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305311 – Control Systems
Batch & Section: Aero-17(A&B) Assessment Final/OHT: Final Prepared by (sign):
Student Registration No.: Max Time Allowed: 3 Hours Reviewed by (sign):
Student Full Name: Max Marks: 200 Approved by (sign):
 Hand-written formula sheet on 1-sheet of A4 is allowed.
 Please be concise and clear.
 Cheating by all means is prohibited and any such attempt may lead to serious consequences; Good Luck!

Data: n= 1+ (to be used in all relevant questions)

Question #1 [CLO # 1] (10)

i. True or False:
A feedforward system can
A. Can reject external disturbances True/False
B. Can destabilize a stable plant True/False
C. Always relies on precise knowledge of the plant True/False
D. Can feed sensor noise into a system True/False

ii. You are designing a cruise (speed) controller for a car. You can measure the current speed of the car
and can input the position of the gas pedal . Which type of controller solution(s) can work in this
scenario given that you do not have perfect knowledge of the disturbances that might affect the car?

A. Feedback controller 2

B. Feedforward controller
C. Feedforward and feedback controller
D. None of the above

Question #2 [CLO # 2] (40)

i. Gyros are used on spacecraft, aircraft and ships for inertial navigation. A rate-gyro is used to
sense the angular velocity of the vehicle on which it is mounted. The equation of motion of a
rate-gyro is


where is the input and is the output. , , , and are taken as constants.
a) Write the model in state-space form.
b) Write the model in transfer-function form.

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ii. Find the overall transfer function from R(s) to C(s), take to simplify your calculations.


Question #3 [CLO # 3] (95)

i. The Eigen-values of the dynamics matrix of a state-space system are { . Is this system
stable or unstable? State the reason for your answer.

ii. For the following linear dynamical systems, find an initial condition such that the response ( )
decays to .

a) ̇ [ ] ( ) 5x3

b) ̇ [ ] ( )

c) ̇ [ ] ( )

iii. Draw the approximate time responses to a unit-step input for the following transfer functions:

) ( ) ) ( )
( )( ) 10+10

Mark clearly the time constant and settling time in both time responses. Sensible use of the dominant
pole approximation is recommended.
Find the steady-state error of the closed-loop system in response to a unit-step and unit-ramp input.
( ) 5+5

Take C = H = 1.
Consider the satellite attitude control system:


The output of this system exhibits continued oscillations and is not desirable. This system can be
stabilized by use of tachometer (i.e., angular velocity) feedback:

11/08/2020 Control System – Spring 2020 Page 2

If K/J = n, what value of Kh will yield the damping ratio to be ?

Where: X = 0.5+

vi. Consider a system with the following transfer function:

( ) ( )
( ) 5
Suppose that at steady-state, the step response equals . What is the value of

Can we stabilize the closed-loop dynamics of the following systems with proportional control only? or
a PD control is unavoidable? Draw the root-loci and give brief justification.

a) ( ) (8+2)
( )
b) ( ) ( ) 30
c) ( ) ( )

Question #4 [CLO # 4] (55)

i. Consider the simplified model of a modern electro-mechanical actuator:

( ) ( )

This type of actuator is frequently used in aircrafts to deflect the control surfaces.

a) Design a suitable controller/compensator such that the step-response of the closed-loop system
settles (2% criterion, 4T) within 0.1 seconds. (Don’t worry about the steady-state error, because 12+3
that is not the main concern in this particular system.)

b) Is it possible to modify this control such that the response settles within seconds? If not,
what is the main limitation?

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ii. Consider the system:

( ) ( )
( )

a) What is the approximate phase margin? (based on your bode-plot drawing)

b) Design a PD controller such that: 5+10

 The phase margin is between degrees;

 The crossover frequency is ⁄ ;

Note: Lengthy calculations are neither necessary nor required.

Design a Lead compensator for the above problem.
Hint: Implementable PD is also a lead compensator. This relation can save you several steps.

Consider the system:

( ) ( )
( )
which system has good transient dynamics, but the steady-state error in response to a ramp-input is not
Design PI controller (which is a special case of Lag compensator) such that steady-state error is
improved but transient response is not substantially affected.

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