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OBLIGATION – Prelim Examination

Requirement: Submission of Answer should be emailed in PDF format.

Deadline of Submission: November 6 12:10 NOON


1. A and B entered into a contract wherein A agreed to construct the rest house for B.
Identify the elements of obligations. BAYANI

2. Gloria is about to deliver a child, and unfortunately the husband is at work, Gloria’s
mother rushed her to the hospital. Gloria’s husband refused to pay the medical bills.
Who is liable to pay? CARPIO

3. What is the basis of the liability of a school when a student is hauled and knifed
inside the campus by a stranger in the school? UNITE

4. Mr. Goli and Ms. Kah are business partners in a money market business. After
buying foreign currency, Mr. Goli asks Ms. Kah to sell out all his shares in the
partnership, without telling the latter of the prospective buyer. Ms. Kah sells out and
Mr. Goli thereupon resells his share to a third party at a huge profit. Is Mr. Goli liable
for damages? Why? ACOB

5. Maria took a passenger jeepney owned and operated by Benjie. The sitting capacity
is for 18 passengers. Maria was given by the conductor an “extension seat” a
wooden stool. On the way to the nearby town, a passenger get off. As he was seated
at the rear of the vehicle, Maria gave way. Another jeepney driven by Mando owned
by Mario bumped the left rear portion of the jeepney resulting to Maria’s injury.
Maria filed a complaint for damages against Benjie for violation for failing to
exercise diligence. Benjie on the other hand filed a third party complaint against
Mario. Discuss the sources of obligations. AGNGARAY

6. Juan dela Cruz , a bus driver, while trying to overtake and pass a jeepney, collides
with an incoming car which has no last clear chance. The collision resulted in the
death of one bus passenger, of the car driver and damages to the car and bus. Under
the circumstances, there are many causes of action against the bus driver.
OBLIGATION – Prelim Examination

7. Lolah borrowed P100,000 from Loloh. On due date of the loan, Lolah could not pay Loloh
because he lost to a robber the P100,000 intended for Loloh. In addition, he suffered financial
reverses, and he was short of cash even for his current family needs. Is Lolah legally justified to
refuse to pay Loloh? CABANIERO

8. You went to the bank and let the teller change your P10,000.00 bill. By error, the teller gave you
P11,000.00. What is your obligation? CABASAG

9. Nisia saw a child alone in the shopping mall. The child who strayed from Misia, her mother, was
very hungry. Nisia out of pity took the child to a restaurant to eat which she spent P 500.00. Is
Nisia entitled to be reimbursed by Misia for the amount of P500.00. CALPITO

10. Oscar ordered 10-year old Carlos to climb a high and slippery mango tree, and promised to give
the boy 2 kilos of the mango he will be able to pick. While climbing the tree, however, Carlos’s
foot slipped. As a result, Carlos fell from the tree to the ground and died instantaneously. Will
Oscar be liable in damages for the death of Carlos? INGALLA

11. While Jayson and his friends were playing basketball, the basketball thrown by Jayson hit and
broke the glass of the neighbor. The neighbor asked Jayson to pay the damages. Jayson insisted
that he should not be liable because there were no pre-existing contractual relation between
them and it was just an accident. Decide. NUEVAS

12. Supposing Julie agreed to deliver pair of Jordan 11 to Zach for the amount of P 12,000 paid by
the latter. However Julie failed to deliver the shoes on the due date. Zach to demand his rights
over the shoes sent his assistant Gavin to coerce Julie by pointing a gun. Was the demand
properly executed? PASCUA

13. If I ask Eric to buy 2 cavans of rice in exchange for 3,600 then he failed to deliver the cavans of
rice, may I claim damages against Eric? RALLECA

14. Carmela is a passenger of a taxi driven by Alvin. Along Rizal Street, Alvin drove at an unjustified
rate of speed then entered a one-way street, an accident occurs, as a result of which Carmela is
injured. Can Carmela claim for damages? URIANZA

15. Franco is a passenger in a carefully driven bus. Without warning, she jumped off the bus, as a
result of which, she suffered injuries. Should the bus company be liable for the damages? Why?
OBLIGATION – Prelim Examination

Answer your respective assigned number on the questions for the Preliminary
Examination situated on the last pages of the book. (6 items each)

1 BAYANI (1-6)

2 CARPIO (7-12)

3 UNITE (13-18)

4 ACOB (19-24)

5 AGNGARAY (25-30)

6 CABACANG (31-36)

7 CABANIERO (37-42)

8 CABASAG (43-48)

9 CALPITO (49-54)

10 INGALLA (55-60)

11 NUEVAS (61-66)

12 PASCUA (67-72)

13 RALLECA (73-78)

14 URIANZA (79-84)

15 URSULUM (85-90)
OBLIGATION – Prelim Examination


True or False (4 items)

7. Promise to do what one already has a legal duty to do is not legally sufficient
consideration in most circumstances. Is this true or False.

8. Promises made with consideration base on events that have already taken place are fully
enforceable. Is this true or False.

9. A promise has no legal value as consideration. Is this true or False.

10. A Covenant Not to Sue is an agreement to substitute a contractual obligation for some
other type of action. Is this true or False.

Good Luck !

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