English IA Sample On Chronicle of A Death Foretold

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English Works in Translation Essay

How does the Journalistic Approach affect the themes of Gabriel Garcia
Marquez’s ‘Chronicle of a Death foretold’?

Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal

Candidate Number: 006644-0006
School: Oaktree International School
School Code: 006644
Session: May 2014
Word Count: 1504
Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal Candidate Number: 006644-0006
Session: May 2014
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s work Chronicles of Death Foretold is a classic story of a murder

mystery based in a Columbian village where the crux of Latin America’s strict moral codes is

portrayed. In this work, we see the utilization of the author’s journalistic experience with his

literary abilities to present a well-crafted story of a foretold tragedy. The author exquisitely

exhibits the magnificent story of an announced death based on a Latin American legend which

polishes the story as it develops.

“On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning to

wait for the boat the bishop was coming on”, Marquez introduces the story to the reader in quite

an arresting way which is perhaps a reflection of his experience in journalism. The readers can

compare the ‘introduction’ with ‘headline to a news report’ where the most important piece of

information out of the whole story is given away. An introduction of a murder in the very

beginning of the story develops the feeling of curiosity of the details of the murder in the readers

urging them to keep on reading further.

The style is further followed by a first person narrative where Marquez presents himself as a

journalist who is taking in the witnesses’ accounts to create a puzzle which ultimately culminates

to the explanation of the ruthless assassination of Santiago Nasar in a similar fashion. “They’ve

killed me, Wene child,” is yet a static, emotionless description to an event, and yet another

account of a character, here, Santiago Nasar. The readers develop little or no feeling of affection

or even pity towards Santiago Nasar. They rather look forward to reading more accounts of the

‘witnesses’ in the story in order to understand the character better and find out the reason of his


However, unlike the indications the title is trying to give to the readers, this story is not narrated

as a chronicle, and a typical report. The time frame in the very first paragraph of the story spans
Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal Candidate Number: 006644-0006
Session: May 2014
to twenty-seven years, destabilizing the literal indication of the title. ‘Placida Linero, his mother,

told me twenty-seven years later, recalling the details of that unpleasant Monday’, the statement

foreshadows of the ‘unpleasant’ events that are going to follow in the story. Hence the details of

the story of Santiago’s murder is not ordered chronologically but with an intention to create

suspense and let readers indulge in understanding the plot as well as the characters.

Marquez presents the characters of the story flat and static. With a zilch description of emotions

or social persona of Santiago Nasar, the author instead describes him as a womanizer, seducer

and a symbol of machismo, with a reference completely to his physical characteristics and

activities. In the same token, Christo Bedoya, portrayed as Santiago Nasar’s best friend is also

presented as a flat character since the ideal moral characteristics of the society is also reflected in

him. His description of these characters lets the reader form an opinion of the character by

themselves. He urges the readers to know these characters as people they just met as it if it were

the reality with no intentions to enforce any judgment of the narrator about the characters.

With a high regard of honor, Bedoya is shown just as much as contributing to the established

moral code of the town. Similar are the Vicario Brothers portrayed, a symbol to honor with high

level of self-respect and a sense of moral responsibility to their family and to the town as a

whole. To put it rightly, the whole town is described static. The readers are able to detect the

absence of emotions in the characters, while such emotions are generally shown by the people if

they know of a planned murder. The reaction of people is described just as weird, which makes

sense in the journalistic point of view since he is writing in description what appears to be.

Characters serve the purpose of witness for Garcia. Garcia compiles information for the story

through the accounts of those witness in order to reveal the brutality Nasar faced when he was

assassinated. While it begins with Placida Linero’s description of her son’s dreams, which is an
Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal Candidate Number: 006644-0006
Session: May 2014
account taken twenty seven years after Nasar was assassinated, it is then followed by Victoria

Guzman’s emotionless explanation of his manhood. Quotes by the characters unveil most of the

important information of the story.

There is an unbiased representation of the antagonist and protagonist in the story. No character in

particular is the antagonist neither is a single person indicated as completely guilty. The whole

town, at one point is the protagonist of the story where the Vicario brother are informing every

person they meet about their plan to murder Santiago Nasar.

Placida Linero’s reluctance to interpreting her son’s dreams was one of the fatal errors leading to

his death, and this piece of information is given by Placida Linero. ‘She hadn’t noticed any

ominous augury in those two dreams of her son’s’, the narrations for the reasons of the murder,

though not done chronologically, does not blame the result on any character but the event

triggered or contributed by the character, which follows to the journalistic technique Marques is

using to narrate the story. The readers hence do not develop any grudge against Placida Linero in

the story but just wish that she had interpreted his dream correctly.

“The only thing I remember is that she was holding me by the hair with one hand and beating me

with the other with such a rage that I thought she was going to kill me” Angela Vicario speaks

out how her mother treated her when she was sent back home after being found out that she was

not a virgin. Angela, though scared, didn’t reveal any other name but Santiago Nasar not because

he was the actual perpetrator but he fit perfectly to the description of one. “She found it at first

sight amongst many, many easily confused names of this world and the other”. This forces

skepticism into the minds of the readers to speculate whether or not it was supposed to be

someone else whose name she didn’t remember or announce at that point in time. Furthermore, it
Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal Candidate Number: 006644-0006
Session: May 2014
also reveals that her act also led to Santiago Nasar’s murder, again making the readers

understand the reason she gave a possibly false statement to her brothers.

All the characters in the story are the victims of the moral limitations of the society. Despite the

fact that the whole town knew about the plan of Vicario brothers, no one dared to stop the crime

because they thought that it was morally justified to avenge Nasar on the account of his act. This

murder, which could have been protected, was committed by the Vicario brother who were the

victims of the expectations of the society. “When I saw them I thought they were nothing but a

pair of big bluffers,” the reason quite unreasonably put by Colonel Lazaro Aponte, the readers at

one point think that they were involved in the murder. And surprisingly, they are also involved in

the murder not because they didn’t do their job but because they had a sense of moral duty to

allow the murder to take place. The development of negative opinion about any characters in the

readers never comes about because yet again Marquez lets the readers understand the characters.

Vicario brothers may seem to be the guilty, however, Angela Vicario, accusing Santiago Nasar

to be the perpetrator just because he fits to be one led to the death of Nasar. On the same

reference, the entire town is guilty for the murder of Santiago Nasar for not stopping the Vicario

brothers from committing the murder. The officials in this case may have seemed irresponsible

for letting the murder occur despite the fact that they knew the plan. “I knew what they were up

to,” she told me, “and I didn’t only agree, I never would have married him if he hadn’t done what

a man should do.” Even the Vicario brothers’ activities can be justified since they had to satisfy

their personal and familial needs. The pressure they got from the society and family was so

intense that if they hadn’t done what they did, they would be a reject in the society. Marquez

justifies the act of all the characters in such a way that he doesn’t affect the thinking process of
Candidate Name: Abbal Dhakal Candidate Number: 006644-0006
Session: May 2014
the readers and lets them analyze by themselves who is the most victimized and the guiltiest of

the murder of Santiago Nasar.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s unbiasedness is reflected through these evidences where he attempts

to take literature to a new level where it merges with journalism. Uncovering only bits and pieces

of information jumping back and forth in time, the readers hang on to the work until where he

describes the murder even though he announced the murder in the very beginning of the story.

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