Introduction:-: 1 Progress Report

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1st Progress Report:

Introduction :-
Human resources are the most important asset in a company so it must be
maintained and maintained. The success of the company in achieving the goal
is inseparable from the role of employees. Every company basically wants and
demands that all its employees always do their job as well as possible. To
realize this goal, it takes skilled employees, achievers and professional so that
employees will always be responsive to the needs of the company. Employees
are the main assets of companies that become planners and active actors of
every company activity. Knowledge of how to guide employees well is neede5d
to work as closely as possible. Therefore, it takes skilled employees, achievers
and professionals so that employees will always be responsive to the needs of
the company. Every organisation irrespective of their size has certain goals to
achieve and such goals can only be attained by recruiting and maintaining well
qualified human resources in the organisation. The employee in the
organisation put their best in the job only when they are suitably rewarded.
There is a strong relationship between incentives and productivity of an
employee. An effective incentive program is considered to be the most
important factor in improving the productivity of the employee. Performance
of the employee depends upon the incentive system effective in the
organisation. The higher the incentive the more will be the productivity of the
employee. A well-balanced incentive system helps organisation attracting and
retaining the talented employee. It is the incentive which engages employee
with the work and organisation. Money is considered to be the most important
factor in improving the productivity of employee although there are certain
other financial (salary, wages, bonus, medical allowance, transport allowance,
retirement benefits etc.) and non-financial incentives (recognition,
participation, growth opportunity, job enrichment etc.) affecting productivity.
The study focuses on incentives used by companies to improve the
productivity of employees. Financial incentives and non-financial incentives
have a significant positive effect on work motivation and financial incentives,
non-financial incentives and work motivation have a significant positive effect
on job performance and work motivation have no significant effect on work
performance. Based on the Research gap that has been presented, can be a
research problem about the influence of financial inset if and nonfinancial
incentives on employee performance with work motivation as a moderation

Review of literature:-
Publications: 2014DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.21.10.21756

Demographics of the Respondents: The survey was conducted in Astro films

plastiflex films (PVT) industry. The survey was conducted in one of its branches
situated in Lahore City of Pakistan. This organization belongs to increases the
private sector only. The Profile of the respondents’ motivation and job
satisfaction. Included: sales manager, area sales manager, assistant sales
manager, management trainee officer and regional sales manager in the Astro
films industry. Employees expect a salary accordance to their skills, abilities
and qualification. An inequitable pay is a source of appreciating their services
and efforts. Nobody likes to be unappreciated; all the employees expect a
salary that is up to their qualification and experience. 39% strongly agree and
41% agree with the statement, “I am happy with my current salary level. It is in
accordance with my knowledge, skills, abilities, education and experience.”
The employees are motivated by the salary package being offered here. It is in
accordance with the skills, abilities, experience and their qualification.

2) Publication: Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research:

Impact of financial and non-financial motivation on employees’ performance

in Orient Lanka confectionery (Pvt) Ltd. Population of this study was 350
employees in which 100 employees including managerial, executive and others
were selected as the research sample using simple random selection. Through
regression analysis it has been constructed that the positive relationship of
combinations for financial motivation and non-financial motivation with
employees’ performance. In addition to finding relationship between variables,
developed hypotheses for the research has been verified that there is linear
relationship between financial motivation and employee performance and also
NFM and employees’ performance. It was founded that 31.8% of variability in
employee performance is explained its linear relationship by financial
motivation. And 44% of variability in employee performance is explained its
linear relationship by nonfinancial motivation. This research study answers
that the non-financial motivation highly impact on employee performance
than financial motivation in Orient Lanka Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd. The analysis
of the financial and non-financial motivation of Orient Lanka Confectionery
(Pvt) Ltd illustrates that the both are provided to employees at high level by
the company.

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