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Answer of Question (1)

Introduction: Marketing is a role and collection of procedural knowledge in the creation,

distribution and communication of service to consumers and the maintenance of the consumer
relationships, thereby giving the organization and its stakeholder’s mutual profit. Nevertheless,
marketing becomes effective only when the purpose, goal, activities and capacity of the company
to leverage innovation aligns and complements each other and the enterprise as a whole.
According to Philip Kotler, “The science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to
satisfy, at a profit, the needs of the target market. Marketing identifies unmet desires and needs.
It defines, measures, and quantifies the size of the market identified, and the potential for profit.
It identifies which segments the company can serve best, and designs and promotes the
appropriate products and services.”
Method: In order to draw up this report, the books, websites, journals and more collect
supportive information. The research is undertaken to define the commodity, operation, and
functions in order to make it easy for certain organizations to examine.
Overview:  Ncell Pvt. Since 2004, Ltd. has been working in Nepal as the country's first private
mobile operator. We’re committed to being the best local mobile network for people living in the
country. We offer services of international quality with a local touch. Most of our employees are
Nepalese and our services are designed to meet the needs of local society.
Different Functional Units of Ncell are:
1. Production Department:
 Resources acquisition
 Performance planning: energy, money and property
 Future Production Projections
 Costs to monitor
2. Finance Department:
 Cash Flow
(a) Revenue / Income control
(b) Expenditure regulation
 Finance Raising
(a) Loans
(b) Shares
 Accounts Preparation
3. R&D Department:
 Development of new product
 Saving cost
 Improvement of product
 Addition of value
4. Human Resource Department
 Job satisfaction
 Job description
 Recruitment
5. Sales Department:
 Strategies for sales
 Promotion strategy and pricing
 Industry analysis and market analysis
 Monitoring trends in the market and rivals

Relation of marketing department with functional department:

Departments of marketing have the coordination with other departments. The function of
marketing shall communicate with other functional departments. The Marketing department’s
relationship with other functional department is:
 Production Department: It has to collaborate with the marketing department in
cooperation. Goods and services are manufactured in industry. There are production
specialists in the department who are mainly technical and think about manufacturers' and
 Finance Department: The field on which the finance management disputes depends
primarily on costs, schedule and market conditions. The department of finance has tight
oversight of spending, strategy and so forth, while the department of marketing needs
balanced budgets and a robust payment mechanism.
 R&D Department: Some of the marketing and research and development programs of
the organization co-exist but also do not collaborate. Much of the R / D are developers.
There is no isolation between two departments. Publicity also provides the marketing and
research source of the R / D Department's offering.
 Human Resource Development: For the supply of components, marketing, and sales
people, the marketing department relies heavily on HR services. It is also the HR
department which provides training for marketers in the business.
 Sales Department: Marketing establishes a connection between the large consumer base
and the business-selling goods and services. It is up to the sales department to close them,
after the marketing has reeled in the lead.
Answer of Question (2)
The purpose of the marketing strategy is to explain Ncell Company's required marketing
elements and define the goals, strategies and activities for the organization and its employees.
Ncell Company's marketing plan is to focus on Marketing 7 p's.
The main target of Ncell is
 Maximizing the product’s sell
 Earn more profit
 Become the leading telecommunication of Nepal
Ncell's aim is to give consumers the best types of items. The organization may enhance the
business rise through higher incomes of profit. The increasing sticker picture would improve the
loyalty of the purchaser and enable Ncell to emerge as the Nepal’s primary Sim employer.
The strategies to achieve goals are:
 Experience very well market segments and competitors:
 In any feasible market, hit the drug
 Boost the process of delivery
 Make commercials to draw customers more progressive and attractive
 Web targets, regular shops and instructional shops
Compete and track business segments allows it simpler for Ncell to pick relevant industry rivals.
Achieving a product increases the volume of the commercial business of the agency in every
area. The product in remote and rural regions will be reached by a stronger distribution channel.
The organization is assisted in competitors and enticed by modern and attractive advertising
products. In fact, that would have an excellent impact on the mindset of the customer. Aim
separate bulk shops to increase the degree of profits.

Different Marketing Mix Ncell NTC

Price The pricing is based on costs. Like other The price based on competition
rivals such as NTC follows. The prices of different
Sim are equal to the prices of
Ncell products.   To make a price
adjustment NTC is very flexible.
Product Internet Facility, Pre-paid Sim, Post- Internet facility, Post- paid Sim,
paid Sim,etc. Pre- paid Sim, Landline,etc.
Place Whole over Nepal Most of Nepal's places,
distributing goods in rural areas.
People All generations of people over 16 years All generations of people over 16
of age years of age
Process Have factories of manufacturing. The Have factories of manufacturing.
vast number of retailers manages The vast number of retailers
manufacturing and delivery networks manages manufacturing and
and concentrates on all potential market delivery networks and
outlets. concentrates on all potential
market outlets.
Physical Evidence its main color is purple its main color is blue
Promotion Ncell spends money in sponsorship NTC spends money in advertising

The specific functions and responsibilities and the one of a kind of environmental aspects of the
organizational characteristics are defined. The link between advertising roles and responsibilities
related to a wider corporation's context is developed. The approach to utilize advertisement blend
in conjunction with Ncell's corporate company as well as the unique marketing combination
utilized by customer-focused by the two firms, Ncell and Ntc. The production and development
of the Ncell organization's basic advertising plan and their control, measurement and use is

Answer of Question (3)

The agency-based campaign program describes the policy to attract potential clients, talk to
current consumers and endorse the icon. Marketing campaigns guarantee that any promotional
project is carried out synchronously with a systematic process, providing the highest return of
expenditure and effective usage of resources and money.
In order to bring innovative goods to consumers and to concentrate on development on existing
items, companies will participate in promotion and advertisement, a practice aimed at speaking
about the charge an organization offers to its clients, consumers and companions. In order to
include value for its shareholders, marketing also permits groups to produce, supply and change
their services and products in addition to communication. The advertising technology enables
companies to create, satisfy and preserve customers in which publicity and marketing is a key
component of company management, because it allows business entities to make customers the
center of their business activities. They want to create a structure on which their promotional
practices are centered, on order for businesses to achieve quality overall results, where the
commercial and marketing mix are the most popular model. It decides how which companies
effectively promote new product launch and improve the appeal of existing products to become
qualified in the single components of the promotional mix form.
Despite successful marketing, companies cannot afford to operate for long. Marketing strategies
define the core goals and tactics of a business to market its goods or services. Following the
organization's plans and plans for advertising, it is important for miles to monitor the
marketplace evaluation process by evaluating the advertising plan using several or all those
seven approaches.
1) Investment Return: When companies develop marketing campaigns and expend resources
to execute them, they hope to undo their expenditure. They suppose that something they
spend receives more — whether or not it's an income that goes beyond the money they
spend, or that a good way to pay off over time is in the form of latest customers. Concrete
abandoning of targets makes it easier for companies to determine whether they have a
successful return on investment.
2)   Income Check Numbers: The maximum way to determine the effectiveness of an
advertising plan is to compare sales numbers. The best way to achieve that is by contrasting
the cumulative revenue of submission promotions with prior durations. In a case where a
company has become 50,000 in a shoe income prior to a marketing campaign, and the sales
boom of people has reached 75,000 in some time, the campaign has been powerful by far.
3) Generation of Examining Lead: Not all marketing activities lead to direct sales anymore.
However, once a company generates a product, the commercial takes into consideration hit
as it power the sales funnel. Lead technology is possible in the case of an appointment surge,
an expansion in mailing list members, or a rise in the amount in replies. The placement of
quantifiable milestones improves the gains of tracking lead generations.
4) Advertising Engagement: Marketing which is expanding into new regions is a sign of high
quality. Suggestions from consumers and the phrase-of-mouth will extend the scope of
marketing campaigns which is often a good measure. The more references purchasers make,
the better.
5) Note the customer response: Customer-oriented communications strategies — present as
well as possible. The way consumers respond to advertising is a symbol of the effectiveness
of a program. Surveys provide an easy way to encourage employees to consider particular
advertisement and promotion strategy considerations. Whatever the adequacy of the agency's
advertising and marketing plan, if customers don't feel the same way, the effectiveness of this
is thousands and thousands.
6) Salespeople’s Feedback: Companies cannot always give less attention to the staff
responsible for creating an advertising scheme. Their salespersons also have to price the
entry. Salespersons engage with customers at once, providing them with insights that can
help them assess the plan.
7) Reaction from competitors to publicity or marketing plans: The reaction to a advertising
and marketing campaign by competition is generally an indicator of its effectiveness. When a
business launches and represents its competitiveness, it is a signal that the program is going
and getting more and stronger. If all the competition in an agency's region is on a distinct
track in its attempts to encourage that, it may be attributed to the fact that the advertisement
and promotion strategies of an organization find inefficiencies. An advertisement and
publicity strategy will be formulated on the basis of state-of-the-art conditions, relevant
figures and the targets they seek. The condition could even exchange until put in force
strategy. Developers are trying to compare production and make adjustments through
promotional campaign controls to meet your requirements. Quantifiable variables help to
determine key metrics and recognize challenges and correct movement.
Techniques of Marketing Evaluation:
Small business ads needs consistent appraisal to ensure its effectiveness. Marketing and
advertising projects cannot just start or sink or swim on their own staff. We must be managed in
a variety of ways to achieve the maximum benefits while postponing a high-priced loss and a
lack of market share.

Step 1
Check with the customers to find out what the marketing campaigns consider. Ask what has
prompted them to pick the organization through a written, verbal or online survey about the
competition. Although through has benefits and challenges, both of which should include the
details that the advertising needs to test. Just check if the deals are enticing and, if not, what will
make the customers happy. Using this highly respected insight to tailor the ads to best suit the
current consumers and to draw new customers.
Step 2
Ask the companies and salesmen to bring in a word and their organizations for the influence the
ventures have made. Ones carriers and vendors often have a better understanding of the way in
which ones cutting-edge marketing campaign works than oneself. They will see the patron on a
regular basis and they know that the value is almost instantly rising or lower. Every reliable
shopkeeper has his finger at the business pulse but they can accept that if the advertisement
doesn't suit what everyone sees.
Step 3
Disclose the rivals' actions to determine whether or not the campaign impacts them. When the
advertisements tend to own it, they may presume that they will have an effect on the income and
that they change to retain it. A big boom in the market promotional activities can also mean a
desire for the outcomes of the research.
Step 4
Test the small business profits figures for the last year. Compare the earlier marketing campaigns
to what they are now. Compare what they had been since they began. Evaluate each region and
each brand new marketing campaign. The profits that you produce are the best way to know how
good your campaign is and what kind of implications it has.
Step 5
Measure the amount of reaction to each campaign plan in relation to the amount of money that
they spent. For every 1,500 sales costs you 1,000 in ads and promotions, the strategy does not
always succeed. One’s publicity needs to go back exponentially and much less is inefficient. If
so, the target audience may be incorrect and the promotion and delivery strategies might still
have to be traded.
Marketing Goals of the company:
Want to provide the client with clear parameters to assess the Strategic activities and
commitment milestones is a vital component of the advertisement and marketing strategy.
Although good advertising dreams can be routinely measured in phrases of the dollar reward of
income produced from the advertisement campaigns, creating the prestige and identification of
the products is often important for commercial enterprises. Many long term marketing desires are
tougher, but should be included in a effective advertisement and marketing system in light of the
fact that they are combined.
Long Terms Goal:
Long-term promotional criteria include periodically the identification of building names or the
reputation of your product in your business. Advertising and marketing dreams for a long time
are strategies aimed at sponging up occasions that draw your target market or do away with your
agency call and brand, which include pens or key chains. The execution of long-term
promotional campaigns is very difficult as companies constantly develop a reputation for calls
over the years and consumers often have to respond to a business's calls time and again before
they miss it.
Short Terms Goal:
Short-term advertisement plans usually provide associations at any stage in a given time organ
between individual promotional spending and revenue figures. For eg, a place to eat that
advertises with a chit the functionality can be taken by the consumer in the e-mail might set a
marketing target of getting 50 customers a week as a result of a particular coupon. Short-term
criteria appear to be very easy to measure, as their targets, along with a given list of latest clients
or a specified number of transactions over a limited time span, are precise and observable.
Outcome’s measuring:
A company must compare its performance on its publicity and marketing goals with
measurement impacts every time that it is feasible. Ads that can effectively evaluate their
outcomes typically have a brand you can remember or watch. For example, an eating place with
an advertising promising loose drinks to all clients who point out the marketing can undoubtedly
count the range of clients benefiting from the offer to evaluate the impact of this exact marketing
Funding Return:
Sales goals will no longer be measured in terms of profits, but rather in phrases about the sum
about capital used to produce such purchases. ROI demonstrates the efficacy of brand spending
ads and communication campaigns. Your ROI will be a lot less than if you spent 2 hundred on a
advertisement which brought in 1,000 in revenue than if you spent 3 hundreds for an ad launched
in 1, 2 hundred sales. Placing ROI ad dreams allows you to evaluate your fees and adapt your
advertising costs if necessary.
Submitted By:
Ayush K.C.
BBA (1st Sem)
Sec: A

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