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Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity.

National Culture of Pakistan is a blend of Punjabi, Pashtun, Baloch and Sindhi
outlooks. All these are diverse in their material and non-material approaches.
Despite this diversity, the culture of Pakistan is marked with the unity cemented by
our shared goals and common beliefs. Amid the minor rifts ignited by provincialism
and ethnicity, Pakistan’s national culture remains one marking the united people of
varying origins and of different social strata.

Defining Pakistan’s National Culture:

National Culture of Pakistan can be defined as an amalgam of all the material and
non-material thoughts, ideas, perceptions and practices common in the diverse
ethnic groups residing in Pakistan and shaping its outlook. National culture of
Pakistan does not have a point-source rather it seeks strength and content from
multiple sources.

How Pakistan’s National Culture is Diverse?

The co-existence of four major provincial and ethnic groups known as Punjabi,
Baloch, Pashtun and Sindhi; with their varying ideas about social customs, with
different approaches towards development and with separate thought about the
politico-economic setups – makes Pakistan’s national culture diverse.

How Pakistan’s Diverse National Culture Marks Unity?

Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity by:

 Bringing into consideration the varying social customs of all the ethnic
 Maintaining a sense of harmony among the differing socio-economic
approaches among different people living in Pakistan
 Establishing the environment for co-existence for all the cultural patterns
no matter how different they are from one another
 Mainstreaming the people of all origins for common goals of nation’s
defense, prosperity and development
 Introducing the trait of tolerance and acceptance for each other’s cultural
values and tribal histories
 Providing the people of different backgrounds shared beliefs, one
ideology and common religious sentiments
 Ensuring the opportunity of social mobility for everyone irrespective of his
or her ethnic background.

With all these manifestations, the national culture of Pakistan stands out to be
eminently united amid the diverse social, political and economic approaches of
people from different origins, backgrounds and histories.
National Culture of any country is what its people thing and practice along with what
they hold dear and what they defend. As far as Pakistan is concerned, it is no
exception in this regard. It has a national culture united and cemented in the diversity
of socio-political thoughts and cultural variations. People from all the four major
ethnic groups and provinces remain united amid the minor rifts over their rights and
sharing the national wealth.

CPEC is a flagship project of One Belt One Road

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a billions of dollars mega economic
project – is actually the leading manifestation of the Chinese One Belt One Road
(OBOR) vision. Being the first of its form and now almost in practice, CPEC not only
brings the dream of OBOR into reality but also changes the economic, strategic and
pollical status quo of regional relations.

Understanding CPEC and OBOR:

China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a mutual economic venture between China and
Pakistan on the formula of give and take. China is investing over $50 billion in
Pakistan’s infrastructure and energy sectors in return for access to the country’s
routes leading to Gwadar port. The port will ultimately enable the Chinese goods to
reach the African and Middle Eastern markets using the shortest possible way from
the Western China.

One Belt One Road, on the other hand, is a mega vision of China to connect the
whole region and beyond into a single network of transit routes using which China
can carry its products to most of the Asian and European countries. OBOR remains
to be the most important step of China to be a superior economic power replacing
the United States.

CPEC as Flagship of OBOR:

Flagship means to be in leading position in a venture. As far as CPEC is concerned,
it is truly the flagship of OBOR owing to the following reasons:

 CPEC turns out to be one of the most important links in the OBOR
network that will allow China to reach the markets of Africa, Middle East
and Europe
 CPEC stands out to be the first such project that has been materialized
in no time and it is almost in the starting phase of its practice
 Providing the shortest link between three continents, allowing massive
trade transit and connecting the Chinese dots of OBOR; CPEC remains
a flagship of the One Belt One Road vision.

How CPEC is Game Changer?

CPEC is game changer in the region owing to following reasons:

 It is ensuring unprecedented ties between China and Pakistan on the

economic grounds
 It has brought Russia, U.K, Iran and Central Asian Republics to revive
their attention towards Pakistan and the South Asian region
 It is building the economic connectivity between Africa, Middle East and
Asia along with seeking access to the European markets
 It is altering the regional strategic balance by marking a shift in alliances
 New political and economic blocs are surfacing with new visions owing to
the CPEC
 It is altering the regional approach from protectionism towards liberalism
of trade and shared prosperity.

OBOR is the long term economic and strategic vision of the Chinese people while
CPEC is the leading practical manifestation in this regard. With its apparent benefits
to China, Pakistan and other regional countries; CPEC stands out to be a game
changer as well altering the regional alliances and shifting the balance of power.

Significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

for Pakistan
Amid the shifting balance of power in the region, Shanghai Cooperation Organization
is emerging out to be an important security bloc thus bringing vital significance of
strategic and security nature for Pakistan. SCO can be significant for Pakistan in
helping the latter to strengthen its security against the non-conventional threats
along with seeking new opportunities of economic cooperation with the regional
economic and security powers.

Briefly Understanding Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO is fundamentally a cooperation bloc of reginal nations like Central Asian
Republics and South Asia. The bloc is led by China and Russia. Though, it has been
established for cooperation in economic realm and against the common threats like
terrorism yet it is often seen as a security bloc. Analysts have also termed it as
‘NATO of the East’ rendering it as a tool to counter balance the Western NATO.

Significance of SCO for Pakistan

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) can be termed as vital and significant for
Pakistan owing to the following facts:

 It is an important cooperation bloc for Pakistan where it can seek the

economic help from major regional powers to prosper through trade and
proper investment.
 SCO, being an emerging security bloc, can prove greatly helpful for
Pakistan in helping it from traditional and non-traditional threats.
 SCO is providing Pakistan an important strategic position against its
regional and global enemies.
 The organization is giving Pakistan better options in terms of choices for
regional partners. It is bringing it closer to Russia as well as the Central
Asian Republics.
 Pakistan can have the significance of getting on good terms with India
using the platform of SCO. Their hostility is often seen as a threat to the
working of SCO but in an optimist view; the platform provides good
opportunity for both of them to sort out the problem.
 Through SCO Pakistan can end its diplomatic isolation in the region.
 Pakistan can seek help to counter the threats of terrorism in the region
along with sharing its experience with the other member countries facing
such challenge.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization is doubtlessly a thing of future to which Pakistan
can attach vital expectations of significance in the areas of economy and security.
SCO can also provide better choices in friends, strategic leverage and diplomatic
inclusion. It can further ensure help for Pakistan in countering the years long threat
of terrorism along with providing mechanism to cope the non-traditional challenges.

How general elections in 2002, 2008 and 2013 strengthened

democracy in Pakistan.
Being the essential part of a healthy democratic process, elections have always
remained an important yet controversial topic in Pakistan. Not all the elections in
Pakistan have contributed to the strength of democracy. Some have hampered its
growth. However, the previous three general elections held in 2002, 2008 and 2013
can be considerably marked as elements of democratic strength in Pakistan.

General Elections of 2002 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy

The elections held in 2002 least contributed to the strength of democracy but it laid
the foundations of a democratic and free-elections process in the country. These
elections were held during the dictatorial regime of military president Musharraf. This
fact undermines the role of these elections in strengthening democracy. Critics point
out that how could this election strengthen democracy when country was then being
ruled by an autocrat. Still, this election founded the very terms for a process that
continues even today.

General Elections of 2008 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy

As far as the general elections of 2008 are concerned, they can be marked as
middle ground in Pakistan’s voyage towards free and fair electoral process. This
election, which brought Pakistan People’s Party into power, actually strengthened
democracy by ending years of autocratic military rule. Further, allowing a healthy
election campaign in the traditional mainstream political parties added to the spirit of
democracy in Pakistan. Lastly, it was the result of this election the PPP-led
government completed its constitutional tenure of 5 years thus establishing a well-
cherished democratic norm in the country.
General Elections of 2013 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy
Elections held in 2013 can be regarded as the high point of democracy in Pakistan. It
was the result of peaceful and unprecedented transfer of power from one democratic
party to another through these elections. It was the election when three major
mainstream political parties contested to emerge out. The election strengthened
democracy by introducing the norms of effecting campaign amid the more learned
public opinion.

Despite some of the controversies attached, the general elections of 2008, 2013 and
to some extent that of 2002; added to the strength of democracy in Pakistan by
introducing good electoral norms and providing the masses with better political
environment. These elections brought the practice of peaceful transition of power
from one government to another in constitutional way thus discarding all the
unconstitutional practices of the past years.

Shah Waliullah
At the dawn of 18th century the socio-political conditions of the Muslims were
miserable and pathetic. With the demise of Alamgir in 1707, the enviable fabric of the
Mughal Empire started crumbling. The imminent political downfall was a matter of
serious concern for the scholars of the time who could understand the glory of
Muslim rule in Sub-Continent. In this time Shah Waliullah took the responsibility to
save the Muslims from the political annihilation and religious degeneration.


Alien Practices Corrupting Islamic Culture

Shah was a reformer possessing a balanced and fair minded approach towards
religion. He made an exhaustive endeavor in order to eradicate the menace of un-
Islamic rituals that were corrupting the culture of Muslim society. The absurd
practices of Hindu community were being merged in the sound and simple lives of
the Muslims. Perhaps, it was the legacy of Akbar’s notorious Deen-e-Elahi and his
deep rooted affection with the Hindus. In order to cope this misadventure, Wali took
the path of preaching with the power of his writings. He wrote 51 important books for
the general guidance of the Muslims and infusing the spirit of true religion again in
them. ‘Taffhimat-e-Elahi’ and ‘Hujjyulla-al-Baligha’ are the books worth mentioning in
this regard.

Derailed Religious Scholars Indulged in Sharpening Sects

Second, the strange innovations being made in the religion by the mullahs divided in
various sects and interested in polishing their own workshops were annoying for
Wali. The debate of ‘Sufi and Wali’ derailed the Muslims from the original path. Even
in here, Shah preferred to teach the Muslims what their religion is actually about. In
order to assuage the differences among them he wrote a renowned book, ‘Al Bayan
Fi Sabab al Ikhtilaf’.

Not only was this but the idea of ‘Wahdat-ul-Wajood’, nothing less than an attack to
root out Islamic principles from India. The propagation of amounting the creator and
the creation as one was in fact favorably advocating the Hindu practice of worshiping
idols. Wali stood against this idea and presented the factual idea of ‘Wahdat ul
Shuhood’. He solemnly rejected the assumption of equalizing the creation and the
creator. He asserted in the oneness of Allah Almighty as the creator of the whole

Translation of Holy Quran in Lingua Franca of the Muslims

Persian, the lingua franca of the Muslims of Sub-Continent was utilized by Wali in
order to translate the Holy Quran. This was his effort to bring the Muslims to learn
what actually Quran has told and what they were doing. Learning Quran in their own

In nutshell, his religious preaching was a magnificent step to secure the coming
posterities from being prey to the Hindu culture, to make the Muslims stick to what
Quran reveals upon them and to prohibit the religious scholars from bringing the
laymen to plunge into the architectured sects.


Dream of a Separate Homeland Solely for Muslims

Though, Wali is known for his role in religious filed but it cannot fog his active
participation in securing the political future of the Muslims amid the anticipated fall of
Muslim rule in India. After having assessed the priorities of rulers of the time, Shah
could see the clashes of civilizations in India in the coming years. And it happened;
Hindus and the Muslims fought in every field of life in the years which later colored
the pages of future history.

Smelling these fears, Shah proposed the idea of a separate homeland for the
Muslims irrespective of its size but what mattered him the most was its need in order
to provide an Islamic environment to the Muslims free from Hindu interference. Thus,
it can be safely assumed that Shah was one of the early founders of two nation
theory, the rationale which led to the creation of Pakistan.

Shah’s Formula for Dashing Down the Anticipated Threats to Muslim Rule in
Shah was the reformer who dared to point out the three major threats to the Muslims
of Sub-Continent and his prediction proved to be right in the years to come.
According to him; ‘Jatts of Delhi and Agra, Marhattas of the Southern India and Sikhs
of the Punjab’ were one to have unsheathed their swords against the Muslims. In
order to avert this imminent attack on the fragile politics of the Muslims, he wrote to
the Muslim big shots of time like Ahmad Shah Abdali and Nawab Sujjah-ud-Daulah
inciting them to wage holy wars against the enemies of Muslim rule in India. His
letters worked and the power of Marhattas prepared to root out Muslim rule was
dashed to the ground of Pani Patt in the history’s third ferocious combat there in
1761. Thus, Shah being circumspect played a wise political move to protect the
Muslim political rule for India. Even after this success, the custom of waging holy
wars against the enemies of Muslims was kept alive by Syed Ahmad Shaheed and
his comrades.
Quaid-e-Azam and Two Nation Theory
Jinnah was a visionary who rightly exploited the situation at Lahore Resolution to
give the Two Nation Theory a concrete outlook. He brought the Indian problem out of
the shackles of communalism into its internationalized character seeing a situation
when during the world war two years, India was seeking attention of the US
President Roosevelt as well.

“The problem in India is not of inter-communal nature, but manifestly of an

international one, and it must be treated as such.” Jinnah’s presidential address to
the annual session of All India Muslim League in March 1940.

Two Nation Theory & Lahore Resolution

Two Nation Theory was an evolutionary theory in the history of the Sub-Continent. It
clearly stated that the Hindus and the Muslims are two different nations who cannot
be merged into one another in political, religious or even socio-cultural way.

Two Nation Theory sought a formal recognition in the address of Jinnah in 1940.
Before calling the Indian issue as an international one, he took time to explain the
material and spiritual differences between the two nations. This was a signal by the
Muslim League that from now on only Two Nation Theory would be the guiding
principle of the struggle of the Muslims. Lahore Resolution of 1940 is important also
because it was a platform where the practical manifestation of the Two Nation
Theory was presented by Fazal ul Haq who described the geographical division
feasible under this theory.

Indian Problem as an International One

Jinnah repudiated that Indian problem was mere a communal one. He called it
international problem because;

 Both Hindus and the Muslims fulfilled all the criteria to be called as two
 Indian problem was not communal because it was now gaining attention
of the world community
 It was impossible to take this matter a communal one and let it unsolved
without interference of any foreign hand

Two Nation Theory was a concrete reality. Jinnah inculcated this theory effectively
on the eve of All India Muslim League session of 1940. Internationalization of the
Indian problem was in real meaning the manifestation of the Two Nation Theory.

Foreign policy of Pakistan

9/11 altered the global order considerably. Many of the word states modified their
foreign policies. Pakistan was no exception in this regard. Being on the crossroads of
the territories where War on Terror was ignited, Pakistan needed to reform its foreign
policy particularly in context of the US and Afghanistan.

Post 9/11 Foreign Policy of Pakistan

According to the United States, 9/11 was the catastrophic event engineered by
Afghanistan based Al-Qaeda. This militant wing was led by Osama Bin Laden who
was the host of Afghan Taliban government in 2001. At the refusal of Afghan Taliban
to hand over Bin Laden to the US, the then President Bush launched a US-led
international alliance against terrorism and invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan being neighbor and an important strategic location in terms of the War on
Terror brought up following major changes in its foreign policy;

 Pakistan’s post 9/11 foreign policy no more remained India-centric. Now

the events in the US and Afghanistan carried much of influence on its
foreign policy making.
 Pakistan’s post 9/11 foreign policy made the country a front line ally of
the US in war on terror. In this wake though Pakistan did not send its
troop to fight in Afghanistan but it had to provide its land routes, some air
and military bases in order to assist the NATO forces.
 Pakistan’s foreign policy had to bring a change in dealing with the
Afghan government of Taliban. Previously, Pakistan was a favorable
country to the Afghan Taliban government that came into power in 1996.
But at the turn of the events the Taliban government lacked support from
 Post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan brought the country into the bloc of
the US, keeping it disengaged with Russia and other Eastern powers.
The relations with China, however, remained warm.

Pakistan in Regional and Global Politics

Amid the scenario when the War on Terror is in its last phases in Afghanistan,
Pakistan is once again reforming its foreign policy to exploit the regional and global
politics into its national interest. In future, Pakistan has following prospects in
regional and global politics;

 Pakistan being the host of China Pakistan Economic Corridor is going to

gain economic and trade importance in the region.
 Pakistan has long experience of combating terrorism. This makes the
country an experienced and steadfast state in the region. Pakistan can
share its experience with other Asian countries to help them make
 Pakistan is of great importance in the region for helping the Middle
Eastern countries to be out of the chaos. In this wake, Pakistan made a
diplomatic comeback while trying to calm the tensions between Iran and
Saudi Arabia.
 Pakistan is still important in global politics as it will help the US troops to
seek a safe exit from Afghanistan.
 Globally Pakistan has sought appreciation for its fight against militancy.
This will keep it engaged with the global powers which can help to
develop the country by sharing modern technology and education.

Pakistan altered its foreign policy to cope with the post 9/11 foreign policy and it is
altering it now to manage well in the regional and global politics.

Kashmir Issue
Pakistan and India share several territorial disputes and the Kashmir valley stands
prominent among them. Occupied by the Indian troops in 1948, Kashmir has
remained a bone of contention between both the South Asian Nuclear rivals who
have fought even three full scale wars as well.

Kashmir Problem – Background

Kashmir was a princely state being ruled by Hari Singh at the time of the partition. It
was originally sold to the Dogra family by the British Raj. Kashmir being a Muslim
majority was believed to be a part of Pakistan after people were to decide their fate.

But the people were oppressed by the ruler. At this the Phatan tribes from Pakistan’s
frontier province went to liberate Kashmiri people. They conquered a considerable
area which is now named as ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’. The remaining major part
of Kashmir was occupied by the Indian troops. Before a war could escalate between
India and Pakistan over this issue, the UNSC passed resolution declaring ceasefire
and drawing a Line of Control between both the parts of Kashmir. The resolution also
suggested to hold plebiscite in Kashmir which has never been implemented.

Kashmir Problem in the Contemporary Scenario

Pakistan never gave up the idea to free Kashmir from Indian occupation. In the
contemporary run, Pakistan supported the Kashmiris at the UN General Assembly’s
70th session last year. Kashmiri ‘Huriyat Conference’ remains active in inculcating
the idea of freedom and unity with Pakistan. India however tries to prevent possible
interactions between any Pakistani diplomat and Huriyat leaders. India shows
immature behavior to discuss the Kashmir problem.

Possible Solutions
The possible solutions to settle the Kashmir problem amicably between India and
Pakistan can be following;

A. Plebiscite
If India agrees on holding plebiscite in Kashmir under the UNSC resolution then it
can be an ideal solution to end the confrontation.
B. Bilateral Diplomacy
Wars can no longer decide the Kashmir problem. Active and sincere diplomacy
between both the countries can help them seek a solution.

C. Third Party’s Assistance

In case bilateral diplomacy fails, both the countries can seek the mediation and
assistance of a third neutral country.

D. Independent State of Kashmir

In case the deadlock remains, Kashmir can be declared an independent state if not
the part of Pakistan. This will not be in national interest of Pakistan but at least good
for the peace and security of the South Asia.

Kashmir issue until resolves properly and once for all, will remain a point of friction in
Indo-Pak relations. There is need to settle this matter for the sake of South Asian
peace and progress.

Afghan War and Pakistan

It has been over three decades that Afghanistan comes out of a war to enter into
another. Being the neighbor of war-wrecked country, Pakistan where has played its
strategic role in Afghanistan during these wars there it also brought some threats into
its own land.

Afghan War (Since 1979)

Afghan War since 1979 has been fought in phases. In each phase the belligerents
kept on changing in their outlooks and ideologies.

1st Afghan War (1979-1989)

This first phase of war commenced after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Red
Army troops installed a government favorable to the USSR. In this phase, with the
mutual cooperation of CIA and Pakistan, Afghan Mujahideen were provided with
training and weaponry in order to fight and oust the Soviets. It was a period of Cold
War between the US and USSR. Thus, US played vital role by supporting the Afghan

2nd Afghan War (1989-1996)

With the fluid peace in the initial years after ousting the Soviets from Afghanistan, the
country became victim of civil war. Afghan ethnic groups led by several war-lords
began to fight each other to grab political power. Coalition governments failed as one
of them was created with the help of Pakistan under ‘Peshawar Accord’ of 1992. The
situation got more worse when a Pashtun-dominated religious group of ‘Talibans’
came into the seen. The war became deadly but ended with the victory of Taliban
who captured the political power in the country.

3rd Afghan War (2001 – Continues)

Taliban government in Afghanistan was the host of Osama Bin Laden whose militant
organization named Al-Qaeda attacked the New York’s twin towers on September
11, 2001. When the Taliban government refused to hand over Bin Laden to the US,
the latter invaded Afghanistan after forming an international alliance to fight the ‘War
on Terrorism’. This war of Afghan Taliban and the foreign and Afghan forces
continues since then.

Emergence of Threats to Pakistan in the Wake of Afghan War

Pakistan faces non-traditional security threats and is fighting the activism of the non-
sate actors. The emergence of these threats can surely be attributed to the Afghan
war. But this attribution is not mere based on the fact that there has been a war
being fought in Afghanistan. It is rather based on the reality that Pakistan willingly
and unwillingly got involved in Afghan matters during the war times.

This led to the emergence of non-traditional security threats in Pakistan in following


 Emergence of ‘Kalashnikov Culture’ in Pakistani society

 Rise of non-state actors defying the writ of the state
 Suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks on civilians and military
 Political instability in country
 Heavy spending on military operations in the FATA of Pakistan

Afghan war and its consequences proved fatal for Pakistan. Inter alia other reasons,
Pakistan wrongly assessed strategies and drastic change in the global order after
9/11 brought rough challenges for the country.

Population Growth in Pakistan can erupt like an atomic bomb. Comment!

Population can be an asset as well as a liability on the state depending on the latter’s
policy towards it. Today, the developing countries like Pakistan with huge population
but little opportunities find themselves in a dilemma. Unemployment, weak economic
growth, little opportunities for the youth and ignorance are the challenges which can
ignite population growth of Pakistan to erupt like an atomic bomb.

Population refers to the people living in a particular piece of territory. In modern
concept of state, population is regarded as one of the essential elements of
statehood. Population varies in numbers from country to country. The world has one
of the largest populations living in the states of China and India. On the other hand,
we can see the smallest populations living in countries like Vatican City.

Is More Population a bad Thing?

Population is necessity of the state. But, there are no available limits to its numbers.
Having a large population isn’t a bad thing unless the people are rightly directed and
used by the state in collective welfare. Population’s strength is itself a neutral idea.
For instance, China has a huge population but it offers people jobs and work. This
reality has made huge population its strength. On the other hand, India and Pakistan
have huge populations respectively but they take it as liability owing to the fact that
they have little jobs and opportunities for work to offer its people.

Pakistan’s Population can erupt like Atomic Bomb. Why?

The reasons can be derived from the facts discussed above. In Pakistan huge
population can erupt like an atomic bomb because:

 Most of the individuals in country are ignorant due to lack of education and
common sense. An ignorant population is a liability rather than an asset. State
has spent less money on generating incentives to keep all children attending
the schools.
 Pakistan spends little on human development. The country has wasted huge
sums of money on wars, infrastructures, corruption and political projects. This in
return has left people unattended to their due needs thus making them
desperate and useless.
 Joblessness is another reason which has made Pakistan’s population like an
erupting atomic bomb. Jobless people get engaged in criminal activities. This
along with surging the crime rate also deteriorates the quality of population.
 Government has failed to produce the desired business and work opportunities.
It has failed to establish more industries which can offer more jobs for
individuals. This in return makes population growth a curse for the country.

Population growth of Pakistan can be turned into an asset by adopting the Chinese
model. Following steps need to be taken in this regard:

 Educate every child and make sure that he doesn’t skip at least the basic
schooling to the level of intermediate
 Increase enrollment in technical and vocational institutions for students who
show little interest in higher studies
 Establish more state-owned or semi-public industries that can offer jobs to the
educated youth
 Make agreements with foreign friends that can allow laborers and workers from
Pakistan to seek work opportunities oversees

Population growth is not a bad thing unless made with inefficient and out of date
policies of the government. In Pakistan, population is erupting like an atomic bomb
because individuals lack education, jobs and opportunities.

Critically analyze the key causes behind delay in construction of Dams.

Give the suggestions to revert this loss.
Dams are the guarantor of efficient use of water as a natural resource of the country.
In Pakistan, governments have neglected this reality. Despite knowing that the
country can face water and energy crisis in future, they did not bother to spend more
on constructing new dams. Corruption, negligence and lack of technical interest in
nation’s future are reasons behind delay in the construction of Dams.

Dams and their Need in Pakistan

For decades, Pakistan has exploited two major Dams for its energy and water
needs. These are the Mangla and Terbela Dams. Now, with booming population
come a high demand of energy and more water. But, lack of timely construction of
Dams has put Pakistan into energy and water crisis. The delay in addressing this
problem has left the country into several problems related to its economy as well.

Causes behind Delay in Dams Construction

Following are the chief causes behind the delay in construction of Dams:

Negligence on the Part of Government

Governments in Pakistan are most of the time result of political emotions. They take
charge of the country and govern it according to their political benefits. The real and
long term benefits and welfare policies are sidelined. The thing kept in focus is the
projects which give immediate political benefit. Construction of Dams doesn’t fall in
such projects which give immediate political benefit. Thus, the required construction
of Dams has been kept delayed due to sheer negligence on the part of the

Corruption and Red Tape-ism

Elements of corruption and red tape-ism in the matters of planning and implementing
huge projects like construction of Dams are another reason behind the said delay.
Corrupt mafia of this country especially the one having active role in governmental
affairs prevent long-term projects which promise more public good and offer little
personal benefits.

Absence of Long Term Plans

Absence of long term plans regarding energy needs of future and water crisis has
also delayed the timely construction of Dams.

Political Instability
Years of political instability in Pakistan has kept the governments to focus on
empowering themselves rather than working on projects that actually mean for the
future of this country. In the wake of political instability, construction of Dams has
never been priority of the governments.

How to Revert the Loss?

The loss caused by delay in construction of Dams cannot be reverted completely.
This is because in matters of state and public welfare, time is always important. The
loss incurred by Pakistan’s economy and its future remain impossible to compensate
However, there are still steps we can take to allow further loss from happening due
to delay in the construction of Dams:

 Government should declare emergency for building required Dams and

establish separate departments in this regard if need be.
 There is need to work immediately on the construction of Diamar Basha Dam
and Mohmand Dam for which a public fund has already been created.
 There is need to study and plan the future need of water reservoirs for the
efficient agriculture of country.

Dams are need of every country to meet its energy needs and to efficiently use water
resources. Unfortunately, Pakistan has showed negligence in the matter of timely
construction of Dams. Still there is time to amend for the loss incurred due to the
problem explained.

Efficient Use of Natural Resources can make Pakistan Prosperous nation.

Discuss in the light of present situation of Pakistan.
In the contemporary state of affairs, the nation of Pakistan is marred with economic
stagnation. The said problem serves as the root of many ills of Pakistan. The country
has been continuously relying on debts and foreign aids without practically realizing
the fact that efficient use of its own natural resources like coal, minerals, crops and
hot waters can make it prosperous.

Natural Resources in Pakistan

The term natural resources usually refer to all the material treasures naturally
present within the territory of a state. These may include minerals, gold, coal, crops,
hot waters, landscapes and any other natural stuff that can be used in the benefit of
the state.

Pakistan has enormous natural resources. It possesses one of the world’s largest
salt mine. Further, it is the land of world’s top coal reservoirs. Pakistan’s Baluchistan
region has unearthed a number of minerals along with natural gas reservoirs. Crude
oil has also been extracted from several points in the geography of this country.

Exploitation of Natural Resources

Natural resources are one of the determinants of state power but not unless they are
exploited in an efficient way. Exploitation of the natural resources provides a state
leverage to enhance trade with other nations along with providing its own people with
the natural facilities. For instance, Saudi Arabia is a nation that has well exploited the
natural resource of its crude oil. The country has earned petro-dollars to make itself
one of the strongest economies of the region.

Exploitation of Natural Resources can make Pakistan Prosperous

Pakistan is rich in natural resources but these have never made it prosperous nation
like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The reason lies in following facts:

 Pakistan’s government pays little attention towards such ventures. They mostly
remain engaged in domestic political tussles and fighting wars for others at
international level.
 Exploitation of natural resources requires spending money on talent, skilled
workers and drilling agencies. Governments in Pakistan hesitate to spend in
this regard. This discourages talented experts of the field to work in Pakistan for
the efficient exploitation of natural resources.
 Pakistan’s youth is mostly engaged in traditional studies of arts like politics,
sociology and public administration. The country has little incentive and
direction for the young ones to join technical fields like geology, engineering
and other such areas. This produces less technical experts in the educational
institutions of the country. Owing to this fact, we lack skilled experts and
ultimately depend on foreign help for exploitation of resources. That makes the
exploitation inefficient and not in the interest of nation’s prosperity.
 Corruption is another major reason behind inefficient exploitation of natural
resources. The bureaucratic red-tape involved in projects of exploitation of
natural resources often discourage foreign companies to take less interest in
Pakistan’s assets. This in return turns our resources nothing but pile of waste
hidden underneath.

For better exploitation of resources the state needs to take following steps:

 Introduce more technical degrees in educational institutions

 Provide incentives to students to join technical programs of study
 Train a generation of technical experts which can guide the nations for efficient
use of natural resources
 Allow foreign companies to work on natural resources of Pakistan without
pressure and fear of being deprived them from their due share

Natural resources are an asset of the modern political and state system. A country
rich in natural resources is center of attention. We can understand it from the OPEC
nations. Efficient exploitation of these resources strengthens nation’s economy and
upholds its integrity. In any case otherwise, the state falls behind and depends on

What are Major Economic Challenges being faced by Pakistan? What

Measures do you recommend to address it?
Pakistan’s economic woes are old and complex. These woes have kept the country
in global economic dependence. Among major challenges which the economy of
Pakistan faces include: failure to collect income tax, corruption, unchecked behavior
of profit-mafia and debt traps.

What is Economic Challenge?

Economic challenge refers to any sort of disorder, malpractice or misuse in financial
matters. At the level of state, this term usually means when government repeatedly
fails to strengthen nation’s economy.

Economic Challenges of Pakistan:

Pakistan is facing following prominent economic challenges in the contemporary
state of affairs:
Revenue Collection
No state can thrive economically unless it vigilantly takes care of its revenue
collection. By revenue collection it is primarily meant the collection of different kinds
of taxes. Pakistan’s government is effectively collecting levies like ‘Sales Tax,
Withholding Tax, Registration Fees’ but it fails to collect income tax to the required
level. There are two reasons behind this woe:

 Citizens of Pakistan are not accustomed to pay income tax

 The majority of Pakistani citizens are outside the tax net
 Being out of tax net has not been practically subjected to strict actions

The second major economic challenge in Pakistan is corruption. The term corruption
is usually taken in economic sense. It refers to the act of stealing public money using
the illegal tactics of bribery. Corruption is the fact that can be termed as ‘mother of all
economic challenges of Pakistan’. This is because corruption nullifies the effect of
revenue collection, its spending on public and recollecting it back from citizens.

Corruption in Pakistan is mostly associated with high rank public servants, lower
rank public employees, politicians and military generals alike. Behind the reasons of
surge in corruption are absence of moral fiber and lack of understanding about the
sacredness of public money.

Rule of Profiteers
Governments in Pakistan are mostly dominated by the rich class of profiteers who
maintain political influence in their constituencies through the money they possess.
They use the money to keep citizens as loyal voters. It will not be wrong to state that
voters remain commodity bought by the profiteer-politician.

When such profiteers and capitalists dominate government, they tend to make or
mold economic policies in a way that benefits them more thus leaving little outcome
for the people in general. This factor keeps the element of poverty intact and
economic change in the lives of citizens remains a dream.

Debt Traps
Fourth major economic woe of Pakistan is debt-traps. This term refers to the
economic enslavement. Owing to rampant corruption which weakened the economy,
Pakistan has for decades depended on international debts and monetary supports
from states like USA, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Not only that, Pakistan
has repeatedly subscribed to the debt packages of institutions like ‘International
Monetary Fund’ (IMF) and ‘World Bank’ (WB). Pakistan has failed to pay back these
debts and fell into the economic trap.

Recommendations to Address Economic Challenges

The above mentioned economic challenges can be addressed by:

 Devising mechanisms to bring all citizens in tax net

 Reforming the loop holes in tax administration
 Initiating long-term corruption elimination drive
 Discouraging rule of profiteer politicians
 Practicing less dependence on foreign debts and trying self-sufficiency

Economy is essential ingredient of a welfare state. Without strong economy and
transparent economic matters, no nation can thrive. Pakistan has potential to be a
welfare state but for that economic challenges need to be addressed timely.

Congress Ministries of 1937

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Critically examine the Congress Ministries of 1937. How far it is correct to

suggest that it paved the way to Separate Muslim Homeland in India?
Pakistan is neither accidental nor natural creation. It is result of years of struggle,
sacrifices and human endeavor. History reflects the fact that, various political events
played the vital role in this regard. Beginning from the Partition of Bengal in 1905 to
the adoption of Pakistan Resolution in 1940; these are actually political realities
which established Pakistan and the Congress Ministries – 1937 is one among such
realities. The Congress Ministries in fact, proved to be the last nail in coffin of the
United India under British Raj. It was the unholy and unpopular rule of Congress
Ministries that finally convinced Jinnah and his fellow Muslims of Sub Continent to
lay the foundation of a separate Muslim Homeland.

What is meant by the Congress Ministries?

British Raj introduced the new Indian Constitution in 1935 promising the Indians with
bit is a more share in internal rule. The new constitution led the Indians towards fresh
elections for constituting a government. The election was chiefly contested by the
Muslim League and Congress. As of results, Congress sought huge majority and
moved to form the government of India. Congress nominated Jawaharlal Nehru as
Prime Minister of India. He assumed office and framed his cabinet. The new
government, informally known as Congress Ministries, ruled over internal affairs of
India from 1937 to 1939.

How Congress Ministries Paved Way towards Muslim Homeland?

Congress Ministries rule provided a number of reasons for the establishment of the
Separate Muslim Homeland. It can be better assessed from following points:

1. Congress Ministries Rule was Reflection of Hindutva

Congress presented itself to be a liberal and secular party. It might have been
correct at some point of time but not always. At different political events, Congress
was in the grip of Hindu Nationalists whose aim was promotion and propagation of
Hindu ideology and culture. Congress Ministries were dominated by similar fanatics.
The Ministries managed to distort Muslim culture and ideology by:

 Promoting Hindu mindset in educational institutions

 Forcing young Muslims to salute ‘Indian three-colored flag’
 Usurping the political and cultural Rights of the Muslim Community
 Breeding sense of communalism in India
 Suppressing Muslim nation into nothing but only a minority
 Ensuring political victimization of Muslim League as its top political and
ideological rival

2. Muslims of India realized their Mistake of Bringing Congress in Power

When Muslim League contested elections, it did not enjoy the political support of all
Muslim Community of India. Portions of it made mistake of supporting Congress and
other political factions. They began to realize their political blunder soon after
Congress took power and started targeting Muslim identity, culture and political
rights. This realization of mistake played important role in paving the way towards
new Muslim Homeland in India.

3. Congress Ministries left no Alternative for Muslims

Congress Ministries left for Muslims of India no choice but a demand for Separate
Muslim Homeland. Prior to the Ministries Rule, there was never complete consensus
in the ranks of Muslim League over the demand of Separate Homeland. The
consensus, however, emerged soon after the Congress Ministries collapsed in 1939.
Just a year later, Muslims gathered in Lahore’s Minto Park and passed the
Resolution of Pakistan under the leadership of Jinnah. Not only that but, the day
Congress Ministries collapsed, Muslim League celebrated it as ‘Day of Deliverance’.

Muslims of India never abruptly demanded for a separate homeland. It took years for
them to understand and realize that their future is bleak in India unless they establish
their own political state. Many events played role in this regard and Congress
Ministries in no exception to this reality.

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