Digital Marketing Course Syllabus Digihack

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DigiHack Web Solutions is one of the best rapidly growing IT Company based started in 2015. We challenge old ways of doing things and
help others embrace new technology through innovative design – with a relentless focus on best user experience. We believe that new
value can be created wherever people, business, and technology collide. As we all know Digital technology has made our world more
transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. We help our clients harness that value
through the creation of experiences, products, and services that play a meaningful role in people’s lives
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
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Advanced Digital Marketing Certification Course.

Introduction to Digital Marketing

o What is Marketing?

o How we do Marketing?

o What is Digital Marketing?

o Benefits of Digital marketing.

o Digital marketing platforms

o Comparing Digital with Traditional Marketing

o Defining Marketing Goals

o Latest Digital marketing trends

o Case studies of Digital Campaigns

Website Designing with WordPress

o What is Website? o Default Settings in WP Types of

o What is Domain Name Themes
o Types of Domains o Theme Settings and Customization
o Domain name suggestions o Content management in WP
o Premium Domains Categories, Tags and Posts Pages
o Register a Domain Name and Sub Pages Custom Content
o Web Hosting Concepts Types
o Domain/Hosting Business o Adding a menu to the website
o Types of Websites Plugins and Widgets
o HTML, CSS and Java Script o Using Plugins in Site
o What is WordPress o Adding widgets to the website Best
o Benefits of using Plugins in WP
o WP WordPress Installation o Advanced Plugins in WP Practical
o Admin Interface Basics Project Example

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Search Engine Optimization

o Fundamentals of SEO.

o How the search engine works?

o Components of Search Engines

o Google Algorithms

o Google Results Page

o Major & Minor Algorithm Updates

o URL Optimization

o Title Tag Optimization

o Meta Tags Optimization

o Content Optimization

o Heading optimization

o Internal Links

Keyword Research & Competition

o Introduction to Keyword

o Research Types of Keywords

o Keyword Research Methodology

o Business Analysis

o Product/Services Categorization

o Finding Primary Keywords

o Google Keyword Planner Tool

o In-depth Analysis with Keyword Planner

o Other Keyword Tools

o Competition Analysis

o How to manually analyze competition

o Paid Competition Analysis Tools

o Finalizing the Keywords List

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Technical On page SEO

o Introduction to on page o Google Search Console

o On page Analysis Methodology o What is Search Console.

o Fundamental On-page Factors o Features of Search Console

o Domain name in SEO o Site Verification

o Importance of HTTPS o Process Location Targeting

o URL Optimization o Search Performance Tool

o Title Tag Optimization o Link Analysis Tool

o Meta Tags Optimization o Manual Actions

o Content Optimization o Sitemaps Tool

o Heading Optimization o Fetch as Google Tool

o Internal Links o Crawl Errors Analysis

o Image Optimization o Latest updates in Search Console

o Social Signals & Footer

o Website Speed Optimization

o Speed Analysis Tools

o Sitemaps Generation

o Robots.txt File

o URL Redirecting Techniques

o Canonical Links

o Rich Snippets

o New Updates in on page.

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Off Page SEO

o Introduction to Off page Local SEO Strategy

o Off page Analysis Methodology o What is Local SEO?
o Fundamental Off-page Factors o Importance of Local SEO
o Domain name in SEO o Submission to Google My Business
o Importance of HTTPS o Optimizing the GMB Profile
o URL Optimization o Local SEO Ranking Signals
o Title Tag Optimization o Local SEO Negative Signals
o Meta Tags Optimization o Citations and Local Submissions
o Content Optimization Heading o Google My Business Analytics
o Optimization Internal Links o Types of Penalties
o Image Optimization o Manual Actions
o Social Signals & Footer o Apply for Reconsideration
o Website Speed Optimization o Algorithm Update Recovery Method
o Sitemaps Generation o Compare the Before/After data
o Robots.txt File o Panda recovery process
o Penguin recovery process
Reports Analytes o Mobile friendly update
o Google Analytics Reports o How to use Disavow Tool
o Search Console Reports
o Website Position Analysis
o Website Monthly Reports
o Backlinks Reports
o Paid Tools for monitoring

Google Ads (Pay Per Click)

o Introduction to Paid Marketing

o Google Ads Account setup

o Interface Tour and Billing Settings

o Account Structure

o PPC Campaign Settings

o Ad Groups setup

o Keyword Research Tools

o Ad Formats & Guidelines

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Display Ads & Remarketing

o What is Display Advertising

o How Display Ads Works

o Creating a Display Campaign

o Bidding Strategies

o Targeting Option in Display Network

o Exclusion options

Remarketing Campaign

o What is Remarketing?

o Benefits of Remarketing Strategy

o Types of Remarketing Audience

o Building Remarketing

o List Building

o Custom Audience List

o Creating Remarketing Campaign

Shopping Ads

o What is Shopping Campaign

o Google Merchant Center account

o Creating Business Store

o Types of Product Feeds

o Product Feed Properties

o Dynamic Product Feeds

o Creating a Shopping Campaign

o Best practices for setting up Shopping campaigns

o Managing your Google Merchant Center

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Mobile Marketing

o State of Mobile Usage

o Benefits of Mobile Marketing

o Mobile Marketing Goals

o Creating a Mobile Website

o App Creation Strategy

o App Optimization Service (AOS)

Video Marketing (YouTube Ads) Google Ads Certification

o Importance of Video Marketing

o Types of Certifications
o Types of YouTube Ads
o Google Ads Individual Certification
o Location Targeting
o Register on Academy for Ads
o Bidding Strategies Automatic
o 6 Certification Exams
o Targeting Ad groups Setup
o Mock Exam Preparation
o Targeting Options in Video Ads
o Google Partner Certifications
o Types of Ad Formats
o Eligibility Criteria for Partner Program
o Ads Cost Options
o Register as Google Partner
o Measuring the Results of Campaign

o Conversion Tracking

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Social Media Marketing

Introduction to SMM

o What is social media?

o Benefits of using SMM

o Social Media Statistics

o Goals of Social Media Marketing

Facebook Marketing Facebook Advertising

o Types of Facebook Account o What are Facebook Ads

o Personal Account Setup o Types of Objectives

o Facebook business page setup o Popular Ads Campaigns

o Types of Business pages o Defining Target Audience

o Cover Photo/Video Design Page Settings o Types of Targetting

o How to Increase Facebook Likes Facebook o Bidding & Budget Settings
o Content Strategy Types of Ads
o Types of Posts and Statistics
o Designing FB Ads
o Examples of Creative Posts Designing
o Setup of Facebook Pixel
o User engagement metrics Facebook Insights
o Conversion Tracking Pixel
o Facebook Groups Facebook Apps
o Remarketing Strategy Reports

Twitter Marketing

o What is Twitter?

o Benefits of Twitter

o How brands use Twitter Customizing

o The Profile Photo & Header Image

o Types of Tweets

o Content strategy for Twitter

o How to increase Followers

o Post your First Tweet Analysis

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Email Marketing

o What is Email Marketing? o Creating a Subscriber List

o Importance of Email Marketing o Integration of Forms in Site

o Popular Email Marketing Software’s o Import subscribers in list

o Email Marketing Goals o Types of Email marketing campaigns

o Introduction to Mail Chimp o Creating an Email Marketing Campaign

o MailChimp pricing structure o What is Newsletter

o Account setup and settings o Design a Newsletter

o Email marketing strategy o Analyzing Reports of Campaign

Inbound Marketing / Lead Generation

o What is Inbound Marketing? o Content Marketing Strategy

o Why use inbound marketing o Lead Generation Technique

o Know your Target audience (Buyer o Landing Page Designing

o Stages of Inbound Marketing o How to Close Customer

o Types of Content o Customer Delight Stage

o How to generate Ideas. o HubSpot Certification

Make Money with AdSense

o What is Google AdSense o Create you first Ad

o How is Works? o Ad Formats and Sizes

o Top AdSense Earners [Global / India] o Bidding Models

o AdSense Guidelines o Best Practices for Ads

o Finding the Niche o Integrating Ads in Site

o Important Factors for AdSense Success o Blocking Sites & Categories

o Applying for New Account

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Google Analytics

o What is Analytics? o Audience Overview

o Importance of Analytics for Business o Report Geographic

o Popular Analytics Software’s o Report Behavior

o Key Performance Metrics [KPI] in o Technology Mobile

o Analytics Users & Session o User flow Report

o Page Views o Traffic source overview

o Avg. Time o SEO Traffic & Not provided

o Spent Bounce Rate o Data AdWords Traffic

o Conversion Rate o Social Traffic Campaign Builder Tool

o Introduction to Google Analytics

o Installing Analytics code in site

o Analytics account structure

o Interface tour of Google Analytics

o General Tools in Analytics

o Realtime Reports

o Settings in Analytics

Affiliate Marketing

o What is Affiliate Marketing?

o How Affiliate marketing works

o Types of Affiliate Networks

o Top Affiliate Marketing

o Networks Affiliate marketing

o Payment models How to Find Profitable

o Develop your Affiliate Website/App/Property

o Apply for Affiliate Marketing network

o Amazon Affiliate Network

o Integrating Amazon Products

o How to promote Affiliate Products

o Measuring Results on Affiliate sites

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |
5+ Years of Excellence in Training and Development
Call us on 70157-61241 for Free Demo

Getting Started as Freelancer

o What is Freelancing?

o How does freelancing Works ?

o Offline Freelancing Business Registering Company

o Initial Business Guidelines Documentation & Quotes

o How to manage clients

o Online Freelancing networks

o Create a Profile in

o Optimizing your Profile

o Create your Gig

o Types of Gigs Optimizing the Gigs

o How to Price your Gigs

o How to bid on projects

o How to handle the clients Project management tools

o Asking for reviews from clients

Office No. #10 Ram Gopal Estate, Bishan Swaroop Colony, Panipat 132103
Phone: +91 70157-61241 | 93061-70265 | |

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