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The VCSians will be grouped into 5 groups.

Think of a topic that you are interested in and

compose an informative essay using the article gathered from the news and record their delves
reporting it to their community for them to be informed, The output will be judge by the
following criteria.

Criteria for Informative Essay

  Excellent Good Fair
15 pts 10 pts 5 pts
Body Each paragraph contains a Each paragraph Not all paragraphs
Paragraphs clearly focused topic contains a topic contain topic sentences
sentence that relates to the sentence that relates to that relate to the
process being described. the process being process being
Topic Details in the essay are described. described.
Sentences clear and specific, and Details are clear and There are details, but
& there are enough details to specific, and the steps they are not very clear
Supporting help the reader see and in the process can be or specific, or there are
Details understand all the steps of followed well enough not enough of them to
process. Concrete sense to understand the allow the reader to
language is used described process. follow the progression
effectively. of the process.
Conclusion The concluding paragraph The concluding The concluding
effectively unifies the paragraph effectively paragraph relates a
essay. It makes a point unifies the essay, but it conclusion to the
about the process that is does not make a very process, but it does
creative and interesting. interesting point about little to unify the essay
the process. around the steps of the
Organization Logical progression of Logical progression of Organization is clear.
/ details with a clear details. Transitions are Some transitions are
Structure structure that enhances the present, but they do present, while others
essay and provides a clear not enhance the are either
step-by-step description of overall effectiveness inappropriate or
the process. The transitions of the essay. All steps missing. Some steps
are appropriate and used are covered and in the may be missing or not
very effectively to indicate correct order. in the proper order.
the time order of the steps.

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