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Akasa Magic English G8

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Reading Strategy and Comprehension

A. Lead in
In this lesson, you’ll learn
B. Reading Strategy
• a reading strategy: how
C. Reading Comprehension
to find main idea.
D. Wrap up
E. After class

Lead in
Listen and say.

UNICEF is the United Nations International Children’s Emergency

Fund. It _____________ and helps ___________ young people around
the world. There are three main UNICEF projects at the moment:

Child Workers. Many children do not _____________ – they work in

factories. They often work __________________ hours a day. And
about 300,000 children in the world are soldiers – some are only
_______________! This is wrong and we want to stop it.


UNICEF is the United Nations International Children’s Emergency

Fund. It _____________ millions of young people around
raises money and helps ___________
the world. There are three main UNICEF projects at the moment:

go to school – they work in

Child Workers. Many children do not _____________
factories. They often work __________________
twelve or fourteen hours a day. And
about 300,000 children in the world are soldiers – some are only
eight years old This is wrong and we want to stop it.

Lead in
Listen and say.
Girls’ Education. ____________________ in the world go to school.
Some girls do not learn to ____________ and later in life they don’t
get good jobs. Education ___________ both boys and girls. We
want __________ in schools.

Medicine. Every year more than two million children _________

_________ because they do not have enough medicine. Medicine
is ______________. We give medicine to 40% of the world’s children,
mainly in Africa and Asia.


More boys than girls in the world go to school.

Girls’ Education. ____________________
Some girls do not learn to read or write and later in life they don’t
get good jobs. Education ___________
is good for both boys and girls. We
more girls in schools.
want __________

die from
Medicine. Every year more than two million children _________
diseases because they do not have enough medicine. Medicine
not expensive We give medicine to 40% of the world’s children,
is ______________.
mainly in Africa and Asia.

Reading Strategy

Look and say.

How can we find
out the main idea
a. Find out the main sentence: It is usually the
of a paragraph?
first or last sentence of a paragraph.

b. Skim the paragraph and find out key words.


Reading Strategy
Which is the main Look and say.
sentence of this
Our neighborhood has really changed.
When I last visit there, about half of the
houses had been torn down(拆除)to make
way for a highway. The rest of the buildings
were covered with billboards(宣传板)and
surrounded by traffic signs and garbage.
Now the whole neighborhood has become
dirty, noisy and full of cars.


Main sentence:
Our neighborhood Our neighborhood has really changed.

has really changed. When I last visit there, about half of the
houses had been torn down(拆除)to make
way for a highway. The rest of the buildings
were covered with billboards(宣传板)and
surrounded by traffic signs and garbage.
Now the whole neighborhood has become
dirty, noisy and full of cars.

Reading Strategy
Look and say.
Which is the key
word? “robot” or
Someday we will all have robots that will be
“personal servant”?
our personal servants. They will look and
behave much like real humans. We will be
able to talk to these robots and they will be
able to answer us. They will be smart, strong
and tireless workers. Their only life goal will
be to make our lives easier.


Key word:
Someday we will all have robots that will be
personal servant
our personal servants. They will look and
behave much like real humans. We will be
able to talk to these robots and they will be
able to answer us. They will be smart, strong
and tireless workers. Their only life goal will
be to make our lives easier.

Reading Comprehension
1. Look and choose.

① Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. ② I need to

hear your soft voice and see your lovely toothless smile. ③ I miss that
special way you eat soup with your fingers. ④ Please come home soon.
1. ( ) Which is the main sentence of this paragraph?
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
2. ( ) What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A. Samantha’s smile is lovely. B. Samantha’s voice is soft.
C. I miss Samantha. D. I can’t eat or sleep.


① Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. ② I need to

hear your soft voice and see your lovely toothless smile. ③ I miss that
special way you eat soup with your fingers. ④ Please come home soon.
1. ( A ) Which is the main sentence of this paragraph?
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
2. ( C ) What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A. Samantha’s smile is lovely. B. Samantha’s voice is soft.
C. I miss Samantha. D. I can’t eat or sleep.

Reading Comprehension
2. Look, circle and say.
Please circle the key word and try to say the main idea of this paragraph.

You dream each night, even though you

may not remember your dreams. While
you dream your eyes move and your heart
beats faster. Even your brain-wave pattern
changes. Some scientists think that
dreaming is important for the sake of
health. They claim that without dream,
people would go crazy.


You dream each night, even though you

may not remember your dreams. While
you dream your eyes move and your heart
beats faster. Even your brain-wave pattern
changes. Some scientists think that
dreaming is important for the sake of
Main idea:
health. They claim that without dream, the importance
people would go crazy. of dream

Reading Comprehension
3. Look and match.
Please match the main sentence with the proper topic.

Main sentences:
• ____ Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive
a. Closeout(出清)Sale
• ____ Coffee is a universal beverage that is
b. Smoking Habit
served in different way around the world.
c. Coffee Around the
• ____ Buying things on sale needs careful
consideration of the goods and the reason for
the sale.


Main sentences:
b. Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive
• ____
a. Closeout(出清)Sale
c. Coffee is a universal beverage that is
• ____
b. Smoking Habit
served in different way around the world.
c. Coffee Around the
a. Buying things on sale needs careful
• ____
consideration of the goods and the reason for
the sale.

Wrap up

In this lesson, you’ve learned
• a reading strategy: how to find
main idea.
a. Find out the main sentence.
b. Skim and find out key words.

After Class
What can
you see in Look, guess and say.

Main sentence:
The Internet is playing a more and more
important part in our daily life.
Can you guess the topic of this passage?


Main sentence:
The Internet is playing a more and more
important part in our daily life.
Can you guess the topic of this passage?

Topic: The Internet is playing an important

part in our daily life.


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