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List down interpersonal skill

Skills Rate (1-5) Justify

Self-Confidence 4 I am a self- confident
person as I believe and
trust myself.
Non-Verbal Communication 1 I am poor in nonverbal
communication because I
lack basic knowledge.
Verbal Communication 2 As I am shy and get
nervous so, I am poor in
verbal communication.
Positive Attitude 3 I have positive attitude
whenever there is
difficulties for me.
Empathy 4 I have the capacity to
understand or feel what
another person is
experiencing from me with
their frame of reference.
Listening Skills 4.5 I think I am good in listening
.If anyone tells me their
situation or anything, I can
listen them till they finish
their talk.
Openness to feedback 3 I give feedback if I am not
satisfied with the things or
Written Communication 1 I am very poor in writing so
I have rated myself with
one mark.
Respectfulness 4.5 I have great respect for
other people, and I don’t
look down on other people.
Presentation Skills 2 I am very poor, bad and got
blank while giving
Conflict Resolution 1 I’ve rated one in conflict
resolution as I can’t handle
the situation when conflict
arises .
Time Management 2 I am poor in time
management as I don’t
have any idea about the
plan how to manage it.
Collaboration 3.5 I guess I am good in
collaboration as I help what,
I can do from my side
Leadership 2.5 I am not as good in
leadership skills as I don’t
know how to handle the
situation and people.
Research 4 I do a lot of research if I got
confused and learn about
the things.

Submitted By: Ayush K.C.

Sec: A ( BBA 1 St sem)

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