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Points to be remembered
--Everyone is expected to do the following assignments.

--They will be evaluated out of 20%

--These are all individual assignments that you relay on yourself.

--Copying others work or other source is strictly prohibited.

--Be honest to yourself.

--Mention the sources that you will use to do the assignments

--Other assignments will be sent after you complete these assignments

Assignment 1
1. Explain the difference between Ethics and Morality.

2. Why is civic education termed as multidisciplinary course?

3. Explain the reason why you learn Moral and Citizenship Education.
4. Why are vigilant, informed, responsible and active citizens needed in a democratic

Assignment 2
1. What is the difference between Normative and Non-normative ethics?

2. Explain the difference and similarity between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
hedonistic utilitarianism views.
3. Discuss Act- And Rule-Utilitarianism.
4. What does the following refer to

“Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a
general natural law.

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