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Part A. Questions on Content

1. Summarise the speech in a paragraph which has about10 to 12


In this speech, Michael Porter explained that the entire world is full of serious
and pressing social problems for decades, for example, poor nutrition, access to
water, climate change, deforestation, lack of skills, insecurity, not enough food,
not enough healthcare or pollution. He says the point that progress on solving
social problems is happening slowly in terms of NGOs, in terms of government,
in terms of philanthropy. But the problem is still high and irresistible, any
solutions that we come up is small solutions. He points out that using the
current model we can’t scale because we don’t have the resources we need. He
notes that the business sector is creating resources by providing solutions that
helps them scale. He insists every business should adopt the issue of shared
value, which in his words addressing a social issue with a business model. He
says shared value is when we produce both social value and economic value
simultaneously. As a business strategist who started 4 non-profits, he explains
that social solutions can be solved through business, giving the example of how
organizations are in the business of finding innovative ways to reduce pollution.

2. Do you agree with the speaker? Give reasons for your agreement/
disagreement in a paragraph.

I totally agree with Michael porter’s speech on business can be good at solving
social problems. As the social problems are growing in the current society like
corona virus, flood, pollution etc… businesses should start from their
employees to solve the their problems and increase it by helping the society
working with government and NGO’s that are working for many societal
problems. Business should come out from the trap that shouldn’t worry about
the social problems. We could clearly say that in this 21 st century businesses has
contributed equally as government and NGO’s for solving the social problems
that are currently threatening by giving relief funds. Examples like TATA
Group under the leadership of Mr Ratan N Tata, have donated INR 1500 crore
as a group to Covid-19 relief. Tata employees have, in addition, contributed tens
of crores towards various response projects. Likewise many companies have
started to contribute toward solving social problems which has helped many
businesses to improve their reputations.
Part B. Questions on Form

1. Is Michael Porter an effective speaker? Is he a good presenter? What

is the sequence of arrangement of his ideas?

Yes, Michael porter is an effective speaker as he is confident in the content

what he is speaking. So he is speaking in such a way that his message is clearly
heard and acted upon.

Yes, he is a good presenter as he presents everything from his point of view and
makes his presentation to connect with the audience point of view.

The sequence of arrangement of his ideas is in a chronological order:

In the beginning he speaks about the current problems. He then speaks about the
solutions used for the problem that are currently in the society and its demerit.
In the middle he speaks about the problem with dealing the problem. Finally he
speaks about the solution to the current problem which was discussed in the

2. Evaluate his talk with respect to the parameters of clarity, body

language, enthusiasm and language use (vocabulary and grammar).

Clarity – He was very clear at his tone and the wording pronunciations were
clear too.

Clarity – 5/5

Body language – He was very expressive, he used his whole body and very
active too.

Body language – 4.9/5

Enthusiasm – He was enthusiastic in his body language, but not that much
enthusiasm was expressed in his speech.

Enthusiasm – 4/5

Language use – I think the language he used was simple and understandable by
everyone who listen’s it. There were no grammatical mistakes from my point.

Language use – 5/5

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