order

We thus see that the three orders besides the Human Order are in harmony and are fulfilling
to the human order. However, we as humans have not yet understood and learnt to live in

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relationship of mutual fulfilment with these three other orders. This is because we have not
understood the harmony that exists between these orders. We have not even understood our
own needs properly nor have we understood harmonious ways to fulfil our needs.
Consequently, we have disturbed ourselves and also the balance amongst the other three
orders. This is evident when we see that we have pretty much plundered the body of the earth
of all the heat absorbing materials like coal and oil and burnt these fossil fuels in our
atmosphere causing a significant deterioration masses temperature regulation of our planet.
We have significantly deforested huge forest and through it, altered the weather system of
our planet. Our burgeoning cities and industries have spilled huge amounts of industrial and
human waste into water bodies and even drinking water has to be now chemically treated
before it can be consumed by humans. The air we breathe has become polluted; the food we
grow has become chemically affected. The effect of this disharmony is now affecting our
lives in the form of diseases and maladies. On the other hand, if we explore our natural
acceptance, we find that we want to live harmoniously with nature. This is important for our
own happiness. This is an undeniable and a very significant relationship for each one of us.
This is a relationship we need to properly understand.


There are several cyclical processes that we can see in nature. For example the cycle of
water, evaporating, condensing and precipitating back to water giving the weather
phenomena. The quantity of water on the surface of earth remains conserved by itself, no
need for human intervention. We have studied cycles of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen in
nature in our school. The cycles keep these materials self-regulated on the earth. Breeds of
plants and animals are similarly self-regulatedin their environment. In a forest,the growth of
trees takes place in a way so that the amount of soil, plants and animals remains conserved. It
never happens that the number of trees shoots up and there is lack of soil for the trees. The
appropriateness of conditions for growth of both plants and animals are self-regulated
in nature keeping the population proportions naturally maintained. We will find that the
population of grass, deer and tigers remains such that all can continue. This phenomenon is
termed as self-regulation. It is appreciable that in a single breed of animals, the number of
males and females generated through procreation is such that the continuity of species is
ensured by itself. This happens with humans too, but inhuman practices have led to
disproportionate numbers of men and women. Nature exhibits self-regulation in various
ways across the punt via, animal and human orders, but we humans have disturbed it due
to lack of understanding. We seldom see a problem of over-population of a species in nature
(some of what we see is man created! nor do we see any instance of some by-product from
nature not being absorbed and becoming a source for pollution (ex: nature does not produce
plastic and foam). These two characteristics namely, cyclical nature and self regulation
provide us with some clues of die harmony that is in nature. These are visible signs we can

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see with our eyes, and understand. But, there is also more to nature than meets the `eye'. This
is something we shall explore next.

Each unit in the order can be understood as an `activity'. We will try and understand the
activities that distinguish one order from the other. An activity means something that `has
motion' and/or `has a result'. The material order is active in multiple ways, and the same with
the plant order or animal order or human order. You are sitting in a room. But you are active.
You ate thinking, desiring, the body has breath running, heart throbbing. The air in the room
is blowing. The walls standing constantly also have activity. Isn't it? Yes, it is! The chair in
your room is also active. It may not be very visible to our eyes bur the chair is still active. All
units around us, including ourselves, are active, all the time. They are interacting with the
environment. In the activity, there is a state or configuration and motion simultaneously.
This remains all the time. We often look at units around us as a fixed and a solid `thing'. We
can now see that these things are actually active each unit is made of hundreds of smaller
units and all these units are active. So, when you walk on the road, it's not that the road is
stationary! The road is active, very active... made of thousands and thousands of particles
that are all throbbing, all active. All material things (i.e. units in the material order) can be
understood as an activity of units' coining together to form a bigger unit. We call this
`Composition'. For example, the chair is made of smaller pieces of wood. Bigger units can
also separate from each other to form smaller units and we call this `Decomposition'. Like a
wooden chair can decay after a few years. Thus any unit in the material order can be
understood as an activity of Composition/Decomposition. The plant order is basically
structurally made up of the material order. However, an additional activity of `respiration' is
exhibited by the plant order. For example: we all know that plants `breathe'. Plants are made
up of smaller cells that also `breathe' or `pulsate'. So, when we look at all the units that make
up the plant/bio order we will find that they can be understood in terms of
Composition/Decomposition and Respiration. Not only do plants compose and decompose,
they are also breathing, or pulsating, which we call Respiration. When we explore the
Animal Order, we find two fundamentally different set of activities. One set of activities is
the `physic-chemical' or activity of the body and the other is the `conscious' activity of the
Self. The body displays the same activities that we see in the plant. The body displays
respiration, or breathing, or pulsating as we call it. We can verify this ourselves quite easily
and we can see that the body indeed breathes and also decays. The body is also formed at one
point in time and keeps building cells as well, i.e., there is composition in the body. Hence,
the activities in the body are the same as that in the plant/bio order, which are composition /
decomposition and respiration. Hence, we say that the body belongs to the plant / bio order.
We have already seen that human beings are co-existence of a physic-chemical body and a
conscious Self, or 'I'. The activities in the human body are similar to that in the animal body,

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and we have seen this in detail as composition/decomposition and respiration. When it

comes to consciousness or `I', however, the human displays more than just an ability to
'select or make choices as animals do. As humans, each one of us also has desires that we
pursue an ability to think and the ability to make choices. In this Desire, Thought and
Selection, we exhibit more activities than any unit in the animal order. As a result, humans
are in a separate order than animals. We make assumptions, but also have a need to know, or a
will to know. Animals just assume, humans can also `know' or have the need to know. Thus,
in human beings, `I' has the activities of Desiring, Thinking, and Selecting/ Tasting, with a
possibility or need for Understanding and Realization. Only humans have this need to know
and that is why it is called the Knowledge Order. Thus, underlying every entity/unit, there
are activities like physical activity, chemical activity or conscious activity (`I') and all
units/entities can be understood as one of these activities or co-existence of these activities.

Each unit in existence exhibits innateness an intrinsic quality that cannot be separated from
it. We refer to this principle as `Innateness' .This is intrinsic to the unit. Look at all the
material order. It is possible to convert material things from one 'form or a way being)' to
another 'form or a way of being'. However, it is not possible to annihilate it. We cannot make
it cease to exist. The particles that make up that unit continue to exist. Because the plant/Bio
order is a development of the material order, it also has the innateness of `existence'. In
addition, it also exhibits the `growth'. This principle of `growth' cannot be separated from
any units of this order. If it is of plant/Bio order, it will grow. The Animal Body is a
development of the plant/Bio order and therefore this order inherits the innateness of the
previous order namely `existence' and `growth'. This is at the level of the body, which is
physico-chemical in nature. In addition, all units in this order have the `will to live' in 'I'.
Indeed no unit in this order can be separated from this `will to live'. It is intrinsic to every unit
in this order. When we look at the human being, we and that 'existence' and 'growth' are
fundamentally present in the body, just as in the animal body. At the level of `I' however, in
addition to the will to live, a human being's innateness is the `will to live with happiness'. We
can all see this and verify this for ourselves. We can verify in ourselves and we can verify this
in others. As long as it is a human being you cannot separate him/her from the will to live and
the need for happiness. Each one of us not only wants to live but also wants to `live with
happiness'. This is the innateness of the human order and it characterises the human order.
This is what we have been discussing in this course. All along, we have been exploring into
ourselves and when we do, we find that just surviving is not enough for us; we also desire
happiness and its continuity. We don't desire to not be happy, even for an instant. It is our
basic need. So, we have been looking into the causes of unhappiness, and when we did, we
discovered that the basic cause for our unhappiness is that we are living only with
assumptions, only at the level of desiring, thinking and selecting/tasting in 'I'. This is

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insufficient for us, since it leads to conflict and is driven by beliefs/preconditioning. Hence,
we have to exercise our need to know, which is what we started with. We said that we need to
have the right understanding, which is the knowledge or understanding of the harmony at all
four levels of our being [Realization and Understanding in `I']. We have been trying to
ensure this through self-exploration, i.e. by establishing a dialogue between, `what we are'
and `what we really want to be' which is essentially the verification on the basis of our
natural acceptance.


We can't do away with our need for continuous happiness, because it is our innateness, it is
intrinsic to us it is in separable from us. So, surviving alone is not enough for us, we want to
live with happiness and its continuity, and this is not possible without having the right
understanding/knowledge. We can't live with cruelty or just avoiding to be cruel, and still be
happy because, that is not our natural characteristic, it not our nature, it is not our natural
acceptance, it is not naturally acceptable to us. Our natural acceptance is for perseverance,
bravery and generosity, and this is our nature, this is our natural acceptance. Unless we are
according to our natural characteristic, we are not according to our natural acceptance, we
cannot be happy. We can try many things, but it is not possible for us to be happy. Our basic
need is not just physical facilities, but relationship and right understanding/knowledge as
well. To live as in the left is called living in animal consciousness and to live as in the right is
called living in human consciousness. Unless we exercise our need and capacity to know,
we shall continue to create problems for ourselves and the rest of the orders in nature, since
we have far greater faculties and die ability to have a large impact on our environment. This
is the difference between "what we are" and "what we really want to be". If we as human
beings do not exercise our capacity to know, then we end up being more like animals, and
hence we get defined as social animals. We become worse than animals since we have more
faculties and greater impact over everything. No lion in his lifetime can kill sixty lakhs
people, but there have been some human beings in history that have done exactly that. Just
living is not enough for human beings. We want to know, and live with happiness. We can
see in human beings that this will-to-be-happy is related to this will-to-know; this is why
human being is said to be in Knowledge Order. This Knowledge, this right understanding is
what we have been discussing all along. We need to start the process of self-verification in
us; we have to start becoming more aware, and start exploring into the proposals at all four
levels of our living. Today, we don't know what we are, we don't know what we want, hence
we don't know what to do, we largely only learn how to do. We don't know 'what to do' and
are busy working out 'how to do'. Irrespective of how much you know of 'how to do', as long
as you don't know 'what to do', you end up getting dissatisfied. Thus, before producing
something, we don't see if it is really needed, and what use it is for us, and what impact it will
have on the environment ("what to do, why to do"). Instead, we end up producing more and

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more of it, in different varieties, shapes, sizes and packages! Technology deals with the
latter part 'how to do'. It's to do with technique. Technology does not give us die answers of
why to do, and what to do this answer comes from right understanding and the values we
understand on this basis. Thus, it is only with right understanding that we identify and
understand what is valuable to us, what is of value to us, and we can then use technology as a
means to ensure what is valuable to us.

Now, the way out would be largely clears to us. We need to work in the direction of
development of mankind from animal consciousness to human consciousness. And this
entails working for the right understanding. We have been talking about it throughout the
book. We saw how due to lack of right understanding, the human order, though it wants to be
fulfilling to one and all, fails to fulfill the human order itself. It fails to take care of its own
body, what to talk of other units in nature. Knowledge is the basic need of the human order,
and it needs to get on to the focus of its every thought and action.

There are four orders in nature material order, plant/bio (order, animal order and human
order. There is interconnectedness among all the orders. The first three orders are mutually
fulfilling to the rest three orders, only human order is not able to be fulfilling to the other
orders. There is recyclability and self-regulation in nature. We can understand the four
orders in terms of the things, under the group, their activities, the innateness, the natural
characteristic, the basic activity and the conformance. The table provided in the chapter
gives a comprehensive look at each of these aspects. A critical appraisal of where we stand
today shows that human is largely living like animals. The way out is consciousness
development of mankind.


Bajpai, B.L. (2004). Indian Ethos and Modern Management. New Royal Book Co., Lucknow.

Banerjee, B.P. (2005). Foundation of Ethics & Management. Excel Books.

Estep, M.L. (2006). Self-Organizing Natural Intelligence: Issues of Knowing, Meaning, and
Complexity. Springer-Verlag.

Goel, S.L. (2008). Environmental Health and Value Education. Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.

Govindrajan, M., Natrajan, S. & Senthil Kumar (2009). Engineering Ethics (including human
values). PHI Learning.

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Human Values and Professional Ethics: A Critical Appraisal 51

Gurcharan Singh (2005). Pollution to Purity of Environment. Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.

Henshaw, P.F. (2010). Models Learning Change: Connecting Theoretical Models to the Natural
World of Complex Systems. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy,
Vol 6, No.1.

Khosla, V.R. & Bhagat, K. (2009). Human Values and Professional Ethics. Technical Publications,

Naagarazan, R.S. (2006). A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values. New Age
International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

Palekar, S. (2000). How to Practice Natural Farming. Pracheen (Vaidik) Krishi Tantra Shodh,

Seebauer, E.G. & Berry, R.L. (2000). Fundamental of Ethics for Science & Engineers. Oxford
University Press.

Tripathi, A.N. (2009). Human Values. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

Vol. VII, No. 1, March - August 2014

Professional Ethics and Values in Engineering (HS317)

Unit 1: Scope, Human Values: Morals, Values and Ethics – Integrity – Work Ethic – Service Learning – Civic Virtue –
Respect for Others – Living Peacefully – Caring - Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing Time – Co-operation –
Commitment – Empathy – Self-Confidence – Character – Spirituality, Engineering as experimentation - engineers as
responsible experimenters - codes of ethics - a balanced outlook on law, The code of ethics for engineers - NSPE
guidelines - Fundamental principles.

Engineering is transforming science into useful products for human comfort. Engineering is something
that engineers do, and what they do has profound effects on others. Ethics in engineering then is the
ability as well as responsibility of an engineer to judge his decisions from the context of the general
wellbeing of the society. It is the study of moral issues that confront engineers and engineering
organizations when some crucial decisions are taken. Engineering research and practice requires that the
task being performed considers all the pros and cons of a certain action and its implementation.
Professional engineering bodies like IEEE, ASME, IEI etc., have evolved comprehensive ethics codes
relevant to their respective professions, based on the rich experience of their members. Independent
organizations like NSPE have prepared value based ethical codes applicable to all engineering
professions. Teaching engineering ethics in academic institutions is undertaken largely through many
case studies for creating awareness interactively among engineering students of all disciplines. By
studying engineering ethics, the students develop awareness and assessment skill of the likely impact of
their future decisions on moral and ethical grounds. Ethical standards in engineering are influenced by
many factors: 1.Engineering as an experimentation for the good of mankind is a notable factor involving
far reaching consequence, 2. Ethical dilemmas make engineering decisions relatively difficult to make. 3.
Risk and safety of citizens as a social responsibility is a prime concern of an engineer, 4. Technological
advancement can be very demanding on the engineering skill in the global context, 5. Moral values and
responsible conduct will play a crucial role in decision making.

The study of engineering ethics within an engineering program helps students prepare for their
professional lives. A specific advantage for engineering students who learn about ethics is that they
develop clarity in their understanding and thought about ethical issues and the practice in which they
arise. The study of ethics helps students to develop widely applicable skills in communication, reasoning
and reflection. These skills enhance students' abilities and help them engage with other aspects of the
engineering program such as group work and work placements.

Professional ethics
Profession is a commitment to a designated and organized occupation by virtue of being an authority
over a body of knowledge with requisite skills acquired through specialized training. An occupation
becomes a profession when a group of people sharing the same occupation work together in a morally
acceptable way with members setting and following a certain ethics code. A professional is a practitioner
belonging to a specific profession. Professional ethics, as opposed to personal values and morality, is a
set of ethical standards and values a practicing engineer is required to follow. It sets the standards for
professional practice, and is only learned in a professional school or while practicing ones own
profession. Today, it is an essential part of professional education because it helps students deal with
issues they will face.
The scope of engineering ethics envelopes diverse activities like
1. Engineering as a social experimentation
2. Engineers responsibility for safety
3. Role of engineers, managers, consultants etc.
4. Rights of engineers
5. Moral reasoning and ethical theories
6. Responsibility to employers
7. Global issues and concerns

The best way to teach engineering ethics is by using case studies—not just the disaster cases that make
the news, but the kinds of cases that an engineer is more likely to encounter. Many real time cases are
available or some hypothetical cases can be constructed and there are methods for analyzing them.
Engineering ethics can be taught in a free-standing course, but there are strong arguments for
introducing ethics in technical courses as well. If the subject of professional ethics is how members of a
profession should, or should not, affect others in the course of practicing their profession, then
engineering ethics is an essential aspect of engineering itself and education in professional
responsibilities should be part of professional education in engineering, just as it is in law and medicine.

Professional Codes of Ethics

A code of ethics prescribes how professionals are to pursue their common ideal so that each may do the
best at a minimal cost to oneself and those they care about. The code is to protect each professional
from certain pressures (for example, the pressure to cut corners to save money) by making it reasonably
likely (and more likely then otherwise) that most other members of the profession will not take
advantage. A code is a solution to a coordination problem. A professional has obligations to the
employer, to customers, to other professionals- colleagues with specific expectations of reciprocity.

Individual Responsibility:

An individual in his professional capacity has responsibility for the regular tasks he is assigned, for the
outcomes of the actions and decisions. A professional is answerable and liable for the actions. He should
have the capacity and moral strength to defend his actions/decisions. Individuals may fail for one or the
other of the following reasons: 1. failure to meet minimum appropriate standards or falling very much
below expectations due to negligence, 2. deliberate underperformance

Human values; morals, values and ethics

For understanding of how in order for individuals, organizations and societies to endure and function
effectively, it is essential that an individual's positive exalting forces be rediscovered and revitalized.
Human values embrace the entire range of values pertinent to the human condition, interest, behavior,
and aspiration. While laws are a set of rules for personal or corporate behavior and working against such
rules will attract recrimination and punishment, morals on the other hand are a set of standards for
personal behavior and ethics are a set of standards for professional behavior. Morals and ethics are self
imposed or regulated and voluntary when broadly interpreted.
Work ethic

Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of
work and its ability to enhance character. A work ethic may include being reliable, having initiative, or
pursuing new skills.

Workers exhibiting a good work ethic in theory should be selected for better positions, more
responsibility and ultimately promotion. Workers who fail to exhibit a good work ethic may be regarded
as failing to provide fair value for the wage the employer is paying them and should not be promoted or
placed in positions of greater responsibility. Work ethic is not just hard work but also a set of
accompanying virtues, whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free markets.
Benjamin Franklin wrote:

‘Remember, that time is money. He that can earn ten shillings a day by his labor, and goes abroad, or sits
idle, one half of that day, though he spends but sixpence during his diversion or idleness, ought not to
reckon that the only expense; he has really spent, or rather thrown away, five shillings besides. ...
Remember, that money is the prolific, generating nature. Money can beget money, and its offspring can
beget more, and so on. Five shillings turned is six, turned again is seven and three pence, and so on, till it
becomes a hundred pounds. The more there is of it, the more it produces every turning, so that the
profits rise quicker and quicker. He that kills a breeding sow, destroys all her offspring to the thousandth
generation. He that murders a crown, destroys all that it might have produced, even scores of pounds.’

Criticism of work ethic

Countercultural groups, most notably slacker, hippie and hacker communities, have challenged these
values in recent decades, characterizing them as submissive to authority and social convention, and not
valuable in and of themselves, but only if it brings a positive result. An alternative perspective has arisen
in recent years, suggesting that the work ethic is being subverted in a broader, more mainstream and
more readily marketed-to proportion of society. This perspective has given rise to the phrase "work
In the 19th century, the Arts and Crafts movement of William Morris in the UK and Elbert Hubbard in the
US noted how "alienation" of workers from ownership of the tools of production and their work product
was destructive of the work ethic because in the expanding firms of that era, the workers saw no point in
doing more than the minimum. The notion of work ethic was revised to include giving up control over
the work process to management so that the latter could study and "rationalize" the work process, and
the notion of work ethic thereafter included acknowledgment of management control. Good work ethics
includes a positive attitude with all work projects, being prepared to go the extra mile to get things done,
creating a work environment where great teamwork can flourish and having the capacity to encourage
the best performance standards from your fellow workers.

Service learning

Service-Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with
instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen
Through service-learning, young people—from kindergarteners to college students—use what they learn
in the classroom to solve real-life problems. They not only learn the practical applications of their
studies, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they
Service-learning can be applied in a wide variety of settings, including schools, universities, and
community-based and faith-based organizations. It can involve a group of students, a classroom or an
entire school. Students build character and become active participants as they work with others in their
school and community to create service projects in areas such as education, public safety, and the

University students in Michigan looked for ways to support struggling local non-profit organizations
during difficult economic times. Graduate communication students honed their skills while providing a
wide variety of public relations services with community partners, including developing press kits and
managing event coordination.

Service-learning is an education and youth development strategy that connects learning objectives with
meaningful service to the community. Students build civic, leadership, and academic skills while
strengthening communities through service. Benefits include improved academic achievement,
increased student engagement and civic skills, and stronger communities.

Civic virtue
Civic virtue is the moral underpinning of how a citizen behaves and is involved in society. It is a standard
of righteous behavior in relation to a citizens’ involvement in society. A individual may exhibit civic virtue
by voting, volunteering and organizing other community activities. Without an understanding of civic
virtue, citizens are less likely to look beyond their families, friends and economic interests. They are less
likely to help others in the community, to volunteer their time, to give to nonprofit organizations or to
participate in group activity that benefits society. Related ideas for civic virtue are citizenship,
philanthropy, public good, voluntarism and social capital.

Valuing Time:
A first step in good time management is to understand the value of your time.
If you are employed by someone else, you need to understand how much your employer is paying for
your time, and how much profit he or she expects to make from you. If you are working for yourself, you
should have an idea of how much income you want to bring in after tax. By working these figures back to
an hourly rate, this gives you an idea of the value of your time.
By knowing the value of your time, you should be able to tell what tasks are worthwhile to perform, and
which tasks give a poor return. This helps you cut away the low value jobs, or argue for help with them.

Respect for others

Respect for others is based on self-respect. It really is following the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you
would have others do unto you.

Being a polite and courteous person makes one a rare individual in today's world. Politeness, and a
genuine concern for the rights and feelings of others in our society seems to have slammed the door in
our faces. A culture of rudeness has become a feature of modern society. Whether it's loud cellphone
conversations, line cutting, or terrible customer service by staff people, finding politeness in the world is
on the decline.

You can very easily find people who view politeness and good manners as weakness and as character
flaws to be overcome. They argue that rudeness succeeds and common courtesy is a mark of failure.
They view rudeness to others as a sign of their superiority as people, and a badge of their status. They
couldn't be more wrong. Politeness and common courtesy are more likely to achieve success, in business
and in life, than a selfish, bullying attitude.

Whether in your personal relationships with others, or in your company, being polite and well mannered
pays off in many ways. In your personal life, remembering special days, holding doors, and displaying
good manners in general shows respect for the other person. That respect will almost always be
reciprocated by the other person.
Word of your genuine concern, for treating others fairly and with respect, will improve your company's
public image dramatically. Customers and clients will refer your business to their friends and family,
resulting in even more personal referrals. Good old fashioned word of mouth advertising, through
testimonials from satisfied customers is a powerful marketing tool. Everyone wants to be treated with
respect, and in the modern decline of manners, your business politeness will shine like a beacon in the

Contrary to the criticism that good manners are a display of weakness, polite and respectful actions are a
sign of self confidence. They are also recognition that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity.
Instead of taking their money and running, missing their appointments, or barging past them in lineups,
you are showing you value their time and rights, as well your own.
In a world where good manners are in steep decline, your polite actions will help you to stand out. You
definitely won't be seen as a doormat. There is a huge difference between providing service and being
subservient. Service implies an equal respect for yourself and others. Being subservient is based on a lack
of self respect, and has nothing to do with being polite. Show your respect for yourself and others.
Display your good manners today.

Peaceful living:
Our principle of ‘Peaceful living’ centers on the ethical and sustainable application of technologies which
would aim to provide basic needs for everyone without compromising the planet’s resources.
Sustainability can be expressed as meeting present ecological, societal, and economical needs without
compromising these factors for future generations.

Sustainable design encompasses the development of appropriate technology which is a staple of

sustainable living practices. Sustainable development in turn is the use of these technologies in
infrastructure. Evidence from the earliest hominid remains suggest that one of the keys to the
divergence of Homo Sapiens from apes came about through an increasing and varied use of tools. Tool
complexity eventually became more and more complex, finally evolving into the myriad of technologies
we rely on today.
It would appear therefore that whilst there are humans there will always be the development of
technologies to shape the world we live in.
Ethics of technology
The Ethics of Technology is a sub-field of Ethics and generally sub-divided into two areas:

• The ethics involved in the development of new technology – whether it is always, never, or
contextually right or wrong, to invent and implement a technological innovation.
• The ethical questions that are exacerbated by the ways in which technology extends or
curtails the power of individuals – how standard ethical questions are changed by the new
In 1998 UNESCO set up its Ethics of Science and Technology Programme which aims ‘to promote
consideration of science and technology in an ethical framework by initiating and supporting the process
of democratic building.’

Likewise The Centre for Technology and Ethics is a collaboration of three universities in the Netherlands
(Delft, Eindhoven, Twente) which aims:
• To stimulate and undertake interdisciplinary and applied research in the field of ethics and
• To stimulate and undertake fundamental research in ethics relevant for the field of ethics
and technology;
• To stimulate and undertake activities in the field of teaching in ethics and technology;
• To act as an intermediary between the philosophy departments involved in the three
universities. Ethics on the one hand and public debates and the media on the other.

Commitment and cooperation:

Commitment means acceptance of the responsibilities and duties and cooperation means help and
assistance. By developing team commitment and cooperation in a work team you are assisting the team
to meet its goals and objectives. Work teams that are committed and cooperative are more likely to
achieve the goals the business has set.

There are a number of signals that indicate the work team is committed and cooperating. These include:

• maintaining or increasing quality

• reaching or exceeding production targets
• decreasing complaints from team members
• limited conflict between team members
• fewer workplace injuries.

There are degrees of team involvement in decision making. Your knowledge of the skills and abilities of
the team members will guide your decision about the extent supported employees can contribute to
making a decision. There are no rules for when and how team members should be involved. It is a matter
for your judgement. The following diagram shows the degrees of involvement team members may have.
At the highest level of involvement the team identifies and solves problems, and brings
recommendations to the supervisor. At the lowest level of involvement the team plays no role in the
decision making at all. Between these two extremes the supervisor and team may make the decision
together, or the supervisor may outline the problem and constraints for solving it (time, money, etc) and
hand it over to the team to solve.
Involving team members in decision making, which can include problem solving, should be based on
whether one or more of the following is met:

• The need for acceptance. The greater the need for the team to accept your decisions, the
more you should involve them.
• The effect the decision will have on the team. The more the problem or decision affects the
team, the more you should involve them.
• Their involvement in implementing the decision. If the team will be implementing or carrying
out the decision, involve them.
• The ability and desire of the group to become involved. If the team wants to be involved,
consider involving them, particularly if they have sufficient knowledge or expertise in the
issue involved. Even if they do not, it could be useful for training and development purposes.
Empathy is the ability to mutually experience the thoughts, emotions, and direct experience of others.
The ability to understand another person’s circumstances, point of view, thoughts, and feelings is
empathy. When experiencing empathy, you are able to understand someone else’s internal experiences.

Self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes
manifested excessively. Being confident in yourself is infectious if you present yourself well, others will
want to follow in your foot steps towards success.
Promise yourself, no matter how difficult the problem life throws at you, that you will try as hard as you
can to help yourself. You acknowledge that sometimes your efforts to help yourself may not result in
success, as often being properly rewarded is not in your control.
Self-esteem has been directly connected to an individual's social network, the activities they participate
in, and what they hear about themselves from others. Positive self-esteem has been linked to factors
such as psychological health, mattering to others, and both body image and physical health. On the
contrary, low self-esteem has been associated with the outcomes of depression, health problems, and
antisocial behavior. Usually, adolescents of poor health will display low self-esteem. Globally, self-
confidence in boys and girls will decline during adolescence, and in contrast to boys, girls' self-confidence
won't shoot back up again until early adulthood.
During adolescence, self-esteem is affected by age, race, ethnicity, puberty, health, body height, body
weight, body image, involvement in physical activities, gender presentation, gender identity, and
awakening or discovery of sexuality. Self-confidence can vary and be observed in a variety of dimensions.
Components of one's social and academic life affect self-esteem. An individual's self-confidence can vary
in different environments, such as at home or in school.
Spirituality is the concept of an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a person
to discover the essence of his/her being; or the "deepest values and meanings by which people
live. Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an
individual's inner life. Spiritual experiences can include being connected to a larger reality, yielding a
more comprehensive self; joining with other individuals or the human community; with nature or
the cosmos; or with the divine realm. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or
orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of
the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.
Traditionally, many religions have regarded spirituality as an integral aspect of religiou experience.
Among other factors, declining membership of organized religions and the growth of secularism in
the western world have given rise to a broader view of spirituality. The term "spiritual" is now frequently
used in contexts in which the term "religious" was formerly employed; compare James 1902 lectures on
the "Varieties of Religious Experience".
Secular spirituality emphasizes humanistic ideas on moral character (qualities such as love, compassion,
patience, tolerance, forgiveness, contentment, responsibility, harmony, and a concern for others) -
aspects of life and human experience which go beyond a purely materialist view of the world without
necessarily accepting belief in a supernatural reality or divine being. Spiritual practices such as
mindfulness and meditation can be experienced as beneficial or even necessary for human fulfillment
without any supernatural interpretation or explanation. Spirituality in this context may be a matter of
nurturing thoughts, emotions, words and actions that are in harmony with a belief that everything in the
universe is mutually dependent; this stance has much in common with some versions of Buddhist
spirituality. A modern definition is as follows:
"Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the issues of how our lives fit into the greater scheme of
things. This is true when our questions never give way to specific answers or give rise to specific
practices such as prayer or meditation. We encounter spiritual issues every time we wonder where the
universe comes from, why we are here, or what happens when we die. We also become spiritual when
we become moved by values such as beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a meaning or power
beyond our visible world. An idea or practice is "spiritual" when it reveals our personal desire to establish
a felt-relationship with the deepest meanings or powers governing life.”

• Computers:
– Developed & adopted over about three decades
– Significant impacts on society:
• Not well understood or nor always predicted, e.g:
– The Y2K bug
– However largely accepted as a positive technology
• Nuclear power stations
– Developed & adopted over about three decades
– Significant impacts on society:
• Not well understood nor always predicted, eg. Chernobyl
– Widespread concern & installed capacity in decline

Experimental Attributes of Engineering:

• Incomplete understanding of implications:
– Insufficient time or money
– Commercial advantage (desire for secrecy)
– Uncertainty about impacts (sometimes unknowable)
• Participation of experimental subjects:
– Products or services often target non-engineers
– Subjects share responsibility if voluntarily accept risk
• Reasons for monitoring outcomes:
– Commercial purposes (e.g. product improvement)
– Precautionary purposes (e.g. manage risk)
Nature of Subjects
• Subjects:
– Individual consumers, groups or society as a whole:
• Those who can make informed choices, and
• Those requiring advocates:
– Disadvantaged, future generations, other species & the environment
• Impacts:
– Health, safety & the environment
– Changes to social structure & social status:
• Income & wealth distribution
• Lifestyles & personal empowerment
• Education, culture
• Absence of a ‘control group’ ( equivalent non-participants):
– Products & services usually offered to all
– Benefits may such that they can’t be withheld from a particular group
• Society may have little prior understanding:
– Innovative products & services
– Uncertainty in future impacts (positive or negative)
• Informed judgements are difficult to make:
– For both experimenter and subject
• Engineering is a form of social experimentation:
– Innovation with social & environmental impacts
– Uncertainty & risk in outcomes
• Stakeholders have a right to informed consent:
– Information, opportunity, decision making capability
• Problems in implementation:

A balanced outlook on Law

The 1969 Santa Barbara offshore spill of 235,000 gallons of crude oil blackened 30 miles of spectacular
beaches, damaged wildlife, and hurt the local tourist trade. Predictably, the disaster prompted demands
for new laws and tighter controls to prevent such occurances in the future. A group of Southern
Californians staged a burning of gasoline credit cards of the offending oil company. Unioin oil, only to be
taken to task by alocal newspaper for taking the wrong aim. The newspaper argued that gas station
operators who would suffer the most by a boycott are not at fault.


Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers are
expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has a direct and vital
impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require
honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health,
safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires
adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.

I. Fundamental Canons
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor,
reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

II. Rules of Practice

1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
a. If engineers' judgment is overruled under circumstances that endanger life or property, they shall
notify their employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate.
b. Engineers shall approve only those engineering documents that are in conformity with applicable
c. Engineers shall not reveal facts, data, or information without the prior consent of the client or
employer except as authorized or required by law or this Code.
d. Engineers shall not permit the use of their name or associate in business ventures with any person or
firm that they believe is engaged in fraudulent or dishonest enterprise.
e. Engineers shall not aid or abet the unlawful practice of engineering by a person or firm.
f. Engineers having knowledge of any alleged violation of this Code shall report thereon to appropriate
professional bodies and, when relevant, also to public authorities, and cooperate with the proper
authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required.

2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence.

a. Engineers shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific
technical fields involved.
b. Engineers shall not affix their signatures to any plans or documents dealing with subject matter in
which they lack competence, nor to any plan or document not prepared under their direction and
c. Engineers may accept assignments and assume responsibility for coordination of an entire project and
sign and seal the engineering documents for the entire project, provided that each technical segment
is signed and sealed only by the qualified engineers who prepared the segment.

3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
a. Engineers shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements, or testimony. They shall
include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony, which should
bear the date indicating when it was current.
b. Engineers may express publicly technical opinions that are founded upon knowledge of the facts and
competence in the subject matter.
c. Engineers shall issue no statements, criticisms, or arguments on technical matters that are inspired or
paid for by interested parties, unless they have prefaced their comments by explicitly identifying the
interested parties on whose behalf they are speaking, and by revealing the existence of any interest
the engineers may have in the matters.

4. Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
a. Engineers shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest that could influence or appear to
influence their judgment or the quality of their services.
b. Engineers shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for
services on the same project, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances
are fully disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties.
c. Engineers shall not solicit or accept financial or other valuable consideration, directly or indirectly,
from outside agents in connection with the work for which they are responsible.
d. Engineers in public service as members, advisors, or employees of a governmental or quasi-
governmental body or department shall not participate in decisions with respect to services solicited
or provided by them or their organizations in private or public engineering practice.
e. Engineers shall not solicit or accept a contract from a governmental body on which a principal or
officer of their organization serves as a member.

5. Engineers shall avoid deceptive acts.

a. Engineers shall not falsify their qualifications or permit misrepresentation of their or their associates'
qualifications. They shall not misrepresent or exaggerate their responsibility in or for the subject
matter of prior assignments. Brochures or other presentations incident to the solicitation of
employment shall not misrepresent pertinent facts concerning employers, employees, associates,
joint venturers, or past accomplishments.
b. Engineers shall not offer, give, solicit, or receive, either directly or indirectly, any contribution to
influence the award of a contract by public authority, or which may be reasonably construed by the
public as having the effect or intent of influencing the awarding of a contract. They shall not offer any
gift or other valuable consideration in order to secure work. They shall not pay a commission,
percentage, or brokerage fee in order to secure work, except to a bona fide employee or bona fide
established commercial or marketing agencies retained by them.

III. Professional Obligations

1. Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
a. Engineers shall acknowledge their errors and shall not distort or alter the facts.
b. Engineers shall advise their clients or employers when they believe a project will not be successful.
c. Engineers shall not accept outside employment to the detriment of their regular work or interest.
Before accepting any outside engineering employment, they will notify their employers.
d. Engineers shall not attempt to attract an engineer from another employer by false or misleading
e. Engineers shall not promote their own interest at the expense of the dignity and integrity of the
2. Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest.
a. Engineers are encouraged to participate in civic affairs; career guidance for youths; and work for the
advancement of the safety, health, and well-being of their community.
b. Engineers shall not complete, sign, or seal plans and/or specifications that are not in conformity with
applicable engineering standards. If the client or employer insists on such unprofessional conduct,
they shall notify the proper authorities and withdraw from further service on the project.
c. Engineers are encouraged to extend public knowledge and appreciation of engineering and its
d. Engineers are encouraged to adhere to the principles of sustainable development1in order to protect
the environment for future generations.
3. Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public.
a. Engineers shall avoid the use of statements containing a material misrepresentation of fact or
omitting a material fact.
b. Consistent with the foregoing, engineers may advertise for recruitment of personnel.
c. Consistent with the foregoing, engineers may prepare articles for the lay or technical press, but such
articles shall not imply credit to the author for work performed by others.
4. Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential information concerning the business
affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or employer, or public body on which
they serve.
a. Engineers shall not, without the consent of all interested parties, promote or arrange for new
employment or practice in connection with a specific project for which the engineer has gained
particular and specialized knowledge.
b. Engineers shall not, without the consent of all interested parties, participate in or represent an
adversary interest in connection with a specific project or proceeding in which the engineer has
gained particular specialized knowledge on behalf of a former client or employer.
5. Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests.
a. Engineers shall not accept financial or other considerations, including free engineering designs, from
material or equipment suppliers for specifying their product.
b. Engineers shall not accept commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly, from contractors or
other parties dealing with clients or employers of the engineer in connection with work for which the
engineer is responsible.
6. Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or advancement or professional engagements
by untruthfully criticizing other engineers, or by other improper or questionable methods.
a. Engineers shall not request, propose, or accept a commission on a contingent basis under
circumstances in which their judgment may be compromised.
b. Engineers in salaried positions shall accept part-time engineering work only to the extent consistent
with policies of the employer and in accordance with ethical considerations.
c. Engineers shall not, without consent, use equipment, supplies, laboratory, or office facilities of an
employer to carry on outside private practice.
7. Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the professional
reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers. Engineers who believe others
are guilty of unethical or illegal practice shall present such information to the proper authority for
a. Engineers in private practice shall not review the work of another engineer for the same client,
except with the knowledge of such engineer, or unless the connection of such engineer with the
work has been terminated.
b. Engineers in governmental, industrial, or educational employ are entitled to review and evaluate the
work of other engineers when so required by their employment duties.
c. Engineers in sales or industrial employ are entitled to make engineering comparisons of represented
products with products of other suppliers.
8. Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for their professional activities, provided, however,
that engineers may seek indemnification for services arising out of their practice for other than
gross negligence, where the engineer's interests cannot otherwise be protected.
a. Engineers shall conform with state registration laws in the practice of engineering.
b. Engineers shall not use association with a nonengineer, a corporation, or partnership as a "cloak" for
unethical acts.
9. Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due, and will recognize
the proprietary interests of others.
a. Engineers shall, whenever possible, name the person or persons who may be individually responsible
for designs, inventions, writings, or other accomplishments.
b. Engineers using designs supplied by a client recognize that the designs remain the property of the
client and may not be duplicated by the engineer for others without express permission.
c. Engineers, before undertaking work for others in connection with which the engineer may make
improvements, plans, designs, inventions, or other records that may justify copyrights or patents,
should enter into a positive agreement regarding ownership.
d. Engineers' designs, data, records, and notes referring exclusively to an employer's work are the
employer's property. The employer should indemnify the engineer for use of the information for any
purpose other than the original purpose.
e. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and should keep
current in their specialty fields by engaging in professional practice, participating in continuing
education courses, reading in the technical literature, and attending professional meetings and

Footnote 1 "Sustainable development" is the challenge of meeting human needs for natural resources,
industrial products, energy, food, transportation, shelter, and effective waste management while
conserving and protecting environmental quality and the natural resource base essential for future

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