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Recently my MIT - Madras friends living in USA shared the following email for to realization and
to develop positive mind set. I am sharing the same with adding my note "NEED TO TAP CHILD
TALENT THAN PARENT EXPECTATION" in the attachment for circulation.

MIT-Boston is shaken following the 8th student (first year) who committed suicide in a short
period and two consecutive suicides in successive days. The management went to that extent
that it has requested the professors to "go easy" on exam pressures mounted on the
students. The reason could be the girl's message to the parents - "I can't perform any better"

Where is the real problem, with parents? with kids? with Institute? - the order is clear - with
parents. Parents who care the kid too much from each and every decision making - brings a
long term disaster in kids life.


I recommend to every kid, including my own, "Ignore your parents". A kid has to fail, take
disappointments and learn a way to come out.

Recently a video was circulated to students where the professor said - talent is not the yardstick
for one's success. Attitude towards failure. If you take a failure serious enough that it prevents
you to perform in the future - you can't be in business world, profession and even in your own
personal life.

Failures are the stepping stones for success - this is not just a free advice - it is the base to
develop a positive attitude towards failure.

Take some disappointments; take some beat not to break but to bounce back strong. Develop
a strong elastic mindset to bounce more, as you are stretched far.


Sad to know that such potential beings who could enter into the world's number one institute
end their useful lives at such young age leaving a permanent dent in the lives of their near and
dear and also disappointing the world.

1. The children should understand (or made to understand) that their parents love them not for
their achievements, but just love them for anything and everything irrespective of their
competence in studies or any other field.

2. The children should understand (or made to understand) that nothing or nobody is ultimate
on Earth. If something does not click, at any point there are of course a lot of other avenues to
explore. That will indeed turn into the best for them, obviously, they will do wonders as that
slot is the best suited for them,

May be the kids these days are under too much of pressure. Sometimes from parents who may
actually mean well, but mostly from peers. Do they have time to listen to their inner voice?
While the kids may be extremely intelligent academically or even socially, they may not be so
emotionally and lack maturity.

I have seen many kids going thro the FIITJEE or SMART drill. So what are the schools doing?
There is too much of hype surrounding renowned institutions. Hope stars like Satya Nadella will
help dispel that.

I believe as parents we need to only create the right atmosphere for kids. Being professionals,
of course we must guide them, but the best thing would be to be role models and, more
importantly, friends for them.

MY VIEW – 4 :


We all agree that positive environment creation is the need of the hour for the parents to guide
the child to take first step in the right direction and to overcome obstacle in the path to lead an
extraordinary life in this competitive world.

Unfortunately, we are unable to control outside home environment and hence the child
experiences/ receives more inputs from public environment through mostly from friends and

The child left with more inputs and options, which lead to confusion. The confused mind cannot
understand what is right and who is giving correct and right timely guidance & direction. As a
parents, our expectations are also grows with the external environment& trend.

Let us understand their mind and limit our expectation boundary, be as parents & friend to
support with timely guidance & direction.

In this context, let me share my recent email experience to realize the need of the HOUR.

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