Self Nomination: Glamorous Smile: Hiba Maldar Dipak Khade Ridima Surve Pooja Chouhan

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Self Nomination: Glamorous Smile

A smile doesn't cost a penny, isn't only available to the privileged. A smile does not discriminate between race, gender, beliefs or
location! There is nothing called as the rich man's smile nor the poor one's!
Why restrict it then, when it could be the cheapest accessory for you on planet!
A smile makes you prettier, uplifts your own mood & helps you set your emotions free!!
At the same time, it helps spread positivity & gratitude around. Your smile could make somebody smile & eventually somebody else!
Smile, 'cause it could be the ultimate therapy for not only yourself but millions around you!
Thank you so much Luke Kale

Self Nomination: Glamorous Achiever

Achieving something keeps me alive & so has become my way of life!
I set a goal based upon my desire, make a blueprint of the path & then I get going. I keep going till all the hurdles are finally down &
I stop only when I get there! There is no other option for me, than getting there.
Once achieved, I set another goal & repeat the same all over again.
It makes me a happy person!

Self Nomination: Glamorous Personality

I have too many sides to my personality & each has a distinct passion. There are things that one of them like, while the others may
not necessarily.
I try to pick the best from each of them & ignore the bad. I try to follow each passion & let none of them go.
Having different personalities may sound exhausting, however is a blessing in disguise! It helps me connect with all the people who share atleast
one type of personality with me!
I hereby extend my gratitude to each one of those individuals who I share my personality with, for contributing to the making of this video!

Self Nomination: Glamorous Role Model
My dream in life is to set an example for all those who look-up to me, by having problems & overcoming them, feeling negative
emotions & defeating them, falling down & getting up stronger, failing & then succeeding & yes! by being as close to human as
possible & yet rising above everything that holds me back!
I wish that, when people look at me, they feel more powerful than me. They feel that, if she could do this then I definitely can!
Thank you so much Hiba Maldar Dipak Khade Ridima Surve Pooja Chouhan for your valuable contribution to this video & my life!
And to all those who always wrote to me about how they felt about me! Please know that I have all your messages drafted in my phone & heart
forever! & each one of them mean everything to me! ❤️

Self Nomination: Glamorous People's Choice

I have this unusual ability to connect with almost all sorts of people. I would owe this attribute to the multiple aspects of my
personality, each sharing a virtue or passion with a select group of people.
I am so grateful to all of those who choose to stay connected with me based upon that single entity!
Thank you so much to each one of you who played a role in the making of this video!

Self Nomination: Glamorous Mind-Body-Soul

Whenever I feel unhealthy, specially after a wrong sort of meal or a day without exercise, most certainly my mood is switched off &
that is exactly the time when I feel my soul begins to tarnish with the wrong thoughts & feelings.
Because of this realisation I have always focused on an alignment between my Mind-Body-Soul inorder to feel happy & content all
the time!

Self Nomination: Social Activist

My share of hardships,failures & mistakes would go wasted if I do not use those experiences to uplift other people!
And that is what makes me speak up on topics that I can relate to.


My general focus is on Teenage & Young Adult problems & problems that Women face.
I choose poetry, spoken word, speeches & a one-on-one communication as my way of expressing
& uplifting. I also feel that the unique connection that I can establish easily with people falls in
my favour as an advocate.

At a time when I see a lot of people from different religions arguing over "Hindu rashtra"
or religious beliefs.... It only reminds me how easy it is to be with each other. N how
much effort it takes to stand AGAINST each other.
My idea of what India should be.... Is basically a year from my hostel life.
A small story on my dream of India.
So we were three room mates...
Himani Satwekar : A Christian
Rujuta Bhosale : A Hindu
Me : A Muslim.
Sangli has this famous Ganpati Mandir... N most of the times when Juta (as we lovingly
called her) would want to go ... We would accompany her. We may or may not go inside
the temple....or of we went we would stand in respect...but we surely accompanied her .
Maybe looked around the premises. Sometimes asked her " which God is this? " And
she would tell us some wonderful stories from.hindu mythology. We learned so much.
We were always thoughtful about her "DAYS" of not eating non veg n always
considered that before making plans.
It was ramzaan. And my foodie roommates .. hahaha... No matter how sleepy.... Would
wake me up and sit with me for SUHOOR at 4:am .... literally with closed eyes. Then
they would maintain silence when it was azaan time or when I offered namaaz ...
And we would discuss the importance of fasting over IFTAAR ...where twinkle (himani)
would make TANG juice..I still have her video of jumping to shake the bottle of juice
insuring sugar was well dissolved. Rujuta would get chilled water from the cooler for me,
sometimes help in laying out the DASTAR KHAN and I'd get iftar (mostly chicken
starters from rehmatullah) for ALL THREE OF US.
I'd pull twinkle's leg in jest calling her a bhakasur for her appetite she would eat all
day and still have iftar with me. (Which I loved). Somedays Rujuta couldn't eat non
veg ...n on those days I would think of her n
1. Either skip non veg
2. Get her a veg starter.
I didn't miss being around family that ramzaan.
When Christmas arrived.... Twinkle's mom would get us this REEEEAAALLLYYY
delicious honey-walnut cake ... And the biryani her MAAMA made when he visited from
London .. was a feast to remember. She would invite us over to her place (as she was a
localite) ....we would joke, laugh, sing Carols and eat the yummiest biryani by her
mom/maama. People from their Church would visit and tell us about their religion and
we would listen patiently.
Not only Christmas....her parents got us food randomly all year long and saw us as their
own kids.
As any roommates ...we had a LOOOTTTT of differences. ...we've literally had physical
fights.... But....I'm so proud .. RELIGION was never one of the reasons. Now when I
look back at it ... We were sillmilar in more ways than we knew.
We were three girls...having fun...making memories... Loving....fighting... gossiping...
Crying...being there for each other through ups and downs...
I can't remember ONE INSTANCE where it mattered that we followed different religions.
There was happiness and laughter and drama... And peace.
That's the INDIA I see.
PS: we Petted a kitten and his name was LEO MALBHOSA (MALdar BHOsale and

Empathy. It’s the bedrock of intimacy and close connection; in its absence, relationships
remain emotionally shallow, defined largely by mutual interests or shared activities.
Without empathy, we could live and work side-by-side with other people, and remain as
clueless about their inner selves and feelings as we are about those of strangers on a
crowded subway car. Empathy isn’t just the engine for closeness and prosocial
behavior; it also puts on the brakes when we are behaving badly and become aware of
the pain we’re causing. Those of us who’ve had the misfortune of being intimate with
someone high in narcissistic traits, combined with impaired empathy, know the
devastation that can ensue. When there are no brakes and an excess of self-interest,
you end up with scorched earth.

You dont have to be rich or powerful to make a difference. All you need is an intention
and a determination strong enough.
HOMELESS in sangli
Fortunate to be a part of this amazing virtue earning family....and heartily greatful for all
the donations that came in.
This happened because of a vision...and all the support we gave and got.
Any volunteers for further deeds...are more than welcome, cz a good deed must only SPREAD
FARTHER and never stop.
The amazing video is by none other than the one and only 
It only reminds me how easy it is to be with each other. N how much effort it takes to
stand AGAINST each other
At a time when I see a you all striving hard for all round betterment of villagers ,
water harvesting model, mass plantation, for increasing farmers income in different
adopteded villages in parli taluka...... every time I see all you that starts me thinking how
my village will be after complete transformation and what can I do to develop it

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