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Greetings Panelists, Teachers, and Fellow Students!

I am Victor T. Victoria Jr., here with: Bjorn Kian C. Magana, Kenneth S. Toshimitsu, and

Junniel Ken T. Arteza, we are here today to present our paper entitled “The Correlation

Between Personality and Film Preference of Senior High School students of Don Bosco

Technical College”

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Here are the parts of today’s presentation


Here to present the first part of our presentation is Mr. Toshimitsu

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Lets begin with the background of the study

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The COVID 19 Pandemic has resulted in an increase of time people spend at home.

This has also led to the surge in use of streaming services as a form of entertainment.

This is backed up by a study conducted by a UK based Marketing agency that found

that video streaming in the philippines during the Quarantine is up by 79%, this means

that Filipinos are watching movies more than ever. Knowing that, we opted to take

advantage of this phenomenon to study the topic of film preference.

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Growing up with the internet, we have experienced, first hand, the polarizing nature of

film. Social media and other dedicated film reviewing platforms have enabled the

general audience to share their opinions on the films they watch. Seeing all these

different views on a particular movie all in one place has made really evident the

polarizing nature of film. Not everyone comes out of watching a film feeling the same

way. Multiple factors contribute to how a Person feels about not only certain films but

also certain kinds of films. We then wanted to see what might affect one's inclination to

prefer a movie, to study a factor that might affect how one feels about a certain film and

why that feeling may be different from the feelings of others.

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And so we set out to look into the possible correlation between Personality and Film

Preference of the Senior High School Students of Don Bosco Technical College.
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Here to present the next part of our presentation is Mr. Arteza

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To be able to execute the objective of the research, we established a list of more

specific goals that we would accomplish to find the answer to the problem as a whole.

We settled on looking for the profile of the respondents in terms of: Age, Sex, Grade,

Section, Email.

What were the respective OCEAN/ Five Factor Model of Personality scores of the


What were the film preferences of the respondents?

And if there was a significant relationship between the OCEAN test scores and the Film

Preference of the Grade 12 students of Don Bosco Technical College.

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Here to present the Research design is Mr. Magana

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We chose to follow a correlational research design, as this design will allow the

researchers to achieve their goal of establishing a relationship between independent

and dependent variables. In this study those variables are personality and film


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Here to present the data gathering procedure is Mr. Toshimitsu once again

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To be able to collect the data we need to accomplish our research, We put together a 3

part survey in Google Forms, then sent it to the respondents using the Google Forms’

integrated dispersion system.

That system primarily sent the instrument through their school issued emails, and the

respondents who were not immediately able to answer the survey were sent follow up
emails at least once a day. They were also messaged through their Google Hangouts,

Facebook Messenger, and through their respective advisors.

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We shall now proceed to the population and sample, to be presented by Mr. Magana

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In terms of sex:

The majority of the respondents were male. With only less than 20% of the sample

being female. This distribution accurately represents the population of grade 12

students of Don Bosco Technical College because of the previously stated imbalance in

the amount of male and female students. The imbalance is a lingering effect caused by

the fact that, for the longest time, DBTC operated as an “all boys school” so when the

school decided to allow female students to enroll, DBTC’s history and reputation still

resulted in a higher number of male students over female.

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In terms of grade level:

Because of complications in the creation of this study causing delays, we were only able

to gather responses from Grade 12 students even though the study originally called for

respondents from the entire Senior High School department.

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In terms of their age:

The majority of our respondents are 18 years old, with tha range being from 17-19 years

old. This means that all of the respondents fall within the older part of the Gen Z

category. The selection of this generation was purposeful because of the fact that Gen Z

spend most of their media consumption time on streaming services like Netflix. This is

relevant as our study was built on the fact that people are using streaming services

more than ever.

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I shall now present the results of our study, as well as the conclusions

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From the entire sample the trait with the highest hypothetical average is Openness but

the trait that the respondents most consistently got similar scores in was

Agreeableness, as made evident by it having the lowest standard deviation.

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After tallying and ranking the overall answers of the respondents, we found that the

respondents favor the genres of Comedy, Action/Adventure, and Science Fiction Most;

and Drama, Documentary and Horror, least. This is mostly consistent with the latest

findings of a team in the United states that quested to quantify the popularity of certain

film genres.
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The data collected was put through a biserial correlation analysis to find if significant

correlations were found between Personality and film preference. After the data was

analyzed, the only positive significant correlations were found between the trait of

Openness and the genres of Action and Comedy. After that, only Negative correlations

were found. Specifically between the trait of Openness and the genre of Drama; the trait

of Conscientiousness and the genre of Horror; the trait of Extraversion and the genres

of Horror and Romance; and the trait of Agreeableness and the genre of Comedy. No

correlations were found between the trait of Neuroticism and any of the genres.

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The findings of this study ultimately revealed that there were significant correlations

between film preference and all but one personality trait. And though correlations were

indeed found (and ones with strong basis especially in the trait of openness) the

perplexing and inconsistent nature of the latter correlations (or lack thereof in the case

of neuroticism) combined with the unfortunate circumstances that plagued the creation

of this paper led us to mark these findings as inconclusive.

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Finally, presenting our recommendations is Mr. Arteza

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We recommend that future researchers:

Should take the time to run their instrument for internal consistency as to further justify

the validity of their research instrument.

They should take responses from both of the grade levels in the Senior High School

Program of Don Bosco Technical College so that their results will be reflective of the

Senior High School population as a whole.

They should take respondents from a bigger population by taking responses from a

variety of different schools. That is, if they wish to still conduct the study within the age

range of the respondents of the researchers’ study.

Finally, we recommend that they add a section to the Research Instrument that allows

the respondents to indicate how they consume Films, be it through Cable TV,

Streaming, Theatres, or Physical Media.

Questions that might be asked

Q: Why use slovin’s formula?

A: We used it because we needed to get a sample size that would be enough to

represent the entire population, as taking responses from every single part of the

po[ulation is just not practical. As for why we used slovin’s specifically, slovin’s formula

is most typically used when the behavior of a person is unknown, this is in line with our

study because knowing the behavior or personality of the respondent is literally part of

our statement of the problem

Q: adapting the instrument, citing and asking for permission

A: We partially adapted it from a previous research. Due to time constraints we were not

able to formally ask to use it. We also were not able to cite the previous research, that is

a big and problematic oversight on my part. Rest assured that I have already prepared

the addendum but I have yet to add it because i felt it was improper to change the paper

on the day of the defense

This part was a modified adaptation of a part of the research instrument used by

Romans (2015) in a previous study.

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