Abenteuerspiel DIGITAL v03 210817

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Alpha v0.3

Freeform adventure game rooted

in Messerspiel and Trophy Gold
Give them a name, three skills, three
pieces of equipment, and up to three
rituals, if desired. See the 6x6 tables at
the end of the rules for examples.
Your dice pool begins with six six-sided
dice. One of the dice in your pool
should be a different color than the
rest. This is your stress die. Track of
the size of your dice pool.
1. Describe the situation.
2. Describe character goals.
3. Describe character actions and
resolve any risky actions.
4. Describe the outcomes.
Roll one die from your pool for each of
the following statements that is true
for your character.
CROSSES They are not injured.
CROSSES They are skilled in their action.
CROSSES They are making use of their
equipment or the environment.
CROSSES They have assistance.
CROSSES They have the upper hand.
CROSSES If they are under stress, roll the
stress die. Rituals are stressful.
After rolling, read the highest result.
CROSSES 1-3 is a bad outcome.
CROSSES 4-5 is a mixed outcome.
CROSSES 6 is a good outcome.
If your pool runs out of dice then roll
two dice and read the lowest result.
You may resist outcomes by rolling
your stress die and narrating a new
outcome based on the result.
Bad outcomes should result in
conditions that impact the fiction.
Compare its result to the size of your
pool. If the result is equal to or higher
than the number of dice left, exhaust
one die from your pool. Exhaust the
stress die last.
After the equivalent of a long rest, roll
your exhausted dice. Results of 4, 5,
and 6 replenish the pool.
When you have a yes/no question and
the answer is best left to chance,
decide the odds of a yes and roll a die.
CROSSES Small Chance: Roll a 6.
CROSSES Unlikely: Roll a 5 or higher.
CROSSES 50/50: Roll a 4 or higher.
CROSSES Likely: Roll a 3 or higher.
CROSSES Almost Certain: Roll a 2 or higher.
Incomplete List of Skills
agility hunting secrets
alchemy illusions speed
animals improvisation spirits
architecture intimidation stealth
artifacts lore strength
destruction melee surgery

dueling obfuscation symbols

foraging perception tactics
forensics performance tracking
geology plants trading
handcraft protection trickery
herbalism quickness weapons
Incomplete List of Equipment (Uses)
bear trap grease (6) shepherd's sling
boiled leathers hard candies (12) silver net
buckler shield iron spikes (12) skeleton key (1)
candles (12) mallet small steel mirror
chain 24' manacles spyglass
chalk (12) marbles (30) strong magnet

compass numbing herbs (3) survival knife

crowbar pickaxe tinder box
fine wine (1) pot of honey (6) torches (6)
fool’s gold (6) pot of tar (6) trick dice
glass bottles (6) quarterstaff twine 300’
grappling hook rope 120’ whistle
Incomplete List of Rituals
become beautiful energy bolt produce fire
breathe water find object produce webbing
charm entity follow thread protect area
compel plants hasten time push entity
conjure wind hold entity read mind
create darkness levitate entity reverse gravity

create illusion make invisible slow time

create light neutralize magic summon spirit
deafen area observe location superior smell
deep sleep open lock swap bodies
detect magic parse symbols throw voice
duplicate self possess entity traverse walls
Art throughout by Artus Scheiner (1863-1938).
The text of Abenteuerspiel is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Terribly Beautiful projects are Patreon supported.

Terribly Beautiful Games

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