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3. Think about and create a list of steps that make sense for your organization.

For a billion dollar company, sharing information successfully through servers and software can be a
sensitive matter. To reach its goal, it is very important to create a perfect plan through careful
implementation. There are some steps that I think is necessary in order to carry out the implementation
process successfully for this organization.

 The manager who is going to sponsor should have proper knowledge about the vendor.
 It is necessary to go through all the steps thoroughly that the IS software profession has
 Before planning the process, software implementation is necessary.
 As the implementation should be done in 9 months, it will be wise to break down the steps and
finish one at a time by diving it into short time frames.
 The entire plan should be discussed with all the top managers and professionals.
 Assess the politics of the organization adequately.
 The company should use the best advanced technology system, ERP software, servers etc.
 Continuous evaluation is necessary throughout the entire process.
 Sufficient and correct process mapping should be done before the installation process starts.
 The company should make sure there is strict security and no information can be leaked outside
of the organization,
 Make a list of all the potential pitfalls.
 Create back up plans for all the things that might go wrong.

4. Is the nine-month-rapid-implementation time frame feasible? Or will it just lead to failure?

The goal of the organization is develop a new strategy to share its information faster through a rapid
methodology implementation. By following the necessary steps carefully, it is possible to carry out the
plan in a nine-month-rapid-implementation time frame. As a billion dollar company, it is very easy to
assign this responsibility to several experts to reach their goal. However the company chose one person
to be the management sponsor. This is surely a huge responsibility for a person to create the perfect
plan, choose a suitable vendor and finish the process in a given time period. Nine months is still good
enough if the company follows a perfect implementation plan and carefully work on every step. By
breaking down he steps according to the time frame, the rapid implementation can be successful.
However it is important to keep back up plans too, in case anything goes wrong.

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