Prova Eja Passado Simples

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Anhanguera, Nº 366 – Setor Urbano

CEP: 77.809-200 – Fone: (63) 3421-3607 –
PROFESSOR(A): Araguaína TO
ALUNO(A): DATA: ____/_____/2018
SÉRIE: TURMA: _______ VALOR: ________ NOTA: __________

1. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “The

children ____________ (to eat) all the food, but they didn’t
____________ (to drink) the milk” no Simple Past.

a) eat – drank.
b) ate – drink.
c) eat – drink.
d) ate – drank.

2. Qual é a forma correta do passado dos verbos sublinhados

na frase “The boys win the game and start to to cry”?

a) won – started.
b) win – startied.
c) wined – start.
d) woned – startted.

3. De acordo com o estudo do Simple Past, quantos verbos regulares

estão destacados na frase “He stopped at the traffic lights, waited and
began to drive through the main road”?

a) nenhum.
b) um.
c) dois.
d) três.

4. Observe as frases abaixo:

I – They arrived at the theater at 9 o’clock.
II – I saw him a year ago.
III – She is my best friend.
IV – Mary slept 12 hours yesterday.

Quantas frases estão no Simple Past?

a) uma.
b) duas.
c) três.
d) quatro.
5. Complete as sentenças com o Passado Simples dos verbos

a) The cat __________ the fence. (to jump).

b) The children __________ the school bus. (to miss)
c) You __________ a beautiful poem. (to write)
d) My friends __________ to understand Arabic language. (to try)
e) They __________ Math in their rooms. (to study)

6. Passe as sentenças abaixo para o Passado Simples.

a) You open the windows.

c) Sharon visits her aunt.
d) They copy the exercises.
e) The scientists invent new machines.
g) You believe in ghosts.
h) She lives in Viena, Austria.
j) Daniel smiles at Jessica.

7. Mude para a forma interrogativa:

a) You talked to Mr. Nelson.

b) She cried yesterday.

c) They washed theirs cars.

d) I played soccer last week.

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