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The eye squeeze will help to strengthen both the upper and lower eyelids at the

same time. The muscle used is the orbicularis oculi, while surrounds the entire
eye area. Close your eyes, and place your index fingers on your eyelids; this is
simply for concentration purposes. Squeeze your eyes closed as tight as possibl
e. Count to three, then quickly open your eyes as wide as you can, and dart your
gaze from side to side, while continuing to count from three to six. Relax, and
repeat the routine 10 times.
To widen the eyes, the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is used. To exercise
this muscle, close your eyes and place your middle fingers in the center of your
closed upper lids. While counting to six, attempt to open your eyes. Adjust the
amount of resistance by pressing more firmly on your lids if necessary. Repeat
10 times
Under Eye Strengthener
While looking in a mirror, apply petroleum jelly or a moisturizer under your eye
s. Lean towards the mirror and steady yourself with your hands resting on a tabl
e or wash stand. While watching your eyes closely in the mirror, very slowly lif
t your lower lids in tiny movements. When first starting out, make just two move
ments upwards and two movements downwards. As you find the exercise becomes easi
er with practice, increase the movements to five in each direction.

When you reach the fifth step your eyes should almost be closed. All movement sh
ould be achieved by moving only the lower lids. As your raise your lower lids, y
ou should notice the muscle movement raises toward the bridge of the nose. This
indicates you are executing the exercise correctly.

Repeat the routine three times. According to Eva Fraser, author of Eva Fraser's
facial workout, when this exercise is performed at least five times per week, it
will help eliminate bags and fill out hollows under the eyes

Closed Eye Stretch
Close your eyes in a seated position. Your eyes should be relaxed. Lift your upp
er lids, and lower the lower lids simultaneously. The skin around your eyes shou
ld be stretched as far as possible, without opening your eyes. Hold the pose for
five seconds and repeat for a total of five times.

Eyelid Stretch
In his book "Five Minute Face Lift," Reinhold Benz describes a simple method to
flatten out under-eye wrinkles. Open your eyes wide, pulling the upper lids upwa
rd, and the lower lids downward, as far as possible. When executed correctly, th
e white around the iris should be clearly visible. Hold the pose for 15 seconds,
relax and repeat 10 times. This will also help your upper lids to refrain from

Eye Enhancer
Place your middle fingers side-by-side at the top of your nose, between the brow
s. Cover the corners of your outer eyes, where "crow's feet" wrinkles commonly f
orm, with your index fingers. While looking upward, lift the lower lids in a squ
int. You should feel the muscles beneath your index fingers flutter or twitch. H
old the position for three seconds. Repeat 10 times, focusing on the pulsating m
Eye Aerobics
Sit with a straight back, shoulders pulled back. Close your eyes and then concen
trate on only lifting the eyes upward. Don't worry about making wrinkles in the
forehead. Now, still keeping the eyes closed, try to lower the lower eyelids dow
n toward your cheekbones. Hold the stretch for about five seconds, suggests Agel
ess from New Zealand, and then relax. Repeat this exercise about five to 10 time
s every day.

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