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40 Vocabulary Ja HEALTH CO1.31 Listen and fepeat the expressions. Illnesses I've got a. sore throat headache | temperature I've got. stomach ache @arathe toothachessshay fever | feel. sick dizzy Injuries ve got a burn cut bruise sprained ankle pulled muscle pain in my arm / leg ‘1b Work in pairs. Take turns to give your partner advice for the illnesses and injuries in exercise 12. Ideas for treatment + put on a plaster / a bandage / some cream take a tablet / a painkiller / antibiotics / antihistamines / cough medicine sucka throat lozenge use your inhaler 0 to the doctor / to hospital [ve got stomach ache Why don’t you go to the doctor? Comprehension 2 WARM UP Read the article quickly and underline all the health words. 3 READING Read the article and find the information in each story. Names of people involved Nationality Location Dangerous situation How they were helped 4. Read the article again and find words that mea 1 a group of cows ona farm not sure of your position protection from rain, sun and wind a substance you burn to produce heat or power a baby that can walk being unable to breathe past simple vs past continuous talking about activities in the past illie the parrot can say quite a lot of things, such as ‘I love you’ and ‘Mama’, ‘and he can even swear. But he really surprised his owner when his clever talking saved a gir’s life. American Meagan Howard, a baby minder, was looking after Hannah, 2 two-year-old toddler, in her home in Denver, USA. Meagan was washing her hands in the bathroom when Willie suddenly screeched loudly and flapped his wings, And when Meagan didn't come out immediately, the parrot then screamed ‘Mama, baby!’ again and again, So Meagan rushed into the living room to see what was happening. She was horrified. Hannah was choking on her food and her face and lips were turning blue. Meagan immediately did first aid and the toddler started breathing again. Willie was a hero! Digttaltzado com CanSeanner at i | > n 18-year-old Brit kpacker, Samuel Woodhead, was on a gap year in Australia, ‘He was working on a cattle farm in Queensland when he got lost in the ‘outback. One ‘hot afternoon, he decided to go out for a run. Unfortunately, while he was jogging, he got disorientated and realised he was lost and alone ‘in the middle of nowhere, Without shelter and in temperatures of 40 degrees centigrade, he survived by drinking his contact lens solution ‘which was in his backpack. Rescue workers in helicopters searched for three days before they found him. Sam saw their helicopters twice, but they didn’t spot him, So he laid his shorts on the ground, hoping they would be visible from the air. Luckily, just as the helicopters were running out of fuel, one of the rescuers spotted the shorts. was within hours of death. He was. ly dehydrated and had a few cuts and bruises, but he was alive! 5 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. :n lost? What did you do? Do you know any other stories about rescues? 6 Read Word Expander and underline examples in the article. SE) D6 OS] >) 3) Nene avers Use adverbs such as unfortunately, luckily and obviously to give drama to a story. Unfortunately, while he was out jogging, he got disorientated. Talking about activities in the past 7 Study the rules. Underline examples in the article of the past continuous and the past simple used together. Past simple vs past continuous * Use the past continuous to talk about continuous activities in the past. He was working on a cattle farm. * Form the past continuous with was / were + -ing form of the verb. Meagan was looking after Honnah. * Use the past simple and the past continuous together to contrast two actions. While he was jogging, he got disorientated. * Use the past continuous for the action in progress. Use the past simple for the action that happened at a particular point in time. Meagan was washing her hands when Willie suddenly screeched loudly > Gra MAR HUB pad 8a SPEAKING What’s your memory like? Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the times below. Add more times if you like. @ What were you doing at... ? midday yesterday clock last night nine o'clock last aight half past seven this morning seven 8b Work with a new partner and tell him or her about your first partner. computer game at seven o'clock night. Aanroit FACT The Australan outback 16 a dangerous place, its deserts reach temperatures’ of up-to S0ndegrees centigrade ('C.) Every year, many people: get lost there and a few de. 4 Digttalczado com CanSeanner ‘ammar Hub 3 LISTENING CD1.32 Complete the dialogues with the | verbs in the past simple or past continuous. then listen and check, rotpickup ing try watch arive go run see Past continuous vs past simple do hear hit notsee walt 1. Study the table and rules and complete them with Katie | your mobile last night but you continuous or simple. Jack Sorry!” the football when you * _ Katie Thanks a lot, Jack. It’s nice to know what your priorities are! ‘POSITIVE. sitting half ee ieee ek Ashley tii Silvia. Where * you last night when | ‘NEGATIVE ‘They weren't talking on the phone. + ? youn town ‘QUESTIONS | Were you watching a film? Sitvia |’ to meet jamie at the cinema. |*_just in ‘@SHORT Yes, | was. / No, | wasn't. fel =a +* We often use the past continuous end the past simple together. Sit having a bath heard a noise Iwas having a bath when | heard a noise. + The past '__ describes the activity in progress. Iwas having a bath. % The past*___ describes the completed action that interrupts it Jheard a noise + You can use while / as / when in front of the past *_. While /As /When ! was texting, the thief took my bag. + You can use when in front of the past *_ J was watching the TV when | heard a knack at the door. NOT #was-watching-T¥ while | heard-a knock at the door. > Grammar reference p234 2. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Agnes was takin (tlk) on her phone when she __ (fall of her bike 2. Joe and dllie_ (lie) on the beach when the rain_ Giant) 3 The oven ___(go wrong) while andy __(cook) a roast turkey. 4 |___(not hea) my phone while|_ (have) a shower. 5. Sarah (heat) a strange noise while she (do) her homework. 6 The volcano (erupt) while james (travel) by plane to Thailand 7 We (6k) when we (see) an avalanche in the distance. 81 (not send) Amy a text while you (tak) tome! 9 We: (play) a computer game when you (ring). 10 the boy (ross) the road when the bike (tit) im, 44 Ashley That wa lucky! Police officer So, what _you_when the car *__the gels? lidia 1""___at the bus stop.1*_the accident, but 2 the noise Police Officer OX, ike to ask you a few more questions. 4 Write a sentence about each picture using the verbs in the past continuous or past simple. fide /see feed /fly text/ring have /see talk / hear stand / rain fall asleep / watch sit / hit my 5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student A looks at the picture > on page 174. Student 8 looks at the picture on page I> 176. Read and follow the instructions. Diottatizndo com CauScanner VIVLS MAN) ITS Grammar Past continuous 1 Complete the sentences with the correct past continuous form of the verbs. lie not feel notlisten to play travel watch 1 We____ round South America at this time last year. 2 What____you__on TV at 9 o'clock last night? 3. Andy well in college this morning. | hope he's OK. 4 This time last week |___on the beach. Today, I'm back at college. © 1 the lecturer earlier. He was very boring. Sohail chess with you at lunchtime? 2. Answer the questions. Write full sentences with the past continuous. the night before last at 10.30 p.m? at lurrchtime on Wednesday last week? on July 25" last year? at 3.30 p.m. the day before yesterday? at 8 p.m, last Saturday? at 6 a.m. this morning? Past simple vs past continuous 3. Circle the correct word. 1 We saw / were seeing the accident while we sat / were sitting on the bus 2 what did you do / were you doing when your parents orrived / were arriving home early? 3 Beth didn’t wear / wasn’t wearing a cycle helmet when she fell/ was falling oft her bike. 4 Did Jenni update / Was Jenni updating her profile when her computer crashed / was crashing? Jack sent / wos sending a text to Tom while we waited / were waiting at the bus stop. 6 I didn’t live / wasn’t living at home when my parents moved / were moving to Lisbon. 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ARTUR Hi Matt.!'____ (not see) you at Leanne’s 21" party last Saturday MATT No. | didn’t go. ‘ARTUR So, come on. What?___ you _(do)? You (miss) a great night. MATT This and that, you know. ARTUR Come on, Matt. you__(sit) athome all on your own? MATT Actually, |5__ (visit) my granddad in hospital while you *____(be) at the party ARTUR I'M sorry, Matt.1”___(not know) he was ill. MATT Don't worry. He's getting better. ARTUR So when we®__ (have) a good time, you (be) at the hospital matt | know but | don’t mind. My granddad was really pleased to see me. 5 Complete the text with the verbs in the correct past simple or past continuous form. call fall feel get give lie (x2) not want put run save start SAVED... by his dog. ‘Jack BRowNtow 1s 63 YEARS ‘ou and he's blind. He has a special dog called Roxy to help him get around. One day last month, Jack '____ready to take Roxy for a walk. While Jack*____ on his coat, Roxy down on the floor in front ofthe door with herhead onherlegs. Roxy‘__togofor a walk. Eventually, Jack and a very unhappy Roxy left the house. ‘A few minutes later, while they *__ towards the local park, take walk Jack*____very hot. Suddenly, he ‘onto the pavement. While he * cn the pavement, Roxy to bark very loudly. A woman at a nearby bus stop " over and she " an ambulance immediately. The ambulance arrived and Jack straight to hospital. Jack had a problem with his heart, butdoctors""__ him some medicine and he recovered. ‘Tcan’t believe it. Roxy ‘ny life. She knew I was ill even before we left the house,’ said Jack. can't thank her enough.” 6 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 While | was sitting in a lecture this morning 2 When | heard the news | 3 | was chatting to my friends when. 4 While | was cooking. 18 Digitaldzado com CanSeamner

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