What Is A Truth So Shocking That Most People Struggle With Accepting It

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What is a truth so shocking that most people struggle with accepting it?

In Mahabharata,

A conversation between Lord Krishna and Karna

Source: Google images

Karna to Krishna : I was left by mother after she gave me birth and i was considered as a forbidden
child , do you think it’s my fault?

Even The royal preceptor Dronacharya refused to teach me because I was not considered as

Even parshu-ram who taught me when became acknowledged that I belong to Kshatriya community
and son of kunthi , he gave me curse to forget whatever he taught.

I was the one who was cursed for death of a cow who was accidentally hitted by my arrow , even i
was not guilty of it .

In Draupadi's Swayamvar i was dishonoured in front of everyone.

I came to know about the truth by My mother Kunthi only for the sake of saving her other sons.

When no one was willing to take stand for me ,Only Duryodhana's gave me support when no one
was willing to acknowledge my worth.

Then how it is sinful if i take his favour for his charity?

Lord Krishna ,

My mother gave me birth in jail

Tyrant Ruler Kansa was waiting to assassinate me even i was in my mother’s womb.

In order to protect me from Kansa my parents separated me from themselves.

I was grown up in that environment were there are enormous attempts to assassinate me even i was
not able to walk properly, i was blessed with only cow herd shed and dung.

Everyone considered me as the main reason for their all problems, I was left with No Army and No

You all are fortunate enough that your teachers are appreciating for your bravery and i got my
primary education at the age of sixteen through Rishi Sandipani.

Even i was unfortunate enough that i was not able to marry the girl whom I loved and you are able to
marry with your choice.

To save my people’s from Jarasandh I had to move on with my people’s to far off Sea shore from
Yamuna for that i was awarded with the tag of coward.

If kaurava will win the war you are awarded for the victory but if Pandavas will win the war, i will be
awarded with the credit of initiators of war and all it’s problem.

Remember one thing, everybody is fighting there own battles in their life.


But we should React only according to what is Right and truthful, No matter how much life hits you
with his unfairness but you have to take only Right path.

Life's unjustness does not give you exemption to walk through the fallacious path..

Destiny is not created by the shoes we wear but by the steps we take .


So let’s make Journey of life meaningful and Memorable

Congratulations Respected Chate sir ( Executive Engineer , Beed Irrigation Division, Beed)...
I just wanted to say that your ideas were inspiring. And you really taught me valuable lessons in life and I want
to thank you for that. I can’t imagine our workplace without you.I am inspired by your vision and motivation,
and I am so glad that I met a teacher like you in WRD .I hope retirement will be even better then you
imagined. All the best to you and your family. Congratulation and have fun with your retirement!

ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसु खदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्ति

द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्वमस्यादिलक्ष्यम् ॥
एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं
भावातीतं त्रिगु णरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि ॥
5.जो ब्रह्मानन्द स्वरूप हैं ,
परम सु ख दे ने वाले हैं ,
जो केवल ज्ञानस्वरूप हैं ,
(सु ख-दुःख, शीत-उष्ण आदि) द्वं द्वों से रहित हैं ,
आकाश के समान सूक्ष्म और सर्वव्यापक हैं ,
तत्त्वमसि आदि महावाक्यों के लक्ष्यार्थ हैं ,
एक हैं , नित्य हैं , मलरहित हैं , अचल हैं ,
् यों के साक्षी हैं ,
सर्व बु दधि

सत्त्व,रज,और तम तीनों गु णों के रहित हैं –

ऐसे श्री सदगु रूदे व को मैं नमस्कार करता हँ ।ू

मराठी गु रू श्र्लोक
Respected sir congradulations on years of success in your carrier & best wishes for retirement

How & When a year of challenging times, fun times & everything in between is gone, you always share
your knowledge & empowered us, Everytime I meet you there is always something new to learn about
professional & personal skills also I learned a lot by watching and being with you.

You are inspirational, motivational, exceptional, your generousity has no bounds and your kindness has
no limits & I know you are always be there for me professionally and personally

I like quote few of life lessons I learned in these times

 It is always your attitude toward work & elder’s blessing which can make or brak your life.
 Viewing your situations in life from an aerial view clarifies situations and perspective.
 However people treat us we should behave calm & extraordinarily ordinary
 Don’t react on things when something wrong happens or if someone insulted badly, we have to
wait take a time analyse the situations and respond wisely

Sense of respect you have from every cadre’s person shows your conviction, determination and
commitment to wok.

I have pack memoris of fun, collaboration, consultion, counseling & friendship into my heart & will
remain always

Wishing you the longest most joyous retirement possible.

Respected sir,

I wanted to meet you personally to wish you on your retirement but couldn’t make it as it is
lockdown because of the pandemic situation. So, I am sending you message to convey my feelings.

Congratulations on years of success and best wishes on your retirement.

I didn’t even understand How & When a year of challenging times, tough times to fun times & everything
in between is gone,. There are lots of learnings and knowledge you shared to empower us. Every time I
met you, I learnt something new on professional and personal front. also I learned a lot by watching and
being with you.

You have been inspirational, motivational and exceptional. Your generosity has no bounds and your
kindness has no limits. & I know you are always be there for us professionally and personally

I like to quote life lessons I learned in these times:

 * It is always your attitude toward work & elder’s blessing which can make or brak your life.
 I have learnt that no matter how dejected we feel, we should never give up and keep trying.
 However people treat us we should behave calm & extraordinarily ordinary
 I have learnt not to react immediately if something goes wrong or someone insults you badly.
Take time, analyse the situation and respond wisely.
 Viewing your situations in life from an aerial view clarifies situations and perspective
 * Listen to everyone but do what your heart and mind says.

Sense of respect you get from every cadre in society shows your conviction, determination
and commitment to work.

I have pack of memories of fun, collaboration, consultation, counselling and friendship in my heart.

Wishing you very happy post retirement life.

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