PR Mary: Unit Topic Grammar Focus Text Type Page Grade

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Prim ary 3

Unit Topic Grammar Focus Text Type Page Grade
• Imperatives: Instructions
Follow the
1 instructions
• First / Then / Finally recipes 4
• Object pronouns: it / them
• Nouns: Countable / Uncountable
2 It’s party time! • There is / There are blogs 8
• some / a lot of / any
I love delicious • Phrases of quantity phone
3 food! • Question words: How / How many / How much conversations

Quiz 1 (Units 1–3) 16

• Question words: What / Where / Why
4 My weekend
• want to
comics 18

Important dates • Prepositions of dates and time

5 and time • Question words: What / When
conversations 22

• and / or / but
6 The little fairies
• Yes / No questions
questionnaires 26

Quiz 2 (Units 4–6) 30

Global vision 1 (National dishes) 32
• Gerunds: like + -ing / good at + -ing maps /
7 School visit
• Prepositions of place descriptions

• Verbs + Prepositions
8 Be a good child • Simple present tense 1 letters 38
• Object pronouns
• Simple present tense 2: am / is / are
9 My dear friends
• Simple past tense 1: was / were
descriptions 42

Quiz 3 (Units 7–9) 46

• Simple past tense 2: Regular verbs / not
schedules /
10 A fruitful day • Simple past tense 3: Questions and answers
• so
• Simple past tense 4: Irregular verbs
11 A nice trip • Pronouns stories 52
• Possessive adjectives
• Simple past tense 5: Irregular verbs
12 What did you do? • Simple past tense 6: Yes / No questions
• Questions words: Where / What
Quiz 4 (Units 10–12) 60
Global vision 2 (Popular sports) 62
• Cardinal numbers
13 At the theme park • can / can’t coupons 64
• may / may not
Preparing for the • Adjectives: Describing people
14 play • Adjectives: Describing things
e-mails 68

Leaving Fantasy • Simple present tense vs Present continuous tense

15 Island • Simple present tense vs Simple past tense
diaries 72

Quiz 5 (Units 13–15) 76

Exit test (Units 1–15) 78
5 Important dates and time


Prepositions of dates and time
ra m m a

Flower Festival is coming. Bruce and Noah are talking about it.
Bruce : When does Flower Festival begin?
Noah : It begins on 16th November. c61o_unit5_01
Bruce : What can we do at Flower Festival?
Noah : We can watch fairies dance in the morning. We can also
go to the flower market from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

from … to … on
from 3rd March to 5th March on 24th September
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays

in at
in the afternoon at 9 a.m.
in spring at Chinese New Year
in February at night

A. Noah wants Rose to go to the flower market with him. Rose is
a c tic e talking with Noah. Fill in the blanks with ‘on’, ‘from’ or ‘to’.

The market opens 1 the sixteenth

2 the eighteenth of November.
I’m not free 3 the sixteenth of
November. I have to practise dancing with other fairies
4 eleven in the morning 5

seven in the evening. I’m free 6 the

eighteenth of November. Let’s go at one o’clock on
that day!

22 Pan Lloyds High-flyers: Exploring Grammar  Primary 3

F. Emma is looking at the photos of Noah’s
sheep. Complete the conversation with the conversations
in Context
given information.

When  What at  in  on  from  to

Emma : Your sheep are cute.

Noah : Yes, they look fluffy 1 winter.

Emma : 2 (you / cut) the wool off your sheep?

Noah : I do it 3 April. Oh, 4 (time) it now?

Emma : It’s now five thirty 5 the afternoon.

Noah : My sheep may feel hungry now.

Emma : 6 (time / you / feed) your sheep?

Noah : I feed them 7 six 8 eight 9 the evening.

Emma : No worries. You’re almost home. Haha, your sheep look so happy in
this photo.

Noah : It’s because they have more food to eat 0 Christmas!

Put a tick next to the correct sentence. Put a cross next to the wrong one.

C li n i c
A Let’s celebrate at New Year. B Let’s celebrate in New Year.

Global vision 1

National dishes

Bruce likes reading. He is reading a magazine article about the national
dishes of different countries.

Fantastic National Dishes

We can find different national dishes from around the world. They are
special in their countries. Do you want to try any of the dishes?

Kimchi in South Korea

In South Korea, it is very cold in winter.

There are very few fresh vegetables. To
keep them fresh, people use salt, vinegar,
soy sauce and chilli to make kimchi.

We can use kimchi to make different kimchi

dishes, such as kimchi fried rice and kimchi
pancakes. These dishes are very delicious!

Hainanese Chicken Rice in Singapore

We can find Hainanese chicken rice

in different places, for example, China,
Malaysia, Singapore, etc. It is especially
famous in Singapore because the
Singaporeans use pandan leaves to cook
the rice. This makes the rice smell fresh and
special. The chicken is very soft too.

Hainanese chicken rice

32 Pan Lloyds High-flyers: Exploring Grammar  Primary 3



Sushi in Japan

People make sushi with fish. They add

salt to the fish because it can keep the fish
fresh. They also make sushi with rice and
vinegar. People usually have sushi with
soy sauce and wasabi. Sushi is delicious.
sushi It is popular around the world.

Tumpeng in Indonesia

Tumpeng is cone﹣shaped. It has

yellow rice in the middle. People make
tumpeng to celebrate birthdays, moving
house and some other important dates.
They believe that tumpeng can bring good
luck to them. tumpeng

Answer the questions.

1. Which of the dishes above do you like best? Why?

2. Your friend wants to find one special food in Hong Kong. What food would
you choose? Why?

Exit test (Units 1–15)

A. Circle the correct answers. (19 marks)

1. Daniel goes went to the beach a week ago. Unit 11

2. When What do you get up on Sundays? Unit 5

3. We go are going to church every Sunday. Unit 8

4. You took my books. Please give it them back to me. Unit 1

5. What did you did do yesterday morning? Unit 10

6. Jenny want wants to buy a jacket. Unit 4

7. There is a party at in Christmas. Unit 5

8. Anna calls is calling her friends now. Unit 15

9. Emily does not like cats and or dogs. Unit 6

10. We like dance dancing on the stage. Unit 7

11. This is Jessica’s bag. Let me give it back to him her . Unit 8

12. There are two box boxes of chicken wings. Unit 3

13. There are not any some potatoes in the fridge. Unit 2

14. Ken changes his him clothes every day. Unit 11

15. What When do you do at school? Unit 4

16. May I plays play the game? Unit 13

17. The children is are naughty. Unit 9

18. I did not visit visited Grandpa last Sunday. Unit 10

19. It is raining outside so but we need to take an Unit 10

umbrella with us.

78 Pan Lloyds High-flyers: Exploring Grammar  Primary 3

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