Ways On How Teenagers Cope Up With Thenegative Effects of Social Media

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Ways on how teenagers cope up with

thenegative effects of Social Media.

A Research Paper
Presented to:
Ms. Kimberly Ann M. Ng

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
English 10

Ruben M. Caisip Jr.
Rosemel Santos
Clarisa Andres
Jairo Andrew Magat
Jezza Mangune
Cristine Joy Balatbat
John Larcen Balatbat

March 21, 2020
In the present world of competition, there is a race of existence in which those
are having will to come forward succeed. With this willing I joined this particular

The researchers would like to express his/her highest gratitude for all the support,
encouragement and prayers of numerous people involving ,
friends,family,teachers,and specially the researchers would like to express their
deepest gratitude to GOD.

First of all, the researchers would like to express gratitude for their friends
because she's helping us if what is the right to do regarding to our research. She
give us different ideas for us to do it properly. She guide us in every steps that we
do for us to do this task. We engage brainstorming in our group to share our own
different ideas.

Second, the researchers would like to express gratefulness for their parents,
whom I am greatly indebted for me brought up with love, supports, and
encouragement to this stage.

Third, the researchers would like to express the most profound gratitude for

Ms. Kimberly Ng, Their English professor. Because they helped us in every
obstacles in our studies. They stand as our second parents, they give us advices if
what is the right thing to do. It is often that we share and open our problems to
them and they stand as our close friends.

Lastly and the most crucial, the researcher would like to express the deepest
gratitude to our God who yielded our strength, and give us a confidence to finish
our works. God gave us challenges to make us prepared for the incoming
challenges/struggles that we will encounter for our future. Without God, we are
just an empty vessel. Who is obviously the one has always guided everyone to
work on the one has always guided everyone to work on the right path of life.
Without his grace this project could not become a reality.




The Upside of Social Media for Teens

There are some positive aspects to social media.

It’s important to remember that teens are hardwired for socialization, and social
media makes socializing easy and immediate. Teens who struggle with social
skills, social anxiety, or who don’t have easy access to face-to-face socializing with
other teens might benefit from connecting with other teens through social media.

Teens in marginalized groups—including LGBTQ teens and teens struggling with

mental health issues—can find support and friendship through use of social
media. When teens connect with small groups of supportive teens via social
media, those connections can be the difference between living in isolation and
finding support.

The Downside Social Media Use by Teens

Read enough of the current research and you’ll find that the negatives tend to
feel bigger than the positives. While teens can use social media to connect and
create friendships with others, they also confront cyberbullying, trolls, toxic
comparisons, sleep deprivation, and less frequent face-to-face interactions, to
name a few.
From the past decades up to this generation. As we all know from the this 21st
century generation it is a non changing system of technology especially in using
social media. While this generation is passing by the technology is also improving
because of the people that invent different types of sites.

You are part of this generation and you are part of our technology. So in short
even you was using social media sites. But, remember that in using social media
they are many advantages and disadvantages can we get. So we need to aware to
our limitations using this technology.

It is better that we are using technology in a proper way like engaging our minds
to be intelligent. We engage ourselves to be smart human.

Engaging and enlightenment our intelligent is one of the good way on setting
ourselves on a better future. We can also be professional.

The researchers came up to this study to determine the social media

The purpose of social media is primarily to build a brand and increase its visibility.
As social media sites have become more popular, brands and businesses are
pulling their services over the sites to market them in the right manner.

The original purpose of SOCIAL MEDIA is;

With interaction, participation and passion in your internet platforms you will
attract and capture your users. So the original purpose of Social Media is not only
for you to communicate with other people. It's also an effective tool for business

The social media have a disadvantages and advantages, now in our generation,
SOCIAL MEDIA is most important, because some of students, needs a social
media, for their School Works, like research, thesis, and etc.

Most of the students are using SOCIAL MEDIA for heir school works either for
their company works.

In using social media, they are many disadvantages and advantages that we can
get and it will also have good result and bad result.
But most of it there are many good effects that we can get on social media
especially to the kids in this generation. It will help the children in their school
works such as research, thesis, etc..

It will also help us by making communication to others such as talking with your
love ones or relatives that far from you or in the other country, and especially for
those have friendship.

Social media will also help you when you have a plan to go in other place that you
didn't even know where it is and social media will help you to trace the place
where you will go like Waze and google maps.

Social media will have more good effects especially when you know how to use it
in a properly and nicely way and when you have guidance for your parents and

And specially we used SOCIAL MEDIA to have a communication to our family




While on the other hands, the

negative impacts of social media
platforms include issues like increased
levels of depression, and anxiety, poor
sleep quality, dissatisfaction with body
image, cyberbullying, and FOMO.

He invented the first social media site was six degrees, in 1997.

Six Degrees was popular with users until 2003. That is when TOM ANDERSON
made Myspace.

Yes, and even past the first recognized social media site "Six Degrees", founded in
1997 by Andrew Weinreichian. Social media dates back as far as the early 1840s:
here is an infographic from Redpoll, which outlines the timeline of social media
from 1844 to 2018.

The first social media site to reach a million monthly active users was Myspace – it
achieved this milestone around 2004. This is arguably the beginning of social
media, as we know it.

Andrew Weinreichian is an American serial entrepreneur. He is a pioneer in the

field of social networking and has been starting and building businesses since

Andrew Weinreichian graduated cum laude with a B.A. in American History from
the University of Pennsylvania in 1990. He also holds a J.D. from Fordham

After graduating law school, Weinreichian practiced law as General Counsel and
served as Vice President for the Hertz Technology Group. He had also worked as a
financial analyst at Merrill Lynch & Co.

Weinreichian has served as Chairman of Exotify, Founder and Chairman of

Memoir LLC, Director of As kit Systems, Director of Drop.io, Inc., Chairman of
Board of Organic Network Inc., and Director of Organic Network Inc. He has also
served as Member of Advisory Board at Visible Path Corporation and at SNAP
Interactive, Inc. since September2012.


Interacting with friends and family across long distances has been a concern of
humans for centuries. As social animals, people have always relied on
communication to strengthen their relationships. When face-to-face discussions
are impossible or inconvenient, humans have dreamed up plenty of creative
solutions. Avalanche Media recently unveiled their Interactive Infographic
entitled, “The Complete History of Social Media.”

History of Social Media: Then And Now

The roots of social media stretch far deeper than you might imagine. Although it
seems like a new trend, sites like Facebook are the natural outcome of many
centuries of social media development.

The earliest methods of communicating across great distances used written

correspondence delivered by hand from one person to another.

In other words, letters. The earliest form of postal service dates back to 550 B.C.,
and this primitive delivery system would become more widespread and
streamlined in future centuries.

In 1792, the telegraph was invented. This allowed messages to be delivered over
a long distance far faster than a horse and rider could carry them. Although
telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way to convey news
and information.

Although no longer popular outside of drive-through banking, the pneumatic

post, developed in 1865, created another way for letters to be delivered quickly
between recipients. A pneumatic post utilizes underground pressurized air tubes
to carry capsules from one area to another.

Two important discoveries happened in the last decade of the 1800s: The
telephone in 1890 and the radio in 1891.

Both technologies are still in use today, although the modern versions are much
more sophisticated than their predecessors. Telephone lines and radio signals
enabled people to communicate across great distances instantaneously,
something that mankind had never experienced before.

Social Media in the 20th Century

Technology began to change very rapidly in the 20th Century.

After the first super computers were created in the 1940s, scientists and
engineers began to develop ways to create networks between those computers,
and this would later lead to the birth of the Internet.

The earliest forms of the Internet, such as CompuServe, were developed in the
1960s. Primitive forms of email were also developed during this time. By the 70s,
networking technology had improved, and 1979’s UseNet allowed users to
communicate through a virtual newsletter.

By the 1980s, home computers were becoming more common and social media
was becoming more sophisticated. Internet relay chats, or IRCs, were first used in
1988 and continued to be popular well into the 1990’s.

The first recognizable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It
enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the
first blogging sites became popular, creating a social media sensation that’s still
popular today.

After the invention of blogging, social media began to explode in popularity. Sites
like Myspace and LinkedIn gained prominence in the early 2000s, and sites like
Photobucket and Flickr facilitated online photo sharing. YouTube came out in
2005, creating an entirely new way for people to communicate and share with
each other across great distances.

By 2006, Facebook and Twitter both became available to users throughout the
world. These sites remain some of the most popular social networks on the
Internet. Other sites like Tumblr, Spotify, Foursquare and Pinterest began popping
up to fill specific social networking niches.

Today, there is a tremendous variety of social networking sites, and many of them
can be linked to allow cross-posting. This creates an environment where users can
reach the maximum number of people without sacrificing the intimacy of person-
to-person communication. We can only speculate about what the future of social
networking may look in the next decade or even 100 years from now, but it seems
clear that it will exist in some form for as long as humans are alive.

Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the

creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and
built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of
definition; however, there are some common features:

Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.

User-generated content such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos,

and data generated through all online interactions, is the lifeblood of social

Users create service-specific profiles and identities for the website or app that are
designed and maintained by the social media organization.

Social media facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a

user's profile with those of other individuals or groups.

Users usually access social media services via web-based|apps technologies on

desktops and laptops, or download services that offer social media functionality
to their mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets).
As users engage with these electronic services, they create highly interactive
platforms through which individuals, communities, and organizations can share,
co-create, discuss, participate and modify user-generated content or self-curated
content posted online.

Networks formed through social media change the way groups of people interact
and communicate or stand with the votes. They "introduce substantial and
pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities, and

These changes are the focus of the emerging fields of techno self-studies. Social
media differ from paper-based media (e.g., magazines and newspapers) and
traditional electronic media such as TV broadcasting, Radio broadcasting in many
ways, including quality, reach, frequency, interactivity, usability, immediacy, and
performance. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system
(many sources too many receivers). This is in contrast to traditional media, which
operates under a mono-logic transmission model (one source too many
receivers), such as a newspaper which is delivered to many subscribers, or a radio
station which broadcasts the same programs to an entire city. Some of the most
popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users, include
Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), YouTube, WeChat, Instagram,
QQ, Zone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, Telegram, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, WhatsApp,
LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, VK, Reddit, and more.

Observers have noted a wide range of positive and negative impacts of social
media use. Social media can help to improve an individual's sense of
connectedness with real or online communities and can be an effective
communication (or marketing) tool for corporations, entrepreneurs, non-profit
organizations, advocacy groups, political parties, and governments.

Why other students/children's didn't control themselves to approach themselves

using social media, because they don't have self-control, or limitations in their

And Why the students didn't used social media in a right way?
Because they lack of their limits for using social media. So why their fell inti
addiction, on social media, such as online games.

Also they concentrate on using social media, and they forget the other rhings that
they need to do, such as like; School Works, consort with their family, and friends.
Maybe either they stop thinking about their lessons whether they have a

It is also extravagantly of time, for family, either to their paramour.

What is addiction on social media?

Problematic social media use, also known as social media addiction or social
media overuse, is a proposed form of psychological or behavioral dependence on
social media platforms, also known as Internet addiction disorder, and other
forms of digital media overuse. It is generally defined as the compulsive use of
social media platforms that results in significant impairment in an individual's
function in various life domains over a prolonged period. This and other
relationships between digital media use and mental health have been
considerably researched, debated, and discussed among experts in several
disciplines, and have generated controversy in medical, scientific, and
technological communities. Research suggests that it affects women and girls
more than boys and men and that it appears to affect individuals based on the
social media platform used Such disorders can be diagnosed when an individual
engages in online activities at the cost of fulfilling daily responsibilities or pursuing
other interests, and without regard for the negative consequences.

What are the good things to do, to avoid social media addiction?
Growing up, we millennials didn't even know what social media was, let alone
how it might play such a big part in our adult lives. If you feel you are becoming
addicted to social media, don't worry, there are steps you can take to beat your
social media addiction.

Depending on when you were born, your first encounter with social media could
have been having a MySpace Page or perhaps joining up to Facebook with your
educational institute. Of course there was also MSN Messenger and AOL Instant
Messenger (ah, AIM), which we used to keep in contact with each other and stay
up to date with all of the events and dramas of the school day just gone. There
were no smartphones or apps and iPods were used for their original purpose:
listening to music on the go. The best thing you could expect from your mobile
was the ability to play Snake.

In the past decade, social media has crept from our computer screens onto the
screens of our handheld devices. With the flick of a finger we can upload photos
directly from our phones onto our social media accounts, reply instantly to
messages, or see what our families and friends have been up to. With our mobiles
always within arm's reach, it can be super easy to become a little too enamoured
with social media and it can negatively affect our relationships with others. So
here are some tips on how to gain control of your social media addiction.

Limit Yourself
Set a timer on your watch or phone, to limit the amount of time you spend on
social media. Choose a limit depending on the severity of your addiction – say an
hour a day, which equates to seven hours per week – and whenever you check
your accounts, start your timer going. When you reach your limit, be strong and
don't be tempted to add on extra time. This will be a strong test of your
willpower, but it will be worth it in the end.

Get A New Hobby

You may have a lot more free time on your hands now that you're trying to cut
down on your social media usage, so why not pick up a new hobby to fill your
spare time? You could learn a new skill or do something you've always wanted to
do but never had the time. You'll probably surprise yourself at how much free
time you have when you stop mindlessly scrolling through your newsfeed. Plus
your new hobby will keep your mind and hands preoccupied when you're craving
social media.
Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones
Instead of keeping up to date with your friends' and family members' lives
through a screen, spend time with them in the real world and reconnect with
them. Make new memories and keep them personal to you — you don't need to
document everything you do in life with selfies.

That all the things we can suggest when a person fell in addiction on social media.

The world is literally your oyster, so don't get trapped in a virtual world. Get out
from behind your screen and enjoy life's pleasures!


The significance of this study is to understand how those students could manage
or balance between using social media and school activities, and how these social
media affected their academic standing and quality of time with their own family.
This study will benefit the following:

To the students: This study will help the students to know more about social
media (what and why’s).

This could also help the students make their management of Social Media, more
applicable for them.

To the parents: This study will benefit the parents to be aware about the
situations of their children as a student regarding their social media or may their
children's using social media.

To the teachers: This study is also made for the teacher so that they will know
about the views of Junior high school students about the social media.
To the chosen school: This study will benefit the school organization in order to
have strategies on how students prevent different anxiety with their Social Media.
With this study , the chosen will be oriented regarding the situations of the
students when they using their social media accounts.

To the researchers: This study will also be beneficial to the current researcher so
that they can have additional information with regards to the impact of Social
Media. The current researcher may expand their knowledge in doing this research

To the future researchers: This study could also be a big help to the future
researchers for their study to be conducted, for it will serve as their reference,
and it will helps them with the things they still don’t know about the Social
Media or How to used a social media in a right way.


Sylvie Tomoniko , Teenager anxiety can be fueled by the online social

interactions of today’s youth. Comparing one’s life with others, coping with
bullying behaviour, seeking acceptance from peers, and digital addiction can all
have a role in the rising anxiety today’s teenagers are experiencing. Educators and
parents have an important role to play in teaching teenagers how to navigate
their digital environments in a safe and responsible way. Through education,
students can be made aware of the risks of social media to their mental health,
learn coping techniques and be directed to resources that can help to alleviate
the anxiety they may be experiencing. Online communication, viewing, and
interacting with media have a role to play in the increased anxiety levels of
today’s teenagers. The rise in teenagers’ anxiety levels is connected to being
exposed to, and interacting with, a variety of digital messages and activities.
Teenagers’ interpret these messages in relation to their own lives and sense of
self. Through media education programs delivered in a school setting, teenagers
can become more reflective about their online digital experiences and implement
strategies that will help them to reduce their levels of anxiety.
Addressing Anxiety in Teenagers and Its Connection to Technology Use

Anxiety is a part of the human condition and occurs at different moments in a

young person’s life. However, there may be times when anxiety becomes so
prevalent that it starts to affect teenagers’ self-esteem, schoolwork, and
friendships. The recent rise in use of technology and social networks has fueled
unprecedented social anxiety among today’s teenagers (“Fewer Girls,” 2018, p.
10). Four significant anxiety-causing issues can arise with the use of online
technology. Comparing oneself with others, cyberbullying, social isolation, and
addiction can all play a role in fueling teenagers’ anxieties.

Comparing Oneself With Others

With access to online technology, teenagers are able to be in a constant state of

communication and comparison with one another. Anxiety is often triggered
when teenagers compare themselves with others (“Is Your Online Addiction,”
2016). Teenagers may be browsing on Facebook or Instagram, seeing pictures of
beautiful teenagers living seemingly wonderful, perfect lives; there are no pimples
rising from their skin, each stray hair is neatly coiffed, chins are defined, eyes are
enlarged, and lips are full. Imaging filter tools have erased or reshaped the
imperfections teenagers see in themselves and one another. In addition, not only
is everyone physically appealing, but everywhere the teenagers look, the lives of
their peers are painted with fun times and excitement (“Is Your Online Addiction,”
2016). The drab moments of their own everyday lives cannot compete. Teenagers
today are becoming obsessed with creating an image of perfection that does not
accurately reflect the reality of their looks or their lives. In the school setting, this
obsession can be seen in the pressure teenagers put on themselves to look and
act as perfect as their online personas. To be accepted as part of a desired social
group is a driving motivation for teenagers’ behaviours (Charteris, Gregory, &
Masters, 2018). Through the lens of social media, teenagers can find unlimited
opportunities to scrutinize and compare themselves with others, resulting in a
constant pressure to look and act in the standard expected by their peers.

Because of the instantaneous nature of social media, cyberbullying also

plays a crucial part in the rising levels of teenager anxiety. Many of the
victims, as well as the perpetrators, of cyberbullying do not have
positive connections with the school environment and learning (Betts,
Spenser, & Gardner, 2017). Though much cyberbullying happens
outside school hours, the effects can carry over into the school day,
affecting students’ perceptions of safety and belonging. In my school, I
increasingly deal with peer issues related to negative social media
communication by the students. Unfortunately, students who have
been bullied online are also more likely to participate in bullying
behaviour in the virtual hallways of social media, as a form of
retaliation or as an outlet for the pain caused to themselves (Beyazit,
Simsek, & Ayhan, 2017). Cyberbullying can also be connected to
exploitation of teenager sexuality. Desire to communicate digitally can
lead teenagers from flirtatious banter to exchange of sexual images
(Charteris et al., 2018). Once released in the digital realm, these images
can be knowingly and purposefully redistributed. Because of the very
nature of online media distribution, bullying in cyberspace has the
potential for a larger audience and longer lasting presence in the life of
the victim, causing prolonged anxiety.

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