AG0303 - Antagonists

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Magi of the Order

of Hermes often come to the

attention of other inhabitants of Mythic
Europe. Some see them as a threat, others as
a target, still others as an opportunity. Some even
want to help the magi to better integrate themselves
into society. These might be mundane humans,
supernatural creatures, or other magi, but they all have one
thing in common.

They’re nothing but trouble.

This book presents ten developed antagonists for use in

your saga. Each antagonist can support an entire saga
arc, and the struggle with any of them could become
the defining feature of your covenant’s history.
Whether you like politics, investigation,
or straightforward battles, there’s

AG0303 • ISBN 1-58978-135-X

an antagonist for you within
this book.

AG0303 • ISBN 1-58978-135-X • $29.95


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Authors: Timothy Ferguson (Demonically Inspired Cult, The Author Biographies
Queen of Gold and Glass), Andrew Gronosky (Baron Giraud,
Galerius), Mark Lawford (Baron Geoffroi), Richard Love Timothy Ferguson is a librarian from the Gold Coast in Australia,
(Father Joseph), Ben McFarland (The Divine Abbot), Mark who dedicates his writing to his wife Linda. He’d like to
Shirley (Bishop Orris, Hannelore, The Waimie) mention Final Boss, by MC Frontalot, as being important in
Development, Editing, & Project Management: David Chart the writing of “The Queen of Gold and Glass.”
Layout, Art Direction, & Additional Proofreading: Andrew Gronosky is a software engineer by day; in his secret
Michelle Nephew double life he is an Ars Magica storyguide, sometime author,
Proofreading & Art Direction Assistance: Jessica Banks and the maintainer of Project: Redcap. He lives in Cambridge,
Publisher: John Nephew Massachusetts with his wife Vesna and two magical cats.
Cover Illustration: Christian St. Pierre Mark Lawford lives in Eastbourne on England’s sunshine coast,
Interior Art: Jason Cole, Alan Dyson, Kelley Hensing, Jeff from where he thinks up ways to expand the Ars Magica
Menges, Christian St. Pierre canon while helping others make use of it in their own sagas,
Ars Magica Fifth Edition Trade Dress: J. Scott Reeves something made all the more important now that his old gang
Publisher’s Special Thanks: Jerry Corrick & the gang at the Source. of nine years has disbanded. For one final time, he would like
to dedicated this book to Simon, Mark, Alex, and Dave.
First Round Playtesters: Jason Brennan, Justin Brennan, Elisha Richard Love thanks his grooving partner, Paula, and wishes that
Campbell, Robert Major; Leon Bullock, Peter Ryan, Chris everybody would just get along without so much antagonism.
Barrett; Barry Cowden, Anders Hakon Gaut, Ivan Hartley, What would be the harm in that?
Christian Jensen Romer, Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Laura Ben McFarland lives in the wilds of Upstate New York, where
Knighton, Andrew Oakley, Leif Olav Josang, Nick Meredith, he continues to venture into mysterious regios in search of
Luke Price, Thomas Nowell, Andrew Sceats, Kirstie Sceats, adventure with the priceless support of his wonderful wife,
Kevin Sides, Becky Smith, Neil Taylor, Daniel Vandenburg; Mandy, his family, and the excellent advice of his steadfast
Donna Giltrap, Malcolm Harbrow, Aaron Hicks; Pelle friend, James.
Kofod, Christian Rosenkjaer Andersen; Christoph Safferling, Mark Shirley is a computational biologist who lives and works in
Jan Sprenger the North East of England. He first played Ars Magica in 1991,
Second Round Playtesters: Pelle Kofod, Christian Rosenkjaer and Bishop Orris was the first antagonist he introduced to the
Andersen, Rasmus Strandgaard Soerensen; Eirik Bull, Helge Malinbois saga. Since then, the Vidua Vasta saga has suffered
Rager Furuseth, Karl Trygve Kalleberg; Donna Giltrap, the depredations of the Waimie and the schemes of Hannelore.
Malcolm Harbrow, Aaron Hicks; Nick Brown, Bob Harrison, Mark would like to thank those who have had to put up with
Guillaume Lacalmontie, Dwight Marsh, Patrick M. Murphy, these antagonists for doing so, and for making them more
Valerie Nix; Alexis Kristan Heinz, Daniel Ilut, Robert W.B. interesting individuals than they were originally intended.
Llwyd, Matt Ryan, Roland Ryan

Ars Magica players participate in a thriving fan community by subscribing to email discussion lists (like the Berke-
ley list), compiling archives of game material (such as Project Redcap), maintaining fan-created web sites, and running
demos through Atlas Games’ Special Ops program. To learn more, visit You can also
participate in discussions of Ars Magica at the official Atlas Games forums located at
Copyright © 2013–2014 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means
without written permission from the publisher, except short excerpts for the purpose of reviews, is expressly
Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, and Charting New Realms of Imagination are trademarks of Trident, Inc. Order of
Hermes, Tremere, and Doissetep are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. and are used with permission.

Digital Version 1.0


Introduction 6 Eliminate Geoffroi..................... 20
Persuade Geoffroi’s
Settling Out of Court..................34
Verdicts Regarding the
Baron Geoffroi D’Arques................ 6
Wizards to Move On................ 20 Covenant’s Land Ownership........34
Baron Giraud Le Cornu.................. 6
Eliminate Geoffroi’s Wizards..... 20 Resolving Military Conflicts..... 34
Father Joseph of Napoli................... 6
Induct the Wizards.................... 21 Capitulation.............................. 34
Bishop Orris.................................... 7
A Tribunal for All...................... 21 Relocation...................................34
Galerius of House Guernicus............ 7
Sample Spells, Devices, & Formulae. . 21 Negotiated Settlement.............. 35
The Infatuated Diabolist................. 7
Experimental Philosophy.......... 21 Repercussions of the Settlement...35
A Demonically Inspired Cult............ 7
Astrological Inceptions................21 Vis Ownership............................35
The Divine Abbot............................. 7
Alchemical Reagents....................21 Court Wizards?..........................36
The Queen of Gold and Glass........ 7
Pharmaceutical Theriacs.............22 Mundane Courts and Magi.........36
The Waimie...................................... 7
Magical Craftsmen.................... 22
Baron Geoffroi D’Arques 8
A Most Noble Ring.....................22
A Blade of Virtue........................22
Father Joseph of Napoli 37
Aims and Motivations.................... 37
Background.................................... 8 Learned Magicians.................... 23
Amulets and Chartae...................23 Father Joseph is
Relocating Geoffroi d’Arques...... 8 Not a Holy Man........................ 39
Geoffroi’s Family........................... 10
Background.................................. 39
Geoffroi’s Court........................... 10 Baron Giraud Le Cornu 24 Father Joseph’s Insights............. 39
The Magical Court.................... 11 Moving Father Joseph............... 40
Background.................................. 24
Sample Hedge Wizards............. 11 Why is He not Dead?............... 40
The Baron’s Resources............... 24
Learned Magician.......................11
The Baron’s Household............. 25 Encountering Father Joseph.......... 41
Goetic Sorcerer............................11 A Visit........................................ 41
Lady Éloise Le Cornu..................25
The Diabolist..............................12 On the Road.............................. 41
Brother Henri Raoullin................26
Itinerant Sahir.............................12 Rumor........................................ 42
Artur Le Cornu............................26
Disguised Faerie..........................12 Tribunal..................................... 42
Bertrand Gallain.........................26
Failed Apprentice.........................12
The Baron’s Patron.................... 26 Investigating Father Joseph............ 42
The Elementalist..........................12 The Past.................................... 42
Aims and Motivations.................... 26
Additional Concepts....................12 Supernatural Powers.................. 42
First Encounter............................ 27
Aims and Motivations.................... 13
Methods....................................... 27 Worldly Power.......................... 42
First Encounter............................ 13
Expecting Favors and Gifts....... 27 Letters of Authority......................42
Sample First Encounters............ 13 Authentication of
Property Rights......................... 27
Methods....................................... 14
Legal Action.............................. 28 Papal Documents........................43
Geoffroi’s Magical Research...... 14 Loss of Letters..............................43
Agents....................................... 28
The Library................................14
Alienating the Methods....................................... 44
The Hunt....................................15 Discussion and Travel................ 44
Covenant’s Friends.................... 29
The Tournament..........................15 Story Seed: Miracle of the Magi.....44
Sowing Discord......................... 29
The Council of Wizards..............16 Story Seed: Host of the Church....44
Assisting Rivals.......................... 30
Stolen Resources..........................17 Story Seed: Pilgrimage.................44
Defenses Against Magic............ 30
The Theft of Parma.....................17 Story Seed: The Address..............44
Burglary..................................... 30
Neglect of Geoffroi’s Manors.... 17 The Societas of
Ransom...................................... 30
Fines and Taxes...........................17 the Mystical Christ................... 44
Warfare...................................... 31
A Poor Ruler..............................17 Story Seed: Christ Underground....45
Investigation................................. 31
The Expulsion of Claude..............18 Story Seed: The Good News........45
Investigating the Baron............. 31
The Peasants’ Revolt...................18 Hermetic Benefices.................... 45
Uncovering Agents................... 31
Investigation................................. 18
Researching Hermetic Law....... 32 Story Seed: First Rights...............46
Infiltrate the Council................. 18 Story Seed: Care of Souls.............46
Resolution.................................... 32
Scrying and Spying................... 18 Story Seed: The Tithe..................46
Resolving Court Cases.............. 32
The Lady of the Manor............. 19 Synods and Tribunals................ 46
Questions of Jurisdiction.............32
Resolution.................................... 19
Arguing the Case.........................33 Story Seed:
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie............... 19 Slanderous Accusations...............46
The Value of Vis.........................34
Persuading Geoffroi.................. 20

Story Seed: Heretics.....................46 Resolution.................................... 65 Confronting Hannelore............ 89
Story Seed: Magic is Not Evil, Truly............ 65 Resolution and Consequences....90
Opulent Council Chambers..........46 Full Disclosure........................... 65 Hannelore’s Revenge. .................... 91
The Bishop’s Court.................... 46 Disappearance........................... 65 The Confinement...................... 91
Story Seed: Authentic Miracles....47 Killing the Bishop..................... 66 The Escape................................ 91
Story Seed: Possession.................47 The Showdown......................... 91
Conversion and Baptism........... 47
Story Seed: The River Jordan......47
Galerius of House Guernicus 67 Escaping a Burning Building.......92
Timeline of the Fire.......................93
Background.................................. 67
The Grand Master .................... 47 Hannelore’s Demise.................. 93
Aims and Motivations.................... 68
Story Seed: Hannelore’s Final Gambit. ............. 93
First Encounter............................ 69
Order and Anti-Order................48
Galerius’ Initial Suspicions........ 69
What Might the Magi Do?............ 48
Ridicule..................................... 48
Plausible Basis............................69 A Demonically Inspired Cult 95
Mistaken and Background.................................. 95
Befuddlement............................ 48
Fabricated Accusations................70 Aims and Motivations.................... 95
Enlistment................................. 48
Meeting Galerius....................... 70 First Encounter............................ 97
In the East................................. 48
Methods....................................... 71 Methods....................................... 99
Dominion.................................. 49
Disguise..................................... 71 Cells of Flagellants ................... 99
My Enemy’s Enemies................. 49
Invisibility..................................72 Story Seed: A Traitor, an
Martyrdom................................ 49
Familiar...................................... 72 Ambush, and an Easy Win.........99
Adapting Father Joseph.................. 49
The Investigation Begins.................. 72 Story Seed: Demonic Attack........99
Questioning Mundanes............. 72 Shock to the Community.......... 99
Bishop Orris 50 Investigation Immunity............. 73 Crop Failure................................99
The Bishop’s Cathedral............. 50 Broadening the Investigation........73 Story Seed: Protecting Crops......100
Archdeacon Geoffrey...................51 Bodyguard................................. 74 Plague.......................................100
Deacon Adam.............................51 Requesting Cooperation........... 74 Ruining Reputations.................100
Father Peter.................................51 Counter-Intelligence.................... 75 Story Seed: Plague And Rumor ... 101
Brother Theodoric........................52 Discovering Galerius................. 75 Processions Begin.................... 101
What the Bishop Galerius’ Record Story Seed:
Knows About the Order........... 52 and Reputation.......................... 75 Counter-Demonstrations............101
Variations on a Theme.............. 53 Preparing the Defense............... 76 Spread of the Cult................... 102
Not a Bishop...............................53 Solving the Real Crime............. 76 Fabrico and Abaissier Clash......102
Other Motives.............................53 Resolution.................................... 77 Uniforms...................................102
A More Powerful Bishop Orris....53 Pleading Innocence................... 77 Story Seed: Attacking
A Weaker Bishop Orris...............54 Finding the Real Culprit............ 77 the Local Leaders.......................102
First Encounter............................ 54 Trial........................................... 78 Larger Processions................... 102
The Visitation........................... 54 Choosing the Principals...............78 Flagellant Songs........................102
The Arrival.................................54 Private Hearing...........................78 Story Seed: Silencing Songs.......102
The Bishop’s Court......................55 Counter-Claim and Settlement......79 The Problem of
Compurgation.............................56 Arguments and Penalty...............79 Superabundant Suffering...........102
Orris’ Dilemma...........................56 Future Charges.......................... 79 Story Seed:
The Bishop’s Arsenal...................... 57 Preventing Sins by Nobles.........102
Exerting Holy Influence............ 57
A Prudent Populace.....................57
The Infatuated Diabolist 80 Inadvertent Sins...................... 103
Plague Carried By Processions...103
Variations on a Theme.............. 80
Burning Bridges...........................58 Story Seed:
Different Motivations..................80
Gathering Information.............. 58 Plague-bearing Processions........103
A Male Hannelore.......................84
Blocking the Bishop’s Open Heresy........................... 103
Hannelore Pursues
Sources of Information.................58 Replacement of Sacraments........103
a Companion Character...............84
The Friars Preacher................... 59 Story Seed: Simony...................103
A Weaker Hannelore...................84
Blame the Witch..........................59 Claiming Miracles.....................104
A More Powerful Hannelore........84
Attracting Unwanted Attention....60 Story Seed:
A One-Time Threat.....................84
Invoking St. John the Apostle.....60 Attacking False Prophets...........104
A Chance Encounter..................... 84
Extreme Measures..................... 61 Blood–Soaked Rags..................104
Initial Infatuation....................... 85
Excommunication........................61 Story Seed: Manufactory
A Love Affair..............................85
The Church Knights....................61 of Bloodied Rags.......................104
A Lukewarm Response.................85
Against the Covenant..................62 Letter From an Angel.................104
Direct Action From the PCs......... 62 Story Seed:
The Course of the Affair........... 86
Investigating Bishop Orris......... 63 Forging Notes From God...........104
Ending the Affair.........................86
The Bishop’s Mistaken Identity....63 Back From the Dead..................105
Forced Apart...............................86
Discovering the Bishop’s Curse.....63 Story Seed: Removing
Obsession and Corruption............. 87
Besmirching the the Saints of Flagellation...........105
Hannelore Woos Her Love....... 88
Bishop’s Reputation.....................63 Flagellant Civil War................ 105
The Magus Rejects Hannelore......88
Against the Black Friars............. 64 Story Seed: Discrediting
The Magus Plays Along.............89
Submitting to the Bishop.......... 64 Loyal Flagellant Groups............105
Help from the Baron................. 89
Prosecution by the Order.............64 Resurrecting the Cult.............. 105

Story Seed: Cult Revival...........105
General Story Ideas................. 106
Attacking the Pious...................106 List of Inserts
Angering Rival Demons............106
Investigation............................... 106 Baron Geoffroi d’Arques...........................9 Hannelore’s Demonic Patron.................87
Ancient Records...................... 106 Ability Block (Supernatural).....................9 Baron Hugo’s Books................................87
Useful Resources....................................10 Redemption............................................89
Evangelism.............................. 106 The Lady Ysabeau..................................11 A Little Bundle of ...Joy?........................90
Following the Money.............. 106 Claude de Fécamp..................................12 The Nunnery..........................................91
Internal Strife.......................... 106 Story Seed: The Ambitious Medicus......13 Contingencies........................................92
Redcap Network..................... 106 Where and When is Hannelore, Vengeful Ghost...................94
Resolution.................................. 107 the Tournament Held?.......................15 Abaissier.................................................96
Combat................................... 107 Story Seed: The Magical Swordsmith....15 Bufonia...................................................97
Damaging the Cult.................. 107 Edwin Locke, the Elementalist...............16 Why Do They Care?..............................98
What Counts as Interfering Fabrico....................................................98
with Mundanes?.................................19 Small Demons of Rot...........................100
The Divine Abbot 108 Story Seed: The Stolen Ring..................22 A Note on Plague.................................100
Background................................ 108 Baron Giraud Le Cornu..........................25 Malicia..................................................101
Aims and Motivations ................. 109 Names and Titles....................................25 New Virtue: Font of Knowledge..........109
First Encounter.......................... 109 Contested Vis Sources Naming the Dragon Abbot..................109
Conflict Over Vis.................... 109 and Covenant Boons.........................28 Rasa the Dragon Abbot ...............110–111
Succession Planning...............................29 How to Incorporate the Dragon..........113
The Friars Approach .............. 111 Benefit of Clergy....................................33 What Sort of Items?.............................113
A Spiritual Encounter.............. 112 New Virtue: Commanding Aura............38 Friar or Monk of the Abbey.................114
Failing Resources..................... 112 Father Joseph..........................................38 The Prior of the Abbey........................115
Methods .................................... 114 Holy Magic............................................39 Penitent Knight....................................116
Investigation .............................. 116 Father Joseph’s Books.............................40 Notes for Troupes Not Using
Resolution.................................. 118 Relic Powers...........................................43 Realms of Power: Faerie...................121
The Soft Way.......................... 118 Other Hermetic Allies............................45 New Virtues and Flaws.........................122
The Hard Way........................ 118 A Christian Mystery...............................45 The Queen of Gold and Glass.....122–123
The Enemy of My Enemy....... 119 Saint Joseph............................................49 Brief Note on the History of Mirrors.... 123
Bishop Orris...........................................51 Story Seed: Breaking the Story............124
The Cathedral of St. John the Apostle... 52 What if the Magi Don’t Play Along?....125
The Queen of Gold and Glass 120 The Cathedral Chapter of St. John........53 The Smoothfaces ................................126
Background................................ 120 The Legal Status of Magic.....................55 Ice Wyrm..............................................127
The Bishop’s Magic Sensitivity..............56 Ghosts of Miners..................................129
Aims and Motivations.................. 120 The Nature of the Bishop’s Malediction...57 Distinguished Knight...........................130
Methods..................................... 121 The Three Friars.....................................59 Undistinguished Warriors....................131
Preliminary Encounters Biblical Injunctions Against Magic.........60 Undistinguished Magi..........................132
and Necessary Symbols.............121 St. John the Apostle...............................61 A Faerie Magus?...................................132
Example First Encounters........ 123 The Bishop’s Frame of Mind...................62 A Waimie By Any Other Name...........134
Careful Selection of Minions......124 Anathema...............................................62 The Waimie..................................134–135
The Eight Challenges............. 124 Galerius the Quaesitor...........................68 Size and Magical
The Frame of Gold....................124 Familiar: Nightwing, the Raven of Virtue... 69 Qualities and Inferiorities................135
Animal: The Plague of Animals... 125 The Powers of a Quaesitor.....................72 Story Seed: The Queen’s Vis................136
Interrogating Mundanes with Magic......73 The Rebellious Daughter.....................136
Aquam: Unprecedented Flood.....125 Testimony of Mundanes.........................73 The White Stuff...................................138
Auram: Sickening Vapors..........125 Ingrid of House Tremere........................74 Story Seed: Wrong Side of the Fence...139
Corpus: People are Corpus, Too...126 A Friend in Need....................................78 Story Seed: Not Alone.........................139
Herbam: Stolen Child................127 Staging Tips for the Private Hearing......79 Story Seed: The Serpent’s Husband.....140
Ignem: The Ice Wyrm................127 Hannelore the Diabolist.........................81 Story Seed: Have We
Mentem: The Obvious Liar........127 Hannelore’s Maleficia.......................82–83 Made Things Worse?.......................141
Terram: We Did This Already!...128 Hannelore’s Lover..................................85 Alternative: A Non-Violent Ending.....141
Investigation............................... 128 Hannelore, Spoiled Daughter................86 Story Seed: Unwelcome Visitors.........141
Noticing Story Connections.......128 Hannelore’s Family.................................86 The Waimie’s Brood.....................142–144
Noticing That Stories
Match Their Skills....................128
Detecting the Queen’s Agents......128 Too Involved in Other Initial Encounter........................ 136
Searching for Previous Victims....129 Realms to Manipulate...............131 The Theft Spreads................... 136
Resolution.................................. 129 Too Interesting to Manipulate....132 Investigations.............................. 137
Combat................................... 129 Too Powerful to Manipulate......132 Local Lore............................... 137
The Distinguished.....................129 Too Useful To Manipulate.........132 Following a Serpent to Her Lair... 138
The Undistinguished..................130 The Lair....................................138
The Hazy Servants...................130 The Waimie 133 Besieged................................... 138
The Shadowy Minions..............131 Final Showdown......................... 139
The Waimie and Her Brood. ........ 133 The Waimie’s Cave.................. 139
Negotiations............................ 131 The Waimie’s Brood................ 133
Too Boring to Manipulate..........131 The Cave in the Magic Realm...139
Variations on a Theme............ 134 Inhabitants of the Lair...............140
Too Clever to Manipulate..........131 A Weaker Waimie.....................135
Too Dangerous to Manipulate...131 The Serpent Map.......................140
A Stronger Waimie....................136 Exits to Other Insulae................141

Chapter One

Welcome to Antagonists. This supple- whelmed by an antagonist, the saga could and its resources. The gathering of hedge
ment for Ars Magica Fifth Edition con- continue with a new set of player charac- wizards and the baron’s continued quest
tains ten characters who can take the role ters responding to the devastation of the for more magic will make it impossible for
of antagonist in your saga. original covenant. You might also like to the covenant to ignore him forever.
The antagonist characters provoke re-use an antagonist in an unconnected
conflict to which the magi of your saga second saga; how might another group of
must respond. Antagonists draw the magi characters respond?
of your saga into stories. Some of the an-
tagonists might directly attack your cov-
enant. Other antagonists create political
The antagonists themselves have a va-
riety of motivations. Some are supernatu-
ral creatures, other are mundane nobles
Baron Giraud
turmoil that threaten your magi, your cov-
enant, or even the entire Order of Hermes.
and churchmen. Some antagonists are
not really aware of the Order of Hermes,
Le Cornu
Each antagonist character is a recur- and their actions only incidentally impact
ring opponent whose influence will take upon the magi. Other antagonists are all Baron Giraud Le Cornu holds a manor
several stories to resolve. Some antago- too aware of the Order, and deliberately adjacent to the covenant’s land. He looks
nists will be active for a number of years or provoke the magi. The following summa- on the magi with deep suspicion: they
decades, so you might like to intersperse ries describe the basic idea of each antago- have men-at-arms and perhaps a castle,
the antagonist’s stories with other stories nist and can be safely read by the whole but they refuse to swear fealty to any
(or even the stories of another antagonist). troupe when discussing how the antago- noble. Their strange powers make them
However, you probably will not want to nists might be used in your saga. an object of fear. He sees their self-pro-
use all the antagonist characters from this claimed autonomy as a rebellion against
book in a single saga. You could consider proper authority and a threat to the social
each antagonist to be a comprehensive order of Mythic Europe.
example of a Covenant Hook, although
the stories of some antagonists could in-
volve many covenants. Of course, it is not
Baron Geoffroi As an antagonist, the baron shows
how the Order of Hermes doesn’t really
fit well into medieval society. He can steer
a problem if your troupe does manage to
satisfactorily resolve an antagonist’s con-
D’Arques the covenant toward a more stable rela-
tionship with mundane nobles, but at the
flict with a single story. cost of upsetting the Order’s entrenched
Most of the details of the antagonist Baron Geoffroi D’Arques is a wealthy attitudes about mundane relations. He
characters are intended to be initially ob- noble, initially concerned with little more also shows how much trouble mundane
scure to the player characters. Thus, it is than the success of his lands and provid- intrigue can cause for a covenant.
recommended — once you have chosen ing for his family. But his interest in the
to introduce an antagonist character to supernatural is suddenly piqued, and he
your saga — that the troupe allocates a starts upon a journey that makes him by
single player to be the story-guide for that
antagonist’s stories, with the other players
refraining from reading the details. This
turns ally and enemy to the covenant. He
starts to attract conjurers, charlatans, and
all manner of hedge wizards to his court,
Father Joseph
strategy will also help to keep the moti-
vations and actions of the antagonist con-
eager to learn about magic and turn it to
the betterment of his lands. Geoffroi’s
of Napoli
sistent among stories. On the other hand, activities are rarely directed toward the
the antagonists are still usable even if the covenant, but as he opens his court to oth- Father Joseph is a papal legate sent on
players are well-versed in the details. For ers practiced in magic, the complications a mission to the Order of Hermes. He pro-
example, if the player characters are over- make themselves felt upon the covenant poses that the Order of Hermes reinvent

itself as a true religious order: headed by
a Grand Master, endorsed by the pope,
becomes clouded. He believes it is better
to risk punishing the innocent than to al- The Divine
and established as an appendage of the low the guilty escape.
church. Obviously, there are potential Galerius’ zealous pursuit of Hermetic
problems aligning this proposal with the justice means that he may be a threat to
traditional Oath of Hermes. On the other even very legally conservative covenants.
hand, the legate’s proposal might be met The smallest hint of indiscretion will be After an act of great courage, the ab-
with approval by many Christian magi. enough to provoke a thorough intrusion bot of a local monastery has been replaced
Your characters can either support or op- into the covenant’s affairs. Of course, if by a creature of the Divine. It desires to
pose Father Joseph. there is actually anything for him to find… strengthen the Divine aura of the land by
As an antagonist, Father Joseph repre- bettering the living conditions of the gen-
sents the church meddling with the Order eral population, increasing their faith, and
of Hermes. He does not directly attack giving greater glory to the power of God.
magi or covenants. He provokes politi-
cal stories that may spiral into violence or
even a new Schism War. The father is a
The Infatuated A more potent Divine aura means weaker
Magic and Faerie auras, diminishing vis
sources and conflicts as other mythic crea-
threat because he creates conflict within
the Order.
Diabolist tures suffer the loss of habitat. The magi
are certainly threatened, but can a Divine
abbot really be an enemy?
Lust can take many forms, and lust for
power and lust for a player character com-

Bishop Orris bine to drive this antagonist to seek power

for the darkest of all sources. In madness,
the cost of one’s soul can seem a small The Queen of
Bishop Orris is a man convinced that price to pay.
magic is evil. He has heard the theologi-
cal and philosophical arguments against
This antagonist demonstrates the perils
of diabolic antagonists, but also their weak-
Gold and Glass
this viewpoint, but the fact remains he can nesses. They can be exceptionally strong
smell the filthy stench of pure wickedness with sufficient preparation, but have none The Queen of Gold and Glass is a po-
whenever he is close to magic. To make of the immediate firepower of a Hermetic tent faerie who challenges magi with a se-
matters worse, his diocese contains the magus. The diabolist must therefore care- ries of tests. She does not care if they fail
characters’ covenant, and eventually he will fully plot the ensnaring of the reluctant or succeed, and may aid them to survive
be exposed to them and their “evil” ways. lover, and plan the character’s eventual the attacks of other enemies. The Queen
As an antagonist, Bishop Orris poses a downfall when the attentions of a devil- is playing a deeper game, and one which,
dilemma. He has the potential to make life worshiper are, inevitably, spurned. if she is left undefeated, will have alarming
particularly difficult for player characters, consequences for the player characters.
and yet all his actions are for the sake of
the best interests of those he has a duty to
protect. His intentions are pure, even if his
actions are misguided. A Demonically The Waimie
Inspired Cult The Waimie is a magical serpent who

Galerius of A single powerful demon is a terrible

foe, but when two begin similar schemes,
craves vis. She sends out her numerous brood
to gather it for her, and has recently learned
that magi can be a potent source. Not only
House Guernicus and one draws the other into his service,
the seeds of an epidemic are sown. When
do they hoard it, but they make regular for-
ays to collect it from jealously guarded sites.
more demons are drawn to the misery the All she needs to do is have her children fol-
Galerius is a Quaesitor who sees it as first two have caused, corrupting the peo- low them whenever they leave home.
his personal crusade to punish magi who ple who attempt to mitigate the plague, all The Waimie is a relatively direct an-
do anything that potentially endangers of Mythic Europe may be shaken. Can the tagonist; it is less suited to a major saga
the Order of Hermes. His idea of what player characters defend themselves, as theme, and more to a set of interlinked
endangers the Order is extraordinarily the schemes of several demons intertwine, stories occurring close together. The
broad, and he gets so personally invested pouring death, madness, and diabolism Waimie’s brood start small, but they get
in his cases that his judgment sometimes along the roads of Mythic Europe? bigger and more challenging.

Chapter Two

Baron Geoffroi D’Arques

“I have been to the Holy land and I
have seen the armies of God and our ene-
mies massed in numbers beyond counting,
the Infernal. He gradually turns his court
over to supernatural forces, filling his
woodlands with magical beasts captured
but this ... this is beyond comprehension. from afar, replacing his loyal servants Baron Geoffroi d’Arques is a wealthy
It brings an ache to my mind. And yet I with those gifted with supernatural abili- nobleman holding lands surrounding
must have more of it.” ties, and inviting magicians of all kinds to his birthplace of Arques in the Duchy
– Geoffroi d’Arques serve as his counselors. of Normandy in addition to those closer
Unlike some of the other antagonists to the troupe’s covenant. His upbringing
This chapter presents the Baron in this book, Geoffroi starts as, and re- was typical of a Normandy noble, and he
Geoffroi d’Arques, a mundane knight and tains the potential to be, a valuable ally. is steeped in politics and war. His father
landed noble who becomes fascinated But his hunger for knowledge concern- built a fortune by backing the winning side
with all things supernatural. His fasci- ing things beyond his own world is dan- when King John lost his French holdings,
nation soon turns to greed and jealousy, gerous and proves likely to bring trouble but Geoffroi is astute enough to know his
and he sees little difference between the to the covenant’s door time and time limitations: he is no great politician, but
forces of the Divine, Faerie, Magic, or again. he is a superb soldier and is known on the
tourney circuit throughout France.
He is married, with several children
(both legitimate and illegitimate) and few
enemies. The lands he holds are split be-
tween Arques and a few sizable manors
near to the troupe’s covenant. Having
ignored these distant manors for some
time, he is keen to exploit them financial-
ly and provide the proper oversight and
governance as befitting a baron. It is this
effort that brings him into contact with
the covenant.
So far, Geoffroi has not knowingly en-
countered the supernatural except in story
and song. He has always held a firm faith
in the Lord and is a naturally God-fearing
man. But faeries and unicorns? He has so far
seen them as idle distractions for children
and troubadours. All that is about to change.

Geoffroi d’Arques
As presented here, Geoffroi d’Arques
is a lesser baron holding 10 manors and
owing service for 10 knights and 100 in-
fantry men. These lands are split between


Baron Geoffroi d’Arques

The statistics below represent Geof- Great Sword: Init +0, Attack +13, Defense Geoffroi has the Wealthy Virtue,
froi at the beginning of his journey, just +8, Damage +10 which allows him three seasons a year to
as his fascination begins. As a mundane Soak: +11 spend as he wishes. This translates into a
opponent he poses little personal threat Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, total of 20 experience points each year,
to magi and his Ability scores change lit- Unconscious which is gained as follows:
tle throughout their entanglements, with Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10),
the notable exception of his increasing –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), • Two seasons of being taught, assum-
knowledge of the supernatural realms. Dead (21+) ing a quality of 7, for a total of 14
Abilities: Animal Handling 3 (falconry), experience points across one or two
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +1, Area Lore: Arques 3 (nobles), Artes Abilities
Com 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik 0 Liberales 2 (arithmetic), Athletics • One season of practice, assuming a
Size: 0 2 (running), Awareness 3 (battle), quality of 4, in one martial Ability
Age: 32 (32) Brawl 2 (fist), Charm 2 (first impres- • One season of exposure, giving 2
Warping Score: 0 (1) sions), Chirurgy 1 (sword wounds), experience points in an Ability ap-
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Etiquette 3 (noble), French 5 (giv- propriate to running his estate, such
Virtues and Flaws: Landed Noble, ing orders), Great Weapon 4 (great as the local language, or in Order of
Knight; Wealthy; Driven (Learn sword), Hunt 4 (deer), Intrigue 4 Hermes Lore as he begins to learn
all there is about the supernatural), (noble courts), Latin 3 (church cer- more about his Hermetic neighbors.
Oath of Fealty; Reckless emonies), Leadership 4 (in battle),
Personality Traits: Driven +3, Brave +2, Music 2 (singing), Ride 5 (in com- After improving his grasp of Latin, he
Chivalrous +1 bat), Single Weapon 5 (long sword), gains tuition in the four realm lore Abili-
Reputations: Prudhomme +3 (nobles of Survival 1 (forests) ties as soon as he is able, which requires
England and France), Excellent sol- Equipment: Superior quality (+1 soak) suitable tutors. But one thing he cannot
dier +2 (the continental tourney cir- full chain armor, Superior quality (+1 do is learn any of the Supernatural Abili-
cuit), Lord of Arques +2 (Normandy attack) long sword, Superior quality ties that his guests bring to his court. It
population) (+1 defense) heater shield *, Great is a source of frustration to him, but he
Combat: sword, an appropriate horse for ev- contents himself by retaining those with
Dodge: Init –2, Attack N/A, Defense +2, ery occasion gifts so that he may call upon them at
Damage N/A Encumbrance: 3 (4) will. In truth, as driven as he is to learn
Fist: Init –2, Attack +5, Defense +3, Appearance: Smart, clean-shaven, erect, about magic, he is too much the master
Damage +1 and conspicuously wealthy, he wears of his domain to serve as the apprentice
Lance and heater shield (mounted): Init +0, At- the finest of everything, from his ar- that the various initiations demand. And
tack +14, Defense +12, Damage +6 mor to his traveling clothes, from the so they fail.
Long sword and heater shield: Init +0, Attack sword at his waist to the gold rings
+12, Defense +11, Damage +7 upon his fingers. He also ensures that * The bonuses for superior arms and
Long sword and heater shield (mounted): Init +0, his horse is second to none along armor have been factored into the
Attack +15, Defense +14, Damage +7 with its saddle, tack, and barding. combat statistics above.

Ability Block (Supernatural)

The Ability Block Flaw prevents a For characters with The Gift, this efit, largely through being unwilling to
character from learning Abilities of a giv- particular Flaw could prove too restric- fully commit to the change in outlook
en category, such as martial or academic. tive, while for others with no intention and behavior implied by the Initiation
Applying it to supernatural Abilities is a to learn Supernatural Abilities, the Flaw — remember, his status means that he
potentially contentious use of the Flaw as provides no penalty at all. As such, use of is not good student material. You may
the learning of supernatural abilities nor- this Flaw should be carefully considered decide that this is an appropriate use of
mally requires one of two things: a Virtue by your troupe. the Ability Block (Supernatural) Flaw, in
such as The Gift or True Faith, or an Ini- In Geoffroi’s case, this restriction is which case you should balance it with
tiation to grant the character the Virtue integral to his character. He attempts a the Temporal Influence Virtue to repre-
associated with the desired Ability. number of Initiations but gains no ben- sent his political clout.

• A legitimate son of seven years of age
Useful Resources with a Loyalty trait of +2, which
may change when he is older and un-
Geoffroi’s story provides troupes experimental philosophy and astrol- derstands his place in relation to his
with the opportunity to explore ma- ogy and the works of supernatural art- brothers. His name is Alenard and he
terial presented in a range of supple- ists, while City & Guild supports magical is as demanding a young prince as can
ments. Of particular relevance to craftsmen. be found.
Geoffroi himself is Lords of Men, which, Given the number of different • Two legitimate daughters, ages 5 and 3,
as well as exploring the lives of the hedge traditions available in Ars Magica who for their formative years can be
nobility, contains a chapter discussing Fifth Edition, storyguides should use as considered to have a Loyalty trait of
Hermetic interference in lordly affairs. much or as little as they like from these +2. Their names are Joie and Viollette.
And as Geoffroi is intent on bringing resources, or indeed any of the Tribunal
wizards, sorcerers, and beasts from all books. Geoffroi provides an opportuni- Mother to the legitimate children, and
of the realms to his court, each of the ty for troupes to explore these traditions very much part of Geoffroi’s household, is
realm supplements and Hedge Magic Re- as any character touched by the super- Ysabeau. Statistics have been provided for
vised Edition can be used for these work- natural would likely find a place within Ysabeau below.
ers of magic. In addition, Art & Academe Geoffroi’s court, from a faerie-blooded It may be important to track the ages
presents material supporting mundane fisherman to a Levantine sahir. of the above children as details of Geof-
froi’s family have the potential to provide
unscrupulous or cunning characters with
his original home in Arques and his man-
ors near the troupe’s covenant. Geoffroi Geoffroi’s leverage with which they can influence
Geoffroi’s behavior.
has not yet been resident in his new man-
or for long enough to learn the local lan-
guage. If your saga is set in Normandy or
near Arques, then simply move Geoffroi’s
original holdings elsewhere.
However, given the far-ranging politi-
Both Geoffroi’s current and future suc-
cess among the local nobility depend in
Geoffroi’s Court
cal connections enjoyed by the nobility, large part upon his family. He has made an Geoffroi’s court at first looks much like
Geoffroi may feasibly appear as a noble advantageous marriage and fathered sev- the courts of other nobles of wealth and
almost anywhere. There’s a degree of flex- eral children whom he can marry off when rank. But even before his obsession with
ibility in what rank Geoffroi enjoys, where they reach maturity to consolidate his magic, it is clear that he has an eye for the
he’s based, and how much power and in- power and wealth. But family can also be a unusual. His arms and armor, for instance,
fluence he commands. But at minimum, liability, especially as Geoffroi incautiously are of superior quality, an indication that
he should be wealthy enough that he can pursues his supernatural fascination. he is prepared to pay for the best.
devote time to his newfound pursuits, se- The Lords of Men supplement provides The key theme for this antagonist is
cure enough in his lands that he need not a way to randomly generate a character’s the accumulation of magical resources. As
be concerned about his neighbors, and living children (page 9). Using these rules such, every time Geoffroi is introduced
hold lands both locally and some distance as a base, Geoffroi has the following off- into a story after his initial encounter, ei-
away, in order to allow for frequent peri- spring at the start of his story: ther as antagonist, protagonist, or support-
ods of absence. ing character, he should have some obvi-
The lands near the covenant may • An illegitimate son aged 12 by a woman ously new magical accoutrement to which
have only recently fallen into his hands: of low birth. His existence is openly he is keen to draw attention. Geoffroi
as a dowry from his marriage that he has acknowledged and he has a Loyal trait himself will certainly draw parallels with
yet to exploit; inherited from his father of +2 in Geoffroi’s favor. Named Guil- Sicily: scholars from multiple cultures —
or an uncle; or won through right of con- laume, his education iscurrently taking or in this case magical traditions — wel-
quest or tourney. For whatever reason, place on the Normandy tourney circuit. comed and working within the same court.
the lands have recently become impor- • An illegitimate son aged 10 by a married The two key mundane members of
tant to him, and Geoffroi is now keen to woman of rank. He has a Loyalty trait Geoffroi’s court are his steward Claude,
exploit them. of 0, probably resulting from the re- and Geoffroi’s wife Ysabeau. Claude is
Although Geoffroi’s story plays out sentment of his mother toward Geof- loyal to his master to the bitter end and
over a number of years, Geoffroi can eas- froi. Named François, he is a member cannot be turned by mundane means.
ily be added into existing sagas. All that’s of his unknowing stepfather’s house- But Ysabeau’s primary concern is for the
needed is for him to inherit some land near hold. Geoffroi and the boy’s mother safety and prosperity of her children and
the troupe’s covenant and decide to take suspect the truth of his birth, but they she could potentially be a weak link to be
an active interest. cannot be sure. exploited by the player characters.

The Magical Court extracting as much from Geoffroi as pos- cal inceptions and philosophical formulae
sible. They act as his counselors and guide will be developed at a rate of one or two
him, but at the same time they manipulate each year. Some hedge wizards have the
As the years pass, Geoffroi’s court him and ensure that he sees the world as power to enrich objects of virtue, and you
comes to be dominated by those who they wish him to see it. As long as they can assume a new enriched object once per
know a little about magic, have supernatu- provide him with trinkets and baubles he year. Other enchantments may take longer,
ral abilities, or are members of a hedge tra- provides them with security and resources so assume 10 levels of enchantments per
dition of some form. The culmination of with which to expand their arts; they en- year. Specific examples are provided at the
this is an eclectic mix of magicians, each joy the effects of the Wealthy Virtue while end of this chapter.
keen to learn from strange and unfamiliar members of his court, which brings with it
traditions. For the most part, since each an extra season to spend in study.
hedge tradition either requires an indi- Learned Magician
vidual’s Gift to be opened in a particular
way or for the individual to undergo ritual
Initiations, this is restricted to exchanging
Sample Hedge Wizards Ádhamh Brathair (EWE BRO-hur) is a
learned magician from Hibernia with the
knowledge of the four realms, knowledge lofty aim of developing a unified theory of
of the Order of Hermes, and the history There are more potential hedge wizard magic built on sound philosophical princi-
and capability of each member tradition. characters than can be accommodated in ples. He applies himself to researching the
Most of the members of Geoffroi’s coun- this chapter, but some sample ideas along magic of his fellow wizards and to the break-
cil are unGifted members of their traditions. with some specific goals are presented here. throughs needed for his new grand theory.
This is simply due to the negative social im- Each of these hedge wizards, and each of
plications of The Gift. But there may be one those not listed that you might introduce,
or two who benefit from the Gentle Gift Vir- brings their own resources and creates yet Goetic Sorcerer
tue, and these would likely take prominent more at Geoffroi’s request. You can assume
and guiding roles within the council. one average-quality tractatus on Magic, Fa- Desperate to escape a dark fate, Do-
However, as enlightened as the coun- erie, or Infernal Lore for each practitioner minici Viterbo tries to hide himself within
cil sounds, its prime communal concern is at court. You can also assume that astrologi- the council. But he cannot outrun the de-

The Lady Ysabeau

Ysabeau is Geoffroi’s loyal wife and Damage –1 young woman who carries herself
mother to his three legitimate children. As Soak: –1 with confidence around her staff but
a minor supporting character she has few Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, is both humble and demure in front
Virtues and Flaws listed but storyguides Unconscious of her husband and visitors to the
should feel free to enhance the character Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), court. She is always dressed elegant-
if they want to make her more prominent. –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), ly and one of her favored possessions
Dead (21+) is a superior quality golden necklace,
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (horses), a recent gift from her husband.
+2, Str –1, Sta –1, Dex +2, Qik –1 Area Lore: Arques 2 (personalities),
Size: 0 Artes Liberales 2 (music), Aware- Throughout the covenant’s dealings
Age: 25 (25) ness 2 (alertness), Carouse 2 (staying with Geoffroi and his court, Ysabeau’s
Warping Score: 0 (0) sober), Charm 5 + 1* (first impres- priority is the protection of her children.
Confidence Score: 1 (3) sions), Etiquette 5 (nobility), Folk She loves her husband but as his obses-
Virtues and Flaws: Gentlewoman; Edu- Ken 2 (nobles), Guile 3 (avoiding sion with the supernatural gathers pace
cated, Privileged Upbringing, Tem- offence), Latin 4 (church ceremo- she can be persuaded to favor her chil-
poral Influence; Dependent; Humble nies), Leadership 2 (servants), Local dren’s future over that of her husband.
Personality Traits: Humble +2, Protec- Language 3 (local dialect), Music 3 Ysabeau knows of Guillaume, Geof-
tive +2, Honest +1 (sing), Norman French 5 (Arques dia- froi’s eldest illegitimate son, but does not
Reputations: Geoffroi’s wife 3 (within lect), Organization Lore: Household know of Francois.
the county) 3 (personalities), Ride 3 (recreation)
Combat: Equipment: Elegant Gown, superior * The +1 bonus is granted by the supe-
Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense –1, quality gold necklace rior quality gold necklace she wears.
Damage N/A Encumbrance: 0 (0) This applies to all first impression
Fist: Init –1, Attack +2, Defense –1, Appearance: Ysabeau is an attractive Charm rolls.

mons of his past and they soon find him. powerful spirit of the sands. Believing he Geoffroi’s growing council, a council he
In teaching others, perhaps he can make has found it, he stays to learn but seems intends to dominate with his strong En-
right the mistakes he made and cleanse his oblivious to Geoffroi’s decline and the trancement power.
own arts of corruption. growing power of the council.

The Elementalist
The Diabolist Disguised Faerie
Edwin Locke views meeting practi-
Hannelore, a student of the Malefi- A faerie in the guise of a wise woman, tioners of other traditions with academic
cia, brings her own infernal magic to the taking the name Dorothy Anning, using interest. He is the most likely candidate to
council seeking protection from Hermetic pretenses and powers in place of magical approach other wizards and attract them
enemies that she made in the past. Want- ability, infiltrates the council to learn how to Geoffroi’s court.
ing a direct route to influence, she looks to the world of men uses its power for the
supplant Ysabeau in Geoffroi’s affections. betterment of others.
Additional Concepts
Itinerant Sahir Failed Apprentice Others touched by magic, but less
powerful than those above and unlikely
Jabir Al-Qazwini is an Arabic magus Denied his rightful place within the to have a place within the council, may
who has traveled from afar in search of the Order, Carles Peregrinus, a failed Her- include:
“council of the wise” promised to him by a metic apprentice, finds new friends in

Claude de Fécamp
Claude is Geoffroi’s steward, a trust- Abilities: Area Lore: Arques 3 (person- years. His first year with the baron was a
ed retainer tasked with many of Geof- alities), Area Lore: Local 1 (geogra- troubled time, and Claude resented both
froi’s affairs. The players are often as phy), Artes Liberales 2 (logic), Pro- his master’s wealth and his own subservi-
likely to encounter Claude as they are to fession: Steward 4 (noble manors), ent position. He angered many, treated
encounter Geoffroi himself. Church Lore 3 (personalities), Local others with contempt and scant regard,
Language 5 (local dialect), Etiquette and made few friends. One evening he
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre –1, 2 (nobility), Folk Ken 3 (nobles), was set upon by persons unknown. He
Com 0, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik –1 Guile 2 (discerning lies about his was severely beaten and would have been
Divine Resistance: 15 master), Intrigue 2 (alliances), Latin killed but for Divine intervention. An
Size: 0 4 (academic usage), Leadership 2 angel enfolded him in its light and con-
Age: 28 (28) (household staff), Norman French 5 fronted Claude with the mistakes that
Warping Score: 0 (4) (County of Rouen dialect), Philoso- had brought him so low.
Confidence Score: 1 (3) phiae 2 (moral philosophy), Theol- This event changed Claude’s life for-
Virtues and Flaws: Clerk; Guardian ogy 3 (biblical knowledge) ever. He reaffirmed his loyalty to Geoffroi,
Angel; Clear Thinker, Sharp Ears, Equipment: A simple habit in the style put aside his wayward habits, and dedi-
Strong-Willed; Oath of Fealty; Miss- of a monk, wooden crucifix, pouch of cated himself to his duties. And in return,
ing Hand, Noncombatant, Temper- money usually filled with sufficient the angel promised that Claude would be
ate, Weak Characteristics for most expenses. protected from the world so long as he
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Taciturn Encumbrance: 0 (0) remained true. Those in Geoffroi’s house-
+2, Frivolous –1 Appearance: Claude is of average height hold now barely remember Claude as he
Reputations: Geoffroi’s right-hand man and slight build. His head is shaved was and only pay respect to the man he
2 (within Geoffroi’s court) clean and his face is long and dour. has become: loyal and temperate.
Combat: But his most distinctive feature is his
Dodge: Init –4, Attack N/A, Defense –4, right arm, missing at the elbow. He * Claude’s soak score includes the +5
Damage N/A wears his habit with the right sleeve bonus granted by his guardian an-
Soak: +1/+6* folded and pinned to fully contain gel. This same guardian angel also
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, what remains. grants Claude a magic resistance of
Unconscious +15 aligned with the Divine while he
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), Claude de Fécamp was schooled at a acts in accordance with God’s inef-
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Benedictine monastery, but has been part fable will.
Dead (21+) of Geoffroi’s household for the last six

• A mundane astrologer and philoso-
pher skilled in the creation of astro- Story Seed: The Ambitious Medicus
logical inceptions who wants to learn
true magic. An itinerant doctor, skilled in the el- their humors, inclining them toward the
• A blind beggar cursed with prophetic emental arts, enters the noble’s court and sanguine and ingratiating himself into
visions that haunt his dreams. What makes himself very much at home. None the bargain. Even when the noble’s riches
he would give for one sight to be ex- seem to have a bad word to say about him start going missing, none suspect such a
changed for another. and a sense of levity spreads throughout good friend of the court — apart from
• A young boy who sees ghosts, and the the court. Of course, they’ve all been the phlegmatic steward, who resolves to
mother who spirited him away from brought under his spell as he manipulates find someone who will listen to him.
their frightened village.
• A faerie-touched armorer with excep-
tional skill, who needs somewhere to it, a noble who can command the work of beyond his mundane comprehension. The
work, funds to refine his workshop, and an enchanter or wizard can become fa- storyguide should select one of the follow-
someone to deal with the faerie that mous. He could provide unusual or even ing encounter ideas to be the first encoun-
continually tries to steal back its tools. magical items as tournament prizes, gen- ter with Geoffroi, and then decide which
erous gifts to political allies. He can also of the others can be used to explore Geof-
maintain a subtle threat to those who froi and his lands.
count themselves as opponents.

Aims and And third, there’s the sheer utility of

funding the work of magicians. Geoffroi
believes that he can direct their work for
• A magical stag flees Geoffroi’s wood-
land chase and arrives at the covenant,
pursued by Geoffroi and his hounds.
Motivations the good of his estates. If he can find the
right magician, his crops could grow faster
It is not powerful enough to overcome
the covenant’s Aegis and so is trapped,
and stronger. Find the right astrologer, and unable to reach safety and unable to
Geoffroi wants to learn everything he the thoughts, intentions, and weaknesses of outrun the noble’s dogs. The stag has
can about the supernatural world. Having political opponents can be laid bare. And by little to offer to the magi, given its low
had his eyes opened to the possibilities that employing the right craftsman, he can se- might and lack of power, but can the
exist, he wants to explore the things that cure victory on the fields of tournament and magi stand by and watch while the no-
his peers ignore, he wants to embrace ideas battle by using enchanted arms and armor. ble kills a beast from the magic realm?
that others find disturbing, and he wants Geoffroi, of course, demands the re-
to support practitioners of arts that other turn of the stag. But he is curious as
nobles and churchmen consider dangerous. to why the beast ran to the covenant,
His motivations for this are threefold.
First, there is simple curiosity. For most
people, of any social standing, the super-
First Encounter who the strange scholars are, and what
kind of arrangement they might reach.
• A case of demonic possession is sus-
natural is only a source of stories and folk- The first encounter with Geoffroi is pected in one of Geoffroi’s manors,
lore alone. And although almost everyone intended to introduce him as a reasonable, and every priest and monk available
has had some kind of brush with the su- curious, and educated man. It should af- has been unable to release the poor
pernatural, few take an interest and most firm his role as a strong and secure landed victim. Geoffroi goes looking for spe-
do their best to avoid it. But Geoffroi is noble, but also make clear his lack of expe- cialists in the field, but once the magi
an intelligent and inquisitive man, blessed rience with the supernatural. The encoun- from the covenant have been brought
with large secure estates, and the time and ter should also conclude in such a way that in, it is soon apparent that the demon-
resources to devote to his interests. Geoffroi is left to ponder the possibilities ic spirit has moved to a new host. The
Second, nobles should be seen to use of the supernatural world. He does not magi must find the demon and deal
their wealth in displays of conspicuous need to part company with the covenant with it before its plan reaches fruition,
consumption. Nobles often sponsor art- as an ally, but neither should he be an im- and it is taken inside the covenant by
ists, build castles, or fund churches and ca- mediate enemy. an unwitting grog.
thedrals. All these things provide projects • A farmer in Geoffroi’s estate was wo-
in which a noble can invest and produce ken one night by a great crashing
a lasting legacy. For Geoffroi, the art of
magic is no different. He sees sponsor-
Sample First Encounters sound coming from his hayloft. He
found the roof caved in, and the walls
ing a magical craftsman to be more pres- battered almost to the ground. As he
tigious than a mundane artist, creating an The following ideas are all suitable searched for the cause of the damage,
enchanted painting rather than a thing of for early interactions with Geoffroi as he he found a large stone, as smooth and
dull and lifeless materials. As Geoffroi sees starts to understand that there are worlds as rounded as an egg. But he could not

chapter, but at least one from each cat-
egory is recommended, to show a pro-
gression in Geoffroi’s story. Many of the
items can be repurposed as news updates
to keep an interested covenant council in-
formed as to his actions; the information
may gained through infiltration, intrigue,
or magical scrying.

Magical Research
The following events represent Geof-
froi’s growing interest in and connection
with the supernatural.

The Library

The first stage in Geoffroi’s growing

interest is to accumulate books discuss-
ing, and artifacts from, the four realms. He
approaches the covenant in order to buy
books or copies of books to stock a grow-
ing library. In particular, he is intent on ac-
quiring books of spells, believing that all
he need do to cast them himself is to learn
lift it. Nor could his neighbor. And nor and force him to end whatever strange them. The following events can be used to
could a team of oxen tethered to the magic he has woven? show Geoffroi’s acquisitions:
stone. Geoffroi was called to see the
stone, but has no answer. He cannot The first encounter with Geoffroi • The noble attempts to buy works from
simply leave his tenants to deal with should leave him wanting to know more the covenant, commission new works,
the problem, and so must seek people about the worlds beyond the mundane, but or acquire a tutor to teach him about
who might have some experience in with a feeling of distrust toward his Gifted the magic realm. If the covenant re-
such matters. What is the stone, who benefactors, and a sense that perhaps there fuses, though he is angered, he asks
or what left it there, and how can it be might be others more amenable. that he be recommended to another
safely moved? school of wizards, in the hope that
• A strange leper from a distant land they might help him.
passed through Geoffroi’s holdings • Geoffroi has made contact with a
not long ago. He claimed to be on a
pilgrimage, and was seeking alms and
the kindness of strangers to support
Methods merchant in the city who claims to
be able to acquire magical texts. But
the noble, mindful of his inexperi-
himself. Geoffroi ordered that he be The methods Geoffroi uses to conduct ence, asks the covenant to act on his
driven from his estates, and that no his search for magical knowledge include behalf in verifying the authenticity
man, woman, or child give the man acquiring books, tutors, items of virtue, fa- of the texts. He is prepared to pay a
aid. They say that the leper cursed eries, and so forth, as well as introducing handsome sum for genuine works, but
Geoffroi as he left, and his son has new arrivals to his court. But this focus on needs a skilled eye to evaluate them.
since taken deathly ill, with seeming- the supernatural is balanced by a growing The merchant does indeed have texts
lyno cure to be had. And then Geof- neglect of his mundane responsibilities. to sell, but they discuss Infernal Lore.
froi was told of some scholars who In developing Geoffroi and his story, it is Do the magi really want these to fall
may be able to help. Can the magi of important that story seeds from both sides into Geoffroi’s hands? In fact, do they
the covenant lift the curse? Or do they are represented. want them to fall into anyone’s hands?
need to track down this leper (in truth, Storyguides should not feel obliged And how did they come into the mer-
a wandering magus of House Tytalus) to run all of the stories suggested in this chant’s possession?

• Geoffroi’s messengers start collecting He casts around for news of beasts of At the end of this series of encounters,
stories of magical auras and regiones. virtue or of legend, and then offers a the magi should be under no illusion that
He then decides to visit one. He is bounty for any brought to him alive. Geoffroi is taking his interest a little too seri-
gone a week before his steward Claude Does the covenant have any beastly ously for comfort. While not yet dangerous
approaches the covenant for help in allies that might be endangered by his to the covenant, he is becoming a nuisance.
finding his master, who is eventually actions? Do they have any vis sourc-
tracked to the court of a powerful fa- es that might be put at risk? On the
erie. Geoffroi finds himself locked in other hand, are they happy instead to The Tournament
a game of chess, with the lives of his use Geoffroi’s resources to hunt one of
companions at stake. Can the magi save their own deadly foes? The tournament is where a noble can tru-
the noble and teach him not to meddle • A young man claims sanctuary at a lo- ly show off his wealth, popularity, and influ-
in things that don’t concern him? cal church, having run from Geoffroi’s ence. As an entrant, the noble can take to the
lands. After staying under the protec- field at the head of a large retinue and team
At the end of this first period of Geof- tion of the church for several days, of knights fighting under his colors. But as
froi’s interest, he has started a collection he pleads with the priest to help him a sponsor and patron of the tourney, he can
of grimoires, bestiaries, and strange and reach the nearby covenant. Geoffroi’s dictate the terms of the event, decide upon
unusual objects. This collection could be men stationed outside the church will winners and losers, and demonstrate his lar-
studied as individual books or as realia not let him leave unmolested, claim- gesse by awarding sumptuous prizes. For this
(Covenants, page 102) by enterprising magi. ing that he is a thief and a murderer. purpose, Geoffroi commissions a number
The priest asks the magi for help in of prizes from the covenant magi. He asks
protecting the man. Once in the cov- for an enchanted sword, a golden cup of
The Hunt enant’s protection, the man confesses grandeur, a horse of virtue fit for riding, and
that he is cursed to take the form of a magical hawk, though he is also open to
The hunt is a key leisure activity for the a wolf upon the full moon, and that suggestions for alternatives. He also inquires
nobility, so it is an obvious choice when Geoffroi intends him to be the prized about magically enhanced entertainments,
Geoffroi looks to bring magic to his court. quarry in a magical hunt. Eventually, so that he may present the most unusual and
Geoffroi arrives demanding the release surprising feast to his guests. He is willing to
• Geoffroi asks the covenant to supply of the accused into his custody. pay handsomely for any assistance.
him with, or breed on his behalf, a pack
of hunting dogs with unnaturally sharp
hunting skills. As ever, he is willing to
pay. If he has had contact with any of
Where and When is the Tournament Held?
the covenant’s familiars in the past, he Geoffroi plans his tournament a year kings and princes of the land, then Geof-
is unwilling to take no for an answer, in advance, which should give the magi froi will ask the magi what he must do to
and is likely to become belligerent. time to work on any laboratory projects secure favor with the king and gain per-
• If Geoffroi and the covenant have that they choose to undertake on his mission to host the tournament. This is
clashed over the previous event, he ap- behalf. It is likely to take place in the an outright request to use magic in order
proaches the covenant again in a more spring or summer, to take advantage of to spy on a powerful noble of the realm.
conciliatory manner. Having heard the finer weather. If the magi refuse or are unable to find
stories of a sounder of wild boar, appar- If your covenant is in the Stone- out for him, Geoffroi will approach an
ently touched by the faerie realm, he henge Tribunal, or another where tour- astrologer who will help through horo-
invites the magi on a hunt with the in- naments are looked down upon by the scopes and astrological inceptions.
tention of capturing as many of the ani-
mals as possible. By this stage, Geoffroi
has learned that wizards do sometimes
prize certain parts of magical animals, Story Seed: The Magical Swordsmith
and he offers them the first choice of
cuts. If the magi refuse the offer, the The tournament is an opportunity to art with learned men, though he himself
hunting party eventually returns, hav- show Geoffroi beginning to find his own is a peasant and somewhat daunted by
ing suffered casualties and lost one of magical resources with the introduction the wealthy, especially those with The
their number in the woods. Can the of a magical swordsmith. He will intro- Gift. Is there anything that the Hermet-
magi now be persuaded to help? duce the smith to the covenant, and ask ic magi could learn from the craftsman?
• Recognizing the danger of facing that he be permitted to work within the Having seen his art in action, are they
magical animals on their own terri- “beneficial air” inherent to the covenant. happy to release him back to Geoffroi,
tory, he intends to capture some alive, The swordsmith is happy to discuss his or could they find another use for him?
and stock his own estate with them.

Nearer to the time of the tournament, to be transient, passing through after per- and strange foreign ways upset some
he also asks for specific aid for his own forming some service for the noble, but oth- of the locals, and he is held as a witch.
team of knights. And of course, he offers ers remain to enjoy his ongoing patronage. The covenant and Geoffroi’s court
the covenant an invitation to enter the The council has the potential to pose sig- hear of the event at the same time, and
tournament under their own banner. nificant problems to the covenant in its own both are intent on investigating.
But being seen to help Geoffroi in this right, so the covenant gains the Rival Exter- • The hedge wizards send representa-
manner may prompt his rivals to ask the nal Relations Hook (Covenants, page 22). tion of their own to the covenant, ea-
same of other wizards, Hermetic or not, ger to learn Bonisagus’ theory of magic
which may create new rivalries (friendly • Geoffroi extends an invitation to join from the foremost users of magic in
or otherwise), or raise even more accusa- his council to the covenant’s magi. He Mythic Europe. In exchange, they of-
tions of interfering in the mundane world. describes a utopia of shared learning fer insights into their own unique gifts.
Storyguides may find the material pre- and peaceful understanding –— un- The insights they offer could expand
sented in Lords of Men (page 64) useful if der his direction, of course. He offers Hermetic magic in valuable ways,
the covenant chooses to become involved the support and funding of his court but when the magi refuse to teach
in the tournament. if the magi share their magic with his the hedge wizards the Parma Magica,
council. Could pride or Hermetic Law what do they offer in its place?
permit such a relationship? • Geoffroi promises his son Alenard to
The Council of Wizards • Attracted by the talk of a land condu- one of the magicians at his court. The
cive to magic, one of the cunning folk Lady Ysabeau reaches out to the cov-
Geoffroi finally assembles a council of (Hedge Magic Revised Edition, page 101) is enant, through a trusted messenger, to
wizards within his court. Some are destined drawn to the area. But his magical air plead for their assistance in preventing

Edwin Locke, the Elementalist

Edwin Locke is an academic from the talist societies) 1 Equipment: Philosophical texts, astrolabe.
north of England, and is a prominent and Combat: Encumbrance: 0 (0)
well-known tutor at York’s cathedral school. Dodge: Init +0, Attack N/A, Defense +0, Vis: 4 pawns each of Aquam, Auram,
Locke has been created as an un- Damage N/A Ignem, and Terram vis in the form
Gifted Mythic Companion and may take Fist: Init +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, of glass-like crystals. They are kept
four more Virtues, which must be bal- Damage +0 within small bottles of a preservative
anced by a further two Flaws. Bludgeon: Init –1, Attack +2, Defense +0, oil and contained within a custom-
Damage +2 made wooden case.
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Soak: +2 Appearance: Locke is a man well into his
Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, middle age, with thinning gray hair.
Size: 0 Unconscious He has the look of a confident and de-
Age: 40 (40) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), termined man, and carries himself with
Decrepitude: 0 –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), the bearing of one constantly left una-
Warping Score: 1 (8) Dead (21+) mused by the antics of errant students.
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Abilities: Artes Liberales 5 (grammar),
Virtues and Flaws: Magister in Artibus; Carouse 2 (games of chance), Charm Locke doesn’t so much hide his magi-
(Theurgical) Summoning, (Theur- 3 (being witty), Etiquette 1 (the cal knowledge from his colleagues and
gical) Controlling; Clear Thinker, Church), Folk Ken 2 (townsfolk), students as simply not discuss it. He is
Elementalist Air, Elementalist Earth, Greek 3 (prose), Latin 5 (academic sure that some know or suspect, but he is
Elementalist Fire, Elementalist Wa- usage), Leadership 2 (students), content to live two lives: one within the
ter, Luck, Puissant Controlling; Magic Lore 2 (spirits), Order of cathedral sphere, and one in the world of
Overconfident; Weak Elemental Hermes Lore 1 (history), Philoso- spirits and supernatural beasts. It is fair to
Resistance, Ability Block (Martial), phiae 5 (natural philosophy), Teach- say that he knows little of the supernatural
Mentor (Walter de Gray) ing 4 (Philosophiae), Area Lore: York realms themselves, but does understand
Personality Traits: Authoritative +2, Or- 1 (personalities) that there are other magical traditions. He
dered +1, Choleric +2, Melancholic Arts: (Theurgical) Controlling 15 +3, has heard of the Order of Hermes, and
+2, Phlegmatic +2, Sanguine +2 (Theurgical) Summoning 15 recognizes their prominence.
Reputations: Tutor at York Cathedral Difficult Arts: Elementalist Air 4, El- He views the chance to meet other
School (among academics) 2, Ele- ementalist Earth 3, Elementalist Fire practitioners of magic as an intellectual
mentalist of Repute (among elemen- 4, Elementalist Water 3 challenge.

her son being subjected a magical ap- The Theft of Parma terrupted by his magical studies and the
prenticeship; by rights, he is his father’s company of his court wizards his people
heir. This situation proves the extent to In a move that is bound to endanger begin to suffer.
which Geoffroi has lost perspective. both the covenant and Geoffroi’s council
• With word of this council of wizards of wizards, one of the wizards in Geof-
having reached neighboring counties, froi’s court conceives of a plan to learn the Fines and Taxes
the covenant finds itself the subject of Parma Magica. Can the hedge wizards ab-
a Quaesitorial investigation into the duct a magus of the Order and force him Geoffroi begins to tax his people hard
support they have been showing this to teach the Parma Magica? Does this con- in order to fund his growing interest in
mundane noble and his court wizards. stitute the will of the council, or are there the supernatural, particularly by levying
But the Quaesitor, and the magi she rogue elements present? frequent and costly tallage. This causes
brings with her, seem to be taking the Assuming that the teaching of Parma hardship across the region, as those buy-
opportunity to settle old scores against Magica to these hedge wizards is even ing, selling, or moving goods are forced to
the covenant. possible (The Gift is necessary to use it, pay exorbitant tolls and taxes.
so most of them cannot), how much of an
Arcane Ability do you need to learn before • The general hardship can be used as
Stolen Resources you can practice? A score of 1 is probably a rationale for sending the troupe on
the minimum that the student needs to be brief stories elsewhere. For instance,
Feeling secure under Geoffroi’s patron- taught by a teacher. This is something that when the covenant finds supplies hard
age, the council of wizards starts to exert its can be achieved in a single season. But the to come by, they may be tempted to
influence. The following events may be em- rogue hedge wizards need first to identify attend the fair that has just sprung up
ployed to represent their growing audacity. a target, and then somehow force him to on the other side of the county. The
teach one of the hedge wizards for a full hardship felt by the covenant can also
• Some of the covenant’s vis sources are season. An apprentice may appear an easy be represented through the Wealth &
stripped bare, perhaps with the poten- target, but a swift response is sure to fol- Poverty rules in the Covenants supple-
tial to damage them in the long term. low, regardless of who is taken. ment. If you are using these rules,
The trail leads back to a hedge wizard This story idea provides an opportu- increase the points cost of each type
working in Geoffroi’s court. The wizard nity to play things from the other side. of inhabitant (as per the table on Cov-
enjoys the protection of the court, and Given a set of hedge wizards from Geof- enants, page 63) by 1.
while apologetic, he cannot return the froi’s court, how do the players go about • A diversionary tale suited to grogs
materials as they have been used. Geof- abducting someone from their own cov- and companions sees them investigat-
froi offers to mediate, and suggests that, enant? Can they plan around the obvi- ing the theft of crops or other goods
if all of the covenant’s resources were ous magic resistance provided by Aegis from the villages under the covenant’s
known to him, he could ensure that and Parma? And how do they cover their protection. The evidence leads back
they too enjoyed his protection. Can tracks and keep their mark safe and servile to one of Geoffroi’s estates, where the
an accommodation be reached? for a season? new tax collector is extracting more
• Emboldened by Geoffroi’s support, The prospect of the Parma falling into from the starving locals than they can
the council of wizards decrees that the hands of hedge wizards is a significant possibly pay.
any supernatural auras, beasts of vir- threat to the Order, and the Order would • Others have been driven to outright
tue, or Gifted children found within stop at nothing to stop such a thing from banditry and, having successfully cap-
Geoffroi’s lands belong to them, and happening. Doing so could bring swift tured a Redcap messenger, the bandit
them alone. This comes just as one retribution, followed by a larger debate leader is enjoying her own taste of
of the covenant’s magi hears about a to identify those responsible and decide magic with the Redcap’s enchanted
child exhibiting signs of The Gift. A upon their punishment. This is perhaps devices. Tales of a bandit leader wield-
contest over the child would bring the one reason for the troupe’s covenant to ing powerful spells may at first lead the
covenant and Geoffroi’s court wizards deal with the matter quickly and quietly, covenant to Geoffroi’s court. But once
into open conflict. before word gets out. the truth is discovered, how long can
• A delegation from a nearby covenant the stolen devices help the bandit avoid
arrives to remonstrate over the actions capture before the magi close in on her?
of Geoffroi and his band of wizards. It
appears that their own vis sources have
The Neglect of
been raided and, given Geoffroi’s appar- Geoffroi’s Manors A Poor Ruler
ent connection to the player covenant,
they are being held responsible. The As a wealthy noble, Geoffroi need It is not just the covenant that suffers the
other covenant wants reparation for their only spend one season each year oversee- expanding effect of Geoffroi’s excesses. His
loss and Geoffroi brought to account. ing his estates. But when even this is in- neighbors suffer the same rise in banditry

and theft originating in Geoffroi’s lands. This astery, but he takes with him knowledge derstand what his aims are. The following
can be represented by the following events. of the magicians at Geoffroi’s court that sections present options that the covenant
the magi might find useful. In particular, may use to gain insight into why Geoffroi is
• The Lady Ysabeau is sent to one of he has learned enough to collect Arcane doing what he does, who is most influential
Geoffroi’s outlying estates. Her daugh- Connections from them, some of which with him, and what options they have for
ters are sent with her, but her son re- are still active. He intends to keep his own bringing the obsession to an end.
mains with his father. She has been counsel on matters, but he could be per-
banished from Geoffroi’s side after suaded to part with the connections if he
daring to argue with his decision to
give the boy to one of his magicians.
thought it was in Geoffroi’s interest. Infiltrate the Council
The covenant’s grogs, patrolling their
master’s border, encounter Ysabeau The Peasants’ Revolt The covenant may choose to infiltrate
and her daughters being taken under the council of wizards and gain firsthand
guard to her confinement. Having The growing anger within Geoffroi’s knowledge of its members and its work-
picked up some understanding of the estates starts to spill over into neighboring ings. This can be done quite openly, and
arcane, Ysabeau manages to pass an lands, including those belonging to the any members of the court will be afforded
Arcane Connection to herself to the covenant. The peasant classes look upon the respect owing to their status and pow-
grogs. Do the magi take the bait and the harsh taxation and the unwillingness er. But the council is expected to act, at
use it to find out what’s going on? of the other nobles to rein in this errant least partly, upon the wishes of its patron.
• Magi, companions, or grogs traveling baron, and the seeds of revolt are sown. What happens when the magi refuse, cit-
into lands neighboring Geoffroi’s are But the revolt is being fueled by count- ing their Hermetic oath? Are they able to
stopped by men wearing the colors of less demons of resentment, ambition, and come to an arrangement that maintains
a noble rival to Geoffroi. They want jealousy, and somewhere in the middle of their obligations under the peripheral
to search the party for anything sus- the mob is one of the covenant’s compan- code and still serves Geoffroi’s court?
picious that might be sign of harmful ions. Overcome by Infernal forces, he is
intent toward their own lord. possessed by a demon, and is apparently
• The covenant is mistaken for being
part of Geoffroi’s magical court, and
planning and leading the mob’s actions. A
manor house is burned down, a mill ran-
Scrying and Spying
is held responsible for leading him sacked and destroyed, a chapel looted,
astray. Agitators are stirring up the and soon farms, barns, livestock, and gra- While the infiltration option above
local population and directing their naries are targeted — all things designed involves sending someone in openly to
anger toward the covenant. Is some- to hit the peasantry hardest. become part of the court, this option uses
one taking advantage of the situation Unless the covenant intervenes, it magic and the art of intrigue to keep the
simply to cause trouble for the cov- gains the War Zone External Relations council under observation.
enant? If so, what are the magi being Hook (Covenants, page 22). Infiltration allows the covenant to learn
distracted from? more of the openly discussed plans, both
• A large number of serfs, including sim- those discussed with Geoffroi and those
ple day workers, farmers, and families, concerning him. But spying or magical scry-
turn up at the covenant asking to serve
them as their own lord has treated
them too harshly. But Geoffroi’s stew-
Investigation ing may allow the covenant to learn more
secret plans. These may include alliances
within the council: who sides with whom,
ard Claude arrives soon after with a The encounters described in the pre- who is tolerated, who is considered weak
host of armed men and demands that vious section all naturally lead back to or dangerous, and which traditions might
the serfs be returned to his master’s Geoffroi’s court, and in that respect, there be attracted to join — all things discussed
lands. He promises that only the ring- is little investigation required to discover and plotted outside the council chamber, in
leaders will be punished. the cause of the covenant’s problems. But quiet cloisters and darkened rooms.
there is still much to learn that may be use- This information could be used to
ful to the covenant when deciding how to cause division within the council, ulti-
The Expulsion of Claude deal with Geoffroi. As mentioned earlier, mately making it easier to deal with.
the story seeds are presented such that a Arcane Connections secretly taken
Blind to the virtues of his loyal stew- story arc is suggested: Geoffroi starts as a from individuals or from places within
ard, Geoffroi expels Claude from his court positive figure, but then starts to become Geoffroi’s manor allow the magi to listen
and replaces him with a steward gifted in obsessed, ultimately becoming a danger to in on and even directly affect or control
the magical arts, perhaps the elementalist himself, his vassals, and his neighbors. members of Geoffroi’s court. Magi may
Edwin Locke (detailed earlier). Claude re- The covenant understands the potential wish to design new spells to improve their
turns to Normandy and retires to a mon- for problems, but so far they may not un- capability in this regard.

The Lady of the Manor
Near the end of Geoffroi’s story, the
Lady Ysabeau does not like what her hus-
band has become. She is scared for her
children, concerned for those who live un-
der his rule, and worried that he will lose
his lands either to the wizards he consorts
with or other knights come to pick over
the bones of his failed estates.
Ysabeau wants to protect her son from
magic and the influence of magicians, but
Geoffroi wants Alenard to learn all there is
to know. Geoffroi intends to give much of
his land to his illegitimate eldest son Guil-
laume as appanage, or land held until Guil-
laume’s death. He also sees magic as an ac-
ceptable pursuit for Alenard; as he himself
retorts when confronted on this, “I have oth-
er sons.” Geoffroi is clearly fulfilling his own
ambitions through his son. He may already
have struck a deal with one of the wizards at
his court to take him as an apprentice and
initiate him into their tradition. And it could
bethis that prompts the unwilling Ysabeau
to consort with yet more magicians.
But what if Geoffroi discovers that Ysa-
beau has spoken to the covenant behind his
back? By the time of Ysabeau’s removal from
his side, his trust in her has failed, so he may
have one of his astrologers judging her loy-
ened with the removal of her daughters?
The covenant could learn from her the
fate Geoffroi intends for Alenard, includ-
alty daily. There are a number of threats that ing the hedge tradition and its practitioner Resolving the problem with Geoffroi
could be leveled against her. Does he send intended to take him. She can also disclose involves neutralizing the magical threat.
her to Normandy if she is discovered? Does that, despite attempted initiations, Geof- The troupe has a number of options, from
the council of wizards undertake magical froi himself has been completely unable to persuading him to give up his obsession
means to enforce her silence? Is she threat- learn even the simplest piece of magic. to taking more direct action against the
noble or his magical allies.

What Counts as Interfering with Mundanes?

Hermetic magi are constrained by mundane village, town, noble, or cleric?
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
clauses within the Code that prevent These are the ambiguities that are
them from bringing ruin to their sodales disputed when cases are brought to Tri- The magi may well close their doors
within the Order. Principally, this applies bunal. There is no hard line here that a to Geoffroi and simply ignore the issue. In
to interfering with mundane affairs. But magus of the Order crosses; each case this case, Geoffroi continues to lose con-
the events surrounding Geoffroi blur the is individual. Overzealous Quaesitors, trol over his lands, and competing nobles,
lines between magical and mundane. Can like Galatea described elsewhere in this including Geoffroi’s illegitimate son Guil-
a magus who acts against a hedge wizard book, would see interference in most laume, vie for these estates. At this point,
be considered to be interfering in mun- encounters. But most magi recognize Geoffroi himself ceases to be the problem,
dane affairs? The hedge wizard is argu- the realities of life and judge each case and the state of war of the covenant’s door-
ably aligned with the supernatural world, upon its merits. This is not a matter for step — or the court wizards themselves —
but is still closer to the mundane world storyguides or troupes to rule upon, but become the challenge facing the covenant.
than those of the Order. What if the rather for the magi within their sagas to Ysabeau and Geoffroi’s daughters return
hedge wizard is working for or against a debate at Tribunal. to Geoffroi’s other lands near Arques. If he
has been freed from the council’s influence,

Alenard goes with them, and his resent- persuaded to intercede and make him see Geoffroi’s actions. But the members of the
ment of his father’s manipulation grows. sense. Involving the Church is an option, council themselves can be approached,
Geoffroi himself is overcome by his though this may bring scrutiny too close threatened, bribed, or bargained with.
desire to learn magic, driven to spend his to the covenant for comfort. The threats are easy to imagine, ranging
time reading anything he can find on the from destruction of the council’s magical re-
subject. He signs whatever papers are put in sources to an implied or overt offers of vio-
front of him, and is oblivious to his declin-
ing health. Eventually, he dies in poverty,
Eliminate Geoffroi lence. As hedge wizards, unless they have
prepared for the eventuality, this is likely to
his wealth usurped by those around him. be enough to make them consider their po-
If Geoffroi’s heir, whomever the magi sitions at court. Clumsy attempts at persua-
decide that may be, is of age, then elimi- sion could see the hedge wizards appeal to
Persuading Geoffroi nating Geoffroi may be an option. Murder
seems to be a direct contravention of the
Geoffroi and rely upon his protection.
Bribery could range from a direct pay-
Oath and the peripheral code, but that ment of money, vis, books, or enchanted
Perhaps the most direct approach is to just means that the magi intent on carry- artifacts to an offer to work with the ma-
simply persuade Geoffroi to turn his back on ing out such an act must work harder to gicians and increase their understanding.
his magical pursuits and return to govern- cover their tracks. And beyond this, a more profitable bargain
ing his lands as he had been doing before. There are more ways for an Hermetic for both sides would see an open sharing
One way to do this is to threaten his family. magus to murder a mundane than can be of resources. Remember that the hedge
Although he may have lost perspective by discussed here — even a mundane pro- wizards could also be seen as a resource for
the time the magi choose to deal with him, tected by a council of hedge wizards, the covenant. Each has specific gifts and
he is a father and a husband, and will re- some of whom may be able to detect the techniques that could provide sources of
spond to threats against them. Remember, lingering presence of magic and trace it insight for studious magi; they each pres-
he has illegitimate sons still in Normandy, back to the covenant. The magi should be ent an opportunity to enhance Hermetic
one of whom (François) knows nothing of cunning and, unless they are sure of acting understanding and take Hermetic magic
his true parentage. If this were made public, with impunity, make the event appear as forward in new ways.
Geoffroi would find his lands in Normandy natural as possible.
threatened by a vengeful cuckold. But this Of course, the marshaling of the court
action could draw the covenant into con-
flict with the noble and his allies, as they
after Geoffroi’s death is as important as the
death itself. The Lady Ysabeau, no friend
assert themselves in a show of force to pre- to the hedge wizards, must be protected Geoffroi’s Wizards
vent extortion and blackmail. from the designs of hedge wizards and al-
Alternatively, the covenant could offer lowed to preside over her husband’s lands. If neither bargaining nor bribery have
themselves as a viable replacement. The And his son and heir must be guarded removed the problem and the hedge wiz-
magi of the covenant could replace the against the influence of the hedge wizards ards have not responded to threats, then it
magi on Geoffroi’s council, providing him to ensure that they have no place at the is time to act upon those threats.
with some tuition in arcane lore but setting heir’s new court. Some workers of magic brought to
distinct boundaries. Why would Geoffroi If murder seems too harsh a punish- the noble’s court may be Gifted, but the
accept what could be a lesser deal? If the ment, then Geoffroi could be made prema- majority will be unGifted, possessing lit-
magi could prove his council untrust- turely infirm, thereby necessitating a regent tle more than supernatural talents — no
worthy or uncover a direct plot or crime to manage his estates while he either recu- match at all for Hermetic magi. Still, the
against his lands, then Geoffroi would be perates or lives out his long dotage. If the covenant may not have to eliminate them
inclined to consider an alternative. But the magi take this course of action, they will personally, of course. There could be any
council would be likely to take umbrage at need to account for the efforts of Geoffroi’s number of Tremere Vexillations, Flambeau
this, and its members may look for ways to court wizards, as they either take control or magi seeking glory, or Hoplites seeking
retain their position, either through their seek to cure their patron of his malady. practice who would be happy to resolve
own politicking or by taking direct against the issue with utmost prejudice.
the covenant in some way. But then there’s the response from
Lastly, the covenant could distance
itself from the situation but manipulate
Persuade Geoffroi’s within the hedge wizard traditions to con-
sider. Eliminating such a unique council,
or direct others to do the work for them. Wizards to Move On which on the surface appears progressive,
Rival nobles threatening Geoffroi’s lands may result in retribution against arbitrary
abroad would divide his attention and Murder may not be the most subtle Hermetic targets. And when the root cause
force him to divert resources to defend- or desirable way to deal with the problem of the violence is tracked to the covenant,
ing them. Alternatively, nobles friendly and mindful of the Oath, and the cov- there may be some hard politicking to do.
with or supportive of Geoffroi could be enant may not want to interfere directly in Geoffroi may exact his own revenge

by increasing mundane pressure on the Would the Order be supportive of such information, usually reliable though occa-
covenant’s resources, making travel to and a move when it is a single noble at the heart sionally flawed. The effects are not magi-
from the covenant more difficult, persuading of the problem? Could the covenant find cal. You can assume that the astrologer
neighbors not to trade with them, or inciting visionaries from within House Bonisagus already knows how to create each incep-
a fear of wizards among the local peasants. to support the idea? House Tremere in par- tion, and spends a season in creating one
ticular, charged with protecting the Order, or more copies on request. Once created,
would likely level a strong and unified ob- a copy can be completed with the casting
Induct the Wizards jection: fostering a rival order, no matter
how weak, is just creating problems, not
of horoscopes for the intended target(s).
The use of N and NA in the incep-
solving them. Could this become the cen- tions below allows the astrologer to fill in
House Ex Miscellanea explicitly ac- tral issue at the upcoming Grand Tribunal? the names of the targets upon casting the
cepts members of hedge traditions into its horoscopes and learning what the incep-
community. While they have most often tion has to tell.
been Gifted and of considerable talent to
begin with, there is little preventing the
covenant from trying to persuade Ex Mis-
cellanea to absorb the members of Geof-
Sample Spells, Has N Betrayed
the Confidence of NA?
froi’s court. Those same members may
need a little persuasion, but the benefits
Devices, and Inception Level 5
Detail: Binary
of membership could be made clear, es-
pecially when presented in contrast to the
implications of refusal.
Formulae Reveals whether the first named indi-
vidual is likely to have revealed a secret
about the second.
Once members of the Order, the Many of the hedge wizards you may If Geoffroi is given reason to suspect
hedge wizards are bound by the Oath and want to introduce use distinct spells, de- that Ysabeau has betrayed his confidence,
must moderate their behavior. vices, or other effects. The following sec- he will have his astrologer cast this incep-
tions present a few examples of the kind tion to confirm it.
that Geoffroi would be particularly inter- (Base 4, +1 past)
A Tribunal for All ested in. Where appropriate, the required
Ability scores or laboratory totals are in-
cluded to help design characters who can Is N the Father of NA?
Perhaps the most audacious resolu- create these effects and meet Geoffroi’s Inception Level 5
tion of all is to take Geoffroi’s vision to exacting expectations. Detail: Binary
its ultimate conclusion and found a new Given Geoffroi’s suspicions concern-
Order. The First Tribunal — that fateful ing François, he will have an astrologer
gathering of Bonisagus, Trianoma, and a
host of other magi destined to found the
Experimental Philosophy determine the truth at last.
The identity of François’ father is a cur-
Order of Hermes — took great determi- rent persistent quality of François, so this
nation to arrange. Distrustful magi from Those knowledgeable in Artes Libera- inception does not look into the past, but
many different traditions chose to gather les, Philosophiae, and Medicine are able rather queries the present state of the boy.
in one place and discuss the future. That to exploit their knowledge to produce a (Base 5)
Tribunal brought into existence the Or- range of effects that, to the uneducated,
der of Hermes and its Code, by which all appear supernatural, although they are not
members have since been bound. One of magical in origin. The following effects Alchemical Reagents
the key precepts of the Order is that magi use the rules presented in Chapter 5 of Art
should not involve themselves in the af- & Academe. If you are not using Art & Aca- Reagents have the power to transform
fairs of the mundane world, lest they bring deme, you can ignore much of the design base substances in a range of ways, but
ruin upon the Order or its members. detail in the formulae below and just con- most often to express an inherent property
But members of those Traditions out- centrate on the effects. and improve the substance.
side the Order of Hermes have no such
code, at least not one that binds them all.
But if a code could be negotiated, a code Astrological Inceptions Glass of Uncommon Purity
that moderated their actions and limited Reagent Level 20
their involvement with the mundane rul- The following are astrological incep- Alteration: Substantial
ers of the world, then the hedge traditions tions, or insights gained through observa- Glass is an expensive luxury, so of
could be bound by the same limitations as tion of the stars and calculations based on course Geoffroi wants the finest he can
the Order of Hermes. the bodies of the zodiac. They provide find. This reagent purifies the glass as it is

As per the spell described in ArM5,
Story Seed: The Stolen Ring page 145, Geoffroi gains a +3 bonus to at-
tempts to influence, lead, or convince oth-
The magi are approached by a Jew- when he learns of the loss, the smith is ers in his presence.
ish craftsman and his apprentice who afraid that someone will use the ring as (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
ask for their help in finding a ring that an Arcane Connection to Geoffroi, al- The craftsman requires a Workshop
has been stolen. The goldsmith reveals lowing them to influence or harm him Total (see City & Guild, page 65) of 15 or
that he is able to burn magic into his from afar. So where is the ring? What greater in order to enchant this device,
craft, and that the ring was designed for does the thief intend? And how is the and the required craft totals to complete
Baron Geoffroi d’Arques. Aside from the goldsmith’s apprentice involved? the work in 1 to 4 seasons are listed below.
value of the piece, and Geoffroi’s wrath The craftsman’s craft total for enchant-
ing the device is based on his Dexterity
+ Craft Ability + his Workshop Bonus +
being worked, transforming it so that it is craftsmen with the Touched by (Realm) Vir- a bonus from any assistant helping him +
of the finest colorless clarity. tue. The full rules for craftsmen and won- an appropriate aura bonus + any bonus af-
Formed into decanters and drinking drous items can be found in Chapter 4 of forded by the item’s quality.
glasses, the resulting glassware provides a City & Guild. Required Craft Total: 1 season (28), 2
host with a +2 bonus to Leadership rolls The crafting of a wondrous item is seasons (21), 3 seasons (19), 4 seasons (18)
while entertaining guests, as the host’s normally a two-stage process. First, the
wealth and power is vividly displayed. item itself is created to the highest quality
(Base 10, +2 Substantial) possible by the craftsman. This is because A Blade of Virtue
the quality bonus itself assists the crafts-
man in his attempt to enchant the device. This excellent quality long sword has
Pharmaceutical Theriacs The wondrous effect must be designed a +2 bonus to both attack and defend. But
for a given individual (and acts as an Arcane it has also been enchanted by a magical
Theriacs are medicinal compounds de- Connection to that individual), and this craftsman with the following effect, grant-
signed to treat or alleviate specific ailments. takes at least a season. The possible effects ing a further +1 to both attack and defend
are limited; they last for Sun at most, have when wielded by its intended owner.
an Individual target, and a Personal or Touch The blade is enchanted for a specific
Compress of Tormentil range to affect the item itself or its bearer. individual, likely to be the knight who
Theriac Level 15 Importantly, the craftsman’s work is wins one of Geoffroi’s tournaments, and
Potency: Mild affected by the standard realm interac- takes a number of seasons to complete.
Over the course of a week, this ban- tion table in ArM5, page 183, depending If the raw materials for the blade are first
dage infused with tormentil and comfrey on the source of his power. This means a treated as per the alchemical steel de-
completely heals a Light Wound caused magical craftsman suffers when working scribed in Art & Academe, page 76, the sword
by a slashing or piercing weapon. within the Dominion, and finds his work naturally gains a further +2 bonus to dam-
(Base 10, +1 Mild) easier within a Magic aura. age. Truly a prize worth winning.
Within these limitations, here are
some examples of wondrous items that
Tincture of Vitality Geoffroi may commission. The Rarefied Blade
Theriac Level 15 MuTe 15
Potency: Moderate Pen +0, 1/day
This small draft of liquor instantly A Most Noble Ring R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
improves a Tired fatigue level to Weary. In the hands of its intended owner, and
Geoffroi uses these when he enters the Created for Geoffroi by a master gold- upon the secret incantation being spoken,
tourney, as they allow him to exert himself smith with Divinely influenced power, this the sword’s property of weight is altered
for longer, giving him the advantage. ring subtly enhances Geoffroi’s bearing such that it is lighter and more balanced
(Base 5, +2 Moderate) and appearance. He comes across as more in the hand. This grants +1 to both attack
forceful and fair than other men, thanks to and defense.
the effect described below. When the effect is active, the sword
Magical Craftsmen has a Penetration of 0 and is resisted by
any character or creature with a Magic Re-
Aura of Enobled Presence sistance of 0 or greater.
The City & Guild supplement introduc- MuIm 10 (Base 3, +2 Sun, +2 metal)
es a simple form of hedge magic through Pen +0, 1/day Required Craft Total: 1 season (30), 2
wondrous items, devices created by master R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual seasons (23), 3 seasons (20), 4 seasons (19)

Learned Magicians usually in the form of text transcribed any of his rolls, that roll is discarded un-
onto a medium such as parchment, paper, less the second roll also results in a botch.
or vellum. As with amulets, chartae are If this happens, the least harmful result
In many ways the closest of the created for a given individual, but they is taken. Note, only the Single Weapon
hedge magic traditions to Hermetic magi, are easier to make. The learned magician Ability is protected in this way.
learned magicians study their own arts, de- must spend a full day casting a horoscope The amulet must be worn for the full
sign their own spells, and create their own for the charta’s beneficiary, plus one hour season. If it has multiple charges (deter-
forms of enchanted devices. The follow- for each magnitude of the desired effect. mined when the device is created by the
ing amulet and chartae effects use the rules Amulets and chartae are both restricted to skill of the Learned Magician), then they
presented in Chapter 5 of Hedge Magic: Re- operating at Touch range. will discharge automatically and continue
vised Edition. protecting the wearer until all charges
have been exhausted.
Grant Fortune At the Tourney (Base 5, +0 Touch, +3 Season)
Amulets and Chartae (Single Weapon)
TuFa Level 20
Amulets are the equivalent of charged R: Touch, D: Season, T: Individual An Arrow So True
devices commonly created by Hermetic This amulet, in the form of an embroi- Has Never Been Struck
magi. They take a season to create and can dered girdle, grants the wearer great for- SuFa Level 15
only be used by a single subject, specified tune throughout a season’s effort at tour- R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
at the time the device is created. They can nament when using their Single Weapon Completed on the morning of a hunt,
contain any effect and they have a number Ability. If the character’s attack advantage this charta grants the recipient a +3 bonus
of charges determined by the learned ma- is 0 or less, both combatants re-roll. If the to all attack rolls when using a bow.
gician’s lab total. second roll produces a positive attack ad- (Base 10, +0 Touch, +1 Sun)
Chartae are simple single-use devices, vantage, it is used. If the character botches

Chapter Three

Baron Giraud Le Cornu

Baron Giraud Le Cornu is never con-
tent to leave the magi alone. He regards
magi’s attempts at neutrality in mundane
Background had jeopardized his birthright by siding
against his liege. He feigned support for
his father, but at a crucial moment be-
politics as a form of rebellion against A new baron has come into possession trayed him and handed him over to the
their rightful overlords. By fair means of one or more manors that abuts the lands count. When the rebellion was put down,
or foul, the baron strives to undermine of the PCs’ covenant. Lord Le Cornu is Giraud’s father was dispossessed or killed
the magi’s independence and eventu- fairly young for a baron, a rising star in the (depending on which makes sense for
ally impel them to swear oaths of fealty. court of his count. He has many qualities your saga). Giraud received the barony as
The Code of Hermes forbids magi from that the nobles of Mythic Europe admire: reward. Either as part of this, or later as
swearing fealty to mundanes with good loyalty, bravery, and courtesy, but also ini- an incentive for continued loyalty, Lord Le
reason. If the baron is successful, the tiative and shrewdness. Cornu has come to possess one or more
covenant finds its political troubles are Baron Le Cornu obtained his lands manors adjacent to the covenant’s lands.
just beginning. by betraying his own father. His father
had rebelled against the count, and the
young Giraud was outraged that his father The Baron’s Resources
Lord Le Cornu rules about ten manors.
At least one of them is very near the cove-
nant, but the others could be up to several
days’ ride away. The baron lives in a tower
keep, situated on the richest of his manors
about ten miles (a half-day’s ride) from the
He has the following retainers:

• A mesnie of three household knights

(use the Knight companion template
from page 23 of ArM5, but remove
the Relic Virtue and the Overconfi-
dent Flaw).
• Nine vassal knights including his
brother Artur.
• Two household squires, one of whom
is his herald Bertrand Gallain.
• Another 15 mounted men-at-arms (in-
cluding the squires of all his knights).
• A permanent guard of 12 dismount-
ed men-at-arms at his castle (use the
Standard Soldier grog template from
page 22 of ArM5).
• About 50 semi-trained, dismounted
peasant levies who can be called upon
for military emergencies.

• A discreet and trusted confessor,
Brother Henri Raoullin, who doubles Names and Titles
as his castle chaplain.
• A steward who travels among and The name Giraud Le Cornu is Nor- Champagne (in the Normandy Tribu-
administers the baron’s estates in his man French and may need to be modified nal), then Baron Le Cornu’s overlord is
absence. to fit your saga’s setting. In Mythic Eu- the powerful Count of Champagne. If
• His wife and four children (two sons and rope, Normans comprise the ruling class the covenant is located in Cheshire (in
two daughters, all under the age of ten). in northern France, England, Sicily, and the Stonehenge Tribunal), then the bar-
parts of Ireland, Greece, and the Levant. on’s overlord is the Earl of Chester, and
One of the baron’s vassal knights is his Baron is French term for a type of in- so on. Since Baron Le Cornu enjoys some
younger brother Artur, who would rule as termediate noble, higher than a landed protection and aid from his overlord, it is
steward if the baron were to die before his knight, but lower than a count or earl. best if he is not a direct vassal of the king
eldest son comes of age. The baron owes allegiance to a greater or emperor: that would make his protec-
Baron Le Cornu spends about half the noble who may be a count, earl, or duke. tor too powerful for most sagas.
time at his keep managing his own estate, The baron’s overlord is referred to as a Titles for nobles for all regions of
and the other half divided between visit- count in this chapter, but his actual title Mythic Europe, including non-Norman
ing his other manors and attending the varies according to where the covenant regions, are discussed in the supplement
court of his overlord. lies. If the covenant is in the county of Lords of Men, pages 30-36.

The Baron’s Household Lady Éloise Le Cornu She is a competent manager in her own
right, well able to manage the barony’s af-
Age: 27 fairs during her husband’s extended absenc-
The motivations and personalities Personality Traits: Loyal to Baron +2, es at court or on military campaigns. De-
of some of the people around the baron Headstrong +2 spite her competence, she is a bit insecure
could be important to the saga. Éloise is the wife of Giraud Le Cornu. with these responsibilities, and responds by

Baron Giraud Le Cornu

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Appearance: Baron Le Cornu is a tall,
+1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik 0 Unconscious fair-haired man with a keen, calculat-
Size: 0 Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), ing cast to his features. He is clean
Age: 35 –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), shaven and keeps his hair short to
Decrepitude: 0 Dead (21+) better fit under a helmet. His clothes
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Abilities: Animal Handling 3 (horses), are well-made and a bit conservative.
Virtues and Flaws: Landed Noble, Area Lore: Own Barony 4 (personali- He thinks carefully before he speaks
Knight; Wealthy; Improved Charac- ties), Artes Liberales 2 (arithmetic), and his voice carries a weight of ac-
teristics, Privileged Upbringing, Pro- Bows 3 (short bow), Charm 3 (first customed authority.
tection (count); Hatred (of rebels; impressions), Church Lore 2 (relics),
major); Oath of Fealty; Pious (minor) Civil and Canon Law* 2 (property * Substitute Common Law in place of
Personality Traits: Hates Rebels +6, law), Etiquette 4 (court), Folk Ken 4 Civil and Canon Law, if your saga is
Brave +3, Pious +3, Calculating +2, (nobles), French 5 (Norman), Great set in England.
Loyal +2 Weapon 3 (long spear), Hunt 4
Reputations: Hates Rebels 2 (local) (wild boar), Intrigue 4 (5) (alliances), Lord Le Cornu is a minor baron, so
Combat: Latin 3 (ecclesiastic), Leadership 5 he controls about ten manors. Not all of
Lance and Heater, Mounted: Init 0, Attack (armies), Organization Lore: Nobles his manors are located close together; it
+16, Defense +14, Damage +6 4 (politics), Ride 4 (5) (battle), Sin- is not unusual for nobles in Mythic Eu-
Long sword and Heater, Mounted: Init 0, At- gle Weapon 5 (long sword), Theol- rope to own manors distributed over a
tack +14, Defense +13, Damage +7 ogy 1 (liturgy) wide area, since they are often acquired
Long sword and Heater, Dismounted: Init 0, At- Equipment: Warhorse (courser), full one at a time, over several generations.
tack +11, Defense +10, Damage +7 chain mail, heater shield, lance, long Most of his manors are managed by
Long sword, Dismounted: Init 0, Attack +11, sword, diary chronicling conflict knights whom he holds in vassalage, and
Defense +7, Damage +7 with the magi, several fake relics Baron Le Cornu is, in turn, vassal to a
Soak: +11 Encumbrance: 3 (4) greater noble.

putting up an exaggerated façade of author- less skilled in intrigue and courtly graces, he is useful to his liege, and if he starts
ity. She makes up her mind too quickly, and but he is also less prone to be swayed by causing trouble and running to his liege
rarely reconsiders or listens to advice. his own passions. If he takes over the bar- for help, his usefulness ends.
She may find herself in the position of ony due to his brother’s untimely death, he Another reason is that the baron’s pa-
negotiating with the magi while her hus- quickly learns the art of intrigue and be- tron cares much less about the magi than
band is away. In these negotiations, she is at comes nearly as formidable as his prede- the baron does. He doesn’t see them as
first more demanding and less patient than cessor. He is more likely than his brother an imminent threat because the Order of
her husband. The baron includes his wife to seek the help of hedge wizards against Hermes has never before overthrown a
in most negotiations and council meetings. the magi, and less inclined to listen to count. He has so many vassals already that
If the saga runs for several years, Lady Brother Raoullin. gaining the covenant’s land and soldiers
Éloise eventually loses her Headstrong would not make much difference to him.
Personality Trait as she grows accustomed Now, if he had the opportunity to use the
to authority, and instead begins to assert Bertrand Gallain magi’s powers to benefit his position, that
her own ideas without excessive force: she would be another matter. So the baron’s
gains Innovative +1. Age: 26 overlord stands more to gain by making
Personality Traits: Decisive +2, Brave friends with the magi than he stands to
+1, Loyal to Baron +1 lose by leaving them alone. Baron Le Cor-
Brother Henri Raoullin Bertrand Gallain is one of two squires nu, as a dutiful vassal, understands this,
who directly serves Baron Le Cornu. and it moderates his approach.
Age: 46 Like most squires, he aspires to become a The baron’s overlord can be useful to
Personality Traits: Loyal to Baron +3, knight, but his skills and demeanor are bet- help defuse tensions between the baron
Pious +3, Analytical +2 ter suited to diplomacy than to battle. He and the covenant. If raids and fighting
Brother Henri is Baron Le Cornu’s usually makes up his mind about people break out, the overlord can send emissar-
chaplain and confessor. He has some legal based on his first impression, and expects ies to broker a truce. On the other hand, if
training, and also serves as the baron’s legal others to judge him the same way. Gallain the magi become too violent and aggres-
advisor and clerk. Brother Henri chooses is a younger son of a poor knight who puts sive, the overlord can again send emissar-
his words carefully before he speaks, and on airs to try to hide his humble origins. ies demanding they stand down or face
he has a knack for quoting appropriate He has come to enjoy fine clothes and the the threat of his army. The count can mus-
biblical proverbs. He tends to have a mod- perquisites of the baron’s court. While he ter an army of thousands, if necessary.
erating influence on the baron. However, is basically loyal to his lord, his fondness
he is a willing assistant in the baron’s in- for luxury and his status consciousness
trigues. He wants to learn as much as he makes him somewhat susceptible to brib-
can about the magi: first, to be sure they
are not diabolists or heretics; and second,
to verify they are not using their powers
ery and flattery.
Aims and
to mistreat good Christian folk. Brother
Henri may approach the covenant under
The Baron’s Patron Motivations
a white flag to try to defuse hostilities, and
his hand should be evident in any settle- Baron Le Cornu is a favored vassal of The baron does not covet the cove-
ment terms the baron offers. a count or higher noble and often attends nant’s lands or wealth for himself. Neither
his lord’s court. If he feels threatened, he does he particularly want them to swear
can take refuge at court or send his family allegiance to himself, personally. What
Artur Le Cornu there for safety. The baron also has con- he cares about is that magi become law-
tacts among his peers, to whom he can abiding citizens as he understands the
Age: 31 turn for advice or minor aid. concept. This requires that they swear
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal to It is important for story purposes that allegiance to some mundane overlord —
Baron +2, Pragmatic +1 the baron not rely too heavily on his liege and thereby break the Code of Hermes.
Giraud’s younger brother Artur is cut for support. That would really make the Failure to swear allegiance to anyone is, in
from the same cloth as his brother, but is baron’s liege into an adversary as well as the baron’s opinion, an act of rebellion.
physically stronger and intellectually a bit one who may be too powerful for the cov- Baron Le Cornu is motivated mainly by
weaker. Artur is a vassal knight to Giraud. enant to resist. There are good reasons loyalty to his liege, and by a fervent belief
He has come to approve of his brother’s why the baron’s patron would not want in the feudal system. Like many nobles in
choice to betray their father for the good to get involved in stories about the magi. Mythic Europe, he regards feudal hierarchy
of the realm, but doubts his own ability The most important reason is that Baron as the natural order of society. He sees its
to make a similar choice. Artur lacks his Le Cornu is expected to handle his own interconnected web of allegiances as the
brother’s ability to read and write, and is problems. He holds his position because sole means of keeping the peace among

nobles. For this reason, he hates rebels the magi or their representatives, asking by sees nothing wrong with this, and is of-
and tries to fight them even when he has what right they hold the covenant and who fended if the magi refuse. He does not,
nothing personally to gain by doing so. In authorized them to keep men-at-arms. however, have any ability to detect magic,
his opinion, anyone who does not pledge Whether the covenant grants the bar- so the magi can satisfy him (for a while)
fealty to some noble in Mythic Europe is on’s quest for a visit or denies it, he soon with a placebo. Sooner or later, he asks for
either a king, the Pope, or a rebel. begins efforts to recruit agents to learn substantive help of a kind that is not easily
The more the baron learns about the more about the covenant. He does his best faked, such as a spell to save his crops from
magi’s powers, the more he comes to fear to keep an eye on the magi’s activities. His a blight, or magical assistance in hunting
them. Magi are so powerful that he be- next step depends on what they do, but down some “rebel scum.”
lieves they could dominate or even over- the first likely confrontation is that resi- The baron also expects to exchange
throw the nobles of Mythic Europe. They dents of the covenant are seen trespassing gifts with the magi. He presents them
could take control of his liege’s mind, or on the baron’s land — accompanied by with fine and useful things such as nobles
teleport into his bedchamber to murder armed men, if applicable — and he sends often give to one another: serving dishes,
him in his sleep. He believes that unless a written complaint warning them not to costly garments, hounds, horses, and so
all magi can be brought into the web of trespass again. on. He drops hints that he expects magi-
allegiance that nobles use to check one cal gifts in exchange (“Surely wizards such
another’s aggression, they are a menace to as yourselves possess no end of wondrous
himself, his kin, and his liege. In a world enchanted things. I hope this gift does not
strongly resembling historical Europe, the
Baron’s assessment would not be far from
the truth. See Lords of Men, pages 42–43, for
Methods seem too humble in your eyes.”), and gets
insulted if they are not forthcoming.

a discussion of why the presence of magi Baron Le Cornu relies entirely on

doesn’t actually overturn the feudal system. mundane resources and methods. He has
no access to supernatural powers and no
Property Rights
Magic Resistance.
Early on, the baron realizes that he Baron Le Cornu owns a manor near

First Encounter is unlikely to get what he wants through

direct combat with the magi. A typical
covenant is probably powerful enough to
the covenant, perhaps more than one.
Like many nobles, he also owns consider-
able woodland, and may possess other as-
The first encounter with Baron Le defeat a baron, and the Code of Hermes sets such as a mill, bridge, road, or market.
Cornu is relatively cordial. After the baron permits magi to fight defend themselves When he is at odds with the covenant, he
acquires his new manor next to the cove- against aggression from mundanes (see denies its inhabitants the use of these lands
nant, he sends one of his personal squires, Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, page 51). and resources. This is potentially problem-
Bertrand Gallain, to speak with his new Baron Le Cornu’s approach is to try to use atic because the baron may own the main
neighbors. Gallain asks a few questions both a proverbial carrot and a stick, try- route that provides access to the covenant.
that seem to him innocuous, such as who ing to court the magi’s favor at some times, He may also own the land on which some
is the covenant’s liege lord and why the and to scheme against them at other times. of the covenant’s vis sources lie.
covenant maintains a garrison of armed If the magi go too far toward accomodat- If the baron learns that the magi regu-
warriors. Unless the covenant members ing the baron, they risk accusations of in- larly visit his lands or holdings (for exam-
are very careful in how they handle Gal- terfering in mundane affairs. If they rebuff ple, to collect vis), he sends an angry letter
lain’s unexpected visit, Baron Le Cornu his friendly overtures too firmly or too of- forbidding them to trespass on his terri-
learns some information that disturbs him. ten, he turns to harassment and coercion. tory. He then directs his agents to keep
Initial relations with the baron depend Stories arise either way. an eye on the magi’s movements. If they
largely on the outcome of the first meeting. persist in their trespassing, the baron has
If Bertrand Gallain meets any magi who two options: he can set a guard to keep the
lack the Gentle Gift, he reports to his lord
that the covenant is inhabited by nefarious
Expecting Favors magi away, or he can file a lawsuit against
the covenant.
characters who are not to be trusted. If the and Gifts The baron’s agents can inform him
covenant admits to practicing magic, sus- of where the player characters go, so he
picions of heresy or devil worship come to When relations between the covenant knows where to set a guard. However,
the baron’s mind. The presence of a castle and Baron Le Cornu are good, he occa- his knights and men-at-arms quickly tire
or armed grogs without permission from sionally tests the friendship by asking fa- of guard duty, so guards are a short-term
some high lord upsets him a great deal. vors of the magi. For example, before rid- measure. The baron may prefer to have a
He tries to arrange, through his emissary, a ing off to fight in one of his lord’s wars, he spy tail the trespassers and figure out what
personal visit to find out more. During that may ask the magi for some kind of magic they are up to. If they are collecting vis,
visit, he is visibly suspicious, and presses to aid him in battle. The baron naturally the baron doesn’t know quite what it is,

but he can conclude it’s magical and im-
portant to the magi. He then tries to use it Contested Vis Sources and Covenant Boons
as a bargaining chip in negotiations.
A vis source that lies on the baron’s it. Or, you could give the covenant
lands counts as the Contested Resourc- some other new resource worth the
Legal Action es Hook. If your covenant has any Hid-
den Hooks, you may wish to reveal that
same number of build points as the vis
source the baron now claims. Discuss
one of those Hooks is a vis source that with your players the situation that, for
There are several reasons why the bar- lies on the baron’s lands. Another op- story purposes, the baron is blocking
on may choose to file a lawsuit against the tion would be to add a new Contested access to one of the covenant’s resourc-
covenant. The storyguide should choose Resources Hook and let the players es, and ask what they think is a fair way
just one or two of these: repeated lawsuits choose a new Boon to counterbalance to offset that loss.
can be dull and potentially frustrating,
unless your troupe really enjoys playing
courtroom dramas. they respect mundane authority. If the covenant does not have a tame
The baron may file a charge of trespass- If the magi are seen removing some- nobleman as the landholder of record, a no-
ing if members of the covenant have been thing valuable from the baron’s property, ble can sue to challenge the covenant’s own-
seen on his land. The penalty for trespassing such as vis (if the baron has figured out ership of some or all of its land or income
is a minor fine, so the outcome of the case that vis is rare and valuable), the charge sources. In fact, the baron has no personal
is not very important. What is important is becomes burglary. This is a serious of- claim to the covenant’s property, so the
whether the magi recognize the authority fense, possibly carrying the penalty of suit has to be filed by the count. The case
of the court by answering the summons. If hanging, and as such must be tried in royal is clearly the baron’s brainchild, though,
they defy the summons, the baron gets an- court. Set the trial date a few seasons away and he appears in court to argue it on his
gry and hatches a new plot against the cov- so the characters have time to prepare. See lord’s behalf. In Mythic Europe, almost all
enant. On the other hand, if they show up Resolving Court Cases, later, for a discus- land and valuable resources, including min-
in court, the baron relaxes a bit, even if he sion of how the characters might success- eral rights and hunting privileges, belong to
loses the case, because the magi have shown fully deal with such a charge. some noble or other. Unless the covenant
can prove they have a right to their land or
resources, mundanes assume it belongs to
the count. Even if the covenant is an allod
(a piece of property that is owned outright,
not granted as a fief), the baron may chal-
lenge the magi’s ownership of it in the hope
that they fail in defending their claim.

As relations with the covenant begin
to sour, the baron assembles a network of
agents whom he uses as spies and infor-
mants. The rules for agencies in Houses of
Hermes: Societates (pages 140–144) can pro-
vide some inspiration for whom he might
recruit. Those rules can also be useful if the
player characters want to counter the bar-
on’s schemes by using agents of their own.
It is fairly easy for the baron to recruit
agents. He is wealthy and influential, and
he knows how to return a favor. The magi,
on the other hand, are strange individuals
whose Gift normally alienates the com-
mon folk. Most covenants inspire little
loyalty among the peasants so there are
usually people willing to keep an eye on

the magi in exchange for a little coin. priests who provide political cover. Baron the baron can try to persuade them
The baron appoints one of his inner Le Cornu strives to drive a wedge between that the magi are wicked people with
circle, probably his wife, to operate the the covenant and its mundane allies and whom one should not associate. His
network for him. She starts by recruiting supporters. In so doing, he hopes both to persuasive skill can be augmented by
agents with weak ties to the covenant, weaken the covenant and eventually to bribery or by veiled threats against the
such as farmers and artisans who make oc- force it to seek a new mundane benefac- person’s reputation. The baron can use
casional deliveries there. Anyone with ani- tor: the baron’s overlord. his favored position at court to speak
mosity toward the covenant — thwarted The baron’s agents can identify the out against anyone who fraternizes
apprentices, evicted tenants, rival mages, covenant’s friends and supporters, as well with the covenant, leading to a risk of
shortchanged merchants — is also a good as the families of covenant members (if a bad Reputation and perhaps the dis-
candidate for recruitment. Once the basic they happen to live nearby). The baron pleasure of the bishop.
informants are identified, the baron’s agents then has several ways he can apply pres-
use them to find out progressively more sure to those individuals. Once the characters notice that a friend
about the covenant, and to get into contact or associate of the covenant has turned
with its residents. In time, they find coven- • He has a great deal of control over his against it, they can try to win that character
folk or grogs who might be susceptible to own villeins and can simply beat them back through a story. For example, it might
bribery or extortion: for example, coven- if they visit the covenant or talk to any be possible to regain a peasant’s support by
folk with impoverished relatives or grogs of its members. having some tough grogs scare away the
with a drinking or gambling Weakness. • He can send squires or knights to in- squire who’s been bullying him.
It takes one season for the baron to timidate members of the lower social
accumulate the first three agents, all of classes, whether they are free or not.
whom live and work outside the cov-
enant. After that, he can recruit additional
• He can threaten to boycott merchants
and craftsmen who do business with the
Sowing Discord
agents, possibly inside the covenant. It covenant. They probably rely on the
takes one season to recruit an outsider, two baron’s business for part of their liveli- If the baron finds out about any internal
or more seasons to recruit one of the lowly hood, so he can make them choose be- tensions at the covenant, he does his best
covenfolk, and longer than two seasons to tween trading with him or the covenant. to fan the fires of dissent. He has his wife
recruit anyone of higher importance. You • For members of the higher social or confessor arrange a secret meeting with
may find it helpful to keep a list of the classes, including priests and abbots, the disgruntled party to encourage the con-
agents the baron has recruited. They don’t
have to be fully developed characters with
names and personalities; the important Succession Planning
thing is to know how many agents the
baron has and approximately where they Going up against wizards is danger- the magi. This is hidden under the altar
are, so you have an idea what they can do. ous business, as anyone in Mythic Eu- in the chapel next to the baron’s keep,
The baron uses agents in several of his rope should know. The baron expects where the baron mistakenly believes it
schemes. He also collects information from that magi may manage at some point to is completely safe from magical detec-
them one small piece at a time. For exam- cast a spell over him, or even kill him. tion. The diary contains reports from
ple, a local artisan who makes a delivery He takes steps to ensure that simply all the baron’s spies and informants, and
at the covenant can give him a description eliminating him will not be enough to in time grows into a very complete pro-
of the entryway and front courtyard, and stop his plans. file of the covenant and its inhabitants,
the names of the servants who received his Baron Le Cornu has three trusted defenses, floor plan, visitors, income
goods. Over time, the baron can assemble advisers whom he keeps apprised of all sources, and so on.
from these reports a surprisingly detailed his plans. These are his wife, his confes- The baron also records in this diary
profile of the covenant: its defenses, mem- sor, and his younger brother Sir Artur, anything he can find out about the magi’s
bers, internal conflicts, sources of income, who is one of his vassal knights. If the magic, including where their vis sources
expenditures, and so on. baron were to die suddenly, any of these are (as far as he can find out), what spells
three would be able to take over the each magus has been seen to cast, what
campaign against the covenant. Baron the magi’s Wizard’s Sigils look like, and
Alienating the Le Cornu has two sons, who are young
(aged 9 and 6) when the conflict starts,
the baron’s conjectures about how to
“break” or avoid particular spells. Half of
Covenant’s Friends but who will be brought into his circle this information is pure speculation and
of trust when they come of age at 21. half of what is left is misinterpretation,
Most covenants rely to some ex- The baron can read and write. He but the quarter of truth remaining makes
tent on outsiders: farmers and merchants keeps a detailed diary of his conflict with him a canny adversary.
who provide supplies, friendly nobles, or

flict. He does his best to point out the many cise common sense and to demand the pass- learn how to combat their magic. This is
faults in the magi’s leadership, and paints a word before following any unusual orders. both risky and immoral, so he only does
lovely picture of how harmonious relations Once he realizes that wizards can fly it if he feels the magi are dangerous: for
would be, if only the magi would see reason or transform themselves into birds, the example, after suffering a defeat at their
and come over to his side. baron keeps the windows of his chamber hands, or if he suspects them of witchcraft.
Unless you want to roleplay stories tightly shuttered. Also, since a flying or in- Burglary requires the baron to use one
of skullduggery and betrayal, the baron visible intruder could enter the castle and or more of his agents. It is unlikely he has
should fail in any attempts to cause actual then move about inside, he installs bells anyone inside the covenant who dares to
infighting in the covenant. The worst that on the doors of his chamber and other break into a magus’s lab, so he first must
should happen in most sagas is that the sensitive areas of the keep, and orders pa- recruit a specialist from outside. It could
baron might gain a few new agents inside trols at random times of the night. take seasons or years for him to find a
the covenant, or perhaps persuade a hand- Eye contact is important for some skilled burglar with whom he can strike a
ful of covenfolk or grogs to desert. forms of hedge magic, including the En- deal (perhaps by forgiving another crime,
trancement Supernatural Ability from if the burglar agrees to do the job). The
page 65 of ArM5. Knowing this, the baron baron then uses any agents inside the cov-
Assisting Rivals avoids eye contact with magi and instructs
his retainers to do likewise. He orders any
enant as accomplices in the break-in: they
can help the intruder get inside, serve as
prisoners suspected of being wizards to lookouts during the job, and facilitate the
Through his agents, the baron can get a be blindfolded and gagged for transport getaway. The burglar tries to get the sto-
good idea of who the covenant’s rivals are. to the dungeon. This includes anyone the len items back to the baron as quickly as
If there are any local hedge wizards whom baron’s men capture in raids or ambushes possible, rather than hiding them some-
the magi once insulted, or a clergyman who against the covenant, as well as any intrud- where near the covenant, because he or
suspects the magi of witchcraft, the baron ers who are captured inside the baron’s she expects the magi to find their property
finds them and summons them to his keep. keep or manors. magically, and wants to be long gone by
He listens with sympathy to the rivals’ Unless Baron Le Cornu has supernatu- the time they do.
grievances, and offers what support he can. ral allies, his defenses against magic are It is best to have the baron’s man
The baron’s support provides an op- based mainly on conjecture. There are steal something minor, like a lab text or
portunity to reintroduce adversaries whom gaps in his knowledge: he understands a charged item, rather than something as
the covenant thought they defeated, but little about Arcane Connections, and major as high-Quality summa or an in-
who are still alive. In a high fantasy saga, doesn’t take precautions to avoid leaving vested device. The actual theft probably
the baron may go so far as to enter a pact behind a shed hair or hanging his favorite does not amount to much. Players may
with faeries or magical beasts. He would cloak where the magi’s spies might steal nonetheless take even a minor theft very
balk at consorting with demons, but only it. Mixed in with his effective defensive seriously. Give them a chance to catch the
if he knew the demon for what it was. measures are a number of ineffective ones, burglar in the act (this can make a good
based on unfounded superstition and false story for grogs).
conjecture. For example, the baron comes
Defenses to believe that the touch of a relic instantly

Against Magic
dispels any magic, and spends a great deal
of time and money acquiring an impres-
sive variety of relics — all fake. He keeps
Although the baron is a mundane, he some of these on his person, and has oth- If the characters break into the baron’s
lives in Mythic Europe and has some fa- ers presented to any stranger who visits his keep, get into fights with his knights or
miliarity with magic from folk tales and court. The visitor must touch or kiss the servants, make threats against his person,
hearsay. He’s aware that his opponents are relic before being admitted to the baron’s or otherwise escalate the conflict, the
wizards, so he makes an effort to find out presence. Over a few years, this and other baron may resort to holding a member of
as much as he can about magic and how to odd habits lead the baron to acquire a lo- the covenant for ransom. This, of course,
protect himself against it. cal reputation of Eccentric. requires him to capture someone. A varia-
As anyone knows from folklore, magic tion of the ransom scenario could develop
can be used to alter someone’s appearance. if one of the player characters stands ac-
Therefore, the baron instructs his knights,
men-at-arms, and retainers to be alert for
Burglary cused of a serious crime and ventures away
from the covenant. In that case, the baron
people who are acting strangely or seem holds the suspect for trial, but is open to
out of place. He works out a system of pass- Baron Le Cornu may attempt to steal negotiation for his release.
words, so that suspected intruders can be something from the covenant. He is main- The most likely scenario is that the
challenged. He teaches his retainers not to ly interested in enchanted items, and in baron has received word through his agents
follow orders unquestioningly, but to exer- written material, from which he hopes to that some members of the covenant will

be in a certain place at a certain time. The to burn them next. After that, he tries to to the baron’s peers, vassals, squires, or
baron then assembles several of his knights destroy property, and massacre or drive close associates to find out more. Giraud
and lays an ambush, the goal of which is to away as many of the covenant’s farmers Le Cornu is a learned man, having been
capture prisoners rather than kill anyone. and laborers as possible. Although slaugh- tutored in Latin, the Artes Liberales, and a
The baron is willing to offer a pris- tering civilians and burning granaries are bit of law when he was a boy. He’s known
oner’s release in exchange for restitution heinous war crimes to a modern reader, among other nobles for being erudite.
for some harm the covenant has done him they’re routine tactics of medieval warfare. They also describe him as good negotiator
or his knights. He also releases hostages in These raids can be quite destructive, and resourceful in battle.
exchange for formal agreements with the and may cause long-term financial set- Getting agents into the baron’s keep
magi (see Negotiated Settlements, later). backs for the covenant. The baron fully can be challenging. Since he employs spies
The baron is not keenly interested in the expects the covenant to launch propor- and informants himself, Baron Le Cornu
covenant’s money, though he doesn’t refuse tionate reprisals. Once fighting has bro- is alert for others who may try to use the
it. Any offer of cash will have to be accom- ken out, it can be difficult to stop. See Re- same methods against him. His defenses
panied by some kind of promise as well. solving Military Conflict, later, for how to against magic make it somewhat difficult
bring the fighting to an end. for a magical spy to infiltrate his keep.

Uncovering Agents
It’s possible that tensions between the
baron and the covenant will escalate to
Investigation Since the baron works mainly through
open fighting. In that case, Baron Le Cor- No investigation is necessary to deter- agents, rooting out those agents is a good
nu is not really strong enough to defeat a mine what Baron Le Cornu wants — soon- way to thwart (or at least stall) his plans.
typical covenant. He realizes that he has er or later, he makes his demands plain. In- The trouble is, the baron is perfectly able
much more to lose from fighting than he vestigation is necessary, however, to gain to recruit new agents to replace ones who
stands to gain. He respects and fears the insight into his plans and to discover the become exposed. Counter-espionage can
magi’s power and, while he is no coward, agents he uses as pawns. become a recurring source of stories for
he does not want to die over a matter as the covenant.
minor as one covenant. The easiest agents to uncover are also
The baron (or his successor) will prob-
ably attack if an attempt is made on the
Investigating the Baron the hardest for Baron Le Cornu to replace:
agents inside the covenant itself. Magi
baron’s life, or if he dies suddenly from can easily root out such turncoats through
mysterious causes or falls under some As a prominent noble, Baron Le Intellego Mentem spells (Posing the Silent
kind of spell. By the time the conflict has Cornu’s name and reputation are widely Question, Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie, and so
escalated to that point, the baron’s advi- known. Characters can get good informa- forth). The difficulty lies in knowing when
sors are well aware of his enmity with the tion from a variety of sources: by speaking to look for such agents. It’s possible to
covenant. They don’t need hard evidence, with his knights or any noble in the re- simply subject the grogs and covenfolk to
or indeed any evidence at all, to convince gion, by talking with neighboring monks random checks, but doing so can be harm-
them who is responsible for the assault. or townfolk, or even asking questions in ful to morale. Such tactics can actually
They simply attack the obvious suspects. the proverbial smoke-filled tavern. backfire by driving disgruntled covenant
When fighting breaks out, the bar- The baron is generally well-regarded. members to join the baron’s service. The
on takes a defensive stance, fortifying He is noted for his consistent record of Ars Magica supplement Covenants includes
his manors near the covenant, posting fighting against rebels. The story of how rules for gauging the loyalty of the cove-
watches, and keeping at least half of his Lord Giraud Le Cornu acquired his lands nant’s servants. Using magic to interrogate
knights at home. He gathers another doz- by betraying his rebellious father is widely a servant probably counts as a minor hu-
en mounted men (himself, three knights, known in the region. Reactions to this be- miliation, if you are using those rules. The
and eight men-at-arms) who ride out on trayal are mixed, depending on who is tell- loyalty rules, however, are not meant as a
hit-and-run raids to ravage the covenant’s ing the tale. Some see turning over one’s substitute for roleplaying. Consider play-
lands with torch and sword. His prior in- own father to the enemy as a ruthless coup ing through at least one or two interroga-
telligence-gathering work should tell him to gain favor and power; others see it as a tions and deciding the subject’s reaction
exactly where to strike. His first targets knight’s duty to aid his liege, even against (and any change in loyalty) based on how
are any vis sources that he knows about: his own kin. Since that battle, sources agree, the scene plays out.
they are useless to the baron, but useful to Baron Le Cornu has always been eager to Baron Le Cornu also has agents outside
his enemy, so destroying them is a logical ride forth and fight any knight or lord who the covenant. These are harder to track
move. If the covenant owns any wooden dared to challenge the count’s authority. down because there are more of them scat-
structures such as bridges or mills, he tries The characters would need to speak tered throughout a much larger population.

Since agents are critical to many of the the Peripheral Code outright forbids magi its own right.
baron’s schemes, exposing them is one of to swear oaths of fealty. Where the Code The Gift causes any secular court to
the best ways to stop him making trouble stands with regard to any sort of oath or develop a strong bias against magi who
for the covenant. Give the players a fair treaty short of full allegiance is less clear; are called to testify (unless, of course, all
chance to do this. Keeping a list of agents there are few, if any, precedents. The de- the magi involved have the Gentle Gift).
is one way to ensure the players have a tails of the Peripheral Code rulings should Make it obvious that the court dislikes the
fair chance. You can also create stories make plain that the Tribunal objects to magi: As you roleplay the count or mag-
by having grogs or covenfolk notice, for oaths of fealty because they involve magi istrate, try to seem irritable, scowl at the
example, shadowy figures skulking about agreeing to personally serve mundanes. magi’s players, and openly call the magi
restricted areas of the covenant. Once the They also make plain that it’s forbidden “knaves” or the like. Magi often earn ex-
player characters uncover an agent, they for magi to take sides in mundane conflicts perience points in a bad local Reputation
can deal with that agent in a number of because that could draw other magi and when they appear in open court unless
ways. They might try to recruit her as a covenants into the struggle. Exactly what they are very careful. A minor charge such
double agent, cast Mentem spells on her, constitutes “taking sides” varies from Tri- as trespassing can be a good way to fore-
try to feed her false information, bribe or bunal to Tribunal, and may not even be shadow future legal trouble and illustrate
intimidate her, or simply avoid her. clearly established in case law. that mundane courts are hostile to magi.
It might be interesting to roleplay the Legal research should make clear A description of the secular courts of
baron’s attempts to recruit a player’s grog whether the covenant’s Tribunal is lax or Mythic Europe can be found in Lords of
or companion as an agent. The most likely strict with regard to enforcing the Code’s Men, pages 80–82, and of Church courts in
course for such a story is for the player proscription against interfering in mun- The Church, pages 35–36.
character to refuse, but if your troupe has dane affairs.
an appetite for intrigue, the character can
become a double agent, feeding false infor- Questions of Jurisdiction
mation to the baron. If your troupe has a
very large appetite for intrigue, the player
might actually want to roleplay a traitor to
the covenant! (Think carefully before you
Resolution The first question that needs to be
resolved is which court has the authority
to hear the case. In historical Europe, a
try this option; be sure all of your players Baron Le Cornu can be an abundant baron would typically have his own court
would enjoy that sort of story.) source of stories for the covenant, because of law that hears minor cases, such as tres-
Since the baron can only recruit agents no matter how the characters try to deal passing and petty theft. If members of the
at a fairly slow rate, industrious players can with him, he triggers action. If they try covenant trespass on the baron’s lands, the
eliminate his entire network and prevent to ignore him and hope he’ll go away, he baron both brings the suit and hears the
him from rebuilding it. Doing so requires sends agents to infiltrate the covenant and case. The idea of a party in a case also pre-
a lot of stories. cause mischief, which generates stories. siding as judge seems crazy to a modern
If they try to reason with the baron and reader, but modern ideas of justice do not
peacefully co-exist alongside him, they prevail in Mythic Europe.
Researching first have to negotiate with him, causing
stories, and they they have to deal with his
Medieval courts were so complicated
and idiosyncratic, it’s difficult to general-
Hermetic Law demands, possibly causing more stories. If ize about how they worked. This gives
the magi associate too closely with the bar- you creative latitude to have them operate
The player magi may fear that conflict on or make a pact with him that too closely in whatever way seems best for the story.
with the baron will lead them into Her- resembles an oath of fealty, their neighbors For instance, if your players would feel
metic legal trouble. In fact, the covenant may complain to the Quaesitores or Tribu- that having their case judged by the plain-
is more likely to get into legal trouble for nal, which leads to more stories. tiff (the baron) is unfair, you can always
trying to accommodate Baron Le Cornu say that, in this jurisdiction, such cases
than for fighting him. are traditionally heard in the court of the
As is pointed out on page 51 of Houses
of Hermes: True Lineages, magi are generally al-
Resolving Court Cases baron’s overlord.
It is difficult, but possible, for magi to
lowed to fight mundanes when they must, receive a favorable ruling from the baron’s
as long as they don’t form alliances with One of the major issues in the conflict, own court. The baron is strongly biased in
the mundanes’ enemies. If your saga is set from Baron Le Cornu’s point of view, is his own favor, and further biased against
in the Normandy Tribunal, the Peripheral whether magi are accountable to mundane the magi due to their Gift. Nevertheless,
Code is especially flexible with regard to courts of law. The outcome of a single le- he takes his role as judge seriously, and
mundane relations. See The Lion and the Lily, gal case probably won’t end the conflict will not knowingly abuse his authority. If
pages 24–25. between the baron and the covenant. The the magi present strong evidence or argue
It is also clear from legal research that legal decision is nonetheless important in exceptionally well, they can indeed re-

ceive justice from Baron Le Cornu’s court.
Indeed, their chances are about the same
as they would be in any other court.
Anything involving the ownership of
land, economic privileges (such as mo-
nopolies or royal charters), or capital crimes
should be typically heard in royal court.
Keep in mind that stealing livestock, poach-
ing big game, and similar property crimes
are punishable by death in secular courts.
There is a third option: the magi can
try to have their case heard in a Church
court. Canon courts automatically have
jurisdiction if the accused is a member of
the clergy, and usually preside over civil
cases when the issue involves inheritance
or a breach of contract. In parts of histori-
cal Europe, someone accused of a crime
could claim benefit of clergy — the right
to be tried in a canon court rather than a
secular court — if he could prove he could
read Latin.

Arguing the Case

Courts in Mythic Europe operate rath-

er differently from modern courts. The
idea that the accused is presumed inno-
cent until proven guilty would be foreign are present, they are there to advise the bly have committed the acts of which he
to a judge in Mythic Europe. Similarly, judge, not the defendant. stands accused. This is called compurga-
the accused has no right protecting him Witnesses are often called to attest to tion. Compurgation does not formally
from self-incrimination. The court pays a the character of the defendant. In a canon exist in secular courts, but the court does
great deal of attention to testimony, and is court, character witnesses are especially treat character witnesses as relevant evi-
less concerned with physical evidence. In important: If enough clergymen attest to dence. Assembling character witnesses,
a secular court, the judge is often a noble the good character of a defendant, a canon or using Mentem magic to create some on
with little or no education. If any lawyers court deems the defendant cannot possi- the fly, is a good way to weaken a circum-
stantial case against the covenant. Actual
eyewitnesses who saw (or think they saw)
Benefit of Clergy a crime still carry a great deal of weight.
Most characters in Mythic Europe have
The traditional test in historical On the other hand, a troupe that is little training in logic or rhetoric, com-
Europe for someone to claim benefit of so inclined can spin quite a few stories pared to magi, so players can still counter
clergy was to read a particular Bible pas- around the issue of magi and the canon an eyewitness by pointing out alternative
sage — Psalm 51 — in Latin. In Mythic courts. First, there is the debate over explanations for what he thought he saw.
Europe, claiming benefit of clergy may whether magi are entitled to benefit of In cases regarding the covenant’s own-
not be that easy. The Church and the clergy, which might cause some political ership of land or other income sources,
Order of Hermes have existed along- fallout. The Church wants to take a clos- the case hinges on proving the magi have
side one another for centuries. If you er look at these new “clergymen,” and the possessed the property for a long time.
don’t want to explore the political con- Order is concerned this puts the privacy The defense is that, if the magi have never
sequences of magi becoming subject and safety of other magi at risk. To ex- been required to pledge fealty or pay fees
to Church courts, simply declare that plore stories of this kind, simply rule that, to some noble who owns the resource,
either the Church or the Order has al- in your saga, there is no legal precedent then the magi must be the rightful owners.
ready decided that magi don’t count as on whether magi are subject to Church The best independent records for show-
clergy unless they are actually ordained. courts, and proceed to establish one. ing how long the covenant has remained
in possession of the land are often in the

parish church. The Church keeps track of himself or his vassals. He also makes ad- Le Cornu to call for a truce. If any of the
baptisms, marriages, and deaths (includ- ditional demands. See Negotiated Settle- baron’s knights or inner circle are cap-
ing, very often, those of covenfolk and ments, later, for some of the things the tured, he requests a temporary truce and
grogs). Many churches also record major baron requests as part of a settlement. negotiates a ransom. In short, resisting the
events that occur in the parish. The parish baron’s attacks is a good way to make him
records therefore are very likely to men- fall back and reconsider his options. Too
tion the covenant. Persuading the priest to Verdicts Regarding the strong a show of force, on the other hand,
open those records to the covenant for use Covenant’s Land Ownership can drive Baron Le Cornu to desperation
in its legal defense may require a story. and a final, decisive battle.
If the covenant enjoys the Autocepha-
lous Boon (from Covenants, page 20), then
The Value of Vis the covenant has documentary evidence of
its independence, and the baron and the
Sooner or later, Baron Le Cornu may count automatically lose the case. Other-
accuse the magi of stealing vis from his wise, the covenant must either settle the The players can always simply give
land. This is a novel and controversial case by recognizing that the count owns Baron Le Cornu what he wants: they can
claim that has potentially far-reaching ef- the land and negotiating a charter with swear fealty to the count. This handily re-
fects for the covenant and the entire Or- him, or it must argue its case in royal court. solves the conflict with the baron — in-
der. The outcome depends in part on the The good news is that if the covenant man- deed, it makes him into a potential ally.
physical form the vis takes. ages to win the case, it acquires the Auto- The Quaesitores and the Tribunal would
If the vis appears in the form of some- cephalous Boon as a result of the verdict. sternly disapprove of such a solution,
thing intrinsically valuable, such as a large If the court dispossesses the covenant however. Swearing an oath of fealty is a
animal or a jewel, then stealing such an of its land, ownership reverts to the count. direct violation of the Peripheral Code in
item is already a serious crime under mun- The baron gives the covenant a week to any Tribunal. If the covenant chooses that
dane law. In that case, the court disregards pack up its belongings, then leads a force option, they have to keep their arrange-
the baron’s claim that the item was espe- of armed men to remove the squatters at ment secret from other magi. Trying to
cially valuable because it contained vis. It sword-point. protect that secret then becomes a source
judges the case as if it were a theft of a of stories.
valuable mundane item. Oaths of fealty are banned because
If the vis is contained in a form of min-
imal value, such as flowers, beeswax, or
Resolving they include a pledge of personal service.
Promising to serve a mundane lord is basi-
most natural substances, the burden falls Military Conflicts cally the same thing as becoming a court
on the baron to prove that it was valuable. wizard, which is illegal under the Code by
Unless the baron can call on a magus to If fighting breaks out between the bar- long tradition. If the covenant carefully
testify, he cannot prove that. The court on and the magi, it might seem that the sit- modifies the traditional oath of fealty, they
therefore rules that the characters com- uation will inevitably spiral out of control. may be able to swear an oath that satis-
mitted trespassing, not theft. However, There are a number of ways to defuse ten- fies Baron Le Cornu and his liege without
the baron makes an argument that if the sions, even after fighting has broken out. running afoul of the Peripheral Code. See
covenant ever steals the same or similar The count values the baron and his Negotiated Settlement, later.
item again, that the theft should serve as de knights more highly than he values the re- The players may think of trying to set
facto proof that the item is indeed valuable. sources of the covenant. Even if Baron Le up a companion as a kind of figurehead.
The court agrees with this argument, and Cornu becomes blinded by rage and hell- The baron could make that companion a
treats any future cases of stealing vis from bent on defeating the covenant, his liege knight, then accept him as a vassal. That
the baron’s land as serious burglaries. won’t let him waste blood and treasure on trick works for some covenants, but unfor-
a futile war. His liege can step in and order tunately it won’t fool Baron Le Cornu. It’s
the baron to break off hostilities. The play- the magi and their magical powers he wor-
Settling Out of Court er characters might choose to appeal to the ries about, and he won’t be satisfied until he
baron’s overlord to curb the baron’s aggres- feels the magi themselves are under control.
It is possible that the baron’s case sion. See Negotiated Settlement, later.
against the covenant is very strong: for With planning and perhaps a bit of
example, if one of the characters actually daring, a covenant can probably defeat Relocation
committed a crime in front of witnesses. the baron in battle. If the player charac-
In that case, he sends an emissary to the ters manage to fight off a couple of the Another way to resolve the conflict
covenant, offering to settle the case out of baron’s raids, sack one of his manors, or with the baron is to move the covenant.
court. Of course, he requests fair compen- kill or seriously wound two or three of his It’s an extreme solution, and it means
sation for whatever harm has been done to knights, self-preservation motivates Baron the baron wins, but it can actually be a

good choice if your troupe would enjoy a acters can persuade him to drop this • Exemption from military obligations
change of setting and a break from the in- demand. and scutage.
trigue, while keeping the same characters. • The magi must promise to respect the • Formal and exclusive rights to collect
baron’s territorial boundary. They may vis from the baron’s lands.
not venture onto his land without per- • Permission to clear wasteland and
Negotiated Settlement mission, nor remove anything without
paying for it. This, of course, includes
bring it under cultivation.
• Permission to hunt and slay magical
not taking vis from the baron’s land beasts.
Another alternative is for the covenant without giving something valuable in • Exemption from certain taxes and fines.
to negotiate some kind of permanent trea- exchange. The baron will accept mon-
ty with the count. A well-designed treaty ey, but he would prefer to be paid in Most of these privileges are things that
stops short of the magi promising to per- goods only the magi can provide, such covenants typically act as though they al-
sonally serve the noble, so as not to violate as enchanted items (including charged ready have. The advantage of agreeing
the Peripheral Code. items) or spells cast for his benefit. to the baron’s terms is that the covenant
A negotiated settlement does not The magi must also respect the prop- can secure these rights permanently and
have to be a single agreement. It’s pos- erty of the count and his other vassals. doesn’t have to worry about them in the
sible, for example, to start with a simple • The magi must agree to obey mun- future. If the characters negotiate a settle-
pact of non-aggression, which is enough dane law. Covenant members who ment with the count (through Baron Le
to keep Baron Le Cornu satisfied for a few are accused of major crimes, such as Cornu), it is final.
seasons. After a while, some other dispute murder, arson, assault, and burglary,
may arise, leading to a conflict that can be must be handed over for trial. The
ended by adding new terms to the agree-
ment between the magi and their mun-
covenant must be subject to lawsuits
so aggrieved neighbors can seek re-
dane neighbor. dress. Exactly which court shall have of the Settlement
The following is a list of the baron’s jurisdiction over the magi is open to
demands, in descending order of priority. negotiation; see Questions of Jurisdic- A few of the terms Baron Le Cornu de-
If the magi agree to all of these, there is tion, earlier. mands are novel, in the sense that similar
no cause for further conflict and the baron • The magi must pay to the baron’s over- arrangements between magi and mundaes
becomes a peaceful neighbor. lord a percentage of the income from have not been described in previous Ars
any land or resources they cannot prove Magica Fifth Edition supplements. If the
• The magi must promise not to attack they hold entirely in their own right. characters agree to these terms, they are
the count or any of his vassals, nor • The covenant must obtain permission breaking new ground in Hermetic law as it
cast spells on them without permis- from the count to keep men-at-arms, concerns mundane relations. Some mem-
sion. The count’s vassals include Baron or disarm all of its grogs. bers of the Order of Hermes disapprove of
Le Cornu and all of his own vassals • The magi must agree to pay scutage (a the precedent they are setting.
and retainers. Magi are allowed to use kind of fine or tax for avoiding mili-
magic or deadly force in self-defense if tary service), but the baron will grant
mundanes attack them first. an exemption if doing so helps him get Vis Ownership
• The magi must satisfy the baron that one of his higher priorities.
their powers don’t come from the In- The Tribunals described in ArM5 sup-
fernal. Accepting the holy sacraments There are concessions the count plements decide the ownership of disput-
of confession and communion satisfies (though his representative, the baron) is ed vis sources solely among magi, without
the baron. The players may think of willing to grant in exchange (again, in de- regard to the mundane owner of the land
other ways to convince him (or, more scending order of significance). where the vis source is found. Baron Le
precisely, his confessor, who advises Cornu asserts that vis from his land is his,
him on this and all spiritual matters). • Formal recognition that the covenant to dispose as he sees fit.
• The baron demands the magi provide owns its land and resources, including Magi in the Tribunal are concerned
magical service to his liege. His idea the serfs who live at the covenant and about the baron’s claims because other
is that the magi will use spells to help work its fields. mundane landowners can be expected to
the count at court and to aid him in • A charter that recognizes the covenant also assert ownership over vis on their
military adventures. Of course, to do is an independent legal entity, so other lands. This threatens the security of vis
so would be a blatant violation of the nobles can’t question its legitimacy, sources all over the mundane realm in
Code of Hermes. Negotiating this and its privileges can’t be taken away which Baron Le Cornu resides. Members
point takes some effort: at first the in future generations. of the Tribunal may accuse the covenant’s
baron is angry that the magi defy his • Permission to keep a garrison of armed magi of threatening to deprive them of
lord’s will, but eventually the char- grogs. magical resources, because what once be-

longed to their covenants may soon be Court Wizards? signing a document agreeing that the cov-
claimed by mundanes. enant is subject to mundane law endangers
There are a number of legal questions Another question is whether the magi, the Order; it encourages nobles to pres-
that might be debated at Tribunal: in making some kind of settlement with sure other covenants for similar contracts.
the baron, have gone too far toward be- On the other hand, openly defying
• If the Tribunal had previously consid- coming court wizards. An accusation mundane law antagonizes nobles and in-
ered the vis to belong to the covenant, might be made at Tribunal. It may or may creases their hostility toward magi and the
does that ruling still stand? If the vis not be justified by the facts: some magi are Order. Making some kind of negotiated
is theirs, are they within their rights cynical enough to hurl a frivolous claim at settlement, one could argue, calms rela-
to give it to the baron? If the Tribunal a political rival, just to cause trouble and tions with mundanes and makes Mythic
objects, does it have the authority to tarnish his reputation. Europe safer for magi.
cancel the agreement? The actual outcome of the Tribunal
• The covenant has made an agreement debate could swing either way. The Tri-
with the baron regarding the vis on his Mundane Courts and Magi bunal may restrict itself to making a nar-
lands. Are other magi in the Tribunal row ruling on the covenant’s individual
bound to recognize that agreement? If The biggest legal and political issue is agreement with the baron, or it may make
someone trespasses and takes the vis, the extent to which magi are allowed and a sweeping policy decision, either forbid-
would that be a Hermetic crime? What required to submit to mundane author- ding or requiring that magi submit to the
crime, and who would be the injured ity. This is intentionally left vague in Ars authority of mundane courts. Either a nar-
party — the covenant or the baron? Magica Fifth Edition, so your troupe can row ruling about the covenant’s particular
• Does the baron actually own the vis decide for itself how closely integrated or arrangement, or a broad policy ruling,
source or does he only control access how well isolated the Order of Hermes is could be argued all the way to the Grand
to it? Is he entitled, for example, to sell with respect to mundane society. Tribunal. The Tribunal may go so far as to
the vis to the highest bidder? On the one hand, some members of assert that magi can only be tried in spe-
• By alerting the baron to the value of the Order resent the covenant for agreeing cial Hermetic courts, in much the same
the vis source, did the covenant incon- to obey mundane law. Mundanes expect way clergy are subject only to ecclesiasti-
venience or put at risk the resources of that decision to be binding on all magi, cal courts. The player characters may get
other covenants in the Tribunal? yet some magi regard it as an infringement involved to either support or oppose an ef-
• Given the implications of the agree- on their sovereignty. Being forced to obey fort to set up such a court system.
ment for all the magi in the Tribunal, mundane law can be a major inconve-
did the covenant have the authority to nience. For example, it means that nobles
sign it? Should it require ratification or magistrates may feel entitled to visit
by the Tribunal, and will the Tribunal the covenant from time to time for an in-
ratify it? spection. One can make an argument that

Chapter Four

Father Joseph of Napoli

Father Joseph is a churchman. He is a As far as Father Joseph’s mission is con- Even the possible impact of the ma-
papal legate whose mission is to provoke cerned, the Hermetic practice of magic is gi’s work on theology will be tolerated.
a Christian revolution within the Order of unproblematic; he does not want to burn Father Joseph acknowledges that some
Hermes. His task is to reinvent the Order as magi at the stake or even restrict the use of arcane knowledge will surely improve
a true religious order controlled from Rome. magic. In fact, he envisages that canon law the Church’s understanding of the world,
will be extended (via papal bulls) to cover as well as mankind’s place in God’s plan,
magi as a new order of religious, and the but he also believes that other aspects of
Code of Hermes and the regional Peripheral Hermetic knowledge will surely be shown

Aims and Codes will be adopted as new volumes of

canon law that apply to this new holy order.
The Houses of Hermes and the regional and
to be false or misleading. Father Joseph is
not a true specialist in either theology or
arcane lore, so he cannot judge which is
Motivations Grand Tribunals are all acceptable to Father
Joseph’s and Rome’s new vision for the Or-
which. However, the possible adoption of
some arcane lore is no different than the
der. The independence and scholarship of way in which the Church already deals
To reinvent the Order of Hermes as a the magi is likewise satisfactory to Rome. with theology disputes. Individual, mun-
religious order, Father Joseph needs to ac-
complish three tasks:

• He needs to appoint a magus to the

office of Grandmaster of the Order of
Hermes (or persuade the Order to ap-
point someone to this office).
• He needs to establish the Grandmaster
of the Order as a Christian religious
title. For this to happen, the pope must
acknowledge (probably in a papal bull)
both the existence of this title and the
Order itself. The new religious Order of
Hermes also needs to acknowledge that,
like all good Christians, the Grandmas-
ter is subservient to the pope — God’s
representative in Mythic Europe.
• Finally, the father needs to (eventually)
have Marched anyone who will not ac-
cept this new vision of the Order. He
anticipates this will include devout pa-
gans, Muslims, and Jews within the Or-
der who will not convert to Christianity,
along with others who wish to remain
independent of Rome. Elimination of
such characters via Wizard War (waged
by Father Joseph’s allies) is also possible,
but Father Joseph would prefer the un-
ambiguous legal process of a March.

as true heresy. The secrets and theories of
New Virtue: Commanding Aura magi will be treated no differently: some
will be embraced, others will be tolerated,
Free Virtue, Supernatural added to that of the relic. and a very few will be outlawed.
This supernatural power is granted If a legatus missus delays or devi- While Father Joseph is an officer of the
to a legatus missus by the Divine. It is an ates from his mission, then his Com- Church, his mission does not necessarily
inherent benefit of this Church office. manding Aura ceases to work until he represent the attitude of all churchmen.
The character has a power equiva- completes penance. The Commanding Clearly, his mission and status as a legate
lent to the Hermetic spell Aura of Aura is also lost when a legatus missus indicates that the pope is willing to enter-
Rightful Authority (ArM5, page 151), completes his mission. tain this kind of relationship between the
but with Voice Range; this power has Some other Church officials also re- Church and the Order, and presumably
no cost and no penetration. The char- ceive the Commanding Aura as a benefit he is supported by a faction within the
acter also has a Magic Resistance of 15 of their office (see The Church, page 26, Church. However, other factions within
and a Soak bonus of +3. If the character or Realms of Power: The Divine Revised Edi- the Church may be opposed, and work
carries a relic, this Magic Resistance is tion, page 42-43). against Father Joseph. It is possible that
the pope may not even really expect Fa-
ther Joseph to succeed; rather, the pope
dane, Church theologians throughout come accepted as conventional theology, may anticipate using Father Joseph’s even-
Mythic Europe already hold to all sorts of others are restricted to obscure Church tual failure to reconcile the Church and the
disputable theories. Some of these theo- scholars and forgotten texts, and a very Order, as a pretext for the Church to adopt
logical “heresies” eventually go on to be- small number are branded and repressed a more aggressive stance against the Order.

Father Joseph
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +1, –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Equipment: Priest’s stole, well-worn
Com +2, Str –2, Sta –1, Dex +1, Qik Dead (21+) monk’s habit, finger-bone relic, let-
–1(1) Abilities: Area Lore: Naples 3 (history), ters of authority (kept in a leather
Magic Resistance: 25 (+15 papal legate, Area Lore: Rhine Tribunal 2 (cov- scroll case), writing equipment (ink,
+ 10 relic) enant locations), Area Lore: Rome parchment, legate’s seal, wax, etc.),
Size: 0 2 (churches), Area Lore: Rome Tri- riding horse (with saddle and tack).
Age: 54 (44) (+5 Longevity Ritual) bunal 3 (covenant locations), Artes Encumbrance: 0
Decrepitude: 0 (1) Liberales 1 (logic, reads Latin script), Appearance: Father Joseph is a tall, ascet-
Warping Score: 3 (5) Awareness 3 (spell effects), Bargain 3 ic man who usually hunches slightly,
Confidence Score: 1 (3) (treaties), Charm 2 (covenant grogs), after many years spent at a writing
Faith Points: 2 (1 from relic, which re- Civil and Canon Law 5 (magic), desk. However, when he preaches,
generates; + 1 from mass) Code of Hermes Lore 3 (mundane his posture rises and his eyes glisten.
Virtues and Flaws: Priest; Arcane Lore, interference), Concentration (medi- Although clearly aged, the father
Inspirational, Relic, Temporal Influ- tation) 2, Dead Language: Latin 5 does not seem decrepit, thanks to his
ence, Well-Traveled; Commanding (church use), Divine Lore 1 (angels), Longevity Ritual. Father Joseph wears
Aura; Driven; Ability Block (Mar- Etiquette 3 (Hermetic), Folk Ken 4 the regalia of a priest and a finger-
tial), Arthritis*, Visions*, Vow, Weak (magi), Guile 2 (written communica- bone relic on a silver chain around his
Characteristics tion), Intrigue 5 (magi), Leadership neck, and he carries a satchel filled
* These Flaws are due to Warping. 5 (religious), Living Language: Low with writing equipment. When trav-
Personality Traits: Driven +6, Religious +3 German 3 (travel), Living Language: eling, the father rides an impressive,
Reputations: Papal Legate to the Order Italian 5 (Napoli dialect), Magic very expensive, glossy black stallion.
of Hermes (ecclesiastical) +4, Quae- Theory 2 (spells), Music 1 (church), Lighter and swifter than a warhorse,
sitor’s notary (Hermetic) +1 Organization Lore: Church 5 (papal the father’s horse has a formidable
Combat: curia), Organization Lore: Order constitution and may be ridden for
Dodge: Init –1, Attack +1, Defense –1, of Hermes 4 (Christian magi), Pro- many days with little rest. Father Jo-
Damage NA fession: Scribe 3 (copying), Ride 2 seph is usually accompanied by one
Soak: +2 (–1 Sta, + 3 papal legate) (long distances), Theology 3 (magic) or two clergymen. As his plans ad-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Powers: vance, his retinue may be joined by
Unconscious Commanding Aura, see insert (as papal legate). a magus ally, who may comport him-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), Faithful Wisdom, see Supernatural Powers. self as another clergyman.

On the other hand, the last few de-
cades, under Pope Innocent III and (since
1216) under Pope Honorius III, have seen
Holy Magic
a concerted effort to reform the Church Father Joseph is aware of the existence thedral built by angels will clearly be su-
and concentrate power in the papal curia. of Holy Magic (see Realms of Power: The perior to the one built by men. However,
Bringing the Order of Hermes under papal Divine Revised Edition, page 66). He views both cathedrals glorify God. The fact
control would certainly be a magnificent Holy Magic and mainstream Hermetic that the angels have built a cathedral is
addition to the pope’s powers in Mythic magic as being two similar but different not a reason to tear down the one built
Europe, and Father Joseph’s mission can things. He views Holy Magic as being by men. Similarly, the existence of Holy
easily be seen as part of the ongoing pro- like a cathedral constructed by angels, Magic does not mean that Hermetic mag-
gram of Church reform and concentra- built next door to Hermetic magic which ic should be suppressed or replaced. This
tion of power within the papal curia. In is like a cathedral built by men. The ca- is just Father Joseph’s opinion.
addition, and quite apart from the magi-
cal powers of the magi, Father Joseph’s
mission could be seen as the papacy tak-
ing the Order of Hermes’ claim to be an
“order” seriously. It is just bad politics for
Background For almost 17 years, Joseph followed
Pompius as he journeyed around Mythic
Europe, and they had many long conversa-
a widespread, pseudo-religious order to be Father Joseph was born in Napoli. He tions together about the roles of the Order
seen to be beyond papal authority. The pa- was the son of a fisherman, but as a boy, and the Church in the Divine plan. Pompius
pacy fears that the example of the Order of his family pushed him to follow his uncle even made a Longevity Ritual for his notary.
Hermes might cause some of the monastic and enter holy orders. Joseph rapidly ad- Unfortunately, in the summer of 1202, the
orders to wonder whether they too might vanced to the grade of deacon, then, at archmage abruptly turned to stone in the
be better off independent of Rome. the age of 19, he left the formal service of middle of an investigation. Distraught and
the Church. He had been recruited to act confused, Joseph was able to arrange for a
as the notary of the Hermetic archmage nearby covenant to recover the lifeless stat-
Father Joseph Pompius of House Guernicus.
Pompius was a Quaesitor, and Joseph
ue of his friend and master, but it was appar-
ent that the elderly magus had irrevocably
is Not a Holy Man traveled extensively with him throughout passed into Final Twilight, leaving behind
the Rome and Rhine Tribunals. The el- only a fossilized husk. The shocked Joseph
It is important to make the distinction derly Pompius’ wiry limbs were crooked presented Pompius’ remaining case notes to
between the Church as a human institu- and bent with the years he had embraced. the Quaesitor’s successor, and then quietly
tion and the Church as an expression of Nonetheless, the bright-eyed archmagus trudged back to Napoli, his birth city.
the Divine. Like most churchmen, Father was lively and intelligent, and he was of- At Napoli, Joseph re-entered the for-
Joseph is not a holy man; he does not have ten called to adjudicate, investigate, and mal Church, becoming a canon at San
True Faith, nor can he perform miracles, advise upon Hermetic law and crimes. Giovanni Maggiore, where he wrote sev-
although he can pray to the saints for in- Deacon Joseph eagerly learned about eral books about the Order of Hermes.
tercession. Father Joseph is a Christian and the mysterious Order of Hermes while he Joseph was ordained as a priest in 1210,
a good man. He tries to lead a moral life helped Pompius perform his duties, and, and soon after, he was called to Rome.
according to the teachings of Christ and over the years, Joseph came to deeply re- Copies of his books had been circulating
the canons of the Church. spect the miraculous powers of the magi. in the papal curia, and Father Joseph was
Father Joseph’s mission is likewise However, he also observed that, like all asked to help Pope Innocent III formulate
not a holy one. His mission is political, men, magi struggled both to understand Church strategy toward the Order.
and arises from the earthly ambitions of their place in the Divine plan, and always In 1216, Innocent III died, but Father
the Church. This does not mean that his act as good men should. Joseph would also Joseph’s position in the papal curia contin-
mission is necessarily incompatible with later confess that he was very envious of The ued upon the succession to the papacy of
the will of the Divine, and Father Joseph Gift, and that he was terribly frustrated by Honorius III. In 1219, Father Joseph was
certainly believes that his mission is sanc- the knowledge that he could never become invested formally as a papal legate, and as-
tioned by God. He may even find that the a magus. Although he now accepts that his signed his mission to act as envoy to the
Divine directly comes to his aid; he does, envy represented a failing of his own char- Order of Hermes.
for example, receive the Commanding Aura acter, Joseph suspects this may have been
directly from the Divine. exacerbated by the strange anti-social aura
However, Father Joseph could be wrong.
If relevant, the true position of the Di-
seemingly created by The Gift. Joseph now
no longer envies The Gift, and although he
Father Joseph’s Insights
vine upon Father Joseph’s mission is some- still finds many magi (at least initially) seem
thing for your troupe to decide for your odd and untrustworthy, he is aware that this From his time as the notary of the
own saga. is mostly a consequence of The Gift. Quaesitor Pompius, Father Joseph knows

a lot about the Order of Hermes, and his also knows that lesser hedge wizards (out- cialties of an individual magus, the mag-
information is mostly accurate. Although side the Order) exist. He doesn’t know nitude of a spell to read a mind, or the
he is no expert in Hermetic Law, he knows anything detailed about hedge wizards, location of the secret entrance of a cov-
more about the Code of Hermes than but he does know about the formal “Join enant), the storyguide should make, on
many non-specialist magi do. He is cer- or Die” position of the Code. Father Joseph’s behalf, rolls for Order of
tainly well aware of the Oath of Hermes, With regard to magic theory, Father Hermes Lore, Code of Hermes Lore, Mag-
and many common Peripheral Code rul- Joseph knows less than a typical freshly ic Theory, or Area Lore against appropri-
ings. He knows the procedures for and le- Gauntleted magus does. However, he does ate Ease Factors, as required.
gal standing of Marches, Wizard War, and
Certamen. He knows the details of the
main provisions for interference with the Father Joseph’s Moving Father Joseph
mundane, molestation of faeries, and deal-
ing with the devil. Father Joseph therefore
knows that his proposal will be considered Copies of these books, written by Clearly, if it suits your saga, Father
by many magi to be at odds with the cur- Father Joseph at San Giovanni Mag- Joseph’s background can be changed.
rent Oath of Hermes. However, his point giore between 1203 and 1210, are The most obvious change is to move his
is that the Oath (or how it is interpreted circulating within the Church. The background details to a different Tribunal.
by the Order) can be changed. intended readers are clergy. Magi, in There should be no problems with doing
Father Joseph is quite familiar with the general, do not know of the existence this. Where in Mythic Europe Father Jo-
location, layout, and number of inhabit- of these books. seph comes from, and where he worked
ants of many of the covenants in the Rome with the Quaesitor Pompius makes no dif-
and Rhine Tribunals (including some of The Order of Hermes (Order of Hermes ference to Joseph’s capability, or suitabil-
those hidden in regiones). He knows this Lore Ability tractatus, Quality 8) ity, to now serve as a papal legate. Replace
because he has personally visited these The Rule of The Order of Hermes (Code his Area Lore and Living Language Abili-
covenants in the company of Pompius. Of of Hermes Lore Ability tractatus, ties as appropriate. If required, the dates in
course, most of his information is almost Quality 8) his background can also be changed.
twenty years out-of-date, but magi do not History of the Magi of the Ecclesiastical Prov-
move covenants particularly frequently. ince of Rome (Order of Hermes Lore
Father Joseph is unlikely to be very fa-
miliar with magi Gauntleted in the last 20
Ability tractatus, Quality 8) Why is He not Dead?
or so years, unless he met them as young
apprentices. From reading petitions and know more than many young apprentices. In some sagas the Order is a special
letters to the papal curia, the father also He has a good understanding of the sorts and obscure, but (in general) not a delib-
has some idea of the location of the main of things that are possible with Hermetic erately isolated or successfully secretive
(non-hidden) covenants in the rest of magic. He knows about Arcane Connec- part of Mythic Europe. In such sagas, the
Mythic Europe — although he must rely tions, the Arts, Magic Resistance, Parma fact that Deacon Joseph (a simple scribe
on the reports of priests and bishops who Magica, vis, and that, for example, it is employed as a notary) could wander from
are often very ignorant about the details of more difficult for magi to cast spells within the direct control of the Order of Hermes
the Order of Hermes. the Divine aura of cities and churches. He and eventually become a confidant of the
Father Joseph knows how the Order cannot teach someone the Arts or Parma pope requires no further explanation. In
of Hermes is structured. He knows about Magica, nor can he cast spells, of course. such sagas, the Order does not keep close
the Tribunals and Houses (and the general The father just knows that these things ex- track of exactly where every grog is and
flavor of each House), and he knows about ist, what they are for, and how they gener- what happens to them.
Quaesitors and Redcaps. He isn’t familiar ally work. He certainly knows enough to However, in other sagas, the Order of
with the details of the Tribunals that he accurately copy texts about the Arts; this Hermes is much more secretive, and the
hasn’t visited, but he knows enough to was some of the work he did for Pompius. magi should have tried to contain Father
comprehend that how the Code is inter- Father Joseph is familiar with some Joseph long before he became a problem.
preted can be quite different from Tribunal common spells, including The Aegis of the In such a saga, Father Joseph should not
to Tribunal. The father knows that Mys- Hearth, Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie, Whispers have been allowed to leave when Pompius
tery Cults exist, but other than the House Through the Black Gate, Demon’s Eternal Obliv- entered Final Twilight. The Order would
Cults, he does not know much more than ion, and a variety of Wards. He would not have found a new role for Pompius’ scribe
the names of any particular Mystery Cults. be able to identify such spells as they were elsewhere in the Order, or they would
The father also knows a lot about the his- cast, but he might be able to identify them have magically erased his memory of
tory of the Order, such as the foundation by their effects. the Order (allowing him to return to the
of the Order, the Schism War, and the For rare or highly specialized knowl- mundane world without risk), or he would
scourging of House Tytalus. Father Joseph edge (such as knowledge of the Arts spe- have been simply killed.

For a saga where the Order of Hermes
is highly secretive, some explanation of Encountering lieves the player characters may immediately
kill him), then characters may meet him as a

Father Joseph
how Father Joseph got away is needed. guest of another covenant, when they visit.
Some possible explanations that your Father Joseph needs a token to cross the
troupe could consider are: covenant’s Aegis of the Hearth, because of the
Divine Might of the relic that he carries,
• It was an oversight. Pompius en- Father Joseph can be encountered the unless the Aegis is too weak to prevent the
ters Final Twilight in a spectacular first time in a number of ways. In consid- entry of the relic. For this reason, rather than
manner, and his notary is wrongly ering the initial encounter, it is important relying on the hospitality of unknown magi,
thought killed in the resulting car- to remember Father Joseph is not a violent Father Joseph may prefer to stay at a nearby
nage. The mistake is not discovered man. He will not petulantly argue his point, parish church. In this case, he will send a
until years later, when Father Joseph nor will he provoke the magi to violence. messenger (perhaps the parish clerk) to the
returns as legate. His initial intentions are merely to get magi covenant and request that the magi visit
• It didn’t happen here. Even a very se- thinking and talking about his ideas. him in the church. Note that Father Joseph’s
cretive Order of Hermes is likely to The storyguide should carefully con- Magic Resistance (due to his office as papal
have regions, or even entire Tribunals, sider the progress that Father Joseph has legate) does not prevent him crossing the
where security is lax. Fortunately for already made when he is encountered by Aegis boundary; Aegis of the Hearth only keeps
Father Joseph, Pompius entered Final the player characters. Perhaps, the cov- out things with a Might, not things with a
Twilight while in one of these regions, enant is one of the first approached by Magic Resistance. The father knows that he
and the local magi did not try very hard Father Joseph, and thus he has few, if any, can just leave the relic behind, if he wants
to locate Deacon Joseph or prevent him Hermetic allies. Alternatively, Father Jo- to cross the Aegis boundary without a token.
from returning to the Church. seph may already have numerous converts An advantage of meeting at a parish
• It was a conspiracy. Father Joseph did to his cause within the Tribunal. church is that it is a canon crime to spill
not leave the employ of the Order of blood within the sanctuary of the church.
Hermes. He is really (and possibly While Father Joseph is aware that, like
unknowingly) a pawn of some fac-
tion within the Order who wish either
A Visit many nobles, some magi will consider can-
on crimes inconsequential, he believes that
to provoke confrontation with the this legal point will give even very hostile
Church or to control it. See the Do- If Father Joseph already knows of the magi some cause for thought.
minion section later in this chapter. covenant, either because he visited it as a
• It was a miracle. The Divine inter- Hermetic notary or because local clergy or
vened and either saved Father Joseph
from magi who were pursuing him, or
another magus told him its location, then
characters may encounter him when he ap-
On the Road
allowed his memories of the Order to proaches the covenant to seek an audience
return a few years after the magi be- with the magi. If the covenant is inaccessible If the player characters travel widely —
lieved they had been removed. to Father Joseph (or if the storyguide be- perhaps they are Redcaps — then they may

encounter Father Joseph likewise traveling know of Father Joseph as an author. How- centuries, and was the primary translator of
between covenants or ecclesiastical centers. ever, there are plenty of better books about the Vulgate Bible — the main Latin trans-
the Order available to magi. What makes lation of the Bible used by the Church.
Father Joseph’s books unusual is that they Any character with a score in Church Lore
Rumor are primarily in circulation within the
Church, especially the papal curia. Only
knows of Saint Jerome, and Father Joseph
has sufficient Magic Theory to be aware
magi with strong Church contacts are like- that possessing the relic gives him some
The magi may encounter the father’s ly to have noticed Father Joseph’s books. protection against magical effects. A rough
ideas before encountering the man. Magi However, it is not very difficult for idea of the powers of the relic can be deter-
either sympathetic or hostile to Father magi to find out about Father Joseph’s back- mined with a suitable Intellego Vim effect
Joseph could approach the player charac- ground. Magi who have met him previous- (with sufficient penetration).
ters seeking allies. Player characters might ly can use magic to refresh their memories, The finger bone relic has 1 Faith Point,
also hear about the legate and his mission and he is willing to discuss his background, and a Divine Might of 10. See ArM5, page
through ecclesiastical contacts. as he has nothing to hide. He is reluctant 189, and Realms of Power: The Divine Revised
to offer information about his birth fam- Edition, pages 43–46, for information about
ily in Napoli, out of suspicion that some relics. The finger bone has the power Faith-
Tribunal magi might threaten to harm his family as
a way to influence him. Such threats will
ful Wisdom. Relic powers are activated by
spending the relic’s Might Points, which
not sway him — he believes his mission is replenish every sunrise.
If Father Joseph’s plans are well ad- more important than his family — but he
vanced when your saga begins, he could prefers to protect his innocent family from
be first encountered when he (or his allies)
dramatically propose an alliance between
harm by unscrupulous magi.
To determine whether a magus knows of
Worldly Power
the Church and the Order at Tribunal. A Father Joseph’s life as the notary of the arch-
large faction in favor of the father could mage Pompius, make a roll on the Reputa- Papal legates represent the pope, the
have already formed. tion Ease Factor Table (see ArM5, page 19). head of the Church. Speaking to a legate
Father Joseph’s reputation as a notary is low is equivalent to speaking to the pope, and
because it is many years since he worked in an attack on a legate is seen by the Church
this capacity. Once this is known, further as tantamount to an attack on the pope

Investigating details, such as cases, crimes and convic-

tions, can be discovered by consulting the
Quaesitorial records. The records actually
himself. There are several grades of legate,
and Father Joseph is a legatus missus. The
legatus missus grade receives a particular
Father Joseph taken by Joseph will also contain his signa-
ture, which can be used as a Sympathetic
mission from the pope, and the legate
loses his title, authority, and legal powers
Connection (see ArM5, page 84). upon the completion of his mission.
Once Father Joseph starts making his At Napoli, Father Joseph is well- The status of legates within the
presence felt in the Order, magi want to known both at his old church of San Church is trivial information for char-
know more about him. Player characters Giovanni Maggiore and within the wider acters to discover. Any character with
may be assigned to investigate the man’s community. His family are not wealthy; an Ability Score in Church Lore knows
history and motives. most are still simple fishermen although he what a legate is. To specifically know of
has several relatives serving as lowly cler- Father Joseph as a legate, make a roll on
gy. Nobody in Napoli, except perhaps at the Reputation Ease Factor Table (ArM5,
The Past the bishop’s court, will have anything but
the vaguest idea of Father Joseph’s mission
page 19). Remember that, when encoun-
tered, Father Joseph will freely volunteer
as a papal legate. this information anyway.
The Order knows very little about
Father Joseph. Some magi may remember
Letters of Authority
him as Pompius’ notary, but Father Joseph
is much more likely to remember magi than
Supernatural Powers
for magi to remember him. Magi who have As a legatus missus, Father Joseph
good relationships with senior Church Father Joseph carries a finger bone of carries a set of letters that detail his le-
officials may have heard recent news of Saint Jerome. This is a saintly relic, which gal powers. The intention is that Father
Father Joseph and his mission, especially he wears on a silver chain around his neck Joseph presents these letters to religious,
after he was officially made a legate. beneath his robes. Hermetic, or secular authorities to estab-
As he has written several books about Saint Jerome is the patron saint of lish his status as a papal legate. His letters
the Order of Hermes, some magi may scholars. He lived in the fourth and fifth explain that he is a papal legate sent as an

envoy to the Order of Hermes, and that
he should be given free and safe passage Relic Powers
by all. The letters also state that Father Jo-
seph has the authority to speak with magi Faithful Wisdom tional powers. Life of the Ascetic and Rebuke
on the pope’s behalf, and that he may of the Scholar are additional example pow-
requisition any assistance he needs from 1 point, Init +3, Mentem ers and Realms of Power: The Divine Revised
churches, bishops, and monasteries. R: Touch, D: Season, T: Individual Edition (page 88) contains more examples
To check whether a character knows The character is blessed with the of relic powers. Even if you do not need
(or can guess) that Father Joseph is likely ability to read a single text specified at to increase the power of Father Joseph’s
to be carrying letters of authority, make an the time of the blessing. The text might relic, you might like to swap the Faithful
Intelligence + Church Lore roll against an be a tractatus, summa, Lab Text, or simi- Wisdom power for another one.
Ease Factor of 9. lar. This blessing overcomes any difficul-
Father Joseph’s usual procedure is to ties that the character may have, such as
being illiterate or unable to understand Life of the Ascetic
present his letters to the bishop when he
arrives in a new diocese. Father Joseph is the language, alphabet, or notations
used in the text. The character reads at 5 points, Init +3, Corpus
very plausible, and he does not usually R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
have a problem convincing the bishop that the rate of a normally literate person,
and obviously he must have a copy of The blessed character is freed from
he is a legitimate legate. Once the bishop his need to eat or drink for the duration
the actual text in order to read it.
has met with Father Joseph, he then as- of the effect. The character will still be-
If the character is literate in any lan-
signs a well-known deacon or priest to come hungry and thirsty, but he will not
guage, then he can make a copy of the
accompany Father Joseph in his travels in suffer loss of Fatigue, take Wounds, or
text, without errors, using the normal
the diocese. The presence of the bishop’s die because of this deprivation.
copying rules. The character need not
deacon means that Father Joseph is easily
be naturally literate in either the lan-
accepted within the diocese, and also al-
guage or script of the text. The copy is Rebuke of the Scholar
lows the bishop to be kept informed of Fa- exact — it is not a translation — so he
ther Joseph’s movements. When Father Jo- may not be able to read the copy when
seph leaves the diocese, the deacon travels 1 Point, Init +10, Corpus
the blessing expires. R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual
with him, both to help confirm the father’s This blessing lasts for the special du- The cursed character is struck with
identity in the next diocese — and to en- ration of Season. a bad case of stammering, and he is un-
sure that the father has truly departed.
able to form a coherent sentence. If he is
The wary watching of Father Joseph If, in your saga, you require Father a spell caster, the cursed character must
by the bishops has nothing to do with his Joseph to have a greater Magic Resis- take the appropriate penalty for casting
mission. The bishops are just worried that tance, you can increase the power of the spells without words. Although he cannot
Father Joseph is really in their diocese to finger bone relic. Increasing the Faith form the appropriate words for spell cast-
audit them. They are suspicious of leg- Score of the relic to 2 or 3 increases the ing, the caster can still make noise with
ates because, in the last few decades, the father’s total Magic Resistance to 35 or his voice; if he does so, the range of Voice
pope has begun to claim more real, practi- 45, and the relic may also manifest addi- Range spells is unaffected by this curse.
cal power over all the dioceses of Mythic
Europe, and there is still some uneasiness
about precisely where the division lies Authentication of letters — a scribe in the curia would have
between the powers of the pope and the Papal Documents performed this task for him.
powers of the lesser bishops. On the other
hand, even the most rebellious bishop will The papacy has not managed to estab-
not openly interfere with or hinder Father lish a robust system for authenticating papal Loss of Letters
Joseph’s mission, for this very reason — letters. Father Joseph’s letters do carry papal
such interference would just provoke the seals, but such seals can be forged, though The letters themselves are only a record
papacy to act against the bishop. there are harsh penalties for doing so. This of the pope’s confirmation of these powers
On the other hand, a bishop might is why Father Joseph also relies on a chain to Father Joseph. Physically possessing the
hinder Father Joseph if he strongly be- of introductions from diocese to diocese. letters does not grant Father Joseph any
lieves that the Order is heretical or Infer- If required, Hermetic magic can deter- special powers. This applies both to his le-
nal. Father Joseph knows and understands mine that the father’s letters of authority gal powers and the Commanding Aura Super-
the political situation that he faces as a leg- really do come from the papal curia — natural power. So, if Father Joseph’s letters
ate, and he really is not interested in the this is a part of the history of the vellum are lost, stolen, or destroyed, he does not
affairs of the bishops. He also has a good that the letters are written on (see InAn technically lose his authority, nor does a
idea which bishops of Mythic Europe have guidelines: ArM5, page 117). The pope thief acquire the father’s powers by merely
strong hostile opinions about the Order. has probably not personally written the possessing his letters or copies.

Of course, it may be difficult for Father Story Seed: ing the location of hidden covenants to
Joseph to establish his identity to strang- Miracle of the Magi Father Joseph — although it is not clear
ers without the letters, and a character that this is in any way a Hermetic crime.
who acquires the letters or copies may be The covenant magi are seen casting The magus may also need to defend Father
able to pretend to be Father Joseph. Of spells by the local clergy. The dean writes Joseph from pagan magi, either via certa-
course, an impostor will need to be care- to the papal curia describing the miraculous men or even more aggressive attacks.
ful that he does not encounter people who events and asking for guidance. Eventually
already know the true Father Joseph. the dean’s letter is passed to Father Joseph,
If he needs replacement letters, Father who recognizes the presence of Hermetic Story Seed: The Address
Joseph must return to Rome to get them. magi. He comes to the deanery to meet
He might also leave a replacement set of with the dean and track down the magi. Father Joseph travels to the Tribunal
letters with a friendly bishop. and wants to address the meeting. He wish-
es to propose a formal treaty between the
Story Seed: Order and the Church, and open negotia-
Host of the Church tions for the formulation of a religious Rule

Methods The magi of the covenant, who are

sympathetic to the Church, agree to let
for the Order. The covenant magi may be
supporters of Father Joseph, in which case
they need to argue for Father Joseph’s right
Father Joseph uses a number of ap- Father Joseph stay as a guest for several to speak to the assembled magi — in most
proaches in his attempt to bring magi seasons. Christian magi from all over the Tribunals, it is customary to allow only
within the Church. Tribunal come to hear Father Joseph preach magi to address the formal Tribunal meet-
about the Church’s position on magic, and ing. If Father Joseph is denied permission to
his message of brotherhood between the participate in the Tribunal, perhaps one of
Discussion and Travel Church and the Order. The visiting magi
are generally well-behaved, but the magi of
the covenant magi addresses the Tribunal in
his stead. If the covenant magi are opposed
the covenant need to find accommodation to Father Joseph, then they might try to
Father Joseph’s main intention is to for all the pilgrims and their retinues. prevent him from speaking or they might
travel among the Hermetic covenants he After a few seasons, a band of pagan address the Tribunal in reply.
knows of and try to discuss and negotiate magi arrive. The pagans are argumentative, In either case, the magi could be in-
his ideas with the magi he encounters. If hostile, and insult both the pilgrim magi and volved in pre-Tribunal intrigues. Father Jo-
Father Joseph can encourage magi to think Father Joseph. The father is not alarmed by seph would like to save his address for an
about his ideas and talk about them either this, but many of the pilgrim magi are ag- occasion when he knows that he has some
to him, or better yet to other magi, then grieved, and several malicious certamen support. Ideally, he would like his proposals
he will consider that he is making progress. matches are waged. Unless someone acts to accepted by the Tribunal, but a second best
The father does not need to keep traveling, calm the situation, Wizard’s War may be de- result would be for a significant minority to
and settles for several seasons, perhaps in a clared (or maybe even murder committed). publicly support him, creating a division
monastery or as the guest of a covenant, if within the Tribunal. If the father and his al-
he thinks that regular meetings with the lo- lies do not think either is possible, he will
cal magi will help his cause. Generally, the Story Seed: Pilgrimage merely wait until the next Tribunal meeting.
father tries to convince politically influen-
tial members of the Tribunal, and then rely One (or more) of the covenant magi
upon magi to spread his ideas for him.
Where he is able to, the father at-
accompanies Father Joseph as he travels
about the Tribunal. During the journey, the
The Societas of
tempts to discover the locations of more magus has ample opportunity to discuss the the Mystical Christ
covenants, and he would love to accompa- father’s vision for the future of the Order.
ny a Redcap traveling about the Tribunal. If given the choice, Father Joseph chooses Another of Father Joseph’s strategies is
The father also uses the Redcap network for his traveling companion a magus who the Societas of the Mystical Christ. This is
to carry messages for him, if permitted. If is actually against his proposal (though ob- a Hermetic societas for Christian magi who
he runs out of known covenants to visit, viously not a magus who is uncontrollably support Father Joseph’s vision for a religious
the father travels within clerical circles, homicidal toward Christians). The father Order of Hermes. There are chapters of
attempting to discover rumors of where hopes to convert his companion, through this Societas in each of the Tribunals.
more covenants might be found. calm argumentation and example, during The Societas of the Mystical Christ
Ultimately, Father Joseph would like his the course of the pilgrimage. From Father was founded at Father Joseph’s sugges-
ideas presented at a Tribunal meeting, but Joseph’s point of view, there is little point in tion, but (as he is not a magus) he is not a
he is more than willing to let sympathetic traveling with an already converted magus! member, nor does he control the Societas.
magi speak for him at such a gathering. The magus may be accused of reveal- There is no magical benefit or cost to magi

associated with belonging to the Societas.
It is not a Mystery Cult. A character does Other Hermetic Allies
not even need to be a particularly devout
Christian to be accepted as a member, but In the Rhine Tribunal, the Societas of Father Joseph. In the Theban Tribunal, a
pagans, Muslims and Jews must convert and the Mystical Christ might conduct itself League could play a similar role.
be baptized before they can join. Father Jo- as a Gild (Guardians of the Forests, page 27). The Priory of Saint Nerius (Realms of
seph regularly meets with the leaders of the The olive would be a good choice for a Power: The Divine Revised Edition, page 94),
Societas (at least once a year), and he has tree for such a Gild, given its association and the covenant of Cunfin (The Lion and
a good knowledge of who is a member. If with Christianity. Alternatively, the ex- the Lily, page 106) may also become al-
threatened by a magus, the father may try isting Apple Gild could become allies of lies of Father Joseph.
to seek help from the local members of the
Societas. However, the main purpose of
the Societas is to spread and discuss Father
Joseph’s ideas, and to be a kind of embryo
A Christian Mystery
of the father’s new vision for the Order —
As presented here, the Societas of the possibility of the Societas (or a se-
he expects that the first Grandmaster of
the Mystical Christ is not a Mystery lect inner circle) having access to Mys-
the Order of Hermes will be drawn from
Cult; it is a political faction. However, tery initiation scripts that offer members
among the leaders of the Societas. Father
for your saga you might like to consider Divine Virtues.
Joseph is content to let the magi of the So-
cietas claim credit for his ideas, if they wish.
The Societas of the Mystical Christ is Father Joseph mobilizes the few members character of magi from neighboring cov-
known of by the papal curia and some sym- of the Societas within the Tribunal to se- enants. Alternatively, if the player charac-
pathetic bishops. A magus who identifies cretly shelter him. He is moved from loca- ters are not yet recruits to Father Joseph’s
himself, to high-ranking Church officials, as tion to location throughout the Tribunal, cause, they may stumble upon agents of
a member of the Societas is accorded respect preaching, and (hopefully) slowly convert- the Societas who are investigating the
and legitimacy. If a magus member of the ing magi. The persecution (and even death) good characters of Tribunal magi.
Societas identifies himself when he makes a of a few of his followers is not necessarily
petition to the papal curia (see The Church, a disaster for Father Joseph; martyrdom is
pages 46–48), he receives a +3 bonus to his
Petition Total. Although the Societas is not
one of the ideals of Christian sacrifice.
The covenant magi may be local mem-
Hermetic Benefices
a secret, knowledge of it is not common (ei- bers of the Societas of the Mystical Christ
ther in Hermetic or Church circles), so low- who must hide the father, and carefully When a priest of the Church is or-
ranking Church officials are unlikely to be transfer him to new safe locations. Alterna- dained, he is offered a benefice, which is
impressed as they do not know what it is. tively, the magi might be members of the an income collected from his parishioners’
The Societas of the Mystical Christ Societas in a neighboring, less pagan-dom- tithe contributions. Indeed, a priest cannot
uses the old Roman Christian emblem inated Tribunal. In this case, they are called technically be ordained unless there is a va-
(the superimposed Greek letters chi and upon to provide support to their brothers cant benefice for him. Organizations, like
rho), followed by the astrological sign for across the Tribunal border. Finally, the magi monasteries, can also be assigned a ben-
mercury as its symbol. could be hoplites or Quaesitors of the Tri- efice, in which case the monastery keeps
bunal asked to hunt down and eliminate the main proportion of the tithe and pays a
Father Joseph and his disruptive supporters. priest to officiate in the parish church. See
Story Seed: The Church (pages 41–43) for further details.
Christ Underground Father Joseph proposes to assign ben-
Story Seed: The Good News efices to Hermetic covenants, so that the
If the Tribunal is dominated by pagan covenant will keep the majority of the tithe,
(or other anti-papal) magi, Father Joseph’s Magi who are known to be pious Chris- employ a priest in the parish church, and
proposals are met with strong resistance. tians are sometimes recruited by the Soci- forward a small proportion of the tithe to the
In this case, the members of the Societas etas of the Mystical Christ, rather than di- local bishop. This is exactly what a monas-
of the Mystical Christ need to be very se- rectly by Father Joseph. The Societas tries tery does. The purpose, from Father Joseph’s
cretive and cautious — they run the risk of to research potential recruits, to determine point of view, is to enmesh the covenant in
concerted Wizard’s War from the dominant by their writings and deeds whether they the mundane and ecclesiastical communities
Tribunal pagans. Of course, such a repres- will be sympathetic to the new vision for a that surround it. Father Joseph hopes that
sive environment is something that the religious Order of Hermes. the magi will become more interested in
very early Church also experienced, and If the player characters become mem- the affairs of the parish (a healthy, produc-
the challenge of preaching to a bastion of bers of the Societas of the Mystical Christ, tive parish means a larger tithe), and that the
paganism is welcomed by Father Joseph. they might be asked to testify to the good covenant will thus come to occupy a similar

position in the community to a monastery. year to assess the crop yield of each field. Story Seed: Heretics
As far as most magi are concerned, The tithe is one-tenth of the yield. Usually,
the wealth of the benefice is convenient, this task is performed by the parish clerk, The dean of the rural priests located
but if magi really want wealth, they can but the magi might use the opportunity near the covenant has fallen into a heresy
just create it with Creo Terram effects. to search for vis sources within the parish. (perhaps he is a Cathar), and a number of
However, a well-defined relationship with Negotiating a tithe that included naturally his priests have followed him. The cov-
their community would simplify mundane occurring vis among the wheat or other enant’s representatives are invited to at-
relationships. Having a similar status to a produce would be an efficient way for the tend a synod called by the dean, and they
monastery (and being supported in this by covenant to increase their vis stocks. recognize the dominance of this heresy in
the Church) would also allow a covenant the theological discussions. The covenant
to convincingly deny aid to local nobles must choose whether to report this heresy
seeking magical assistance. Synods and Tribunals to the bishop or let the heretics continue.
If the magi report the heresy, they might
be called upon to help rehabilitate (or sup-
Story Seed: First Rights Synods are regional meetings of cler- press) the dean and his followers. If the
gy. They are essentially the clerical ver- magi ignore the problem, they might also
The pope directs the bishop of the lo- sion of Tribunals, though held much more be accused of heresy when the bishop (or
cal diocese to grant several benefices to the frequently and (usually) for much smaller archbishop) eventually discovers it.
covenant. This counts as a Typical Income geographical jurisdictions (see The Church,
Source for the covenant. However, the page 45). Local noblemen or their repre-
bishop removes benefices from a chapter of sentatives are often invited to synods to Story Seed:
canons in order to grant them to the magi. discuss items of mutual interest to the cler- Opulent Council Chambers
The canons are outraged, and are deter- gy and nobility, and Father Joseph tries to
mined that their income must be returned. encourage sympathetic bishops and arch- The covenant invites the local bishop
Of course, the bishop was aware that his ac- deacons to likewise invite local magi to to send a representative to their yearly
tions would annoy the canons. The canons their synods. He also encourages magi to council meeting. The bishop’s representa-
are from the second most powerful church reciprocate and invite bishops and abbots tive (a deacon) is a severe ascetic, and he
in the diocese (after the bishop’s cathedral), (or their representatives) to attend Tribu- is concerned at the ostentatious and ex-
and he is concerned that the canons have nals and covenant councils (as non-voting travagant wealth displayed in the council
become too powerful and wealthy. The speakers or observers). chambers. The deacon complains to the
magi of the covenant make a powerful ally As a legate, Father Joseph has the au- bishop about the wealth of the covenant,
(and gain wealth) if they assist in suppress- thority to call special synods if he needs and the bishops writes the magi, asking
ing the canons. However, the canons make to, and he can invite whomever he choos- them to explain their sources of income.
for bitter enemies. On the other hand, if es. However, he prefers to encourage the The bishop might be merely curious (and
the magi refuse to take the benefices, they regional clergy to invite magi to more rou- perhaps fishing for gifts) or he might fol-
make an enemy of the bishop. tine synods. This is because Father Joseph low the ascetic concerns of his deacon.
wants to create a real, long-lasting rela-
tionship between magi and the Church,
Story Seed: Care of Souls rather than something that requires his
ongoing personal intervention.
The Bishop’s Court
The covenant magi are granted a ben-
efice. They must now find a priest to pay If relations between the ecclesiastical
to perform mass in the parish church (from Story Seed: authorities and the magi of a diocese are
which the benefice is collected). Once he Slanderous Accusations proceeding well, Father Joseph encourages
is established, the priest occasionally turns the bishop’s court to seek the assistance of
to the magi for help with the needs of the In 1215, the papacy decreed that slan- magi in performing investigations. Hermet-
congregation — perhaps the magi can der was a canon crime. The local bishop ic services would be valuable in establishing
help cure diseased farm animals, or help believes that magic is not evil. However, he the authenticity of miracles, and the facts in
find a lost child, or determine who is lying has learned that a number of priests in his some cases of canon crimes.
in an argument between merchants. diocese have been preaching that magic and Of course, magi who assist the bish-
magi are the tools of the devil. The bishop op’s court could be accused of acting as
decides to call all his clergy to a synod to court wizards. However, this is exactly
Story Seed: The Tithe clarify his position on magic, and to clarify what Father Joseph wants. He wants such
the papacy’s position on slander. He invites a case to be brought before the Tribunal,
The covenant magi, or their agents, the magi of the covenant to attend the synod and for the Tribunal to rule (and add to
must travel throughout their parish once a to help demonstrate that they are not evil. the Peripheral Code) that such activities

are not Hermetic crimes. Of course, Father magi to convert is likely to be counter-
Joseph will not embark upon this stage of productive. He also does not want to be-
his plan until he is fairly confident that his come distracted by converting individual
Hermetic allies will be able to successfully magi; his target is the entire Order.
push his agenda at Tribunal. Even a defeat
over this point at Tribunal might not be
a disaster; a second-best outcome may re- Story Seed: The River Jordan
sult in the creation of a Tribunal precedent
that acting as an ally to the bishop’s court Following the model of John the Bap-
is a lesser Hermetic crime, punished by a tist at the Jordan River, Father Joseph sets
relatively low vis fine. up a mission at a covenant on the banks
of the Danube. He offers to baptize any
magus who wishes to convert in the living
Story Seed: waters of the river.
Authentic Miracles A group of pagan magi arrive, want-
ing to be baptized, but they are pursued
Reports of a holy man, living in a small by the jealous, troublemaking, animalistic
village within the diocese, reach the bish- spirits of their pagan cult. The magi of the
op’s court. It is said that the holy man heals covenant might be the hosts of the bap-
lepers who pray and fast with him. The tisms, in which case they (and their grogs)
bishop asks the magi to report on whether need to deal with the manifestations of
the holy man is a conduit for miracles, a the pagan spirits. Alternatively, maybe
charlatan, or possibly some sort of wizard the player characters are the converting
(hedge or otherwise). pagans, in which case they need to defeat
their jealous, former gods.

Story Seed: Possession

The summer is unusually hot, dry, and

The Grand Master
still. In the town square, the foul stench
of the tanneries swarms and tumbles, Father Joseph ultimately needs the Or-
and outside the cathedral the cobbles are der to align itself behind a Grand Master
stained with dark blood. The thick blood who can be acknowledged by (and an-
was spilled when a family of Jews was mur- swerable to) the pope. There are several
dered on the cathedral steps during the possible ways that this could come about.
warm, starry twilight of the previous Sun-
day. No one in the town seems to know • The pope, on the recommendation of
who is responsible for the murders, and Father Joseph, could declare a magus
the bishop fears that some of the towns- to be the Grand Master of the Order
folk are possessed by a murderous demon. of Hermes. This is Father Joseph’s least
Anxious to prevent a wild pogrom, the preferred method, as a Grand Master
bishop asks the magi to investigate and declared in this manner would not be
deliver the town from the demons. seen as legitimate by most magi.
• A magus, probably a member of the So-
cietas of the Mystical Christ, could de-
Conversion and Baptism clare himself the Grand Master of the
Order of Hermes. This is little better
than a declaration made by the pope, as
Obviously, Father Joseph’s long-term the majority of magi would be unlikely
plan for the Order does not tolerate the to fall in behind such a usurper.
presence of infidels and pagans. Father • The Grand Tribunal could vote on,
Joseph tries to convert such characters, and declare a Grand Master, who can
and convince them to submit to baptism then be acknowledged by the pope.
— however, he only tries to do so by theo- This is Father Joseph’s preferred meth-
logical debate. Father Joseph is not stupid, od, as such a Grand Master would be
and he is aware that threatening or forcing generally perceived to be legitimate.

A second-best option would be for a clearly resolve the issue by acknowledging will result in a replacement legate being
regional Tribunal to declare a Grand one of the Grand Masters — however, the sent from Rome. Alternatively, if the Di-
Master, with the other regional Tri- papacy does not know which faction has vine actively supports Father Joseph, then
bunals then being forced to choose the most support. Alternatively, one of the a miracle might restore his mind.
whether or not they support this player characters may be named as one of Attempting to similarly interfere with
Grand Master (or declare their own). the opposing Grand Masters. the mind of the pope is a possibility too.
However, to prevent the idea arising again,
Obviously, however the Grand Master the minds of numerous other members of
is selected, there will be a lot of political the papal curia might also need to be ad-
intrigue about who will be the Grand Mas-
ter, and whether it is possible for there to
be a Grand Master at all. A Grand Master
What Might justed on an ongoing basis. This is risky, and
the Divine might miraculously intervene to
save the pope anyway. If discovered follow-
(especially one widely seen as illegitimate)
could also become a target for certamen
the Magi Do? ing this strategy, the magi would almost
certainly be prosecuted for interference in
challenges or Wizard’s War. the mundane, not to mention incurring the
The papacy and Father Joseph do not Father Joseph plans for a radically trans- wrath of the Church and its leadership.
care how the Grand Master is selected, formed Order, and magi have to choose
how long he serves for, or how and wheth- some response, even if that response is to
er he can be challenged for his title. All
that concerns the papacy is that there is a
ignore him and hope that he goes away. Enlistment
mechanism to select a Grand Master that
most of the Order feels is legitimate. Father
Joseph believes it best that, at each Grand
Ridicule The magi might decide to join Father
Joseph’s mission, either as members of the
Tribunal, the archmages of the Order vote Societas of the Mystical Christ or an in-
a magus to the office of Grand Master, who Many magi likely laugh at Father Jo- dependent group. Magi helping Father Jo-
serves until the next Grand Tribunal meet- seph’s attempt to embrace and transform seph may be asked to defend him (or other
ing, similar to the way that the pope is cho- the Order. In their minds, the Church and Church officials) from other magi. Father Jo-
sen by the cardinals of the Church. the Order are irreconcilable forces. Father seph also asks his converts to travel among
Once the Grand Master has been Joseph points out that Rome itself was the Tribunal covenants, seeking conversions.
chosen, an agreed version of the Periph- once a pagan capital; the world turns and Ambitious magi who join Father Jo-
eral Code is disseminated and supported changes with every dawn. seph are likely to want to be involved in
by the Church as the canon rules for the Certainly, ignoring Father Joseph stops negotiating with Rome the precise terms
new Order. The papacy expects the new the magi from being accused of causing a by which the Order reinvents itself as a
Order to continue to administer itself, catastrophic confrontation between the holy order. A politically skilled magus
almost without change, through its own mundane and Hermetic worlds. However, may also be interested in maneuvering ei-
institutions such as Tribunals and Houses, the danger is that not every magus ignores ther himself or a protégé into the office of
in much the same way that the mundane the father, and so the Order as a whole Grand Master of the Order.
religious orders govern themselves. Even- might suffer another Schism War. Ignoring Magi who join Father Joseph run the
tually, the papacy may try to encourage the father is only a short-term solution. risk of Tribunal charges of endangering
the new Order to become more monastic the Order through mundane interference.
(segregation of magi and magae, a prayer
routine, elimination of violence as a legal Befuddlement
tool, etc.), but this is a battle the Church
is content to leave to future generations.
In the East
Father Joseph has Magic Resistance,
due to his Church rank and the relic he The Eastern Orthodox Church does
Story Seed: carries. However, he is not immune to not in 1220 acknowledge the superiority of
Order and Anti-Order Hermetic interference with his mind. Spe- the western Latin pope (see The Divine Re-
cialist magi can quite simply destroy Fa- vised Edition, page 83). This means that, in
The Rome and Normandy Tribunals ther Joseph’s mind, make him lose interest the eastern Tribunals, many Christian magi
both proclaim rival Grand Masters. The in his mission, or turn him onto the path will belong to the Eastern Church, and thus
magi of the Order are split between sup- of temptation and damnation. This might might not support Father Joseph. On the
porting the two rivals, and as respected well be successful. However, Father Jo- other hand, large parts of eastern Mythic
magi, the player characters are approached seph represents the papacy. So, if the pa- Europe are occupied by western crusaders,
by Father Joseph to broker a compromise pacy is truly supportive of his ideas, then and consequently there are a number of
between the two factions. The papacy can at best, the befuddlement of Father Joseph Latin churches, Latin religious orders, Latin

priests, Latin bishops, and Latin magi in An alliance of previously mutually tial involvement of the nobility, the crusade
eastern Mythic Europe. The siege mental- hostile magi, bishops, and nobleman may would have to provide opportunities to
ity of the Latin crusaders means that mun- thus form to oppose Father Joseph. acquire land and resources. Although the
dane crusaders’ groups are likely to support Order does not generally (at least, openly)
a papally endorsed Order of Hermes. own substantial tracts of land, the various
If Father Joseph operates in the east
of Mythic Europe, the Eastern Church fa-
Martyrdom “tame” nobles who might defend the magi
do own land. The prospect of legally cap-
thers may respond by trying to create a ri- turing the lands of these “heretical” nobles
val Greek version of the Order of Hermes. Murdering Father Joseph is obviously would provide considerable motivation for
However, it is ultimately up to the Greek an option. Although he has some Magic minor noblemen, from all over Mythic Eu-
and Latin magi to decide whether the Or- Resistance, he is still vulnerable to magic rope, to join in the crusade. Major nobles,
der of Hermes will become divided like or mundane assassins. However, it is pos- like Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II,
the mundane Church. One option is that sible that a miracle could save the father might also welcome the opportunity to
a single Grand Master tries to walk the fine from an assassination attempt. meet crusade obligations without need-
line between loyalty to Rome and to Con- ing to wearily travel to the ends of Mythic
stantinople. Another option is parallel Latin Europe. The involvement of a major noble
and Greek Grand Masters, who might be Saint Joseph would rapidly escalate the crusade.
either hostile or friendly toward each other. Apart from dealing with crusaders,
Although Father Joseph is not an the magi responsible for murdering Father
unusually holy man in his life, he be- Joseph and triggering a crusade would
Dominion comes a saint if martyred. See Realms of
Power: The Divine Revised Edition (page 85–
certainly be prosecuted at Tribunal for in-
terference in the mundane. Even if a cru-
89) for the powers he might acquire as sade does not happen the murderers still
If Rome can establish a Grand Master a saint. As a saint (perhaps a patron need to explain themselves in Tribunal.
of the Order of Hermes, can a magus be saint of wizards), Joseph attempts to Mundane authorities, perhaps aided by
elected to the papal throne? Ambitious (or continue his mission — even if a cru- sympathetic magi, also try to identify and
mad) magi might see Father Joseph’s ideas sade is declared against the Order prosecute the murderers of a papal legate.
for the Order of Hermes as a vehicle to
carry magi into an open position of power
over all of Mythic Europe. Father Joseph has certainly contemplat-
If this does not occur to the player
characters, then perhaps the Societas of
the Mystical Christ (or a faction of it) is
ed the possibility of his martyrdom — there
are plenty of precedents of churchmen be-
ing martyred trying to convert pagans or
really a cabal of power-mad Tytalus magi.
It is possible that Father Joseph has been
heretics. The father is not suicidal, but he
has accepted that he may die in office.
Father Joseph
a pawn of the magi all along, even as far Unfortunately, Father Joseph’s death is
back as his days as a Hermetic notary. unlikely to solve the problem of his ideas. Father Joseph can easily be adapted
At best, assassinating Father Joseph merely as an antagonist for a wide variety of cov-
causes a delay until the papacy learns of his enant power levels.
My Enemy’s Enemies death and assigns a successor. The new leg-
ate is likely to be accompanied by members • His Magic Resistance can be scaled by
of the military orders, and though still vul- adding Faith Points to his relic.
A number of Church figures — for ex- nerable to a magical attack, would be much • The number and power of his Hermetic
ample, Bishop Orris (in this book) — are better prepared to defend against mundane allies (mainly, the members of the Soci-
unlikely to be pleased about Father Joseph’s attack. In addition, the Societas of the Mys- etas of the Mystical Christ) can be cho-
plans. Dissenting churchmen, perhaps tical Christ continues to push Father Jo- sen to suit the power-level of your saga.
including other members of the papal cu- seph’s agenda, and support the new legate. • The Church’s enthusiasm and sup-
ria, may be willing to work with magi to At worst, it may be that the papacy real- port for the legate’s mission can be in-
suppress Father Joseph’s mission. Well-in- ly wanted Father Joseph to fail. Perhaps the creased or decreased.
formed churchmen may even directly ap- papacy really wanted to provoke the Or- • For a very high-level saga, it may be in-
proach magi for assistance. If they learn of der. In this case, the assassination of Father teresting if Father Joseph’s influence is
Father Joseph’s mission, the powerful noble Joseph provides the pope with the perfect more advanced. Perhaps a Grand Master
courts of Mythic Europe also (perhaps pretext to preach a crusade against the Or- has been proclaimed and the rest of the
rightly) fear the consequences of a papal der. The military orders and other devout Order is faced with either submitting to
court with control over a large, allied order individuals immediately answer such a call the Grand Master’s (and Rome’s) author-
of such powerful wizards. to crusade. However, to gain the substan- ity or falling into a new Schism War.

Chapter Five

Bishop Orris
The bishop of the diocese in which the Bishop Orris is an opponent best suited bidden from meddling in mundane affairs,
characters’ covenant is found, Bishop Orris to a covenant not entirely divorced from but the mundanes are not similarly prohib-
is both blessed and cursed. He is blessed in the mundane world. The bishop has great ited from meddling in theirs.
that he is sensitive to the presence of evil influence over the local population, and his If you have already established the
and can see the good in people’s hearts. antagonism toward the characters can cause diocese into which the player characters’
His curse is that he can also sense magic, them great difficulties, but his impact is less- covenant falls, then Bishop Orris can be a
but is incapable of distinguishing the pres- ened if the characters are socially isolated. new appointment to the episcopal seat, or
ence of magic from the presence of evil; to His story works best if he is presented else be the incumbent bishop taking on a
him, they seem the same. This delusion, as a puzzle that needs to be solved, rather more prominent role in the saga.
coupled with his piety and his dread of the than a monster to be defeated. The bishop
Infernal, makes him a dangerous antago- is a good man who has the interests of his
nist when he happens across the player
characters and becomes convinced that
flock in mind while he opposes the char-
acters. In many ways, he highlights the
The Bishop’s Cathedral
they are in league with Hell. problem faced by the Order; magi are for-
The bishop’s seat should be a city
near the characters’ covenant, so they fall
within Orris’ diocese. The cathedral is a
minor pilgrimage site, thanks to its relic
of St. John the Apostle, and the constant
flow of pilgrims is both a nuisance and a
revenue stream to the cathedral staff and
its congregation.
The bishop’s staff consists of a sec-
retary, several archdeacons, a cathedral
chapter of canons, and a host of assistants
in minor orders. Each archdeacon heads
the canon court within his archdeaconry
(a subset of the entire diocese), and ad-
ministers the interests of the Church
there. The canons attend to the cathedral
itself, and constitute the choir for which it
has become famous.
The cathedral described here is writ-
ten in a generic enough manner that it
can be slotted in to most cities in western
Mythic Europe. It need not be dedicated
to St. John the Apostle, but could still pos-
sess a major relic of the saint; the location
of St. John’s Hand is not known in Mythic
Europe. If your saga is not set under the
authority of the Roman Church, you will
need to alter some of the details to ac-
count for the differences between Western
and Eastern Christianity.

Archdeacon Geoffrey Deacon Adam Father Peter

Age: 51 Age: 32 Age: 67

Personality Traits: Avaricious +3, Self Personality Traits: Loyal to Bishop +3, Personality Traits: Practical +3, Hon-
Important +3, Social Climber +2 Obsequious +3, Jealous +2 orable +2, Brave +1
Geoffrey is the most senior of the arch- Adam is the devoted secretary of Bish- Father Peter is the provost of St. John’s
deacons within Bishop Orris’ diocese, and op Orris. In fact, he is much more than canons, and the bishop’s confessor and
the only one to be ordained as a priest. simply an appointments clerk: he is both confidant. He therefore has the potential
Geoffrey is a political creature, at home chamberlain and steward to the bishop’s to have a great deal of influence over Bish-
among the intrigues of the episcopate, and personal household, and also acts as the op Orris, but has never exercised any such
likes to consider himself the power behind bishop’s manservant. He is jealous of his power. Father Peter is old, and suspects
the throne. This is not the case: Bishop Or- position at Orris’ side, and loathe to per- his time is short; he worries that there is
ris is wise to his ambition, and ensures that mit anyone else to get as close; conse- no one to take his place. He recognizes
he has little actual influence. Geoffrey has a quently, he is overworked and almost al- Brother Theodoric as a true mystic, re-
weakness for money, and is not above skim- ways exhausted. specting his power and simultaneously
ming money from the diocesan funds if he discounting him as suitable for a worldly
thinks he can get away with it. task such as his own.

Bishop Orris
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), orange-red, but has faded to pure
Com +4 (2), Str –1 (1), Sta –1, Dex –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), white; apart from his tonsure, he
–1, Qik –1 (1) Dead (21+) has a full head of hair. His eyes are
Size: 0 Abilities: Ancient Greek 3 (translation), a clear blue, and his nose is large and
Age: 57 (47) Area Lore: Diocese 4 (parishes), Artes hooked. He is a strong orator and
Decrepitude: 1 (0) Liberales 2 (rhetoric), Charm 3 (in- clever rhetorician, able to infuse his
Warping Score: 1 (5) voking saints), Civil & Canon Lore 5 powerful voice with emotion to stir
Confidence Score: 1 (3) (papal bulls), Concentration 3 (while men’s hearts.
Faith Score: 0 (1*) praying), Divine Lore 2 (Cantores),
* from participating in the sacrament Etiquette 4 (the Church), Folk Ken 4 Unlike many bishops, Orris was not
of the Eucharist. (penitents), Intrigue 5 (church poli- a member of a monastic order prior to
Virtues and Flaws: Senior Clergy; Edu- tics), Latin 4 (liturgy), Leadership 6 his appointment, but was a parish priest
cated, Great Communication, In- (holy influence), Magic Sensitivity within the diocese he now rules. This ‘lo-
spirational, Magic Sensitivity, Privi- 3+2 (practitioners of magic), Native cal boy made good’ story has contributed
leged Upbringing, Puissant Magic Language 5 (exhortation), Organi- to his local reputation, and the cathedral
Sensitivity, Sense Holiness & Unho- zation Lore: Church 5 (clergy), Or- city in particular is proud to have him as
liness; Meddler, Mistaken Identity; ganization Lore: Nobility 3 (pious their bishop. Bishop Orris benefits from
Clumsy, Lesser Malediction (cannot nobles), Organization Lore: Order of being able to preach to his parishioners
distinguish evil from magic), Fear Hermes 0 (2) (legal issues), Philoso- in their own language as a native, and
(the Infernal)*, Noncombatant, Poor phiae 2 (theological concordance), from knowing the specific problems of
Hearing Profession: Preaching 4 (swaying his diocese.
* from Warping hearts), Ride 1 (on roads), Sense Ho- Note that both of the bishop’s Su-
Personality Traits: Protective of Flock liness & Unholiness 2 (good), Theol- pernatural Abilities are aligned to the
+4, Paranoid About Hell’s Intentions ogy 7 (biblical knowledge) Divine realm, so he suffers no penalty in
+3, Brave +2, Devoted to God +2 Equipment: Ruby ring of office, clerical any supernatural aura, and gains any Do-
Reputations: Just 4 (Local), Trustworthy vestments. He may also be carrying minion aura as a bonus. His high Warp-
3 (Ecclesiastic) the relic of St. John (see The Cathe- ing score and low Decrepitude score re-
Combat: dral of St. John the Apostle, later), sult from the holy blessings he receives
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, particularly if he has cause to fear for from the cathedral’s cantors (see later).
Damage n/a his life from supernatural sources. The bishop can rely on the substantial
Soak: –1 Encumbrance: 0 (0) resources of his cathedral, most notably
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Appearance: The bishop is tall and its relics, but when he enters the saga, he
Unconscious stick-thin. In his youth, his hair was does not routinely carry them with him.

Brother Theodoric canons feel snubbed that they have not of Men, pages 40–41), Bishop Orris has
been initiated, but Brother Theodoric is a working knowledge of the Order of
Age: 42 oblivious to this, and Father Peter works Hermes, although some of it is erroneous,
Personality Traits: Pious +5, Other- hard to negate any tension and ill feeling. thanks to misinformation spread by the
worldly +3, Hopeful +1 Theodoric has True Faith. Order. He knows that magi are organized
Brother Theodoric is the de facto leader locally into covenants, but conceives these
of the Holy Tradition of Cantores at St. to be similar to cathedral chapters or mon-
John’s. He has no true leadership qualities,
but is the chief chorister and most expe-
What the Bishop asteries. Unless they have taken pains to
conceal it, he is aware that the characters’
rienced of the holy magicians. He estab- Knows About the Order covenant falls within his diocese and is
lished the Cantores here a decade ago, possibly aware of its name, but has not
and carefully chooses new recruits based In common with other lords secu- been sufficiently concerned to learn more.
on the visions he receives. Some of the lar and spiritual of Mythic Europe (Lords He has never met a magus before, and

The Cathedral of St. John the Apostle

As described in The Church (pages the True Cross (Faith score 1), 3 other up to 10 people at Range Voice from mis-
48–51), churches can be described using minor relics (Faith score 1). Special- siles, hurling the weapons back at their
the same system as covenants. This in- ists: provost of canons (Theology originators. The power protects against
sert describes the resources that Bishop 5), chief chorister (Holy Music 8), any missile, whether thrown or shot, and
Orris, as head of his diocese, has avail- 4 Cantores (Ceremony 5), 3 canons can even affect objects impelled by mag-
able to him. He may use any of these (Organization Lore: Church 5), arch- ic. The attackers must defend against
resources for himself, just as a magus can deacon (Civil & Canon Law 7), 2 no- their own missiles, as if they were the
utilize the resources of his covenant. The taries (Profession: Scribe 5), exorcist targets of their own attacks; Penetration,
Hooks and Boons described here can be (Divine Lore 6), deacon (Profession: if necessary, is calculated using the relic’s
found in The Church and Covenants. Steward 5), 4 doorwardens (Brawl Might. Once invoked, the power persists
5), 8 acolytes used as clerks, scribes, until it is no longer needed — typically
Hooks: Pilgrimage Site (Major, Sur- messengers, and distributors of alms at the end of combat. This effect emu-
roundings), Urban (Major, Site) (Organization Lore: Church 4). Vis lates one of St. John’s miracles.
Boons: Aura (Major, Site); Chapter of Can- Sources: 3 pawns Creo vis (tears on Curse of Drowning, 2 points, Init +8,
ons (Minor, Church), Edifice: Lady the statue of St. John the Apostle), 5 Aquam. The target of this curse begins
Chapel (Minor, Fortifications), Edifice: pawns Imaginem vis (echoes in the to vomit forth sea water, and starts to
Chancel (Minor, Fortifications) cathedral following Easter Mass), 2 drown. The relic’s wielder must continue
Resources: Divine Aura 5, rising to 6 pawns Vim (water washed off the to concentrate, and can end the effect
in the Lady Chapel. Books: The Bible chancel steps). (502 Build Points) at any time. While it persists, the target
(Summa on Theology, Level 10, must make Deprivation rolls (ArM5,
Quality 3; Summa on Organization page 180–181) every 30 seconds, and
Lore: Church, Level 3, Quality 3), The Hand of can take no other action. Once the ef-
Parish Register (Summa on Area Lore: St. John the Apostle fect is ended by the wielder, if the target
Diocese, Level 3, Quality 5), The Mis- is still alive but took any wounds from
sal (Tractatus on Organization Lore: Evangelist and prolific writer, St. John drowning, then these become Long
Church, Quality 7; Tractatus on Mu- was called ‘The Beloved Disciple’, and Je- Term Fatigue levels instead.
sic, Quality 7), Breviary (Tractatus on sus made him the guardian of the Blessed
Organization Lore: Church, Quality Virgin. He was the brother of St. James
8), Sentences by Peter the Lombard (4 the Greater, and the two were known The Rib of
Tractatus on Theology, Quality 9), as the Sons of Thunder. St. John died at St. Martin of Tours
The Decretum by Gratian (Summa on Ephesus. The Hand of St. John is one
Civil & Canon Law, Level 5, Quality of Christendom’s most significant relics, The patron of beggars, horsemen,
11), Sic et Non by Peter Abelard (Sum- as it is the hand that penned the fourth and soldiers, St. Martin of Tours is a
ma on Theology, Level 5, Quality Gospel, three Epistles, and the Book of popular saint in France and Italy. His Rib
13), 8 other Tractatus on Theology, Revelation. The Hand has a Faith score has a Faith score of 2, giving it 2 Faith
Civil & Canon Lore, and Organiza- of 4, giving it 4 Faith Points and a Divine Points and a Divine Might of 20. It also
tion Lore: Church (Quality 7). Rel- Might of 40. It also has two Powers. allows the holder to activate the saintly
ics: Hand of St. John (see later), Rib Turn Back the Missile, 2 points, Init +5, power Grant of Serenity (Realms of Power: The
of St. Martin (see later), Fragment of appropriate Form. The Hand can defend Divine Revised Edition, page 88).

expects them to be dressed in blue robes
with tall, brimmed, blue hats and carry- The Cathedral Chapter of St. John
ing staves. He is also aware that the Order
regulates itself through a series of laws and The canons of the cathedral consti- Brother Theodoric’s piety to guide them.
secret Tribunals, and that it is democratic tute a Holy Tradition of Cantores (Realms In recognition of this non-interference,
in nature. of Power: The Divine Revised Edition, page every year the cathedral chapter gath-
In general, Bishop Orris is suspicious 93-94) who practice their devotion to ers to perform a ritual blessing of the
of magic, since he has encountered sorcer- God through music sung in plainchant. bishop’s health, which has resulted in
ers before whom he knew, deep down, to There are five members of the Holy Tra- a bonus to his aging rolls of +5 (Holy
be evil (thanks to his Lesser Malediction dition at St. John’s, including the chief Music / Blessing 50). This has continued
Flaw). He has been told that not all wiz- chorister Brother Theodoric. There are for 10 years, and has resulted in Warp-
ards and magi are evil, and on a rational also four other members of the cathe- ing for the bishop.
level believes this to be possible. Never- dral chapter who are not Cantores, but Brother Theodoric can lead a cer-
theless, he knows that God has blessed occasionally participate in their group emony of the four Cantores and receive
him with the ability to identify evil, and ceremonies (one of these is the provost a +24 bonus to miraculous effects (from
reserves judgment until he has had per- of the chapter, Father Peter). The five the total of the Cantores’ Presence +
sonal experience of them. Cantores employ Holy Music, Invoca- Holy Music). With the full chapter of
tion, Blessing, and Enchanting Music nine canons present and performing a
as their favored Abilities, and regularly ceremony without a leader, the total bo-
Variations on a Theme employ the last of these to infuse the
congregation with a sense of wonder for
nus is +46 (+25 group bonus, –9 partici-
pants, +30 from total of the Cantores’
God, or other emotions appropriate to and canons’ Presence + Holy Music). If
If the storyguide is interested in using the Mass being celebrated. they use the Invocation Method rather
Bishop Orris as an antagonist, but feels Bishop Orris is aware of the abilities than Holy Music, the bonus from the
that the character does not quite fit within of the Holy Tradition, and is in awe of Cantores’ Communication + Invocation
his saga, there are a number of options their faith. He has rarely asked them to is +14 for a led group and +16 for an
as to how his character can be changed. use their miraculous powers, trusting in unled group.
Note that several of the options in this
section could be combined.
Other Motives morally or supernaturally, and desire the
characters’ demise out of sheer malice.
Not a Bishop As written, Bishop Orris is motivated Perhaps the magi have had a beneficial
by his episcopal duty as a shepherd to pro- effect on the local community, and this
As an antagonist, Orris’ story re- tect his flock against the wolves of the Or- is too much for a corrupt Bishop Orris
volves around his desire to protect those der. However, his methods can remain the to stomach. This variant should be care-
for whom he is responsible against the same while his motives change. He may fully considered; the cliché of a corrupt
threat that he perceives the characters not be deluded by his powers at all, but in- churchman can be easily overused, and
to pose. If the saga does not have a suit- stead desire the downfall of the characters the ethical dilemmas of this story are lost
able bishopric nearby for Bishop Or- for different reasons. He may resent the if the characters are right and the bishop is
ris to head, it is not essential that he is apparent power that they have, or desire wrong. Furthermore, in Mythic Europe, it
a bishop for this story. Naturally, some possession of a resource (such as a source is less likely that a truly corrupt man would
elements will have to be altered to match of income) that they have claimed, and so attain an episcopal rank — not with the
his changed status. The least disrup- he plots their destruction for his own gain. active interest of angels, saints, and holy
tive change is to make Orris an abbot: If Bishop Orris is motivated by selfish- men looking out for the church.
an equivalent ecclesiastic rank, but head ness, he is less likely to receive assistance
of a cloistered community rather than a from the Cantores at his cathedral; in fact,
member of the secular clergy. the characters may find a potential ally A More Powerful Bishop Orris
For a complete change, Orris could in Brother Theodoric. He is still able to
be the preceptor of a local chapter of the manipulate the other institutions of the Bishop Orris is already reasonably pow-
Knights Templar, or even a pious noble- Church, thanks to the authority of his erful, not because of what he is, but rather
men with links to the clergy, perhaps rank, but it will be easier for the charac- who he is. If the storyguide believes that
through a younger brother. For either of ters to overcome these obstacles — if the he would not pose a sufficient challenge
these options, it might be necessary to re- bishop is driven by worldly desires, his al- to her players’ characters, there are a few
build Orris’ statistics to make him a more lies may be less loyal. ways in which he can be enhanced. Making
martially focused character. Taking alternative motivations to the him an archbishop or cardinal would in-
extreme, Bishop Orris could be corrupt, vest him with a personal Magic Resistance

which stacks with any provided by the rel- The Visitation cahoots with the archdeacon: he invents
ics he carries. He would also gain the Com- sins and then earns money from the sum-
manding Aura by virtue of his position (see mons and subsequent fines at the court.
Realms of Power: The Divine Revised Edition, page Every year, a bishop is obliged to visit
42-43, or The Church, page 26). An arch- the parishes within his diocese. He must
bishop’s cathedral should have another 500 examine the state of the clergy and con- The Arrival
build points to spend on resources, such as gregation, ensure that the buildings and
more specialists and more vis that could be land owned by the Church are well-main- The bishop’s entourage arrives in mid-
employed by a larger chapter of Cantores. tained, and to deal with any Church busi- afternoon, and the whole parish attends
The Cantores of the cathedral could be al- ness. This obligation is normally devolved to see him. It is rare to see the bishop,
lowed access to more Holy Powers, and to Orris’ archdeacon, but he has fallen ill, and there is a festival air. A feast has been
use their powers at the bishop’s direction. If so the bishop has decided to perform the arranged for the visitors, paid for out of
they have the Understanding Power, then visitation in person. parish revenues, and it is as lavish as the
they can grant Bishop Orris Divine counsel The yearly visitation probably is of parish can afford. Bishop Orris is accom-
and visions of the future, making him aware little interest to magi. It may be that the panied by his secretary, four acolytes, and
of the actions of the characters and able to archdeacon is usually more lax than the four guards hired from his cathedral city,
plan appropriate responses. bishop, and most years he doesn’t bother for a total of ten people. If the region has
If Orris’ home city is the site of a pre- visiting every parish, missing the more re- a reputation for being lawless, there may
ceptory of Templars or Hospitallers (or mote ones (such as that of the covenant). be more guards: they are responsible for
conceivably Teutonic Knights, depending However, news reaches the covenant that protecting not only the clergymen, but
on the location), then these allies could the summoner has called a person to face also the alms and wages they carry with
be brought into play sooner in the story, the bishop’s court on a charge of sorcery. them. A player can make an Intelligence
and pose a serious challenge to the charac- In itself, such a case should attract the at- + Organization Lore: Church simple roll.
ters. The Church Knights are veterans of tention of magi, who are forever nervous If he succeeds against an Ease Factor of 9,
siege warfare, and are particularly effective about such accusations being laid against the character is aware that this is an unusu-
against a covenant, if their siege engines them. If the storyguide thinks that a bit ally small retinue; two or three times this
are protected by a Blessing supplied by the more spice is needed to pique the interest number is permitted, and can be a great
Cantores that grants Magic Resistance. of the characters, then the accused can be drain on the resources of the parish.
somehow linked to the covenant. He may This should be the first time that the
have worked for the covenant in the past, characters have come met the bishop per-
A Weaker Bishop Orris or been a recipient (willing or not) of their sonally. Players can make an Intelligence
magic. Perhaps it is the farmer who sells + Organization Lore: Church roll to see
It is not necessary to change the bish- his crops to the covenant, or even some- what they know about him. Lacking this
op’s character to make him a weaker op- one in the covenant’s direct employ. The Ability, they can still make a roll of a stress
ponent for the player characters: just make accused could even be linked directly to die plus the Bishop’s Reputation (4). The
him less ardent in his pursuit of them. A one of the covenfolk — a relative of one of character knows everything under the
bishop is a busy man with many demands the favored grogs, or even a Dependent or highest Ease Factor they beat, and under
on his time, and even if he genuinely be- True Love of one of the player characters. all lower Ease Factors.
lieves the characters to be a threat, he can If a magus is notorious for a crime (in the
afford to move against them slowly unless technical sense that there are witnesses to Ease What is Known
they retaliate. him performing magic), then he may be Botch Provides information about a dif-
summoned himself. ferent bishop.
If the accused is intimately connected 3 This is Bishop Orris.
to the characters, play through the sum- 6 He is considered a fair man; the

First Encounter mons. The summoner is a sub-deacon of the

diocese who is paid by the accused, not the
court, for issuing the summons. He justifies
men of his city are proud of him.
He is a local, having grown up
only about ten miles from here.
The initial encounter between Bishop this by reasoning that if he didn’t do this 12 He is influential in his city, and
Orris and the player characters could take job, the accused would be ignorant of the by all accounts a powerful orator.
a number of different forms. The key fea- charges against him and be found guilty in 15 In the past, he has taken a very
ture is that the bishop gets close enough absentia. The charge he levies is appropriate hard line against sorcerers.
for his Magic Sensitivity to alert him to the to the income of the character — basically,
characters’ magic. One example of such an how much he thinks he can get away with. The feast takes place in the open
occasion is given later, but the storyguide Summoners have a disreputable job that at- air if the weather is appropriate, or in a
might have other opportunities for the tracts accusations of trivial summons purely shelter made by removing one wall from
characters to rub shoulders with a bishop. to extort a fee. Perhaps this summoner is in a barn if it is not. Food is provided only

for the visitors, the parish priest, and one
or two local figures such as the reeve or
notable freemen. However, trestle tables
have been laid out for the peasants to eat
whatever food they have brought with
them, and the bishop has generously
donated several barrels of ale to share
among them.
It is possible that a magus or compan-
ion from the covenant will be invited to sit
at the bishop’s table, although this is only
likely if the characters have a substantial
presence in the parish, and are considered
well-known or important enough to dine
with the bishop. Thanks to The Gift, it
is unlikely that a magus has a sufficiently
good reputation to receive such an invi-
tation, but if he does (or has The Gentle
Gift), then the encounter between the
magus and the bishop that precipitates the
rest of the antagonism occurs over supper
(see later).

The Bishop’s Court

On the day after his arrival, the bish-
op holds court within the parish church.
However irregular the summons or the
charges, the accused would be wise to at- wisdom, during which time he exerts his The court commences with the dea-
tend the bishop’s court and defend himself. spiritual authority and tempers the Domin- con reading a checklist of all items having
A simple platform has been built in front ion aura toward Justice (see Exerting Holy to do with the upkeep of the church, the
of the altar, and a table and chair have been Influence, later, or Realms of Power: The Divine collection of its tithes and dues, and the
placed on it. The bishop sits in judgment on Revised Edition, pages 38–40). This is not a conduct of the priest and congregation.
this platform, accompanied by a notary and normal procedure, but the bishop’s fear of The assembled parish is required to swear
his secretary Deacon Adam. A large propor- the Infernal, coupled with the charge of sor- that each of these duties has been execut-
tion of the parish’s freemen attend, standing cery, leads him to this course of action. The ed correctly, providing evidence such as
in the nave. Bishop Orris begins by lead- temper provides a bonus to all activities that church ledgers as proof.
ing the parish in a prayer for justice and promote the uncovering of secrets. The bishop is the sole judge of guilt
and innocence, and the court claims juris-
diction over moral offenses and matters
The Legal Status of Magic connected to religious obligations, and all
crimes committed by clergymen. There
While regional variations certainly ex- ners of holy magic still claim it invokes the are not many cases to be tried: a case of
ist, practicing magic in and of itself is nei- symbolism of sacrilegious rites through its brawling in the church, a failure of certain
ther a secular nor a canon crime in most gestures and words (Realms of Power: The Di- individuals to attend religious festivals,
of Mythic Europe. However, the mode of vine Revised Edition, page 66-69). A character and a case of a woman giving birth after
practice or effects of magic can be illegal. who hears (and understands) the words only seven months of marriage. You could
For example, if magic is used to commit and sees the gestures of a magus casting also add cases arising from story events in
theft or murder, then the magician has a Hermetic spell can make an Intelligence the last year. Most of these cases are dealt
committed a crime. Similarly, if perform- + Artes Liberales roll to recognize influ- with through monition (official warnings),
ing magic involves idolatry, then this is ences from pagan sources; the Ease Factor small fines, and public penance. Charac-
punishable by a canon court. Hermetic is 9 for a non-Ritual spell and 6 for a Ritual ters may notice that the bishop hands out
magic was purged of overt idolatry by spell. The individual may interpret these judgments fairly, and is prepared to give
Bonisagus, but theologians and practitio- influences as idolatrous. defendants the benefit of the doubt with-
out appearing unduly lenient.

of the covenant to stand witness for him.
The Bishop’s Magic Sensitivity Should one of the magi stand witness for
the accused, then the bishop detects his
Bishop Orris can sense manifesta- the characters are just bystanders, magical ability when he takes the oath. He
tions of the Divine, Infernal, and Magic then they are in a Dominion aura does not interrupt proceedings, but takes a
Realms, thanks to his Supernatural Abil- of 4. Subtract 3 times the aura from good look at the witness, resolving to find
ities. In the presence of such things, he their Magic Resistance while within out more about him. Naturally, if magic
feels momentarily dizzy, and breaks out the Dominion. is used to persuade witnesses to step for-
a cold sweat. If the sensations come from • The Just temper of the Dominion ward, then the bishop may detect this too.
the Divine, he experiences an upwelling adds to the bishop’s Magic Sensitiv- If he does, he is likely to call off the whole
of joy, and rays of golden light seem to ity roll. proceedings and drag the accused back to
shoot from the source of Divine power. the cathedral for a full trial, since Hell is
When experiencing either the Infernal If the characters cast a spell, then clearly trying to interfere here.
or Magic Realms, he finds it uncomfort- Orris may detect that instead, or he If insufficient witnesses attest to the
able to look directly at the place, ob- might detect an enchanted item car- character of the accused, then Bishop Or-
ject, or being, and it seems shrouded in ried by a companion or grog. Magic ris convicts him of the crime. Depending
gloom and hollow despair. In all cases, Resistance may not be an issue in such on the seriousness of the case, he might
he must Penetrate any Magic Resistance cases. If the bishop’s Magic Sensitiv- demand a public penance (typically, wear-
to receive any sensation at all. ity fails to Penetrate, the character ing a white sheet before the congregation)
The Ease Factor to detect a person is aware that something has been re- or a fine. If magic was deemed to have
with the Gift is 15 – (highest Art divid- buffed by her Magic Resistance and been used to commit a major crime, then
ed by five or highest Supernatural Abili- may elect to investigate, giving the the defendant might be turned over to the
ty). Against Hermetic magi in particular, bishop more opportunity to detect the mundane authorities for another trial.
this is quite difficult. However, take into presence of magic.
account the following modifiers: In all, it is possible for Bishop Orris
to detect the character’s magic, and mis- Orris’ Dilemma
• The bishop is next to the altar, and takenly identify it as evil. If all else fails,
therefore in a Dominion of 5. This the storyguide could simply rule that he Ultimately, the outcome of the case
adds to his Magic Sensitivity roll. is successful, for the sake of dramatic ne- does not matter to the furtherance of the
• If a character is on trial, she is also cessity. Even storyguide characters roll plot; the purpose of this story is to allow the
within the Dominion aura of 5. If ones on occasion. bishop to be exposed to the magical nature
of a magus and to detect the stench of Hell
on him. If this did not happen as a direct
When it comes to the accusation of is brought before him. Pulling himself to- result of the trial, then another excuse for
sorcery, the accused is brought forward gether, he delivers an impassioned speech the bishop to come across a player magus
and the charges against him described. to the crowd about the seriousness of the should arise, even if it is just a chance meet-
As explained in the nearby insert, magic case and the dangers of sorcery to one’s ing on the road or at an inn. If the covenant
is not a crime per se in Mythic Europe; the eternal soul. Nevertheless, he is bound by maintains a chapel, then the bishop’s visi-
legal accusation brought before the canon his own sense of justice, and cannot con- tation could legitimately include the cov-
court is that the magic was effected by vict on hearsay alone. enant to ensure that it is being well main-
exhorting pagan entities, and thus idola- The bishop resorts to compurgation tained — and the covenant’s Magic aura is
trous. The charges may be entirely falsified to settle the case. He asks for witnesses very easy to detect if it is not entirely en-
or entirely true, depending on the specific to step forth and attest to the character closed in an Aegis of the Hearth. Alternatively,
situation chosen by the storyguide, but of the accused. They are asked to take an the bishop might receive testimony from a
the accusation is based on hearsay rather oath on the Bible he has brought with him priest who has witnessed a spell being cast,
than tangible evidence. that the defendant is of good character or even heard confession from a grog or
and incapable of the crime of which he servant of the covenant who admits to hav-
has been accused. If at least 12 persons ing done the bidding of witches and sor-
Compurgation take such an oath, then the accused will cerers. In these circumstances, the bishop is
go free. Parishioners are reluctant to come sure to investigate further before deciding
If the accused is indeed a practitioner forward initially, concerned about being on a course of action.
of magic, or currently under the influence seen as supporting a potential sorcerer. After becoming convinced of the wick-
of a spell, then the bishop may detect this This is particularly true if the bishop has edness of at least one of the player magi,
thanks to his Magic Sensitivity (see in- lectured on the perils of witchcraft. The Bishop Orris returns to his cathedral. There
sert). If the bishop detects the presence of accused is permitted to appeal to individu- he meditates on his face-to-face encounter
magic, then he blanches as the defendant als for help, and may implore members with evil, and prays for guidance. He is torn

between an obligation to fight evil and a Exerting Holy Influence +2, and a 24 grants +3. The storyguide
need to protect the weak. His flock could should make a Holy Influence roll for the
suffer if he goes to war against the cov- bishop the first time in each season that
enant; besides, he lacks good information Orris’ first step toward protecting his the characters interact significantly with
on his enemy. He therefore decides to take flock is to provide them with some spiri- mundanes within the diocese.
things slowly, gathering information about tual armor against the deceits of sorcerers. The effect is subtle, but any storyguide
his foe while trying to bolster his parishes His sermons take up a common theme, characters whom the magi meet within the
against the evil in their midst. based around the cardinal virtue of Pru- diocese become more suspicious of their
dence, and demonstrate the points he motives, and less likely to exhibit blind
wants to make through practical examples trust. Longstanding vendors may recon-
from the bishop’s court. He interferes in sider the wisdom of trading with wizards,

The Bishop’s the exercise of secular justice as well, of-

fering guidance which proves well-consid-
ered, and publicly acts as a spiritual advi-
and allies might start asking for greater as-
surances from them. The player characters
and their covenfolk are not themselves
Arsenal sor to any who require it.
All Dominion auras within his dio-
affected by this temper unless they reside
within a Dominion aura.
cese take on a Wise temper (Realms of
At this point in the story, the char- Power: The Divine Revised Edition, pages
acters are probably entirely unaware that 39–40). In practical terms, individuals A Prudent Populace
they have made an enemy. While they go become more prudent, gaining a bonus
about their business, the bishop marshals to Personality Traits associated with Magi are used to people distrusting
his forces against them. What follows is a the temper, such as Careful, Cautious, them, but when everyone becomes more
gradual escalation of the bishop’s opposi- Chaste, Practical, and Prudent. Similarly, cautious around strangers and less naïve
tion to the characters until his actions force they become less Ambitious, Overcon- toward covenfolk, then it is possible that
a response from them, at which point the fident, Naïve, and Lecherous, taking a the grogs will notice. The locals also be-
story reaches its climax. This section de- penalty to appropriate Personality Traits. come more curious; they are actively in-
scribes the weapons that Bishop Orris has The bonus also adds to all activities that terested in the covenant’s business, and
at his command, and what stories might support making sensible decisions, and less likely to simply ignore the presence of
develop from their use. It is assumed that penalizes those that oppose prudent the covenant in their vicinity.
the characters react to the events triggered behavior. The size of the bonus or pen- If the grogs are used to leaving the
by the bishop’s actions; the consequences alty depends on the bishop’s Holy Influ- covenant in search of drink, gambling, or
of actions initiated by the characters are ence roll: Presence + Leadership + stress female company, they find a new paucity
dealt with in a later section. die. A total of 9 grants +1, a 15 grants of these vices. The covenant’s steward

The Nature of the Bishop’s Malediction

Orris’ Lesser Malediction Flaw is cen- This curse was laid on him by a su- inclination of a promising career. Given
tral to this story, and storyguides should pernatural being, and there are several op- the Supernatural Abilities he has, he
consider its provenance, as the player tions for how that occurred. God — or an could be a powerful enemy of demons,
characters may resolve the story by re- angel working under instruction — could so Hell muddies his ability to detect
moving the curse (see Resolution, later). have placed the curse on Orris as a means them, causing him to waste energy per-
The belief that magic is evil is a common of testing the player characters. They are secuting magical — and potentially in-
position in Mythic Europe, although by guiltless of any specific crime in this story, nocent — individuals.
no means universal; there are many who yet are persecuted by a powerful adver- Finally, the curse could be the result
know the truth. In the bishop’s case, he sary. The test is whether they can main- of a curse from a powerful hedge wizard
appears to have empirical proof of this be- tain the moral high ground and restrain or faerie. This is likely to have been a re-
lief because of his curse. He has had con- their power. It may be possible for them sponse to some event early in Orris’ life
crete exposure to the power of Hell, and to make the problem of Orris simply go in which he caused offense to such a be-
receives the same sensation of evil when away, but this is not a matter of what they ing. Curses of this type often obey the
he is around magic. Furthermore, Orris could do, but rather what they should do. dictates of poetic justice, so it is likely
has only ever perceived magic as evil, and Alternatively, a demon could be that Orris’ error was that he witnessed
in his mind there is no difference; he is responsible for the malediction. This something he did not understand and
not aware that it is possible to sense magic would have happened many years ago, jumped to the conclusion that it was the
separately from holiness or unholiness. before Orris was a bishop but showing work of the Devil.

(or whoever normally keeps track of its the characters at his next visitation. He is weaknesses, and possible crimes commit-
finances) notices that the covenant has particularly interested in any complaints ted with magic.
had a slight but steady increase in expen- brought to the canon court or local lord, A third source of information for
diture. The locals are less likely to offer any rumors about their activities both Bishop Orris may be available, depend-
credit to the covenant, and seem to have within the diocese and beyond, and any ing upon the saga’s assumption as to the
become shrewder at bargaining; whereas relations that they have with local no- amount of knowledge the Church has
before the covenant was able to make a tables. It can be assumed that anything about the Order of Hermes. If, as The
good deal, its agents now need to work contained within the local or ecclesiastic Church suggests, the pope has sent a legate
harder to make the same exchanges that Reputations of the characters or the cov- to represent the pope at Tribunal meet-
they did before. Characters who have enant is known to the bishop after this ings, Bishop Orris corresponds with that
regular dealings with locals can make investigation. legate to try to discover if he has learned
Perception + Folk Ken simple rolls. If He then turns his attention to more anything pertinent to the characters under
they beat an Ease Factor of 6, they are direct means of gathering information. the bishop’s scrutiny. Again, how much
aware that something has changed in the He hires a couple of agents to go into the the bishop learns through this route is
attitude locally, but beating an Ease Fac- villages and towns nearest the covenant highly saga-dependent.
tor of 9 is necessary to pinpoint it. An and find out as much as they can. The sto-
Intelligence + Divine Lore roll against an ryguide should think back over the stories
Ease Factor of 6 reveals that the temper she has told in the saga so far, and note Blocking the Bishop’s
of the Dominion aura is the most likely any blatant use of magic by the characters Sources of Information
cause of this effect. in front of witnesses, and any supernatural
event that attracted their attention. The Of course, the characters have op-
bishop’s agents do not necessarily discov- portunities to discover that someone is
Burning Bridges er the characters’ motives or the stories’ asking questions about them. These op-
resolutions, but they learn at least that portunities should be lightly scattered
The Wise temper is not simply turned the magi or their servants were associated through other unrelated stories without
against the characters; it affects all as- with the events. They also gather lots of drawing too much attention to them, so
pects of life in the diocese. All across the information that has nothing to do with that the characters only gradually realize
land, the common people start to act with the characters, but has been connected that someone is systematically investigat-
zeal and prudence, allowing practicality with or blamed on the magi and their ing them.
to overcome tradition. For example, the strange ways. Some possibilities include:
freemen of a town commission a bridge Working for the bishop, the agents
to cross the river, rather than walking are bold enough to approach any noble- • A “chance conversation” at a roadside
several miles to the existing one. In doing men or significant locals with whom the tavern between a grog and another
so, they attract the attention of a demon magi have a friendly relationship (or are customer turns out to be more prob-
builder (such as Architectus, see Realms rumored to have such a relationship), ing than the grog was expecting from
of Power: The Infernal, page 66). Three and ask subtle questions of their ser- a stranger.
times, they manage to outwit the demon. vants, serfs, friends, and enemies. The • An ally of the covenant asks in pass-
Shamed, the demon seeks revenge by agents may even have the opportunity ing if a particular character managed
framing them for diabolism and ensur- to approach the covenant’s own servants, to meet up with his cousin. Apparent-
ing that the characters see the “evidence.” but the bishop advises against this, un- ly, a distant relative came around and
Since the town’s new bridge is an edifice less he has already discovered that the was asking where his cousin lived, and
apparently built by evil magic, the cov- covenfolk have an uneasy relationship similar questions.
enant might seek to destroy it, but this with their masters. • A Quaesitor has been alerted through
only confirms what the bishop has been After the agents report back, Bishop his agents within the papacy that a
saying about them. Orris is in possession of a vast amount legate has received a question about
of information about the covenant. How the magi. He arrives at the covenant
much of it is accurate depends very much to investigate what they might have
Gathering Information on how subtle and secretive the charac-
ters have been over the covenant’s his-
been up to, without revealing the
true purpose of his visit. This may
tory. At the very least, he discovers the lead the characters to believe that
The bishop also sets about investi- names of most (if not all) of the magi at the Quaesitor is responsible for the
gating the covenant as early as possible. the covenant as well as many of the com- investigation.
He quizzes Father Geoffrey about them, panion characters, and the name of the
since they fall within his archdeaconry. covenant itself. At most, he could have a If the characters themselves have mun-
He tells his archdeacon to keep an ear to list of the sorts of magic each magus has dane agents, they could become aware of
the ground, and to ask questions about been known to use, along with strengths, the bishop’s agents, and attempt some

counter-intelligence action or reveal the they liken magicians to fraudsters, be- characters to conduct any business within
bishop as the source of all these questions. cause they falsify miracles; to fornicators the diocese, as they are met with sullen
It is best if such a story starts mid-encoun- and sodomites, because their crimes are obstruction, hostility, or outright fear by
ter, with the characters’ agents desperately against Nature and against God; and to any mundanes who recognize them. The
trying to get back to their masters with idolaters and blasphemers, because they Reputation also impacts negatively on the
some specific information. If the agents call upon demons. The friars do not re- loyalty of the covenfolk, causing grogs
do not survive the story, then neither the strict themselves to generalities; they lay to be surly and uncooperative (Covenants,
players nor the characters learn what was accusations of sorcery directly at the door page 40).
going to be passed on. of the player magi. They use any of the With the Black Friars in the region,
facts that Bishop Orris has gathered to the changes in local attitude become
support their accusations, but are honest much more blatant than they were under
The Friars Preacher with their facts and do not embellish or lie
for rhetorical effect. As described in Art &
the Wise temper alone. The covenfolk
are liable to hear rumors about their mas-
Academe (pages 13–14), those with Profes- ters — and possibly themselves — when
Armed with the information he has sion: Preaching are experts at persuading they interact with locals. Once the char-
gathered, Orris requests the assistance of crowds to their way of thinking, and the acters have become aware of the reputa-
the Friars Preacher, and the local chapter Black Friars are expert preachers. tion, they may attempt to discover its
house provides him with three capable The result of this concerted campaign source, and come across the Dominicans
individuals: Brothers Peter, Bartholomew, against sorcery in general, and the magi preaching in a village near the covenant.
and Alonso. The Order of St. Dominic of the covenant specifically, is the acqui- What happens if the characters take di-
was specifically instituted to combat her- sition of a bad Reputation at a score of rect action against the friars is covered in
esy and to sway the hearts of men against 1. Everyone identified as being involved a later section.
idolatry and sinful behavior, and the three with the covenant’s magic, even if they are
friars sent to the diocese are the sort who not themselves a magus, gains this Repu-
lead by example as well as through preach- tation. The exact nature of the Reputa- Blame the Witch
ing. Dominican friars wear distinctive tion might vary from person to person; if
black habits, earning them the moniker of particular crimes involving magic can be One consequence — perhaps the main
“Black Friars.” pinned to an individual, then they will be. consequence — of the negative Reputa-
Their preaching revolves around Each specific identifiable event adds an- tions imposed by the Friars Preacher is
God’s hatred of idolaters and sorcerers, other experience point to the Reputation, that the characters get blamed for every
likening them to murderers, adulterers, which increases as an Ability (ArM5, page misfortune that strikes the diocese. This
perjurers, and fornicators. Brother Alon- 167). Every season that the friars continue leads to any number of stories, until the
so, in particular, is fond of describing in to preach, the negative Reputation gains characters realize that they are the target
fine detail the horrors that face sorcer- another experience point. This Reputa- of an unusual number of rumors, and de-
ers in Hell. Using Scripture as a guide, tion gradually makes it difficult for the cide to find the source.

The Three Friars

Brothers Peter and Bartholomew look tumble. their message, they abstain from exces-
so similar to each other that they could Brother Alonso is from a distant king- sive drink and eat frugally. They travel
be brothers. They are not locals, but hail dom, such as Aragon or Sicily (change his together, but take it in turns to preach
from a region where the native language name to Alan if he is from northern Eu- in the market squares, only remaining in
is the same as the bishop’s diocese. Both rope). He has a thick accent, and appears each town or village for a few nights be-
friars are personable and maintain a to be entirely humorless. He uses his ap- fore moving on. If the characters actively
cheerful banter with each other that puts parent poor understanding of the local seek them out, it may take several days
people at ease. They have the demeanor language to maintain a distance between of tracing their steps before they can be
of the common-born (which they are), himself and the other brothers, although found.
but this hides their keen intelligence his command of the tongue is better than Realms of Power: The Divine Revised Edi-
and academic training. Brother Peter is he lets on. Alonso appears as a somewhat tion has a template for a Franciscan friar
more of a theologian than Brother Bar- sinister character who has an uncompro- that can serve as a basis for these Do-
tholomew, and has a great memory for mising attitude toward sin. minicans (page 96 ). They should have
Scripture. Bartholomew often plays the All three friars are of impeccable Profession: Preacher and perhaps the
fool to draw crowds, having perfected character. While they frequent ale- Puissant (Ability) Virtue in this Ability,
the pratfall and the head-over-heels houses and market squares to spread rather than Teaching.

• A faerie is bewitching cows and pre- • A rival covenant capitalizes on the Invoking St. John
venting bread from rising. When the player magi’s bad Reputation. Within
characters get the blame rather than the diocese, a church has been built the Apostle
the faerie, it no longer derives vitality on an ancient vis source. The rival
from its actions. While faeries cannot magi cause the church to collapse, al- If the characters make a direct and
actually starve through lack of vitality, lowing them to claim the vis from the overt move against the bishop or the dio-
it is transformed by its cravings into source. Naturally, the players’ cov- cese, Orris conducts a public ceremony to
something more dangerous. Simply enant is blamed. invoke St. John’s wrath against them. He
defeating the faerie does not end this calls upon the saint to punish the perpetra-
problem; the cause of its transforma- tor, attempting to invoke St. John (Realms of
tion must be addressed. Alternatively, Attracting Power: The Divine Revised Edition, page 87). If
a cognizant faerie might even accuse Unwanted Attention this fails, he repeats the attempt every day.
the characters of molestation, since If the characters’ crime was particularly
they are stealing vitality from it. A Quaesitor passing through the area heinous, and the saint has not responded
• If a player magus has a predatory famil- hears of the Reputation that the characters to Orris’ ceremony of invocation, Bishop
iar, it is accused of eating valuable live- have acquired, and begins an investigation. Orris humiliates the saint’s relic the follow-
stock. The creature summoned to the If the accusations against the characters ing week, attempting to threaten the saint
manor court, and it is tried for destruc- are specific, then this might appear to be into action (Realms of Power: The Divine, page
tion of the lord’s property. A group of a clear case of meddling with mundanes. 87—88). If either attempt succeeds, the
men are sent to the covenant to ensure The Quaesitor might even find enough evi- saint uses either his Curse of Drowning or Ignis
that the familiar attends court. dence to bring a case at Tribunal. Domini power against the character.

Biblical Injunctions Against Magic

The Black Friars might use some of them out from before thee. (Deuterono- wages, the widow, and the fatherless,
the following quotes from Scripture to my 18:10–12). and that turn aside the stranger from his
support their message: For rebellion is as the sin of witch- right, and fear not me, saith the LORD
craft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and of hosts (Malachi 3:5).
As for the illusions of art magick, idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Now the works of the flesh are
they were put down, and their vaunting word of the LORD, he hath also rejected manifest, which are these; Adultery,
in wisdom was reproved with disgrace thee from being king. (I Samuel, 15:23). fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
(Wisdom of Solomon, 17:7). Thou art wearied in the multitude of idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance,
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, her-
(Exodus 22:18). the stargazers, the monthly prognos- esies, envyings, murders, drunkenness,
Regard not them that have familiar ticators, stand up, and save thee from revelings, and such like: of the which I
spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be these things that shall come upon thee. tell you before, as I have also told you
defiled by them: I am the LORD your Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire in time past, that they which do such
God (Leviticus 19:31). shall burn them; they shall not deliver things shall not inherit the kingdom of
A man also or woman that hath a themselves from the power of the flame: God. (Galatians 5: 19–21).
familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor But the fearful, and unbelieving, and
surely be put to death: they shall stone fire to sit before it. (Isaiah 47:13-14). the abominable, and murderers, and
them with stones: their blood shall be And I will cut off witchcrafts out of whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idol-
upon them. (Leviticus 20: 27). thine hand; and thou shalt have no more aters, and all liars, shall have their part
There shall not be found among soothsayers: Thy graven images also will in the lake which burneth with fire and
you any one that maketh his son or his I cut off, and thy standing images out of brimstone: which is the second death.
daughter to pass through the fire, or that the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more (Revelations 21:8).
useth divination, or an observer of times, worship the work of thine hands. (Micah Blessed are they that do his command-
or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, 5:12–13). ments, that they may have right to the tree
or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a And I will come near to you to judg- of life, and may enter in through the gates
wizard, or a necromancer. For all that ment; and I will be a swift witness against into the city. For without are dogs, and sor-
do these things are an abomination unto the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, cerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,
the LORD: and because of these abomi- and against false swearers, and against and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and
nations the LORD thy God doth drive those that oppress the hireling in his maketh a lie.(Revelations 22: 14–15).


Extreme Measures sistance of all the clergy he can muster, and

the characters are cast out from the Church
prevent it, the covenant will be emptied as
its inhabitants flee the taint of anathema.
If Bishop Orris has not managed to and declared anathema. Anyone who know-
encourage his opponents to seek penance ingly associates with them inherits the spiri-
and be forgiven by God for their magic, he tual taint of excommunication. Those spe- The Church Knights
turns to more direct means of coercion. Be- cifically excommunicated are the “known”
fore he embarks on this more extreme road, wizards: that is, anyone the bishop’s evi- Having employed his most powerful
he preaches a sermon before a packed con- dence makes him believe has used magic. spiritual weapon, the bishop turns to the
gregation, picking an important holy day if At this point, the loyalty of the coven- most powerful earthly force he has at his dis-
possible, such as St. John’s Mass (Decem- folk must be seriously considered. Ex- posal — the Church Knights. There are sev-
ber 27th). He implores the magi to submit communication is a dreadful curse to any eral orders of the Church Militant that Bish-
to the earthly representatives of God and God-fearing person. An excommunicant is op Orris could call upon; which one he uses
surrender themselves to His mercy. Those denied benefit from any sacrament other depends on the saga’s location. In Iberia, his
magi who are known by name are specifi- than penance, and should he die, Hell is allies are the Order of Santiago. In Eastern
cally commanded to seek the forgiveness of almost a certainty. Unless the covenfolk Europe, it is the Teutonic Order, who oper-
God by burning their books, breaking their and turb are exceptionally loyal, or the ate out of Hungary. Nearly everywhere else
staves, and setting aside their magic (it is a characters take extraordinary measures to in Mythic Europe, the Knights Templar are
commonly held belief that a magus needs
a staff to perform magic; see Lords of Men,
page 41). The bishop ensures that a written St. John the Apostle
copy of this sermon is delivered to the cov-
enant. He waits a week for any response. Divine Might: 75 a true vision of the future, although it
Areas of Veneration: Authors, is clouded in mystical allegory. An In-
booksellers, friendships, against burns & telligence + Divine Lore of Ease Fac-
Excommunication poisoning, tanners tor 9 permits a rough interpretation; if
Feast: December 27 a higher roll is achieved, then more is
If the covenant ignores or refuses the Attributes: Chalice with a serpent, revealed.
demands of the bishop, then he follows book, eagle Heal Burns, 2 points, Init +0, Corpus:
through on his threat. Up until now, the Powers: Curse of Drowning (see This power heals any non-lethal wound
bishop has turned the populace against the relic, earlier), Expel Demons, Grant Vi- caused by fire.
characters, and the covenant might be of sions, Heal Burns, Ignis Domini, Purge Purge Poison, 1 point, Init +0, Corpus:
the opinion that this is as much as he can Poison (see later), Raise the Dead, Ter- This power drives poison from a person,
do. They are about to be proved wrong. rify the Unbeliever, Turn Back the Mis- causing them to vomit it forth. The tar-
Bishop Orris lays the ultimate spiritual sile (see relic, earlier) get is healed of any non-lethal wound or
sanction upon the magi: excommunication. Grant Visions, 2 points, Init +0, Imagi- fatigue caused by the poison, and takes
In a midnight ceremony at the cathedral, the nem: The target of this power receives no further damage.
bishop conducts this fearful rite with the as-

to the number of companions. The Church
The Bishop’s Frame of Mind contains the statistics for brother sergeants
and brother knights (pages 126–127); oth-
If the covenant has any spies in his chosen course of action is the only erwise, use the templates in Ars Magica
the cathedral, the player magi get an way to protect the people whom God Fifth Edition. The Church Knights are the
idea of the character of the bishop. He has placed under his care. From this, same as the Knight companion template
spends night after night in vigil, pros- they may realize that the bishop is not (ArM5, page 23), and fight as a trained
trate on the chancery steps, praying for a villain, and a peaceful solution can group with the commander as leader, who
a sign that his judgment is correct and still be sought. has a Leadership Ability of 5. The brother
sergeants have the Standard Soldier grog
template (ArM5, page 22), except for the
leader of each trained group of five men,
Anathema who is a Grizzled Veteran (ArM5, page
21). It is highly likely that each knight has
Excommunication is a terrible thing • The character attracts the attention a relic with a Faith of at least 1.
to happen to a Christian, but the social of demons. Should she die while still
threat of being anathematized is some- anathematized, then Hell wins an
times insufficient to coerce characters easy soul. Against the Covenant
(or players). After all, magi are social • The tenor of The Gift’s social pen-
pariahs anyway, and being shunned is alty changes, so that the character is Once the Church Knights have ar-
nothing new to them. In such cases, the now shunned by God-fearing folks rived in the region, they march on the cov-
storyguide may apply any or all of the specifically for her presumed impi- enant immediately. The characters may be
following game penalties to excommu- ety, rather than any other reason. forewarned if they have spies in the town,
nicated characters: • Other characters with Faith points but apart from that, they are likely to be
(for example, from receiving a sacra- unprepared. The Church Knights are ex-
• The immediate loss of all Faith ment) somehow know that the their perienced in war, particularly in sieges,
points, if any. Divorced from the own soul is imperiled by associating and if the covenant is well-defended, they
sacraments, the character cannot with the character. stockade it while preparing an escalade.
gain any more Faith points while ex- Rules for mass warfare and sieges can be
communicated unless she possesses All these effects disappear once found in Lords of Men (pages 109–116). As-
True Faith. the character has reconciled with the sume that the commander of the knights is
• The loss of one Confidence point as Church. Bear in mind that the intent of an experienced tactician with direct expe-
soon as she hears of the excommuni- excommunication is not as a vindictive rience in the Holy Land, and that he has
cation. This penalty can be a crush- punishment but as a medical penalty; a a team of siege engineers who can under-
ing blow to one’s self-belief. means to apply pressure to make a per- mine the covenant’s fortress.
• Gaining a Local reputation of son repent and return from the spiri-
“Anathema” at a score of 1. tual wasteland of anathema. Naturally, a
• The character’s baptismal name now character who is not Christian cannot be
becomes a sympathetic connection. anathematized, and suffers no penalty.
Direct Action
the most appropriate order. All of the mili-
tant orders are charged by the pope to fight
The Church Knights arrive in the city
with a great deal of pomp. The city folk
From the PCs
pagans and infidels, and the bishop is able to know why they have been called in, and
use the authority of his rank to persuade the greet them with enthusiasm — by this stage, The previous section describes Bishop
local commandery to assist him. the negative Reputation of the characters Orris’ escalation of hostility against the
The bishop turns to the Church is well-established. The knights come in characters on the assumption that they do
Knights only after he has tried excommu- force; in addition to the commander, there nothing but sit passively by and allow him
nication. By calling in the Knights, Bish- are at least five other knights, plus a dozen to slander their name, ruin their reputations,
op Orris is contemplating the spilling of or more brother sergeants. The exact size and then assault their covenant. He will not
blood; while he hopes that the mere repu- of the force should be tailored to the per- rest until he has destroyed the nest of evil in
tation of the Templars will prove sufficient ceived forces of the covenant, prior to any his diocese, and the covenant can only af-
to force compliance, he is also aware that desertions thanks to the excommunication. ford to ignore him for so long. This section
he must be prepared to follow through The Church Knights have at least as many describes some of the ways in which the
on his threat and condone military action brother sergeants as there were grogs in the characters could stop the bishop, and what
against the covenant. turb, and a number of brother knights equal the consequences of those actions might be.

Investigating Turstan, who has proven a source of minor Discovering the Bishop’s Curse
vexation to the bishop. Orris has not yet
Bishop Orris worked out he has a doppelgänger, but he A thorough investigation of Orris’
does hear occasional stories and sightings past reveals that he has faced both evil
As soon as the bishop’s interest in the of him from his parishioners that do not and magic before, and reacted the same
covenant has been noticed by the char- match his own movements. This Story way each time. Potential sources of in-
acters, they may wish to research their Flaw is due come into full force over the formation are monks who shared their
enemy much as he is researching them. course of this story. novitiate with Orris; penitent parishio-
He has a substantial reputation, and char- If the characters have agents in the ners who have meddled with petty mag-
acters with appropriate contacts in differ- city after this story starts who are specifi- ics; former victims of possession revealed
ent circles of society can find out various cally watching the bishop, they see him by the bishop; or even the ghost of a
pieces of information about him. leaving the cathedral one evening dressed witch who was slain by a lord after be-
In ecclesiastical circles, Bishop Orris is in a typical townsman’s outfit, clearly try- ing convicted of murder by sorcery in
well-regarded. He is the second son of a ing to avoid attention. This is, of course, Orris’ court. The characters can gather
wealthy knight, who was, or so the story Turstan. Archdeacon Geoffrey discovered evidence of Orris witnessing true evil, as
goes, was called to religion by a saint in him a few years ago, and has a small scam well as clear uses of magic — some of
a dream. He joined the Benedictines ini- going, where the archdeacon accepts a fee which were magic used for evil. These
tially, but following ordination, he secured from clients for arranging for the “bishop” cases point toward the bishop’s maledic-
a release from his monastic vows and took to perform a blessing on new work premis- tion, that magic appears as evil to him.
up a post as a parish priest against the es, business ventures, and so forth. Turstan This might spur the characters to discov-
wishes of his family. The abbey where he has just finished one of these engagements, er the source of that curse.
served his novitiate was abandoned soon and is off to spend his ill-gotten earnings To characters inclined toward resolv-
after he left (for entirely innocent reasons, at the local brothel. ing this story peacefully, discovering the
although the characters may not wish to If the characters follow Turstan for a nature of the bishop’s curse is crucial. In
believe that). He became known for his few days, believing him to be the bishop, this, they may be guided by an angel or
quiet faith, strong character, and efficien- they witness him drinking heavily, gam- saint, who could push them gently toward
cy, and no one was surprised when he was bling, consorting with loose women, and Father Peter, who knows the bishop better
elected bishop. doing deals with disreputable characters. than anyone. There is also the matter of
Locally, he is a popular bishop, at least Of course, the real bishop has impec- Turstan, the bishop’s double, who knows
in part because he is a local himself. The cable alibis for all of this debauchery, more about the curse than is first appar-
previous incumbent spoke the local lan- having been seen by several hundred ent. The means of removing the curse is
guage very poorly, and had a reputation townsfolk during Mass, the blessing of a dependent on its origin (see earlier), but
for being standoffish. Orris, on the other wedding of a guild-master, and distribut- could depend on the characters under-
hand, is well-known for his sense of jus- ing alms to the poor. If the player charac- going a pilgrimage or similar quest (for
tice. More than once, he has personally ters try to denounce the bishop publicly, guidance on running a pilgrimage, see The
intervened to mediate a dispute between the charges are so ludicrous that their Church, pages 15–19).
prominent locals, and he is a champion malicious intent will be obvious to all
of the poor and weak against the rich and who hear, only worsening the characters’
powerful. The city folk in particular are Reputations. Besmirching the
full of admiration for how he faces down However, Turstan is not just a con man Bishop’s Reputation
local lords who attempt to exert their au- with a coincidental resemblance to the
thority over the free men of the city. bishop (although this is what he will claim Bishop Orris is the source of all the
if confronted). He is intimately connected characters’ woes, and were he to lose
to the bishop’s curse, and his exact nature standing in the eyes of the cathedral chap-
The Bishop’s Mistaken Identity depends on what the storyguide has de- ter and with his archbishop, then his ac-
cided is the reason for that malediction cusations would hold less force, his allies
It is tempting for the player characters (see earlier). The scoundrel could be a di- might desert him, and he might even be
to assume that Bishop Orris is crooked; af- abolist in disguise, who has used his infer- removed from office.
ter all, they are the good guys, and he is nal magic to undermine the bishop’s good Attacking the bishop’s Reputation is
their antagonist — so he must have some works by taking his form. Turstan could be difficult, though, since he is well regarded
angle, mustn’t he? Storyguides wanting to his faerie tormentor, who occasionally vis- in the local community for a lifetime of
exploit this assumption can employ stories its the city to see how his victim is faring. good deeds. However, this tactic could
involving the bishop’s own Story Flaw. Alternatively, the double could be an an- bear fruit if the characters are prepared
Somewhere in the diocese, the bishop gel, waiting for the characters to confront to spend time on the project. The magi-
has a near-identical double. This indi- it so it can reveal the curse and set them on cal resources available to a magus could be
vidual is a local scoundrel by the name of the journey to remove it. invaluable in creating false evidence. The

characters must provide the bishop with points at half the rate of Brothers Peter, seek absolution. If the characters arrange
a bad Reputation through a significant Bartholomew, and Alonso. to speak with Bishop Orris, he assumes
event, then work to increase this Reputa- Rather than attacking the friars, the that this is why they are here and is eager
tion through their actions, much as the characters could decide to attack their to meet with them. However, the meeting
friars are currently working against them. ideas. A public debate with the friars probably does not go the way he hopes.
Once the negative Reputation exceeds could improve public relations; even if For him to give up his pursuit of the
the bishop’s current Reputation, the new the characters do not actually win, their magi, they have to agree to take part in
Reputation takes precedence, and people very willingness to partake in public dis- a public display of confession and contri-
start to believe whatever falsehoods the cussion could win them respect. Should tion. They have to approach the bishop,
characters are spreading. a challenge to debate be issued by the humble in demeanor and clothing. Before
In most parts of Mythic Europe, only characters, it attracts a great deal of at- the entire congregation, they must confess
the pope can remove a bishop from his tention, and their bad Reputation does their sins. They have to break their staves,
see, and characters may submit a petition not accumulate any experience points and swear on the cathedral’s relics to never
to this effect (The Church, pages 46–48). that season. If the characters instead sim- practice magic again. They must give up
However, any request to remove a bishop ply confront and debate the friars ad hoc, their familiars, and surrender their books
from office is thoroughly investigated by they do not benefit from this cessation in to the Church. Finally, they have to accept
papal legates, and the characters have to Reputation increase. whatever penance the bishop demands. If
work very hard to falsify the testimony Rules for debate can be found in Houses they agree to all of this, the bishop is happy
of the cathedral chapter, local dignitar- of Hermes: Societates (page 90) and Art & Aca- to welcome them back into the bosom of
ies, and locals who provide character wit- deme (page 104); the friars are restricted the Church, and take steps to undo all that
nesses on the bishop’s behalf. The charac- to the latter rules for academic disputatio, he has done so far. Note that the bishop is
ters’ influence with the local nobility and whereas magi are free to go beyond such not asking anything extraordinary; public
churchmen might be of use here, but also restrictions and be more flexible with confession of sins is standard practice.
lay them open to accusations of meddling their subject matter, but suffer the social There are not many magi who would
with mundanes. penalty from The Gift. If a magus or his voluntarily submit themselves to such
representative wins a debate, he immedi- humiliation, and it is highly unlikely that
ately earns a positive Reputation of 1 that they would truthfully swear to give up
Against the counters the negative Reputation imposed
by the friars. Depending on the subjects
their magic. However, the potential con-
sequences of falsely swearing under the
Black Friars covered in the debate, this positive Repu- circumstances demanded are too great for
tation may also apply to the other charac- magi to risk. Apart from the social impacts
One of the bishop’s principle weapons ters affected by the Black Friars’ preaching. if they were proven to have reneged on an
is the Friars Preacher and the bad Reputa- If the characters lose the debate, then oath, there are likely to be Divine conse-
tions that they impose. Rather than simply they have at least succeeded in prevent- quences as well, such as being struck with
permitting them to perpetuate these Repu- ing their Reputation from increasing fur- the Curse of Drowning by St. John the Apos-
tations, the characters may decide to meet ther in that season, unless they lose cata- tle and almost certainly anathematized.
them head on. strophically (by botching a debate roll), If the characters are unwilling to prove
Unscrupulous characters might be in which case they have done more harm their intentions are true, then the bishop
tempted to attack the Black Friars, or ar- than good, and the Reputation gains an will have nothing more to say to them. It
range their deaths. How they do this is additional experience point. Further de- may be possible to convince the bishop
critical. A public confrontation simply bates can be scheduled for the characters that magic is not evil; in which case the
rallies the locals against the attackers, and to either try again to win, or to capitalize story might be successfully resolved — see
three mysterious deaths in the middle of on previous success (earning 1 experience Full Disclosure, later.
the night simply add to the rumors of evil point per debate), since the friars are keen
magic active in the area. As a tactic, this is to engage in debate against their enemy.
dangerous and ultimately futile, since the A maximum of one debate per season can Prosecution by the Order
bishop simply arranges for some more to contribute to the characters’ Reputation,
replace them, and any rumors about their either positively or negatively. If the characters submit to the bishop,
demise add to the sermons their succes- they may be in for a rocky time within the
sors preach. However, the bishop does Order of Hermes. A local magus known
not have an unlimited supply of Domini-
cans; if deaths continue, their superior
Submitting to the Bishop for his dislike of the Church might accuse
them of endangering their sodales, since
will eventually refuse to send more. Fur- their actions could encourage the Church
ther, the original three friars are by far Perhaps the easiest way of stopping to bully more magi into submission. If the
the best the order has to offer, and subse- the bishop’s crusade against the characters characters actually forswear their magic,
quent Black Friars will increase Reputation is for all the magi to approach him and then they might be deemed to have left

the Order, depriving them of the Code’s lifting its vengeance on the bishop. The most important part of any face-to-
protection, and making it imperative to As explained earlier, if the curse has a face meeting is to convince Orris that mag-
slay them before they can betray the se- Divine provenance, then its intent may be ic is not evil. This may be difficult, given
cret of the Parma Magica. to test the characters themselves, rather the evidence of the bishop’s own senses, but
than to afflict Bishop Orris. In this case, the the characters can appeal to academic ex-
Lesser Malediction resolves itself once the planations, mysticism, or theology to con-
characters have learned their lesson. This vince him. It is vital that the characters ap-

Resolution might require them to perform some sort

of public penance, as described earlier.
Note that, if the curse was laid by a
pear as open and honest as possible; he is a
good judge of character, and if he perceives
any effort at deception, this could be disas-
The assault against the characters non-Divine power, the characters could, trous for the characters. The magi are also
amounts to a gradual attrition of good in theory, break it with Perdo Vim. Dis- asked to provide details about the Order of
will, rather than a direct attack, and the covering that there is a curse, and that it is Hermes, to correct areas of the bishop’s ig-
characters may not realize the peril until it responsible for the problems, then casting norance, which they may be reluctant to do
is too late to do anything about it. As a re- a spell on a hostile bishop bearing relics is for fear of breaking their Oath.
sult, resolution of the story may be equally likely to be hard enough to make Bishop Although roleplaying should be criti-
nebulous. There are three principal ways Orris a challenging antagonist, even if the cal in any attempt to convince the bishop,
in which the story can conclude: capitula- spell level required is fairly low. However, it can be resolved with the same mechan-
tion, hiding, or all-out assault. if one of the characters is a strong Vim ics as a debate (Houses of Hermes: Societates,
specialist, it might be better to give the page 90). The characters should be wary
curse a higher level and have it come from of using dirty tricks — when the bishop
Magic is Not a tradition with which the characters are
not familiar, so that they cannot invent a
meditates on the debate as he prays for
guidance, he should not get the impres-
Evil, Truly specific Perdo Vim spell. Learning enough sion he has been hoodwinked.
about the tradition to craft the spell takes If the bishop accepts that magic and
Removing Bishop Orris’ Malediction time, and at least one additional story. evil are separate, then he still has some
allows him to see that magic is not nec- stipulations before calling off his campaign
essarily evil. While the curse is in place, against the magi. He requires them to con-
Orris is incapable of reaching a satisfac-
tory détente with the characters — his un-
Full Disclosure fess and do penance for any crimes they
have committed of which he is aware. He
compromising attitude toward Hell does requests a church in the covenant, and for
not permit him to let up his persecution of In this scenario, the characters ap- Mass to be said there every Sunday with all
those who threaten his flock. proach Bishop Orris and tell him every- the magi in attendance. One of the Friars
The characters may attempt to resolve thing. Their ability to get close to him Preacher will be appointed priest in charge
the curse and free the bishop from its in- varies over the course of the story. At the of the church. He expects to see the cov-
fluence. If it was caused by a demon, de- beginning, he is strong and hopeful, and enant tithing to the Church (if they have
struction of the demon destroys its power will demand nothing less than full contri- not been doing so), and providing succor
over the bishop, particularly if the bishop tion (see Submitting to the Bishop, earli- for certain unfortunates of the diocese, car-
witnesses the actions of the characters. er). Toward the latter part of the story, his ing for the mad and the social outcast (this
The demon (or one of its minions) keeps resolve has weakened, since he is complicit might be a good supply of grogs, compan-
an occasional watch on the progress of the in excommunication and planning blood- ions, or possibly even apprentices). Finally,
event it set in motion so long ago, and cel- shed. This makes him more willing to talk once a year he will hear the confession of
ebrates the consequences of the whimsy to the characters, but it might be more dif- each magus. However, he does not de-
that caused it to so inflict Orris with the ficult to accomplish, with the knights of mand that they forswear magic for good.
curse. The characters can thereby track the Church Militant taking turns to guard He is quite inflexible about these stipula-
the demon and confront it. the prelate from treachery. tions, viewing any attempt to avoid them
If the malediction was caused by hedge If the magi meet the bishop in person, as recidivism. However, in a year or so they
magic or a faerie, then it’s likely that the and he suffers the effects of The Gift, they may be open to negotiation.
curse has some condition which, once ful- cannot persuade him of their innocence.
filled, ends its power. The characters could The bishop thinks he has direct evidence
discover that condition and aid the bishop
in breaking the curse. Discovering the con-
of the characters’ evil, and The Gift’s taint
reinforces this. If the characters present
dition might require tracking down the be- all have the Gentle Gift or are unGifted,
ing who laid the curse in the first pace, and or if the characters can somehow include In this scenario, the characters retreat
it might require some apology or reparation Bishop Orris in a Parma Magica, persua- from society. They either relocate to a dif-
before it is willing to aid the characters in sion may be possible. ferent diocese, or else take greater steps

to absent themselves from mundane life. of Hermes. Should a bishop who has been fenses fail, he can be killed with ease.
They might use powerful magic to hide causing problems for members of the Or- If the characters succeed in killing
the covenant, redirecting visitors or cov- der of Hermes suddenly meet an untimely the bishop, their problems are only just
ering all structures in an illusion. All food end, this will alert both ecclesiastical and starting. In addition to the legal issues
and supplies would have to be sourced Hermetic authorities, and the characters discussed earlier, the bishop’s replace-
from distant regions, using layers of agents find themselves on the wrong end of some ment could be worse than Orris. Know-
who transport goods to the covenant in very awkward questions. The simple fact ing some of what transpired previously,
secret. The magi could only leave the cov- that the Church wants to investigate the the cathedral chapter does not elect one
enant in disguise. matter will be enough for a Hermetic con- of their number to the role, but appeals to
Such precautions would be necessary viction for some Tribunals. the papacy for a suitable candidate. The
until their negative Reputation fades, at Implementing a plan to murder Bishop individual chosen to replace Bishop Orris
which point society forgets about them. Orris should not be simple. There is a is someone experienced with combating
The Reputation decreases by only 1 expe- good chance that he will be forewarned heresy, who is knowledgeable about the
rience point per year that the characters in a dream about any attempt on his life. Order of Hermes, and who has a great
do nothing to arouse suspicion, so it could If the characters have a reputation for deal of political clout. It would be unusual
take several decades for it to fade away ruthlessness, then he may be expecting — but not unheard of — for a cardinal to
entirely. By this stage, Bishop Orris has this action, and have hired bodyguards to take up the post, bringing with him his
probably died, and stories of the charac- defend him against direct assault as well own Divine Magic Resistance that stacks
ters have passed into legend. as keeping the cathedral’s relics nearby. with that from a relic.
Against magical attacks, the relic of St. The storyguide should not forget the
John provides the bishop with a Magic influence of the Divine either. Bishop Or-
Killing the Bishop Resistance of 40; the bishop is normally in
a Dominion aura of at least 4, increasing
ris was a good man, if misguided, and his
callous murder should not go unpunished.
his Resistance to 44. If he is assaulted, the At the very least, his ghost should be given
It might seem that murder is a simple bishop prays for a miracle to save him, and an opportunity to visit a close friend, such
solution to the threat posed by Bishop Or- the relic he carries can greatly assist this as as Brother Theodoric, and describe the
ris. There are a number of good reasons well. However, at the end of the day, Bish- circumstances of his death, ensuring that
why the characters might discount this op Orris is an aging man with absolutely the characters’ problem do not simply end
option, not the least of which is the Code no experience in combat, and if all his de- with the bishop’s death.

Chapter Six

Galerius of House Guernicus

Galerius is a Quaesitor who sees it as skill as a negotiator and peacemaker, and souls. Paulinus was simply unlucky enough
his personal mission to punish magi who his decades of selfless service to the Order. to pass through the town during that
do anything that potentially endangers A few years after Galerius passed his troubled time. A peasant he passed on the
the Order of Hermes. His idea of what Wizard’s Gauntlet, Paulinus, while traveling street shouted an accusation of witchcraft.
endangers the Order is extraordinarily alone, was murdered by an angry mob of Quickly, a mob formed. Paulinus tried to
broad, and he gets so personally invested peasants who mistook him for a witch. This disguise himself and slip away, but the mob
in his cases that his judgment becomes was a great blow to Galerius. He had idol- was able to maintain pursuit in spite of his
clouded. He is the sort who believes it is ized his pater, and his loss filled his with an- ever-changing appearance. Eventually, the
better to risk punishing the innocent than ger and bitterness. At first, his acrimony was mob seized him, dragged him to the town
let the guilty escape. directed at mundanes, but he soon learned square, and hanged him.
When confronted with evidence of the circumstances of the riot that killed his Galerius hunted down the careless ma-
some minor offense, Galerius takes um- pater. A rash magus had been casting spells gus, a Jerbiton named Holger Rosmer, and
brage and quickly concludes that the in public, frightening the common folk and charged him with endangering the Order.
suspects are mavericks who threaten the leading their bishop to deliver fiery ser- After a short trial, Rosmer was convicted
peace and rule of law. He makes it his mons about witchcraft imperiling Christian and punished with the death of his famil-
mission to bring them to “justice,” and in
the process, he loses sight of his duty to
obey the Code and to respect the rights of
magi. In truth, Galerius himself is a greater
threat to the Order than are any of the
magi he persecutes.
Galerius is best used if the characters
have done something questionable, or at
least if they have something to hide. It
is also possible to bring him into play by
having the magi falsely accused, either in
error or a frame-up. If there is really no
reason to suspect the magi of a crime,
Galerius isn’t a significant threat. In that
case, he can be used as an ally in the short
term. Do the magi notice his over-reach-
ing methods, and if so, do they dare risk
his ire by challenging them?

Galerius is a respected member of
House Guernicus in the Tribunal where the
characters reside. His pater was the illustri-
ous Paulinus, a now-deceased Quaesitor
known for his erudite legal opinions, his

iar. (Galerius had pressed for a Wizard’s
March, but cooler heads prevailed.) Aims and incident can escalate into a crisis. Galerius
also has a cynical view of human nature, and

Since Paulinus’ death over twenty years presumes that magi are constantly schem-
ago, Galerius has dedicated his career to ing against one another and sidestepping
prosecuting magi who he thinks endanger the Code of Hermes. He believes that only
the Order. He is well-known for his tire- vigorous enforcement of the Code prevents
less commitment to this work. Anyone who Galerius firmly believes that reckless be- the Order from spiraling into chaos.
knows Galerius’ Reputation knows that to havior endangers the Order. He has a vivid In fact, much of Galerius’ austerity
be investigated by him means real trouble. imagination for how a seemingly minor arises from unresolved feelings about his

Galerius the Quaesitor

Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +1, sonating mundanes), High German Bitter Taste of Betrayal (InVi 15/+24) (Houses
Com +2, Str –2, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik 0 5 (expansive vocabulary), Intrigue of Hermes: True Lineages, page 75)
Size: 0 3 (rumormongering), Latin 5 (Her- Sense of the Lingering Magic (InVi 30/+24)
Age: 54 (47) metic usage), Order of Hermes Lore Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi
Decrepitude: 0 3 (politics), Magic Theory 6 (12) (In- 20/+16)
Warping Score: 2 (5) tellego), Parma Magica 3 (Mentem), * Includes attunement bonus of talisman
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Penetration 3 (Intellego),Teaching 1 Talisman Effects:
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic (Magic Theory) Invisibility, PeIm 15, Pen 0, 3/day (Base 4,
Magus; Flexible Formulaic Magic; Arts: Cr 7, In 13, Mu 5, Pe 6, Re 5; An +1 Conc., +1 moving image, +5 levels
Affinity with Intellego, Great Intel- 5, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 9, He 5, Ig 0, Im because item maintains concentration)
ligence, Hermetic Prestige, Improved 7, Me 10, Te 0, Vi 10 Posing the Silent Question, InMe 20, Pen 0,
Characteristics, Skilled Parens; Driven Equipment: Opal ring talisman, wizardly unlimited uses
(protect the Order of Hermes from robes, two-minute hourglass, dagger Loss of But a Moment’s Memory, PeMe 15,
internal threats, Major), Restriction Encumbrance: 0 Pen 0, 6/day
(cannot cast under a cloudless sky); Spells Known: Talisman Attunements: Opal +2 images,
Ability Block (cannot learn Martial The Inexorable Search (InCo 20/+23) Opal +4 memory, Jewelry +4 protect
Abilities), Obsessed (finding evidence Sight of the Molting Magus (InCo 25/+23) self
of criminality), Unimaginative Learner (Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, page 72) Appearance: Galerius is a tall, thin,
Personality Traits: Driven to Protect the Whispers Through the Black Gate (InCo(Me) austere-looking man with an air of
Order +6, Loyal to Nightwing +3, Sus- 15/+23) accustomed authority and a brusque
picious +3, Fastidious +1, Forgiving –2 The Whole from the Part (InCo 15/+22) demeanor. He commonly wears wiz-
Reputations: Aggressive Investigator 3 Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe 15/+11) ard’s robes of fine woolen cloth em-
(Hermetic) The Ear for Distant Voices (InIm 20/+21) broidered with gold thread. Howev-
Combat: Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25/+23*) er, Galerius is rarely seen in his true
Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Aura of Beguiling Presence (MuIm 10/+15*) form unless he wants to be; he makes
Damage n/a (Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 96) frequent use of Disguise of the Trans-
Dagger: Init 0, Attack +2, Defense +1, Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm formed Image. His favorite disguises are
Damage +1 10/+15*) inconspicuous: a beggar, a peasant
Soak: +1 By His Works (CrMe 5/+21*) (Houses of laborer, a common peddler.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Hermes: True Lineages, page 73)
Unconscious Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10/+18) Galerius is a middle-ranked Quaesi-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), The Good Witness (CrMe 25/+22*) (Houses tor in the Tribunal where the characters
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), of Hermes: True Lineages, page 73) reside. (His native language and his spe-
Dead (21+) Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20/+24) cialty in Civil and Canon Law should
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (logic), Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+26) be modified to match the setting.) He
Awareness 3 (searching), Brawl 1 Mastery 2 (quiet casting, still casting) is known to be especially dedicated to
(dodging), Civil and Canon Law 2 Thoughts Within Babble (InMe 25/+24) his work of maintaining law and order
(laws and customs of Lorraine), Code Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20/+16) and rooting out wrongdoers. In fact, it
of Hermes 5 (mundane relations), Trust Me (ReMe 20/+16) (Houses of Hermes: is said that everyone he has investigated
Concentration 2 (spell concentra- True Lineages, page 73) has been found guilty of something. He
tion), Finesse 2 (fine control), Folk Invisible Sling of Vilano (ReTe 10/+6) (Hous- is also an acknowledged expert on mun-
Ken 3 (mundanes), Guile 3 (imper- es of Hermes: Societates, page 38) dane relations.


Familiar: Nightwing, the Raven of Virtue

The Raven’s base statistics (before Susceptible to Deprivation Magic Theory 1 (enchanting famil-
being bonded as a familiar) can be found Personality Traits: Loyal to Galerius +3, iar), Premonitions 4 (homicide), Sec-
in Realms of Power: Magic (page 62). Morbid +3, Nurturing +2, Raven +3, ond Sight 4 (ghosts), Stealth 1 (hid-
Understands Portents +3 ing in treetops), Survival 3 (fields)
Magic Might: 9 Reputations: Bad Luck 2 (local) Vis: 2 Intellego (1 in each eye)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +2, Pre –2, Combat: Gold Cord: 0, Silver Cord: 3, Bronze
Com 0, Str –7, Sta 0, Dex –1, Qik +5 Dodge: Init +5, Attack n/a, Defense +12, Cord: 0
Size: –4 Damage n/a Bond Powers:
Warping Score: 1 (8) Beak: Init +5, Attack +7, Defense +11, Mental Communication (complex), as per the
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Damage –6 Level 15 effect in ArM5, page 105.
Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal; Magi- Soak: 0 This effect works on both Galerius
cal Friend; Essential Virtue (understand Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, and Nightwing.
portents), Keen Vision, Unaffected by Unconscious Shared Senses, as per the Level 30 effect in
the Gift; Compulsion (steal shiny ob- Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), ArM5, page 105. This effect allows
jects), Weak Characteristics Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+) Galerius to use Nightwing’s senses,
Magic Qualities and Inferiorities: Im- Abilities: Athletics 3 (flying), Awareness but not the converse.
proved Abilities (x2), Improved De- 3 (shiny objects), Brawl 3 (dodging), Appearance: A raven whose eyes sparkle
fense (x2), Minor Virtue: Premoni- German 5 (sarcastic remarks), Hunt with unnatural intelligence.
tions, Minor Virtue: Second Sight; 1 (voles), Latin 5 (Hermetic usage),

pater’s death. He greatly admired Paulinus Galerius’ investigation may begin in Some actual transgressions that the
while he was alive. He feels a fierce drive response to a complaint by one of the cov- characters may commit, or be reasonably
to carry on his legacy, yet he has elevated enant’s Hermetic neighbors, but he can also accused of committing, include:
his teacher’s memory to the point where undertake investigations on his own ini-
he can never live up to it. He has trans- tiative. There must be some evidence of a • Scrying: As pointed out on page 14 of
ferred his guilt over his pater’s death onto crime to draw his attention — he doesn’t just ArM5, Tribunals tend to enforce this
the Tribunal and his fellow Quaesitors, wander into the area and start investigating clause of the Code strictly, yet it’s easy
blaming their laxity for Paulinus’ fate. pure speculation — but he willingly investi- to violate. Galerius himself enjoys lim-
Galerius is highly intelligent but is gates weak or circumstantial evidence. ited immunity from charges of scrying
blinded by his own preconceptions. He is while he is performing an investigation
very much concerned with harm that could (see Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, page
arise from magi’s actions, rather than with
harm that does arise from them. He sees it
Galerius’ Initial Suspicions 62), and he tends to rely on that immu-
nity very readily. He does not, however,
as his mission to punish magi who behave extend any leniency to his fellow magi.
recklessly, so they will learn to live in peace- The following are some suggestions • Dealing with Demons: Most Ars Mag-
ful isolation, as he thinks all magi should do. for what attracted Galerius’ attention. ica Fifth Edition players don’t want
Although his judgment is clouded, their magi to knowingly dabble in the
Galerius’ motives are sincere. If he is made Infernal, though the rules in Realms of
to realize that his over-reaching zeal has Plausible Basis Power: The Infernal make it possible. Still,
made a travesty of justice, he is devastated dealing with devils is another crime
and tries to make amends as best he can. If the player magi have made a mistake the Order takes extremely seriously.
in either not paying enough attention to Even accidental or seemingly innocent
the Code, or thinking they can get away acts can lead to charges, for example,
with breaking it, Galerius is a good way to against characters who unknowingly

First Encounter show that the Order does enforce its law. It
may seem to the players that they’re facing
an especially tough and dangerous Quae-
collect or use Infernally tainted vis. If
a demon or diabolist is known to have
frequented the area near the covenant,
Galerius is only interested in investigat- sitor, but in fact, Galerius’ over-reaching Galerius feels an investigation is neces-
ing cases that potentially endanger the Or- makes it easier to defend against his accu- sary to determine who has been cor-
der or other magi. Since he imagines dire sations. If they can expose his bias and his rupted. Since demons are famous for
consequences arising from the most minor ethical lapses, they stand a good chance of their ability to deceive Hermetic magi,
offenses, most Hermetic legal issues qualify. having the charges reduced or dismissed. it is easy for him to imagine their pres-

ence where none exist. The punishment crisis in Galerius’ mind. In Holger Ros- might have been kidnapped or mur-
for knowingly dealing with demons is mer’s case, the reckless behavior indi- dered by outlaws, fallen into a river and
always a Wizard’s March, so this option rectly resulted in the death of a magus, drowned, or been abducted by faeries.
is potentially very dangerous for the so it was easy for the Tribunal to see • The sanctum of a magus at a neighbor-
players’ magi. The story should hinge things Galerius’ way. In the player char- ing covenant has been burgled. Some-
on proving the characters either didn’t acters’ case, the potential harm their thing very valuable, such as an invested
come into contact with demons at all, actions might hypothetically cause can device or high-Quality book, was sto-
or didn’t recognize the evil at the time. easily become more important, in Gale- len. The rightful owner’s Arcane Con-
The storyguide should take extra care rius’ mind, than the actual repercussions nections to the stolen items have prema-
to give the players enough clues and be of those actions. Any reasonable Tri- turely expired due to Perdo Vim magic.
sure they understand Hermetic law and bunal is reluctant to set the precedent The theft was an inside job; a member of
procedure well enough, to give their of issuing harsh punishments for what the victim’s own covenant is to blame.
characters a good chance of acquittal. might have happened, so Galerius is very • A hedge wizard in the area has turned
• Deprivation of Magical Power: Simply likely to lose the case unless he can to diabolism. He shares some mutual
collecting vis from a disputed source is prove real harm was done. His emo- enemies with the covenant, and attacks
enough to trigger a charge of this crime. tions get in the way of his judgment those enemies with his Infernal powers.
If the characters are attacked by a magi- and he can easily become impassioned • A magus from another Tribunal has
cal beast within several miles of another about a case that has no real merit. This been selling enchanted items surrep-
covenant and slay it, that covenant may makes him into a paper tiger, but it can titiously to evade the normal rules
make a claim that the vis rightfully still make for a good story. Consider restricting the power and number of
belonged to them. Disputes over pos- this approach if your troupe has little items that may be sold. Nobles, cler-
sible familiars or apprentices also fall experience with legal stories. Galerius’ gymen, and rich merchants through-
into this category. If the covenant gets fearsome reputation and his aggressive out the region all vie with one another
dragged into more than one or two dis- pursuit of the case make the threat seem to collect the most impressive items.
putes over magical resources, Galerius serious, but the actual danger to the
decides they are habitual troublemakers magi is much less than it appears. Expe- There are many other story seeds
who need to be taught a lesson. rienced troupes might see the weakness throughout various Ars Magica Fifth Edi-
• Mundane Interference: Exactly what in Galerius’ case early on, but there re- tion sourcebooks where the player char-
constitutes mundane interference varies mains the risk of the magi losing Repu- acters are accused of Hermetic crimes.
from saga to saga and Tribunal to Tribu- tation and respect if convicted, which Any of those would be a way to introduce
nal. The Normandy Tribunal interprets should be enough to motivate them to Galerius as an adversary.
the Code’s clause about mundanes very mount a good defense.
loosely: for a crime to have occurred, it
must be proved that the magus’ dealing
with mundanes actually “[brought] ruin Mistaken and Meeting Galerius
upon” another magus. (See The Lion and Fabricated Accusations
the Lily, page 25). There is latitude in Galerius’ reputation should precede
the definition of “ruin.” Is financial harm The characters need not have actu- him. Since he belongs to the same Tribu-
enough, or loss of goodwill and reputa- ally committed any infraction at all. The nal as the player characters, the characters
tion? In other Tribunals, the Peripheral magi might simply have been in the wrong know his reputation if they succeed in a
Code is less forgiving, and actual harm place at the wrong time. If some Hermetic stress roll of Galerius’ Reputation against
need not always be proved. Activities crime is committed near the covenant, an Ease Factor of 6 (ArM5, page 19). His
that seem likely to harm another magus the player characters are natural suspects, Reputation as an “aggressive investigator”
(or the Order as a whole) may qualify even if the actual perpetrator was a neigh- means that he is known both for prosecut-
as low crimes. Actually serving a mun- bor or passer-by. It’s also possible that the ing minor offenses that other Quaesitors
dane as a court wizard is always a serious magi were framed. These kinds of accusa- might be inclined to overlook, and for seek-
crime, even in the Normandy Tribunal. tions make good stories because the char- ing the harshest penalty allowed by law.
• Reckless Behavior: It is not against the acters have a clear path to proving their In the first encounter, Galerius an-
Code of Hermes to do something stu- innocence: solve the crime themselves and nounces that he’s conducting an investiga-
pid, but Galerius thinks it should be. His present their evidence, either to Galerius tion in the area and asks the magi some
pater was murdered by a mob stirred up or in a dramatic courtroom revelation. preliminary questions: what they know
by a careless magus who cast spells in about the incident, exactly which magi
public. Any action that provokes a lot • A wandering magus or redcap whom live at the covenant, whether there have
of anger from the Order’s neighbors — the covenant dislikes has disappeared been outside magi visiting the area, and so
mundanes, faeries, the Church, even and was last seen nearby. In reality, any- on. He refers to this as an “interview” rath-
hedge wizards in some Tribunals — is a thing could have happened: the victim er than an interrogation. The initial in-

terview is cordial enough. Galerius seems ing Mundanes, later in this chapter). If he Galerius changes disguises often, as
brusque but that could be attributed to ef- is working alongside another magus (see much as several times per day, choos-
ficiency. He does not badger or intimidate Bodyguard, later), he casts a magical dis- ing the guise that best fits the place he’s
the witnesses — yet. It is not customary guise over his colleague as well. investigating or the people he wants to
for this kind of questioning to take place There are a number of standard disguises question. His Gift causes distrust in the
under magical verification, such as Frosty Galerius uses. He prefers the guise of a male, mundanes he passes near, so he prefers
Breath of the Spoken Lie, and if the magi vol- but will adopt a female persona when it to keep moving. It seems to the mundane
unteer for such magic at this point, Gale- serves his purpose. Most of his disguises are population that several suspicious-looking
rius demurs, saying it would be premature. from the lower social classes so they attract strangers have converged on their village.
He does remember the offer and asks the less notice. Some of his disguises include: In larger towns, there are usually a lot of
magi to honor it later, once he has decided strangers, so he stands out less.
they’re a threat to the Order. • A beggar. Using a magical disguise to gather in-
He tells the magi in matter-of-fact • A destitute leper. formation about a magus counts as scrying
terms what specific incident he’s investi- • A penitent pilgrim. under the Peripheral Code. Using a spell
gating. His modus operandi is to find out first • A street urchin. such as Discerning the Images of Truth and False-
what happened, then jump to a conclusion • A young (mundane) apprentice on an hood would also count as scrying, but under
about how that endangers the Order, and errand for his master. the principle of forfeit immunity, it is not a
then keep digging for evidence until he • Any local villager he has seen heading the crime to magically expose another magus
can convict the culprit. other way; impersonating a local helps who is doing something illegal. Things are
Galerius pretends to leave the area him avoid notice in small communities. a bit tricky because Galerius doesn’t be-
after the interview, but in fact, he stays lieve he is doing anything illegal, but he
around in disguise to investigate. The first Galerius’ Wizard’s Sigil is the color probably is. If unmasked through magic,
thing he does is verify the characters’ an- grey, so all of his disguises include an ar- he threatens charges but later drops them
swers to his initial questions. ticle of grey clothing or grey hair. This can because he knows they’re weak. Discerning
become a clue once the characters start the Images of Truth and Falsehood must pen-
keeping a watch for him. etrate Galerius’ Magic Resistance.

Galerius uses his powers as a Quae-
sitor to investigate whatever crime or of-
fense the magi are suspected of. In fact,
he goes quite a bit beyond what his legal
authority actually allows. He quickly turns
his investigation into a fishing expedition,
continuing to search for evidence until he
has something with which to charge the
player characters. After the initial inter-
view, he avoids directly confronting the
suspects until he feels he has gathered all
the evidence he can. Then he either goes
back to his home covenant and waits to
file formal charges at Tribunal or, if the
player characters offered to submit to
magical questioning, he returns to them
and asks them to honor that offer.

Galerius makes extensive use of the
spell, Disguise of the Transformed Image. He
uses disguise primarily to search for clues
and to question mundanes (see Question-

The Investigation the magi have been paying a lot of visits to
the local lord (or vice versa), the peasants

Galerius’ Talisman has the power to at the lord’s manor know about it. They
make him invisible. Since it can only also tend to report eagerly other supernat-
be used a few times a day, he usually re- ural happenings, such as faerie sightings.
serves it for getting out of a tight spot, Galerius’ usual approach is to use Dis-
such as slipping away when he thinks Galerius’ investigative style combines guise of the Transformed Image to walk among
he’s being shadowed. If a tempting op- deep background work among the mun- mundanes incognito. He eavesdrops on
portunity arises, such as the chance to danes closest to the magus who draws his conversations and tries to identify potential
follow a major suspect, he might give attention, and magical scrying techniques witnesses. Then he uses his talisman’s Pos-
in to that temptation. Simply walking that flirt with the boundaries of interdict- ing the Silent Question power (or casts the spell
around while invisible is widely consid- ed behavior among magi. without using words or gestures) to confirm
ered a form of scrying, though some Tri- that the witness actually saw something.
bunals are less strict about it than others. Next, he tries to catch the witness unaware,
Using invisibility to knowingly follow a
magus is indisputably scrying.
Questioning Mundanes so he can cast Trust Me (Houses of Hermes: True
Lineages, page 73) and initiate a conversa-
tion. This spell buys the caster time to
One of the keys to Galerius’ success as have a sensible conversation, despite The
Familiar investigator is his excellent use of mundane
witnesses. Not everyone in the Order or the
Gift. If that fails, he falls back on bribery.
He prefers to ask questions verbally, rather
Tribunal respects these methods: mundanes than through magic, because his subjects
Galerius’ familiar is a raven named can be considered unreliable because their are more likely to volunteer information.
Nightwing. It has a bond power that senses and their memories are so easily de- He feels he can learn more from watching
allows him to see and hear through its ceived by magic. Nonetheless, Galerius has their eyes and faces than he can from magi-
senses. He uses the familiar to keep refined the art of using mundane witnesses cally gathering the bare answers from their
watch over important places (such as to guide his investigations. minds. The entire process is time-consum-
the scene of the crime, once he’s found Regardless of how they view the magi ing: Galerius can spend days in a village or
it) and to scout areas where he doesn’t living near them (whether with curiosity, town questioning witnesses.
want to travel on foot. If he becomes awe, or dread), mundanes rarely ignore Most mundanes deeply distrust magi
aware that the characters are following the affairs of wizards. They tend to know a because of The Gift. Galerius himself suf-
his movements, he uses the raven as a good deal about magi’s habits and associa- fers from this problem, which is why he
lookout to avoid trackers. This counts as tions, and it’s usually easy to get them to relies on magic to aid him in questioning
scrying in any Tribunal. tell stories about the magi. For example, if mundanes. He has become so accustomed

The Powers of a Quaesitor

The lawful powers of a Quaesitor are vestigations on his own initiative. • In extreme cases, a Quaesitor may call
discussed in detail in Houses of Hermes: True • A Quaesitor can demand that magi a Wizard’s March without first present-
Lineages, pages 61–66. Although that mate- provide reasonable cooperation with ing the case to a Tribunal. This would
rial is too lengthy to reproduce here, Gale- an active investigation. Cooperation only be done if the Hermetic criminal
rius’ relevant powers and responsibilities as does not require magi to submit to were an immediate and serious threat
a Quaesitor can be summarized as follows: magical interrogation or give up oth- to one or more Hermetic magi. Most
er rights. Marches that occur are called this way.
• A Quaesitor must carry a letter of au- • Quaesitors (or any magi) are entitled The March must later be ratified by a
thority signed by the Primus of House to use magic to investigate crimes. If, meeting of the Tribunal.
Guernicus. If a Quaesitor abuses his during the investigation, a Quaesitor • Quaesitors do not have the author-
powers, he can be stripped of his au- inadvertently discovers other infor- ity to arrest and detain magi, though
thority and expelled from the House. mation about a magus unrelated to there are some magi who advocate
• A Quaesitor has a duty to investigate the crime, this is itself a crime. Quae- that they be given that power. Nei-
complaints of serious violations of the sitors enjoy some immunity from ther do they have the power to order
Code. He can’t refuse to investigate a prosecution for scrying in the course a magus or a magus’ servants to submit
serious incident, but he has some lati- of their official duties; Galerius over- to mind-reading or truth-detection
tude in determining which complaints relies on that immunity, as explained spells, though magi can voluntarily
are serious. He can also undertake in- under “Investigation Immunity.” agree to such methods if they wish.

to relying on mundane witnesses that their
bias against magi tends to infect him as Interrogating Mundanes with Magic
well. After gathering mundane testimony,
he tends to conclude the subjects of his in- Galerius, as the character is writ- him use a grog to do his leg work in-
vestigation are deceitful rogues. He looks ten, is designed with a fatal weakness: stead. Galerius gets much the same in-
hard for evidence of their bad behavior, and his practice of using spells to question formation, but since he does it without
uses it to attack the magi’s character at trial. mundanes. This is to give the player magic, the Code’s prohibition against
When questioning a mundane witness, characters a better chance to make a scrying does not apply. This greatly re-
Galerius tries to be vague about his own counter-claim against him. If you want duces the player characters’ opportuni-
identity. He is not afraid to lie, imperson- to make Galerius more formidable, let ties to discredit him.
ating a pilgrim, traveling minstrel, or even
a royal officer. He has a number of aliases
and disguises worked out in advance. If the
mundane in question has already witnessed
Testimony of Mundanes
another wizard blatantly using magic, he
As pointed out in Houses of Hermes: to ensure the mundanes are speaking
may admit that he is a magus and that he’s
True Lineages (page 58), mundanes are freely, without magical coercion.
on the trail of “outlaw wizards” as he puts it.
sometimes called to present evidence at Frequently, Quaesitors don’t bother
It is impossible to question a lot of
Tribunal. They are permitted to testify trying to present a mundane’s testimony at
mundanes without attracting attention to
in person, but more often, they provide Tribunal. They may instead use mundane
oneself. Soon, the area is abuzz with talk of
written testimony. Some kind of magic witnesses simply to guide the investiga-
mysterious strangers and their strange ques-
is generally used during the testimony tion and help them find physical evidence.
tions about wizards and magic. Wild rumors
begin to circulate about the possible an-
swers to these questions. This can create ex- the principle of forfeit immunity: that a and his habits would be unacceptable. Yet
citement, wonder, or paranoia. Galerius usu- magus who breaks the Code of Hermes this is, essentially, Galerius’ standard op-
ally leaves the area before he has a chance to forfeits the protection of the Code with erating procedure. If the player-magi can
see what a stir his questioning creates. respect to that breach. Thus, criminal ac- prove that he has done it, they will be able
This strategy assumes that the covenant tivities are not protected by the Code, and to file charges against him at Tribunal.
is not taking extraordinary steps to remain it is legal for a Quaesitor (or, indeed, any Galerius considers himself an upstand-
hidden from mundanes, or to maintain a magus) to use magic to pry into criminal ing Quaesitor. He believes the broad in-
false cover story. However, unless the cov- activity. However, this exception applies vestigative net he casts is perfectly justi-
enant’s hidden nature or cover story are an only to evidence of criminal activity, and fied, and he comes up with a rationale for
established part of the saga, the local mun- it is still illegal to magically gather, even every step. For example, he rationalizes
danes are aware of it and tell stories about inadvertently, information about the ma- that using magic to interrogate villagers
its inhabitants. If the magi are more dis- gus’ innocent affairs. This makes it difficult about a magus’ routine associations is jus-
creet, more of the stories are made up. to use magic in an investigation for fear of tified because he needs to know whether
learning too much, so the Peripheral Code the suspect is in regular contact with suspi-
grants Quaesitors a privilege called inves- cious characters.
Investigation Immunity tigation immunity. By tradition, Quaesi-
tors have some protection against charges
Galerius, therefore, stops short of break-
ing hard and fast rules, such as the well-
of scrying if they are investigating a rea- established rule that magi or their servants
The Code of Hermes states: “I will not sonable suspicion of wrongdoing. Investi- cannot be subjected to Intellego Mentem
use magic to scry upon members of the Order of gation immunity means that the Quaesitor spells without the magi’s permission.
Hermes, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs.” can only be prosecuted if, by discovering
Galerius’ methods — using magical dis- information about the magus’ innocent ac-
guises and Mentem spells to question mun- tivities, she causes actual harm to the ma- Broadening the Investigation
danes; using his familiar as a lookout and gus (for further detail, see Houses of Hermes:
scout; the wealth of Intellego spells at his True Lineages, page 62). It is quite possible that Galerius will
command — certainly count as using magic A Quaesitor is expected to exercise discover evidence of suspicious activity
to “peer into [magi’s] affairs.” His status as good judgment and restrain the scope of that is unrelated to his official case during
a Quaesitor gives him some immunity to his magical investigations. For example, his investigations. He can’t resist the urge
charges when he uses magic as part of an it is perfectly acceptable to use magic to to follow up on any signs of wrongdoing
official investigation. In practice, Galerius search a crime scene for clues, or to try to that might endanger the Order. Galerius
often bends, and sometimes breaks, the lim- trace a piece of evidence back to its point can jump from suspicion to suspicion for
its of his proper authority to scry on magi. of origin, but simply to use magic to gath- quite a while. He believes everybody is
Investigations are possible because of er background information about a magus guilty of something.

Ingrid of House Tremere
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, (imperturbable casting) Galerius is a skilled investigator, but he
Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik +1 Wizard’s Leap (ReCo 15/+22) Mastery 1 is not well-equipped to defend himself. He
Size: 0 (fast casting) (Houses of Hermes: Soci- frequently works with a young Tremere
Age: 36 etates, page 36) maga named Ingrid who serves as a body-
Decrepitude: 0 The Crystal Dart (Mu(Re)Te 10/+17) guard. Ingrid’s superiors have assigned her
Warping Score: 0 (1) Mastery 1 (penetration)
to help the Quaesitores when they ask.
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe 15/+26*)
Mastery 1 (precise casting) In a sense, Ingrid is like a very junior
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
Magus; Flawless Magic; Affinity with Stone to Falling Dust (PeTe 20/+26*) Mas- Hoplite, though she would not use that
Penetration, Minor Magical Focus tery 1 (penetration) word to describe herself. Galerius calls on
(certamen), Skilled Parens, Strong- Invisible Sling of Vilano (ReTe 10/+21) Ingrid when he feels a need for protection
Willed; Favors (to House Guernicus); Mastery 1 (precise casting) (Houses of and assistance, but doesn’t want to call on
Deficient Form (Mentem), Difficult Hermes: Societates, page 38) a full-fledged Hoplite. The two magi have
Spontaneous Magic, Oversensitive Ominous Levitation of the Weighty Stone (ReTe worked together several times before.
(to magi flaunting their power) 15/+21) Mastery 1 (precise casting) Ingrid is weak in investigative skills and
Personality Traits: Ambitious +2, Brave (Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 38) spells, so she usually doesn’t contribute
+2, Stubborn +1 Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+21) Mastery 1 directly to the investigation.
Combat: (quiet casting) In combat, Ingrid usually tries The Crys-
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+21) Mastery
tal Dart first, but if she runs into trouble pen-
Damage +3 1 (multicasting)
etrating Magic Resistance, she falls back on
Soak: +2 * Includes attunement bonus of talisman
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Talisman Effects: indirect spells such as Invisible Sling of Vilano
Unconscious The Wound that Weeps, PeCo 15, Pen 0, and Pit of the Gaping Earth. Her spell mastery
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), 12/day of Wizard’s Leap lets her teleport as a fast-
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Repel the Wooden Shafts, ReHe 10, Pen 0, cast defense to avoid magical or mundane
Dead (21+) 6/day, Fast Trigger (+3 to Initiative) attacks. If Ingrid can obtain both an Arcane
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Talisman Attunements: Ash +2 harm Connection and a sympathetic connection
Athletics 3 (acrobatics), Awareness people, Wand +4 destroy things at to her opponent, she can get a high enough
2 (bodyguarding), Brawl 2 (dagger), a distance Penetration Total to try her favorite attack
Code of Hermes 1 (Tribunal proce- Appearance: When working with Gale- spells: Invocation of Weariness and Grip of the
dure), Concentration 3 (spell con- rius, Ingrid poses as his wife or Choking Hand. She likes these spells because
centration), Finesse 3 (targeting), daughter, and tries to blend into the they’re non-lethal, meaning she’s unlikely
High German 5 (storytelling), Latin background, keeping her eyes open
to be charged with a high crime, even if she
5 (Hermetic usage), Leadership 1 (in and her mouth shut. She wears fine-
ly made but unassuming dress with attacks with insufficient cause.
combat), Magic Theory 4 (Rego),
Parma Magica 4 (Ignem), Penetra- a minimum of jewelry. A closer look Exactly when and how often Ingrid
tion 5 (Rego) reveals that she’s not a typical mun- accompanies Galerius is for the storyguide
Arts: Cr 5, In 0, Mu 5, Pe 10, Re 9; An dane woman: her wiry, athletic build to decide. Ingrid is useful for deterring the
0, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 10, He 0, Ig 0, Im would be out of place for almost any player characters from attacking or harass-
0, Me 0, Te 9, Vi 0 social class. She keeps her talisman ing Galerius. On the other hand, if the
Equipment: Unassuming dress, Ash concealed in the sleeve of her dress players make a bad decision and find their
Wand talisman, dagger and has a habit of fingering it. characters in a fight, Ingrid is not as deadly
Encumbrance: 0 as an actual Hoplite.
Spells Known: Ingrid is a junior maga of House Tre-
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+18) Mastery 1 mere who does not yet possess her vot-
(penetration) ing sigil. She often accompanies Galerius
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (MuCo 25/+18) as a bodyguard when Galerius must trav- Requesting Cooperation
Mastery 1 (still casting) el through dangerous areas or investigate
Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 25/+27*) violent crimes. Ingrid remains by Gale-
Mastery 3 (penetration, imperturb- rius’ side; if there is a need for someone to According to the Peripheral Code,
able casting, multicasting) perform an errand, Galerius sends his fa- magi are required to give reasonable assis-
Invocation of Weariness (PeCo 20/+25*) miliar or a mundane servant. Ingrid tries tance to a Quaesitor in an investigation.
Mastery 1 (penetration) to keep a low profile, but her Gift some- Galerius invokes that authority under cer-
Endurance of the Berserkers (variant with Du- times makes this difficult. Ingrid uses her tain circumstances: when he feels he must,
ration: Diameter instead of Concen- Christian name because it can’t be used as or when the player magi confront him.
tration) (ReCo 15/+22) Mastery 1 a sympathetic connection to her. Galerius is reluctant to ask for assistance
from a stranger because he doesn’t trust any-

one (except, to a limited extent, Ingrid). He is Galerius the Quaesitor, they are probably The Tribunal records give details of his
never asks the player characters to accompa- justified in using magic to track his activities cases, though full transcripts are not kept.
ny him on his investigation, unless they have until they find out the stranger’s identity. Galerius has won cases in at least three
brought him strong evidence that points to- It is also possible (and perfectly legal) meetings of the local Tribunal (not neces-
ward a different suspect. He requests hospi- to find out what Galerius is up to by mun- sarily consecutive). Every magus Galerius
tality, but only for a night or two, so as to dane means. His Wizard’s Sigil makes it has charged with a crime has been con-
give the impression that when he leaves the possible to recognize his disguises. Gale- victed, though in at least one case, the suc-
covenant, he has also left the area. rius’ raven familiar is also a clue. Several cessful charge was unrelated to the offense
If Galerius suspects the magi are try- grogs and companions covering the area that triggered his investigation.
ing to tamper with evidence or otherwise can probably track his movements, with Characters who closely examine these
obstruct his investigation, he approaches difficulty. This can lead to some amusing records (which are available for inspec-
them and explains that the investigation is scenes as mistaken identity leads grogs to tion, given a season’s advance notice) can
a delicate matter. He requests the magi go shadow innocent peddlers or follow street easily tell that Galerius is a very thorough
back to their covenant and stay there for a urchins on a merry chase. There can also be prosecutor. They should make an Int +
day or two on some pretext, so he’ll know suspenseful scenes where ominous figures Code of Hermes stress roll against an Ease
where to find them for further assistance, seem to close in on the magi from all sides. Factor of 12. Success tells the character
or so they don’t “accidentally” damage any The bigger the town or village, the harder that Galerius tends to win his cases by im-
physical evidence. it is to keep up with this slippery magus. pugning the character of his opponents,
Failure to cooperate with a Quaesitor’s If the characters are able to follow Gale- often including anecdotes that cast the
investigation is a low crime. If Galerius rius’ movements, make it possible for them defendant in a bad light, but may be only
sees the magi do anything that he thinks to piece together the nature of his investi- weakly connected to the actual case.
hinders his investigation, he files charges gation. They can use the same methods he Three of Galerius’ past cases fore-
against them, using his own eyewitness uses — questioning a variety of mundanes shadow some of his actions in his current
testimony as evidence. to gather a complete picture. This is an investigation.
opportunity for grogs and companions to
shine, as they can question mundanes with- • Kraxia of Criamon was originally ac-
out The Gift getting in their way. cused of molesting the fae, but Galeri-

Counter- If confronted, Galerius gets angry and

strongly hints that the magi have illegally
scried on him, even if they tracked him
us found that she had been framed by a
neighbor, Jürgen of Trier (of House Ex
Miscellanea), to cover his own crime.
Intelligence down by mundane means. He then de-
mands they “cooperate” by staying out of
Kraxia was never charged with the
original crime, but during the course
his way. In reality, he knows a charge of of his investigation, Galerius uncov-
Investigation is the key to defeating scrying isn’t strong enough to stick; he is ered evidence that she had interfered
Galerius’ charges against the magi. It is only using it to scare them off. in mundane affairs by helping a local
important for story purposes that Galerius bandit escape mundane authorities.
not reveal his own findings before the Tri- The bandit went on to rob Jürgen’s
bunal. The magi have to figure out what
he suspects and why.
Galerius’ Record covenant, so Kraxia was convicted of
mundane interference. Both magi were
and Reputation given stiff penalties, amounting to sev-
eral seasons of service.
Discovering Galerius If the characters have attended Tribu-
nal before, they may have seen Galerius
• Iana of Merinita was accused of re-
neging on the outcome of a certamen
prosecute someone else and witnessed his she lost to Claudius of Verditius. Both
People living near the covenant be- aggressive style first-hand. If not, it is easy principals voluntarily submitted to
come aware of mysterious, suspicious-look- to find magi who were present for his tri- questioning under Frosty Breath of the
ing strangers who ask odd questions and als. Galerius both investigated and pros- Spoken Lie, but there were no inde-
snoop around places the magi frequent. ecuted all the cases, which is unusual, but pendent witnesses. Each claimed they
Sooner or later, word reaches the magi or senior magi attribute that to personal am- had won the certamen, and both ap-
their servants. Because Galerius uses several bition. In all of the cases, Galerius argued peared to be telling the truth. Gale-
different disguises, it is not obvious at first well and pressed for harsh penalties. Sev- rius found that Iana had used a spell
that all those disguises are the same person. eral of the magi whom Galerius convicted specifically designed to defeat truth-
Under the principle of forfeit immu- still reside in the Tribunal, but are reluc- detecting spells (similar to Clear Breath
nity, a magus who breaks the Code loses tant to speak with anyone who is currently of the Consummate Liar, Guardians of the
the ability to claim its protection. If the the target of Galerius’ investigation. They Forests, page 73), which she could cast
magi don’t realize the mysterious stranger fear guilt by association. without voice and gestures. The spell

known and provides an important clue as
to his motivations.

Preparing the Defense

It is useful to investigate exactly what
Quaesitors are and are not allowed to do.
Most of the rules regarding Quaesitors’
conduct are unwritten traditions within
House Guernicus, and active Quaesitors
do not like to talk about possible miscon-
duct by one of their own. Finding reliable
information may require consulting ex-
perts outside the Tribunal who are less in-
terested in preserving Galerius’ reputation,
or travel to distant libraries.
Magi accused of Hermetic crimes are
entitled to call character witnesses. Assem-
bling witnesses is a good way to counter
Galerius’ penchant for character assassina-
tion. Resist the urge to make the characters
work too hard to get witnesses to testify; a
non-player character who demands favors
for testimony is probably not well-regarded
enough herself to be influential as a charac-
ter witness. Any magus the characters have
significantly helped in the past should be
willing to put in a good word for them now.
was of Momentary duration, just long The storyguide should feel free to in- Likewise, if the magi have lived for years
enough for her to tell a short lie, so it vent other cases as desired. without serious disputes with their neigh-
was not detected when the Quaesitor Galerius’ methods have not yet been bors, those neighbors should want to say
checked her for active magical effects called into serious question. Once or so. Even the testimony of mundanes is ad-
at the start of her testimony. Iana was twice, magi have challenged his practice missible, though it carries much less weight
convicted of the low crimes of failing of charging them with crimes outside the than that of magi, so nearby nobles, clergy,
to honor the outcome of the certamen, scope of the original complaint, but none and merchants who are on good terms with
and of obstructing a Quaesitor’s inves- of these challenges has been upheld by the them can provide testimony.
tigation. Due to the egregious nature Tribunal. Most of his cases were decided at As the magi contact their prospective
of the latter offense, she was banished a private hearing, and were never debated character witnesses, story opportunities
from the Tribunal. The Tribunal also in public before the full Tribunal. often arise. Re-connecting with old friends
seized and destroyed the lab text of Other magi in the Tribunal have mixed and allies provides an opportunity for
the offending spell. opinions about Galerius. They widely ac- them to ask for help with new challenges.
• There had been repeated complaints knowledge that he is good at solving diffi- Another possibility is that, once reminded
of Tranio of Jerbiton stealing vis. A dif- cult cases that other Quaesitors can’t unrav- of their gratitude toward the magi, those
ferent Quaesitor had investigated him el. His methods are considered unorthodox friends and allies express belated apprecia-
once before, without formal charges by some, but all acknowledge that they tion by offering some interesting informa-
being brought. Galerius was able to are very effective. Galerius is unafraid to tion that leads to a side story. They might
get a conviction by setting up a trap. investigate the political elite of the Tribu- also be able to offer help and advice in the
He simply waited, invisible, at one of nal as vigorously as he does the youngest magi’s current legal defense.
the vis sources from which Tranio had magus from a spring covenant. He has no
been stealing and caught him in the known friends except Ingrid, and perhaps
act. Tribunal records mention that he the members of his home covenant. Se- Solving the Real Crime
used mundanes as lookouts to know cretly, many members of the Tribunal fear
when to set his trap, but the mundanes him, but publicly they applaud his success If someone else committed the crime of
are not named and were never called at rooting out trouble-makers. which the magi are suspected, try to make it
to testify. The story of his pater’s death is well- easy for the players to discover the general

outline of the crime. The story lies in uncov- ly, it is hard to verify that he isn’t surrep- Once the characters consent to magi-
ering the particulars and obtaining evidence titiously using additional magic while he’s cal interrogation, Galerius keeps ques-
that Galerius or the Tribunal will believe. interrogating them, such as his talisman’s tioning them until he’s satisfied. Galerius
While they investigate the real crime, Posing the Silent Question effect. He would believes that refusal to answer any of his
the magi have to avoid Galerius, who not do such a thing, but it’s understand- questions is the low crime of failing to
would accuse them of interfering with his able for the magi to distrust him. cooperate with an investigation, but his
investigation or tampering with evidence. Galerius suspects tricks. He has past ex- superiors (and the Tribunal) know that a
If he notices the characters are on the perience with a maga who knew how to fool magus has the right to refuse any question
lookout for him, he varies his disguises to simple Intellego spells. For this reason, he that is irrelevant to the formal cause of the
make things more difficult for them. Nigh- requires his subjects to also submit to Sense of investigation. Galerius threatens, but does
twing, Galerius’ familiar, can be a clue to the Lingering Magic before and after the interro- not actually prosecute, a magus for refus-
his approach. Mundane ravens can also gation. He forbids magi from casting spells ing to answer his questions. He believes,
appear from time to time to add tension. or using items of their own while being after all, that he is rooting out threats
questioned; if he catches any of them doing to the Order. Such a weak charge is not
this, he assumes they were attempting per- worth pursuing for its own sake.
jury. He insists on questioning the subjects Even if the characters pass Galerius’

Resolution one at a time and in private, keeping those

who have already been questioned separate
from those who are yet to testify.
scrutiny and proclaim their innocence, he
has some lingering suspicions. He’s seen
magi try to fool truth-detection spells be-
Galerius is only really satisfied when he He insists that Frosty Breath of the Spoken fore. He tries to independently confirm
brings someone to trial. Barring remarkable Lie be cast by a Quaesitor: probably himself, the characters’ testimony before he ac-
circumstances, he brings formal charges but a neutral Quaesitor can be brought in if cepts their innocence. If he doesn’t find
against one or more characters at the next necessary, though this delays the interroga- any incriminating evidence (of the origi-
Tribunal meeting. If those characters were tion, of course. Galerius uses Maintaining the nal charge or any other), he concludes the
not planning to attend the Tribunal, they re- Demanding Spell to carry on the interrogation investigation and never files charges.
ceive an official summons, bearing the seal while maintaining the spell. (Ordinarily,
of the presiding Quaesitor of the Tribunal. maintaining concentration through a con-
versation is very difficult: see page 82 of Finding the Real Culprit
ArM5.) He carries a two-minute hourglass
Pleading Innocence to let him know when he needs to pause the If the characters are actually innocent,
interrogation and re-cast. it is possible to convince Galerius of their
Quaesitors, including Galerius, pos- Galerius carefully phrases his ques- innocence before the case ever reaches the
sess spells that make it easy to prove tions to make them difficult to evade. Tribunal. This is difficult because the play-
someone’s innocence. If the player charac- For instance, he doesn’t ask if they “know ers need to overcome his preconceptions.
ters are indeed completely guiltless, they something,” as a character could then It requires both sound detective work and
could end the case in a few minutes simply truthfully answer “no” if he merely sus- delicate diplomacy.
by volunteering to submit to questioning pected but didn’t know for sure. He pre- The only thing that really dispels
under Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie. Magi are fers phrases such as, “do you have reason Galerius’ suspicions is evidence implicat-
never obligated to submit to magical inter- to believe” or “are you aware of,” or even ing another culprit. He suspects the evi-
rogation, and Galerius is sure to that point speculative questions such as “is it pos- dence might be fake. He’s stubborn, but
out before the questioning begins. sible that....” Some of his questions sound not blind: if the lead looks credible, he fol-
There are good reasons not to agree to paranoid: “Did you discuss this case with lows it, and he eventually draws the cor-
magical verification in the first place, partic- anyone else before coming to me?” Un- rect conclusion, despite all his attempts to
ularly when facing Galerius, as he has a his- less, in your saga, you have made a specific support his original position.
tory of prosecuting magi for information he ruling to the contrary, magi do not have Putting Galerius on the trail of the
gathered that was unrelated to the original the right to refuse self-incriminating ques- real perpetrator earns his gratitude. He is
investigation. One can always refuse to an- tions. Galerius tries to entrap the suspect. too self-righteous to feel much guilt over
swer questions that are off-topic, but doing He saves his best entrapping question wrongly accusing an innocent magus, but
so immediately arouses Galerius’ suspicions. for last: “Are you aware of any other possible he is aware that to formally accuse the
Although Galerius insists on multiple Hermetic crime, high or low, that may not have been wrong suspect would have been a major
precautions to prevent magi circumvent- reported?” Of course, a character can refuse blow to his status and credibility. Galerius
ing Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie, there are to answer this or any of Galerius’ questions, expresses his gratitude in an unorthodox
no reciprocal assurances that he’s actually but refusal to answer is, in his mind, an indi- way: by asking the characters for help in
casting the spell he claims, rather than, for cation of guilt. He tries to guess what crime future investigations. He has, understand-
example, one that makes a person’s breath the character may be covering up, and dili- ably, few other friends to whom he can
frosty whenever the caster wishes. Similar- gently searches until he finds one. turn. Helping Galerius earns the characters

experience points in a positive Hermetic usually the magus who filed the initial com- Galerius’ personal feelings are heavily invest-
Reputation, such as Reliable or Upstanding, plaint. If the accuser declines to argue the ed in the case. It is important for story pur-
along with the usual rewards of adventures. case, the duty falls to a Quaesitor. If there poses that Galerius present all his evidence
In time, this former adversary can become a is an accuser, Galerius arranges for him to first. He starts by trying to discredit the ac-
valuable if somewhat prickly friend. choose not to present the case so he can cused with any general muck he has been
prosecute the characters personally. If Gale- able to rake up regarding the characters’
rius investigated the case on his own initia- pasts, their parentes, and their associates. He
Trial tive, he acts as the prosecutor by tradition. proceeds to circumstantial evidence, which
he takes quite seriously. He concludes with
his hard evidence, such as physical clues or
Galerius does his best to bring the case Private Hearing eyewitness testimony, presenting it with a
against the magi to trial. Because Tribunal triumphant glare at the defendants.
meetings are typically held every seven A Hermetic trial begins with a private In Mythic Europe, the concept of a
years, it could be years before the charac- hearing between the defendant, his or her “conflict of interest” is much less important
ters’ actual trial. The procedure by which accuser, and the presiding Quaesitor of than it is to modern people. For instance, it
Tribunals hear cases is described in Houses the Tribunal. The hearing serves two func- is common for a king to judge legal cases in
of Hermes: True Lineages, pages 56–59. tions: to determine whether the charges which the crown stands to collect a hefty
have any merit, and to vet the evidence. fine if the defendant is found guilty. Galerius’
Unlike a modern trial, all the facts of the personal involvement in the case is bad form
Choosing the Principals case are decided at this private hearing, for a Quaesitor, but it’s nothing extraordi-
before the public trial takes place. The nary. The Tribunal routinely hears cases ar-
The Tribunal must first determine who dramatic climax of the story will most gued by magi who are bitter enemies.
will argue the case. The defense principal likely occur during this scene. The characters have a full opportunity
is the accused. The prosecuting principal is In this scene, it should become clear that to dispute Galerius’ evidence with con-
trary evidence of their own. However, if
they try to have Galerius’ evidence thrown
A Friend in Need out on a variety of grounds (such as irrele-
vancy), the presiding Quaesitor points out
One of the risks of using Galerius as from some new friends. that the purpose of the hearing is to deter-
an adversary is that players may come If, as you roleplay through the Tri- mine the facts only. The relevancy of the
to feel that Hermetic law is unfair, or bunal proceedings, the characters seem evidence is a legal argument that will be
worse, that the entire Order is made ill-prepared or the case is going poorly heard later in the public phase of the trial.
up of scheming, self-serving villains. It for them, a sympathetic non-player Until now, Galerius has been lucky
is perfectly fine to portray the Order as character can step up during a recess to enough to get away with his highly question-
a political snake pit, if that’s what the offer legal and political advice. This is able tactics. He is good at justifying them,
players enjoy. You might prefer, though, an especially good option if the players and tries to defend them if challenged. He
to populate the Order with a variety of are new to Hermetic intrigue and need aims to discredit the accused, and is good
non-player characters, both likable and some guidance. Their new advisers only
at doing so. Most of his past cases were de-
despicable. This helps make the setting help them come up with ideas; it is up
cided at the private hearing, so his methods
more credible, and it reduces the sense to the players to execute those ideas.
were not exposed to scrutiny by the whole
that the players and the storyguide are For instance, a friendly magus might
Tribunal. Finally, the fact that all his past
adversaries. Players are more likely to point out before the private hearing that
opponents were truly guilty of something
take an interest in Hermetic law and a participant in a case has the right to
politics if they feel they have a chance challenge the other side’s evidence, in- prevented the Tribunal from taking their
of success in those arenas. cluding demanding to know its sources. counter-claims seriously. Only now, in this
While he is generally well-respect- New allies may also approach the trial, is there a chance to shed light on how
ed, Galerius is not universally well-liked. player magi after the Tribunal, regard- off-balance Galerius has become.
He has overzealously prosecuted other less of the verdict. They commiser- It is permissible for the defendants
magi in the past: magi who still reside ate with the player magi about what a to question Galerius’ evidence. They can
in the Tribunal, nursing wounded pride vindictive wretch Galerius is. It should also demand to know how he obtained it.
and bruised reputations. During vigor- become clear from these conversations The more deeply they delve into Galerius’
ous debate at Tribunal, it may become that Galerius was just as hard on his oth- conduct in the case, the more agitated
clear to some onlookers that Galerius is er victims as he was on the player magi. Galerius becomes. He insists that all his
overstepping the bounds of propriety. The recent case is settled, but these new rumor-mongering and spying were justi-
Enduring public persecution from Gale- well-wishers could be useful if the play- fied. Clearly, the defendants were a threat
rius may win the characters sympathy er magi draw Galerius’ ire again. to the Order, he says, so he had to pursue
all the evidence he uncovered. He insists

his methods were justified, given the se-
riousness of their crimes. The presiding Staging Tips for the Private Hearing
Quaesitor gets progressively angrier at
Galerius as the sordid details of his tactics The evidence hearing is where the their investigations, but they are expect-
unfold before him. Eventually, he begins player characters have the chance to ed to limit their investigation to relevant
questioning Galerius directly. bring Galerius’ world crashing down on facts. Quaesitors who abuse their pow-
If the characters are completely in- him. Or they may see it as the chance to ers are judged harshly by House Guer-
nocent, this fact comes out during the clear their names. Either way, it prom- nicus. The presiding Quaesitor at first is
evidence hearing. If the characters have ises to be a dramatic scene. sympathetic to Galerius because of his
not already provided testimony as to their Consider designating a “second” prestige, but gradually sours on him as
own innocence, the presiding Quaesitor to play the presiding Quaesitor at the he learns how his methods have become
requests they do so under his magical in- hearing. This should be a player whose corrupt and his judgment clouded.
spection. The defendants have the right to magus is not on trial. It’s a good way to There are several ways to bring the
refuse to submit to magical interrogation, involve a player who would otherwise scene to an end. Galerius may lose his
and may wish to refuse even if they have be a bystander throughout the hearing. composure and devolve into shouting
nothing to hide. It is important to retain More importantly, it means you won’t incoherent accusations until the presid-
have to talk to yourself while roleplay- ing Quaesitor silences him. He may argue
the moral high ground if they want the
ing through what is probably the cli- with the presiding Quaesitor over the
Tribunal to sanction Galerius for his over-
mactic scene of Galerius’ story. propriety of his tactics, which he loses. Or
zealous methods, and submitting to magi-
Coach your second ahead of time the player characters may make him real-
cal interrogation weakens the impact of any
about how important the Code’s provi- ize he overstepped his authority, in which
complaint that Galerius has violated their
sion against scrying is. Emphasize that case he is first thunderstruck, then humili-
privacy. If the characters decline to submit ated and contrite to the point of tears.
Quaesitors are allowed to use magic in
to spells, the presiding Quaesitor questions
them without magical verification.
After all the evidence has been pre- before his authority is reinstated. He may In the end, cooler heads prevail. The
sented and argued, the presiding Quaesitor be permanently transferred to a different Tribunal fails to see the player magi as the
can recommend that the case not proceed. Tribunal. Galerius also has to compensate looming threat to the Order that Galerius
If the characters are really innocent, even the defendants for their expenses and lost thinks they are. It hands down a minor
Galerius can see the truth, and he agrees, seasons. A nominal fee of three pawns of vis penalty, such as a fine of vis or a couple
rather than face the disgrace of having his per magus per season should be acceptable. of seasons’ compulsory service. However,
whole investigation discredited in public. This he pays within one season. the defendants have had their misconduct
The blow to Galerius’ prestige also displayed before the entire Tribunal. This
costs him the support and friendship of In- earns them a new or increased bad Her-
Counter-Claim and Settlement grid. Whatever her personal feelings about metic Reputation (see ArM5, page 167).
the trial, House Tremere strongly discour-
If the private hearing went as expected, ages her from associating with a Quaesitor
the characters have grounds for a counter-
charge of scrying against Galerius. They
who has fallen into disfavor. Future Charges
may have prepared and published that coun-
ter-charge ahead of time, in which case they Arguments and Penalty If Galerius wins his case against the
proceed to a separate private hearing for magi, he is not satisfied. Whatever penalty
their claim. If they haven’t filed a complaint If, after the evidence hearing, Galerius the Tribunal imposed, he is convinced it
against Galerius yet, for procedural reasons still has his credibility intact and some facts was too light. He makes a point to keep
they must wait for the following Tribunal. on his side, the case proceeds to the public apprised of any mischief in the charac-
Both parties now have a chance to agree hearing, where the principals debate how ters’ region of the Tribunal, and shows up
to a settlement. Unless the players have the Peripheral Code should be applied, promptly to investigate.
missed the opportunity to call Galerius’ tac- given the facts of the case. The facts are At some point — not necessarily the
tics into question, the presiding Quaesitor written into the Tribunal’s official records at very next Tribunal — there will be a court-
presses both sides to settle. In exchange for the start of this phase of the trial. room rematch. Galerius may bring new
reduction or dismissal of charges against In the legal argument phase, Galerius charges against the characters, or they may
the player characters, he asks them to agree has all the advantages. At least some of the bring charges against him for investigating
to drop their counter-claims against Gale- facts are on his side, and he has his noto- them unlawfully. If there is a second accusa-
rius. Galerius is ordered to turn over his let- riety to lend weight to his arguments. He tion against the magi, strive to make it de-
ter of authority to the presiding Quaesitor, feels vindicated and presses for harsh pen- cisive. It’s more fun to have a dramatic final
suspending him from duty. He is then sent alties. This should be a frightening time confrontation with this adversary than to
to Magvillus for several seasons of “study” for the player characters. live in constant dread of yet another trial.

Chapter Seven

The Infatuated Diabolist

Heav’n has no rage, like love to hatred tion, and have said a prayer for her future the player character. She is determined to
turn’d; Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d. husband, whomever he might be. do anything she can to have him for her
She becomes physically attracted to own — and if she can’t have him, then no
­ ­—
“The Mourning Bride” one of the player characters, and they may one shall, not even the Order of Hermes.
by William Congreve, 1697 pursue a short romance before circumstanc- This antagonist relies on several In-
es force them apart. Hannelore, however, fernal powers for her to be effective,
Hannelore is an exemplar of the dan- never gives up on her love. Her passions and to get the most out of stories using
gers of ambition and the lust for power. lead her down a dark path, and attract the Hannelore, it is recommended that the
When the characters first meet Hannelore, attention of a demon. Preying on her drive storyguide has access to a copy of Realms
she is simply the favored daughter of a lo- to succeed, the demon tutors Hannelore in of Power: The Infernal.
cal nobleman. She has been educated by malefic powers, turning her into a tool that
private tutors and lived a life of relative it can wield against the Order of Hermes.
luxury, spoiled by an indulgent father. Her
tutors have taught her letters, but have
In five short years, Hannelore is trans-
formed from a spoiled child into a pow-
Variations on a Theme
also witnessed her temper and her ambi- erful diabolist, still utterly infatuated with
Hannelore’s actions are described as
being directed at a player character, but
she could instead target a prominent sto-
ryguide character whom the characters
are motivated to rescue from her clutches.
Other variations on Hannelore include:

Different Motivations

As written, this story is about love per-

verted by the Infernal into a twisted mock-
ery of what it should be. However, other
motivations can be put into play with very
little work if there is no suitable player
character as a love interest for Hannelore.
The two principle alternatives are avarice
and envy. Should Hannelore be driven by
avarice, she has witnessed a magus’ use of
power (or heard rumors of an event), and
seeks that power for herself. She does not
wish to be with the character forever, but
instead to be trained by him. Of course,
lacking The Gift, this is impossible, and
her rage drives the rest of the story. If
envy is her motivation, then Hannelore is
consumed by the need to possess magical
power, and if the magus will not share his
magic, then he must be forced to relinquish


Hannelore the Diabolist

Hannelore has been designed with * See Realms of Power: Magic, page 47 Equipment: Fine clothes, curved dagger.
more Virtues than is normally permit- ** Free with Diabolist Hannelore knows of several sources
ted at character generation, but she has *** From Warping of Infernal vis, and at any time should
nothing that a player character could Personality Traits: Hateful +5, Attracted to have at least (3 + simple die) pawns.
not achieve through a similar dedica- Power +3, Inquisitive +2, Sensible –3 Some of this is vis prava, converted
tion to Hellish forces. Infernal powers Reputations: Ambitious 3 (Infernal), using one of Hannelore’s maleficia
are notorious for lavishing their victims Fierce Temper 2 (Local) (see nearby insert).
with gifts and powers, if it achieves their Combat: Encumbrance: 0 (0)
aims. As a consequence, Hannelore has Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Appearance: A handsome young woman,
received demonic tutelage in the Infernal Damage +2 with dark wavy hair that she keeps
arts, equivalent to taking the Mentored Soak: –1 uncovered and deep green eyes.
by Demons Virtue (Realms of Power: The Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, She prefers gowns of red velvet, and
Infernal, page 86) 5 times, for an extra 50 Unconscious nearly always wears a fur cloak, since
experience points per year. She has also Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), she easily catches a chill. Hannelore
undergone prolonged Vituperations that –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), has a rich voice, unusually deep for a
have resulted in the Self-Confident Vir- Dead (21+) woman; many have commented that
tue (i.e., a Confidence Score of 2) and Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (writing), this is her most attractive feature.
Aging Points. Awareness 2 (mannerisms), Brawl
This is a major investment in 2 (dagger), Ceremony 3 (Dia- Her Warping Score is particularly
Hannelore by demons, and implies that blerie), Charm 3 (men), Etiquette high, because she takes Warping points
the stories where she intersects with the 3 (courtly manners), Folk Ken 2 to fuel her magic (see the description
player characters are not the only plans (men), Guile 3 (lying to relatives), of Incantation on page 104 of Realms
that Hell has for her. She is possibly Infernal Lore 3 (powers), Latin 4 of Power: The Infernal), and she is under
already embroiled in a major demonic (reading), Native Language 5 (local several continuing mystical effects (see
scheme, and the infatuation described dialect), Noble Lore 3 (positions of Hannelore’s Maleficia, later). See Realms
here is a diversion that becomes a dis- authority), Philosophiae 2 (ethics), of Power: The Infernal for more details on
traction. The details of any other role Penetration 3 (Malediction), Ride 2 Incantation, Vituperation, and some of
Hannelore might play in a saga is left to (while hawking). her Virtues and Flaws.
the storyguide to develop. Methods & Powers: Incantation 9+2 Hannelore has several sources of vis
(affecting self); Diablerie 5 (Infernal available to her. These do not count as
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1 (1), blessings), Malediction 4 (Personal- Personal Vis Sources because gaining the
Com +3 (1), Str 0, Sta –1, Dex 0, ity Flaws), Psychomachia 4 (lustful vis is not automatic — she must steal to
Qik +1 actions) get them, contest them with others, or
Size: 0 Powers:**** there is a finite supply. Some examples are:
Age: 21 (21) Gaze of the Wolf : Hannelore can fix a
Decrepitude: 0 (2) person to the spot if she is able to • She regularly steals the Host during
Warping Score: 5 (2) make eye contact, and the object Communion, and profanes it to pro-
Confidence Score: 2 (6) cannot move while she maintains duce vis (Realms of Power: The Infernal,
Hierarchy Score: 3 her stare. This effect has a Penetra- page 96);
Virtues and Flaws: Diabolist; Gentle- tion of 5 + Penetration Bonus + • She has replaced the relic in her fa-
woman; Ceremony, Diablerie, Incan- Aura Modifier. ther’s chapel with a fake and similarly
tation, Malediction, Psychomachia; Exhaustion: Hannelore’s touch can inflict a profaned the real one;
Affinity with Incantation, Arcane Long Term Fatigue level on a victim. • Once a year on Lammas Eve, a sul-
Lore**, Educated, Infernal Bless- This Ability does not function in the furous spring on her father’s estate
ing***, Mentored by Demons x5, Dominion or on women, and has a belches forth vis, but a local witch
Puissant Incantation, Self-Confident, Penetration of 5 + Penetration Bonus coven has collected this since time
Unaffected by The Gift*; Curse of + Aura Modifier. immemorial;
Venus, Hatred, Restriction (malefi- ****These derive from the Infernal Bless- • One of the books in her father’s li-
cia won’t work on children); Fragile ings Virtue. They were granted by a brary (see later) has a number of
Constitution***, Obsessed (knowl- Level 25 Debauchery / Phantasm ef- glass beads on the cover, each one of
edge is power), Tainted with Evil*** fect (Base 4, +1 Touch, +4 Forsaken) which contains a pawn of vis.


Hannelore’s Maleficia
Hannelore typically employs the A Crown of Twelve sources of Magic Resistance.
maleficia listed nearby, although these Stars on Her Head (Base effect, +4 Forsaken)
are not formulaic spells and can be var-
ied in terms of Range, Duration, Target, Incantation/Psychomachia, Level 40
or effect when she employs them. For R: Voice, D: Moon, T: Ind Black Wings, Eye-Piercing Beak
more information, see Realms of Power: The This maleficium forces the target
Infernal, Chapter 10. Her Casting Total is Incantation/Diablerie, Level 35
to follow the caster’s commands for the
equal to Communication + Incantation R: Per, D: Forsaken, T: Ind
duration. Hannelore must be perceiv-
+ (Power) + Aura modifier + stress die. This maleficium grants the caster
able by the target: he must be able to see
Her Hierarchy score protects her from a False Power that duplicates the Skin-
her, hear her voice, or smell her perfume,
the harsh effects of failing a maleficia changer Virtue, allowing Hannelore to
or else the effect ends immediately. She
roll, at least for effects of Level 30 or be- adopt the form of a crow. Her focal item
generally employs this effect after she
low. Each use of a maleficium costs her for this Virtue is a fetish made from the
has her victim under her control with
either a Confidence point (which does wings of the bird she sacrificed to cast
another maleficium, using a ceremony
not add anything to the Casting Total) this maleficium.
with vis and a sacrifice to get the Casting
or a Warping point. (Base 15, +4 Forsaken)
Total she needs.
Any Range: Personal and Duration: (Base 15, +2 Voice, +3 Moon)
Forsaken maleficia can be assumed to Blood and Body of the Beast
have already been cast by Hannelore on
herself, and are effectively permanent. A Ghost on the Wind I Shall Incantation/Diablerie, Level 35
These include: And the Devil Shall Take Care Become/No Door Can Stop Me R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
of His Own; Black Wings, Eye-Piercing Beak; This maleficium requires a short
and She Who Bears the Mark Shall Be Un- Incantation/Diablerie, Level 45
ritual that is a mockery of the Eucharist.
harmed. Each gives her a Warping point R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
It converts a pawn of vis into vis prava
every year for the continuing mystic ef- Hannelore gains the Nightwalker
(see Realms of Power: The Infernal, page
fect (these Warping points have not been Major Virtue (Hedge Magic Revised Edition,
19). In the hands of a diabolist such as
included in her total). These, and other page 104) until sunrise. Briefly, this per-
Hannelore, vis prava is more potent than
powerful maleficia, are cast with various mits her spirit to leave her prone body and
regular vis, and adds +5 to the casting
additional elements to grant bonuses to fare forth in immaterial form, traveling
total per pawn used, rather than +2.
her Casting Total: at great speed. She can switch between
(Base 30, +1 Touch)
corporeal and immaterial form by taking
• +5 per pawn of vis prava, or +2 per three rounds to do so, and while immate-
pawn of other vis (maximum Incan- rial, she may also become invisible at will. Break Not, Bend Not,
tation + Power pawns); When corporeal, she can pick up objects Burn Not/Thy Powers Desert
• +3 for each Confidence point (maxi- that she could normally carry, and these
mum 2 Confidence points); become immaterial when she does. When Incantation/Diablerie, Level 25
• +6 for the sacrifice of a black animal; her spirit is near humans, they become R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
• +5 per assistant, assuming Com- drowsy; and if already asleep, become im- Any single object touched gains a
munication of +1 and Incantation 4 possible to wake up. In spirit form, she is Magic Resistance of 15 for the duration
(maximum 3 others with Diablerie, 2 affected by spells that affect ghosts or spir- of this maleficium. This does not stack
otherwise). its, but she has no Might, and thus cannot with other sources of Magic Resistance.
be stopped by wards or laid to rest. She The object cannot be a living creature,
With her best Power (Diablerie), cannot enter the Dominion in this form. and it can be no larger than a base Indi-
she can expect a maximum Casting (Base 35, +2 Sun) vidual of the appropriate Form.
Total of around 53 + stress die (assum- (Base effect, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
ing an Infernal aura of 2, 2 Confidence And the Devil Shall
points, 4 pawns of vis prava, and the Take Care of His Own
sacrifice of a black goat). With a coven
Clothed in the Dragon’s Scales
of 3 assistants, she can increase this by Incantation/Diablerie, Level 40 Incantation/Diablerie, Level 50
an additional +15. R: Per, D: Forsaken, T: Ind R: Per, D: Moon, T: Ind
Grants the caster a Magic Resistance This maleficium grants the caster a
of 25. This does not stack with other False Power that duplicates the Greater


Hannelore’s Maleficia, cont’d

Immunity Virtue. Like She Who Bears Infernal Might. They both drink from sessed with Hannelore, as per the Per-
the Mark Shall Be Unharmed (see later), a cup filled with blood from a sacrifice. sonality Flaw. When she is in his pres-
Hannelore tailors the nature of this Im- For the duration of the maleficium, the ence, he can do nothing except attend
munity to cover whatever perils she ex- creature is compelled to follow the terms her needs; and when she is absent, they
pects to be facing, but Fire is an obvious of the compact to the letter. These terms are frequently distracted by thoughts
choice. Hannelore can only really attempt must be agreed between Hannelore and of her. His judgment cannot be trusted
this maleficium once because of its high the creature, without coercion by Magic when it comes to Hannelore. This power
level; it needs a hefty sacrifice, a lot of vis, or Infernal powers. A creature like Fimus is often employed after Hannelore has
and/or a good Ceremony bonus for her to (Realms of Power: The Infernal, page 68), a already bewitched her victim with her
pull it off. If she could somehow achieve a Fictilis (Realms of Power: The Infernal, page other powers.
55th level effect, then she would certainly 69), or Morrighu (Realms of Power: The In- (Base 15, +1 Eye, +3 Moon)
attempt Duration: Forsaken. fernal, page 72–73) is within her power to
(Base 35, +3 Moon) control via a pact such as this.
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +3 Moon) The Wrath of Woman
Scorches the Valor of Man
Her Iniquities Shall Be
Hidden From His Eyes She Who Bears the Mark Incantation/Malediction, Level 35
Shall Be Unharmed R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
Incantation/Psychomachia, Level 25 The victim of this curse develops an
R: Eye, D: Moon, T: Ind Incantation/Diablerie, Level 35 overwhelming Fear (as per the Flaw) of
For the duration of the maleficium, R: Per, D: Forsaken, T: Ind women.
the target’s senses are twisted so that This maleficium grants the caster a (Base 15, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)
they are unable to perceive one thing for False Power that duplicates the Lesser
what it really is, but mistakes it for some- Immunity Virtue. Depending on the
thing else. This can disguise a specific challenge that the storyguide wants Thy Health Shall Shrivel
man to appear to be a serving maid, or Hannelore to pose, she may have al- Like Straw in a Flame
the casting of a specific malefic spell as a ready cast several versions of this malefi-
delightful country dance. cium, granting herself immunity to long Incantation /Malediction, Level 30
(Level 5, +1 Eye, +3 Moon) swords (or other individual weapons) R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
and/or magical fire (or other forms of This curse reduces the victim’s Stam-
magical damage). Granting herself this ina by 2 points, to no less than –1. The
Mother Lilith, Queen of power uses a portion of Hannelore’s re- victim is momentarily wracked with
Desire/Stroke his Staff, sources and adds Warping, so she must pain, and develops a hacking cough,
Stoke the Fire carefully consider what immunities to trembling heart, or other minor infirmity
grant herself. This means that she may for the maleficium’s duration.
Incantation/Psychomachia, Level 25 neglect a source of damage, leaving (Level 5, +1 Eye, +2 Sun, +1 for ex-
R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind her vulnerable in a certain manner. Her tra point of reduction, +1 to reduce to
The victim of this maleficium is con- choices are based on what she believes decrease minimum)
sumed with lust. While the caster cannot to be the capabilities of anyone who
direct his actions, she can manipulate might come against her; she has prob-
the target like an addict craving a drug. Trampled Under
ably not made herself immune to her Death’s Pale Hooves
Hannelore usually employs this effect love’s favored magic (if she even knows
after using her Transfix power to immo- what it is) since she believes he would
bilize her victim. Incantation/Malediction, Level 30
never attack her. R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
(Base 10, +1 Eye, +2 Sun) (Base 15, +4 Forsaken) The victim of this terrible curse suf-
fers –6 to all rolls involving the Ride
Pact of the Chalice of Blood The Scorched Heart Ability, and 6 additional botch die
whenever 0 is rolled. This, and similar
of a Man Obsessed
Incantation/Diablerie, Level 25 curses affecting other Abilities, are the
R: Voice, D: Moon, T: Ind Incantation/Malediction, Level 35 means by which Hannelore disposes of
This maleficium solemnizes a pact R: Eye, D: Moon, T: Ind unwanted suitors.
made with an intelligent creature with The cursed individual becomes Ob- (Base effect, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

it to her. Avarice and envy drive similar A Weaker Hannelore A One-Time Threat
stories; the main difference is that an avari-
cious Hannelore is angry with the charac- Hannelore is not that powerful against Hannelore need not have a lengthy ro-
ter for not giving her magic, while the envi- Hermetic foes, and probably does not mance with the player character prior to her
ous Hannelore wants to take the character’s need to be weakened that much for a corruption. She could simply meet the char-
magic from him (or her, of course). younger or less experienced troupe un- acter after becoming a diabolist, become
less it has few or no magi. Her principal infatuated, and then abduct him to use for
strength is to know the limits of her pow- her own pleasure. In this scenario, the char-
A Male Hannelore ers, and how to use them to best effect. A acters might be less likely to offer her clem-
lot of her strength comes from her demon- ency, proceeding straight to her death and
This variant requires few changes to ic patron; she had five years of teaching subsequent return as an Infernal ghost.
the story as written, except refocusing it in the maleficia, which contributes most of
onto a female player character. The male her knowledge here.
Hannelore could possibly have some Taking away one or two of her Pow-
martial abilities as a baron’s son, but this
is not necessary. If appropriate to the
troupe, a male Hannelore could pursue
ers would reduce her efficacy greatly,
although it is recommended that she re-
tains the Diablerie Power, since much of
A Chance
a male player character, or the female
Hannelore pursue a female player charac-
the story revolves around its usage. It has
been assumed that Hannelore has access
ter, but this would require a few changes, to a good supply of Infernal vis, which she
since same-sex relationships are perforce corrupts with a maleficium to make it even The initial encounter between
secret in Mythic Europe. Baron Hugo’s more potent. Without this vis, her Casting Hannelore and the characters should be
reaction might be very different, seeking Total drops dramatically and her powers presented as either a chance encounter, or
no clemency for a son or daughter engag- are limited substantially. as part of a different story. The characters
ing in acts the Baron perceives as a hei- should be at a social occasion where they
nous and shameful sin. have a reason to meet a local nobleman, by
This option could also work with a A More Powerful Hannelore the name of Baron Hugo, and his daughter
different motivation for a male Hannelore Hannelore. The specifics should be tailored
(see earlier). For a more experienced troupe, to the saga, but some options include:
Hannelore can be made more powerful in
a number of ways. First, she should take • The characters are invited to the wed-
Hannelore Pursues a control over a coven of infernalists early in ding of a mundane ally, or one of his
Companion Character her career, giving her a Ceremony bonus relatives. The ally suspects that there
to most of her maleficia. This allows her to is something supernatural about the
Hannelore is particularly potent achieve better Casting Totals for her Infer- bride’s family, and wants the characters
against characters with no Magic Re- nal Blessings, and higher Penetration totals to investigate. Baron Hugo is a guest.
sistance, because she needs to take no for her curses against Hermetic enemies. • The characters have a chance encoun-
special measures to gather Arcane Con- The Diablerie Power permits a di- ter with a hunting party that includes
nections, and her maleficia become a lot abolist to make pacts with supernatural Baron Hugo and his daughter. The
more effective. Her initial gambit — to creatures, and even bind them to her will. hunt has been successful, and the char-
woo her love and entrap him, keep- Particularly with a coven to back her up, acters are invited to lunch with them.
ing him besotted by her power — will Hannelore might be capable of having a Over luncheon, the characters hear a
probably prove successful, and the other veritable army of demons and corrupted story of a fantastic beast seen by one
characters may have to mount a rescue beasts at her beck and call. of the huntsmen.
of their comrade. Of course, her victim Hannelore’s demonic patron has a • The characters have recently saved the
resists such a rescue with all his might, at background role in the story as written, lives of an important local, and a party
least until her maleficia wear off. She can but this powerful creature could take a is thrown in their honor. Baron Hugo
subsequently throw curses at him with an more front-stage role, and add another is one of the guests.
Arcane Range, using Arcane Connections peril to any encounters.
gathered while he was her prisoner (she Hannelore is a storyguide character, Baron Hugo can be any suitable no-
would never achieve the requisite Pen- and need not be balanced in terms of Vir- bleman from the area; the characters may
etration to use such spells on a Hermetic tues and Flaws. She could easily have more have heard of him before, but probably
lover). If the companion character dwells malefic Powers, although she would prob- have not met him. He need not be a land-
within an Aegis of the Hearth, she may need ably need to be older, or have the Wealthy ed noble; his role in this story works just as
to watch the covenant in crow form until Virtue, to have sufficient score in these well if he is a knight or sheriff. He should
he leaves its protection. Powers for them to be useful. be of middling importance, and have some

is much drama in a love pursued through
Hannelore’s Lover adversity, and a love affair should be active-
ly encouraged. It is necessary for such a re-
Choosing the target of Hannelore’s no means a prerequisite for Hannelore’s lationship to remain in secret: Baron Hugo
obsession might require some care. It attention, since she herself has this Flaw would certainly not approve (see later), and
needs to be someone who is not repulsive, and is prone to inappropriate infatuation. it is possible that the character’s covenant
although there is no need for exceptional It is assumed that Hannelore’s tar- might not look too kindly on their sodalis
suaveness or sophistication — Hannelore get is a man, but this need not be the either — a dalliance with a noblewoman
is attracted to power, not to appearance. case for this story to progress as de- could bring the wrath of her father against
Naturally, a magus with the Curse of Ve- scribed (although some details may the Order, in contravention of the Oath of
nus Flaw is a natural choice, but this is by need to be altered). Hermes. This could lead to further stories.

sort of local authority that means the char- character might love Hannelore, she is A Lukewarm Response
acters want to remain on his good side. merely infatuated with him and his power.
Initially, most of the characters’ atten- She will still be drawn to dark magics, since The character chosen by Hannelore
tion is occupied by Hannelore, rather than she desires to share in her love’s power, and may remain unswayed by her atten-
her father. She is sixteen years old and quite yet, lacking The Gift, cannot learn Her- tions. This makes little difference to the
pretty. What’s more, she is educated, elo- metic magic. However, the course of the plot, since the action revolves around
quent, confident, and most significantly, un- initial story with Hannelore depends very Hannelore’s attempts to win the love of
affected by The Gift. Hannelore is attracted much on the character’s reaction. a man who is beyond her reach anyway.
to power, and she identifies one of the male However, if the storyguide wishes to in-
magi present as a powerful man, and makes volve the magus in a few more preparatory
an effort to get to know him. Although she A Love Affair stories before moving on to the main ac-
cannot herself feel the effects of The Gift, tion, it might be that a faerie seeks to bring
she can see the effect it has on others, and If the player desires a romantic engage- the star-crossed lovers together through
she interprets the jealousy and suspicion it ment or family life for his character, then he its meddling. Taking the role of a hid-
engenders as a natural consequence of pow- may welcome Hannelore’s advances. There eous creature, it kidnaps Hannelore, and
er. As a young noblewoman of marriageable
age, Hannelore is good company, and the
attention she shows the magus is novel and
pleasurable for a man used to being shunned
by mundane women thanks to The Gift.

Initial Infatuation
If all goes well between Hannelore
and the magus, she might suggest that
they meet again, properly chaperoned, of
course. She loves to go hawking, and will
suggest that they try out her new bird.
Having set her sights on the magus and
the power she desires, she becomes deter-
mined to have him, and this is probably her
downfall. She needs her man to be atten-
tive to her needs and to court her, some-
thing for which most magi lack the time or
inclination. Even if she has been unable to
get even a cursory interest from her intend-
ed swain, she still pursues him, convinced
she can win him over. Furthermore, there
are many pressures that might drive them
apart. It is important to emphasize for the
purposes of the story that while the magus

time she expects to spend with her love.
Hannelore, Spoiled Daughter There isn’t a lot of time in the life of many
magi for being an attentive lover.
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1, Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (writing), It is possible therefore that the ma-
Com +3, Str 0, Sta –1, Dex 0, Qik +1 Awareness 2 (mannerisms), Brawl 2 gus targeted by her obsession eventually
Size: 0 (dagger), Charm 3 (men), Etiquette spurns her. She will not take the first re-
Age: 16 (16) 3 (courtly manners), Folk Ken 2 fusal seriously, and will pester the magus in
Decrepitude: 0 (0) (men), Guile 3 (lying to relatives), person and through correspondence. If he
Warping Score: 0 (0) Latin 4 (reading), Native Language holds firm, she turns petulant, and might
Confidence Score: 1 (3) 5 (local dialect), Noble Lore 3 (po- seek some petty revenge against him, such
Virtues and Flaws: Gentlewoman; Edu- sitions of authority), Philosophiae 2 as attempting blackmail (if she has any le-
cated, Unaffected by The Gift*; (ethics), Ride 2 (while hawking). verage), or persuading some noble’s son to
Curse of Venus; Obsessed (knowl- Equipment: Fine clothes. defend her honor. Such threats should be
edge is power) Encumbrance: 0 (0) a minor nuisance to the magus, and easily
* See Realms of Power: Magic, page 47 Appearance: Hannelore is a girl on the dealt with. Hannelore seems to acquiesce
Personality Traits: Attracted to Power threshold of becoming a woman. to the situation, leaving him in peace.
+3, Inquisitive +2, Sensible –3 She is quite pretty, with dark wavy
Reputation: Fierce Temper 1 (Local) hair and deep green eyes. She talks
Combat: enthusiastically about philosophy, Forced Apart
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, probably more than a woman of her
Damage +2 standing should. A major impediment to the relation-
Soak: –1 ship is Baron Hugo. He loves his daughter
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Note that Hannelore has one more dearly, and certainly does not approve of
Unconscious Flaw point than Virtues at this age. If she her chosen. He has doubtless heard some
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), hadn’t gone in the direction she is des- unsavory stories about the magus, and has
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), tined to follow, this would probably have a low opinion of him as being suitable for
Dead (21+) been balanced by the Protection Virtue. his darling daughter (Hugo has none of his
daughter’s immunity to the effects of The
Gift). He intends to find an attentive and
sends a ransom demand to her reluctant it is best left to the character to decide the wholesome groom for his daughter, one
swain, reasoning that if her beau is moti- course of the affair for himself. who could strengthen his ties to important
vated into rescuing her from the clutches people. When he discovers that Hannelore
of a monster, then love might blossom (it has been pursuing a magus, he does his best
works like that in stories, after all!). Ending the Affair to break them up. There is further pressure
on the relationship — most magi have no
Hannelore is very demanding. She has recognized social status, and yet Hannelore
Rejection grown up on a diet of courtly romances, is the daughter of a nobleman. If the affair
and expects to be wooed. This is likely to became public, it might sour any relation-
If the character rejects Hannelore prove to be a nuisance to a magus, whose ships that the covenant has with mundane
out of hand, things end as badly as if the studies and laboratory activities will be in- society, since those who cross social bound-
character had strung her along and then terrupted by her visits and the amount of aries are treated with suspicion.
rejected her. See Ending the Affair, later.

Hannelore’s Family
The Course of the Affair As already mentioned, Baron Hugo may have other family members who
can be replaced any moderately influen- could complicate the story. One or more
Although Hannelore might be an en- tial nobleman in your saga. Rather than brothers might take umbrage at the char-
joyable dalliance for the character, the Hannelore’s father, he could be an older acter’s treatment of their sister, and try
affair is not destined to last. There are a brother or uncle who is her guardian after to avenge her honor. Older sisters allow
number of things that could drive a wedge the unfortunate deaths of both her par- Baron Hugo to be more indulgent of her
between Hannelore and her lover, and ents. Whoever he is, there is some secret desire to remain unmarried during the
these should be presented as challenges to in his past (see Baron Hugo’s Books, later). next phase of the story. Any siblings (but
the relationship. However, it is not nec- As well as Hugo and Ermengarde particularly younger sisters) could form
essary for the story for the affair between (Hannelore’s stepmother), Hannelore her coven, if she is able to corrupt them.
Hannelore and the character to end, and


Obsession and Baron Hugo’s Books

Corruption Baron Hugo is in possession of some
books on Infernal Lore, and his secret
icating evil in all its forms. This soci-
ety is coordinated through a religious
library could also contain other books Order, such as the Knights Templar.
In this phase of the story, Hannelore of Infernal and magical lore, such as The books are spoils of a battle many
is corrupted and becomes a diabolist in se- tomes on the maleficia, the Goetic Arts, years ago, and Hugo keeps them so
cret. Her ultimate motive for this is her lust hedge wizardry, or perhaps even Her- he can study the works of the Enemy
for power — the reason she is attracted to metic magic. Ultimately, it is up to the for ways to defeat them in future.
the character in the first place. How she storyguide where he got these books, • The books belong not to Hugo, but
reaches this point varies according to the and why he still keeps them, but some Lady Ermengarde (the baron’s wife
reaction of the character to her advances. suggestions are offered here. and Hannelore’s stepmother), who
If she has been rejected by her love, is a sorceress herself. The lady is
she reasons that the rejection is based on • Hugo was a sorcerer in his youth, but responsible for Hannelore’s corrup-
an inequality of power — she was spurned like Shakespeare’s Prospero, put aside tion, and is using her as a cat’s-paw
because she had no magic, unlike her lov- his books and broke his staff, vow- to hide her own evil deeds.
er. After all, how could a mighty magus, ing to give up his Art and redeem • The books are an inheritance from
who can manipulate the shape of creation his profaned soul. He has remained an ancestor. Hugo himself can
itself, love a woman as mundane as herself? true to this vow, and has led an exem- barely read, and has no knowledge
Even if the magus kept his magical nature plary life since. A Faith point gained of what they truly contain or the
secret from Hannelore, she finds out about through a pilgrimage has kept him threat they pose to his family. Hell
it while searching for rumors and informa- safe from demonic temptation. has a way of making sure books such
tion about her love. • Hugo is a member of a secret society as these fall into the hands of those
If her attentions have been reciprocated, within the Church, dedicated to erad- who will use them.
she resents the time that her lover does not
spend with her. By learning magic herself,
she figures she can share laboratory time natively, she can bespell the object of her detail that is unlikely to matter or become
and study, and pursues the Dark Arts in the infatuation so that he will love her, or use known in the unfolding of the plot.
mistaken belief that all magic is equal. She spells (i.e., curses) to remove any obstacles Fortunately for Hannelore, she has the
does not share her tuition with her lover, to their love. At this point, Hannelore has means to learn magic. Her father has in his
preferring for it to be a surprise. She may become mentally unhinged; her infatu- possession a set of books on magic that he
also be aware of obstacles to their love of ation has taken her intelligence hostage, has forbidden her from reading. He keeps
which her lover is unaware, and she relishes and she is not thinking rationally. It may them locked in a chest in his chamber, but
the opportunity to solve these problems be that the Obsession power of a demon she gains access to them, and begins to read
herself and not worry her swain over them. is to blame, making this a longer-term plot them in secret. The books form a corpus of
In either case, Hannelore reasons that, of Hell to make trouble for the covenant, diabolic lore, although Hannelore does not
if she can learn some spells herself, she can while gaining Hannelore’s soul. A demon- realize this at first. She self-initiates the Un-
earn the respect of her intended, and they ic explanation is not necessary for the ad- holy Method of Incantation through a rite
can be together forever and always. Alter- vancement of the story, however, and is a that grants her a Warping point, and this
opens the gateway to other powers.
Her initiatory rite attracts the atten-
Hannelore’s Demonic Patron tion of demons, and eventually a power-
ful demon contacts her in a form pleasing
Details of the demon who has assisted tion of mankind through Infernal magic, to the eye. It offers to teach her directly,
Hannelore’s rise to power are not given in and have a greater capacity for simulating and under its tutelage she grows powerful
this chapter. The intent is for the demon patience and controlling its passions than quickly. Through subtle use of its Obses-
to remain very much in the background, many of their ilk. Ultimately, it wants the sion power, it feeds her mental instability,
using Hannelore to enact its designs on corruption of as many as possible from and her infatuation is gradually twisted
Earth. A Watcher (Realms of Power: The In- this scheme, but its faked forbearance has into a mockery of its former self. She is
fernal, page 64) is ideal in this role; they a limited duration. Hannelore is by no aware that her power is illicit, but prob-
are specialists in teaching corrupt magic means the demon’s only current project, ably does not realize, at least at first, that
to mortals, and among the more powerful and it may well have other cultists it can her spells are Infernal, or that her beloved’s
demons found outside Hell. Such a de- send to Hannelore’s assistance, if it seems magic is not. For five years, she studies un-
mon would be a specialist in the corrup- that she might fail or falter. der the demon in secret. Hannelore’s ob-
session with power and perfection cause

her to delay until she believes that she has hunter, then he might call the characters The Magus Rejects Hannelore
sufficient skill to confront her “lover” with for advice over demonic activity on his
her power. The demon expects him to re- manse, not realizing that his daughter is If the magus recoils in horror, rejects
ject Hannelore, and it hopes that she will involved. Alternatively, Hannelore might her, or reacts in a violent manner, Hannelore
destroy him in her subsequent rage. If she fake her own disappearance. The baron screams in rage, but tries to escape rather
doesn’t, then the demon still gets her soul. may suspect the player magus, or else ask than attack, delaying if she can so she can
him for help. dissolve her corporeal form once more (this
Whatever the circumstances, the ma- takes three rounds). If she has the oppor-
Hannelore gus is enticed to visit Baron Hugo’s home.
Bringing the characters here is impor-
tunity, she tries to acquire an Arcane Con-
nection, such as a favored piece of clothing
Woos Her Love tant; Hannelore’s activities have created or even a handful of hair, which becomes
an Infernal aura on the baron’s lands, and immaterial when she changes form.
It is five years since the incipient ro- eroded the Dominion aura of the castle to Once an Arcane Connection has been
mance between Hannelore and a player strength 1 (meaning it fades entirely after secured, she returns to her love, perhaps as
character began, and Hannelore is a very dark). The character probably does not he is still raising the alarm among his com-
different person now. All attempts by Bar- come alone, bringing other magi or com- rades. She can appear suddenly out of no-
on Hugo to match Hannelore up with a panion characters with him, as well as one where by manifesting a physical form in a
husband have failed. Hugo merely needs or more grogs. Hannelore and the char- place that has already been searched. Hop-
to mention a potential suitor for her affec- acter may meet at dinner, but she is calm ing for the element of surprise, she intends
tions and the man sickens, or has some ter- and nonchalant, hiding her excitement to use a maleficium to control him: Mother
rible accident, or simply disappears. Some that her love is here. Even if there was a Lilith, Queen of Desire / Stroke his Staff, Stoke the
are found dead behind barred doors (she hostile break-up of the incipient romance, Fire. Using a maleficium is very obvious,
adopts the Nightwalker Virtue to gain en- Hannelore expresses a desire to put this involving the chanting of blasphemies and
trance). Anyone who actually meets her behind them, claiming that she was young invocation of demons, so if she did not
is driven off by the taint of Hell that sur- and foolish back then, and is a very differ- surprise her target, she’ll use her Transfix
rounds her — the baron loves his daugh- ent person now. power first. Depending on what Arcane
ter, but even he cannot stand to be around Hannelore waits until the character Connection she managed to gain, this tac-
her for long. Depending on the source of is alone before visiting him. She uses her tic may or may not affect the character: her
his Infernal library (see insert), he could most powerful maleficium — A Ghost on the Casting Total is weak, but she has sympa-
be ignorant of her burgeoning power, or Wind I Shall Become / No Door Shall Stop Me thetic connections to the character — his
blinded by his fatherly love to the level of — to take phantasmal form, then visits his name, and possibly letters signed in his own
her corruption. chamber at night once the Dominion has hand. This might be enough to surmount
Hannelore is now a fully fledged diab- faded away. She adopts corporeal form to his Mentem Magic Resistance; she uses vis
olist, and is ready to get what she believes speak with her love; if he does not see her and Confidence if necessary.
she is owed — the undying love of her appear, he may believe that he is speaking If her maleficium works, she is able to
magus lover. Oblivious of the difference with Hannelore in her real body. She re- control the character through lust. She re-
between Hermetic magic and Infernal sor- leases her feelings in a flood of words, beg- inforces her control using The Scorched Heart
cery, she naïvely believes that, now that ging his forgiveness at her coldness over of a Man Obsessed, timing the incantation for
she has power like her beloved, he will fall supper, explaining the need for their love sunrise or sunset if necessary, so she is not
for her as fully as she has for him. to remain secret, and her excitement that impeded by the Parma Magica (she can
To facilitate this, she arranges a meet- he is here at last. She then demonstrates surmise that the magical protection fades at
ing between them, inviting the magus to her newfound power, slowly fading into these times, since many maleficia do). The
her father’s residence. The exact circum- incorporeality and invisibility, leaving be- other characters are probably suspicious,
stances of this invitation depend very hind a foul sulfurous slime that evaporates particularly if their comrade managed to
much on the relationship that the charac- quickly. A short while later, she visibly re- rouse them prior to his second meeting with
ters have with Baron Hugo, and how the manifests, laughing hysterically with de- Hannelore that night, but under the twin ef-
potential romance between Hannelore light. Her “beloved” should immediately fects of the two maleficia, the character is
and a player magus has played out. The recognize that something is wrong; it is a slave to the diabolist. As part of her con-
invitation comes from Baron Hugo, rather very hard to acquire powers such as these, trol over her beloved, Hannelore uses her
than Hannelore; whether he is complicit and Nightwalking, if the character knows Infernal Ability to drain Fatigue levels from
in the invitation or forced to take part by anything about it, cannot be taught at all. her captive, and to obtain a strong Arcane
her magic depends on the role that the A simple Intellego Vim spell reveals the Connection to use against him in future.
storyguide has chosen for the baron. If he presence of Infernally tainted magic (she She uses Her Iniquities Shall Be Hidden From His
is an ignorant pawn, then Hannelore sim- is using a 9th magnitude maleficium). Eyes on her father, so he cannot perceive the
ply manipulates him into doing her will, The actions of the character determine magus for who he really is, but mistakes him
using force if necessary. If he is a demon- what happens next. instead for a female companion.

If the character was lured to Baron Hu-
go’s house alone, then he could be a slave Redemption
to Hannelore’s desires indefinitely — or at
least until his sodales become sufficiently Hannelore is not beyond redemption. revenge. However, if the characters are
suspicious of his prolonged absence to in- She has committed mortal sins, yet any inclined to put in the effort, then such
vestigate his whereabouts. Hannelore re- who truly seek salvation can attain it. A salvation might be achieved, although the
news her maleficia as necessary to keep her patient and persistent character may per- road will be fraught with obstacles. Her
captive under her power, and may try more suade Hannelore to give up her powers desire for redemption will be tested by
powerful versions of the Psychomachia In- after getting her to realize their source. In God, and her demonic patron certainly
fernal Power to control her love. Perhaps it this, he may well have the help of the bar- will not let her go without a fight.
is a botched attempt at one of these spells on, who could himself have abandoned Penance would undoubtedly involve
that allows him to finally break free. diabolic powers in the past (depending voluntary incarceration in a nunnery. If
on the backstory chosen for him). If the the nunnery chosen for Hannelore hap-
characters simply abandon her after she pens to be the corrupted one described
The Magus Plays Along expresses a genuine desire for redemp- later in this story, then she could easily
tion, then the storyguide can assume slide back into diabolism without the as-
Rather than recoiling from Hannelore, her recidivism and subsequent search for sistance of those who care for her.
the character may instead decide to play
along with her in an attempt to get more
information. She cheerfully relates how proach the baron about Hannelore’s ac- pens in his barony without his knowledge.
she has murdered the suitors chosen by tivities — she is his daughter, after all. He confronts them with his armed men
her father, through curses or through Nevertheless, they will find it difficult to before they manage to find Hannelore, and
nighttime visitations like this, all in the confront Hannelore on his property with- demands to know what they are doing. As
name of her love. She admits to fantasies out his knowledge or assistance. If the a baron, he probably has the right of judge,
about killing her father, since he is trying characters do go to him for help, he is sad- jury, and executioner over a hostile force
so hard to drive their love apart. dened to hear their tale about his daugh- found on the barony (this varies according
Hannelore is dangerously mad but not ter, but he is capable of believing it of her, to the location of the saga), and the rest of
stupid, and the player may need to suc- given what he has witnessed over the last his men are mobilizing to provide support
ceed in social Ability rolls (Charm, Folk few years. Of course, if the characters in arresting the invaders. If the characters
Ken, or Intrigue depending on tactics; the have neither proof nor a believable story, are capable of placating him — he is an-
Ease Factor should be at least 6) to pre- or approach him in a disrespectful manner, gry, but still suspicious of his daughter —
vent her from becoming suspicious. She is they find it hard to elicit his aid and may then he insists on accompanying them, and
particularly coy about the current location need force or magic to locate Hannelore. brings his soldiers to ensure that his daugh-
of her body, but might be persuaded to If they persuade Baron Hugo to help, ter survives their encounter.
meet with her swain in person somewhere he makes that help contingent on a prom-
nearby. The character may not realize it, ise that Hannelore’s life be spared. Despite
but he is in real danger, since Hannelore
uses the same maleficia described earlier
everything, he still loves his daughter, and
her death would be heart-wrenching. He
Confronting Hannelore
to enslave her love and prevent him from also has hopes that she can be persuaded to
getting away from her again. Allowing seek redemption and abandon her wicked Hannelore has taken over a series of
Hannelore to get close to him just gives ways. He wants to accompany the charac- caves once used by the baron’s household
her more opportunity to acquire a signifi- ters to ensure that this wish is respected. to store perishable goods, but now aban-
cant Arcane Connection. Once this is agreed, he supplies manpower doned. The caves were expanded in size
— a trained group of four soldiers (use the in the past and dressed with stone, and go
Standard Soldier template, ArM5, page deep into the bedrock to take best advan-
Help from the Baron 22) lead by a serjeant (use the Grizzled
Veteran template, ArM5, page 21). One of
tage of the cool conditions. Hannelore has
been using one of the caves as a ritual cham-
his knights might be in residence, and he ber, and it now contains an Infernal aura of
Ultimately, the player characters de- is able to summon more, given a day to do 3, thanks to her evil activities within.
sire to find Hannelore and put an end to so. He also knows his manor well, and his Hannelore is no match for a group of
her evil ways. This might be part of a res- influence over his staff will prove invalu- magi. Her powers can be considerable,
cue attempt some time after the targeted able to tracking down where Hannelore given sufficient preparation, but have low
magus first visited Baron Hugo’s home, has secluded herself. Penetration Totals against those in whom
or it might be part of the same event if If the characters choose to attempt an she has taken no interest. However, she
Hannelore’s gambit has failed. assault against Hannelore without the Bar- can lay curses on companions and grogs,
The characters may be loathe to ap- on’s assistance, they find out that little hap- inflicting Minor Flaws such as Noncomba-

though she can achieve some immunity
from danger with She Who Bears the Mark
Shall Be Unharmed. If the characters have
come heavily armed, then the storyguide
might wish to make the encounter more
challenging with the assistance of some
minor demons controlled through a pact
(see Pact of the Chalice of Blood), or else a
mundane champion — one of her former
suitors — whom she has ensorceled in ad-
vance with her Crown of Twelve Stars on Her
Head power.
If, for some reason, the baron has not
accompanied the characters to confront
Hannelore, then he arrives before the
characters are able to kill her. He inter-
poses himself between the characters and
his daughter, and begs for her life. She
might see this as an opportunity for self-
preservation and rush to his side, falling to
her knees before him to beg for forgive-
ness and protection.

Resolution and
Ultimately, Hannelore is no match for
tant, Palsied Hands, or Fear (like The Wrath she is aware that the characters are com- a group of determined characters, and she
of a Woman Scorches the Valor of Man). She ing for her, she can adopt her phantasmal can be easily outmatched physically and
can also blight an Ability such as Single form and use these curses from a point of magically. However, her father’s interfer-
Weapon (like Trampled Under Death’s Pale relative safety (being capable of becom- ence most likely prevents her demise, and
Hooves), or penalize a Characteristic (like ing immaterial and invisible), or else use he has a solution. The baron’s suggestion is
Thy Health Shall Shrivel Like Straw in a Flame). her acquired Skinchanger Virtue to make to have Hannelore confined to a nunnery,
All of these curses can be delivered with an exit. Her main tactics are hit-and-run, secluded on holy ground. As an anchorite
Duration: Diameter, giving her a good weakening her opponents as much as pos- — walled into a cell and fed through a
chance of employing them in this aura. If sible before having to confront them, al- hole — her capacity for mischief would be

A Little Bundle of ...Joy?

If Hannelore managed to consum- Depending on the time elapsed be- meet up again in the events described
mate her lust with her beloved, then tween the couple’s liaison and her defeat at earlier, may be enough to make the char-
there is a chance that she might con- the hands of the character, her pregnancy acter consider clemency for the mother
ceive a child with the player character. may not be obvious, and she bears the of his child.
She is at the peak of fertility, and if the baby in the seclusion of the nunnery with- The fate of the baby could become
magus has not yet created a Longevity out the knowledge of the father. He only a major plot point, particularly if it has
ritual, then the stars are right for such discovers this when they return to the nun- The Gift. How does a magus — who has
an event. If it suits the story, another nery after Hannelore’s escape (see later). probably resolved himself to being child-
Infernal witch (or a demon) might inter- Alternatively, too much time might less — deal with suddenly becoming a fa-
fere at Hannelore’s behest and allow her have gone by for the pregnancy to go ther? What happens to the child? Could
to conceive a child, even with a sterile unnoticed, or else the baby might have it become its father’s apprentice? And if it
magus (the Consumption Power permits already been born. This revelation, only was conceived with the assistance of In-
such a maleficium). obvious once the magus and Hannelore fernal powers, is it also tainted?

greatly diminished and her powers curbed.
Furthermore, she may seek salvation and The Nunnery
make amends for the evil she has per-
formed. Baron Hugo is an influential man, The nunnery should have an es- Hannelore, and has been directed to as-
and his good will should be something tablished reputation in the saga before sist her. Either Hannelore or Father Fulke
that the player characters desire; they may it is introduced as Hannelore’s prison. works to exert personal influence (Realms
find it unsatisfying but necessary to acqui- Perhaps the characters have guided lost of Power: The Infernal, page 22–23) over
esce to his demands. novices there, or been involved in a mi- several of the younger nuns, promulgat-
Should Hannelore perish during the nor story connected to the nuns. Such ing rebelliousness and licentious behav-
encounter, this is no great problem; sim- foreshadowing should establish the ior. Through their actions, the Dominion
ply skip the next section and go straight to nunnery as an ordinary religious house aura of the nunnery is weakened, and an
Hannelore’s Final Gambit. with a solid foundation; this prevents Infernal aura manifests at night. These
the characters from being too suspicious corrupted nuns are also Initiated into the
about its role in this story. Favored Abilities of Hannelore’s patron:
However, once Hannelore arrives Ceremony, Diablerie, Incantation, Male-

Hannelore’s here, its darker side is brought forth. If

the storyguide has chosen an immediate
escape for Hannelore, then the nunnery
diction, and Psychomachia.
It is not necessary for Father Fulke or
Hannelore to corrupt the entire nunnery;
Revenge was corrupted before her arrival, and
Baron Hugo was steered toward choos-
indeed, it is unlikely that either would
be able to. However, each nun adds her
ing it by an outside force (such as the de- Presence + Incantation as a ceremonial
Hannelore does not simply languish mon who tutored Hannelore). If a slow- bonus to Hannelore’s Casting Total, and
in her confinement in the nunnery. While er resolution has been decided upon, she leads one nun in a ceremony per point
her demonic tutor cannot visit her here, then Hannelore arrives at the nunnery of her Ceremony Ability (Realms of Power:
she is not without resources. Although life while it is still in a state of grace, and she The Infernal, page 91). Alternatively, in a
at the nunnery may have seemed austere, is responsible for its downfall. ceremony with no leader, 12 nuns plus
within a few months of Hannelore’s pres- If the nunnery was corrupted prior Hannelore can add the sum of their Cer-
ence there, she has sufficient influence to Hannelore’s arrival, then the agent of emony scores (– 13) to her Casting To-
over a select group of nuns to make her its demise is Father Fulke, the priest as- tal, in addition to the earlier bonus. This
life more comfortable, and within a year signed to the pastoral care of the nuns. could provide her with a significant boost
she is studying from grimoires and has ac- “Father” Fulke is not a priest at all, but to her power, allowing her to prepare
cess to vis that her corrupted servants have an infernalist posing as one. He is de- for her assault with a number of Infernal
smuggled in for her (see insert “The Nun- voted to the same demon who trained Powers granted by Diablerie maleficia.
nery,” nearby).

The Escape her embarrassment and do the right thing.

The Confinement The time will come when Hannelore
Hannelore’s cell contains those posses-
sions she could not take with her in crow
cannot benefit further from her confine- form. Some books on the maleficia and a
It is up to the storyguide how much ment, and she judges it is time for her to few pawns of vis can be found among her
time elapses between Hannelore’s im- leave. Since the Dominion aura within her clothes and eating bowl. The vis appears
prisonment and her escape. On the one cell has been eroded through the actions of to be Corpus vis to Hermetic magic, and is
hand, an immediate escape maintains a herself and her minions, it no longer pro- in the form of a dried crust of bread; this is
high level of tension and immediacy in vides an impediment to her Infernal magic. actually profaned Host, and is vis infesta.
the encounter. On the other hand, having She can adopt the shape of a crow using Hannelore managed to take her more pre-
an old enemy reappear is an equally good her Black Wings, Eye-Piercing Beak maleficium. cious stores of vis prava, clutched in the
dramatic device. In the second scenario, It may be some time before the nuns claws of her bird shape.
the storyguide might need to apply one discover her flight. Those nuns in her ser-
or more years of experience to Hannelore. vice who have remained behind can cover
While she cannot learn at her former ac-
celerated rate, she certainly has access
for her absence by volunteering to take her
food and see to her needs. Even once the
The Showdown
to profane reading materials and raw vis, deception has been uncovered, the prior-
and can improve her Methods and Pow- ess may not immediately inform anyone, Hannelore has escaped for one reason
ers accordingly. This enhances her powers being too ashamed of her failure. Only if only — revenge. Her targets are her be-
against the protagonists when it is time for the characters have stressed the danger loved, her father, and the rest of the char-
them to meet once more. that Hannelore poses will she overcome acters who participated in her defeat. She

and if the opportunity presents, she does
Contingencies not hesitate to try — even if the attempt
might result in her capture or death.
It is entirely possible that the char- A persistent troupe should not be
acters are not happy with permitting a prevented from pursuing this option,
witch like Hannelore to live. While they however. Hannelore’s showdown with Escaping a Burning Building
might be content to permit Hannelore the characters can take place in the nun-
to be incarcerated in a nunnery, they nery as easily as a place of Hannelore’s Fire is a primal fear, and being trapped
may intend to ensure she does not sur- choosing. If the characters move quickly, inside a burning building with a group of
vive long past her confinement. Natu- the nunnery should have been corrupted panicking people is one of the surest ways
rally, an assault against a nunnery must in advance, so that Hannelore benefits of dying. The first peril is the smoke, inha-
be made in absolute secrecy — it would from the Infernal aura around her cell; lation of which imposes Deprivation rolls
look very bad for the characters if they she may have made preparations to pro- (ArM5, page 180). At first, these rolls are
were discovered planning an armed raid tect herself against such an assault. If nec- made every 30 seconds (5 combat rounds),
against a group of nuns. This is why essary, she burns down the nunnery if it but as the smoke thickens, the frequency
Hannelore’s demonic patron tries to en- ensures the death of her former love. increases to every round. A wet cloth in
sure that the local authorities are made If the characters have an Arcane front of the face adds +3 to all Deprivation
aware of such plans in time to interfere. Connection to Hannelore (her former rolls against smoke inhalation.
If more covert methods are used, lover, if initially willing, could well have The second problem is the heat. Char-
even the mundane challenges of get- one), then they may be able to target her acters should make a roll to avoid Short-
ting into a nunnery secretly might be without leaving home. This is a trickier Term Fatigue (ArM5, page 178) every
enough to thwart a magus. Most of the option to adjudicate because it robs the round they engage in activity within the
nunnery is within the Dominion, pro- story of a showdown, but the foresight heated tavern. Anyone wearing principal-
viding an impediment to spellcasting. of obtaining and preserving an Arcane ly metal armor receives a –3 penalty to this
The high walls are designed to keep the Connection should be rewarded. In this Fatigue roll.
nuns cloistered from the outside world, situation, the return of Hannelore as Third, when fire breaks out, each
and Hannelore herself is bricked into an Infernal ghost should be made more round every character must soak +5 dam-
her cell (at least, she is whenever the dramatic, to give a satisfying conclusion age from the flames. After 5 rounds of
characters come visiting...). to the story. exposure, metal armor provides no pro-
tection against flames. If the character at-
tempts any heroic actions, then more of
has planned this revenge since her incar- who sets the flames. She follows it around, his body may be affected by the flames,
ceration, and wastes no time putting her bespelling the roof, doors, and sections of doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the
plan into action, knowing that if her es- wall with Break Not, Bend Not, Burn Not / Thy base damage (ArM5, page 181). After 10
cape is noticed, she will be tracked down Powers Desert, hindering magical attempts rounds in the burning building, the dam-
and stopped. to escape the burning building. The tav- age increases to +10, and the rafters are in
Her method is brutal. While she could ern has many patrons this night, and their danger of collapsing, bringing the whole
easily murder her enemies in their sleep panicked attempts to escape hinder the tavern down. Every round, roll a simple
by using A Ghost on the Wind I Shall Become, characters’ actions further. For a more dif- die: if it is less than or equal to the number
she wants them to suffer for their actions ficult challenge to the characters, this en- of rounds that the tavern has been burn-
against her, and her unhinged mind con- counter could occur at night when most ing since the damage increased to +10,
cocts a plan. She sends a message to her of the patrons (and possibly some of the then the roof collapses, inflicting +15
foes, asking them to meet at a particular player characters) are asleep. damage on all within.
tavern. The message appears to come from Hannelore herself is standing outside The final danger faced by the burning
a known ally, perhaps even Baron Hugo. the building, watching it burn. She has building is the other people within. There
The tavern is not in a town, but near a protected herself from fire using Clothed are about two dozen people trapped in-
relatively busy road, serving the travelers in the Dragon’s Scales, and may well cavort side the building with the characters, and
who need to stop on the way between two within the flames and taunt her opponents they do not act rationally once they real-
major towns. It is also a popular haunt of as they attempt to get out. If anyone man- ize that they are likely to burn to death.
redcaps, and famed for its ale. Baron Hugo ages to escape, she is ready with a knife The list that follows offers a few exam-
gets a similar message. to dispatch them, although she may have ples of their actions. Characters can at-
When everyone is inside, she bars the called in some of her allies, demonic and tempt Communication + Leadership rolls
doors and sets fire to the building. She has otherwise (as earlier), if the characters are against an Ease Factor of 12 to attempt
made a compact (via The Pact of the Chalice of competent in a fight. She would dearly some influence over these people, or else
Blood) with an aethnicus (a demon of fire, love to personally put a knife in the hearts use brute force to get them out the way. If
see Realms of Power: The Infernal, page 67), of her father and her betraying lover, the characters have interacted with some

of these individuals during their visit to
the tavern, they may be more inclined to-
creased by +3 because the cooking fire
masks the smell of the tavern burning. If Hannelore’s
Final Gambit
ward heroic actions. characters are asleep, the Ease Factor for
their rolls to notice the smoke is increased
• A merchant offers the characters a by +9.
pouch of silver coins if they rescue
his wares from his private chamber Round 1: Characters may notice the smell Hannelore’s story is not quite done.
upstairs. of smoke, with a Perception + Aware- Hell gives her one last chance to secure her
• A mother stands screaming hysteri- ness roll against an Ease Factor of 12. revenge by permitting her to return as an
cally because her children are trapped Whether they smell it or not, the Infernal ghost. If she can gain more souls for
upstairs, and begs the characters to characters make a Deprivation roll for Hell, the punishment she is due for a sinful
help her. smoke inhalation. life will be remitted fractionally. She is given
• A young man and his love are hiding Round 3: The Ease Factor for noticing the a year from the anniversary of her death to
beneath a table, and refuse to come smell of smoke drops to 6. secure a soul for Hell, and if she succeeds,
out even though the table has already Round 5: The smoke cannot be missed her time as an Infernal ghost is extended
caught fire. any more. Characters must make De- for another year. To win a soul, she needs
• A local hero is throwing water and ale privation rolls for smoke inhalation to tempt them to commit a mortal sin, then
from the barrels onto the flames, but is every round from here on. Further, the ensure they die without repenting.
doing so ineffectually. heat from the burning building means As a demon, Hannelore has lost all the
that Short-Term Fatigue rolls also have governing virtue of her conscience, and she
Since Hannelore has barred the doors to be made every round. must struggle against the desire for a quick
from the outside, characters need to force Round 10: Fires are now breaking out all conclusion in order to get the revenge she
them open or chop them down. If they over the tavern, inflicting +5 damage craves. She works her way through any re-
rely on pure Strength rolls to force the each round maining members of her family, then moves
doors, the Ease Factor is 12. If a character Round 15: The tavern is now burning on to any grogs or companions who helped
charges at the door, he must lose a Short- furiously, inflicting +10 damage each her lover survive the fire.
Term Fatigue level, but can add his Athlet- round. The Ease Factor to break down Hannelore’s method is the same each
ics to the Strength roll. Up to four charac- the doors decreases by 3 since the tav- time. Starting with Baron Hugo (assum-
ters can combine their Strength to force ern is structurally weakened. There is ing he is still alive), she possesses his wife
(but not charge) the doors. If they use a now a risk that the tavern will collapse Ermengarde, and uses her Infatuation Ob-
bench as a battering ram, they may add on the characters. session on Hugo and Ermengarde. She
+3 to their roll. Characters who use an axe then fakes evidence that Hugo has been
(there is one by the back door, for chop- unfaithful (or uncovers a real infidelity, us-
ping firewood) can make a Stress check
for the door each round — roll a stress die
Hannelore’s Demise ing her Betrayal of the Heart power), and pro-
vides Ermengarde with the opportunity to
against an Ease Factor of 15, adding 3 to kill him after inflicting her with the Re-
the roll because it has been barred. If the There should be no last-minute rescue venge Obsession. Ermengarde succumbs
stress check fails, the door loses a damage for Hannelore this time — even Baron to the passion and her soul is forsaken;
level. It has 2 damage levels in total; once Hugo can see the need for his daughter’s Hannelore then ensures her swift death
they are gone, the door is passable. death. If the storyguide desires, Hannelore by ensuring that Ermengarde does not
The characters should not forget could try to escape in crow form when it survive her arrest by the lord’s men. After
about Baron Hugo. He is also inside is apparent that she has not caused the killing Ermengarde, Hannelore moves on
the tavern, and if they save his life, they death of either her father or her beloved. to her siblings and any of baron’s knights
might further cement their alliance with Whether this escape is successful, or who participated in her demise. Not all of
this influential nobleman, or repair a whether she is shot down by an archer, is the wives act on the Revenge Obsession;
damaged relationship. up to the needs of the story, but her death in these cases, she takes full possession of
at this point of the story ensures that it her host and simulates the attempt. This
reaches an appropriate climax. doesn’t earn her the wife’s soul, but if her
Timeline of the Fire For a suitably dramatic ending, once target kills her spouse, she can tempt her
an Incapacitating or Fatal wound has been into remorse-laden suicide.
A typical timeline of the encounter at inflicted on her, Hannelore might beg for If the character has maintained con-
the tavern is given nearby. Remember that her father or her love to come close and nections with Hannelore’s family since
if the characters do smell smoke, it might hear her confession. She then spits one fi- her death, or has contacts within the lo-
take them several rounds to discover that nal curse at one of them, expending the cal nobility, he may learn of the series of
the building is on fire. If it is during the rest of her power and offering herself as an deaths and investigate before too many are
day, the rolls to notice the smoke are in- Infernal sacrifice to power the effect. killed. He may connect the dates of the

deaths as clustered around the date that he needs is for him to commit a mortal sin and stances, she becomes increasingly desper-
finally defeated Hannelore, and realize that then die without atonement. However, she ate as her deadline looms closely and she
another anniversary is coming up soon. If flees from superior opposition. still lacks a soul to ransom her own. She
Hannelore should see her paramour, her If any covenfolk took part in her demise becomes careless and targets her former
demonic nature makes it impossible for her she might intend to target them first; but paramour directly. She does not — indeed
to resist abandoning her plan in favor of once again, she may spy her beloved and be cannot — bother with subtlety around her
killing him as soon as possible. This means unable to resist targeting him instead. Pos- beloved. She uses everything at her dis-
that she has little opportunity to plan her sessed humans are not warded by an Aegis posal to tempt him to sin and then end his
attack, and her involvement is likely to of the Hearth or similar protection, as long as life, with the proviso that, at the end, he is
be transparent. For example, the wife of the demon does not extend its Magic Re- aware that she is the architect of his demise.
her current target, secretly possessed by sistance over the host (Realms of Power: The An appropriate end to this story would be
Hannelore, might attempt to ravish him on Infernal page 32). If the Penetration of an Ae- a big showdown with the characters on the
the supper table, or else Hannelore might gis exceeds her Infernal Might, though, all anniversary of her death, leading to her soul
possess several women at the same time and powers cost twice their usual Might points. being dragged back to Hell by angels of
attempt to tear him limb from limb. All she If she is thwarted in either of these in- punishment in a show of flames and smoke.

Hannelore, Vengeful Ghost

Infernal Might: 20 (Mentem) ing tone, and can speak through any tance is overcome by this power, the
Order: Accusers figure from the victim’s subconscious. victim is possessed by the demon,
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1, A waking dream is more obvious; and is under its direct control. For
Com +3, Str 0, Sta –1, Dex 0, Qik +1 the victim suffers an immediate and more details, see Realms of Power: The
Size: 0 powerful hallucination of whatever Infernal, page 32.
Confidence Score: 2 (6) the demon desires. This may be so Whispers Behind the Back, 2 points, Init 0,
Virtues and Flaws: As in life horrific that the victim is stunned for Mentem: Working exactly like the
Personality Traits: Hateful +5, Attracted to a round, and must make a Brave Per- spell Pains of the Perpetual Worry, this
Power +3, Inquisitive +2, Sensible –3 sonality roll against an Ease Factor of power gives the victim a nagging,
Reputations: Ambitious 3 (Infernal) 9 or have an extreme reaction, such as taunting, painful emotion linked
Combat: retching, convulsions, or abject terror. to their secret sins. It is a recurrent
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, This is the only way that Hannelore sense of anxiety that their secret will
Damage +2 can communicate with humans. be uncovered, and a suspicion that
Soak: –1 Obsession, 1 to 3 points, Init -5, Vim: everyone already knows it and is tak-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Hannelore can attempt to impose ing about the target behind his back.
Unconscious either of her Obsession Traits of In- This power lasts for a month.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), fatuation or Revenge upon a mortal Vis: 4 pawns of vis prava, but this is in-
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), whenever the mortal indulges in a substantial.
Dead (21+) venial sin. If the power penetrates Appearance: She looks much as she did
Abilities: As in life Magic Resistance, the victim is as- in life, but her face is pinched into a
Powers: sailed with sinful thoughts, and ac- caricature of its former self, and her
Betrayal of the Heart, 2 points, Init 0, Men- quires a Personality Trait with a score skin is scarlet as if she has been boiled
tem: This power allows Hannelore to equal to the number of Might points alive. She has small horns in her tou-
see into the hearts of men and draw spent by the demon. This Trait may sled hair. Her fine clothes are faded,
forth people’s most secret fears and become permanent if the character and stream behind her as if constantly
sins. Each use of this power reveals indulges in that sin when next pre- whipped by the furnace winds of Hell.
to the demon one fact about the tar- sented with an opportunity. For more
get to which he would never admit. details, see Realms of Power: The Infer- Note that Hannelore is incorporeal
Truly holy people may be immune to nal, pages 31–32. in her natural form, and cannot be en-
this power if they have no secrets, no Possession, variable points, Init +2, Men- gaged physically in combat unless her
matter how petty. tem: To possess a human, the demon opponent is also a spirit. She has no ca-
Envisioning, 1 or 5 points, Init +0, Mentem: may expend any number of points pacity to form a solid body.
Hannelore can appear in the dreams from its Might Pool to create a Pos- The storyguide may wish to increase
of a sleeping target (in which case session Might Pool; these points ac- Hannelore’s Might score if she would
it costs 1 Might point), or make the tually enter the possessed creature not pose a suitable challenge to the
target experience a waking dream and will not be regenerated by the player characters. Her Infernal Reputa-
or vision (in which case it costs 5 demon until the possession is ended. tion could afford her the rank of Master
Might points). A demon cannot in- The more of its Might it expends to or Lord, giving her +5 or +10 Might re-
stantly make substantial changes to use this power, the more the demon spectively. It is up to the storyguide as to
a dream, but can gradually twist it to can do with its host, but the weaker whether she still has access to her male-
take on a darker and more frighten- the Penetration. If the target’s resis- ficia as a demon.

Chapter Eight

A Demonically Inspired Cult

In this scenario, a heretical cult arises work, and then shift the blame to others. trine by aiding those who espouse spiritual
near the covenant. It is more successful Her followers have blamed Jews, lepers, errors. The tiny cults he creates are usually
than usual, because several demons, not pagans, Muslims, sorcerers, and (and this suppressed by the Church.
working together initially, each give it add- is unusual to this demon in particular)
ed impetus. As the cult grows, it spreads greengrocers, for whom she has a passion-
misery, death, and Infernal auras through- ate loathing. She is not, directly, a servant
out the region that contains the covenant’s
resources. The player characters can ig-
nore the rise of the cult, but left to their
of Abaissier, but as the cult grows, her
schemes complement his so that they are
effectively allies.
Aims and
plans, the demons that support it spread a
deadly disease, destroying the economy of
Fabrico usually makes false relics. This
demon enjoys tricking mortals by simulat-
the region and driving thousands of des- ing acts of the divine. He crafts mundane
perate people to sin, creating further Infer- items, and then surrounds them with fake Abaissier arranges for several of his
nal auras. The Church and nearby noble- miracles so that they are acclaimed as rel- cells to emerge publicly in various places
men are forced to act, and Hermetic magi, ics. Fabrico then promulgates false doc- simultaneously, making them more diffi-
untrustworthy and unorthodox, risk being
destroyed with the heretics.

The flagellant movement described in
this chapter is, initially, an accidental col-
laboration between demons.
Abaissier is a demon dedicated to turn-
ing the exceptionally pious away from God,
by distracting them with the sin of Pride.
His seductive message is that people who
go to greater extremes of suffering are dem-
onstrating greater piety, and therefore are
more beloved of God. This is not true, but
the snare of sacrifice is such that the more
people have forsaken for God, the more dif-
ficult it is for them to admit that they have
been mistaken. Abaissier tempts single pious
individuals, but also lures charismatic men
who become the leaders of small heretical
groups. As a Lord, Abaissier has sufficient
status to command many lesser demons.
Bufonia is a demon who causes sick-
ness by poisoning wells. Her greatest love
is to have her followers perform their evil


Abaissier is a Lord of the Angels of (threatening Scriptural quotations). porary trait is lost. If it succeeds, the
Punishment. It is a demon that tricks Powers: trait is acquired permanently. A char-
people into harming themselves. This Coagulation, 3 point, Init –1, Corpus: acter under the effect of this Obses-
leads them to damnation, because the Allows the demon to manufacture sion has a Light Wound modifier of
sinners then believe they have atoned a solid body from the ambient, un- +1, although no more than three of
for their transgressions. formed matter of the universe. See these wounds can stack as a bonus
Appearance for details. (for a total of +3).
Order: Lord of the Avengers of Evil Envisioning, 1 or 5 points, Init 0, Men- Punish the Sinner, 5 points, Init +3, Cor-
Infernal Might: 35 (Ignem) tem: 1 point allows the demon to pus: Allows the demon to harm hu-
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +2, enter and twist dreams. 5 points al- mans in proportion to their level
Com +3, Str +1, Sta +3, Dex +3, low the demon to create a waking of sin. An unexpiated mortal sin
Qik +4 hallucination. If used to terrify, the causes a Heavy wound if this Power
Size: +2 victim can ignore it with a Brave penetrates Magic Resistance, and a
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Personality trait roll against an Ease venial sin causes a Light wound. A
Personality Traits: Relentless +5, Merci- factor of 9. Failure to resist leads to character with no obvious sin suffers
ful –3. a profound physical reaction, like a a number of points damage equal to
Reputations: Angel of Punishment 3 (Infer- seizure. Abaissier often uses these the sum of all the character’s negative
nal), Scourge of the Pious 1 (Infernal). waking dreams to remind people Personality Traits. This power is ac-
Hierarchy 5 of tiny failings, as a way of stoking tivated by a touch from the demon,
Combat: their Pride. “Your failing is so small,” and can be used in conjunction with
5 x Flailing chain: Init +5, Attack +12, De- he notes, “that if you just expiated it a strike from its flail.
fense +11, Damage +9. with flagellation, you would be per- Weakness: Protected group (people who
Soak: +5 fect.” These hallucinations can be self-flagellate in a way permitted by
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –1, –3, –3, resisted with a Humble Personality the Church).
–5, Unconscious. Trait against an Ease Factor of 9. Vis: 7 pawns of Perdo, 1 in each whip.
Wound Penalties: +1* (1–7), –3 (8–14), Protective Obsession, 1 to 3 points, Init –5, Appearance: Abaissier takes the form
–5 (15–22), Incapacitated (23–30), Vim: When a person is committing of an angel made of flaming chains,
Dead (31+). a sinful thought or deed, the demon the color of brass and blood. This
* Light wounds make Abaissier more may impose its Obsession Trait if particular Angel of Punishment has
dangerous, not less. He may delib- this Power defeats Magic Resistance. no right hand; instead, it has five
erately harm himself each round, to This gives the person a temporary thin chains with weighted ends. In
gain these bonuses. This bonus can- Personality trait of Self-loathing, battle, these extend to an extraor-
not go higher than +5. and at the next opportunity, he must dinary length, and can be used in-
Abilities: Awareness 4 (flagellants), Civil make a roll, opposed by any suit- dependently as flails. It wears a pale
and Canon Law 4 (petty errors), Phi- able Personality trait, to avoid doing white robe, which, uniquely among
losophae 5 (making people feel guilty), something to harm or punish him- its kind, is stained with blood-like
Single Weapon 6 (whip), Theology 6 self. If the Obsession fails, the tem- liquid if it is injured.

cult to extinguish. Fabrico subverts some of Bufonia does not initially know that exercise the virtue of patience, which pre-
the cells. The different demons’ flagellant Abaissier is master of the cult. She believes vents them from making plans. They are
leaders argue, and their followers clash. Fabrico rules the flagellants, and is un- also unable to share, because they cannot
Fabrico is weaker than Abaissier, though, afraid of him. Once the processions begin, abstain from greediness, which prevents
so the more powerful demon brings the she recruits followers to poison the wells them co-operating in a collegial way. In
other into involuntary servitude. in towns near the flagellants. She hopes to this case, however, no real planning is
When the Church or magi intervene, destroy a group of outsiders: greengrocers, necessary. The cult is damaging simply
Abaissier avoids drawing attention to him- magi, Jews, whoever is easiest. If every- because three demons that usually operate
self. He is willing to sacrifice Fabrico, pro- thing goes sour and competent opposition separately happen, on this occasion, to be
vided this allows him to identify the lead- materializes, she wants her activities to be active in the same region. Once each has
ers and methods of his opposition. Fabrico blamed on Fabrico. Bufonia is not a direct set its minions to action, the demons do
knows this. The player characters may be rival or ally of Abaissier, but her evil and not need to direct the development of the
able to encourage Fabrico to attack Abais- his are complementary, so it appears that cult. Their followers, who are human and
sier, weakening each demon before the they collaborate. therefore capable of calculated harm, find
players destroy both. Demons cannot, in the strictest sense, their own mischief.


First Encounter his extended network of flagellants. The

first encounter with the flagellants occurs
in a story in which they are not the fo-
The presence of the demons may become
obvious when they begin to cause panic
and suffering in mortal communities, but
The characters first encounter Abais- cus. Following the story seeds given later their connection to the flagellant cult is
sier’s schemes when their companions or in the Methods section, the first encoun- revealed only gradually.
grogs meet some people who are part of ter is with a single member of the cult.

Bufonia is a demon who teaches hu- Abilities: Awareness 4 (the Divine), but must spend Might to have the
mans how to poison wells. She does this Guile 6 (frightened people), Medi- victim perform tasks he considers
to provoke hatred of scapegoat groups. cine 6 (contaminants), Thrown abhorrent. This requires the demon
She does not, however, ever poison weapon 6 (vial of poison), Teaching to make a roll of stress die + spent
wells herself. 6 (to make “cures”). Might points against the victim’s Per-
Unusually for her class of demon, Envisioning, 1 or 5 points, Init 0, Mentem: sonality trait roll. Using a Supernatu-
Bufonia can take on a superficially pleas- 1 point allows the demon to enter ral ability also costs 1 Might, or the
ant human form. This allows her to con- and twist dreams. 5 points allow the same number of Might points a pos-
vince some of her dupes that the liquids demon to create a waking hallucina- sessed supernatural creature spends
they are creating, and then placing in tion. If used to terrify, the victim can to use one of its powers.
the wells, protect against the plague. ignore it with a Brave Personality Contagious Obsession, 1 point per victim,
These victims usually die soon after, as trait roll against an Ease factor of 9. Init 0, Mentem: When a person is
they take her sovereign remedy in highly Failure to resist leads to a profound committing a sinful thought or deed,
concentrated form in an effort to protect physical reaction, like a seizure. the demon may impose its Obses-
themselves. The demon so enjoys their Form of Wickedness, 2 points, Init 0, Men- sion Trait if this Power defeats Magic
suffering, particularly when she reveals tem: This allows the demon to Resistance. This gives the person a
to her victims that they have killed their manufacture a solid form of pure sin. temporary Personality trait of Hates
family and friends, that she often culti- Those around the demon who lack (group). At the next opportunity, he
vates a few of these victims, even if will- sufficient Magic Resistance begin to must make a roll, opposed by any
ing accomplices could do more harm. suspect their neighbors of poisoning suitable Personality trait, to avoid
them. A Stamina stress roll against attempting to harm the scapegoats.
Order: Likely a Vessel of Iniquity an Ease Factor of 6 is needed every If the Obsession fails, the temporary
Infernal Might: 20 (Animal) hour; failure costs a Fatigue level, trait is lost. If it succeeds, the trait
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com and a success breaks this Power’s is acquired permanently. Any hu-
0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +3, Qik +1 hold. The Power also ends if the vic- man who becomes a victim of this
Size: 0 tim falls unconscious. A botch causes demon’s Obsession power becomes
Confidence Score: 1 (3) temporary insanity, and imposes a a carrier of that Power, and can pass
Personality Traits: Depraved +6, Hate- Minor Personality Flaw appropri- it on to anyone he abuses, using the
ful +6, Loathes greengrocers +3. ate to the sin. This form may only same series of rolls. Every added
Reputations: Poisoner of Wells 1 be maintained for one round, after victim costs the demon 1 Might
(Infernal). which the demon must take spiritual point, and the Power ceases to be
Hierarchy 1 or human form. contagious if either the carrier runs
Combat: Form of The Proud Man, 0 points, Init 0, out of Might or a day passes with-
Thrown vial: Init 0, Attack +7, Defense 0, Corpus: After assuming corporeal out someone being infected. Once
Damage 0* form (see Form of Wickedness ear- the power ceases being contagious,
• Contact with the undiluted contents lier), the demon can take solid form. it continues to affect the afflicted as
of one of Bufonia’s vials should be See Appearance for details. described earlier.
treated as poisoning with an Ease Possession, variable points, Init +2, Men- Weakness: Protected group (people who
Factor of 9, doing heavy damage. See tem: The demon stores some of its never drink well-water)
ArM5, page 180, for details. Might in a temporary pool in a vic- Vis: 4 pawns of Perdo, long nose.
Soak: Toad form +3, Human form +1. tim, after overcoming Magic Resis- Appearance: The natural appearance
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, tance. When this pool is spent, the of this demon is sin made manifest
Unconscious. possession ends. The two pieces of as a formless dark shape. She can,
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), the demon can only communicate however, take a solid form. She ap-
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), if in sight of one another. The de- pears as a tall, refined woman, often
Dead (21+). mon controls the actions of the host, dressed as a plague doctor.


Why Do They Care?

The Church, or the Divine, eventu- Magi shouldn’t want this happening in noble sons who form the officer class of
ally extirpate all heretical movements, so their area, from purely practical con- the crusading army are highly motivat-
there’s a temptation for player characters siderations if for no other reason. The ed. They are not dissuaded by the magi
to just hunker down and ignore the cult. farmers, craftsmen, and merchants most defeating other raids, since they assume
There are many reasons why the player covenants require cannot continue their each failure on the part of other crusad-
characters should choose not to do this. professions during war. ers has reduced the men and supplies of
First, when the Church extirpates Second, when the Church suppress- the castle.
heresy in an area, it’s not a gentle pro- es heresy by invasion, its followers often Third, a successful demonic cult cre-
cess. Initially, preachers are sent to re- target other problematic people during ates Infernal auras in the countryside.
convert the populace, but if that fails, the process. Jews, Muslims and pagans These corrupted places act as seeds for
military force is used. There’s no real dif- are also forcibly repressed. Magi, who future trouble, and support the schemes
ference, to the average person, between are problematic people with fortresses, of other demons. Characters who re-
an invasion for the pride of a king and are prime targets for crusading forces. A fuse to deal with the first outbreak are
an invasion for the good of the Church. commander who takes a heretical castle ignoring the way that a virulent period
Cities are still sacked, the countryside is may reasonably expect to keep it as a of diabolic activity contributes to later
still pillaged, and crops are still burned. fiefdom. This means that the younger corruption.

Fabrico is a demon who creates false Abilities: Awareness 4 (the Divine), roll against an Ease Factor of 9. Failure
relics. He encourages the sin of Pride Guile 6+2 (Divine), Brawl 6 (claws), to resist leads to a profound physical
by creating small cults who believe they Theology 6 (miracles). reaction, like a seizure. Fabrico often
have been chosen by a particular saint Powers: uses these waking dreams to simulate
for a great task. He encourages the lead- Coagulation, 3 point, Init –1, Corpus: visions. These hallucinations can be
ers of his cults to believe they know the Allows the demon to manufacture resisted with a suitable Personality
will of God better than the Church, a solid body from the ambient, un- Trait roll against an Ease Factor of 9.
since they are guided by regular signs formed matter of the universe. See Obsession, 1 to 3 points, Init –5, Vim:
from their patron. Appearance for details. When a person is committing a sinful
Delusion, 1 or 5 points, Init +3, Imaginem: thought or deed, the demon may im-
Order: Deluder This power creates vivid illusions. pose its Obsession Trait if this Power
Infernal Might: 20 (Corpus) A 1-point use of the power affects a defeats Magic Resistance. This gives
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre -1, Com single object, while a 5-point use of the person a temporary Personality
+3, Str +3, Sta +1, Dex +4, Qik +2 this power creates an illusion the size trait of Gullible. At the next oppor-
Size: 0 of a room. The illusions always have a tunity, he must make a roll, opposed
Virtues and Flaws: Puissant Guile subtle fault. Fabrico uses these powers by any suitable Personality trait, to
Confidence Score: 1 (3) to simulate miraculous messages. avoid believing something dangerous
Personality Traits: Credible +3, Sly +2. Duplicate the Magi’s Creation or Transmutation: or stupid. If the Obsession fails, the
Reputations: Creator of relics 1 (Infer- variable, Init +1, variable Form: This temporary trait is lost. If it succeeds,
nal), Deluder 1 (Infernal) power allows the demon to create the trait is acquired permanently.
Hierarchy: 1 any non-ritual Creo or Muto Her- Weakness: Fascinated by valuable mun-
Combat: metic spell of level 20 or less. The dane objects
2 Claw-like fingernails: Init +2, Attack +7, demon uses props with this power to Vis: 4 pawns of Perdo, eyes.
Defense +10, Damage +5 make false relics. Appearance: The natural appearance of
Soak: +1 Envisioning, 1 or 5 points, Init 0, Mentem: Fabrico, like all deluders, is a rent
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, 1 point allows the demon to enter of darkness in the face of the world,
Unconscious and twist dreams. 5 points allows the filled with eyes, teeth, and organs.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), demon to create a waking hallucina- He uses his powers to appear as a fla-
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), tion. If used to terrify, the victim can gellant wrapped in bandages during
Dead (21+) ignore it with a Brave Personality trait this scenario.


Methods Story Seed: Demonic Attack

Abaissier enjoys the evil spread by his

The flagellant cult develops through little cults, and is unwilling at first to allow
many stages, as described in the follow- them to draw the attention of the Church.
ing sections. Storyguides do not need When one of his charismatic leaders be-
to use all of the seeds given here. They gins proselytizing for the cult, Abaissier
represent a progressively more powerful destroys that cult cell. If the player charac-
cult, under increasingly obvious demon- ters or members of the Church notice this,
ic influence. If some of the story seeds they may assume that the flagellants are
are skipped, storyguides should try to on the side of the angels, since they have
implant the key motifs of those seeds in been assailed by the forces of Hell. Mem-
the background of the other stories they bers of the cell who survive, particularly
are telling. if they are given positions of trust as such
obviously pious people, will be contacted
later by Abaissier through other servants
Cells of Flagellants to use them as agents.

In the first stage of the cult’s devel-

opment, the demon Abaissier finds at
Shock to the Community
least a half-dozen charismatic speakers,
and seduces them to his cause. The de- Once Abaissier’s preachers are re-
mon is more concerned with their abil- cruited, he needs communities to become
ity to draw and hold the emotions of vulnerable to manipulation. He weakens
crowds than with their social position. them by creating conditions that his fol-
Player characters may notice this when lowers can claim represent the displea-
a character who has previously used his sure of God. His strategies are varied, so
eloquence for another purpose becomes that the pattern of his manipulation is not
a lay preacher. apparent. Player characters may become
Fabrico, at this stage, is spreading involved in mitigating the local effects of
prophecies of the coming of the Anti- his efforts.
christ and the end of the world. These At this stage of the cult’s develop-
prophets are not Abaissier’s charismatic ment, more public flagellants become
cult leaders: they are a separate class of active, across a broader area. These are
dupes. Their bleak message does, how- not harmed by the plague, and their elo-
ever, make people more receptive to quence attracts followers. At this stage,
Abaissier’s solution to the problems of followers are not asked to whip them-
the world. selves, but instead to pray, fast, and per-
form other acts that are entirely within
the doctrine of the Church. Some of
Story Seed: A Traitor, these gatherings, made up of pious peo-
an Ambush, and an Easy Win ple doing pious things, create temporary
Dominion auras.
A local bandit group causes the player
characters difficulty, by targeting mer-
chants or Redcaps. One of the senior Crop Failure
members of the group approaches the
player characters. He claims that he has In some areas, crops periodically fail
been visited by an angel, and told to sepa- for a few cycles for purely natural reasons,
rate himself from sinners. After he aids the and Abaissier’s preachers simply take ad-
characters to ambush his erstwhile com- vantage of this. In others, where a crop has
panions, he leaves to become a preacher already failed, Abaissier takes advantage
and to expiate his sins. He may return in of this opportunity by sending mundane
later story seeds, as a follower of the fla- raiders, commanding small demons to rot
gellant cult. seed corn, and encouraging arsonists.

mundane wealth. They can track down lo-
Small Demons of Rot cal sources of harm and prevent them from
making the situation worse. At this early
These little creatures are intended products to moulder and rot. (Dis- stage, the magi are unlikely to connect the
as foes for grogs and companions. They ease Ease Factor 6, causes a minor problems to Abaissier.
lack the Strength to do much damage wound, see ArM5, page 180)
with individual blows, and thus attack in Soak: +2
groups. Large groups may include some Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Plague
demons who grapple or cover the eyes Unconscious
of their opponents, while their allies at- Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), Large cities are more difficult to attack
tempt called shots. Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+) with crop failure, but the cult’s develop-
Abilities: Awareness 4 (foes), Brawl 6 ment, at this point, is aided by the schemes
Order: Vessel of Iniquity (feet) of a third demon, Bufonia. She teaches her
Infernal Might: 5 (Herbam) Powers: minions to make poisonous concoctions,
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre 0, Coagulation, 3 point, Init –1, Corpus: and pour them into wells in major cities.
Com 0, Str -8, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +6 This allows the demon to manufac- Her human servants can make a number of
Size: –4 ture a solid body from the ambient, different mixtures, which cause a variety
Confidence Score: 1 (3) unformed matter of the universe. of sicknesses, but for this plague, the in-
Personality Traits: Depraved +6, En- See Appearance for details. gredient required for each potion is a hu-
thusiastic +6. Weakness: The demons cannot harm, man heart, preferably from someone who
Reputations: Bringers of Famine 1 (In- and are burned by contact with, the has died of the plague.
fernal), Vessel of Iniquity 1 (Infernal) Host or wheat intended to be turned
Combat: into the Host.
2 x sharp claws: Init +6, Attack +6, De- Vis: 1 pawn of Perdo, tongue Ruining Reputations
fense +12, Damage –8* Appearance: These little rodent-like hu-
* Putrid ichor coats these claws. manoids cause harm by appearing in In other areas, the demons strike at the
This causes fever and sepsis in the places where grain is stored and taint- reputations of the community’s leaders.
claws’ scratches. It also causes plant ing it with the pus from their claws. They publicize venal sins and falsify evi-
dence of terrible crimes. The demons do
this through mortal puppets, whom they
Story Seed: Protecting Crops plies and leaving the mundanes to fend for can kill or ignore (breaking the connec-
themselves. They may instead choose to tion between demon and puppet) to cover
The player characters may be able to save their local community. The magi may their tracks. Player characters may take
survive the crop failure by shipping in sup- feed nearby towns magically, or by using advantage of this to tear down local rivals.

A Note on Plague
In Mythic Europe, plague is not particular modern disease. less likely for her to be caught. She does,
caused by bacteria; it’s caused by a sus- For example, measles is recorded as however, want Fabrico to be blamed for
ceptible body coming under the influ- first appearing in Europe in the second everything, so she cannot use her full
ence of an external cause that unbalances century. It’s a mild childhood illness to range of poisons. Those hunting Fab-
its humors. External causes include bad most players, but it killed one quarter rico must not realize he is not versatile
air, unfortunate astrological configura- of the population of the Roman Empire. enough to create the observed maladies.
tions, direct demonic influence and, in The strain of strep throat that causes Her mainstay disease in this scenario
this case, poison. scarlet fever is another ideal illness for has Severity 13, a Stable score of 9, an
The plague Bufonia spreads does not this purpose; it caused permanent dis- Improve score of 12, and an interval of
need to be anything as apocalyptic as the ability and death well into the 20th cen- a week. It causes a Heavy Wound, with
Black Death. It is better for a storyguide tury. The difference between player per- symptoms of thirst, and burning sensa-
to select an illness that is considered ception and the characters’ reality helps tions in the fingertips, nose, toes, fol-
mild in the modern world, particularly make the plague frightening. lowed by bleeding from the eyes and
if one of the players has recently suf- For those using the disease rules on ears. Those not using the Art and Academe
fered the same illness. Alternatively, the pages 47–50 of Art and Academe, Bufonia rules should use the rules on page 180 of
storyguide might just describe a set of can create many different diseases, and ArM5, and give this poison an Ease Fac-
symptoms that are not recognizable as a may do so if she feels that this makes it tor of 12, causing a Major Wound.

Story Seed: Plague And Rumor
Player characters who find the people
poisoning the wells, and prevent them de- Malicia is a Fury, a demon who feeds body from the ambient, unformed
livering further doses, allow the plague to on anger that destroys the person who matter of the universe. See Appear-
burn out at its own pace. They may also be feels it. She has been recruited with ance for details.
hired to investigate the source of rumors. the promise of a cult of tasty prey. Fla- Obsession, 1 to 3 points, Init –5, Vim:
If potentates who have been smeared send gellants who fall under her sway whip When a person is committing a sin-
followers to attack those they imagine re- those watching their processions, and ful thought or deed, the demon may
sponsible, the player characters may want may mortally wound themselves by ac- impose its Obsession Trait if this
to mediate. cident; flagellant leaders who fall under Power defeats Magic Resistance.
To avoid closing the saga prematurely her control may counsel their follow- This gives the person a temporary
with a direct confrontation between the ers to commit suicide. If Abaissier is Personality trait of Self-Harming,
primary demons and the player characters defeated, Malicia tries to seize at least and at the next opportunity, he must
at this point, the storyguide may want to part of his cult, and use the despair the make a roll, opposed by any suitable
interpose another lieutenant demon for followers feel during the crackdown by Personality trait, to avoid hurting
the player characters to defeat. If the char- the nobility and the church to provoke himself. If the Obsession fails, the
acters destroy Malicia, the rate at which mass suicide. temporary trait is lost. If it succeeds,
the cult spreads slows, and it is less pow- the trait is acquired permanently.
erful in their local area. It still eventually Order: Fury Envisioning, 1 or 5 points, Init 0, Mentem:
reaches the next stage. Infernal Might: 15 (Corpus) 1 point allows the demon to enter
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre -2, and twist dreams. 5 points allows the
Com 0, Str +3, Sta +0, Dex +3, Qik +2 demon to create a waking hallucina-
Processions Begin Size: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Berserk
tion. If used to terrify, the victim can
ignore it with a Brave Personality
Confidence Score: 1 (3) trait roll against an Ease Factor of 9.
Religious processions are not unusual Personality Traits: Wrathful +4, Angry Failure to resist leads to a profound
in Mythic Europe, but flagellant proces- +2, Self-controlled –6 physical reaction, like a seizure.
sions are a little different to those that Reputations: Eater of the self-destruc- Endurance of the Enraged, 0 points, Init 0,
celebrate Saints’ Days. The pilgrims carry tive 1 (Infernal), Fury 1 (Infernal) Corpus: The demon does not suffer
banners, but these are not the usual vener- Hierarchy: 1 Wound penalties, except on De-
ations. They are denunciations of human Combat: fense totals.
weakness and threats written on behalf of Bite : Init +2, Attack +12*, Defense +9, Waxing of the Humors, 3 points, Init +2,
God. These pilgrims also carry whips and Damage +4** Mentem: Causes passion to over-
birch scourges, though they do not yet use Hands : Init +2, Attack +8*, Defense +7, come sense. The victim must make a
them. There are disruptions at the edges Damage +3 Personality trait stress roll against an
of the events where angry pilgrims fight * +2 when berserk Ease Factor of 9 to keep the emotion
with locals. ** Venomous, as asp bite, see ArM5, in check. This Power is often used
If the processions are opposed, the page 180 immediately after a successful use of
participants become furious. They begin Soak: +1 or +3 when berserk the Obsession Power.
to believe that worldly powers are cor- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Weakness: Protected group (children)
rupt and working against them. If they Unconscious Vis: 3 pawns of Perdo, serpent head
are not opposed, the processions gain Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), Appearance: Malicia seems to be a young
popularity. Local churchmen, worried –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (15–20), woman with a serpent emerging from
by the processions, oppose them with Dead (21+) the middle of her chest. The head
processions of their own, dedicated to Abilities: Awareness 4 (the weak), Brawl of the serpent gnaws and stings the
local saints. 5 (bite), Guile 6 (the weak) rest of her body continuously, save
Powers: her face. The serpent’s bites bleed a
Coagulation, 3 point, Init –1, Corpus: little, and some bear the livid colors
Story Seed: The demon may manufacture a solid of venom and putrefaction.

The counter-demonstrations that lo- nal disruptions are not spectacular: pos- impassable, and fires spring up in build-
cal priests arrange are targets for Infernal sessed individuals attack the procession, ings that the procession must pass. Player
influence. Player characters can protect herds of animals escaped from markets characters who prevent or remedy these
these processions. At this stage, the Infer- block routes, poor weather makes roads problems gain a positive Reputation with

the priests mostly likely to lead the fight Story Seed: pay bards not to learn the flagellant songs.
against the flagellant preachers. Attacking the Local Leaders They may also prevent the spread of the
To create individuals who have been songs by imprisoning or killing bards who
possessed, take any suitable grog or com- If the characters know who the leaders have learned them.
panion, give them an Infernal Might of 10, of the local movement are, they can re- Magi who realize the importance of the
the Berserk Virtue, then add +3 to their duce its influence. They may do this with songs may equip their servants with magic
Soak, and +3 to their damage. assassination, imprisonment, spiritual dis- items that remove the songs from memo-
putation, smear campaigns, or removal of ries. The Quaesitores keeps a few of these
resources. Alternatively, the player charac- items, to tidy up after magi have interfered
Spread of the Cult ters can give the names of the leaders to
others. Moderate churchmen can separate
with mundanes. The Redcaps also have sim-
ilar items, used in rescues and for espionage.
the leaders from their followers, and hold Player characters can negotiate for the loan
Once the processional movement has them incommunicado. Nobles who have of these items, although the Quaesitores
started, Abaissier spreads the ideas behind been ridiculed by flagellant leaders take need more convincing than the Redcaps.
the cult. He does this by inspiring waking more direct measures.
dreams and visitations, encouraging bards,
and having followers speak with pilgrims. The Problem of
Superabundant Suffering
Redcaps notice this strange proliferation
of information, with its many points of or-
Larger Processions
igin, and are alarmed by it. They discuss it Minor sins become common in the
with friendly covenants, but have no firm Once the two demons are collaborating processions. People become proud of their
idea what is causing it. on the flagellant movement, it becomes in- filthy, bloody uniforms. They neglect their
creasingly popular. Processions lasting 33.5 attendance at Sunday services. They be-
days, one day for each year in Jesus’ life, be- lieve that their sins are forgiven due to their
Fabrico and Abaissier Clash gin to occur. False miracles are performed, suffering, and that the superabundance of
and news of them spreads. Processions can their suffering is saving the world. This sug-
Fabrico notices the flagellant move- have a thousand participants, of both gen- gests to some of them that, provided they
ment at this time, and claims parts of it. ders and all ages. Many people who do not continue their flagellation, they can com-
His followers clash with those who fol- participate in the processions nonetheless mit other crimes with moral impunity.
low Abaissier. In limited areas, groups support the movement.
of flagellants fight in the streets. Player
characters can limit the damage this Story Seed:
causes. Eventually the two demons fight, Flagellant Songs Preventing Sins by Nobles
and one overpowers the other, making
him a vassal. The battle between two Flagellant songs, a sort of call and re- A flagellant noble estimates his own
powerful demons may be reported by sponse chant to which people whip them- suffering to have such high value that,
seers, particularly those claiming that di- selves, are invented. The idea develops that now he has beaten himself bloody for a
saster looms. whenever Christ is mentioned in the songs, week, he is perfectly justified in seizing a
the pilgrims must abase themselves, by nearby widow and her lands by rape and
flinging themselves to the ground. In prac- forced marriage. The player characters
Uniforms tice, this means that, at the mention of the may intervene to gain the widow as a no-
name of Christ, the pilgrims cover them- ble ally. The attacker’s personal guards are
At this time, Abaissier’s flagellants in selves in dirt, blood, and animal droppings. also flagellants, and similarly believe that
the areas near the covenant begin wear- they have suffered so much that they can
ing uniforms. These are undyed robes of do all kinds of depraved things without
wool or cotton, with a red mark on the Story Seed: Silencing Songs threatening their place in Heaven. This
breast. Characters can track the source of includes using peasants as human shields,
these. They are a charitable donation from Companion and grog characters can and exhuming the corpses of babies to
a nobleman. He has been visited by an an- help slow the spread of this movement cause terror in their enemies.
gel. It commanded him to distribute these by disrupting the spread of the flagellant Some other flagellant nobles might,
clothes as alms, in penance for a dispro- songs. Player characters may compose however, become valuable allies to the
portionately terrible crime he committed. highly amusing ballads, which bards pre- covenant, as they are some of the first
Tracking the shipments the nobleman has fer to learn and carry to perform in other to question the authority of the Church.
sent allows the player characters to iden- places. This requires a stress die + Com- Covenants who have poor relations with
tify the gathering points for many of the munication + any appropriate Ability roll the Church may find flagellant nobles very
local flagellant cells. against an Ease Factor of 15. They may receptive to their complaints.


Inadvertent Sins Story Seed:

Plague-bearing Processions
Open Heresy
At this stage of their plan, the collabo- The player characters may oppose the Abaissier knows that God will eventu-
rating demons begin to use the proces- processions, if they notice that they are ally destroy its cult. The demon decides
sions themselves as vehicles of sin. tainted,. In some areas, city authorities to do as much harm as it can, pushing its
discern that, far from dispelling plague, followers into open heresy. Abaissier lets
flagellant processions seem to herald its Fabrico do whatever he likes, knowing
Plague Carried By Processions arrival. If the player characters can spread that this makes its patsy more visible.
the word of this, towns begin to close
Fabrico makes false relics that emit their gates to the processions.
the evil airs that cause disease, but also In the closest city to the covenant, Replacement of Sacraments
ensures that the flagellants have access to there is a faction that supports the flagel-
an antidote, so that they do not fall ill. lants. They intend to open the gates to Many flagellants now believe that
Lengthy flagellant pilgrimages leave sick- the procession, cause riots, and then over- their activities replace sacraments. This al-
ness and death in their wake. The incuba- throw the local rulers, if they can. The lows them to work off sins, and to forgive
tion period of the plague is long enough player characters gain a hint of this, and the sins of others. This gravely exacer-
that the flagellants can claim that their can infiltrate the fifth column forces as the bates the problem of people thinking that
presence held off the plague until they procession approaches. If the procession they can perform sins, and then flagellate
left. False visions keep the flagellants is kept out, Bufonia’s students poison the themselves pure again. Once people begin
fervent. False miracles and bogus relics town’s wells, attempting to destroy the believing that flagellants can transfer their
make spreading their word, and Fabrico’s authority of the rulers who turned “salva- virtue voluntarily to others, this causes
plague, easier. tion” away. Player characters can find her even greater trouble. Wealthy sinners of-
At this point, the processions still followers and prevent them from distrib- fer money to the flagellants in exchange
have support from some sections of the uting the poison. The characters can also for their forgiveness, a transaction that
Church. Most of the Church, however, purify the wells or find alternative water counts as the sin of simony.
knows that something has gone wrong sources. Bufonia or Fabrico may use dupes
with the flagellant movement. Counter- who place concoctions or false relics into
processions become popular, but these the water supply in an attempt to protect Story Seed: Simony
suffer disruption by supporters of the their town. Characters may also discover
flagellants, and by the demons who nip a remedy for Fabrico’s vapors or Bufonia’s Player characters can reduce the harm
at the heels of all processions. The belief toxin, and distribute the cure. done by the many people who believe they
among flagellants that you can sabotage a In some other areas, pious people, found a loophole in the laws of morality.
traditional procession, and then make it aided by their saints, resist the flagellants Simony affects merchants, who have more
good with God through flagellation, be- successfully. This sometimes causes riots, coin than most other classes of society.
comes widespread. impromptu battles, or even de facto sieges. A local merchant has begun setting fire
Player character can get involved in this. to the shops of his rivals in the middle of

the night. A group of grogs can determine prophets, or the magi can form a network them. Arranging groups of locals to co-
who it is before he targets merchants who of alliances, and send their allies against vertly watch neighborhoods and drive
trade with the magi. The merchant’s initial some of the others. Unless the characters away rag-spreaders is an effective counter-
victims are his closest rivals, selling identi- take intricate precautions, a large alliance measure to this strategy of the cult.
cal goods. As the merchant turns to new is likely to be perceived by a minor de- In the local area, the player characters
targets, he increases his spending on fla- mon, allowing the targets to prepare. may uncover and destroy a secret manu-
gellant devotions, to pay for his sins. As he The greater their success, the weaker factory for these cloths. It is an abandoned
becomes fixated on the usefulness of fire as the flagellant cult is in the characters’ re- building where flagellants take turns whip-
a business tool, the merchant permanently gion. If the cult is shattered in the region ping themselves while seated on a floor
employs three flagellants as personal well- around the covenant, this region becomes covered in filthy bed sheets. Another
springs of forgiveness. He hides them in a a centre of resistance to the flagellant acolyte cuts the sheets into palm sized
cottage in the woods, but they have fami- movement. It is a staging area for crusad- pieces at the end of each day. These are
lies, and these families gossip. ers, but does not suffer invasion, during then taken away, and sprinkled with “holy
Another merchant begins mixing the later phases of the scheme. If the cov- oil.” The rags are smuggled to supporters
adulterants into the bread he sells in the enant has co-ordinated the destruction of in nearby towns for distribution. If the
market. This is pretty common practice, the cult in this area, it can use the influence player characters attack this site, bodi-
but some adulterants, like ergot-infected this grants it to protect a few covenants in less demons possess the acolytes, assisting
wheat and chalk, cause sickness. As people areas that the crusaders invade. them in combat, and then animating their
sicken, the characters notice that all the bodies after death.
victims have bought food at a particular
place. Characters with criminal connec- Blood–Soaked Rags
tions can discover the merchant by seek- Letter From an Angel
ing out the sources of his adulterated flour. Many flagellants are, by this stage,
As the merchant has fallen more deeply heretics, but Fabrico spreads the heresy Some groups of flagellants begin to
under the influence of the flagellant cult, more widely. He uses his powers to make read a letter, said to be delivered by an
his demand for adulterants has risen to false miracles, and spreads the idea that angel, before each procession. The letter
such an extent that local criminals know rags soaked in the blood of flagellants are is a false relic. It makes it easy for the pro-
his Reputation as a bulk buyer. relics. Many of the users of these relics are cession to find passage around obstacles.
women, and they are generally activated It also contains unclear and symbolic pas-
by wiping the blood into the user’s eyes. sages. Fabrico uses these to direct his fol-
Claiming Miracles Many of those who have performed this lowers, by placing these marks and signs in
ritual believe they have developed a Divine the places they come to, signaling that they
The leaders of the cult start publicly power of vision. Actually, it gives demons should destroy, occupy, or venerate a thing.
performing miracles. This cannot occur in an easier way to use the Evocation power to
towns, where the Dominion is too strong, lead followers into sin. A person who per-
and cannot be regular, because the demons sonally makes a bloody-rag relic, and vol- Story Seed:
have only so much Might to spread among untarily wipes it on her eyes, creates a hole Forging Notes From God
their followers. As the Church, nobility, in her spiritual defenses. She must make a
and magi attack the flagellants, some of Personality trait roll against an Ease Factor Player characters who discover what is
these leaders are removed, and the fewer of 9 to resist the demon’s promptings. written in the angelic letter can use these
there are, the more regularly each can per- The blood on the rags may also be signs to confuse the flagellants and frustrate
form miraculous feats. poisoned, which further spreads plague. In their leaders. Even those who have been
some flagellant groups, Bufonia exhorts fol- personally visited by angels cannot coun-
lowers to make these relics. She gives them termand a letter written by God himself
Story Seed: a special “holy oil” to sprinkle over the rags, and delivered by his messenger. In some
Attacking False Prophets and then encourages her victims to protect groups, the contents of the letters change
their communities by throwing the rags occasionally, to give new directions once
Characters who conclude that all of into wells and storing them in granaries. earlier goals have been achieved. Magi can
these prophets are being powered by a take advantage of this by composing new
single demon may decide to strike at sev- instructions. Forgers require an original let-
eral simultaneously. This is an excellent Story Seed: Manufactory ter to copy and the materials to be included
strategy, because although the most pow- of Bloodied Rags in the copy. They must make an Intelli-
erful demons can move swiftly from place gence + Finesse roll or a Dexterity + Craft
to place, they simply can’t be everywhere, Grogs and companion-level characters roll against an Ease Factor of 9.
in their full power, at the same time. In- can patrol towns, removing these infected The leader of a flagellant group is like-
dividual magi may attack individual false cloths, and investigate who is planting ly to obey the instructions, but will obey

them more zealously if they are in a tone with, but a suitably pious character may the demons that they are saints. If
similar to those he has already received: convince one that he is a victim of de- captured and put to the question by
they must stoke his Pride. This meddling monic corruption. This is possible with a churchmen, they are so Proud that
certainly bring the magi to the attention contested roll of stress die + Communica- they are unable to maintain the hum-
of Fabrico. He may not report their med- tion + Theology + false saint’s Pride roll ble lie of obedience.
dling to Abaissier, if he thinks they are if the player character’s score exceeds the • A nobleman visited by a false angel has
useful allies against his master. saint’s by at least 6. Characters who can also been granted a true vision by the
demonstrate to the flagellant saint that he Archangel Michael. He leads his fol-
is defended by demonic animals can add 6 lowers into battle against the nobles
Back From the Dead to their total. who serve the demons. His initial at-
A penitent false saint might surrender tacks are against noblemen tied to the
Abaissier and Fabrico craft complicat- to the Church, and be placed in a nunnery “loyal” faction. But rival nobles, dis-
ed visions in which some of the leaders of or monastery, but some local bishops will guised to protect their identities, ally
their groups die, but are then restored to want the heretic put to death. A repen- with the false saints and muster with
life by praying to, and through the power tant false saint unable to surrender to the the visionary noble’s enemies. If the
of, their angels. These are simply compli- Church might find shelter and employ- player characters help the noble to win
cated waking dreams, but the servants do ment with the Order. his battle, he can take the disguised
not realize it, particularly once they are nobles, or their bodies, to the Church
told they have been resurrected for a spe- authorities, demonstrating that the
cial purpose, because they are so close to
the heart of God. Only one leader in each
Flagellant Civil War two halves of the cult act together.
• Characters who uncover evidence suf-
geographic area is given this treatment: ficient to destroy the remains of the
the demons would prefer each thought Some flagellant groups oppose the cult may rouse Abaissier to make a
himself uniquely blessed, or at least the false saints. This group of flagellants re- personal assault on them.
first to be so blessed. tains sufficient support in the Church that
Characters who believe they have been it is not eliminated in the inevitable purge.
returned from the dead are told they are
saints, and may ordain priests, outside of
If Abaissier is careful, he can keep this
portion of the movement bubbling along,
Resurrecting the Cult
the Church hierarchy. At the point where training heretics for a few more years.
false priests are being ordained, all support Some nobles who are already on poor The demonic collaborators can revive
for those groups of flagellants within the terms with the Church side with the false the cult by finding the remnants of de-
Church is destroyed. The Church rapidly saints. Other nobles are able both to fol- stroyed cells. The devotees are told that
decides to eliminate them, with armed low the flagellants (and so ignore many they have passed a test from God, and that
force if necessary. of the Church’s decrees), while retaining their suffering has brought them close to
some link to the Church by making war the heart of God. From these groups the
on the nobles who shelter the false saints. demons, either collaboratively or singly,
Story Seed: Removing Similarly, parts of the Order support the seek to create new secret societies, begin-
the Saints of Flagellation “loyal” flagellants. ning the entire cycle again. This may also
lead to further feuding between the two
When the false saints begin to create demons, when Abaissier discovers some of
false priests, it is obvious to anyone with Story Seed: Discrediting Fabrico’s cults.
the tiniest understanding of the Church Loyal Flagellant Groups
that reprisal is inevitable. Player charac-
ters who become aware of the false ordi- Player characters can disrupt the rest Story Seed: Cult Revival
nations know that desperate action may be of the cult by finding proof that the oppo-
required. Individual false saints can be de- sition to the false saints is a strategic pose. If the player characters detect these
tained or killed, which shifts the Church’s They can do this in several ways: groups, they can deal with them person-
focus to other areas. ally, or report them to the Church If they
Killing a false saint requires the char- • Senior members of each half of the deal with them personally, the characters
acters to discern where he is hiding and cult occasionally meet. Player charac- discover leads which allow the demons to
overcome his defenses. The “saints” may ters who determine where this is, and be confronted. If they report the cells, then
be protected by mundane noblemen. can take witnesses from the Church to the Church eliminates them, and the player
Some are also protected by possessed the event, destroy the cult’s mask of characters develop stronger ties with the
flagellant followers or (unbeknownst to obedience to orthodoxy. local Church. The demons may treat the
them) demonically tainted animals. • A very few members of the “loyal” player characters as enemies, avoid risking
The false saints are difficult to reason group have themselves been told by resources near them in future, or both.

General Story Ideas Ancient Records Following the Money
The following story ideas can be used Magi with an interest in history may In the early stages, the cult supports
at any stage in the development of the fla- be able, through extensive research into itself with the goods of the flagellants and
gellant cult. Infernal Lore, to uncover information by accepting alms. Once the processions
about earlier flagellant heretics. Initially increase in size, they also take whatever
it is very difficult, from the sort of limited they require, extorting useful goods from
Attacking the Pious information available in most parts of the towns and receiving support from myste-
Order, to find a specific demon likely to rious benefactors. Player characters who
There are many pious monks, even be responsible for those ancient cults. track down the sources of the food, shoes,
saints, who are flagellants. Once the play- There are specialists within the Order clothes, jeweled crosses, robes, and other
er characters have shown themselves to who can be consulted, and might be able supplies used by the processions can learn
be enemies of the flagellant cult, Abais- to discover the signs of Abaissier’s involve- two significant things.
sier attempts to trick the player charac- ment. This allows the specialist to predict First, some of the durable supplies have
ters into attacking the truly pious. Player the early stages of the cult’s development. been gradually accumulated and stored for
characters can tell truly pious flagellants After Abaissier and Fabrico come to terms years, which is both unprofitable and, ac-
by their other actions, and by their at- and begin to work together, however, the cording to Church teaching, sinful. Some
titude toward flagellation. Flagellation historical precedent for the demon’s be- of the rarer items, like the processional
used moderately, voluntarily or as pre- havior breaks. crosses, have been sourced from artisans in
scribed by a bishop, and which is treated After the flagellants begin to wear uni- distant countries. This may be the first hint
as a punishment or used as a way of fo- forms, the order’s specialist can identify the player characters receive of a Europe-
cusing the attention, rather than a way Abaissier more easily. He is proud, and wide conspiracy. Some of the supplies have
of earning merit with God, is permitted. typically signs his work. The red mark on not yet been used, and the destruction of its
Penances that are done instead of atone- the flagellant uniforms is one he has em- caches limits the activity of the cult.
ment are not permitted. ployed as a cultic symbol before. Second, the players may also find out
If the player characters avoid the how these goods are distributed, which al-
snares of the demons, the pious allies they lows them to discover which nobles and
create may be useful. Some can dispute
with the leaders of the flagellants. Others
Evangelism churchmen are secretly supporting the
flagellants. This knowledge is important
can teach common flagellants their errors, when the crackdown against the flagel-
and draw them back to the Church, or Virtually all members of the cult be- lants begins. These secret supporters place
even into monastic life. lieve they are doing wonderful things on themselves at the spearhead of the effort
behalf of the rest of the world. They have to stamp out the cult, while secretly sabo-
suffered so much that they must be free taging that crusade.
Angering Rival Demons of all blame, and the leftover suffering
contributes to the wellbeing of every-
Widespread movements like this
wash over and destroy the plots of other
one else. They are saving the world one
bloody welt at a time, and are happy to
Internal Strife
demons. This has bought Abaissier po- share this good news with whoever is
tent enemies. If the storyguide wishes willing to listen. At several points in the demons’ scheme,
to make the cult more difficult to de- The leaders of the cult are doing work bands of flagellants fall out with each other.
feat, these can be suborned by Abaissier, that is too important for casual disruption. Characters offering assistance to one side
much like Fabrico, and made into frac- They believe they have been singled out may be given information about the other.
tious lieutenants. for rare honor by God. If approached by Since the two sides are likely identical in
someone who could aid their work, and organization and operation, this provides a
who plays on their spiritual Pride, they clear understanding of how the cult works.
feel it is their duty to describe their visita-

Investigation tions. They cannot reveal everything their

angel has told them, for he has said not to,
but they are able to describe him in suffi-
Redcap Network
There are several features of the cult cient detail that characters skilled in Infer-
that allow the player characters to inves- nal Lore can determine that he’s an Angel The Redcaps are perhaps the first peo-
tigate it, once it has become widespread. of Punishment. ple in Europe to notice that the same mes-

sage is being expounded in many places Combat ease. Prophecies can be proven false.
simultaneously. This implies the super- A large enough lie can also end the
natural coordination of the cult’s message. cult. Most flagellants believe they are
Its widespread distribution is, however, Once the characters are sure that a expiating the sins of the world, to bring
a weakness. Redcaps communicate with demon is causing the problem, they may an end to the punishments meted out by
each other, but the leaders of the flagel- draw it into direct confrontation. Abais- God. A false miracle, supported by super-
lants do not. This may provide the player sier is a demon of Pride. It underestimates natural effects, which suggests that God is
characters with a significant advantage. the danger the player characters represent, satisfied and urges mortals to return to the
Redcaps, or other agents, can casu- and can be goaded into battle. Alterna- regular ministrations of the Church, may
ally question participants in many areas of tively, player characters might draw out disrupt the cult.
Europe, then pool the information these Fabrico instead. His destruction does not Comedy is also a powerful weapon
discussions provide. The cult members end the cult, but erodes its popular appeal. against the cult. One of the historical at-
do not share information, and so cannot This forces the cult, over time, to return to tempts to rekindle the flagellation move-
notice that the cult, as a whole, is being a cellular, secretive structure. ment was destroyed when the procession’s
systematically interrogated. Player char- participants were mocked as stupid by the
acters who embrace slow, careful informa- laypeople of Rome.
tion gathering across many of the cult’s
cells can build up a fair idea of the cult’s
Damaging the Cult
structure and aims, without alarming its
members or their demonic sponsors. The Cult is fueled by many factors,
and each of these can be undermined to
weaken the flagellants. Pious character
may dispute with the demon’s charis-

Resolution matic dupes. If they can be humbled and

returned to orthodox practice, the cult
crumbles. Characters can help offset the
There are many ways in which the difficulties that lead people to join the
characters can deal with Abaissier’s plots. flagellation cult, such as famine and dis-

Chapter Nine

The Divine Abbot

Its sinuous bulk stretched throughout the con- sound beginning deep within the creature and issuing others may find it works better in a low-
verted scriptorium, nearly seventeen paces long. The unnervingly from its still, smoking maw. fantasy game where the exotic nature of
scales on its head and neck were a pearly, iridescent the dragon stands out.
gray, growing darker as one walked the length of its — From the Journal of Acumenis
body, becoming the rusty brown of dried blood at the Ex Miscellanea
end of its tail. Two enormous eyes stared into the room,
the deep, solid black of a shark, surrounded at their
rims by a luminescent ring of gold. Its mouth hung
open, disgorging a thick mist that filled the air with the
The Dragon Abbot is a long-term foe,
one who doesn’t immediately desire con-
flict with the magi of the saga, but seeks
scent of sandalwood and spilled out across the stones. to gradually change their environment Once merely a marauding serpent
Eight legs stretched out from its bulk in various states in ways they will likely consider hostile who gained a sliver of the knowledge and
of repose, each one thicker and longer than a man’s as the Divine aura increases and regional personalities of those it ate, Rasa slowly
leg and tipped with a sharp, four-toed claw absent- resources become scarce. Some might accumulated fragments of understanding
mindedly kneading the air or the ground as it spoke. consider the dragon an opponent most ap- and gained awareness until it became less
The dragon’s voice seemed simply to emanate from it, a propriate in a high-fantasy setting, while a cunning predator and more a calculating
opportunist. It has the memories of count-
less creatures and men, stretching back
into antiquity. When it recognized this
power to learn and incorporate some por-
tion of what it consumed, the dragon ate
fewer animals and began to ravage villages
and caravans. After devouring a veteran of
the Silk Road, its curiosity was piqued and
the dragon journeyed east.
For years, it preyed on the travelers
who braved the route between Rome and
Cathay, learning a pastiche of a half-dozen
languages and innumerable nuggets of in-
formation. Then, in a moment of chance,
the dragon fell upon a missionary priest.
Through him, the worm learned of the
great cities and ports shining in the fading
light of the Eastern Roman Empire. It left
the Silk Road and went west. It dallied in
places for a few decades to learn about a
region and then moved on when curiosity
struck. This habit only stopped centuries
later, after it ate the abbot.
Over the course of those centuries, the
dragon created its share of enemies. It once
ate a Redcap lover of a Tremere, who then
created an unsuccessful vexillation to hunt
the beast. A jinn known as “Howling Knife
of the Dunes” still harbors a deep enmity for

the dragon after it consumed a sorcerer who
had purchased the jinn’s protection, ruining New Virtue: Font of Knowledge
the spirit’s otherwise unblemished reputa-
tion. Stellatus (from ArM5, page 194) also Minor, Supernatural untrained ability as if it possessed a score
hates the dragon with a passion, after it at- Rasa’s use of the Taste of Memory power of 2. Failed attempts count towards the
tacked and devastated a caravan Stellatus over time has granted it the Minor Su- number of uses in a given day.
was accompanying. Stellatus’ relationship pernatural virtue Font of Knowledge. For example, if Rasa had previously
with the merchant prevented him from This virtue bestows the Ability Font of used Font of Knowledge twice and at-
transforming and immediately stopping the Knowledge 1. By succeeding in an Abil- tempted to use the Ability again to make
ambush, but the two dragons fought several ity check (Intelligence + Font of Knowl- a Magic Lore check, it would to make an
times over the following decades. edge + stress die) against an Ease Factor 4 Int (+4) + Ability (3) + stress die check
Most recently, the dragon threatened of (6 plus (3 times number of uses of Font against an Ease Factor of (6 + (3 x 2)), or
to destroy and consume the occupants of of Knowledge that day)) a creature with 7 + stress die vs Ease Factor 12. If it suc-
a remote abbey. The pious abbot, a man of this Ability may attempt a task with any ceeds, it may make the Magic Lore check.
True Faith and selflessness, left the abbey to
face the creature in an attempt to save his
fellows and their home. He inadvertently
succeeded through his sacrifice. When the Naming the Dragon Abbot
dragon consumed him, it gained the under-
Naming the dragon depends on how ing its previous name, “Rasa,” accents its
standing and Faith of the clergyman while
personal you want to make the situation draconic form and history. The choice
experiencing an epiphany and a metamor-
for the player characters. An antagonist impacts the player characters’ perception
phosis. It assumed the abbot’s position
simply known as “the abbot” places the of their opponent, and may ultimately in-
and began to use its power and historical
focus on the enemy’s position as an ex- fluence the course of action they choose
knowledge to further the will of God. The
tremely active agent of the Divine. Giv- when deciding how to deal with the ab-
abbey’s residents proclaimed the transfor-
ing the dragon an angelic name might bot, so consider your group’s likely re-
mation a miracle and now devoutly protect
highlight its transformation, while keep- sponse when first presenting this foe.
and serve the Dragon Abbot and its plans.

sions, and by constructing greater works the creature’s growing influence and impact
to glorify the power of God. on the region as it begins to implement its

Aims and The Dragon Abbot cares little for the

other powers in the area, except insofar as
the creatures of the Faerie, Infernal, and
ideas. Encounters should leave the charac-
ters wondering what the abbot plans for the
region and how their covenant fits within
Motivations Magic realms might be used to demon-
strate the truth and potency of the Divine.
the plan. Additionally, this text often refers
to “friars” or “monks,” which might seem to
In fact, it might even attempt to create con- imply the abbey has both friars and monks.
From within the incense-scented halls flicts with those creatures, trying to engi- Such an arrangement would be highly un-
of its abbey, the Dragon Abbot works neer situations where its fellow monks and usual, if even possible; abbeys are usually
to expand and strengthen the Divine friars can triumph over the very enemies it foundations of a given order, and no order
throughout the region, executing plans lured near. The dragon considers texts and in 1220 has both cloistered and mendicant
with the collected wisdom of a creature artifacts of different realms suitable only for regulars. Whether the abbey is made up of
that has survived since the Great Flood. collection, seclusion, and eventual destruc- an order of friars or an order of monks (or
It thinks that increasing the power of the tion, and sends out friars for this very pur- an order of canons, or perhaps even some
Divine brings people nearer to God and pose. Eventually, it hopes to relegate these unusual combination) should be a decision
creates a better world, one closer to the other realms to insignificance, leaving only made at the beginning of the saga.
beauty of Paradise where one can more the brilliant glory of the Lord.
easily live a worshipful life in accordance
with God’s laws. This view is slightly
flawed given the dragon’s secondhand un-
Conflict Over Vis
derstanding of the world, humanity, and
the Divine, but its faith and nature are
genuine. The dragon believes it can best
First Encounter The magi arrive at a vis site only to find
signs of a recent campsite and an obvious
accomplish this by improving the situa- There are several ways the covenant trail heading back into more civilized ar-
tion of the local population through the might become aware of the presence of eas. Following the evidence leads the player
generosity of the Church, through the ed- the Dragon Abbot. These encounters are characters to a group of monks who harvest-
ucation of the people in crafts and profes- meant to expose the player characters to ed the vis for the abbot and now plan to rest


Rasa the Dragon Abbot

Divine Might: 50 (Vi) Reputations: The Hungry Dragon Who guage) 3, (Another Living Language)
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +8, Com Eats Travelers 4 (several different re- 2, (Another Language) 2, (Another
+4, Str +14, Sta +8, Dex +3, Qik –2 gions); The Reclusive Abbot of the Language) 2, Magic Lore 4 (pagan
Size: +8 Monastery 4 (local) rituals), Magic Sensitivity 1 (spell
Season: Winter Combat: effects), Philosophiae 3 (moral phi-
Age: n/a Large Claws: Init –2, Attack +18, Defense losophy), Premonitions 2 (threats to
Decrepitude: n/a +14, Damage +13 its goals), Second Sight 2 (invisible
Confidence Score: 2 (10) Large Fangs: Init –1, Attack +12, Defense material things), Stealth 4 (remain-
Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal; +10, Damage +11 ing unseen), Theology 4 (saints)
Magical Monster, Senior Clergy (ab- Constrict: Init –2, Attack +12, Defense +9, Powers:
bot); Greater Immunity (heat and Damage n/a Cleansing Flame, 2 points, Init +3, Ignem:
fire); Font of Knowledge, Magic Soak: +22 Rasa breathes a gout of flame 12 pac-
Sensitivity, Piercing Gaze, Premoni- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, 0, –1, –3, –5, es wide by 12 paces tall by 55 paces
tions, Second Sight, Self-Confident, Unconscious long. Anything caught in its effect
Student of Dominion; Hunger for Wound Penalties: –1 (1–13), –3 (14– suffers a stress die +25 damage from
Any Magic,* Monastic Vows; Driv- 26), –5 (27–39), Incapacitated (40– the fire. R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind,
en, Infamous (The Dragon Abbot 52), Dead (53+) CrIg 50 (Base 20, +2 Voice, +4 size):
may have one more Minor Virtue of Abilities: Area Lore: One Area 5 (trade Greater Power (50 levels), Improved
your choice.) routes), Area Lore 5: A Second Area Powers, (partial, –3 Might cost)
* As Hunger for (Form), but Rasa may (trade routes), Area Lore: A Third Taste of Memory, 4 points, Init –10, Men-
eat any vis. Area 4 (trade routes), AreaLore: Silk tem: Rasa takes either a targeted
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Road 5 (trade routes), Arabic (trade memory of a specific action or event,
Gift of Speech, Greater Power (x3), terms) 4, Artes Liberales 4 (rheto- 5 experience points of a skill, or a
Improved Abilities, Improved At- ric), Awareness 5 (humans), Brawl Virtue from a creature consumed.
tack (claws) (x2), Improved Damage 6 (claws), Church Lore 2 (famous Skills are improved normally, but
(claws), Improved Defense (claws), shrines), Civil and Canon Law 3 the consumed creature must be alive
Improved Fatigue, Improved Might (mendicant orders), Concentration 3 at the time of consumption. Virtues
(x8), Improved Powers (x3), Im- (prayer), Divine Lore 4 (relics), Do- may only be taken once per year.
proved Soak (x6), Minor Virtue minion Lore 4 (miracles), Etiquette Might spent in this manner for skills
(Piercing Gaze), Minor Virtue (Pre- 2 (scholars), Folk Ken 3 (scholars), or virtues also reduces the dragon’s
monitions), Minor Virtue (Magic Font of Knowledge 3 (lost battle- Might Score and is recovered either
Sensitivity), Ritual Powers (x6); fields), Guile 3 (scholars), Infernal by consuming 10 pawns of vis per
Monstrous Appearance, Susceptible Lore 2 (demons), Intrigue 3 (long- point spent or resting for a season
to Deprivation term schemes), Latin 4 (old dialects), (and abstaining from the use of this
Personality Traits: Driven +3, Pious +3, Leadership 4 (scholars), (Living power in this manner) in a Divine
Curious +2, Hungry +2 Language) 4, (Another Living Lan- aura of 5 or greater. [Note: This is

at a local inn before returning to the abbey. four pigeon messengers with their real plea If you want the dragon’s existence known
At the inn, it becomes evident the for help. They refuse to leave the church from the start, the Dragon Abbot itself may
monks harvested several sites in the area, until relief arrives, praying for protection liberate the monks. If you wish a more se-
including some the magi either don’t know and releasing another pigeon after two cretive abbot, the dragon may send a de-
about or know belong to other covenants. nights. One pigeon is kept in reserve, to be voted knight and his retainers. In a strongly
If approached in a friendly manner they re- released as soon as the group is attacked. conspiracy-themed game, the dragon may
fuse to hand over the vis, and their leader The chance the abbot acts in time to not send help at all, knowing any response
carries a small relic providing a modicum of save the monks depends on how far you may betray its presence and preferring to
Magic Resistance. Any attempt to coerce place this vis site from the abbey, the sort investigate the aftermath. A quick response
the group leads the monks to seek sanc- of rescue the abbot dispatches, and how allows you to increase the tension of the
tuary in the local church after begging a much respect the magi of your saga have situation rapidly, while a longer delay al-
member of the community to either seek for the sanctuary of a church. While the Di- lows for moral debates and politicking be-
out the resident lord or send word to the vine aura may hamper spellcasting, it does tween magi. It is best to decide the speed
abbey for assistance. The peasant envoy is little to stop forcible entry or wholesale de- and manner of the abbot’s rescue, if any,
a decoy, as the group releases two of their struction of the structure by mundane fire. prior to beginning the adventure based on


Rasa the Dragon Abbot, cont’d

a non-Hermetic power, calculations someone in the abbey must either suffered by that person, while they
provided for mechanical purposes fail an Ease Factor 9 check with a possess the scale, are transmitted to
only.] R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind stress die and a +4 bonus (for Peace- the dragon. Rasa cannot Soak the
PeMe 35 (Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 ful) or succeed at an Ease Factor 13 attack, but does consider it against
Cr requisite, +2 complexity): Ritual (9 + 4) trait check for a trait like its scale of wounds. For instance, a
Power x2 (35 levels, –3 points) “Violent,” “Angry,” or “Vengeful.” R: blow with a long sword inflicting a
Gift of Blood, 5 points, Init –12, Corpus: The Voice, D: Moon, T: Structure ReMe damage total of 13 on a Size 0 friar
dragon provides strength and stamina 50 (Base 10, +2 Voice, +3 Moon, +3 would ordinarily be a Heavy Wound,
to those who drink its blood by grant- Structure): Greater Power (50 lev- but the dragon would only suffer a
ing the Toughness virtue until the els), Improved Powers x2 (initiative) Light Wound. R: Arc, D: Moon, T:
creature reclaims its gift or the gifted Scale of Truth, 5 points, Init –7, Mentem: Ind CrCo 75 (Base 35, +4 Arcane
individual dies. The Might points The dragon imbues one of its scales Connection, +3 Moon, + 1 Rego
spent in this manner are not restored with the power to reveal falsehoods. requisite) Ritual Power x3 (75 levels)
to the pool until the virtue is rescind- While the scale is in plain sight, the Equipment: None
ed. Rasa may also use this power to eyes of those within the room who Encumbrance: 0 (0)
heal itself of a Medium Wound or less. speak a lie or quibble flash red for a Vis: 10 pawns of Vim in Rasa’s blood.
Might points spent on this healing ef- moment. Monks or friars aware of Appearance: The scales on its long, sinu-
fect are recovered normally. No Her- this item tend to speak looking down ous bulk begin as a pearly, iridescent
metic equivalent/CrAn 25(Base 20, +1 or with their eyes closed if they wish gray growing darker along the length
Touch): Ritual Power (25 levels) to conceal a fabrication, but always of its body, and becoming the rusty
Sign of Peace, 5 points, Init +3, Mentem: look their fellow conversational- brown of dried blood at the end of
The abbot emits an incense-scented ist in the eye when listening to re- its tail. Rasa is approximately seven-
mist, filling the air within the build- plies. The scale remains functional teen paces long, including its eight-
ing. The “mist” makes it almost im- until the dragon rescinds the power, pace-long tail and its head, which is
possible for creatures without Magic destroying the scale in the process. roughly three paces long. It sits low to
Resistance to commit violence or sin Might spent for this power cannot the ground, like a crocodile, but is still
in the abbey. Those affected gain be regained until the power is re- just over two paces tall at the shoulder.
the Personality Traits Peaceful +4, scinded. R: Sight, D: Sun, T: Room Its large, gold-rimmed black eyes are
Kind +3, and Obedient +3. Anyone InMe 50 (Base 10, +3 sight, +2 sun, nearly two palms across, and its teeth
attempting to act contrary to those +2 room, +1 tethered to object): and claws are like daggers. It has eight
traits must either fail an Ease Factor Greater Power (50 levels) legs and no wings. Note that Rasa has
9 check against the appropriate trait, Gift of the Stigmata, 15 points, Init –26, no power allowing it to change its
or succeed in an opposing trait check Corpus: Rasa imbues a scale with the shape to something humanoid. It can,
with an Ease Factor of (9 + the ap- magic of this power and exchanges it however, contort and compress its
propriate effect trait bonus). For in- with an individual for a lock of hair. body to squeeze through most com-
stance, a grog attempting to injure Until the next full moon, any wounds mon, human-sized doorways.

the nature of your troupe. ation greatly affects how the dragon views be easily modified. The monks could ask
If you want to complicate matters fur- their covenant, as it consumes the pigeons to improve an existing church, or, if the
ther, other groups of magi arrive on the to learn how the event passed and who was church exists outside the covenant’s Aegis
scene. They also tracked the clergy to this involved, regardless of the outcome. Those or has an Aegis too weak to prevent the
point and might not settle for just getting who kill the monks soon find their cov- dragon’s entry, Rasa might arrive during an
their own vis back. Some magi may see cer- enants aggressively targeted by the abbot’s evening storm and “accidentally” set fire to
tamen as a reasonable resolution to the situ- plans, and other covenants may even fall as the church, warranting the reconstruction.
ation, while others feel dead monks are less a demonstration of Rasa’s power. A rich man (possibly the local noble)
likely to steal their vis a second time. If some dies without heirs. In his last will and tes-
of the other magi are aggressive and uncon- tament and in conjunction with a dona-
cerned about mundane casualties, they may
choose to distract the player characters with
The Friars Approach tion to the local diocese (whose bishop
approves the request), he grants the abbey
debate or certamen while a magus and his the funds to rebuild a church that once
grogs overrun and kill the monks. This encounter presumes the covenant stood in or near the covenant grounds.
How the characters respond to the situ- does not have a church. However, it could Perhaps he knew the covenant, and felt

the scholars needed a church for their were helping improve a community. They brings the attention of the local lord and the
community. Perhaps he had been consid- do not aggressively oppose the covenant’s region’s Quaesitor. Either investigation has
ering rebuilding the church for some time, attempts to move or halt the project, but an impact on the covenant, even if it does
or maybe he simply wanted to see the they alert the abbot, drawing the dragon’s not immediately fall under suspicion.
church restored as a part of his legacy and attention to the activity. This, in turn, leads If the magi agree, they find that the
respected the abbey’s reputation for ca- to increased scrutiny and conflict with the townsfolk have begun construction of
pable craftsmen. For whatever reason, rep- dragon, as it continues with its plans. a new church and graveyard on the site
resentatives of the abbey arrive with their of the creature’s glade. The old standing
official writ and begin preparations to stone is being reworked into a great cross,
reconstruct the church. The local bishop
and most of the nobility support the plan.
A Spiritual Encounter and the thick woods are serving as the
construction material. A friar of the ab-
The friars seek contributions from the bey oversees the work, accompanied by a
covenant if they appear wealthy and self- In a similar vein to the previous en- small detachment of soldiers from a nearby
sufficient, questioning why the community counter, a cognizant Faerie or a Magical noble. They made a donation to the local
had not already rebuilt the church. If the nature spirit arrives, attempting to peace- lord and gained permission to provide the
covenant seems to maintain a subsistence fully approach a group of covenfolk or small community with a church — some-
operation, or obviously lacks infrastructure, grogs. It is too weak to cross the Aegis of thing it previously lacked. The friar hap-
the clergy offer to expand their project to the Hearth, and asks either for permission pily describes how the abbot even intends
include additional buildings. They also of- to enter or for the magi to come converse to donate a bell to the parish and provide
fer to take some of the covenfolk’s children with it. The creature points out the grow- a relic of a local saint for the altar.
as apprentices to their craftsmen, or assist ing Divine aura of the abbey and the sur- How do the characters respond to
with the community’s tax obligations if a rounding towns, saying that this seems these developments? Do they seek out the
few of the covenfolk contribute labor. Re- much more aggressive than in past years, creature that approached them, now inter-
gardless, it becomes apparent that the friars and threatens to overrun its home. It offers ested in alliance? Do they attempt to de-
intend to establish a new congregation cen- an exchange with the magi if they assist it, stroy or capture the creature and eliminate
tered on this building. identifying a previously unknown vis site, any threats it may have created? What do
How will the magi deal with the situa- establishing an alliance, or offering trea- they think of this new construction, so
tion? Can they impersonate or manufacture sure it has or knows of if they can find a close to their own covenant grounds?
an heir, and demand that the priests build way to reduce the Dominion and restore
in another, more deserving location? Can the creature’s home.
they convince the bishop that such a struc-
ture would be more appropriate in a larger
The creature is desperate and disap-
pointed should the magi refuse, seeking out
Failing Resources
town in his diocese? What if they sabotage other nearby covenants or attempting to
the construction efforts? Any resistance convince bandits or outlaws to assist it. One The magi decide to expand their cov-
to the church’s construction confuses and of these groups agrees and begins to harass enant, building their own scriptorium or
frustrates the friars, who thought they and intimidate the community. This activity adding a craft the local abbey specializes


How to Incorporate the Dragon

Rasa the Dragon Abbot is intended experience the “Conflict Over Vis” story combat the Infernally tainted events, and
to be an antagonist who operates in the on their return. Continuing with the pri- perhaps looking to explain the growing
background, slowly increasing the Di- mary arc, the Baron might offer a tour- aura, the magi might approach the abbey,
vine aura through its machinations. How nament and a hunt, which would lead leading to the “Failing Resources” story.
would a storyguide go about implement- into “A Spiritual Encounter.” After these In this way, you incorporate the
ing this kind of story arc? stories, the magi might notice vis sites dragon within the saga while blending
First, consider the dragon’s arc sec- produce less vis, and the Divine aura in its story into the primary arc. One could
ondary in relation to another arc, and the countryside has slightly increased. continue braiding the stories further, uti-
plan to use all four of the previously As Geoffroi’s interest in magic increases, lizing the ideas of the abbey-sponsored
suggested stories, starting with “Conflict he might make his offer have to the magi fairs, Quaesitor investigations stemming
Over Vis.” Then identify points where it and the Infernal goetic join his council from the baron’s failed council, the ab-
might be appropriate to pause in the pri- after the fall of the stone from the sky bot’s rivalry with the jinn or Stellatus,
mary arc. At those points, offer the magi — although it simplifies matters to have the concerns of neighboring covenants
the hook for the dragon-associated sto- the stone’s impact indirectly damage the regarding the growing Divine aura, or
ries and allow them to be pursued with- church, perhaps through an overturned the increased mundane resources being
out negatively impacting the primary lamp. These events lead into “The Friars redirected to abbey projects. Depend-
storyline. It is a good idea to keep two Approach” story, and with the repairs ing on the covenant’s initial interactions
or three stories from the primary arc be- the Divine aura surges further. This in- with the dragon or the manner in which
tween stories in the dragon arc, in order creasing Divine aura combined with the they observe its handiwork, the magi
to give an impression of the larger scale dampening Magical aura drives the hedge may consider Rasa a potential spiritual
on which the abbot makes its plans. wizards to join Geoffroi, and leads to the advisor or Divine ally. Then, either when
For instance, if one were to use the attempted theft of the Parma followed by the troupe recognizes the impact of the
Baron Geoffroi d’Arques (Chapter Two) a possible demonic incident. These con- dragon, or when you deem it an appro-
as the primary arc, the initial stories tinued distractions and Geoffroi’s neglect priate challenge, a story arc focused on
might begin with the strange leper and of his realm cause the populace to turn the abbot can take the primary focus as
progress to the Baron’s acquisition of In- more and more to the Dragon Abbot’s the magi decide how to handle the new-
fernal texts. At that point, the magi might charity. Seeking additional resources to ly recognized issue.

in providing. Historically, the priests had decide to seek out the details of the en- new intrigues have been set in motion.
always cooperated with the covenant, counter between the previous abbot and How the magi choose to respond to this
finding them decent neighbors and good the dragon. The nearby battlefield might changing situation clearly sets the tenor
customers. It is possible the monks even yield Arcane Connections that prove use- of the relationship between them and the
permitted the covenant to utilize their ful later. Attempts at scrying within the creature. Will they attempt to force an in-
modest library or bookbinding workshop. abbey might show glimpses of the dragon. vitation to see the abbot or infiltrate the
Unfortunately, when the magi approach The magi might try to seek out one of the abbey grounds in order to confirm their
this time, they find many of the abbey’s dispatched friars, hoping to gain informa- suspicions? Is it possible they might attack,
facilities closed and their presence unwel- tion from him on the road and learn what hoping to catch the dragon unawares?
come. Rumors in the surrounding commu-
nity might even reveal that the dragon had
threatened the abbey, but the abbot fend- What Sort of Items?
ed it off at a great cost to his health. Now
bedridden and healing, the abbot closed What kind of magical items or rel- three magnitudes for tasks like moving
much of the abbey to outsiders, keeping ics might the dragon display? The sto- stones, clearing brush, or other mainte-
them in a small, detached portion of the ryguide could introduce any number nance jobs. Small relics might include
grounds. The windows of the scriptorium of non-Hermetic items from Ancient thorns of the Crown of Thorns, frag-
are sealed with parchment, and there is no Magic — like Canaanite necromantic ments of cloth from the robe of Jesus,
access to the abbey’s library. At the same clay tablets, Defixio plates, ancient fe- slivers of the True Cross, or the bones
time, the abbot ordered the start of several tish fertility figures, pieces of automata, of various saints. The items should elic-
new construction projects and sent friars or lost texts by magi investigating any it interest from magi in the covenant,
abroad on special tasks. of these magics. Hermetic devices the possibly associated with their special-
This encounter has the greatest po- dragon owns are generally practical, ties, in order to draw them into conflict
tential to reveal the nature of the abbot providing small effects no greater than with the monks.
early in the story arc, as curious magi


Friar or Monk of the Abbey

These men represent the bulk of Personality Traits: Pious +3, Dedicated of the diocese), Intrigue 2 (parishes),
the servants of the dragon, but only a +2, Loyal +2 Leadership 3 (preaching), Latin 4 (re-
few know the true nature of their abbot. Reputations: Trustworthy 2 (local) ligious phrases), Living Language 4
Many believe that their original abbot Combat: (conversation), Native Language 5,
defeated the dragon, but suffered ter- Dodge: Init +3, Attack n/a, Defense +4, Profession or Craft 3 (appropriate to
rible wounds requiring his sequestered Damage n/a position in abbey), Stealth 1* (hiding
recovery. The senior priests know the Club: Init +3, Attack +4, Defense +3, in brush), Theology 2 (scripture)
truth, but maintain the fiction that the Damage +4 * Indicates choice for a friar.
abbot receives visions while bedridden Staff: Init +4, Attack +6, Defense +6, Equipment: Monk’s habit, sandals, walk-
and healing. Damage +3 ing stick (club)*
Soak: +2 * Indicates choice for a friar
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Com +1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Unconscious Appearance: A typical friar or monk in a
Qik +2 Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), woolen robe.
Size: 0 –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20),
Age: 34 (34) Dead (21+) The abbot sends members of the
Warping Score: 0 (4) Abilities: Area Lore: Native Area 3 (towns abbey on tasks requiring them to go
Confidence Score: 1 (3) and villages), Area Lore: Travel Area into or beyond the local area surround-
Virtues and Flaws: Mendicant Friar 3* (travel routes), Artes Liberales 2 ing the abbey. It also relies on them to
or Priest; Clear Thinker, Improved (rhetoric), Athletics 2 (hiking), Brawl handle the daily needs of the abbey and
Characteristics, Well-Traveled* or 2 (Dodge), Charm 2 (peasants), its maintenance. The abbey has three
Long-Winded; Monastic Vows; Chirurgy 2* (sword wounds), Church or four senior brothers, who oversee
Compassionate Lore 3 (local diocese), Civil and Can- operations. Use the statistics for the
* Indicates choice for an abbey mem- on Law 1 (regulations for the clergy), priest (See ArM5, page 23) or Brother
ber who has ventured out on tasks Dominion Lore 3 (saints), Etiquette Julian from Art & Academe (page 85), if
for the abbot. 3 (Church), Folk Ken 6 (members available.

The dragon is willing to cooperate with avoiding direct confrontation unless no ing faith and promoting the good works
the magi, considering their presence a great other option remains. It operates in a very of saints. It does this to build community
gift from God, a resource capable of facili- strategic and clandestine manner in its ef- spirit, which often rallies around a relic,
tating more effective execution of its plans. forts to impact an area with generosity and and to allow the common people to ben-
In this scenario, the dragon may offer to kindness — not violently opposing cove- efit from the presence of the relic, be it
share its wisdom with the magi, negotiat- nants, but improving the Divine nature of miraculous or mundane.
ing a relationship where the covenant takes an area and turning it increasingly hostile Over the course of countless raids
up the role of recovering relics, items, and to the Magically oriented magi. It does and ambushes, the dragon also built up
vis for the abbey in exchange for a share this by sending out emissaries on specific a number of hoards, one for every lair
of the salvage. This situation changes over missions to recover lost relics, unearth se- as it traveled. Each one is packed with
time as the dragon demands more and creted ancient hoards, and build and im- sacks and chests of coinage, jewelry, and
more, dictated by its growing needs and the prove local churches, and thereby expand weapons, plus whatever objects within
importance of its cause. The added stress the influence of the Divine. its victims’ possession interested it. Be-
combined with the increased Divine aura Given its wide and varied knowledge fore the creature departed each lair, it
that begins to expand from the abbey and garnered from the memories of thousands buried these troves for retrieval at a later
impinge upon the covenant might turn the of people, the dragon often remembers point. Now, when it knows it will require
one-time ally into a very close foe. the resting place of an important relic a windfall to fund a particular project, the
it hadn’t previously recognized. Armed dragon sends a member of the abbey out
with these locations, its servants depart to collect what the brother can. Know-
the abbey to recover the religious ar- ing these journeys could take consider-

Methods tifacts. The abbey certainly hands the

objects over to the local bishop to be
appropriately stored or distributed, but
able time due to the distances the servant
must travel, the abbot takes this into ac-
count when designing its plans. A trusted
The Dragon Abbot is a reformed evil- not before the dragon orders monks to clergyman or a penitent knight is usually
doer, saintly and enigmatic in demeanor, parade the items through the area, inspir- given both a mule and a gift of stamina

from the dragon’s blood to ensure he can provides opportunities for employment Guild, page 106 has more on fairs) at the
recover the treasure and make the return while possibly improving infrastructure, abbey and then quietly refunding table fees
journey alone. like bridges, walls, or wells. New missions to peasants, paying for repairs on commu-
The abbot then uses the riches to build provide succor to the poor while attracting nity goods like plows and wagons, or fund-
and renovate churches, fund missions, and eager labor and establishing new footholds ing the purchase of such equipment or
foremost, improve the lot of local commu- for expanding the abbey’s reach and influ- livestock when none exists. Additionally,
nities. New and refurbished churches rein- ence, while also bringing greater glory to excess monies are used to sponsor appren-
force the importance of the Church as an God. Additionally, a share of this recov- ticeships with craftsmen and professionals,
organization, and through them, the im- ered wealth is spent bettering the lives of paying for the necessary costs with the
portance of the Divine. Church construc- the common folk. The dragon manages understanding that the future craftsmen
tion draws the congregation together and this by sponsoring seasonal fairs (City and will return to their home regions and add

The Prior of the Abbey

The prior is one of three kinds of Abilities: Area Lore: Native Area 3 bot is an unnatural creature. It’s also true
man. One, he’s a sincere man inspired (towns and villages), Artes Libera- dragons are widely considered symbols
by a miracle, the Peter to the dragon’s les 3, Athletics 1 (hiking), Brawl 2 of evil in most of Europe. Despite both
messiah. Two, he’s a pragmatist who has (Dodge), Carouse 1 (remaining so- Rasa’s miraculous transformation and the
nothing recognizable as faith, but sees ber), Charm 3 (clergy), Church Lore epiphany that saved their home and lives
the potential in having an actual miracle 4 (local diocese), Civil and Canon through the previous abbot’s sacrifice, a
to show people. Three, he’s mentally un- Law 4 (regulations for the clergy), member of the abbey decides there is no
balanced after confronting a Divine act, Dead Language: Latin 5, Dominion way the creature truly changed its na-
but since it involves a dragon and an on- Lore 3 (saints), Etiquette 4 (Church), ture. After a monk discovers the abbot
going miracle, he could act either way, Folk Ken 4 (member of the diocese), is a dragon, he decides the beast must be
becoming Paul or Judas. As a potential Intrigue 3 (parishes), Leadership in league with Hell — after all, it ate the
betrayer he continues to serve, gathering 3 (preaching), Living Language 5 saintly abbot — and runs to the magi for
records, clandestinely requesting help, (conversation), Native Language 5, help. This churchman might bring along
and learning its weaknesses and vulner- Profession 3 (autocrat), Theology 3 extensive descriptions, Arcane Connec-
abilities to aid those who would actually Equipment: Monk’s habit, sandals, walk- tions, or even (possibly incorrect) details
kill the dragon. ing stick of the dragon’s plans. He might remain
Encumbrance: 0 (0) with the covenant, assisting with further
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre +1, Appearance: A typical friar or monk in a planning and operations or acting as the
Com +2, Str +0, Sta +2, Dex –1, woolen robe. constant reminder of the threat lying un-
Qik –2 resolved within the abbey. Or the monk
Size: 0 Priors act in the abbot’s stead, per- might return to the abbey, playing the
Age: 43 (43) forming any tasks deemed necessary. part of a double agent and inside man,
Warping Score: 0 (2) They handle interaction with outside of- feeding them more information and ly-
Confidence Score: 1 (3) ficials, supervision of monks, operations ing in wait for the magi to attack and fin-
Virtues and Flaws: Senior Clergy; Mo- of the abbey, and any other activities di- ish the dragon’s rule.
nastic Vows; Intuition, Regular, Tem- rected by the abbot. This prior might be Some clever leaders cultivate double
poral Influence, Vow friendly and genial, brusque and perfunc- agents intentionally, and without the
Personality Traits: Organized +3, Cal- tory, or distant and calculating. He may betrayer’s knowledge — using them to
culating +2, Dedicated +2 be the loyal gatekeeper or the scheming feed misinformation to foes and create
Reputations: Trustworthy 4 (local), manipulator, but he performs his duties traps that cannot usually be discovered
Wise 4 (regional) as prior with excellence. through the spy, who believes the intel-
Combat: ligence to be genuine. Has the dragon
Dodge: Init +3, Attack n/a, Defense +4, deceived both this monk and the cov-
Damage n/a Story Seed: The Traitor enant? Does the dragon believe the
Soak: +2 Within, The Traitor Without magi are compromised Infernal agents?
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Is it attempting to lure the magi and
Unconscious The dragon cannot change its shape, their resources out, where it can better
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), although it can squeeze and contort his destroy them without collateral damage
–5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), shape to fit through doorways, and so or suspicion?
Dead (21+) several of the monks know their new ab-


Penitent Knight
Encountered while attempting to Damage n/a Living Language 4 (commands), Na-
recover an item or harvest a vis site for Lance and shield (mounted): Init +3, Attack tive Language 5 (commands), Ride
the dragon, the knight does not know +14, Defense +12, Damage +10 3 (battle), Single Weapon 5 (Long
the abbot’s true nature. He only seeks Long sword and shield (mounted): Init +3, At- sword), Theology 2 (scripture)
absolution for a wrong committed while tack +15, Defense +14, Damage +11 Equipment: War horse, full chain mail,
traveling, and believes completing this Long sword and shield: Init +3, Attack +12, heater shield, lance, long sword, mace
task will provide it. Defense +11, Damage +8 Encumbrance: 2 (4)
Mace and shield: Init +2, Attack +10, De- Appearance: This lone knight wears a
Characteristics: Int 0, Per –1, Pre +1, Com fense +9, Damage +10 black surcoat over his armor and car-
0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1 Soak: +14 ries himself with a stoic sense of pur-
Size: 0 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, pose. His gear and mount appear to
Age: 26 (26) Unconscious be of good quality, and he otherwise
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), appears as a typical knight leading a
Virtues and Flaws: Knight; Wealthy; Af- –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), group of warriors.
finity with Single Weapon, Improved Dead (21+)
Characteristics, Tough, Warrior; Abilities: Area Lore: Native Area 4 The knight wears a black surcoat
Oath of Fealty; Continence, Pious, (castles), Area Lore: Travel Area until the completion of his quest to re-
Poor Student, Vow (complete the 3 (travel routes), Athletics 4 (ar- flect his sinful state. Extremely dedicated
abbot’s task), Wrathful mored), Awareness 1 (battle), Brawl to his goals, nothing will dissuade him.
Personality Traits: Pious +2, Wrathful +2 4 (dodge), Chirurgy 1 (sword He travels with a group of men-at-arms;
Reputations: Pious 2 (local); Wrathful 2 wounds), Etiquette 3 (court), Great use the statistics for one grizzled veteran
(region) Weapon 4 (lance), Hunt 3 (boar), In- (ArM5, page 21) and four standard sol-
Combat: trigue 2 (court), Leadership 4 (small diers (ArM5, page 22).
Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5, groups), Latin 1 (religious phrases),

to their local economies when their edu-

cation is complete. The abbot prefers this
sort of assistance because of its long-term
its place. No one lies for the abbot, they
simply state he is unavailable or unable to
dine at that time. The prior acting as the
nature and community focus. abbot’s proxy handles other duties tradi- The spread and increase of Divine au-
Finally, the abbot realizes the impor- tionally performed by the abbot, such as ras, which negatively impact Magic auras,
tance of good intelligence. Utilizing its inspecting sleeping quarters. The monks are the most likely events that draw magi
Taste of Memory power, the dragon reaps and the abbey’s leadership, and perhaps to investigate the dragon’s behavior and
great benefits through the consumption even those supervising or just outranking discover its existence. Local Quaesitors or
of trained birds — by eating the birds the abbot, such as the archdeacon, revere Hoplites performing their own investiga-
when they return, it learns what the ani- the dragon as miraculous, cooperating to tions may approach the covenant. Magi
mal saw or heard, what the conditions maintain the dragon’s secrecy and execute working at the very edge of their abilities
somewhere were, and what the relative its plans. If anyone becomes overly curi- and in correspondence with peers may no-
strength of an enemy group was. Because ous or intent to see the dragon unbidden, tice the effects first, or the mystery could
the birds are naturally trained and non- and the creature’s unwanted discovery be an issue assigned to the magi at the Tri-
magical, there is no interference from the appears imminent — despite the effects bunal gathering.
Parma (although neither the birds nor the of the dragon’s Sign of Peace power or the The encroaching Divine would likely
dragon know of the Parma). In order to machinations of the abbot’s supporters — anger any Faerie creatures in the region,
execute this strategy, the abbot orders a plan exists to have the abbot “die” while who may seek out the magi to determine
the monks to maintain pigeon aviaries. a trusted elder monk or the prior is elected the cause of the growing aura. This might
The birds also provide supplemental in- abbot to serve as the dragon’s public repre- present the covenant with opportunities to
come and foodstuffs. Occasionally, the sentative. Should the local nobility some- better establish ties or alliances with local
dragon eats dogs or cats for this purpose, how attempt to influence the election of a fae, or introduce fae-blooded characters
and offers a small prayer of thanksgiving new abbot, the monastery’s members don’t sent to cooperate with Hermetic investiga-
before doing so. contest the results but work to bring the tions. Such an alliance might even serve as
The dragon does not dine with guests replacement abbot into the fold while the a springboard to unrelated or tangential ad-
or travelers, but asks an elder monk or the dragon remains hidden either nearby or in ventures, as the magi explore possible leads
prior to convey its apologies and dine in the monastery’s cellars. within the surrounding faerie communities.

In a similar manner, a waxing Divine at Tribunal, as the members of the Order out the covenant in frustration over the
influence would drive local Infernal crea- argue about the effect — the disappearing growing power of a secretive and seem-
tures to seek places with more sinful and sites — rather than its cause — the grow- ingly incorruptible abbot who operates
less penitent inhabitants — like some ing power of the Divine. through subordinates and grows more
covenfolk or grogs who are known for As the abbot’s plans progress, the in- popular every day. The magi might be
their violent, rough, and sinful lifestyles. flux of wealth and devout craftsmen into asked to clandestinely act against the ab-
The fact some covenants lack a regular the region likely begins to change the na- bey in exchange for some form of limited
priest makes their garrisons even more ture of the surrounding communities. As autonomy or relief from regular feudal
vulnerable to suggestion, corruption, or magi and covenfolk travel throughout the obligations — the sort of freedom nearly
possession by Infernal agents. A strong Ae- area, they may notice this transformation. every covenant eagerly desires may be
gis of the Hearth may keep demons from en- At first, they may not care about the ar- too great a reward to ignore. Only after
tering directly, but a demon possessing a rival of additional masons or carpenters, they accept the arrangement and put their
member of the covenfolk or grog turb may or the new projects funded by the abbey’s own plans in motion will they begin to
still infiltrate the grounds. Those Infer- coin. However, this is just a more subtle discover the scope of the dragon’s actions
nals unable to ride the covenant’s servants barometer of the increasing Divine aura, as and the nature of their foe. Worse yet, the
might lurk just outside the Aegis, causing the additional infrastructure and improved nobleman is unlikely to accept failure, and
incidents and harassing suitable targets as quality of life encourages the population to what had initially begun as a simple plot
they go about their business in the outside greater acts of devotion and worship. The to quickly “deal” with a Church official
world. Magi are likely to simply eradicate covenant may not immediately connect may spiral into something far greater as
such invaders, and it may take several in- the cause and effect until they attempt to the frustrated lord threatens the magi with
cidents over the course of many seasons acquire some of these craftsmen for their civil punishment for unacceptably slow
before a demon is interrogated prior to its own projects, or negotiate the education progress. If the magi are reckless, this situ-
destruction or banishment. of apprentices and find them unwilling to ation carries the additional possibility of
Possible hooks aren’t limited to crea- train or work for anyone but the abbey. the covenant being brought up on charges
tures. A growing Divine aura might reduce What might initially seem an annoyance at Tribunal for serving as court wizards to a
or eliminate both claimed and uncontest- may become a more desperate situation as mundane lord in violation of the Hermetic
ed vis sources, and create friction between aspects of the covenant fall into disrepair, Code. The player characters must careful-
player covenants and other covenants in or as the magi are forced to take time away ly conceal their operations not only from
the region. For example, the magi arrive from important research or personal proj- the Dragon Abbot but other members of
to harvest the vis only to find a certamen ects to travel significant distances in order the Order in the area, who may arrive to
challenger waiting for them. Victory may to obtain the expertise they need. discuss the changing environment with
earn them the vis they rightfully own, This monopolization of labor and re- their neighbors. The fading Magic aura
but some civil interaction is necessary in sources could also cause friction between could become the least pressing of their
order to learn what is driving other magi the local nobility and the abbey. A clever worries as they face an impending trial at
to attempt resource poaching. Multiple nobleman, or one who has previously co- Tribunal, either attempting to find a Quae-
incidents may create a matter for debate operated with the covenant, might seek sitor advocate willing to take their case, or

preparing their own defense. Both options the characters could extol the importance order to accomplish this task, magi need
potentially distract the characters from of a distant pilgrimage, or discuss the in- to damage the dragon’s support structures,
the still-growing influence of the Dragon sights and enlightenment only possible such as the monks who perform many of
Abbot and from their own research. in an ascetic hermitage far from any trace the tasks, the abbey’s supply infrastructure,
The abbot also has the potential to of civilization. These possibilities require which maintains those monks, and the
limit a covenant’s access to other resourc- blunting the creature’s missionary zeal and abbey’s means of profit, which funds the
es — grogs may take on vows and go on engaging it in regular discussion — a task monks’ operations.
crusade, regional supplies are redirected that might prove difficult for a magus not Because they travel abroad, the clergy
for abbey construction projects, coven- seeking a more pious path or one who isn’t become the easiest targets for the magi.
folk might desert for pilgrimages, scholars a dedicated student of the Divine. Once Grogs and paid agents might ambush them
and craftsmen refuse to work with men of this is accomplished, the dragon could be on the road, in towns, and while complet-
questionable repute, and texts once avail- convinced to undertake a pilgrimage to ing tasks for the creature. Depending on
able for loan are gathered and locked away a distant but significant religious site like the nature of the people assigned to such
deep within the abbey. Jerusalem or the Sea of Galilee in the Le- attacks, there may be failures as holy men
Additionally, the abbot eagerly seeks vant, the great library of Saint Catherine’s beg for mercy or assassins simply lose their
to recover relics and non-Hermetic magic Monastery at Mount Sinai, the Way of desire to kill a man of God. There might be
items from ancient sites and battlefields. St. James and Santiago de Compostela a negative impact on the region’s reputation
It often dispatches abbey clergy for this in Spain, or the Canterbury Cathedral in as disappearances mount or the local popu-
purpose. When possible, the abbey safely England. This trip effectively removes the lace discovers slaughtered corpses.
uses these devices on behalf of the local dragon from the saga as it decides to re- Another option, relying more on
populations, presenting them as Divine main at its chosen destination, but might subterfuge than violence, is to imperson-
objects and demonstrating how they are produce later consequences as investiga- ate the monks and perform outrageous
“really” tools of God. If the very nature tors from the dragon’s new home come to or distasteful acts among the people liv-
of the item prevents this use, the dragon the Tribunal seeking the creature’s origin. ing around the abbey, such as stealing in
either destroys the item or locks it away. Depending on the time frame and loca- the name of the abbot, bouts of drunken
These quests are not the only missions tion of the saga, the abbot might be con- debauchery and rabble-rousing, or plain
that servants of the abbey undertake; the vinced the most Christ-like action it could violence. This also requires agents with
dragon must consume vis due to its magi- undertake would be its own sacrifice on questionable morals, willing to not only
cal nature, and sends trusted friars to many behalf of its adopted congregation. An im- terrorize innocents, but to masquerade as
lesser vis sources with instructions for pending attack of pagan Mongols, or of a servants of God while they do so. Aspects
harvesting the vis. The creature recog- conquest-minded army like the Fourth Cru- of the plan might become prematurely re-
nizes that, if successful, it will eventually sade or an expansionist Moorish or Arab vealed if any members of the operation at-
destroy the very sites it needs to survive. force, might serve as a sufficient threat to tend confession nearby.
Through everything, the dragon views motivate the dragon. This becomes much The magi might also conspire to use
opposition by the player characters as a more possible if the magi take the time to the Church organization itself against
test of its faith and determination sent by gather evidence and eyewitness testimony the abbey and the monks. Other mem-
God, never blaming them for their actions. of the merciless and destructive aftermath bers within the Church hierarchy might
of such an attack, appealing to the dragon’s somehow get the idea that the abbot and
growing sense of selflessness. his monks are fomenting heresy, or that
they have violated canon law in some way

Resolution The Hard Way

— maybe by stealing from the diocese,
through fornication, or by bearing false
witness. Such violations could cause con-
There are two broad ways in which flict as priests are accused of civil crimes
the problems with Rasa can be resolved. Charging the abbey and engaging the such as murder, and invoke their right to
dragon in combat is implausible for almost be tried by Church courts, thus creating
all magi, especially given the dragon’s friction with local authorities or possibly
The Soft Way Might combined with both the Divine
aura of the place (the abbey and scripto-
drawing the unwanted attention of higher-
ranked and less understanding Church of-
rium should have a Divine aura of 4 or 5) ficials to the abbey. This forces the dragon
The least-violent options for dealing and the subsequent mundane and Her- to expend resources either resolving or
with the negative effects of the Dragon metic consequences of attacking a house concealing the issue. If the dragon’s true
Abbot might involve simply persuad- of God. Covenants seeking a permanent nature is revealed, the Church might well
ing the creature to leave the area. After end to the dragon need to consider using decide to remove it as abbot; it is, after all,
establishing a peaceful rapport with the the abbot’s tactics against it, to reduce its not even a human being.
monks and learning the abbot’s nature, power base and draw it into the open. In The land surrounding the abbey also

presents a viable target for magi. By in- Depending on the monetary reserves of The Enemy
terfering with the abbey’s crops, the char- the abbey, this tactic may take some time
acters can cause food shortages and im- to seriously impair operations. Possible of My Enemy
pact the raw materials used for trade good variations on it might include hexing mer-
production. Wizard’s Autumn (PeHe 15) is chants coming to trade with the monks, Some may decide the best way to elim-
low enough level to allow most magi to using Mentem magics like Pains of Perpetual inate the abbot is to manipulate another
affect a field, as is a spell to salt the earth Worry (CrMe 20) to sour their mood or foe into performing the deed. Magi might
for a moon duration (CrTe 15, Base 3, +1 make them greedy, or Panic of the Trembling convince or lead another nearby covenant
Touch, +3 Moon) even with a Divine aura Heart (CrMe 15) to chase them away, or a into striking down the dragon. They could
present. A specialist might have a high moon-duration Recollection of Memories Never search out the eternal enemy of the Divine
enough casting total to use spells like Quite Lived (MuMe 5) to make them be- and find demons willing to attack the ab-
Clouds of Rain and Thunder or Clouds of Sum- lieve they were cheated during their last bot. The covenant could reveal Rasa’s true
mer Snow (CrAu 25). A very experienced transaction at the abbey. Those preferring nature to higher ranking and unsympa-
magus would be needed to summon the a mundane approach might feed informa- thetic Church officials, like an archbishop.
Curse of the Ravenous Swarm (CrAn 45), es- tion about the departure times and dates They might galvanize the whole of the
pecially since the abbey has an aura great- of trade good shipments to bandits or un- Tribunal into an action against the crea-
er than 3. A covenant might be able to scrupulous local lords, and allow them to ture, arguing that the dragon constitutes
disguise such spells as natural phenomena, do the covenant’s dirty work. a unique and obvious threat to the Order
at least the first few times. Mundane tac- Finally, once the dragon has been lured of Hermes. Or faeries might be convinced
tics, such as fire or trampling beasts, could from the abbey, or for those looking to to take part in a grand story involving the
be just as effective but they blatantly alert challenge it directly, there is the possibili- dragon’s death. Any such allies are depen-
the abbot to the fact that someone means ty of seeking out a dragonslayer or another dent upon the creatures and groups near
the abbey harm. dragon to attack the abbot. A dragonslay- the covenant and the diplomatic efforts of
Livestock could suffer a similar fate, er may only need the bare evidence of the the magi.
with debilitating spell effects still possible dragon’s existence, believing the worm has Whatever the nature of the foe they
at low levels — like destroying the wool deceived the monks. Armed with his own enlist to eliminate the dragon, there is the
of a flock of sheep (PeAn15, Base 3, +2 righteous belief, such a proxy champion chance the magi have leapt from the pro-
Voice, +2 Group). Specialists might be might weaken the dragon enough for the verbial frying pan and into the fire. Sto-
able to cause cows or goats to stop giving covenant to finish the job. Another dragon ryguides should carefully consider the lin-
milk or chickens to stop laying eggs (PeAn could fulfill this role equally well, and even gering consequences of involving a third
25, Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Group). Reavers, prove to be a better combatant. However, party to deal with the dragon. Quaesitors
bandits, or even Mentem-affected locals another dragon might also require more may not leave, wondering what other issues
could be encouraged to steal or poach convincing or some sort of compensation lie hidden and require attention. Clergy
livestock. In a similar vein, magi might before it would be willing to attack. may instigate small-scale crusades or purg-
drive natural or magical predators into the This way, likely through a combina- es. Demons would not stop at removing the
area, using them to kill and harass the ab- tion of tactics, the covenant could frustrate dragon, but continue to subject the region
bey’s animals while the monks waste time the abbot’s plans sufficiently to draw it out to their evil machinations. Fae may feel
and effort trying to protect them. into the open, forcing it to deal directly their role has evolved from the triumphant
Another option for limiting the ab- with the threat presented by the player hero into the despotic conqueror. Truly de-
bey’s resources lies in disrupting its trade characters. By carefully gathering Arcane vious magi may attempt to use the dragon
with outside customers. Covenants could Connections beforehand and negating its as a means of eliminating various supernat-
choose to damage or curse goods leaving greatest defense — the spell-dampening ural threats they cannot handle themselves.
the abbey, making them impossible to sell effect of the Divine aura within the abbey The consequences of such machinations
and thereby denying the monks the in- — the magi would stand a good chance of are beyond the scope of this chapter, and
come necessary to meet their obligations. defeating this unusual foe. so left to the storyguide’s imagination.

Chapter Ten

The Queen of Gold and Glass

In this series of stories, a powerful faer- mans use while completing stories she has skilled mortal artisan made a perfect mir-
ie noblewoman provokes the player char- instigated. If she witnesses a wide variety of ror as a gift for his beloved. She proved
acters, to trick or convince them to par- Hermetic spells, she becomes able to create false, and the craftsman cursed the mirror
ticipate in a sequence of eight encounters. a faerie magus to serve in her court. Each and buried it. It was found by a faerie, and
This faerie, called the Queen of Gold and of the scenarios the Queen of Gold and given to a princess. When she first stared
Glass, is a dispenser of labors — a type Glass designs encourages player characters into the mirror, the Queen of Gold and
of faerie that draws vitality from setting to cast spells from one of the Forms, so that Glass reached out from Faerie, and stole
a series of quests. The Queen’s schemes her minions can witness them. her shape, her life, and her place in the
threaten the prosperity of the player char- mundane world. In the centuries since, the
acters and appear to threaten their lives, Queen has played games with mortals and
but the Queen does not want the player made faerie versions of her foes.
characters to die. She may even aid them
against threats from third parties.
The Queen’s scheme has a second goal,
beyond forcing the player characters to
complete these stories. The Queen is able
to craft faerie duplicates of skills that hu-
As the Roman Empire was first stretch-
ing its covetous hands out over Europe to
seize the lands of the barbarian tribes, a
Aims and
The Queen of Gold and Glass wants
to mold the role of one or more of her
subordinate faeries into that of a court
magician. She is, however, a connoisseur
of mundane detail. She wants her servants
to act as real magicians do, and simulate
the powers that real magicians have. To
research wizards accurately, the Queen se-
lects a group of young magi and carefully
provokes them.
In each of the challenges she arranges,
the Queen considers herself to have been
victorious if the magi cast spells her ser-
vants have not witnessed before. As her
servants observe, or suffer the effects of,
each spell, her court wizards gain the abil-
ity to simulate it. The wider the variety of
spells the player characters are tempted to
use, the more amusing the Queen’s wiz-
ards become. The Queen is immortal, so
she feels no need to rush: the longer the
player characters are given to mature, the
more interesting the spells they have time
to study.


Methods are unformed. Finally, more regular chal-

lenges might sidetrack the characters.
Spells that affect faeries are less inter-
Preliminary Encounters
and Necessary Symbols

The Queen lures the player charac- esting to her than others, because she can Before the Queen of Gold and Glass
ters into stories approximately once every already mold her servants. The time the can usefully provoke the magi, she must
four years. There are three reasons for the wizards spend developing countermea- complete two tasks.
Queen’s lengthy pauses between chal- sures against her might leave them over- First, the Queen must mark the magi as
lenges. First, she is immortal, and so has specialized, and vulnerable to the many her protagonists, by a story event. She does
the time to waste. Second, she knows the other threats they face in Mythic Europe. not appear in person. The magi are marked
player characters are mortal, and so be- If the suggested frequency or number of sufficiently, for her purposes, if they have
come more powerful as they age, so there encounters does not suit a saga, its players had an encounter with one of her minions.
is no reason to persecute them while they should, of course, alter the Queen’s plan. The encounter must be so notable that,

Notes for Troupes Not Using Realms of Power: Faerie

Faeries in Ars Magica are not like the is aware of what she is, she knows about guide, but many levels differ, as noted in
monsters in most roleplaying games. They her dependence on story elements, and Realms of Power: Faerie. These differences
are living story elements. This has effects within certain limits, she can take all the come from three main sources.
that new players need to be aware of. advantages her role allows. Faeries are creatures of magical en-
Players, and their characters, are ergy, which construct bodies out of stray
meant to notice that the Queen does not matter. This means that many of their
Faeries Cannot act like a human. This makes her vulner- powers are actually a type of shapeshift-
Think Like People able to counterploys, allowing players ing. For example, when the faerie knight
with characters not strongly suited to below makes his sword shed slivers of
It’s important to remember that the combat to defeat the Queen’s designs. glass spines, when he makes his armor
Queen needs to do certain things, even Troupes can, in character, have fun with dissolve into smoke, or when he makes
if they are ill advised, because she is not the tropes of the story being told. The his horse appear, he is actually just shift-
a human being. In the same way that a dispenser of labors has been chosen as ing the shape of his body. The bodies of
banshee must predict the death of her the Queen’s role because it is very simi- faeries, and this includes the props they
descendants rather than prevent it, or a lar to the role of final boss in computer carry as part of their role, are not resisted
brownie given a suit of clothes must pick games. The Queen shares many of the by the Parma Magica.
them up and leave the house they were traits of a computer game character, the Hermetic magic is weaker in all
offered in, the Queen must perform her most obvious being that she tailors the forms of travel magic than faeries are.
role. She has no more choice than a rock strength of her minions to suit the player Flight, for example, is difficult and dan-
has about whether to fall. characters, and she scatters collectable gerous for magi, but simple for faeries.
The Queen, like all faeries, has a role tokens which, when combined, allow the Many things that faeries do break
instead of a soul. This means she must: player characters to confront her. Hermetic limits. The most obvious ex-
Players are meant to enjoy this, and, ample of this here is the Queen’s At-
• Mark her work with repeated insignia. during these stories, add elements of their tribute Duplication Virtue. It’s a non-
• Run the characters through a series own that suit her theme. Players suggest- Hermetic virtue that allows the Queen
of stories. ing that a key taken from a faerie should, to do what her role as a dispenser of la-
• Confront the magi after their stories in this story, fit any lock, or that their foes bors and duplicator of mortals requires.
are complete. should die in a shower of coins, should be It’s not treated as a Power, because it has
• Not sidetrack the story. She cannot rewarded for their insight. Groups that no Might cost, and is not cast at player
just pay the PCs their weight in gold prefer a more historically realistic style characters, so it doesn’t need a Penetra-
to do what she wants, for example. of Ars Magica can instead reward players tion score.
She is feeding on the emotional en- who note and use other tropes from pe- Highly cognizant faeries — those
ergy of the player characters as they riod stories with dispensers of labors. who know that they are spirits that re-
complete the stories; she wants them quire human vitality and can use a vari-
to follow the stories, rather than give ety of stories to force humans to give it
her something specific. Faerie Powers to them — are able to redesign the lesser
faeries who serve them. This is not rep-
The Queen, unlike most other faer- When calculating the cost of Faerie resented with a Virtue, but is particularly
ies, is Highly Cognizant. This means she Powers, Hermetic magic is used as a important in this scenario.

symbolic items, but any other item that
New Virtues and Flaws makes the character strongly express emo-
tion is also suitable. Like many faeries, the
Attribute Duplication for the witnessed human. This power has Queen can create Arcane Connections
some limitations: for example, she cannot through exchanges of speech and gifts of
Several Major Virtues (Supernatural) replicate Infernal or Divine attributes. food. She can fashion these social connec-
This miscellaneous package of Vir- This Virtue package is not suited for tions into symbolic objects. The power of
tues allows the Queen to use the non- player character faeries. these symbolic objects does not fade away,
Hermetic powers required for her role in as Arcane Connections do. The Queen
this series of stories. It allows her to use can, alternatively, use items that represent
Arcane Connections in the unusual ways Supernaturally Fragile the covenant as whole as symbolic objects
described in the text, and to craft her for all members of that covenant.
Major Flaw (Supernatural)
minions. The Queen may craft into her If she uses one of her minions to gain
This character’s form is made of liv-
minions mortal attributes that they wit- the objects, then that minion needs, even-
ing glass. Her Soak score is reduced by 9.
ness, provided she has a symbolic object tually, to be revealed as hers. This can be
as simple as the faerie having her symbol,
a mirror, about itself somewhere. The mir-
once the stories have begun and the play- The Queen’s second task is that she ror needs to be memorable, but its pres-
er characters know her symbols, they can must gather, through her servants, a num- ence does not need to be stressed to the
look back upon the event as the moment ber of symbolic objects that represent each player characters. It might be a design
when the cycle of stories started. magus. Arcane Connections can serve as sewn into a heraldic surcoat, a real mir-

The Queen of Gold and Glass

The Queen of Gold and Glass is a powers the frame that the characters ers. (Costs 10 spell levels (Base 3 +1
mystically powerful, but physically frag- assemble as the scenario proceeds. If Touch +2 Sun)
ile, faerie. She has the appearance of a you are not using Realms of Power: Fa- Eidolon, 2 points, Init –2, Imaginem. R:
barbarian princess from the Roman pe- erie, then for the purposes of this sce- Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind. Creates an
riod. The princess whose appearance the nario, this power does nothing else. illusory form that acts, sounds, and
Queen of Gold and Glass has stolen is ** If not using the detailed rules in moves as directed. The Queen pre-
captive in the Queen’s Faerie realm. She Realms of Power: Faerie, assume the fers to make her eidolon appear on
may be rescued by the player characters, Queen avoids darkness the way vam- reflective surfaces. (Costs 20 spell
if they kill the Queen. pires avoid garlic. levels (Base 2: +2 move at direction,
Personality Traits: Vain +3, Cares noth- +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 intricacy)
Faerie Might: 40 (Imaginem) ing for mortal suffering +2. Extend Glamour, 0 points, constant, Men-
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +3, Reputations: None. tem. R: Touch, D: Until (while she
Com +1, Str –1, Sta 0*, Dex +1, Qik 0 Combat: (The Queen avoids combat, remains present), T: Boundary (al-
* Supernaturally tireless due to her glass-like fragility. She though it does not need to be as
Size: 0 uses her minions to fight for her.) formally delineated as in Hermetic
Virtues and Flaws: Attribute Dupli- Hands: Init 0, Attack +2, Defense +2, magic). This power allows the Queen
cation, Greater Faerie Power x 4, Damage –1 to take control of a small mundane
Highly Cognizant, Increased Faerie Soak: –9 area, making it an extension of her
Might (Major x 2), Spirit Away*; Fatigue Levels: Tireless Faerie kingdom. For more detail see
Faerie Sight, Humanoid Form, In- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), Realms of Power: Faerie, or just assume
creased Faerie Might (Minor), Passes –5 (11–15), Broken (16–20), Shat- she can create any cosmetic change
for Human, Personal Faerie Power, tered (21+) that suits her theme, she can summon
Supernaturally Fragile, Traditional Pretenses: Any appropriate. Her Order any of her servants, sense anything
Ward (Absolute darkness**) of Hermes Lore is 2 (Arts), which that occurs in the area, and appear at
* Spirit Away is a complicated power leads her to make mistakes when de- any point in the area. Her use of this
that is described fully in Realms of signing her challenges for magi. power creates a Faerie aura of 6 in the
Power: Faerie. This power, without Powers: area. (Costs 25 spell levels: (Special))
Might cost or dice rolls, allows the Allure, 1 points, Init –1, Mentem. R: Guide, 3 points, Init –3, Mentem. R:
Queen to keep a prisoner in a mir- Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind. Adds +3 to all Voice, D: Conc, T: Group. Subtly
ror and borrow her form, and also rolls which impress or convince oth- influences the victim toward a cer-

ror carried in a pocket with other jumbled
miscellanea, or a symbol painted on an inn A Brief Note on the History of Mirrors
sign. This is part of the process of marking
her protagonists, mentioned previously. The Queen’s name comes from the the Empire alive. Medieval mirrors are
technology used to create mirrors until made of steel, silver, polished marble,
the end of the Roman Empire. These and, in some places, glass with a lead
Example First Encounters mirrors were glass, with gilded backs.
Such mirrors are no longer made in
backing. When the Queen’s powers re-
fer to “reflective surfaces,” things that
Mythic Europe, except perhaps by can reflect an outline, rather than de-
This section suggests various initial magi who keep some of the crafts of tail, are intended.
encounters between the servants of the
Queen and the magi. Several options are
offered, so that the storyguide can select the magi drink during their council protection of the Aegis. If the charac-
the one that best suits her saga. meetings; or a faerie knight aids the ters have any equipment that is owned
characters in combat against a demon, communally and marked with the sigil
• A faerie aids the covenant against a foe, but demands in exchange a token that of the covenant, that suits the sprite.
in exchange for a symbolic object that has previously been used for an Aegis • A faerie bard engages the player char-
is obviously worthless. For example, a ritual, but is not currently empowered. acters in a game of riddles, or offers
faerie smith helps the covenant repair a • A sprite steals a trivial item, at great another challenge or wager, with the
damaged magic item, but in exchange danger to itself, while the magi are penalty that if they lose, she will take
he asks for the decanter from which traveling and are therefore outside the from them, forever, the ability to pro-

The Queen of Gold and Glass, cont’d

tain course of action. The Queen duplicating, she will not use it fur- a gold and glass bead, which the prin-
uses this power to force humans to ther in this story. cess wears. This also contains 8 pawns
use the skills she wants to duplicate. Travel Through Mirrors, 0 points, Init 0, of vis. It is the princess’ most prized
(Costs 30 spell levels (Base 5, +2 Corpus. This power allows a faerie possession, because wearing it has the
Voice, +1 Conc, +2 Group)) to emerge from Faerie into the mortal same effect as the spell Aura of Right-
Hound, 2 points, Init –2, Corpus. R: Arc, world through a mirror. The converse ful Authority. Over time the Queen can
D: Conc, T: Ind. Allows the Queen power, fading into Faerie by unknit- move to another object, or rebuild her
to know the direction and distance ting its material body, is not a power body, if this vis is not harvested.
of her prey. (Costs 20 spell levels at all; it’s a natural ability of all faeries, Appearance: The Queen has stolen her
(Base 3, +4 Arc, +1 Conc)) although they rarely use it, because appearance from a Germanic princess
Limited Enthrallment, 4 point, Init –4, Men- they lack the ability to return as swift- whom she has taken prisoner, using
tem. R: Eye, D: Conc, T: Ind. This ly as the Queen can. (Costs 25 spell her Spirit Away power. She appears to
power allows the Queen to place a levels: Greater Powers. (Special)) be in her early twenties, and has pierc-
person in a meditative state, utterly Equipment: The finery of a barbarian ing blue eyes and red hair. She is tall
dominating the victim. It is limited queen, from the period of the Roman and broad shouldered. The Queen’s
in that she can only give a single expansion. possessions are made of faerie glamor,
instruction: to stare endlessly and Vis: When the Queen dies, she shatters as is her body, but appear to be made
without thinking at one’s own reflec- into pieces of gold-backed glass. The of mortal materials. She wears a cloak
tion. A human trapped like this even- largest piece, which is shaped like a apparently made of alternating strips
tually collapses from exhaustion, heart, is a mirror. Within it the char- of leather and spotted animal hide.
which breaks the effect. A character acters can see the barbarian princess This is fastened with a thorn at her
in this state can be rescued by being who gave the Queen her form. Char- right shoulder. The dress underneath
shaken, or by having a hand passed acters can reach into the heart and pull is form-fitting and appears to be linen,
before his eyes. Costs 20 spell levels the princess out, which shatters the embodied with purple thread. It is
(Base 25, +1 Eye, +2 Conc) glass. These shattered pieces of glass sleeveless. She seems to wear sturdy
Spirit Away: A complicated power with contain 8 pawns of Imaginem vis in boots with intricately tooled upper
an extensive description in Realms total. This is not, however, the anchor surfaces. The Queen, and her clothes,
of Power: Faerie. Although the Queen (personal vis) of the Queen: it’s a dis- look slightly translucent, and the col-
has this power, and has used it to traction to prevent the PCs finding her or of her body and accouterments is
trap the princess whose body she is vis. The Queen’s spirit is anchored to paler than it should be.

should present them in whichever order
Story Seed: Breaking the Story suits their saga. Creatures and environmen-
tal puzzles need to be made more difficult
If it seems like a story likely to in- acters are likely to cross, and pieces of to overcome as the characters age. In flesh-
terest the troupe, then the pieces can setting and scenery are missing but the ing out these challenges, the storyguide
be used as Arcane Connections to each NPCS don’t seem to notice. should remember that the Queen lacks
other. This lets the player characters ar- Alternatively, the storyguide can originality. When describing detail during
rive at some of the Queen’s stories be- play this straighter, and just have the the stories, be sure to recycle motifs, sto-
fore she has finished preparing them. player characters encounter a normal ries, and events from the lives of the player
This allows the player characters to setting, with the non-player characters characters. This information is gathered
destroy her plans, and the players to not sure why they are there. for her by Shadowy Servants (described
have fun in a bizarre setting where the To avoid all this, the storyguide may at the end of the chapter). This reflection
elements of a standard Ars Magica story assume that the missing pieces of the of the experience of the player characters
are just loosely scattered about. Faerie puzzle are in Faerie, and the Queen only stresses the Queen’s theme, mirrors.
NPCs repeat likely pieces of dialogue releases a new one into the mortal world The Queen of Gold and Glass does
over and over, characters wander on set each time the player characters begin not challenge the magi to use Vim or
routes through territory the player char- one of her stories.
Imaginem spells. As a spirit she is a mis-
tress of Vim magic already, and does not
nounce a single word of their choice. discover that many of the events in their want her minions to have powerful spells
She has faerie treasure and valuable in- lives have been orchestrated by a single an- to cast against spirits such as herself. Faerie
formation to offer as her stake. Spend- tagonist may conclude that either their foe glamour and Imaginem are, in some sense,
ing her valuables or following her is becoming more powerful over time, or related. She is not familiar with the subtler
clues merely draws the characters to that the foe is deliberately not using over- uses of this Art, so she sees no reason to
other servants of the Queen. whelming force during their encounters. challenge the player characters in Imagi-
• A faerie offers the characters hospitality, The Queen’s faerie minions are de- nem. The examples given below are sim-
taking binding oaths she will not harm scribed at the end of this chapter. In ad- ply suggestions: the storyguide should tai-
them while they remain in her home. dition to her faeries, the Queen uses hu- lor the challenges to fit her troupe’s magi.
She offers a safe bed, food, and wine. man hirelings, mortal dupes, and captured
Afterward, she takes their bathwater to monsters to pressure the player characters
her mistress. She also takes the shaven into casting spells. She needs to do this The Frame of Gold
stubble from the cheeks of the magi, if because all of her faeries have similar
she can. The hostess is content that she, powers, so repeatedly challenging them After each challenge is overcome, the
personally, does the characters no harm. does not force the magi to use a variety of characters may discover what appears to
• A fisherman reports someone acting spells. The Queen’s mortal pawns are not be a piece of gilt picture frame. Intellego
strangely downstream from the cov- given statistics, since these can be easily Vim spells can determine that it is made
enants, casting nets but freeing any extrapolated from grogs or companions of faerie glamor, but does not include use-
fish captured. This is a simple country given in other supplements. able vis. When placed between two mir-
lad, sent by a faerie to cast his nets in rors, the completed frame becomes a cor-
the waters for a year, and bring back ridor that leads to the Land of Gold and
what is drawn up. So far, the net isn’t
catching anything, according to the
The Eight Challenges Glass. In this form it is a complete faerie,
and contains 8 pawns of Rego vis. If the
human pawn. Magi examining the net players lose or destroy a piece, that doesn’t
carefully will, however, find that it is The Queen presents eight stories, to matter; the Queen arranges for a replace-
capturing human hair that is leaving tempt magi to cast spells. Each story is ment if she wants the characters to visit
the covenant as part of the refuse that linked to an Art. The Queen’s plots are her realm. Storyguides wishing to stretch
is poured into the river. deliberately linked to, but do not actually this story further may make quests for the
force, the use of spells of a particular Form. pieces of the frame into separate stories.
The Queen does not understand Hermetic Instead of finding the frame pieces at the
Careful Selection of Minions magic clearly, so her plans are flawed. Play- end of each of the Queen’s stories, the
er characters who recognize the pattern can player characters instead discover clues
The Queen calibrates her challenges to subvert her design. This forces her to be- that assist them to find each piece.
suit the power of the magi. Sometimes her come more directly involved in the stories The frame is not a mortal object. It is a
estimations are wrong, but generally her she creates, allowing the player characters Threshold Guardian, a faerie creature that
weaker minions face younger magi or mun- to encounter the Queen outside her court. wishes to be reassembled. This allows it to
danes, and her more powerful servants are The challenges here are presented in use its Spirit Away power to continue the
reserved for senior magi. Characters who alphabetic order by Art, but storyguides story for which it was molded. The pieces of

the frame, as parts of a faerie, can sense their
surroundings, communicate with each oth- What if the Magi Don’t Play Along?
er, move when they are not being watched,
and subtly manipulate their surroundings. If the magi, for example, solve the their powers. The Queen often cannot
Each piece can also alter the dreams of any Animal challenge by destroying all of the know whether the player characters have
person lacking Magic Resistance who ver- creatures with magical flame, that’s fine. strained the limits of their Arts or not.
bally identifies herself as the piece’s owner. The Queen is a Highly Cognizant faerie, If the players are beginning to tire of
The pieces also trick their owners into prox- so she’s adaptable. She just adds another this set of stories, then assume the Queen
imity, so that they can be bought together. story with an Animal theme and consid- knows the characters are no longer emo-
ers whether the Ignem story is still neces- tionally invested in her gambits. She ei-
sary. If the players are still enjoying the ther leaves them alone, until their interest
Animal: The Plague of Animals stories, it doesn’t matter that the Queen, revives after they have had other experi-
with her tiny score in Order of Hermes ences, or she changes her plan and moves
A plague of small creatures, unnatural Lore, has misunderstood how magi use onto the concluding confrontation.
to the area about the covenant, is loosed
by the Queen’s Hazy Servants (described ies. Natural animals can cross the Aegis of them. Even after the characters stem the
near the end of the chapter). The animals the Hearth and infest the covenant, provided flow of new water, the remaining floodwa-
are destructive to the area’s agriculture, so they migrate. The vis-containing and gigan- ters need to be dealt with, as the damage
they must be dealt with. Some of these ani- tic versions of the creatures cannot cross the they cause to buildings and crops increas-
mals, marked by a different color, contain a Aegis, because the first have Might and the es the longer the land remains saturated.
small amount of vis. Other versions of the second are influenced by a spell-like effect. The Queen’s powers can’t easily pene-
creatures are gigantic in size, and ferocious, Deep in the guts of one of the larger trate the Aegis of the Hearth, so the rivulets leak-
even if their species is generally docile. versions of the creatures, the player char- ing from shiny possessions cannot directly
These huge variants do not contain vis. acters might discover a chunk of what ap- damage the covenant. Once they have been
The Queen hopes the characters cre- pears to be gilt picture frame. transported, however, the floodwaters are
ate predators, corral the creatures magi- entirely natural, so they can seep through
cally, and directly destroy them so that the Aegis from affected areas outside.
she can steal these effects. To mark her Aquam: Unprecedented Flood After the flood subsides, the characters
responsibility, she sends her Distinguished may find a piece of gilt-edged frame in the
Huntsman to capture some of the creatures The Queen’s servants cause a flood body of a huge sturgeon, lying at the high
her lesser servants have loosed. He focuses by placing mirrors in the bottom of a ma- point of the flood.
on the enormous versions of the creatures, jor river, and allowing its waters to flow
and until the characters determine that through reflective surfaces in a small town
these contain no vis, he may seem like a near the covenant. Characters can stem Auram: Sickening Vapors
rival, snatching away their valuable prey. the tide by smashing the reflective surfac-
Most of the creatures are absolutely es, although some are difficult to approach The people of a village near the cov-
natural, if corralled and released by faer- due to the force of the water surging from enant begin to sicken. After an investiga-

tion, the player characters determine that
The Smoothfaces sickening air is being released by a well.
The Queen’s servants are sending bad air
Smoothfaces are faeries that appear Wound Penalties: 0, –1 (1-5), –1 (6- from a distant swamp through mirrors to
entirely human, but have the ability to 10), –3 (11-15), –5 (16-20), Inca- the well. This can be prevented simply by
wipe away their faces, leaving featureless pacitated (21–25), Dead (26+) placing a well cover on it: the well’s surface
skin. Regardless of their lack of features, Pretenses: Area Lore 3 (lonely places), isn’t reflective in the dark.
they can still see and smell. Smoothfaces Athletics 3 (chasing people), Aware- The player characters can treat those
are drawn to travelers and those who fear ness 3 (victims), Brawl 4 (punching), who have become ill. Magi can create
strangers. These victims the faeries ter- Carouse 3 (luring people outside), breezes that disperse the cloud of sicken-
rify, for fun and vitality. If a smoothface Charm 4 (luring people to lonely ing air that has formed over the village,
terrifies a victim to death, it can duplicate places), Etiquette 3 (blending in), and sweep the fumes out of the village’s
that person’s face. Smoothfaces do not, Folk Ken 4 (fitting in), Guile 5 (vic- recesses. The magi can remove the threat
however, engage in combat save in self- tims), Single Weapon 5 (axe) caused by the well permanently either by
defense, and do little other harm. Powers: making covers for it so that its surface is
In this story, the Smoothfaces wish Gripping Fear, 0 points, Init –2, Corpus . R: never struck by light, by casting a spell
to keep the Gifted child. They think the Sight, D: Sun, T: Ind, constant. If hu- that has a similar effect, by removing a
child will be able to draw faces to order. mans see the creature’s smooth face, piece of gilt frame that is buried in the
Smoothfaces are best created by they are gripped by terror and forced sediment at the bottom of the well, or by
taking another character, which the to flee. This causes Fatigue loss. Sev- lowering an intact mirror into the well.
smoothface is pretending to be, and al- eral creatures may work together,
tering it slightly. Add 10 Might, the Vir- ambushing victims as they stop to
tues and Flaws below (or add Infiltrator rest, or a single creature may use a Corpus: People are Corpus, Too
if appropriate), Personality traits, Pow- mixture of the Invisibility and Shift
ers, and Vis. So, as an example, the Basic Human Shapes Powers to torment a For this challenge, the Queen doesn’t
Soldier from ArM5, page 22, becomes: victim. (As Panic of the Trembling Heart, need magic: she just needs money. Her
ArM5 page 148, +1 for constant, servants hire bands of pirates, rogues, and
+2 intricacy points to reduce cost) thieves to terrorize the roads and ports
Basic Soldier Smoothface (ReMe Base 5, +1 Eye, + 2 Sun, +2 around the covenant. Afterward the Queen
intricacy points to reduce cost) is likely to be disappointed. Corpus magic
Smoothfaces can be player char- Invisibility, 2 points, Init –2, Imaginem.
acters. The example given here needs doesn’t work the way she thinks it does:
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind. A personal magi don’t need to use it to fight people just
higher Characteristics and six Minor version of Veil of Invisibility as ArM5
Flaws to balance. Its player might also because people are of the form of Corpus.
page 146. The Queen, at the storyguide’s discre-
consider the Damaging Effect power. Loss of Sense of Direction, 0 points, Init –2, tion, may supplement her strategy. She
Corpus. R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind. This continues her bandit attacks, but also trans-
Faerie Might: 10 (Corpus) is a version of the Guide power. Using
Characteristics: Int –1, Per 0, Pre –3, Com ports plague-ridden corpses to the area,
it, the smoothface ensures that its vic- hiding them in strategic places. These bod-
0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2 tim flees toward an abandoned place,
Size: 0 ies wear foreign garb, because the Queen
where he or she can be attacked again. has brought them from far away. She un-
Virtues and Flaws: Greater Faerie Pow- Shift Human Shapes, 0 points, Init –1, Cor-
ers; Faerie Sight, Humanoid Form, derestimates the destructiveness of her
pus. R: Per, D: Mom, T: Part. Allows strategy, because the corpses have come
Increased Faerie Might, Personal Fa- the character to melt its face away
erie Powers, Narrowly Cognizant, from different places and carry a variety of
by wiping it with a hand, or restore lethal diseases. These work synchronously
Passes for Human, Personal Power it as easily. It also allows the faerie
(Shift Human Shape), Traditional to grind down the local population. The
to take various human forms. The Queen may intervene with aid if the sick-
Ward (crowds). faerie uses invisibility to overtake
Personality Traits: Enjoys fear +3, Jo- nesses spread too far, or kill too many.
an exhausted human, to take a com- After defeating a particularly skilled and
vial +2 forting shape, and then terrify him
Combat: well-supplied band of cutthroats, the char-
again. (Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 intricacy acters may recover a piece of the gateway
Axe and Heater shield: Init +0, Attack +12, point for cost reduction)
Defense +11, Damage +7. from the enemy leader. He is absolutely sure
Vis: 2 pawns, Corpus, an eggshell that the frame piece is a vast gold nugget,
Brawl: Init+2, Attack +8, Defense +8, Equipment: As per disguise
Damage +1. reflecting his avaricious desires. The Queen
Appearance: A humanoid with a face as has played tricks on his mind, to make sure
Soak: +8 (Full metal scale armor) smooth and white as eggshell. he didn’t lose the piece before the charac-
ters had a chance to seize it from him.

Herbam: Stolen Child
Ice Wyrm
The Queen sets this challenge in a
forest in the hope it will force the player Ice wyrms are faeries of the far north. + a stress die. Success indicates he is
characters to do interesting things with the Some represent a geographical boundary, free, and may attack normally in the
wood that surrounds them. One of her ser- as between the arable lands to the south following round. For each character
and the snow-clad northlands, or between assisting him to break free he may
vants, the Distinguished Herald, kidnaps
the sterile mountaintops and the pastures add +1 to the Strength roll, but an as-
a Gifted child, and gives it to a troop of below. Others represent the leaching of sistant is unable to attack the wyrm
smoothface faeries as a gift. The servant life from the world by winter. This one is in that round. A character unable to
then spends some time among mortals gos- a mastery faerie: that is, it needs to be de- break free for 30 seconds (6 combat
siping the news that a baby has been stolen stroyed by humans in an epic battle that rounds) needs to make deprivation
by the faeries, and that the child could do goes down in local legend. In the interim, rolls, as described on ArM5 page 179.
a minor magical trick. This trick could be it seeks warm life to suck the heat from. Constant Damaging Effect, 3 points, con-
anything — poke his finger through stones, stant, Auram: The terrible cold radi-
Faerie Might: 30 (Animal). ated by this wyrm does +5 Damage
float in the air, change the color of his eyes Characteristics: Cun 3, Per –2, Pre –6, each round, and is always active. 25
when he burps — so long as it marks the Com –6, Str +9, Sta +2, Dex +2, spell levels (Base 5, +1 Part, +2 Sun,
baby as Gifted and sparks the interest of the Qik –4 +1 Constant)
magi, when their companions, hearing the Size: +4 Spreading a Mantle of Ice: 0 points, Init –4,
tale, bring it to their attention. Virtues and Flaws: Faerie Beast, 2 x Greater Auram: (3 intricacy points spent on
Although the smoothface faeries are Faerie Powers, Huge; Faerie Sight, In- cost). The cold that seeps from the
weaker than the Queen, and are enemies for creased Characteristics, 5 x Increased wyrm freezes all water for one mile
Might, Personal Faerie Power (Con- around and, if it would otherwise rain,
the player characters in this story, they may stant Damaging Effect); Incognizant causes snow to fall. The air also be-
prove a useful allies in the final confronta- Personality Traits: Inquisitive +3, Hun- comes bitingly cold, so magic or prep-
tion. The Queen hates these faeries because gry +2 aration is needed before the creature
they despise mirrors. They do not know of Fangs: Init –4, Attack +14, Defense +1, can be hunted. One advantage for the
her, but may be convinced that the magi are Damage +10 player characters is that if they have
powerful, and that the Queen has placed Constriction: Init –4, Attack +11, Defense spells that detect how warm or cold
them in danger by the gift of the child. +1, Damage +10 the air is, they have a method of pre-
Claws (if appropriate): Init –5, Attack +13, cisely locating the wyrm: it is always
If the characters return the baby surrounded by the coldest air. Note
Defense +6, Damage +5
home, they find a piece of gilded frame in * +6 to Defense vs. grapple attacks that, because the cold is magical, it is
the baby’s crib. ** An orm may grapple its own Size in not felt by characters with an Auram
Size 0 enemies. Magic Resistance of 30 or higher.
Damage statistics above do not include Venomous Bite*: When the wyrm attacks,
Ignem: The Ice Wyrm the Constant Damaging Effect pow- compare its Attack Advantage to
er, which adds +5 when appropriate. the victim’s armor Protection (not
Soak: 10, +12 plates of ice. his Soak). If the wyrm’s advantage is
The Queen’s servants capture an icy
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–9), –3 (10–18), higher, the victim suffers the effects
wyrm and transport it, using mirrors, to –5 (19–27), Incapacitated (28–36), of adder venom as listed in the Poi-
a secluded spot near the covenant. The Dead (37+) son Table on page 180 of ArM5, re-
creature causes the surrounding seven Powers: gardless of whether the bite inflicts
miles to gradually freeze, forcing the char- Conjuration of the Indubitable Cold: 0 points, an actual wound. The storyguide
acters to seek it out. Fire magic is the most Init –4, Ignem: (3 intricacy points may adjust the required Attack Ad-
efficacious defense against the wyrm and spent on cost). As the spell of the vantage for special circumstances.
same name, ArM5 page 142. Pretenses: Area Lore 3 (watering points
the environmental difficulties its presence
Constrict*: When successfully struck with for prey), Awareness 3 (prey), Brawl
creates. A piece of gilded frame is hidden a constrict attack the character is en- 7 (crushing), Hunt 4 (rodents), Faerie
in its small hoard of shiny treasures. coiled and unable to use mêlée weap- Speech 5 (threats), Folk Ken 1 (hu-
ons. The wyrm automatically does man prey), Stealth 3 (stalking prey)
damage in each subsequent round, Equipment: A small pile of frozen treasure,
Mentem: The Obvious Liar without requiring an Attack roll. including a piece of the gold frame.
The victim may still Soak damage. Vis: 6 pawns, in a piece of lost string
The Queen sends a servant to hire an At the end of each round, including Appearance: Wyrms are vast snakes,
the round in which the constriction normally smeared in toxic mucus. In
actor, who appears at the covenant pretend- attack succeeds, the character may this case the mucus has frozen into
ing to be a merchant seeking his lost son. attempt to break free by an opposed hard plates, which neutralize its poi-
The man he is pretending to be is actually Strength roll. To do this, the charac- son but add Protection. It appears
dead: he was killed by one of the Queen’s ter rolls Strength + a stress die, and as an enormous serpent, with sickly
Distinguished Servants. The actor’s tale of compares it to the wyrm’s Strength blue skin and sapphire eyes.
woe recounts his son vanishing while at a

pilgrim’s stop on a nearby route. His “son” The piece of gilt frame for this story Noticing Story Connections
disappeared, although blood was found in is being held by the nearest church as a
his bedding, and a lump of wood was found deodand. A deodand is any object that has The Queen gives the characters the
nearby matted with gore and hair. The killed a person, which is sold and the mon- pieces of frame so that her manipulations
characters may use Mentem magic to see ey raised either given to the person’s fam- are clearly identified. After the second
through the act, or instead use it to inter- ily or kept by the church, depending on piece is found, it should be clear to the
rogate the pilgrims who stayed at the stop. the scrupulousness of the local clergy. The player characters that the two stories are
The pilgrims do not recall a missing local priest believes the frame was used to connected in some way.
boy. They do recall a merchant, using the bludgeon a missing pilgrim to death.
same name as the one who sought out the
player characters, who went missing. The Noticing That Stories
actor and the merchant he is impersonat- Terram: We Did This Already! Match Their Skills
ing do not look much like each other. The
player characters can find the corpse of the The Queen is not truly capable of Other victims of the Queen’s schemes
dead merchant buried by the roadside, and original though, which is demonstrated may cross paths with the player charac-
can speak to his ghost with Mentem magic. here. She uses exactly the same challenge ters. During one of the current schemes,
The player characters eventually see as for the Herbam story, but uses faeries “The Obvious Liar”, the Queen’s servants
through the actor’s ruse. If they capture him who dwell in a mine as her dupes. This introduce the characters to one of her
in a nearby town he confesses that he is not replication may tip off the player charac- other victims. Meeting other victims, and
really a merchant, and explains that he had ters that the two stories have been direct- hearing their stories of repeated challeng-
no choice but to play his part. When he was ed by an external force. es that test their developing skills, gives a
a very young man, with his first major role, hint as to the motive of their persecutor.
he attracted the aid of a patron who helped Skilled questioning of another of the
him financially. The patron then asked him Queen’s victims (Communication + any
to impersonate a grieving husband to recov-
er a small locket full of hair from a corpse.
Every four years since that day the patron
Investigation appropriate Ability against an Ease factor
of 15) reminds the character of the event
in which his symbolic object was taken.
has appeared an asked him to perform some The Queen does not mind if her tricks This allows player characters to search
increasingly difficult imposture. On one oc- are detected, once she has the symbolic their memories, and make appropriate
casion he refused, but found that not even objects that she needs. She wants the rolls to recall their own first encounter.
his friends could recognize him until he fin- player characters to know that someone
ished the task set by his patron. If the char- is orchestrating these activities, and later
acters do not catch the actor swiftly, he is she wants the characters to come to terms Detecting the Queen’s Agents
spirited away to another kingdom and given with her, and even to assail her kingdom.
new tasks by the Queen’s Steward, to help Player characters may distinguish the pat- The Queen’s servants are often marked
perfect her Distinguished Spy. tern of her activities in several ways. with the symbol of the mirror. Mirrors are


Ghosts of Miners
Knockers are faeries that pretend to be The knockers know a great deal about Soak: +6, Immunity from Terram
the ghosts of Jewish miners killed in ac- the Queen. Even if the player characters Wound Penalties:–1 (1–3), –3 (4–6), –5
cidents. They aid mortal miners by mak- attack the knockers, they may still tip (7–9), Incapacitated (10–12), Dead
ing alarming noises before cave-ins, or by them off as to her weakness. The knockers (13+)
tapping to lead men to seams of valuable attack the humans for a few rounds while Pretenses: Athletics 2 (digging), Aware-
ore. These faeries do not have reflections, armed with mining tools and mirrors, then ness 2 (hazards underground), Bar-
in keeping with one piece of lore about shout at each other that the mirrors aren’t gain 5 (with mortals), Brawl 6 (fist),
ghosts, and so have no use for mirrors. working this time, before trying to escape Craft (smith) 5 (weapons), Great
If approached peacefully, the knock- along tunnels or through rock. Weapon 5 (pick, as pole arm)
ers are happy to negotiate. They are Powers:
particularly amenable to characters who Faerie Might: 5 (Terram) Guide, 3 points, Init –3, Mentem. R: Voice,
are either miners or Jews. The faeries Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre –3, Com D: Conc, T: Group. Subtly influences
are sincerely religious. They are unable –2, Str –1, Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik +4 the person toward a certain course of
to explain why, after death, they were Size: –2 action. The knockers use this power to
transformed into ethereal dwarfs, but Virtues and Flaws: Immunity from Ter- reward good miners, by urging safety
aren’t able to remember this theological ram, 2 x Great Characteristic; Faerie or drawing them to ore, and to pun-
quandary for more than a few seconds. Sight, Faerie Speech, Humanoid Fa- ish evil miners, by getting them lost
Knockers find whistling incredibly rude. erie, 2 x Improved Characteristics, in tunnels or leading them into mortal
The knockers are willing to surrender Intangible Flesh, Observant; Little, danger. Costs 30 spell levels (Base 5,
the child to humans. In exchange, they Traditional Ward (offerings) +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 Group)
demand binding oaths that the child Personality Traits: Vengeful +3 Loosely Material, 1 point, Init +1, Mentem
will be raised properly. Characters who Combat:* (2 intricacy points reduce Might cost).
fail to live up to these agreements earn Brawl (fist): Init +4, Attack +9, Defense This power allows the faerie to create
the hatred of the knockers. They may +11, Damage +3 a temporary, solid body, complete with
undermine the foundations of the cov- Pick/Tool (two handed): Init +7, Attack +8, all equipment. (Costs 25 spell levels)
enant, move subterranean water courses, Defense +11, Damage +11 Equipment: Professional mining gear
or come up with other tricks as revenge. * Includes +1 for Pretense specialization Vis: 1 pawn, discarded mining tool.

rare and valuable in Mythic Europe, and

so highly noticeable. The style of mirror
the Queen is thematically linked to, glass
her courtier.” If the storyguide wishes, this
roll also gives a reference to a rare book
describing the Queen’s powers and weak-
backed in gold, has not been manufactured nesses. Gaining access to this book, which The most likely resolutions are that the
since Roman times, save by Hermetic through bad luck is far away at a reclusive player characters fight the Queen, or they
magi. That aside, gold attracts attention. covenant, allows a connected but themati- come to an agreement with her. In either
These rare mirrors are so distinctive that cally unrelated story. case they enter her land, which is filled with
all Awareness rolls concerning them are An Intelligence + Faerie Lore roll twisted glass reflections of mortal objects.
+3 easier than usual. about faeries associated with mirrors also
grants information:

Searching for Previous Victims Result Information

12+ Gives the title of the Queen and
Once the player characters have no- notes that her servants can travel The Queen has many subjects, and
ticed that they are being manipulated, through mirrors. they rally to her defense.
and that the symbol of their tormentor is 15+ As above, and that her servants
a mirror, they may seek answers in the his- are reflections of real people,
tory of the Order. An Intelligence + Order epitomes of human cultural roles. The Distinguished
of Hermes Lore roll against an Ease Fac- 18+ All above, and that some of her
tor of 15 recalls or finds an account by a servants are shadows and reflec- The Queen has played this game be-
Bonisagus who died centuries ago. She re- tions, which act as spies. fore, creating a class of servants who are
cords a previous attempt by the “Queen of 21+ All above, and that she has a king- faerie approximations of the epitome of a
Gold and Glass” to make “a faerie like unto dom in the faerie lands, which human social role. She has only one of each
a magus, skilled in our Arts, who would be can be entered through mirrors. of these servants. Distinguished characters

have a score of 9 in Pretenses (faerie abili- ters to cast interesting spells. Many of her her Distinguished Servants, she is entirely
ties) suited to their role. They have no abil- Distinguished Servants have External Vis unsentimental about its destruction.
ity to perform the lesser tasks in which a sources, which means they are unlikely to
mortal, in that role, would become skilled. be permanently destroyed if magi defeat
Each has a symbolic object embedded deep them in battle. The Queen is also willing to The Undistinguished
inside its head, which contains vis. ransom her Distinguished Servants, much
The Queen of Gold and Glass is loath as a mortal monarch would be. If the Queen Although the Queen of Gold and
to allow the loss of one of these creatures, of Gold and Glass has, at the storyguide’s Glass has only a single Distinguished
but uses them if it forces the player charac- discretion, a ready replacement for one of Servant for each of the roles in her court,
she has many other servants that can fill
related roles. These faeries are also being
Distinguished Knight molded into human functions, but they are
incomplete. The Queen is far more willing
This is the Queen’s champion and, (tournaments), Ride 9 (horses), Sin- to lose one of her Undistinguished War-
if the player characters attack her realm, gle Weapon 9+2 (tourney field). riors than her Distinguished Knight.
her final bodyguard. He is not designed * Although the knight can charm la- Undistinguished characters have a Pre-
as a player character. dies, he has no idea about sex at all. tense of 6 in skills of primary importance for
Powers: the role in which they are being developed.
Faerie Might: 25 (Imaginem) Damaging Effect: 2 points: Init –6, Terram Their Might scores vary from 5 to 20, de-
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +3, (supernaturally sharp), 2 intricacy pending on how close they are to comple-
Com +1, Str +6, Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik 0 points spent on cost. Tiny slivers tion. The powers of the Undistinguished
Size: +2 of glass that break off and stay in vary, but many have some of the powers of
Virtues and Flaws: Huge, 4 x Increased wounds. Costs 15 spell levels (Base the Queen or the Distinguished Knight
Faerie Might; Cognizant within 5, +1 Part, +1 Diameter. This Base Each Undistinguished Servant is still
Role, Faerie Sight, Faerie Speech, 2 is lower than might appear usual in being created, and so is incomplete. Parts
x Great Characteristic, Humanoid Hermetic magic.)
of its body are missing or transparent. Each
Faerie, Observant*, 4 x Improved Flight: 2 points, constant, Corpus. R: Per,
does, however, have a perfectly rendered
Characteristics, Improved Damage D: Sun, T: Ind. Costs 15 spell levels:
(sword), 3 x Personal Faerie Powers, (Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 constant. This human face. Every Undistinguished Faerie
Puissant Militant Pretense; Sover- base is deliberately lower than Her- has a symbolic object, which contains vis,
eign Ward (blinding light), Sover- metic magic might suggest.) wedged in its head. None can smash a mir-
eign Ward (The Dominion) Shift Human Shapes: 0 points, Init –1, Cor- ror, or attack a person carrying one.
* This character has more Pretense pus. Allows the knight to don or
experience than his Virtues permit. remove armor simply by willing it.
Only player character faeries need to (1 intricacy point to reduce cost). R: The Hazy Servants
balance their Virtues to their Pretens- Per, D: Mom, T: Ind. (Costs 5 spell
es, and only at character creation. levels (Base 3, +2 Sun)) The Hazy Servants are faeries that the
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Proud +3. Equipment: Armor made of magical Queen of Gold and Glass has never molded
Combat: scales of faerie iron. Lance with pen- to suit a role. They flit about the edges of
Brawl (gauntlets): Init 0, Attack +5, De- nant and other weapons. Attendant her court, taking on supplementary roles as
fense +7, Damage +8 as squire. Trappings marked with required by her whims, and by the deeds of
Great sword and mirrored heater shield:** Init the mirror motif. The champion’s nearby humans. In their natural shape they
+2, Attack +17, Defense +15, Dam- glamor produces a faerie horse for look a little like humans seen in the dis-
age +22 him, which shares his vis, Might, tance, blurred by smoke or fog. Hazy faer-
** Also includes +5 for Improved Dam- and Magic Resistance. As it is an ies may snap into a shape if a more powerful
age Virtue and +5 for Damaging Ef- extension of his glamor, the cham-
creature pays them sufficient attention.
fect Power. The mirrored shield may pion’s mount flies when he does.
Hazy Servants change their charac-
contain a Hazy Servant. Vis: 5 pawns Imaginem, a rusty piece
teristics regularly, because their roles are
Soak: +12 from human–sized armor.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), Appearance: An immense human figure fluid. Use any suitable NPC from any Ars
–5 (15–21), Incapacitated (22–28), clad in shining scaled armor, that Magica supplement. Add 10 points of Fa-
Dead (29+) can turn into a huge, but superfi- erie Might. Select powers from the list
Pretenses: Area Lore 9 (the kingdom), cially charming man. His fastidious for the Distinguished Knight or Queen of
Awareness 9 (enemies), Brawl chivalry exceeds that of the humans Gold and Glass. Each Hazy Servant loses
9 (mortals), Charm 9* (ladies), he impersonates, and he enjoys focus if others cease to pay it attention.
Etiquette 9 (faerie court), Faerie challenging humans to duels over Player characters may notice the slight
Speech 6 (taunts), Leadership 9 minor shortfalls of conduct. delay between noticing these faeries and
their snapping into focus. Hazy faeries,

uniquely among the Queen’s servants, can
smash mirrors, although they appear to die Undistinguished Warriors
when they do this. Hazy faeries cannot
abide bright, clear light, and flee from it. If the wizards try to raid the Queen’s Soak: +10
court, they are resisted by her Undistin- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–6), –3 (7–12),
guished Warriors. Undistinguished War- –5 (13–18), Incapacitated (19–24),
The Shadowy Minions riors are not suitable as player characters. Dead (25+)
Pretenses: Area Lore 6 (the kingdom),
Faerie Might: 20 (Imaginem) Awareness 6 (enemies), Brawl 6 (mor-
The Queen’s Shadowy Minions are lit- Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre +1, Com tals), Faerie Speech 6 (taunts), Single
tle more than afterthoughts or plans, given 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1 Weapon or Bow 6 (as weapon).
life by her glamor and the fear of humans. Size: +1 Powers:
Shadows lack substance, and cannot touch Virtues and Flaws: Cognizant within Damaging Effect: 2 points: Init –6, Terram
objects or attack people. They can, however, Role, Faerie Sight, Faerie Speech, Hu- (supernaturally sharp), 2 intricacy
acts as spies. Their appearance can frighten manoid Faerie, 3 x Improved Charac- points spent on cost. Tiny slivers
people into altering their behavior, dogs into teristic, Improved Damage (varies), 3 of glass that break off and stay in
barking, and horses into bolting. Shadowy x Increased Faerie Might, Large, Ob- wounds. Costs 15 spell levels (Base
Minions have a Might of 1, and no powers. servant,* 2 x Personal Faerie Powers, 5 +1 Part +1 Diameter. This Base is
Sovereign Ward (blinding light) lower than usual in Hermetic magic.)
* This character has more Pretense Flight: 2 points, constant, Corpus. R: Per,
Negotiations experience than his Virtues permit.
Only player character faeries need to
D: Sun, T: Ind. Costs 15 spell levels:
(Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 constant. This
balance their Virtues with their Pre- base is deliberately lower than Her-
The Queen may be convinced to cease tenses, and only at character creation. metic magic might suggest.)
her meddling in several non-violent ways. Personality Traits: Loyal +2, Proud +1. Shift Human Shapes: 0 points, Init –1, Cor-
Combat: pus. Faerie dons or removes armor by
Brawl (gauntlets): Init +1, Attack +9, De- willing it. (1 intricacy point to reduce
Too Boring to Manipulate fense +9, Damage +9* cost). R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind. (Costs
Each Undistinguished Warrior has one of: 5 spell levels (Base 3, +2 Sun))
Bow: Init 0, Attack +12, Defense +10, Equipment: Armor of magical scales of
Perhaps the least satisfactory ending, Damage +13* faerie iron.
and yet one which players can most easily Flail: Init +2, Attack +12, Defense +9, Vis: 4 pawns Imaginem, a rusty piece
engineer, is for the characters to steadfastly Damage +15* from human–sized armor.
refuse to take the bait. The Queen leaves Greatsword: Init +3, Attack +14, Defense Appearance: These soldiers are each
the player characters alone if it becomes +10, Damage +16* slightly different from each other: one
clear to her that they want to spend their Long Spear: Init +4, Attack +12, Defense is a bowman, one a spearman, one a
entire lives hiding in their laboratories. She +9, Damage +14* swordsman, and so on. Some are am-
does not want a servant who is a recluse. Pole Axe: Init +2, Attack +14, Defense putees, although the absence of a leg
+8, Damage +18* does not limit their mobility, and the
Warhammer: Init +1, Attack +15, Defense lack of a hand does not prevent them
Too Clever to Manipulate +8, Damage +19* manipulating their arms. Many are
* Includes +5 for Damaging Effect. missing pieces of their heads.
Characters are considered too clever to
victimize if they discover the Queen’s in-
volvement in stories, and strike back. In ad- ranges a final confrontation through the player characters need to leave a common
dition to her challenges for the player char- Distinguished Ambassador. During this mirror in the place of the stolen object, so
acters, the Queen ceaselessly plays similar talk, she negotiates a perpetual peace be- she is linked to the beginning of this new
games with other mortals, to mold her vari- tween her agents and the player characters. iteration of the story. When explaining this,
ous minions. Player characters who inter- There are other magi in Mythic Europe, the Queen describes how she captured the
vene repeatedly in these games can force and she’s happy to target them instead if symbolic objects of the player characters.
the Queen to come to terms with them. the player characters become too much
trouble. As part of this agreement, she will
request the aid of the magi to acquire the Too Involved in Other
Too Dangerous to Manipulate symbolic objects of their replacements. Realms to Manipulate
It’s far easier for magi to openly enter
If the characters develop the ability to the Aegis of her new victims and take an Characters who regularly have the aid
destroy powerful faeries, and the Queen appropriate object than for her to wait for of angels or demons are too unpredictable
knows about it through her spies, she ar- her new victims to leave on expedition. The for the Queen to victimize. Also, their be-

Too Powerful to Manipulate
Undistinguished Magi
Characters capable of raiding the
The Undistinguished Servants likely They may instead just list the maximum Kingdom of Gold and Glass are permitted
of most interest to the player characters level of spells thus far cast for every Tech- to, using the frame scattered about during
are those for which they have served as nique and Form pair. Alternatively, they earlier stories. If the characters are wildly
templates. Storyguides should choose could only allow these creatures to use destructive, the Queen is more careful
how many of these there are, and how the signature spells of the player charac- about provoking them in future.
complete they are, as suits their use in ters, supplementing them with spontane-
confrontations with the Queen. One per ous magic whose level feels justified by
player character seems excessive in short comparison to that of the player charac- Too Useful To Manipulate
sagas, though it may suit longer ones ters, and the needs of the story.
with more powerful magi. Duplicates The duplicates not only reflect the
A group that realizes what is going on is
that combine the features of two or more appearance and magical abilities of the
player characters may prove amusing. magi, they also copy their most overt able to offer alternative terms to the Queen.
Storyguides can determine what Personality traits. These are caricatures A Merinita magus who is undergoing the
spells are available to the duplicates in at the early stages of the duplication Mystery of Becoming would be a perfect
several ways. The most scrupulous way is process. Undistinguished magi molded alternative for her, but why would such a
to note every spell the players cast in the for many years may, with clothes that magus agree? Could he become a power be-
presence of the Queen’s minions, and add cover their physical imperfections, pass hind her throne, or redefine her role? A less
it to a great list. This is likely impractical. for the originals, even among friends. extreme solution is to let the Queen’s min-
ions to serve and observe the magi, as allies.
The Queen of Gold and Glass does
havior is impossible for her followers to du- Too Interesting to Manipulate not suggest this initially. The personalities
plicate. The Queen allows groups involved of her minions are different if the models
in diabolism to sink into their own mire, A group of magi that engages in some that they reflect are aware that duplicates
after ordering the pieces of frame they have other, truly epic, endeavor will attract the are being made. This makes her minions
collected to escape or withdraw into Deep interest of powerful faeries. If enough of less perfect, from her perspective. The
Faerie. She continues to watch groups aid- these can be drawn to the spectacle of players might, however, entice her with
ed by the Divine, because piety is far from the lives of the player character magi, the offers of access to many new types of hu-
universal, particularly over generations, but Queen of Gold and Glass ceases to meddle mans, or by offering her symbolic objects
she does not victimize them until the hand so as not to disappoint the teaming masses for other magi, who they will then chal-
of the Lord is a little less ready to meddle. of other observers. lenge with her assistance.

A Faerie Magus?
If the Queen succeeds in making her the deception in a moment, but casting to force the mortal administering the king-
faerie magi, she uses them as pawns in fu- Intellego Vim on another magus is a vio- dom to stretch his talents to the utmost.
ture stories. This may not harm the Order, lation of the Code, and would not be
provided she is circumspect: some faeries done without good reason. The Queen’s
already pretend to be magi, after all. Cov- duplicates are good enough copies that Story Seed: Blood of the Glass
enants occasionally need to deal with such they do not give a good reason.
impostors, especially when they harm the A woman comes to the covenant de-
interests of noblemen or the Church, so manding a baby bond (or whatever the
that local potentates do not blame the Or- Story Seed: Firebrand Tytalus local equivalent is) for her child, who
der for the actions of the impostors. was fathered by one of the magi. The
The problem with the faerie magi A young Tytalus magus begins a cam- magi have no knowledge of this, but her
the Queen creates is that they are sur- paign against a local king. He forces the child has very strong Faerie Blood of a
prisingly accurate. They cast spells ex- king, and his subjects, to use their skills new type. He has the ability to create a
actly like magi do. They wear precisely and talents to the utmost, challenging broad array of imperishable Arcane Con-
the right symbols for magi to wear. They them to grow through adversity. This is a nections, much as the Queen can. The
sound just like magi sound. It’s very dif- breach of the Code, but the Tytalus am- child is obviously important as a source
ficult, even for magi, to swiftly discover bushes and humiliates the Guernicus sent of guaranteed Insight for Original Re-
that her duplicates are not real members to investigate. The young Tytalus is actu- search, but his skill also has use in Wiz-
of the Order of Hermes. Of course, cast- ally a duplicate: the Queen wants to de- ard’s Marches. Do the characters make
ing Intellego Vim on them would reveal sign a new steward, so she uses her pawn the child’s talents public?

Chapter Eleven

The Waimie
The Waimie is an immense serpent pressure from her larger daughters, who The Waimie’s Brood
who has lived long ages, and grown magi- occasionally form coalitions with their
cally strong over that time. She craves vis, younger siblings.
because it is the only way she can retain She spends half the year living in a lair The statistics of the Waimie’s offspring
that which she has learned, and it is essen- in the Magic Realm, sharing her cave there vary with the years they have survived. At
tial for her to continue to grow in power. with her current favorite (that is, the least the end of this chapter are those statistics
To this end, she gives birth to smaller ser- stupid) from among her brood. She sends that change with age; assume all other sta-
pents who are sent out into the world to her smaller offspring out into the world tistics are the same as their mother’s. All
retrieve vis for their mother. to satisfy her curiosity about all things powers acquired at different life stages are
Throughout the course of her interac- magical and she has picked up much from described in her statistics block. The brood
tion with the characters, they suffer the these spies — including knowledge of the begin looking like snakes, but as they in-
depredations of her offspring on their vis Order of Hermes. She has seen through crease in size their heads become more
sources. Eventually they are lead back to borrowed eyes how magi search out and elongate and wedge-shaped, like that of a
her home, and a tumultuous confrontation hoard vis, and has struck upon a simpler crocodile. The scales become thicker and
with the fearsome serpent in the Magic way to feed her cravings. overlapping, and develop ridges and spines.
Realm itself.

The Waimie
and Her Brood
The Waimie is a colossal and excep-
tionally powerful creature of the Magic
Realm. She continuously produces off-
spring; many of these do not survive the
fierce competition with their siblings.
Those that do grow bigger and more pow-
erful over time, but the larger ones often
fall victim to Acclimation, failing to grow
in Might more quickly than Acclimation
can sap it.
The Waimie has little affection in her
cold heart for her offspring, instead seeing
them as useful tools to achieve her aims.
She is content to allow the most capable
to survive, although she has discovered
that if she permits too many to live, they
are prone to making attempts on her life,
seeking to become the mothers of their
own broods. She is thus under constant

to subtract the serpent’s Magic Sensitivity
A Waimie By Any Other Name score. Note also that Animal spells targeting
the brood need one or more Size modifiers
The creature described in this chap- Waimie would go by some other name. In once they exceed Size +1 (one Size modi-
ter is called the Waimie (pronounced northern Europe she would be called the fier for Size +2 to +4, two for Size +5 to +7,
“WAY-mee”) in the manner of northern Orm; in French-speaking areas she would three for Size +8 to +10; ArM5 page 113).
England and southern Scotland, meaning be the Wivere; to the Basques the Suge; The corpse of each of the Waimie’s
simply “worm” (as in dragon, rather than to the Cantabrians the Mengue; to the brood has a pawn of Animal vis per 5 points
earthworm). However, in sagas located Greeks the Hudra; and in the Rhine Tri- (or fraction) of her Might, in her eyes.
in other parts of Mythic Europe, the bunal she might be called the Lindwurm.

Each year, a Waimie’s offspring gains 5 and other Magical Qualities with the re-
Variations on a Theme
Might, and 5 more points of Magical Quali- maining points. The Waimie’s offspring stop
ties. The Gigantic Quality is bought with growing after ten years. Don’t forget to add The storyguide can alter the Waimie
these points from the second year onwards, the aura modifier to Magic Resistance, and to be more suitable to her troupe or saga.

The Waimie
Season: Autumn Loathsome Appearance, Slippery, 174). As long as the Waimie main-
Magic Might: 49 (Animal) Venomous tains the grapple, her opponent is
Characteristics: Int 0, Per –1, Pre –6, Personality Traits: Serpent +6*, Brave considered deprived of air (see ArM5,
Com –6, Str +18, Sta +2, Dex +2, +3, Hungry for Vis +3, Territorial +2 page 180). The victim must make a
Qik –5 * Essential Trait Stamina check every five rounds, or
Size: +9 Reputations: Venomous 4 (Local) suffer the normal effects of depriva-
Confidence Score: 2 (6) Combat: tion. Once the Waimie has successful-
Virtues and Flaws: Magic Animal; Fangs: Init –3, Attack +18, Defense +8, ly grappled an opponent (and begun
Magical Monster; Greater Immu- Damage +19 constricting), on subsequent rounds
nity (blades); Arcane Lore, Improved Constriction: Init –5, Attack +12, Defense she can continue constricting and still
Characteristics, Lightning Reflexes, +1, Damage n/a attack with her bite. These attacks
Personal Vis Source, Student of Soak: +14 may be directed at the grappled vic-
Magic; Difficult Underlings; Driven Fatigue Levels: OK, –1, –3, –5, tim, or at another opponent.
(Minor), Infamous Unconscious The Envenomed Gift, 0 points, Init, Vim:
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–14), –3 (15– Anyone bitten by the Waimie can
gantic x 9, Greater Power (Serpent 28), –5 (29–42), Incapacitated (43– be affected by this power in addition
Spies), Greater Power (Two Heads 56), Dead (57+) to the non-magical venom. If the
Are Better Than One), Greater Pow- Abilities: Area Lore: Local 6 (vis sourc- Waimie decides to use this power,
er x 2 (The Envenomed Gift); Gift of es), Area Lore: Regional 4 (vis sourc- the victim gains the effects of the
Speech, Improved Attack (Fangs) x es), Area Lore: Magic Realm 5 (Ani- Painful Magic Flaw as her venom
3, Improved Defense (Fangs) x 3, Im- mal boundaries), Awareness 3 (prey), taints his Gift. The effects fade af-
proved Powers x 3, Improved Soak x Brawl 6 (fangs), Hunt 4 (vis), Lead- ter a day. No Hermetic equivalent:
4, Minor Virtue (Great Quickness), ership 4 (brood), Local Language 5 Greater Power x 2 (50 levels, –5 to
Minor Virtue (Improved Character- (common dialect), Magic Lore 5+2 Might cost, +5 to Init)
istics), Minor Virtue (Magic Sensitiv- (Magic Realm), Magic Sensitivity Serpent Spies, 2 points, Init Qik –4, Ani-
ity), Minor Virtue (Tough), Personal 5 (vis), Organization Lore: Order mal: At a touch the Waimie can es-
Power x 2 (Scion of the World Ser- of Hermes 2 (covenants), Stealth 4 tablish a mental link with one of her
pent); Major Flaw (Hunger for Ani- (stalking prey), Survival 2 (grassy ar- offspring that permits her to see and
mal Magic); Minor Flaw (Afflicted eas), Swim 4 (rivers) hear everything the young serpent
Tongue), Minor Flaw (Clumsy), Mi- Powers: does. She can create this link with
nor Flaw (Poor Eyesight), Reduced Constriction (non-magical): The Waimie any number of her brood simulta-
Fatigue, Reduced Might, Restricted can only constrict a victim whose Size neously and each link remains ac-
Power (must bite to use The Enven- is less than her own. Constriction is tive indefinitely, but she does not
omed Gift) based on the grappling rules (see regenerate the Might pool used to
Mundane Qualities: Ambush Predator, “Non-Lethal Combat,” ArM5, page establish the link until she allows the

A Weaker Waimie
Size and Magical Qualities and Inferiorities
This is easy — simply use one of the
Waimie’s brood to represent her mother. Note that Magical Qualities and during character creation (see Realms of
Slow the development of the brood so Inferiorities that affect the Size of Power: Magic, pages 30–36). Changes
that they take two or more years to in- Magic Animals do not alter their in Size due to Virtues and Flaws do
crease in Size and Might. Might score; subtracting Size from the affect the character’s Might, however.
Currently, the Waimie’s offspring Might score occurs before purchas- This is a clarification to the existing
grow by gaining 5 points of Might ev- ing Magical Qualities and Inferiorities Ars Magica rules.
ery year. However, weaker offspring can
be created by alternating the gain of 5
Might with a gain of 5 points of Magical es and vulnerabilities. Suitable Magical Lesser Malediction, or Poor Character-
Inferiorities instead. This is more work Inferiorities include: Minor Flaw (An- istic), Reduced Attack, Reduced Might,
for the storyguide, but makes the Waim- chored to (Land)*, Baneful Circumstanc- Reduced Powers. Flaws marked with *
ie’s Might much lower (gaining only half es*, Clumsy, Environmental Sensitivity*, can be found in Realms of Power: Magic,
the increases), and gives more weakness- Essential Flaw*, (Form) Monstrosity*, pages 47–51.

The Waimie, cont’d

power to lapse. InAn 40 (Base 15, +1 been subdued with a Constriction at- that physical attacks made while us-
Touch, +2 Sun, +1 extra sense, +1 tack (see above) it can struggle to es- ing this power must Penetrate any
constant) Greater Power (40 levels, cape, but it continues to be affected Magic Resistance. MuAn 50 (Base
–2 Might cost) by constriction while swallowed. It 25, +2 Sun, +3 Size): Greater Power
Scion of the World Serpent, 0 points, Init –2, is impossible to breathe inside the (50 levels, –4 Might cost and +1 Init
Animal: The serpent grows tremen- Waimie, requiring deprivation rolls from Improved Powers)
dously in length and girth, assuming (ArM5, page 180) even if the victim Venomous Bite (non-magical): When the
any Size from 1 larger than her cur- escapes the grapple. Three rounds Waimie attacks, compare her Attack
rent Size up to Size +12. For every after being swallowed, the victim Advantage to the victim’s armor Pro-
point of Size, the creature gains +2 reaches the stomach. The powerful tection (not his Soak). If the Waim-
Strength and –1 Quickness. Wound acids inflict +9 damage every round, ie’s advantage is higher, the victim
ranges also change. At Size +9 and complete immersion quadruples suffers the effects of adder venom
(shown here), the Waimie is 130 feet this to +36 (ArM5, page 181). A as listed in the Poison Table on page
long and six feet diameter; at Size character may be able to brace him- 180 of ArM5, regardless of whether
+10 she is 170 feet long by seven feet self and avoid complete immersion: the bite inflicts an actual wound.
diameter; at Size +11 she is 210 feet make a Strength + Athletics roll each Vis: 6 pawns of Animal vis in eyes, 4
long by ten feet diameter; and at Size round; Ease Factor 6 results in only pawns of Perdo vis in teeth.
+12 she is 265 feet long by thirteen half immersion (triple damage), Ease Appearance: The Waimie is an immense
feet diameter. The effect must be re- Factor 9 results in immersion of a dragon-like serpent, lacking legs or
stored at sunrise and sunset to retain limb (double damage), and Ease Fac- wings. She is 130 feet long, and the
the increased size; if she is distracted tor 12 means just a splash (normal widest part of her body is over six
at either of these times the power damage). The Waimie cannot swal- feet in diameter. Her body is covered
may lapse. Further, when this power low a second creature until the previ- with thick, horny scales that have a
is used, the serpent’s natural attacks ous one has reached the stomach. central ridge elongated into a spine
become magical in nature and must Two Heads Are Better Than One, 1 or more that runs flat against her body, and
Penetrate any Magic Resistance of her points, Init –4, Animal: The Waimie’s she has belly scutes like those of a
opponents. Use the Waimie’s original head divides longitudinally into two snake. Her head is eight feet long
Size to resolve Animal spells. MuAn (or more) heads, each one allowing and wedge-shaped, with a hooked
30 (Base 4, +2 Sun, +4 Size to affect the creature an extra attack. The tip and wicked-looking curved fangs.
Size +12) Personal Power x 2 (30 lev- Waimie can produce one extra head Overall she is a mottled green in
els, –3 Might cost, +1 Init) for every additional Might point color, with occasional darker scales
Swallow Whole (non-magical): The Waim- spent. The serpent acts as a trained close to her back and lighter scales
ie can swallow whole any creature group of as many individuals as she closer to her belly. Her voice is
that is at least 5 points of Size smaller has heads, and there is no Leadership a whisper, with a sibilant vibrato
than she is. If the creature has not first limit for the total Group bonus. Note caused by her forked tongue.

following year. If they leave a guard on
Story Seed: The Queen’s Vis this vis source, he witnesses the approach
of a snake (one of the Waimie’s brood, a
The Waimie has her own vis source, A character can discover this by yearling), who attempts to take the vis.
which satisfies her Hunger for Animal watching her lair and following the She is acting contrary to a natural animal
Magic Flaw. Every year she sends one smaller serpent as she leaves. If he man- — she knows where the vis is and how to
of her brood to a distant grove to gather ages to secure possession of the marjo- get it, and may or may not be successful,
three sprigs of marjoram as the star Reg- ram from the offspring, he has a power- depending on the actions of the characters
ulus rises. The serpent then returns to ful tool with which to strike a bargain on guard.
the lair, her venom temporarily nullified with the Waimie. He may be able to ne- If the Waimie’s yearling met with re-
by the magical herb. Of all the vis the gotiate temporary suspension of thefts sistance, the next year a two-year-old
Waimie eats, it is this vis she craves most. while he holds this vis as ransom. offspring arrives to steal the covenant’s
vis. It may be the same serpent (assuming
she escaped), still bearing the scars of the
previous year’s encounter. It may be an
The Rebellious Daughter entirely different creature, or it might be
impossible to tell. Every year, the Waimie
The Waimie brooks no challenges If the player characters do not adopt
sends a bigger member of her brood un-
to her position at the head of the brood. an immediately hostile approach to the
til one escapes with the vis; she’ll then
She deliberately excludes her eldest Waimie’s offspring, they may find that
send a similar-sized serpent in the subse-
offspring from her cave in the Magic one of her elder daughters seeks free-
quent years until that one meets with a
Realm (see later) so that they suffer Ac- dom from her mother’s tyranny. She
run of failures, when she sends a bigger
climation (Realms of Power: Magic, pages needs a sufficiently powerful Magic aura
serpent again. Ideally, the Waimie needs
52–54) and do not grow to challenge to prevent Acclimation, so that she can
her offspring to bring back vis at least ev-
her supremacy. Some resort to cannibal- grow to her full size. She also needs a
ery other year on average, so she’ll send
ism to get the vis they need, while oth- suitable mate; a creature reasonably ser-
a big enough offspring to do the job. Of
ers range far afield in search of their own pentine or draconic. If the characters
course, the offspring leave vis behind in
vis, but it is barely enough. Denying her can help her with these requirements,
their corpses, so the covenant may just
offspring the ability to grow also pre- they secure the alliance of the Waimie’s
accept that their vis source has become a
vents them from establishing their own daughter against her mother. Whether
contested vis source, and even welcome
families, since these serpents need to she can be trusted once the characters
the occasional extra Animal vis. Before the
grow to their mother’s size before they have fulfilled their part of the bargain
characters get too used to this strategy, the
can produce their own brood. remains to be seen.
Waimie starts to send a much smaller off-
spring out with each larger one. The job of
this tiny serpent is to bring back the eyes
A Stronger Waimie out in groups to attack the player charac- of a slain sibling, because this is where the
ters. If she can defeat them totally, then vis resides.
The Waimie herself is pretty strong she need not share any vis sources with
already, but she can be made more of a them at all.
challenge by giving her greater resources
and removing some of her restrictions.
The Theft Spreads
She could easily find a use for a group of
human servants, perhaps using a power
similar to the Entrancement Ability to
maintain control over them. These ser-
Initial Encounter After a few years of the magi fighting
the Waimie’s offspring for vis, she decides
that these magi could easily provide her
vants form the Cult of the Serpent, and The characters’ initial encounter is with more vis than they currently do, so
their prime purpose is to gather informa- with the Waimie’s children rather than the she sends one of her hatchlings to follow
tion and vis for their Scaly Queen. Such Waimie herself. They first become aware them back to where they live. The young-
a cult is headed by a charismatic leader, that something is up when they visit a ster lurks near the covenant, remaining out
a hedge wizard with The Gentle Gift and regular vis source and discover that the of sight, but attempts to follow any groups
a selection of serpent-related powers. He vis has already been harvested. This vis of characters as they leave the covenant,
has Magical Blood of the serpent, and is source should be in a form that is portable, in the hope that they will lead her to an-
somehow related to the Waimie’s brood. and that does not require the use of magic other vis source. It is perhaps best to al-
Removing the Difficult Underlings or skill to obtain. low the hatchling to be successful in one
Flaw from the Waimie allows her to coor- Initially this proves an annoyance, but such mission, allowing the Waimie to start
dinate her offspring better, sending them they discover that the same happens the exploiting another vis source belonging to

the covenant. Of course, if the covenant
does not have any other suitable vis sourc-
es, then the Waimie is out of luck.
Investigations Sunday; disgusted with his catch he cast
her down a well. The creature grew, and
the villagers found that if they fed her
After a second vis source has been lo- By the time the Waimie’s offspring have milk they could sate her terrible appetite
cated by the Waimie, she tries to find a pillaged multiple vis sources and attacked for livestock. However she did not stop
third using the same method. This time the covenant, the characters are probably growing even on this diet of milk, and
the characters might notice that they are sufficiently motivated to learn more about the sole dairy farmer in the valley found
being followed; the Waimie’s hatchlings the serpents who are dogging their steps. it hard to produce sufficient milk to keep
are quite stealthy, but hardly invisible. her satisfied. Several knights tried to kill
There are only so many times that one can her, but each time she was wounded, her
pass off another snake as a coincidence.
Once spotted, the hatchling tries to
Local Lore blood solidified in the wound healing the
injury, and even severed sections just grew
escape, but while the characters are chas- back together. She was eventually slain
ing it, the Waimie sends one of her bigger It is reasonable to assume that the by a champion, who covered his armor in
offspring (one year older than the charac- Waimie and her offspring could not live metal blades and fought her while astride
ters have faced so far) into their covenant in the region and remain entirely un- a river; when the serpent tried to envelop
to look for vis using her Magic Sensitivity known to the populace. The characters him she cut herself to pieces. The blood
Ability, with an Ease Factor of 12 – num- may therefore look to the local people for was washed downstream, preventing the
ber of pawns of vis. It is possible that this rumors and legends about the Waimie. Al- pieces from regenerating. However, each
offspring might be repelled by the cove- ternatively, they may encounter a local in one grew into a small serpent who has
nant’s Aegis of the Hearth; the Waimie has no a tavern on the way to (or less helpfully, swum in the river ever since, waiting for
knowledge of such things. If the Aegis is of on the way from) the cave who might be someone to fish her out on a Sunday.
sufficient Level and Penetration, the cov- enticed into recounting the story. This story raises objections from those
enant may end up fighting the Waimie’s Apparently, the creature first ap- listening in. One old man has also heard
offspring outside the covenant. The worst peared in the region a century ago. She the story, but in his version the beast was
case scenario for the characters would be was originally caught as a small eel-like completely invulnerable on the outside,
for the covenant to have both a weak Aegis creature when a sinner went fishing on a and was eventually slain by thrusting a sod
and no sentries, leading to the discovery
of the Waimie’s daughter when she is al-
ready in the covenant’s vis stores, helping
herself to whatever bounty is gathered
there. The time that the Waimie’s brood
has in the covenant and the distribution
of the vis stores determines how much
vis the serpent is able to steal before she
is discovered. If the covenant is prone to
keeping a single large vis store, then the
creature could manage to consume three-
quarters of the vis before she is discovered.
If instead the vis is stored in the sanctum
of each magus, she might only have the
opportunity to raid two or three sancta.
Of course, the brood could be stopped by
any physical or magical traps protecting
the vis stores or sancta.
Once discovered, the Waimie’s off-
spring attempts to escape in the most ex-
pedient manner possible, seeking to return
to her mother with whatever she has man-
aged to purloin. The exception to this is if
she faces only minor opposition, in which
case she will take her chances at killing
the grogs so as to continue her raid. After
leaving the covenant, the offspring returns
home and regurgitates whatever vis she
has acquired.

they are able to defeat her they may con-
The White Stuff sider their problem solved. For a tougher
fight, the characters may have to face a
If anyone thinks to ask why there the land to the Church, which now horde of smaller serpents attacking at the
was only one dairy farmer in the valley, leases it to local serfs for growing gar- same time, acting as an untrained group.
the answer will come back that all milk den crops. Those who are aware of the There may be ways in which to defeat
from cows fed in the valley has a horri- Waimie’s appetite for vis might guess at the serpents en masse, such as with fire or
ble acrid taste, except for those pastured the reason for her taste for milk. If the spells. Spells that affect an area, such as
on a particular parcel of land. The free- land were to be returned to pasture and Creo Ignem or Creo Aquam spells with
man who owned the land no longer lives cows fed there again, the characters multiple Size modifiers, can potentially in-
there; he died without issue and willed could extract Creo vis from their milk. clude more than one serpent in an affected
area considering how densely packed the
brood is. For example, a base Individual of
of burning peat down her throat on the end but the following characteristics should be Ignem can completely immerse one crea-
of a spear. New serpents grew wherever the taken into consideration: ture of Size 0. This is equivalent in volume
burning blood touched a marjoram plant. to two creatures of Size –1, five creatures
A third gaffer disagrees with both ver- • The lair is a cave in the wilderness, of Size –2, ten creatures of Size –3, twen-
sions told so far, claiming that the serpent some distance from human habitation; ty creatures of Size –4, and so on. So a
was a princess turned into a hideous crea- • The cave is situated near water, either Pilum of Fire can simultaneously damage two
ture by her evil stepmother, and the spell on the coast or by a major river; hundred hatchlings (Size –7); or else fifty
was eventually broken by her brother. The • The cave is in a Magic aura of at least hatchlings, five yearlings (Size –4) and
transformation rebounded on the witch 5, and some local feature should ex- one two year old (Size –1). Once the ser-
who had laid it, and it is she who still plain the presence of this aura. Magic pents are aware of the characters’ presence
haunts the region with her brood. auras form around natural and pre- they will spread out to attack them from all
None of these stories are true, but one ternatural tethers (Realms of Power: angles, reducing the efficacy of these area
of them contains a hint of truth concern- Magic, page 8); add the tether scores effect spells by one half to one third. Note
ing the Waimie’s vulnerability — she can- together to get the aura strength. The that as magical creatures they are immune
not be harmed by bladed weapons. How- labyrinthine caves constitute a natural to hunger, thirst, and suffocation; if sealed
ever, there is no way that the characters tether of 2, and the Waimie has lived inside the lair they simply wait until their
could know that, or which of the mutually here for ages, which counts as a pre- mother or some misadventure frees them.
contradictory tales might be true. ternatural tether of 2. Other features Attacking the Waimie’s offspring
that might improve the aura include: makes no difference to the depredations
a beautiful waterfall (natural tether 1), on the covenant’s vis sources; the Waimie
Following a Serpent wave-carved stone arches and columns
(natural tether 1), or a site of powerful
herself is still alive and can give birth to
more children to replenish those the char-
to Her Lair ritual spells (preternatural tether 1–2). acters have slain. Some of her larger off-
spring have also accompanied her to her
An obvious tack is to follow one of the The Waimie herself is not present dur- lair in the Magic Realm, and are of an ap-
serpents back home. The smaller a serpent ing this first visit to her home — she must propriate size to begin raiding against the
is, the harder she is to follow; conversely, spend at least half the year in the Magic characters’ vis sources.
the bigger serpents can be easily spotted. Realm to avoid Acclimation, and this hap- Depending on the power level of the
Whatever size they are, they avoid inhab- pens to be her absent season. That is not to characters, it would be good if this en-
ited regions and use rivers or the sea wher- say that the cave is empty; on the contrary, counter exposes them to specimens of the
ever possible to travel home. They are it is filled with serpents of all sizes who are Waimie’s offspring larger than they have
reasonably inattentive and not possessed the various offspring of the Waimie. The met before, but still quite junior in the
of a great deal of wisdom, so as long as the smaller serpents are the most numerous overall hierarchy. This increases the impact
characters do not draw too much attention — at least a hundred hatchlings, maybe of the arrival of one of the truly immense
to themselves, the offspring will not no- half as many yearlings and two-year olds creatures in the next part of the story.
tice she is being followed. — and there should be just a handful of
the elder offspring, but enough to give the

The Lair
characters a scare!
If the characters are up for a fight,
have them face a serpent who is a couple
The Waimie’s lair is described in more of years older than any they have faced so Once the characters have been a suf-
detail in a later section. Its location should far. A serpent of this size should appear to ficient nuisance to the Waimie — having
be chosen to suit the needs of the saga; them to be the master of them all, and if prevented her from claiming too much vis,

and probably slain many of her young —
she desires revenge. She sends one of her
elder offspring (at least eight years old) to
Final Showdown it, but the passageways that link the other
caves to this one are the widest, averaging
ten feet in diameter. The caves themselves
besiege a locale important to the charac- The final encounter between the char- are beautiful works of nature, with fluted
ters. This is probably their covenant, but acters and the Waimie occurs when they columns of stone that sparkle with glit-
may be an important vis site, or even a follow her offspring back to their caves tering colors that seem to shift under the
village. Using her Scion of the World Serpent and manage to penetrate deeply enough light of the characters’ torches. The tunnels
power to greatly increase her size, the off- to find her lair in the Magic Realm. Here that link the caves have perfectly smooth
spring throws her coils around the chosen they face their enemy and put an end to walls that have been worn by the passage of
locale, completely encircling it. At her her thefts, hopefully for good. Note that many thousands of serpents, and they bear
maximum Size of +12 she is 265 feet long, the Waimie is an exceptionally tough tar- the faint ripple marks of their belly scales.
and can enclose an area of 70 feet diam- get, especially on her home turf, and char- The cave walls are banded with malachite,
eter in her coils. If the covenant’s fortress acters might need to find a solution that a deep green stone with whorls of jade and
is smaller than this, she overlaps the coils, does not involve direct confrontation. verdigris, and occasional emeralds can be
making multiple circuits, but her head is found in the ceiling and floor.
always near the main entrance. If the cov- Every cave is occupied by the Waimie’s
enant has a high enough Aegis of the Hearth
with sufficiently strong Penetration to
The Waimie’s Cave brood of various sizes. They resent any in-
truders into the caverns, although they do
stop the Waimie’s offspring from entering, not communicate well with each other, and
then she lays her coils around the bound- As mentioned earlier, the Waimie’s lair characters only need to face one cave-full at
ary that defines the Aegis. is located in a cave system near water. A a time. Also, they are not particularly bright,
The colossal creature blockades the river mouth is perfect, or a set of sea caves. and are easily tricked by illusions, shape-
covenant, attacking anyone trying to The exact layout of the caves is not impor- shifting magic, distractions, and so forth.
enter or leave. Any doors on the outside tant, suffice to say that there are a dozen or
of the covenant that open outwards are so interlinked caverns, some of them joined
blocked by the creature’s bulk and do
not open. Any supplies brought to the
by narrow caves through which humans
(and some of the larger offspring) cannot
The Cave in
covenant are swallowed whole or else pass. The caves near the entrance of the the Magic Realm
hurled a great distance with a flick of the complex have a Magic aura of 3; this gradu-
creature’s head. If magi have a sufficiently ally increases as one penetrates deeper into The final cave, where the Waimie
high Parma Magica, they may be immune the complex until one cavern has an aura of spends her time when in the mortal realm,
to the creature’s attacks (it has a Penetra- 8. This cave does not have a direct route to has a Magic aura of 8 and is the site of a
tion Total of Magic Might + Aura modi-
fier when using this power), although
they could still be swallowed whole. They
are unharmed by this experience, but it is Story Seed: Wrong Side of the Fence
profoundly disturbing. Everyone else is
trapped unless they can fight their way Some of the characters are away from they discover that vital resources for driv-
out or escape the serpent’s attention. the covenant when the Waimie’s offspring ing off the serpent (such as vis, the casting
The Waimie’s offspring are not partic- besieges it. They are trapped on the out- tablet of a ritual, or an enchantment) are
ular attentive and have weak eyesight, so side, while the others are trapped on inside the covenant, and they must devise
a stealthy character may be able to evade the inside. Assuming that the characters a way to retrieve them without being in-
notice. However, their Magic Sensitivity manage to communicate with each other, tercepted by the giant creature.
actively hinders magical attempts to sneak
past the offspring with invisibility spells
and so forth.
The giant serpent remains until killed Story Seed: Not Alone
or driven off. If the player magi deduce
that the growth effect must be a power The Waimie is a difficult antagonist brood, and perhaps forge an agreement
(they might notice the flickering of the to face, but the characters need not do to work together towards her destruc-
creature’s size at sunrise or sunset), they it alone. Through a redcap, the magi tion. Some suspect the rival covenant
can attempt to disrupt the creature’s atten- discover that a Hermetic rival is also a of ulterior motives when they suggest
tion when the power fades — as long as victim of the Waimie’s depredation. The that this meeting take place at the play-
they do not give her the opportunity to redcap suggests some form of summit ers’ covenant, but surely they are on the
reuse her power, they may have a chance to discuss the problem of the larcenous level, aren’t they?
at defeating her.

Inhabitants of the Lair

The Waimie is the most obvious inhab-

itant of this insula, her vast bulk stretched
out among the malachite. The cave is suf-
ficiently vast that she may not be spotted at
first, and she uses surprise to her advantage.
She resents intrusion into her hiding place,
and it will be difficult to resolve this encoun-
ter without bloodshed. For a more difficult
challenge she may be accompanied by one
or more of her mid-sized offspring (years
six to eight). Keep track of the number of
wounds she suffers during the fight; in the
magically charged atmosphere of her lair,
the blood falling from each wound quickens
into a living serpent who joins the fight in
defense of her mother. A Light Wound re-
sults in a one-year-old offspring, a Medium
Wound in a three-year-old serpent, and a
Heavy or Incapacitating Wound in a five-
year-old. These children of her blood do
not spawn their own offspring if wounded.
Even with the Waimie dead, the
lair may not be empty. The insula is big
enough for one of her offspring to hide
here and eventually grow big enough to
pose a challenge to the characters. Also,
regio with a Magic aura of 10. If the regio interlink with each other and interlock with the boundary of this insula is permeable to
is entered (a task with an Ease Factor of 11 neighboring symbols. From a high enough occasional visitors from elsewhere in the
for the appropriate Supernatural Ability; vantage point, the spirals appear to be Magic Realm; serpents and dragons seem
see ArM5, page 189), the characters find some sort of map or possibly writing in a particularly drawn here. The storyguide
that the floor of the cave in the regio is a foreign, curlicue alphabet. What’s more, should populate the hidden reaches of this
huge mound of solid malachite, and there the landscape is in a state of subtle, con- vast cage with any creatures she chooses.
is a deep spiral trough inscribed into the stant change; it is too slow to be seen in
sides of the mound. If the characters walk action, but there is a definite redesign of the
around the spiral, following it to the top mounds and spirals as they change in size The Serpent Map
of the mound and the center of the room, and shape. It resembles nothing else than
they find themselves passing through a a nest of snakes all writhing against each The strange landscape of the Waimie’s
gate into the Magic Realm. other, sinuous and languid. lair is in actual fact both a map and a text.
Here, the Waimie’s lair is an insula en-
closed within an Animal Boundary of level
4. This means that the effective Magic aura Story Seed: The Serpent’s Husband
is 14, or 18 for any Animal-related effects,
including the Waimie’s Magic Resistance One possible inhabitant of the in- Waimie. He explains the working of the
and Penetration totals. There are also four sula is the father of the Waimie’s brood. Serpent Map (see below), and proves to
additional botch dice for any magical ac- As is common with snakes, the Waim- be an asset to the characters. However,
tivity. It is like the cave in the mundane ie’s husband is much smaller than the is he all that he seems? Remember, the
realm, but vastly bigger. Rather than just Waimie herself, and he appears to be Serpent of Eden was a snake who took
one mound, the insula is filled with hun- human. After the characters have begun human shape.
dreds of them, each one inscribed with a to explore the insula, he approaches His exact powers are left to the
spiral groove in the malachite. Each mound them and greets them in a friendly man- storyguide; he is almost certainly a
is a different size; some are just a few feet ner. He explains who he is, but seems shapechanger, but he may be a magical
across, whereas others are the size of hills. to desire no revenge — or even display human who can become a serpent, or a
On some of these the spiral is clockwise, on any emotion — at the demise of the snake who can walk as a man.
others it is anticlockwise, and many of them

It is not written in a human language, but
is instead a physical representation of the Alternative: A Non-Violent Ending
speech of serpents. If an intelligent snake
slithers across the surface of this insula, it The Waimie is a creature of remark- cord with the Waimie. She will certainly
will start to comprehend the knowledge able power, and is intended to be a diffi- demand a tithe of vis from the characters,
encoded within. The lair is a giant map cult challenge for even experienced magi. but this tithe might be less than what
of the Magic Realm — or a portion of Storyguides might instead wish to allow she could have her offspring steal — and
it at least. Further, the map is annotated the characters to come to some sort of ac- without the possible loss of life.
with details of the wonders and dangers
therein. Even humans can gain an inkling
of the information contained therein. For
each season spent studying the Serpent Story Seed: Unwelcome Visitors
Map, it acts as a Summa on Area Lore:
Magic Realm, Level 5, Quality 4. If the The existence of the Serpent Map be nothing more than a nuisance to the
character can understand the language of is known to a few other creatures in the characters. However, the map’s encoded
snakes through the Animal Ken Virtue, Magic Realm, and the characters’ pos- knowledge is of use to more powerful en-
then the Quality is equal to his score in session of it will not go unchallenged tities, so that one is bound to come visit-
the Animal Ken Ability instead, if that indefinitely. Some of those seeking it out ing before long. Such creatures could be
score is higher than 5. A Bjornaer magus are simply chancing their luck, and can many times worse than the Waimie.
with a snake heartbeast has an effective
Language score of 5 (Houses of Hermes: Mys-
tery Cults, page 23), and uses this as the If the roll succeeds, then the character • Against one wall of the cave is the
Quality instead. If the character assumes may trace the location of the place found root of a huge ivy that grows up out
the shape of a serpent for at least half the from any known aura in the mundane world. of sight. If climbed, a person can cross
season, then the Quality is treated as 3 this Herbam boundary into a plant-
points higher. dominated insula.
At the option of the storyguide, the Exits to Other Insulae • On top of one of the smaller mounds
map can be used to try to divine the loca- is a small statue carved from the same
tions of Magic auras, vis sources, or gates Like most regions of the Magic Realm, malachite as the cave. It is an abstract
to the Magic Realm. This requires time to the Waimie’s insula is connected to others piece apparently made of arches and
study the map — at least one week per 3 through either boundaries or vestiges. The rings, but if examined from different
points of the Ease Factor — and an Intel- storyguide should determine the exact angles, it appears to be suggestive of
ligence + Area Lore: Magic Realm. The destinations for these features, and what a dancing woman. This Terram vestige
Ease Factor varies according to the infor- perils and experiences face the characters of level 4 represents a Mystery Cult of
mation sought: when using them. The following are only dancers who enhance fertility through
examples of the sorts of features that char- their efforts, and is also present in a
Location Ease Factor acters might find: Mentem and a Corpus insula.
Magic aura 9 + aura • A phantom mouse runs through the
Magic regio 12 + highest-level aura • A stream runs through one portion of lair. It is generally only seen out of the
Vis source 15 + yearly pawn harvest the insula. It serves as a boundary to an- corner of one’s eye, or heard as the
Magic Realm gate 18 other insula, this one aligned to Aquam. pattering of tiny feet. This is a Imagi-
nem vestige of level 2, which is linked
to the dream of a cat who happens to
Story Seed: Have We Made Things Worse? be a magus’ familiar. The vestige can
be found in several different insulae,
Killing the Waimie frees her offspring might even survive long enough to reach and if someone can catch the mouse
from her tyrannical rule. The younger maturity and take on the statistics of the they can travel with it to those insulae.
offspring will be confused and lost, and mother Waimie. Should they find mates,
probably remain in the caves until they they could then start their own broods. For details on crossing over into other
become normal serpents thanks to Accli- Depending on the density of suitable parts of the Magic Realm, see Realms of
mation, or else are eaten by their elder Magic auras in the region, there could Power: Magic, page 23. The base Ease Fac-
siblings. The surviving older serpents be several Waimies that compete for the tor for crossing any boundary (ignoring
flee the lair and search for Magic auras same vis sources, or the characters might any Familiarity modifier) is 18. The base
of their own in which to set up a home, simply have to survive a battle royale un- Ease Factor for using a vestige is (10 – ves-
and for vis sources to prey upon. Some til one achieves dominance. tige level) x 3.


The Waimie’s Brood

Hatchlings Combat: sitivity 1 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking prey),
Fangs: Init +6, Attack +8, Defense +10, Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim 2 (rivers)
Magic Might: 0 (Animal) Damage –7 Powers: Venomous Bite, The Enven-
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per +2, Pre –6, Soak: +3 omed Gift
Com –6, Str –14, Sta +2, Dex +2, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Qik +9 Unconscious This serpent is about 13 feet long,
Size: –7 Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), and has a diameter of about six inches at
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+) her widest.
Infamous Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Im- (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Stealth 4
proved Initiative, Minor Virtue x 5 (stalking prey), Survival 3 (grassy ar- Three Years Old
(Improved Characteristics x 3, Puis- eas), Swim 1 (rivers)
Powers: Venomous Bite, The Enven- Magic Might: 15 (Animal)
sant Stealth, Sharp Eyes); Miniature,
omed Gift Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6,
Temporary Might
Com –6, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2,
This serpent is over six and a half feet Qik +3
Fangs: Init +12, Attack +8, Defense +13,
long and about three inches in diameter Size: +1
Damage –13
at her fattest point. This makes her the Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes;
Soak: +3
size of a particularly large adder. Year- Infamous
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
lings have very different Magical Quali- Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi-
ties than hatchlings; many features have gantic x 2, Greater Power x 2 (The
Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3),
been exchanged for others. Envenomed Gift); Improved Powers
Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
x 2, Improved Soak, Minor Virtue
Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2
(Great Quickness), Minor Virtue
(fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Stealth
4+2 (stalking prey), Survival 3 Two Years Old (Improved Characteristics), Minor
Virtue (Magic Sensitivity), Minor
(grassy areas), Swim 1 (rivers)
Magic Might: 10 (Animal) Virtue (Tough); Temporary Might;
Powers: Venomous Bite
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Restricted Power (must bite to use
Com –6, Str –2, Sta +2, Dex +2, The Envenomed Gift)
This serpent is about three feet long
Qik +5 Combat:
and about one inch in diameter at her
Size: –1 Fangs: Init +5, Attack +8, Defense +7,
fattest point. Serpents of this size were
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Damage +3
born this year. Because of their tiny size,
Infamous Constriction: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense
hatchlings receive a +3 bonus to any
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi- +5, Damage n/a
rolls involving hiding.
gantic, Greater Power x 2 (The Enven- Soak: +8
omed Gift); Improved Powers x 2, Mi- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
One Year Old nor Virtue (Great Quickness), Minor Unconscious
Virtue (Improved Characteristics), Mi- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–6), –3 (7–12),
Magic Might: 5 (Animal) nor Virtue (Magic Sensitivity); Tem- –5 (13–18), Incapacitated (19–24),
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, porary Might; Restricted Power (must Dead (25+)
Com –6, Str –8, Sta +2, Dex +2, bite to use The Envenomed Gift) Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2
Qik +6 Combat: (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic
Size: –4 Fangs: Init +5, Attack +8, Defense +9, Sensitivity 2 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Damage –1 prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim
Infamous Soak: +3 3 (rivers)
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed
Greater Power x 2 (The Enven- Unconscious Gift, Venomous Bite
omed Gift); Improved Powers x 2, Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5
Minor Virtue (Improved Charac- (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead This serpent is about 21 feet long and
teristics); Temporary Might; Re- (17+) has a maximum diameter of nine inches.
stricted Power (must bite to use Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2 She is now big enough to use constric-
The Envenomed Gift) (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic Sen- tion attacks against human-sized targets.


The Waimie’s Brood, cont’d

Four Years Old Five Years Old Six Years Old
Magic Might: 20 (Animal) Magic Might: 25 (Animal) Magic Might: 30 (Animal)
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6,
Com –6, Str +6, Sta +2, Dex +2, Com –6, Str +8, Sta +2, Dex +2, Com –6, Str +10, Sta +2, Dex +2,
Qik +1 Qik 0 Qik –1
Size: +3 Size: +4 Size: +5
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes;
Infamous Infamous Infamous
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi-
Gigantic x 3, Greater Power x 2 Gigantic x 4, Greater Power (Two gantic x 5, Greater Power (Two Heads
(The Envenomed Gift); Improved Heads Are Better Than One), Are Better Than One), Greater Power
Attack (Fangs), Improved De- Greater Power x 2 (The Envenomed x 2 (The Envenomed Gift); Gift of
fense (Fangs), Improved Powers x Gift); Improved Attack (Fangs), Im- Speech, Improved Attack (Fangs) x 2,
2, Improved Soak, Minor Virtue proved Defense (Fangs), Improved Improved Defense (Fangs), Improved
(Great Quickness), Minor Virtue Powers x 3, Improved Soak, Minor Powers x 3, Improved Soak x 2, Minor
(Improved Characteristics), Minor Virtue (Great Quickness), Minor Virtue (Great Quickness), Minor Vir-
Virtue (Magic Sensitivity), Minor Virtue (Improved Characteristics), tue (Improved Characteristics), Mi-
Virtue (Tough); Temporary Might; Minor Virtue (Magic Sensitivity), nor Virtue (Magic Sensitivity), Minor
Restricted Power (must bite to use Minor Virtue (Tough); Temporary Virtue (Tough); Temporary Might;
The Envenomed Gift) Might; Minor Flaw (Clumsy), Mi- Minor Flaw (Afflicted Tongue), Mi-
Combat: nor Flaw (Poor Eyesight), Restricted nor Flaw (Clumsy), Minor Flaw (Poor
Fangs: Init +3, Attack +10, Defense +7, Power (must bite to use The Enven- Eyesight), Restricted Power (must
Damage +7 omed Gift) bite to use The Envenomed Gift)
Constriction: Init +1, Attack +8, Defense Combat: Combat:
+3, Damage n/a Fangs: Init +2, Attack +11, Defense +7, Fangs: Init +1, Attack +13, Defense +6,
Soak: +8 Damage +9 Damage +11
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Constriction: Init 0, Attack +9, Defense Constriction: Init –1, Attack +9, Defense
Unconscious +3, Damage n/a +2, Damage n/a
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–8), –3 (9–16), Soak: +8 Soak: +10
–5 (17–24), Incapacitated (25–32), Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Dead (33+) Unconscious Unconscious
Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2 Wound Penalties: –1 (1–9), –3 (10–18), Wound Penalties: –1 (1–10), –3 (11–
(fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic –5 (19–27), Incapacitated (28–36), 20), –5 (21–30), Incapacitated (31–
Sensitivity 3 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking Dead (37+) 40), Dead (41+)
prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 3 Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 3
3 (rivers) (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic
Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed Sensitivity 3 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking Sensitivity 3 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking
Gift, Swallow Whole, Venomous Bite prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim
3 (rivers) 3 (rivers)
This serpent is about 33 feet long and Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed
has a maximum diameter of 16 inches. Gift, Swallow Whole, Two Heads Are Gift, Swallow Whole, Two Heads Are
She is now capable of swallowing whole Better Than One, Venomous Bite Better Than One, Venomous Bite
characters of Size –2 or smaller.
This serpent is about 42 feet long and This serpent is over 53 feet long and
has a maximum diameter of 20 inches. has a maximum diameter of two and a
She is now capable of swallowing whole quarter feet. She is now capable of swal-
characters of Size –1 or smaller. The lowing whole characters of Size 0 or
creature’s vast size makes her ungainly. smaller. Note that from this age onwards
the offspring can speak, but her voice is
hampered by her divided tongue, and she
can barely speak above a whisper.


The Waimie’s Brood, cont’d

Seven Years Old Eight Years Old Nine Years Old
Magic Might: 35 (Animal) Magic Might: 40 (Animal) Magic Might: 45 (Animal)
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6,
Com –6, Str +12, Sta +2, Dex +2, Com –6, Str +14, Sta +2, Dex +2, Com –6, Str +16, Sta +2, Dex +2,
Qik –2 Qik –3 Qik –4
Size: +6 Size: +7 Size: +8
Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes; Virtues and Flaws: Lightning Reflexes;
Infamous Infamous Infamous
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi- Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Gi-
Gigantic x 6, Greater Power (Two gantic x 7, Greater Power (Two Heads gantic x 8, Greater Power (Two Heads
Are Better Than One), Greater Power
Heads Are Better Than One), Are Better Than One), Greater Power
x 2 (The Envenomed Gift); Gift of
Greater Power x 2 (The Envenomed x 2 (The Envenomed Gift); Gift of
Speech, Improved Attack (Fangs) x
Gift); Gift of Speech, Improved At- Speech, Improved Attack (Fangs) x
3, Improved Defense (Fangs) x 3, Im-
tack (Fangs) x 2, Improved Defense 2, Improved Defense (Fangs) x 2, Im-
proved Powers x 3, Improved Soak x
(Fangs) x 2, Improved Powers x 3, Im- proved Powers x 3, Improved Soak x 4,
4, Minor Virtue (Great Quickness),
proved Soak x 3, Minor Virtue (Great Minor Virtue (Great Quickness), Mi-
Minor Virtue (Improved Character-
Quickness), Minor Virtue (Improved nor Virtue (Improved Characteristics),
istics), Minor Virtue (Magic Sensitiv-
Characteristics), Minor Virtue (Mag- Minor Virtue (Magic Sensitivity), Mi-
ity), Minor Virtue (Tough), Personal
ic Sensitivity), Minor Virtue (Tough); nor Virtue (Tough), Personal Power Power (Scion of the World Serpent);
Temporary Might; Minor Flaw (Af- x2 (Scion of the World Serpent); Temporary Might; Minor Flaw (Af-
flicted Tongue), Minor Flaw (Clum- Temporary Might; Minor Flaw (Af- flicted Tongue), Minor Flaw (Clumsy),
sy), Minor Flaw (Poor Eyesight), Re- flicted Tongue), Minor Flaw (Clumsy), Minor Flaw (Poor Eyesight), Reduced
stricted Power (must bite to use The Minor Flaw (Poor Eyesight), Reduced Fatigue, Restricted Power (must bite
Envenomed Gift) Fatigue, Restricted Power (must bite to use The Envenomed Gift)
Combat: to use The Envenomed Gift) Combat:
Fangs: Init 0, Attack +14, Defense +8, Combat: Fangs: Init –2, Attack +16, Defense +8,
Damage +13 Fangs: Init –1, Attack +14, Defense +7, Damage +17
Constriction: Init –2, Attack +10, Defense Damage +15 Constriction: Init –4, Attack +10, Defense
+2, Damage n/a Constriction: Init –3, Attack +10, Defense 0, Damage n/a
Soak: +12 +1, Damage n/a Soak: +14
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Soak: +14 Fatigue Levels: OK, –1, –3, –5,
Unconscious Fatigue Levels: OK, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–11), –3 (12– Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1–13), –3 (14–
22), –5 (23–33), Incapacitated (34– Wound Penalties: –1 (1–12), –3 (13– 26), –5 (27–39), Incapacitated (40–
44), Dead (45+) 24), –5 (25–36), Incapacitated (37– 52), Dead (53+)
Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 4 48), Dead (49+) Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 4
(fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 4 (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic Sen-
Sensitivity 4 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking (fangs), Hunt 4 (rodents), Magic Sen- sitivity 4 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking prey),
prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim sitivity 4 (vis), Stealth 4 (stalking prey), Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim 3 (rivers)
3 (rivers) Survival 3 (grassy areas), Swim 3 (rivers) Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed
Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed Powers: Constriction, The Envenomed Gift, Scion of the World Serpent,
Gift, Swallow Whole, Two Heads Are Gift, Scion of the World Serpent, Swallow Whole, Two Heads Are Bet-
Better Than One, Venomous Bite Swallow Whole, Two Heads Are Bet- ter Than One, Venomous Bite
ter Than One, Venomous Bite
This serpent is about 67 feet long This serpent is about 106 feet long with
and has a maximum diameter of three This serpent is about 84 feet long with a maximum diameter of five feet. She is ca-
feet. She is now capable of swallowing a maximum diameter of three and a half pable of swallowing whole characters Size
whole characters of Size +1 or smaller. feet. She is capable of swallowing whole +3 or smaller. This is the largest the Waim-
characters Size +2 or smaller. Brood this ie’s offspring grow; she herself is one Size
size and up tire easily carrying their bulk, increment larger (see her Scion of the World
so have one less Fatigue level than normal. Serpent power for her Size progression).


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