CC399 - Enterpreneurship

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Doc No. CD/HiL/001

Version: 002
School of Computer Science & Technology
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Course Outline
Program B. Sc. In Computer Science
Course Code / Title CC399 / Enterpreneurship
Year / Term 2015 / Autumn
Instructor Mr.X
Course Description The scope of this course ranges from understanding the basic concepts of
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking, developing new business
ideas, preparing a business plan and managing the new venture . Hence, the
course is designed to expose students to salient aspects of starting a business
and to acquaint them with the peculiar challenges and management decisions
faced by owners of small businesses. It will develop such entrepreneurial skills
as identifying business opportunities, initiating, financing, and developing new
venture business plants. It also addresses issues of small business, such as:
legal aspects, valuation, financing, costing, locating, personnel, marketing,
competition, sources of funding, and constituency services.
Objectives At the end of the course, students will be able to:
a) Explain entrepreneurship and the characteristics of entrepreneurs.
b) Uses basic decision-making skills that relate specifically to starting and
growing a new enterprise.
c) Have the basic motivations and strategies of starting a new enterprise
and be able to apply this information to themselves and others that may
be part of an entrepreneurial team.
d) Have feasible business concept.
e) Have ability through practice at identifying market opportunities and
responding to them with viable business concepts.
f) Have new attitudes, knowledge, and skills about entrepreneurs and the
venture creation process.
Identify existing business concepts that are relevant for practitioners
regarding the evaluation and initiation of new business.
Text Book Dawit and Dawit Entrepreneurship; A challenging expedition to success, Addis
Ababa, 2005
1. Rober D. Hisrich. Michael P. Peters: Entrepreneurship starting
developing and managing a new enterprise, Richrd D. Irwin, Inc, 1989.
2. Ferrell. Hirt: Business A changing world, 3 rd edl, Mc Graw-Hill inc. 2000.
3. David H. Hold, Enterpreneurship, USA, 1992.
4. Philp A. Wickman. Strategic Entrepreneurship A decision making
approach to new venture creation and management, Great Britain,
5. Vasant Desai. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial development and
management. Himalya publishing house, Bombay, 1999.
6. Other Related books to entrepreneurship and small business
Assessment Method  Continuous assessment …………………………………… 60%
 Assignments:
 Individual …………………………………… 15%
 Group…………………………………………20%
 Test………………………………………………..25%
 Final Examination ………………………………………… 40%
Total ……………………………………. ………................100%
Chapter One: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur
1.1 Entrepreneurship: the historical perspective.
1.2 Entrepreneurship definitions
1.3 Forms of Entrepreneurship
1.4 The role of entrepreneurship
Chapter Two: Entrepreneurial decision process and the Entrepreneurial processes
2.1 The entrepreneurial decision
2.2 The entrepreneurial process
2.3 Challenges of entrepreneurship
Chapter Three: Characteristics and Background of Entrepreneurs.
3.1 Entrepreneurial feelings
3.2 Entrepreneurial back ground and characteristics
3.3 Entrepreneurial motivation
3.4 Role models and support systems.
3.5 Men versus Women entrepreneurs
3.6 Entrepreneurs versus inventors.
3.7 General Non-entrepreneurial profiles.
Chapter Four: Creating and developing New business ideas.
4.1 Sources of new ideas.
4.2 Methods for generating ideas
4.3 Creative problems solving
4.4 Product planning and development process
4.5 Acquisitions.
Chapter Five: Developing and using the business plan
5.1 Scope and value of the business plan
5.2 Information needs
5.3 Writing the business plan
5.4 Using and implementing the business plan
Chapter Six: Financing the New venture
6.1 Sources of capital
6.2 Bank loan
6.3 Private placement
6.4 Financing Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Ethiopia.
Chapter Seven: Legal issues for the entrepreneur
7.1 Intellectual property
7.2 Licensing, product safety and liability, tax and insurance
7.3 Contracts, unfair competition and hiring lawyer.
7.4 Forms of Business Organizations
Chapter Eight: Managing the New Venture
8.1 Managing during early operations
 Financial Analysis
 Market Analysis
 Promoting the new venture
8.2 Managing a more established company
 Time Management
 Negotiation

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