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From the office of J'lika Somm,

under-templar of The King's Public Works,

in his glorious name, Hamanu, Lion of Urik.

Dearest brother,

it is with great pride that I write to you with the details of your forthcoming assignment. I
remember vividly my early days as an initiate in our mighty king's templarate and whilst I'm
privileged to hold a position of importance and responsibility in the King's Works, I also
find myself somewhat envious of your coming mission and the challenges and honor it will
surely bring you.

For it is in these early days where we templars are hardened in the crucibles of battle and
politics - where we prove decisively our worth to our devoted citizenry and our benevolent
king. Elevation to the ranks of Urikite Templar is the greatest calling one can answer - but
whilst many aspire to work tirelessly in the Lion's shadow, few prove their worth.

The greatest advice I can give you is that which was given to me: as you face the challenges
ahead, be loyal, be worthy and be ruthless in your pursuit of our great king's glory and you
shall be triumphant brother.

Now, to the details of your mission. As you are doubtless aware, many of the tasks we
undertake in the service of Hamanu, praise be to his name, are of the utmost importance and
the utmost sensitivity - as such this briefing will contain only that which you need to know.
If you have any further questions, be reassured that I and my superiors have carefully vetted
the information presented to you to ensure that it is as complete as our sources currently
offer or as we are at liberty to divulge at this time.

You are to leave the city immediately under the guise of a merchant of your tribe. Following
your departure, you are to head to Fort Blacksands where you will introduce yourself
discretely to Wynn Gareb, the master of the customs house. He'll be expecting you and will
make arrangements to have you transferred (as a slave) onto a caravan destined for Tyr.
You'll likely be searched by the caravan guards so if you wish to smuggle some small
item(s) aboard you'll need to be creative in your efforts to conceal them.

The House Resharak caravan has already left Urik so it is of critical importance that you
reach Blacksands in time to intercept it. Normally I'd offer you the use of the King's Stables
but given your heritage I suspect you'd prefer to get there in your own fashion.

On the caravan is your objective: a former agent of House Stel. Her name is Vadanya (no
known last name) she's half-elven, approximately twenty-two years old with black hair and
grey eyes. She found herself entangled in the upheavals at House Stel and as a consequence
was imprisoned and sold on as a slave to Resharak. It is of the utmost importance that she
escape captivity and find a neutral territory to remain safely in hiding whilst the politics
surrounding House Stel are managed.

Other than her political usefulness, there's little remarkable about the woman - an ambitious
but low-ranking agent at House Stel, she was rescued by members of that trading house
after the caravan she was travelling on as a child was sacked by raiders. Since then she's
kept to herself, worked on furthering her career with Stel and has no substantive file or
warrants against her.

We are reliably informed that she's a neophyte elementalist (although doubtless keeps it
well hidden) - we'd recommend you present youself as a kindred spirit so that if you find
yourself in need of our glorious king's gifts you won't arouse suspicion. We'd also highly
recommend you ascertain which elemental plane she communes with since these types can
be quite confrontational when faced with their elemental opposites.

Escaping captivity will not be easy - Resharak's profits are mostly derived from both legal
and illegal slave trading and their agents are wise to the tricks captives might try in order to
win their freedom. Nonetheless it is imperative you find a way to free this woman or assist
in any attempt she may make of her own accord. Whilst the shedding of templar blood
diminishes us all, the need is sufficient that should you be required to lay down your own
life so that this woman might escape, you are ordered to do so. We pray to the beneficence
of Hamanu, praise be, that this will not prove necessary.

Such concerns are unecessary for any others you may encounter on the caravan - so long as
the templarate's role in these procedings is kept secret you may consider them all
expendable. Be warned that if the caravan reaches Tyr with both yourself and Vandanya still
in captivity, it is extremely unlikely that you'll be able to complete your mission and the
political ramifications of a Urikite templar being unmasked in Tyr are not currently in the
best interests of the King's Works.

The journey time for Resharak's caravans to Tyr is typically six days with stops although we
have some intelligence that suggests this particular caravan may be intending to water at the
oasis north-east of Kled due to recent attacks against Resharak routes by the Jura Dai elves.
Should the caravan cut across the desert any reduction in distance will likely be balanced by
a commensurate reduction in speed. Nevertheless, be wary that you may have less time than
you think.

Should you prove successful in liberating this woman - and I have every confidence that you
will - you are instructed to return to Fort Blacksands at the earliest opportunity and make
contact once again with Wynn Gareb. You are then to remain there and await further
instructions from my office.

Wishing you glorious success brother.

in the name of almighty Hamanu, god-king of Urik,

J'lika Somm,
under-templar of The King's Public Works.

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