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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2020

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced

Level In Core Mathematics C34 (WMA02)
Paper 01
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2020
Publications Code WMA02_01_2001_MS*
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2020

General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 125

2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

• M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to apply
it’, unless otherwise indicated.
• A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks have
been earned.
• B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark

• bod – benefit of doubt

• ft – follow through
• the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question to
obtain this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
• d… or dep – dependent
• indep – independent
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
•  The answer is printed on the paper or ag- answer given
• or d… The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread
however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd
answers should never be awarded A marks.
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify
it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.

6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:

• If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT crossed out.
• If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the
attempts and score the highest single attempt.

7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles
by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.
General Principles for Core Mathematics Marking
(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles).

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation

( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p )( x + q ), where pq = c , leading to x = …

(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p )(nx + q ), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x = …

2. Formula

Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, b and c).

3. Completing the square

 b
Solving x 2 + bx + c = 0 :  x ±  ± q ± c = 0, q ≠ 0 , leading to x = …
 2

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation

Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x n → x n −1 )

2. Integration

Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x n → x n +1 )

Use of a formula

Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in recent examiners’ reports is
that the formula should be quoted first.
Normal marking procedure is as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are mistakes in the substitution
of values.

Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from correct working with
values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.
Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked for, or working with surds
is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.
Answers without working
The rubric says that these may not gain full credit. Individual mark schemes will give details of what happens in
particular cases. General policy is that if it could be done “in your head”, detailed working would not be required.
Most candidates do show working, but there are occasional awkward cases and if the mark scheme does not cover
this, please contact your team leader for advice.
Scheme Marks
1(a) Attempts to differentiate (reduction of
power by 1 seen at least once including
( f ′( x=) ) 8 x3 + 2 x − 3= 0 8 0) and sets their f ′( x) = 0 which M1
may be implied by subsequent work.
Makes x3 or kx3 the subject of their
3 3 − 2x 3 f ′( x) = 0 where the x3 or kx3 has come
x = or 8 x = 3 − 2 x dM1
8 from differentiating 2x4. Dependent on
the previous M.
Obtains the printed answer with no
errors or omissions. Allow use of α
3 − 2x −2 x + 3 rather than x for the M marks but the
x= 3 * or x = 3 * final answer must be in terms of x.
8 8
Be generous if the cube root does not
fully encompass the expression.
Alternative for dM1 A1 in (a):
3 − 2x 3 3 − 2x 3
=x 3 x
⇒= ⇒ 8 x + 2 x=
−3 0 dM1
8 8
Cubes both sides of the given equation and rearranges to obtain g(x) = 0
Obtains 8 x + 2 x − 3 = 0 both times
Which is f ′( x) = 0 therefore proved (including the “= 0”) and makes a A1
(minimal) conclusion.
(b) Substitutes x1 = 0.6 into the given
3 − 2 × 0.6 formula to find a value for x2. This may
=x2 3= ...
be implied by their expression or awrt
=⇒ x2 awrt=
0.6082, x3 awrt 0.6064
Both values correct which round to the above. Mark in order that the values A1
appear and ignore how they are referenced and ignore any further iterations.
Note that some candidates take the square root rather than the cube root
and this scores M0 in (b) if there is no evidence that they have used the
correct formula. (Values to look for are 0.4743… and 0.5063…)
(c) Chooses a suitable interval for x, which
f ′(0.6065) = −0.0022... is within 0.607 ± 0.0005 and attempts to
evaluate their f ′( x) for both values M1
f ′(0.6075) = 0.0086... (must be a ‘changed’ f(x)) although they
might refer to it as f(x).

Note that it is possible to use g ( x )= x − 3 3 − 2 x which gives

g(0.6065) = −0.0002524… and g(0.6075) = 0.00097401 but if it is not clear
which function is being used then score M0. Note that many candidates use f (x)
giving values of 6.8189580… and 6.8189612… and also scores M0
Sign change (negative, positive) therefore root.
Both values correct awrt (or truncated) 1 sf, sign change (or e.g. < 0, > 0 or
f′(0.6065).f′(0.6075) < 0 or f′(0.6065) < 0 < f′(0.6075)) and a minimal conclusion
e.g. therefore root. Allow tick, QED, hash, square box, smiley face etc.
Attempts at successive iteration score M0 in (c)
[7 marks]
Scheme Marks
2(a) Takes out a common factor of  1  or 1
4 2
 
1 1
1 1
 2
or equivalent e.g. 1  1  2 −1 − 2
,   , 2 , 4 to
 4 − 3 x  =2 (1 ± ...)
2 B1
  4 4

give 1
2 (1 ± ...) 2
( 12 ) × ( 12 − 1) × ( 12 ) × ( 12 − 1) × ( 12 − 2 ) ×
(1 − 12 x ) 2 = 1 − ( 12 )12 x + ( −12 x ) ( −12 x )
2 3
2! 3!

For the binomial expansion of (1 + ax ) where a ≠ −3 2

Award for a correct structure for term three and/or term 4 (allow ±‘12’x) M1
Condone the omission of brackets.
× 1 − 1× 12 − 2
E.g. allow 2 2 × "12" x 3 for term 4
( 12 ) × ( 12 − 1) × ( 12 ) × ( 12 − 1) × ( 12 − 2 ) ×
(1 − 12 x ) 2 = 1 − ( 12 )12 x + ( −12 x ) ( −12 x )
2 3
2! 3!
2 3
(1 − 12 x ) 2
1 6 x − 18 x − 108 x − ...
=− A1

This mark is for a correct unsimplified or simplified expansion of (1 − 12x )


If unsimplified, the brackets must be present where necessary unless they are
implied by subsequent work. Allow (12x)2 for term 3.
1 2 3 Any 2 correct simplified terms A1
= − 3 x − 9 x − 54 x + ...
2 All correct and simplified A1
Special case:
If all the working is correct but the brackets are not removed e.g.
( 3
1 − 6 x − 18 x − 108 x − ... )
Score B1M1A1A1A0
(a) 1

( 12 ) × ( − 12 )  −
( 12 ) × ( − 12 ) × ( − 32 )  −
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
Way 2 ( 14 − 3 x ) 2= 4 + 24 ( −3 x ) + 4 ( −3 x ) 2 + 4 ( −3 x )3 + ... B1
(Direct     2!   3!  
Expansion) 1
1 2
B1: For first term   or as defined above M1
M1: For a correct structure for term three and/or term 4. (allow ±3x)
A1: Correct and unsimplified binomial expansion. The brackets must be present A1
where necessary unless they are implied by subsequent work.
1 2 3 Any 2 correct simplified terms A1
= − 3 x − 9 x − 54 x + ...
2 All correct and simplified A1
(b) 1 3 9 54 
22 ≈ 10  − − − 
 2 100 10000 1000000 
1 M1
Substitutes 𝑥𝑥 = into their expansion and multiplies by 10 to obtain a value.
You may need to check if no working is shown.
( 22 = ) 4.6905 Correct value only A1
[7 marks]
Scheme Marks
x 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
10 10 10 10 10
1+ 4 1 + 4.5 1+ 5 1 + 5.5 1+ 6
10 −20 + 30 2 −5 + 5 5 −20 + 10 22 M1
y −2 + 2 6
3 7 2 9
y 3.33333… 3.20377… 3.09016… 2.98935… 2.89897…

Attempts at least 3 values for y as shown. Either in exact or decimal form.

Must be accurate to 2dp for decimals unless implied by the correct answer later
Correct strip width. May be implied by
h = 0.5 B1
their x values.
Area ≈
{3.333 + 2.899 + 2 × ( 3.204 + 3.090 + 2.989 )} =...
Fully correct application of the trapezium rule e.g.
{Correct y value structure} M1
Allow a correct y value structure for their y values but must be for at least 3 x values
that include y values at x = 4 and x = 6
E.g. ≈
(1) {3.333 + 2.899 + 2 × ( 3.090 )} =... scores M1B0M1A0
Allow awrt 6.20 but also allow 6.2 but
= 6.20
not awrt 6.2
(b) • In (b) the method must be made clear as required by the question
• Correct or correct ft answers with no working score no marks
• Attempts to use the trapezium rule again score no marks
• NB integration/calculator gives (i) 18.5925… (ii) 12.1975…
(i) "6.20"× 6 =... Allow for any one of:
or • Answer to (a) × 6 only
"6.20"÷ 2 =... • Answer to (a) ÷ 2 only M1
or • Answer to (a) × 3 only
"6.20"× 3 =... (Not necessarily evaluated)
Answer to (a) × 3. If correct, allow awrt
18.60 18.6. For ft be generous and allow A1ft
answers that are clearly (a) × 3
(ii) Their (a) value + 6.
Note that it is acceptable for the “6” to

13 + 3 x
dx "6.20"+
= = 6 ... 6 M1
4 1+ x come from
∫ 4
3 dx

Answer to (a) + 6. If correct, allow awrt

12.20 12.2. For ft be generous and allow A1ft
answers that are clearly (a) + 6
[8 marks]
Scheme Marks
4(a) A V-shape anywhere. (Ignore
gradient as long as it is a V shape)
Do not be overly concerned by lack of B1
symmetry and ignore any extra
dashed or dotted lines.
A V-shape with intercept at (0, 8) or 8
marked on the y-axis or (8, 0) marked
8 in the correct place on the y-axis.
Their graph must cross (not just B1
touch) the y-axis to score this mark
Allow away from the sketch but must
7 
 2 ,1
 
be (0, 8). The sketch has precedence.
7 
O Min point at  ,1 which must
2 
correspond with the sketch i.e. in B1
quadrant 1. Ignore any other
minimum points.
(b) 14 − x = 2 x − 7 + 1 ⇒ x = ...
Attempts to solve one of these
Way 1 or M1
equations or equivalent
14 − x =−2 x + 7 + 1 ⇒ x =...
Either x = or x = −6 One correct value A1
14 − x = 2 x − 7 + 1 ⇒ x = ... Attempts to solve both of these
and equations or equivalents. Dependent dM1
14 − x =−2 x + 7 + 1 ⇒ x =... on the previous M.
Both correct values and no other x
x= and x = −6 values. Ignore any attempts at y A1
(b) 14 − x = 2 x − 7 + 1 ⇒ 2 x − 7 = 13 − x Isolates 2 x − 7 and attempts to
Way 2 M1
⇒ ( 2 x − 7 ) = (13 − x )
2 2
square both sides
⇒ 3 x − 2 x − 120 = 0 Correct quadratic equation A1
⇒ ( 3 x − 20 )( x + 6 ) =0 Solves their 3TQ (usual rules).
x = ... Dependent on the previous M.
Both correct values and no other x
x= and x = −6 values. Ignore any attempts at y A1
(c) 1
1 7 y
Uses = x + k with their (3.5, 1)
"1" = × " "+ k ⇒ k = ... 2 M1
2 2
where their 3.5 ≠ 0 to find 'k'
3 Allow equivalent notation
k<− A1
4 e.g. (−∞, −0.75)
[9 marks]
Scheme Marks
5(a) Allow y  27, range  27, ( −∞, 27 ] ,
f ( x )  27 B1
f  27 but not x  27
Mark (i) and (ii) together
(b)(i) 9 + 3 x =0 ⇒ x =−3 x = −3. Allow x = − B1
(ii) f (12) = 0 ⇒ B − 144 A = 0 Uses x = 12 and y = 0 or
or x = 6 and y = 27 in y = B – Ax2 M1
f (6) = 27 ⇒ B − 36 A = 27 (i.e. uses x = 6 in B – Ax2 = 9 + 3x)
f (12) = 0 ⇒ B − 144 A = 0 Uses x = 12 and y = 0 and
and x = 6 and y = 27 in y = B – Ax2
f (6) = 27 ⇒ B − 36 A = 27 (i.e. uses x = 6 in B – Ax2 = 9 + 3x)
⇒ A= ..., B= ... and obtains values for A and B
=A = , B 36 Correct values A1
(c) 2
Attempts B ± A × 9 with their
2 M1
9 63 values of A and B
ff ( 0 ) = f ( 9 ) = 36 − =
4 4 15.75 oe (15.8 scores A0 unless
15.75 is seen earlier then isw)
[7 marks]
Scheme Marks
∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ x ln x dx
y dy = 4 x ln x dx or e.g. dy =
Separates the variables. B1
Allow without the integral signs but must include the dx and dy unless they are
implied by subsequent work.

∫ ∫
2 Bx 2
kx ln x dx → Ax ln x − dx
x M1
This mark is for applying integrating by parts to the RHS to obtain an expression
of this form

∫ ∫
y2 y y2 Integrates the LHS correctly with or
y= ( +c ) or dy
= ( +c ) without “+ c”
2 4 8

dx 2 x ln x − x ( +c )
4 x ln x =
2 A1

x x
x ln x d=
x ln x − ( +c )
2 4
Integrates the RHS correctly with or without “+ c”
= 2 (1)2 ln1 − (1)2 + c=
⇒ c ...
2 Substitutes x = 1 and y = 4 into an
or e.g. equation formed from some M1
integration in an attempt to find c
4 1

= ln1 −
(1) + c ⇒=c ...2

8 2 4
y 2 2 2
x=e⇒ = 2e ln e − e + 9 ⇒ y = ... or y = ...
2 2 2 ddM1
y e e 2
x =e ⇒ = ln e − + 2.25 ⇒ y =... or y =...
8 2 4
Dependent upon both M's. Scored for a full method to find y or y2 when x = e
± 2e + 18 is A0 and
Cao ( y =
2e + 18 y=
4e − 2e + 18 is A0) but
2 A1
apply isw if necessary.
[7 marks]
Scheme Marks
7(a) dy
y= 3x ( 2 x − 5) ⇒ = 3 ( 2 x − 5 ) + 24 x ( 2 x − 5 )
4 4 3

= P ( 2 x − 5 ) + Qx ( 2 x − 5 ) , P, Q > 0 M1 A1
4 3
If the product rule is quoted, it must be correct to score M1
A1: Correct differentiation (allow in any correct form)
Takes a common factor of ( 2 x − 5 )

dy out of both terms. The factorisation

⇒ = 3 ( 2 x − 5 ) {2 x − 5 + 8 x}
must be correct for their expression M1
and the powers of (2x -5) must be
=15 ( 2 x − 5 ) ( 2 x − 1)
Correct expression A1
(b) 1 5
15 ( 2 x − 5 ) ( 2 x − 1) =
0 ⇒ x =,
2 2
Obtains both correct critical values – may be implied by e.g. x < 1 x < 5
2 2 M1
Also allow this mark for one correct ‘end’
e.g. x < 5 or x  5 or x > 1 or x  1
2 2 2 2
1 5 1 5
<x< or x
2 2 2 2
1 5 1 5
<x or  x<
2 2 2 2
1 5 1 5
< x, x < or x  , x < Acceptable region as shown A1
2 2 2 2
1 5 1 5
 ,  or  , 
2 2 2 2
1 5   1 5
 2 , 2  or  2 , 2 
[6 marks]
Scheme Marks
∫ ∫
Way 1 y dt
= 3sin 2t × 4cos t ( dt )

∫ ∫
Attempts y dt and obtains k sin 2t cos t ( dt )

3 × 2sin t cos t × 4 cos t ( dt )

Uses the correct identity for sin 2t (may be implied) to obtain M1

∫ A sin t cos 2 t ( dt )

∫ 24sin t cos t (dt ) 2

Correct integral A1

∫ 24sin t cos=
t ( dt ) k cos t ( +c )
Correct form for the integration.
2 3

Note that an equivalent form may be reached by substitution e.g. u = sin t gives
u 1− u2 ) du =
∫ ∫ ∫(
1 3
24sin t cos t dt =
24 2

1− u2
24 u 1− u2 ) 2 du = (
−8 1 − u 2 ) ( +c )

So in this case the mark can be awarded for obtaining k 1 − u ( 2 2
) ( +c )
Or e.g. u = cos t gives

∫ ∫ ∫
u2 1− u2
24sin t cos 2 t dt =
−24 2
du = −24 u 2 du = −8u 3 ( +c )
1− u
So in this case the mark can be awarded for obtaining ku ( + c )

= −8 cos3 t
3 A1
Correct integration. Allow equivalent expressions e.g. −8 1 − u ( )
2 2
, −8u 3 as above.
 π 
 −8cos3 t  6 =
−8  cos3 − 8cos3 0 
 6 
or e.g. Correct use of limits for their integrated
1 function. Must see use of both limits.
 3
  3
3 
 1 π
( )
 −8 1 − u
2 2
 =−8 1 −  − (1 − 0 ) 2 

Allow use of 30o for . dM1
 0  2   6
 
or e.g.
Dependent on the previous method
3   3 3 
 −8u 
3 2 −8  
= − (1) 
3 mark.
1  2  
 
Allow 8 − 27
8−3 3 Depends on not having lost any of the A1
previous marks.
Way 2: Factor Formulae

∫ ∫ 3sin 2t × 4cos t (dt )

y dt

∫ ∫
Attempts y ( dt ) and obtains k sin 2t cos t ( dt )

= 12 ( sin 3t + sin t ) ( dt )
Uses sin2
=t cos t
( sin 3t + sin t ) to obtain ∫ A ( sin 3t + sin t )( dt )

= 6
∫ (sin 3t + sin t )( dt ) Correct integral A1

6 ( sin 3t + sin t ) ( dt ) = p cos 3t + q cos t ( +c )
Correct form for the integration.

−2 cos 3t − 6 cos t
= Correct integration A1
Correct use of limits for their integrated
π function. Must see use of both limits.
[ −2 cos 3t − 6 cos t ]0
π Allow use of 30o for . dM1
−2 cos π − 6 cos − ( −2 cos 0 − 6 cos 0 ) 6
6 Dependent on the previous method
Allow 8 − 27. Depends on not
8−3 3 A1
having lost any of the previous marks.
Way 3: Cartesian Form
=y 3sin
= 2t 6sin t cos t Uses sin 2t = 2sin t cos t M1
x x x
x = 4sin t ⇒ sin t = ⇒ y = 6  1−  
4 4 4 M1
Uses cos=
t 1 − sin 2 t to obtain y in terms of x
1 Correct integral or equivalent e.g.

3  x  2 2
( dx )

= x 1 −   9 2 9 4 2 A1
2  16   x − x  ( dx )
4 64 
1 3

3  x2  2  x2  2
x 1 −  ( dx ) =
k 1 −  Correct form for the integration. M1
2  16   16 
1 3

3  x2  2  x2  2
x  1 −  ( dx ) =
−8 1 −  Correct integration A1
2  16   16 

Correct use of limits for their integrated
2 2
3 3

 −8 1 − x   =  2 
2 2
function. Must see use of both limits.
−8 1 −  + 8 (1) dM1
  16    16  Dependent on the previous method
  0 marks.
Allow 8 − 27. Depends on not
8−3 3 A1
having lost any of the previous marks.
Scheme Marks
9 Correct coordinates, values or vector
seen or used or implied. These
λ =−2 → ( 6, −1, −5 ) values are sometimes seen embedded B1
with the work as e.g. 2 – 2(–2),
1 – 2, and 3 + 4(–2).
3 − 2 µ =−'' 5'' ⇒ µ =... Uses the z component of l2 to find µ
10 + µ a = ''6 '' ⇒ a = ... and then uses the x component to M1
find a
a = −1 Correct value for a A1
⇒ −2a + b − 8 = 0 ⇒ b = ( 6 )
A full method of finding ''b''.
 −2   a  M1
This involves using the fact that  1  .  b  = 0 and using their value of a.
   
 4   −2 
   
'' c + µ b '' =''− 1'' ⇒ c + 24 =−1 ⇒ c =( −25 )
A full method of finding ''c'' using the j coordinate. ddM1
Dependent on both previous method marks
b = 6, c = −25 Correct values A1
[6 marks]
Scheme Marks
10(a) dy
y 3 → Ay 2 M1
dy dy dy
3 y2 + 4 x 2 + 8 xy − 2 =0 4 x 2 y → px 2 + qxy M1
dx dx dx
dy dy
3 y2 + 4 x2 + 8 xy − 2 =0
dx dx A1
The “= 0” may be implied
Collects terms in (must be two and from
( 3 y 2 + 4 x 2 ) ddyx =2 − 8 xy ⇒ ddyx =... the correct terms) and makes
the subject
of the formula
dy 2 − 8 xy
= 2 Correct expression or correct equivalent A1
dx 3 y + 4 x 2

Ignore any spurious " = " for the first 3 marks

Allow full recovery in (b) if they have an incorrect denominator in (a)

(b) 1
2 − 8 xy = 0 ⇒ y =
4x dy
Sets the numerator of their = 0 and
dx M1
1 proceeds to y = f(x) or x = f(y)
2 − 8 xy = 0 ⇒ x =
Note that starting with 2 − 8 xy = 4 x 2 + 3 y 2 generally will score no marks in (b)
Note that working with 4 x 2 + 3 y 2 =
0 generally will score no marks in (b) and
can be ignored if seen alongside work dealing with 2 − 8 xy = 0 unless it yields
extra spurious values – in which case the final mark can be withheld
1 3  1   1 
x= ⇒ y + 4  y − 2 = 0
4y  4y   4y 
3 dM1
 1  2 1 
y= ⇒   + 4x   − 2x = 0
4x  4x   4x 
Substitutes their x in terms of y or their y in terms of x into the equation for C
Dependent on the previous mark
Correct simplified equation (allow equivalent
4 4
4 y = 1 or 64 x = 1 4 1 −4 A1
forms e.g. y = ,x 64 )
1 1
y= ⇒ x= ... or x= ⇒ y= ...
4 4
Substitutes at least one of their values of x or y to find a value for the other variable ddM1
Starts again and repeats the above process for the other variable leading to non-zero real values
Dependent on both previous method marks
2 2
x= ± , y= ±
4 2
The points do not have to be explicitly given as coordinates so just look for values
but if any extra points/coordinates are given the final mark should be withheld
2 2
Two correct values for x or y or a correct pair (likely to be x = , y= )
4 2
1 1 2 − 14
For x allow e.g. : ± , ± , ± , ± 64 awrt ± 0.354 A1
4 64 2 2 4
11 1 2 − 14
For y allow e.g. : ± , ± , ± , ± , ± 4 awrt ± 0.707
44 2 2 2
All 4 values correct and exact and simplified
1 2 1 2 1
For x allow e.g. : ± , ± For y allow e.g. : ± ,± ,±
2 2 4 2 2 2
1 1 A1
Pairing is required but may be implied by e.g. x = ± ,y= ± .
2 2 2
If after seeing correct values, the pairings are incorrect the final mark should be

Note that it is possible to score M1dM1A1ddM0A1A0 if 2 values of one of x or y are found

Scheme Marks
11(a) For forming a single fraction with a
Way 1 common denominator of
cos 3θ cos θ + sin 3θ sin θ
≡ k sin θ cos θ with f(θ) + g(θ) in the M1
2sin θ cos θ numerator with at least one of f(θ) or
g(θ) correct for their denominator
cos ( 3θ − θ ) cos 2θ
≡ or For attempting to use a compound
... ...
angle formula on the numerator or for
attempting to ksinθcosθ = Asin2θ on
... the denominator

sin 2θ
cos ( 3θ − θ ) cos 2θ
≡ or
sin 2θ sin 2θ
For attempting to use a compound angle formula on the numerator and attempting M1
A cos 2θ
to use ksinθcosθ = Asin2θ on the denominator to reach
B sin 2θ
Proceeds to correct answer with all
intermediate work and no errors or
≡ cot 2θ * omissions. An error includes missing
and/or inconsistent variables.
(a) cos 2θ cos θ − sin 2θ sin θ sin 2θ cos θ + cos 2θ sin θ
≡ +
Way 2 2 sin θ 2 cos θ
For attempting to use a compound angle formula on the numerators with at least
one correct
For forming a single fraction with a
 sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ  common denominator of k sin θ cos θ ,
≡ cos 2θ   M1
 2 sin θ cos θ  factoring out cos 2θ and simplifying
the numerator.
≡ cos 2θ ×
sin 2θ
For attempting to use
ksinθcosθ = Asin2θ on the denominator and sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ =
1 on the numerator
A cos 2θ
to reach
B sin 2θ

1  sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ 
Note that cos 2θ × can also be reached from cos 2θ  :
sin 2θ  2sin θ cos θ 
 sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ  1 1  1 + tan 2 θ 
cos 2θ  =  cos 2θ ( tan θ +=cot θ ) 2 cos 2θ  tan θ 
 2 sin θ cos θ  2  
1  sec 2 θ  cos 2θ cos 2θ
= θ
cos 2=  =
2  tan θ  2 sin θ cos θ sin 2θ
A cos 2θ
Award the third method mark for using correct trigonometry to reach
B sin 2θ
Proceeds to correct answer with all
intermediate work and no errors or
≡ cot 2θ * omissions. An error includes missing
and/or inconsistent variables.
(a) For forming a single fraction with a
Way 3 common denominator of k sin θ cos θ
cos 3θ cos θ + sin 3θ sin θ
≡ with f(θ) + g(θ) in the numerator with at M1
2sin θ cos θ least one of f(θ) or g(θ) correct for their
1 1 1 1
cos 2θ − cos 4θ + cos 4θ + cos 2θ
≡2 2 2 2
2sin θ cos θ M1
Applies the factor formulae to obtain
k(cos2θ + cos4θ) for cos3θcosθ and k(cos4θ - cos2θ) for sin3θsinθ
cos 2θ

sin 2θ
For attempting to use ksinθcosθ = Asin2θ on the denominator and simplifies the M1
A cos 2θ
numerator to reach
B sin 2θ
Proceeds to correct answer with all
intermediate work and no errors or
≡ cot 2θ * omissions. An error includes missing
and/or inconsistent variables.
(a) For forming a single fraction with a
Way 4 common denominator of k sin θ cos θ
cos 3θ cos θ + sin 3θ sin θ
≡ with f(θ) + g(θ) in the numerator with at M1
2sin θ cos θ least one of f(θ) or g(θ) correct for their
cos θ ( 4 cos3 θ − 3cos θ ) + sin θ ( 3sin θ − 4sin 3 θ )

2sin θ cos θ
Applies the formulae for cos3θ and sin3θ to the numerator of their fraction. M1
If these formulae are quoted they must be correct otherwise a complete
method must be seen to establish both of them
4 ( cos 4 θ − sin 4 θ ) + 3 ( sin 2 θ − cos 2 θ ) 4 cos 2θ − 3cos 2θ
≡ =
sin 2θ sin 2θ
Collects terms and applies cos θ – sin θ = cos2θ in the numerator and
2 2 M1
A cos 2θ
ksinθcosθ = Asin2θ in the denominator to reach
B sin 2θ
Proceeds to correct answer with all
intermediate work and no errors or
≡ cot 2θ * omissions. An error includes missing
and/or inconsistent variables.
(b) 1 cos 2 x
cot 2 x = 5cos 2 x ⇒ sin 2 x = Uses cot 2 x = and proceeds to
5 sin 2 x M1
( cos 2 x = 0 ) sin 2x = k (˗1< k < 1)
Correct order of operations to find one
1 1
⇒ x = arcsin value of x from sin 2x = k dM1
2 5 Dependent on the previous mark
⇒x=0.101, 1.470,
( or 0.785)
A1: Any 2 values which round to those shown. Allow or awrt 0.785 and allow
1.47 for 1.470 but not awrt 1.47
A1: All values which round to those shown. Allow or awrt 0.785 and allow 1.47 A1A1
for 1.470 but not awrt 1.47
Ignore extra answers outside the range but withhold the final mark for extra
answers in the range.
Answers in degrees lose both marks but ignore degrees symbols if present if
the answers are otherwise correct
[8 marks]
Note that it is possible to answer Q12 using integration by parts (either way round) BUT it is very demanding
and candidates are unlikely to get very far and will gain no marks.
If they reach Ax + B ln x + C ln ( x − 4 ) , A, B, C ≠ 0 send to review.

Scheme Marks
12 For an attempt to find partial fractions of
the form + where A and B are M1
A B 2 14 x x−4
+ =− + numeric and non-zero
x x−4 x x−4
2 14
Correct fractions − + A1
x x−4
3x 2 + 8
= 3 + f ( x)
x2 − 4 x
Where f ( x=
) + with numeric A and B or the letters “A” and “B” B1
x x−4
Cx + D
Where f ( x ) = with numeric C and D with C, D not both zero
x2 − 4 x
This mark is for integrating at least 2 terms of the form to obtain β ln ( x ± k )
where k may be zero M1
Allow e.g. ln(x ± k), ln(k ± x), ln x ± k , also allow ln x ± k for this mark

2 14
For 3− + dx → 3x − 2 ln x + 14 ln x − 4 following through on their
x x−4
coefficients requires modulus signs and/or brackets around the x – 4 unless they are
implied by later work. E.g. allow 3 x − 2 ln x + 14 ln ( x − 4 )
= 9 − 2 ln 3 − 3 − 14 ln 3 = ...
Evidence of the use of both limits 3 and 1 and subtracts the right way round and
reaches an expression of the form P + Qln R, dM1
where P, Q and R are rational and non-zero and R > 0
Dependent on the previous method mark
= 6 − 16 ln 3
Accept equivalents e.g.
1 16 1
6 − 8ln 9, 6 + 16 ln   , 6 − ln 3 , 6 + ln , 6 − ln 43046721 A1
  43046721

6 + ln
, 6 − ln 9 × 3 etc. ( )
[7 marks]
Special Case:
Some students know to use PF but fail to see it is an improper fraction and the solution will look similar to this:
3x 2 + 8 14 2
= −
x2 − 4 x x − 4 x
3 2 3

∫ ∫
3x + 8 14 2 ( x = 3)
= dx −= dx 14 ln x − 4 − 2 ln x  x =1
x − 4x 1
x−4 x ( )

14 ln1 − 2 ln 3 − (14 ln 3 − 2 ln1) =

= −16 ln 3
These students can potentially score M1 A1 B0 M1 A0 dM0 A0 for 3 out of 7
Scheme Marks
13(a) dy 2 (1 − t ) − 2t × −1 dy
= 2 (1 − t ) + 2t (1 − t )
−1 −2
= or
dt (1 − t )

M1: If the quotient rule is not quoted and u, v, u¢, v¢ are not stated they must obtain
A (1 − t ) ± Bt
A, B > 0
(1 − t )

If the quotient rule is not quoted and u, v, u¢, v¢ are stated they must be correctly
positioned in the quotient rule
If the quotient rule is quoted it must be correct
Or M1 A1
M1: If the product rule is not quoted and u, v, u¢, v¢ are not stated they must obtain
A (1 − t ) ± Bt (1 − t )
−1 −2
A, B > 0
If the product rule is not quoted and u, v, u¢, v¢ are stated they must be correctly
positioned in the product rule
If the product rule is quoted it must be correct

A1: Correct in any form.
(1 − t )
dy dt dy dy dx
= = Uses = ÷ M1
dx dx 2t + 3 dx dt dt
Correct expression. Allow the (1 – t)2 to
2 expanded as long as it is collected and
= allow the whole of the denominator to A1
( 2t + 3)(1 − t )
be expanded as long as it is collected but
apply isw where possible.
(b)  dy  2  2 dy
=  dx  = 2   For substituting t = 2 in their M1
 t = 2 ( 2 ( 2 ) + 3) (1 − 2 )  7  dx
t =2 ⇒ x =10, y =−4 Correct coordinates for P B1
y + 4=
( x − 10 )
Correct method for the equation of the
or tangent using their P.
(10 ) + c ⇒
= c ...
Or any integer multiple of this.
⇒ 2 x − 7 y − 48 =
0 If the is obtained fortuitously then A1cso
this mark should be withheld.
If 2 x − 7 y − 48 =
0 is obtained fortuitously in (b) all the marks are available in (c) apart from the A1cso

Way 1
x =t + 3t , y =
1− t
, ⇒ 2 x − 7 y − 48 =0 ⇒ 2 t + 3t − 7  )
 2t 
 − 48 =0
 1− t  M1
Uses the given parametric coordinates and substitutes into their tangent to form an
equation in t
3 2
2t + 4t − 40t + 48 =
0 Correct equation A1
If they have a correct cubic equation and the root t = − 6 is seen, this method can
be implied.
If they do not have the correct equation, to score this mark they must have
obtained a cubic equation that has a constant term and they need to
attempt to factorise using (t ± 2) or (t ± 2)2 as a factor. dM1
Look for ( t ± 2 ) ( at 2 + ...) or ( t ± 2 ) ( at + ...) or may use long division so look

for the corresponding expressions for the quotient e.g. at2 + … or at + …

Depends on the first method mark.
t = −6 Correct value for t that has come
from a correct cubic.
Correct coordinates.
12  12
 Allow x = 18, y = −
Q 18, − 
= 7 A1cso
 7
Ignore any reference to any other
points e.g. (10, −4)
(c)   y 2
2t y  y 
Way 2 y
= t
⇒= ⇒ 2  + 3  − 7 y − 48
= 0
1− t y+2  y + 2   y + 2  
 
Finds t in terms of y and substitutes into their tangent equation to form an equation in y.
When eliminating t using y, the algebra must be correct so allow sign errors only for
making t the subject from y.
3 2
7 y + 68 y + 208 y + 192 =
0 Correct equation A1
If they have a correct cubic equation and the root y = -12/7 is seen, this method
can be implied.
If they do not have the correct equation, to score this mark they must have
obtained a cubic equation that has a constant term and they need to
attempt to factorise using (y ± 4) or (y ± 4)2 as a factor. dM1
Look for ( y ± "− 4") ( ay 2 + ...) or ( y ± "− 4") ( ay + ...) or may use long division

so look for the corresponding expressions for the quotient e.g. ay2 + … or ay +

Depends on the first method mark.
12 Correct value for y that has come
y= − A1
7 from a correct cubic.
x = 18 Correct value for x A1cso
Ignore any reference to any other points e.g. (10, −4)
[13 marks]
Scheme Marks
14(a) Cao. No need for N = … just look for the
360 B1
correct value
(b) Cao. No need for N = … just look for the
correct value. Allow e.g. N < 900
(c) Substitutes N = 780 and proceeds to
1800 −0.2 t
780 = −0.2 t
⇒ 2340e = 240 Ae
±0.2 t
= B, where A and B are both M1
2 + 3e positive or both negative
Correct equation oe e.g.
−0.2 t
2340e = 240 −0.2 t 4 −0.2 t 4 0.2 t 39 A1
= ,=
3e = , e
39 13 4
−0.2 t −0.2 t 4  4 
2340e = 240 ⇒ e = ⇒ −0.2=
t ln   ⇒= t ...
39  39 
−0.2 t −0.2 t −0.2 t
2340e 240 ⇒ ln 2340e
= = ln 240 ⇒ ln e = ln 240 − ln 2340
−0.2 t 4  4 
e = ⇒ −0.2=
t ln   ⇒= t ...
39  39 
±0.2 t
This mark is for fully correct processing from Ae = B to obtain a value for t
Dependent on the first method mark
(t =) 11.4 For awrt 11.4 A1
dN ( 2 + 3e ) × 0 − 1800 × −0.6 × e
(d)(i) −0.2 t −0.2 t
Way 1 Quotient: =
( 2 + 3e ) −0.2 t 2

= −1800 × −0.6 × e ( 2 + 3e ) −0.2 t −0.2 t −2

Ae −0.2 t M1 A1
M1: For obtaining a derivative of the form
( 2 + 3e ) −0.2 t 2

A1: Correct derivative in any form which may be unsimplified as above.

1080e −0.2 t
Often seen as
( 2 + 3e )
−0.2 t 2

1  1800 
1800 × 0.6 ×  − 2
dN 3  N 
⇒ =
dt  1800 

 N 
 
A full attempt to get in terms of N.
and ( 2 + 3e −0.2t ) must be replaced by a function of N.
Both e−0.2 t
Dependent on the first method mark

dN N (900 − N ) dN N (900 − N )
⇒ = ∴A= 4500 = A1
dt 4500 dt 4500
Way 2 N=
2 + 3e
−0.2 t
⇒ N 2 + 3e(−0.2 t
= 1800 ⇒ 2 + 3e
−0.2 t dN
+ N −0.6e
−0.2 t
)= 0 ( )
M1: 2 + 3e (−0.2 t dN

+ Ae )
−0.2 t
= 0
A1: Correct equation
or M1A1
2 + 3e
−0.2 t
⇒ 2 N + 3 Ne
−0.2 t
= 1800 ⇒ 2
+ 3e
−0.2 t dN

+ N −0.6e
−0.2 t
= 0 ( )
dN −0.2 t dN −0.2 t
M1: A + Be + CNe 0
dt dt
A1: Correct equation
 1800 2 
0.6 N  −
3 N 3 
−0.2 t
dN 0.6Ne 
= =
dt 2 + 3e
−0.2 t
N dM1
dN dN
Makes the subject and a full attempt to get in terms of N.
dt dt
Both e−0.2 t and 2 + 3e −0.2t must be replaced by a function of N.
Dependent on the first method mark
dN N (900 − N ) dN N (900 − N )
⇒ = ∴A=4500 = A1
dt 4500 dt 4500
(d)(i) 1800 1800 − 2 N
Way 3 N= ⇒ 2 N + 3Ne −0.2 t = 1800 ⇒ e −0.2 t =
2 + 3e −0.2 t
 1800 − 2 N  dt  3N 
⇒ −0.2t = ln   ⇒ = −5 ×   × −600 N −2
 3N  dN  1800 − 2 N  M1 A1
M1: For an attempt to make t or −0.2t the subject
and then applies the chain rule to obtain
A1: Correct derivative in any form
dN (1800 − 2 N ) N

⇒ =
dt 9000
dN dM1
A full attempt to get in terms of N.
Dependent on the first method mark
dN N (900 − N ) dN N (900 − N )
⇒ = ∴A=4500 = A1
dt 4500 dt 4500
(ii) N = 450 Cao B1
Scheme Marks
15(a) 8000 8000 1600 Allow any equivalent fraction or awrt
= = 123m
56 + 9 + 0 65 13
(b) 9 cos t + 40 sin t = R cos(t − α )

R = 92 + 402 = 41 41 only B1
 40   9 
α= arctan  ± =  ... or α= arctan  ± = ...
 9   40 
or M1
 40   9 
α = arcsin  ±  = ... or α = arccos  ±  = ...
 "41"   "41" 
α = 77.3 Awrt 77.3 A1
(c)(i) 8000 8000
= ... m Attempts M1
56 + ' R ' 56 + ' R '
8000 8000
= or awrt 82.5 A1
97 97
(ii) Awrt 77.3 or follow through their α
t = 77.3 (ignore what they do in (c)(i))
(d) 8000
150 = ⇒ cos ( t − 77.3) =
56 + 41cos ( t − 77.3) M1
Uses their part (b) with H = 150 and reaches cos ( t ± 77.3) =
k with −1 < k < 0
cos ( t ± "77.3") =
− or awrt − 0.065 ( Follow through their 77.3) A1ft
8  8 
cos ( t ± 77.3) =− ⇒ t ± 77.3 =arccos  −  ⇒ t =...
123  123  dM1
Takes arccos and then ±”77.3” and uses the obtuse angle leading to a value for t
Dependent on the first M so requires −1 < k < 0
( t = )171 Awrt 171 and no other values A1
[11 marks]

Note that the use of radians for an otherwise correct solution would normally lose the A mark in (b) and the
final A mark in (d). (Values are (a) 1.349 and (d) 2.98)
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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