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It was a cloudy morning as it rained heavily last night.

After a long internal debate, I convinced

myself to get out of bed and go for my daily jog. After a long run, as I was about to turn to the street
of my home, I witnessed some suspicious movement at the dark alley by the ends of the street.
Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to look into it. Tiptoeing, I sneaked into the alley. At first, I
couldn’t hear anything, but as I moved further into the alley, I heard a soft muffling sound. Every bit
of my brain told me to turn around and walk away, but it was my curiosity and perhaps destiny that
made me stay and get to the end of it.

As I followed the sound, I could feel my heart rushing and breathing getting faster. It was still a bit
dark outside as it was early in the morning, so it was hard to figure out faces, but as I observed
closely, I could see the silhouette of four large muscular men there. They were speaking in hushed
voices but in a different language which I couldn’t understand. Peeking from behind the trash can
where I was hiding, I saw a man kneeling in front of them. I could hear the man cry as one of them
pointed a gun to his head. As I collected myself to back off from the situation, I heard a deafening
noise, the shot has been fired, and there it was, a man lying in his own pool of blood. It was perhaps
too late for me as well as one of them has already noticed me lurking behind the bin. My whole body
went numb for a moment as I tried to run from the scene. I recollected myself as I knew my only
chance was to run. I turned around and ran without thinking, but how could I have overrun a bullet. I
fell on the ground screaming in pain as I realized my left leg had been injured. I could see those men
approaching me with a scary look on their faces. It was this moment I saw my life flashing Infront of
my eyes. I collected all my strength, and I tried to drag myself out of the shady street. They were still
at some distance from me, and it was my only chance. However as I tried to escape, I slowly lost my

I woke up a few hours later on a hospital bed. The news of the incident was all over the news. They
were a gang of most wanted criminals on the run from the police. I don’t remember what happened
after that, but my friends told me an officer passing by heard them and alerted the authorities, and I
was lucky enough that they arrived on time to save my life. It is moments like these that makes you
appreciate your life and everyday you get to live a little bit more. This was perhaps a day I will never

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