HRM430 1 Case Study 2

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Human Resource Management

HRM430 - Human Resource Information System
Section: 01
Submitted To: Dr. Ikramul Hasan
Department of Human Resource
School of Business
Date of Submission: 16th July 2021

Name of Group Member ID Number

Nafees Hasan Chowdhury 1830143
Afroza Anika 1821033
Tahsin Sara Kabir 1610500
Rabaya Bashri Rinkey 1620388
Maria Sharmin Ratri 1711344

Topic: Case Study “Planning the Needs of Other

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Questions ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Q.1) How would you evaluate Benefast Partner's strategy? .................................................................... 4
Q.2) What changes (if any) would you make going forward? .................................................................. 5
Q.3) What methods would you employ to ensure that an HRIS package meets the majority of your
clients’ needs? .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a technologically based system that collects, stores,
monitors, analyzes, salvages, and distributes critical information on an organization's human resources.
It is also a mechanism for continuously capturing, storing, recording, retrieving, and validating data that
the organization utilizes for personal actions, human resources, and organizational unit characteristics.
The HRIS plan combines HRM as a sector of meticulous fundamental operations and human resource
procedures with the area of information technology. HRIS, on the other hand, is concerned with people
as well as computer programs that define the system's technological features. An information system
that simplifies policy and procedure assimilation improves the functioning of the HRIS system. Policy
assimilation and procedures are helpful for managing the firm's human resources. It also improves the
efficiency with which machine programs in both software and hardware are executed. HRIS
administration is a distinct Human Resource supporting job, such as implementing HR technology and
enhancing an organization's efficacy and performance.

An effective HRIS product should be adaptable and configurable. Fixed HRIS products are restrictive in
that they exclude the vast majority of businesses from their use. Customizable HRIS can enable
platforms for multiple firms to be combined into a single system, thereby driving its use and acceptance.
In contrast to Benefast Partners' solutions, which are primarily built for simple instances, a decent HRIS
package should be able to manage complicated Human resources activities to guarantee that the
systems appeal to a wide range of clients.

The strategy adopted by Benefast Partners is not sustainable. This is due to its disregard for the basics of
what it attempts to provide. Any corporation that wants to encourage the use of technology-assisted
services, such as the HRIS that the company works with, must also embrace the internet interface.
Ironically, Benefast Partners' partners disregard one of the most basic concepts of information
technology, web interface, calling their approach into doubt. As a result, the future viability of its
business plan is jeopardized. According to the Benefast Partners case study, they hire over 20,000
people and have lately decided to grow into a bigger middle market, necessitating a greater demand for
performance. As a result, it is crucial to increase its staff's knowledge and skills in order to preserve key
competences and capabilities. Employees should be equipped with personal computers that are globally
connected to the internet. Transitioning from a long-established HR system to a new HRIS system is
initially expensive and time-consuming. The technique, on the other hand, would aid in the
identification of knowledge gaps in the organization for the goal of knowledge management.


Q.1) How would you evaluate Benefast Partner's strategy?

Answer: The strategy for Benefast Partners is to target a larger market, which is crucial for the firm to
implement an effective and efficient system that will consider information accuracy with the aid of

Based on the information in the case we have found.

1- Adaptability: Benefast Partners' policy appears to have lapsed and been left behind by the
passage of time. The company wants to serve both clients who have fallen behind on new
technological trends and organizations at the top of the corporate ladder. The vast majority of
firms classified as small and medium-sized institutions have been excluded.

2- Sustainability: Benefast Partners' strategy is not sustainable in the long run. This is because it
misses the foundations of what it is attempting to deliver. Any organization that wishes to
promote the usage of technology-assisted services, such as the HRIS it employs, must embrace
the internet interface concurrently. Ironically, Benefast Partners' partners neglect the most basic
information technology policy, the web interface, calling their approach into doubt. As a result,
the company's business strategy's long-term survival is jeopardized.

3- Focus: Benefast Partners prioritizes large profit margins from a small number of businesses
above lower profit margins per assignment from a diverse set of clients. The latter method
guarantees that the company's income is spread throughout a larger pool of income sources,
resulting in higher growth potential.
Q.2) What changes (if any) would you make going forward?

Answer: Firstly, Benefast Partners consists of more than 20,000 staff members therefore they have a
higher need for efficiency. The strategy for Benefast Partners is to target a larger market, which is crucial
for the firm to implement an effective and efficient system that will consider information accuracy with
the aid of technology so as to simplify all the processes. In this case especially, Benefast is prone to
getting sets of large data hence the need for an effective system.

The Changes I would like to make while going forward are:

1- Employees must be well-trained in order to engage with clients in a proactive manner.

Employees in the top management, information system, and design staff should be certified in
HRIS and dedicated or supporting.

2- Benefast partners can supply complete benefits administration software that matches the needs
of the marketplace's prospective and complicated benefits. Essentially, create software that is
practical and easy to use for all sorts of clients.

3- Benefast Partners may also initiate minor initiatives. There will be a lot of competition for small
and mid-sized businesses, and it will be a fantastic method for Benefast to grow in the market. It
will benefit both the firm and all market-sized potential customers.

4- Benefast may simply assess their hurdles to efficient HRIS adoption, such as a lack of expertise
and cash.

Benefast has confronted the difficulty of developing administrative software that could fulfill the
demands of a broad market. As a result, Benefast had many discussions with colleagues from a different
department about requirements analysis. Furthermore, the findings indicated that time processing was
a big issue. The company then segmented its market and focused solely on consumers that fulfilled the
Q.3) What methods would you employ to ensure that an HRIS package meets the
majority of your clients’ needs?

Answer: According to this case study, the organization decided to provide the best of breed system to
the clients. The company feels that the HRIS systems benefits were not good enough for the clients in
the past. This time, the organization decided to serve those clients only whose plans were easy to

To ensure that an HRIS product fulfills the requirements of the primary customer. It is critical for the
product to be as engaging as possible. A decent HRIS product should be adaptable and configurable.
Customizable HRIS can enable platforms for several firms to be combined into a single system, therefore
driving their use and acceptance.

There are some methods that I would employ to ensure that the package meets majority of my client’s
needs such as:

• Managing time and staying within the time frame. It is important to maintain the time frame
because going past the go-live date or exceeding the time frame can harm the implementation
process or change of the system somehow.
• Stay within the budget. When we fix a price for the vendor, the implementation process can
exceed the budget or change it due to technical issues, employee problems, etc. This can harm
the system process. Hence it is wise to stay within the budget.
• Discuss all kinds of system management, reports and workflows with the higher management
people to make sure the system is in the right track.
• Ensure payroll system. Keep track of the workflows, applicants, time, and attendance correctly.
Performance management should be mandatory as well.
• Repost issues and keep policies to manage risks at the right time. This includes demographics
and compensation as well.
• Over viewing, assessing system quality and ensuring information quality.
• Data security is a big concern. Providing 100% security for information and data is a must.

The company's target market is customers that have fallen behind on upcoming technology advances.
The great majority of firms classified as small and medium-sized have been eliminated. Any company
that wants to make it easier to use technology-assisted services like the HRIS must embrace the internet
interface. Employees must be well-trained in order to operate constructively with consumers. A good
human resource information system (HRIS) should be adaptive and configurable. Customizable HRIS may
allow many enterprises to be merged into a single framework. It will benefit both the company and any
future clients of varying sizes in the sector. To satisfy the needs of the dominant clientele, the software
should be interactive and customizable.

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