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Second House [Dhana bhaava]:

 The second house is the house of money and money matters and largely decides the net
balance of an individual in his/her life.
 It denotes the financial circumstances or fortune, profit or gain, loss or damage and general
financial prosperity of the native.
 This house shows what the person acquires by his/her individual efforts and the degree of
prosperity which one will enjoy.
 In short, all that is acquired through one's power and resources come under the purview of
this house.
 This house indicates the native's worldly attainments by means of possession of extrinsic value
such as money or those things held to represent money such as jewelry, precious stones, bank drafts,
bonds, stocks and shares, insurance etc.
 This house deals with family. It includes all close relatives of the native, the grandfather,
grandmother, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters etc. (kutumbam). There is no particular
reference to any single relationship, but the entire kutumbam is included.
 Another important influence of the second house is the native's ability to express his
thoughts. This house rules vak, meaning speech.
 The second house governs second marriage. This is so because the 2nd house is the 8th to the
7th representing the first wife and it is generally after the death or separation from the first wife that
one gets married the second time. Though marriage is largely the concern of the 7th house, the
second house can show the time of marriage, description of the partner and the state of married life.
 The second bhaava also represents vision or the power of observation. The right eye (generally
eye) (the 12th is said to govern the left eye), memory and imagination are governed by the second
house. The other parts of the physical body governed by the 2nd house are the nails, tongue, nose,
teeth, cheeks and chin.
 One has to judge the second house to find out whether the native will protect others and
whether he gains or losses through those who are dependent on him/her. Also the general
understanding between the native and the family members is judged from this house.
 The second house also concerns law suits, uses of ordinary or costly metal, his/her trade and
business according to the native's ability to buy and sell and also faith in ancient cultures and customs.
 This house shows whether one will be extravagant or frugal in his/her ways.
 Being a maaraka sthaana, the second house shows the death of the native. The kind of death
is influenced by the 8th house. 3rd house indicates one's life span and the second being 12th to the
3rd shows death. The other maaraka sthaana is the 7th house which is the 12th to the 8th (house of
 The second house should be considered along with the 5th house if one has to find out if one
has an aptitude for music. The type of music (instrument etc) will be shown by the quality of the sign
in which the cusp of the house falls.
 In mundane astrology, this house signifies national wealth, banking activities and all matters
concerning revenue to the state.
 In horary astrology, the second house shows the money of the querist, his loss or gain in
speculations relating to business and also the loans and debts of the querist.

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