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Brainheaters EXTC Engineering

3 steps prep.

Bh.Materials & Guidelines for online
exam preparation. Summer 2021 | Trusted since 2013

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step 1

General guide for MCQs preparation,
applicable for all the subjects.

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Bh.Recepie for MCQs:

Practice no more than 50 MCQs and understand more than 20
concepts for a decent & quick preparation.

It creates less pressure and gives a decent 50 cycle (recommended)

practice to know different kind of questions. And then start
understanding 20 or more most important concepts of the subject.

Note: Studying just 100s of MCQs creates confusion & doubts psychologically.

"1. The descriptive property possessed by each entity set is _________

a) Entity

b) Attribute

c) Relation

d) Model

Answer: b

Explanation: Possible attributes of the instructor entity set are ID, name, dept
name, and salary."

"2. The function that an entity plays in a relationship is called that entity’s

a) Participation

b) Position

c) Role

d) Instance

Answer: c

Explanation: A relationship is an association among several entities."

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"3. The attribute AGE is calculated from DATE_OF_BIRTH. The attribute AGE is

a) Single valued b) Multi valued

c) Composite d) Derived

Answer: d

Explanation: The value for this type of attribute can be derived from the values
of other related attributes or entities."

"4. Which of the following is a single valued attribute

a) Register_number b) Address

c) SUBJECT_TAKEN d) Reference

Answer: a"

"5. The entity set person is classified as student and employee. This process is
called _________

a) Generalization

b) Specialization

c) Inheritance

d) Constraint generalization

Answer: b

Explanation: The process of designating subgroupings within an entity set is

called specialization."

"6. The refinement from an initial entity set into successive levels of entity
subgroupings represents a ________ design process in which distinctions are
made explicit.

a) Hierarchy b) Bottom-up

c) Top-down d) Radical

Answer: c

Explanation: The design process may also proceed in a bottom-up manner, in

which multiple entity sets are synthesized into a higher-level entity set on the
basis of common features."

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"7. There are similarities between the instructor entity set and the secretary
entity set in the sense that they have several attributes that are conceptually
the same across the two entity sets: namely, the identifier, name, and salary
attributes. This process is called

a) Commonality b) Specialization

c) Generalization d) Similarity

Answer: c

Explanation: Generalization is used to emphasize the similarities among

lower-level entity sets and to hide the differences."

"8. Which of the following is another name for a weak entity?

a) Child

b) Owner

c) Dominant

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: A parent may be called as a strong entity."

"9. The primary key in the section relation is

a) Course_id

b) Sec_id

c) Both Course_id and Sec_id

d) All the attributes

Answer: c

Explanation: Both the entries has unique entry."

"10. The query which selects the Course_id ‘CS-101’ from the section relation is

a) Select Course_id from section where Building = ‘Richard’;

b) Select Course_id from section where Year = ‘2009’;

c) Select Course_id from teaches where Building = ‘Packyard’;

d) Select Course_id from section where Sec_id = ‘3’;

Answer: b

Explanation: The year ‘2009’ should be selected from the section relation."

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"11. The relation with primary key can be created using

a) Create table instructor (Id, Name)

b) Create table instructor (Id, Name, primary key(name))

c) Create table instructor (Id, Name, primary key (Id))

d) Create table instructor ( Id unique, Name )

Answer: c

Explanation: The value Name cannot be a primary key."

"12. In the above teaches relation ” Select * from teaches where Year = ‘2010’”
displays how many rows?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 5

d) 1

Answer: a

Explanation: There are two tuples with the year is 2009."

continue... till 50
create more such MCQs by referring subject Assignments, Previous
papers, Term Test questions.

or get a complete set of 50 MCQs, Previous papers with analysis in

Brainheaters StudyRoom. & practice sample papers

Next is Subjective preparation questions...

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step 2

Trusted guidelines for Subjective
preparation, useful for all the subjects.

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Bh.Recepie for Subjective


Make a list of questions from Assignments and Term Tes

Walk through 4 most important modules and create your
own list of questions based on concepts.
List down 25-40 questions as per your analysi
Find a reference and start preparation


Make a list of questions from Assignments and Term Tes

Check all questions from Bh.Qbanks and Bh.Plan
Open Bh.Notes for all solutions and Start preparation.

List of Questions (QBanks)

Assignments and term test questions

+ the list of Question Banks

Explain the Overall Architecture of DBMS in detail.

Differentiate between file system and database system

Define the term Normalization as used in database design.

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Explain relational algebra operators.

Relational Algebra Operations with suitable examples. a) Project b)

Select c) Union d) Cartesian Product

What is Log? Explain log based recovery.

Explain the ACID properties of transactions.

Define Deadlock. Explain how deadlock can be handled.

Write a short note on Data Independence

Numerical on Schema given Create an ER diagram .

Conflict and View Serializability

Construct ER diagram for the Given

Explain Types of Integrity Constraints with examples.

continue for all modules...

complete this list by referring all concepts of the important modules
and do analysis from different references to find more questions.

or get a complete set of Sorted QuestionBanks, Previous papers with

analysis, Most repeated set of questions, Notes & practice sample
papers in Brainheaters StudyRoom.

Now check the Notes...

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for solutions:
Use all Free references or textbooks from Bh.Library or the ebooks
circulated in Bh.Whatsapp Community.

Open Bh.Notes and find all Questions Answers module wise
and start your preparation.


question answer format notes & accurate
solution to most repeated questions


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step 3

solve one

sample paper
A quick revision & practice.

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Do a quick revision of all the MCQs and

subjective and solve at least one sample
paper before Exam. Find your sample paper
in Bh.StudyRoom and start practicing

List of Qbanks
Notes & more..

v a l i d t i l l yo u g r a d u a te

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