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Reaching Large Audience thru Mass Media

Mass Media is a tool to communicate with small audiences and large

audiences(“Encyclopedia of Public Health'', n.d.). Thus, it can be viewed in different types of

mass media such as the print media where people read printed materials where it can be used

as their primary source of information like (books,newspapers,magazines), broadcasting media

where people can visualize and hear audios from the (televisions, radios, audio recordings,

movies), traditional media where people with different cultures used this form of mass media by

showing (paintings, folk tales, festivals), outdoor media is used for advertising products or

services that are visible in the public places like (billboards, bulletins, posters), transit media is

also the same as outdoor media but it is displayed in public transportations like (bus advertising,

railway advertising, transit shelter advertising), digital media or new media is where people used

nowadays because of advanced technologies that innovates our society like (Online Games,

Social Media Apps, Streaming Services, Internet) (''Definition,Types of Mass Media & Its

Advantages'', 2021). Moreover, Mass Media is used for entertainment purposes like browsing

movies and tv shows from the streaming services online or reading mangas, it can also acts as

an agent of socialization where people share their experiences and have social gatherings like

watching the olympics on television or going to live concert with the fan groups, it is an enforcer

of social norms that helps us to know society’s expectations about us by having rewards and

punishments like informing people in the news about the curfews. It also functions as a

promoter of consumer culture like how children see commercials everyday when they are very

convinced to consume that product or service (''Mass Media I Society and Culture I MCAT”,

2015). People and the community around the world have been reached with different forms of

mass media that they could’ve used in their everyday lives so they can choose any forms of
mass media that are suitable for them (“Sociology”, n.d.). New Media is one of the mass media

that could connect to a massive audiences as long as you have the Internet where you could

communicate and interact with your family, friends or relatives around the world, or you can start

a business online which you could promote advertisement or brochures about your

products/services.(“What is New Media'', n.d.). In addition, New Media makes our lives easier

Especially in this time of pandemic, people used social media are aware of seeing things from

the internet like knowing the healthy protocols from the hospitals, the updates of covid cases

and the vaccines, the projects that are implemented by the government (“The use of social

media and online communications in times of pandemic COVID-19 - Adrian Wong, Serene Ho,

Olusegun Olusanya, Marta Velia Antonini, David Lyness, 2020”, n.d.)and other than that people

could subscribe from streaming services to watch their favorite tv shows, movies, series instead

of going to cinemas/theaters at malls (“Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and Hulu are streaming

favorites as Americans subscribe to more services amid COVID-19”, 2021).




Streaming as the Future of Entertainment

Streaming Services is an online platform where people used to subscribe and are able to watch

their favorite tv shows, movies, series that could be easily accessed in their Televisions,

Laptops, Tablets, and Mobile Phones (“Streaming Services'', n.d.). In the country of the

Philippines, streaming services like Netflix, iFlix, HOOQ, iWantTV, and many more are in

demand to Filipinos and they are willing to subscribe to the streaming services for their

entertainment purposes such as watching their favorite TV shows, movies, or series in their

Televisions, Laptops, Tablets, and Mobile Phones with the use of the Internet (''Best Streaming

Services in the Philippines'', 2021). However, not only the Philippines has experienced these

streaming services as well in the US which 62% of the adults are subscribed to one of the

streaming services online because streaming services gives you various contents that would

give you the favorite tv shows, movies, or series that you wanted to watch and it would be less

hussle for you to search from the internet. Additionally, it offers the subscriber a premium

account which has no ads subscriptions or interruption which you will enjoy watching your

favorite contents. Although, before streaming services we have cable televisions that are being

used in our home as a source of our entertainment but now people are into streaming services

which are affordable to their budget rather than using cables because it has produced variety of

contents that provides people to choose their favorite tv shows, movies, or series without having

an interruptions and able to replay it over and over again and also you could either stream

offline or online (''The Complete List of Streaming Services in 2021 - 200+ Services'', 2021). To

sum up, Streaming services would be more in demand in the future because it has so much to

offer to the consumers which allows to stream a variety of contents that you are looking for.

The Trait Theory of Personality

Traits describe how people have similarities and differences of personality, it must be stable and

consistent, also it must display dimensions or spectrums with extremes at both ends. For

example, some people underlied with being extreme extroverts or introverts but it can also lie in

the middle which they can be called ambiverts (“Personality Trait Theory, 2019). According to

Lexical Hypothesis, traits are in line with the language for us to describe the traits of a person

(“Lexical Hypothesis”, n.d). Moreover, Traits are objective behaviors in which we could see our

traits either negative or positive that depend on your goals, values, or beliefs that we live in.

Nevertheless, many psychologists conduct their study about how they could organize the traits

into spectrums that could be applied to all people which they get from our personality tests. The

following psychologists who are under this trait theory are Gordon Allport, Cattell, Eysenck

(“Personality Trait Theory”, 2019).


Gordon Allport’s Trait Theory

Gordon Allport develop his theory by searching from the Dictionary which he discovered 4,504

different traits and he organized them into three main categories (“Gordon Allport and His

Impact on Psychology of the Personality”, 2020);

Cardinal Traits - are traits that describe the individuality of a person like for example,

the name of Nicole from Greek which means victory and people so we see Nicole as a

victorious person but sometimes it doesn’t describe you. Cardinal traits define what is unique

about you (“How Cardinal Traits Are Used to Describe Someone's Personality”, 2020).

Central Traits - are the traits that are commonly described by a person which is kind,

sweet, caring, etc.

Secondary Traits - are the traits that appear in certain situations or on the spot just like

you're scared of going to the horror house or your friend is irritated to wait in the line.


Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors

Raymond Cattell developed his theory by listing out Gordon Allport’s list from 4,000 to 171

which is removing the uncommon traits and combining the specific ones. From 171 to 16

personality traits which 16 personality traits does the human have, The following personality

traits shows the 16 personality dimension according to his study; (“Analyzing Personality

Factors for Counseling and Career Guidance”, 2021).

- Abstractedness - Reasoning

- Apprehension - Rule-consciousness

- Dominance - Self-reliance

- Emotional Stability - Sensitivity

- Liveliness - Social boldness

- Openness to change - Tension

- Perfectionism - Vigilance

- Privateness - Warmth


Eysenck’s Three Dimensions of Personality

Hans Eysenck developed his theory by using the PEN model which identifies the three

dimensions such as psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism. Each of these personality

factors is a bipolar dimension, which means it has an opposite personality factor. These are the

three dimensions according to his study; (“Three Dimensions of Personality According to Hans

Eysenck”, 2018).

Psychoticism v.s. Normality

- This trait deals with how a person has a difficulty in encountering his / her reality. For

example, aggressiveness, manipulation, tough-mindedness, risk-takers, irresponsibility,

and impulsivity versus the opposite of these traits.

Extraversion v.s. Introversion

- This trait shows how a person is communicative and knows how to be comfortable with

everyone. For example, openness, talkative, sociable, expressive, and friendly versus

the opposite of these traits.

Neuroticism v.s. Emotional Stability

- This trait knows how a person is emotionally unstable where he/she is moody. For

example, anxiety, depression, sadness, and irritability versus the opposite of these traits.

In trait theory’s perspective we must know that many psychologists study the different

personality traits that would define the personality of a person which would be categorized in

spectrums and could further engage in more personality tests.
Behavioral Theory of Personality

This theory emphasizes how behaviors are acquired through the interaction with the

environment or conditioning (“What Is The Behavioral Learning Theory?”, 2021). There are two

types of conditioning; (“The Difference Between the Classical and Operant Conditioning”, n.d).

Classical Conditioning

- It is how the neutral stimulus tends to link with unconditional stimulus like for an


- Ivan Paslov’s Dog Experiment shows how a dog hears the bell sound (neutral stimulus)

from a triangular bell which is a sign of food’s coming(unconditional stimulus).

Operant Conditioning

- It uses rewards and punishment in shaping a behavior or to increase or decrease a

behavior like for an example;

- B.F Skinner’s Box Experiment is used to study animal behaviors like how the rat pushes

the lever to get the cheese where it shows positive reinforcement.

- There are (4) ways to encourage or discourage a behavior; (“Behavioral Theory of

Personality (Pics+Video)”, 2019).

- Positive reinforcement & Negative Reinforcement > increase behavior

- Positive punishment & Negative Punishment > decrease behavior

In this behavioral perspective, this study is limited when it comes to explain the overall

psychology of personality. However, it is a one piece of personality puzzle which we don’t

entirely discredit this behavioral perspective because it does influence people in making their

decisions in life (“Behavioral Theory of Personality (Pics+Video)”, 2019).




Humanistic Theory of Personality

- This theory talks about how humans could control their personality and how they change

their behaviors by reaching self-actualization when people know their capabilities or

human potential (“Humanistic Theory”, n.d).

Maslow’s Humanistic Theory of Personality

- This theory states that people reaching their full potential may undergo basic needs upto

self actualization and it is also called “the hierarchy of needs' ' which is represented by a

pyramid. The following steps are the actual way of achieving your self actualization;

(“Boundless Psychology”, n.d).

- Physiological needs > food, water, shelter, breathing, sleep

- Safety > security of : body, employment, resources, morality, family, health, property

- Love / Belonging > Friendship, Family, Sexual intimacy

- Esteem > self-esteem, achievement, confidence, respect of other, respect by others

- Self actualization > morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of


Roger’s Humanistic Theory of Personality

- This theory develops the study of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs but Roger

focuses on how people achieved this hierarchy of needs by knowing its process or steps.

Roger identified the seven characteristics of how people function this hierarchy;

(“Boundless Psychology”, n.d).

- A growing openness to experience > they are open to new ideas and opportunities that

are coming.

- An increasingly existential living > living your life to the fullest rather than being too late

- An Increasing organismic trust > knowing their behavior for every situations

- A Freedom of Choice > an ability to have choices before performing a certain action

- A Higher Levels of Creativity > an ability to adjust and change to seek new experiences

- Reliability and Constructiveness > they are trustworthy and act constructively

- A rich full life > how a person is happy and satisfied with his life and always look for new

challenges and experiences

In the humanistic perspective, people who have personality traits like extrovert, openness,

agreeableness, and so on are being developed in their own ways as long as they reach towards

the self actualization where a person sees his full potential or capabilities by growing

(“Humanistic Perspective of Personality, 2019).



Biological Theory of Personality

- This theory states that our personality is caused by nature which we get from our genes

when we are born and nurture which we get from our environment that we are living in.

The following are the two ways how nature or nurture influence our personality;

(“Biological Theory of Personality”, 2019).


- We get our personality from our genes and our brains.

- We get our personality from the environment or culture that we lived in.

The example for this nature and nurture type;

The study of the Identical Twins is important because our genes are correlated with our

personality where psychologists point out that both nature or nurture has an effect with

our personality.

Principle of Neuroplasticity

- It means that we can change our brain chemistry which could also change our


In biological perspective, we can say that both nature and nurture influence the personalities of

a person because from nature, we see how genes of the parents could link to the personality

trait of the child and from nurture, we can see how the environment or culture influence our

personality or behavior(“Biological Theory of Personality”, 2019).

Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality

- This theory explains how our body and mind connects with our personality. According to

Freud there are three parts of personality which are driven by our unconscious energy

(“Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality”,2019);


- It is the bad boy of our subconscious which only seeks for pleasure and avoids pain

around him.

Ex. Kenzo wants to have Nike shoes but he does not have money so his Id tells him to

steal the Nike shoes from the store and he really did it.


- It is to balance out the two forces which are the Id and Superego where he or she makes

decisions without causing any damage.

Ex. Leyanne wants to eat the sushi bake and she sees the sushi bake from her door but

her Ego tells her to buy a sushi bake from the nearest store.


- It is to know what the right judgement is in making decisions and doing what is good and

to control our Id.

Ex. Rinmi is excited to go to the concert of her favorite Kpop group Twice and she sees

that many people are in line to enter the event but her Superego tells her not to cut in

line and be patient waiting so she won’t cause any trouble.

- There is another theory that explains how the Ego must balance the Id and Superego

from knowing the five psychosexual stages of development;

The Psychosexual Stages Development

- It describes how the personality develops over the course of childhood or adulthood

which has five stages.

- Oral Stage (Birth to 12months) > Infant’s pleasure center’s on mouth ‘suckling’

- Anal Stage (1 to 3 yrs) > child’s pleasure focuses on anus and from elimination e.g toilet

training, relationship between parents

- Phallic Stage (3 to 6 yrs) > child’s pleasure focuses on genitals e.g Oedipus (boys) and

Electra (girls)

- Latency Stage (7 to 11) > child represses sexual interest and develops social and

intellectual skills

- Genital Stage (Puberty onwards) > A time of sexual reawakening ; source of sexual

pleasure becomes outside of the family continues

Sigmund Freud’s perspective that our personality shapes between the conscious and

unconscious mind is like how our human mind (id, ego, superego) affects how we make our

decisions in our everyday life (“Boundless Psychology, n.d).






The Five Factor Theory of Personality

- This theory explains the five basic dimensions of personality which is known as “The Big

Five”. The five dimensions of personality are Openness, Conscientiousness,

Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism. Before, It becomes the five factor theory, It

was developed from time to time because of the well known psychologist who studies

personality traits like Gordon Allport who discovered 4,504 traits in the dictionary and

enlisted them into three main categories, Raymond Cattell where he expand the

discovered traits of Gordon Allport by removing the uncommon traits and combine the

specific ones and enlisted them into 16 personality factors, Han Eysenck where he

discovered three dimensional personality which is the PEN Model, and so many

psychologists who contributed in studying personality traits (“What Are the Big 5

Personality Traits?”, n.d.).

- This theory has been growing from several years just to point out the possible

personality traits that would describe humans which has started from the research of

Fiske from 1949 and include some of the previous researchers as well like Norman,

Smith, Goldberg, McCrae and Costa (“What Are the Big 5 Personality Traits?”, n.d.).
- Some of the researchers don’t agree with the exact labels for each dimension which can

be Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism,Openness and Extraversion

(CANOE) (“What Are the Big 5 Personality Traits?”, n.d.)

- For every personality trait it has a range between the extremes like for example that

extraversion indicates the continuum of extreme extrovert and extreme introvert (“What

Are the Big 5 Personality Traits?”, n.d.).

This Five Factor Theory of Personality also known as “The Big Five” is the most important

theory in this present time for those in the field of psychology that studies personality. Under this

five factors are the personality traits that could represent the personality of a human being. We

can say that the Five Factor Theory of personality is now the convenient way to identify the

personality of an individual (“The Big Five Personality Traits”, 2020).


It might not seem obvious at first, but people’s personalities definitely affect their

decisions and thoughts when watching different film genres like action, adventure, drama,

horror, thriller, sci-fi and many more. While this specific relationship is one that has been studied

before, it is not one that is talked about often. As such, the researchers feel that studying this

topic would prove to be beneficial especially in the world today and how they consume much

more content through streaming. Most people nowadays are into streaming services like Netflix,

Hulu, Viu, etc. where they pay a few dollars as a subscription just to watch their favorite movies

or series (Beonair Networks of Media Schools, n.d.). According to Nash Information Services

(n.d.), Movie production companies are getting richer because of thousands of subscribers that

are willing to pay for the films, tv shows, or series that they watch.

Film contains motion pictures that are uploaded into videos which can be shown in

cinemas, televisions, laptops, tablets, cell phones where the audience visualized and also

shows storylines that are real life situations or the issues that we’ve encountered (“Film

definition and meaning: Collins English Dictionary”, n.d.). Moreover, Films produce a variety of

genres such as Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, and

Western that makes the film more interesting to watch rather than just a motion picture yet, it

has also Sub genres that allows the audience to be specific within the genre that they might see

like for an example, a man wants to watch a thriller movie but he sees a lot of thriller movies so

he look into the movie poster to see the what kind of thriller movie that he wanted to watch is it a

Crime Thriller, Disaster Thriller, Psychological Thriller, or Techno Thriller (“A Guide to the Basic

Film Genres and How to Use Them”, 2020). Nevertheless, Films are not just a scene but it is

created with certain things that makes up a film such as actors, sets, props and costumes, team

productions like editors, directors, scriptwriters, translators and so on. Thus, film is a

photographic or video representation that portrays events of the story. People watching the film

in their point of view experiences audio and visual representation of the film where they have

different interpretations of what they see and hear which is more like an illusion sometimes

some films don't consider these illusions but it is the only way to make the film make more

sense to the audiences (Hopkins, 2008).

Streaming services are now popular nowadays because of the pandemic that we’ve

experienced where they could view their favorite contents such as tv shows, movies, series that

are available on the streaming services that they subscribe to like Netflix, Hulu, Plex, HBO and
many more without interruptions. For the last 10 years there has been a more rapid growth of

home entertainment where people usually prefer this streaming services because it can access

multiple number of devices such as televisions, tablets, PC/Desktop, mobile phones that all the

audiences viewed their favorite contents that streaming services could offer and they also have

premium access for the subscribers to unlock more contents that are worth watching. In

conclusion, Streaming services would dominate home entertainment of the viewers because of

the various contents that have so much to offer (“The entire world is streaming more than ever -

and it's straining the internet”, 2020).



Personality has been studied for many years for those in the field of psychology by

conducting research, experiments, and case studies to dig deep within the possible

personalities of a human being by knowing the internal and external factors. Same

psychologists have conducted the same experiment to know more about the personality traits of

their subjects (“The Process of Personality Development”, n.d).

There are a number of factors that affect our personality that includes Heredity, Family

Backgrounds, Interaction of Humans, and Culture. In Heredity, we carried our personality with
our genetics from our family generations like for example, you have the personality traits of your

father which is hardworking, anger, and loving than your mother’s personality traits. Family

Background also shapes our personality like how our family generations live where sometimes

we follow the footsteps of our parents because it is part of the tradition of our family and how we

must play our social roles. The Interaction of Humans is what influences our personality by

sharing them to others like how Filipinos are kind when Foreigners come to their country so

Foreigners are influenced by the Filipinos to be warm-hearted. Culture also affects our

personality on what we belief, traditions, heritage, values that defined in our groups just like how

many of us are Good Christians because of how we devoted ourselves to God and how we take

care of each other as God’s Creations (“Factors that Influence our personality”, 2014). Some

psychologists or theorists have different views on knowing the personal characteristics of

individuals like Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Hans Eysenck, etc.

Knowing all that about film and personality It is safe to conclude that film preferences

and personality might very well be connected. The researchers now aim to see the exact nature

of this relationship by gathering data on people’s personality type and their tastes in film genres

to find the correlation between film preferences and personality.



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