The Book Prayers

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AUTHORS NOTE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….page3


PRAYERS FOR FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH………………………………………………………………….page12

PRAYERS FOR HEALING………………………………………………………………………………………………page18

PRAYER FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS……………………………………………………………………………….page22



PRAYER FOR THE NATION………………………………………………………………………………………..page40

PRAYER FOR PROTECTION……………………………………………………………………………………….page44

PRAYER FOR RESTORATION…………………………………………………………………………………....page51

PRAYER FOR PROMOTION………………………………………………………………………………………page55

PRAYER FOR EVERYTHING………………………………………………………………………………………page59



FINAL NOTE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….page69



I thank JEHOVAH my creator for giving me the patience and inspiration to see this book

through. I am grateful to JESUS CHRIST for his endless love and mercy, it is because he wants

to see his children happy and well that he has personally directed the course of this book and

I thank the HOLY SPIRIT for dropping this idea in my heart and guiding me throughout the

process of writing this book.


The world as we know it is changing by the second and the change is not a good change,

darkness is taking over rapidly, wickedness is being promoted and just as the word of GOD

says good is becoming evil and evil has become good.

It is imperative that as Christians and children of GOD that we understand how to tackle the

difficulties in our present world, we must understand that in these last days we cannot

continue to try to do things by our power and the limited understanding of our carnal minds,

we must take the word of GOD in…


“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of




“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,

against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Literally and very seriously, we have no power of our own, we cannot will things into

existence like the world says, all that we children of GOD can do, we do through the power of

GOD, the love and mercy of JESUS CHRIST and the direction of the HOLY SPIRIT. Every other

thing outside of that are lies from the pit of hell and doctrines of demons.


“Now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed

to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons”

Brothers and sisters in Christ, if we now understand that everything physical is rooted in the

spiritual and that the best weapons we must carry are also spiritual, then we must

understand that basically what GOD is telling us, is that we must pray, does the word of GOD

not instruct us to pray without ceasing?


“Pray without ceasing”

Children of GOD we cannot,

• Stop praying.

• We cannot relax and fold our arms and watch the devil dominate us.

• We cannot keep living like we are powerless people, when JESUS is on the throne and

GOD is on our side.

• We cannot keep living like fatherless children when our FATHER is the creator of this

whole world.

• We cannot continue to be lazy and let things rot beyond repair in front of our very

own eyes.

• We cannot allow satan and his horde of demons continue to bully us because we

refuse to cry out to our maker.

• We cannot continue to run from church to church, pastor to bishop because we refuse

to develop a personal relationship with our heavenly FATHER.

• We cannot continue to spend money we barely have on fake prophets that act like we

need them to survive, when we could just get on our knees and pray to our heavenly


Acts 11:24

“Therefore I say unto you, whatever things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe

that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

The verse above shows how simple it really is, I implore us all to make it a habit to

pray and draw closer to GOD, and we must understand that, prayer is one of the most

important requirements expected of a follower of Christ.

Take a second and think of how many times a day an average muslim prays, take a

second to think of how many sacrifices a traditionalists does to appease his false gods,

do you think that witches chose when they want to go to their evil meetings at their

covens? Do you think that occultist go to their gatherings whenever they like? They

don’t have a choice because it is strictly enforced and they understand that there are

consequences for laxity.

So also should it be for Christians, if those who hate us and do us evil don’t rest and

take days off, so also should we not rest. It is a WAR between good and evil, you have

to understand that if you prayed more a lot of bad things that happen to you, will

simply not occur, a lot of calamities and diseases that attack us will not happen.

Brothers and sisters in Christ I implore you all to take a stand, make a promise to GOD

this day and say, “FATHER henceforth I will take my walk with you seriously, I will pray

more often.”

I also want to state clearly that you can pray while eating, talking to someone, driving,

giving a speech etc. It is simple, once it crosses your mind pray in silence, you can be

pleading the blood of JESUS because you feel that where you are is unsafe or a loved

one might be in danger, you can also plead the blood of JESUS just because you

remembered you haven’t connected to the HOLY SPIRIT in a while, whilst talking to a

group of people.

Basically what I am saying is that make prayer a habit, say a prayer first thing in the

morning before you greet anyone, before you pick up your phone, before you wash

your teeth, say a prayer after you just finished praying, say a prayer because you just

found your mind wondering wildly, say a prayer for no reason, say a prayer before you

eat anywhere or anything, say a prayer before you hand your money over to anyone,

say a prayer before start your car, say a prayer before you enter public transport, say a

prayer my brothers and sisters, just say a prayer in your heart, multi task, do whatever

you are doing with a prayer in your heart, say a prayer before you take anything from

anyone, I mean anyone.


 Start by singing a few songs of praise and worship.

 Thank GOD for his mercy and grace.

 Ask for his mercy and genuinely repent of your sins.

 Invite the HOLY SPIRIT into your prayer session and ask for his guidance.

 Cover yourself with the blood of JESUS.

 Ask the angels of GOD to clear the airways so that your prayers will reach heaven

expressly and your answers and blessings will come instantly, in JESUS name.

 Remove every form of distraction from around you, phones, televisions, computers

etc., put them all off, make sure wherever you are is quiet and non-distracting.

 Once you start praying focus 100% on the task at hand, which is to talk to your

heavenly father.

 After reading every prayer point and memorizing its words, close your eyes and

visualize the things you speak, focus and let the HOLY SPIRIT take control of the rest.

 Do not hesitate to personalize prayer points and edit them to suit your situation,

pray exactly as the spirit leads you.

 If after one prayer point you feel the need to repeat it again, then do so until the

HOLY SPIRIT communicates to you that it is over.

 Do not concentrate on shouting and being loud and heard during your prayer

sessions but rather focus on the moment of communication with the father,

however if the spirit moves you to shout, then shout, cry, jump, run, match as long

as you feel the HOLY SPIRIT leading you.

 It is always a good idea to fast before a major prayer battle, but that does not mean

you should pray only when you are fasting, but make fasting a habit regardless (I

now fast ALMOST every day from 6am to at least 12 pm, I don’t eat breakfast so the

moment I wake up to say my morning prayer I commit my fast into GOD’S HAND’S

and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to take control of everything, and that is how I know when

to break, sometimes the HOLY SPIRIT says I can break by 12, sometime he says today

you must wait till 2:30pm etc.) The importance of fasting cannot be understated,

take note, when you fast very often, you feel untouchable, you feel like you have

superpowers, it is so because fasting is a way to feed your spirit and be stronger in



NOTE: I would like to quickly drop an advice to anyone who is ready to start the prayers for

financial breakthrough, one thing I have finally learned the hard way in this world is that

sexual immorality is a very huge factor in keeping people in poverty, I have found out that

some people struggle with their finances simply because they are trapped in a cycle of sexual

sin, from fornication to adultery, to masturbation and in extreme cases homosexuality, I have

learned that sexual immorality simply gives demons legal grounds to attack our finances, it is

a very strange thing but it is fact, this is why some people will never be where they are

supposed to be because they love sex more than their future and wellbeing.

Please stop harming your pocket, stay away from fornication and all sexual sins, I implore you

to cease masturbation for a month and see how much better your finances will become, of

course with prayer too.

This is a little advice I decided to share, because I have seen that a lot of people struggle so

much financially because they refuse to give up sexual immorality.

Lastly I would like to add that it is even more effective to pray for wisdom when you seek to

improve your financial status, always pray for wisdom and you will begin to see opportunities

in places you never ever thought possible, you will begin to tackle business related issues

with a totally different mindset and confidence that will eventually translate to improved


Solomon was the richest man in the world and all he did was pray for wisdom. Think about


ANCHOR VERSE: Philippians 4:19

“But my GOD shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by CHRIST


1. Oh GOD my father any sin I have committed knowingly or unknowingly that is

responsible for my delayed breakthrough, please have mercy and set me free, in

the name of JESUS.

2. Oh GOD my father whoever I wronged in the past that has placed a curse on me

and my finances, touch their hearts to forgive me and break those curses in the

name JESUS.

3. Oh GOD my father whoever has placed a curse on me and my finances out of

jealousy and envy, I return those curses to them sevenfold and set myself free in

the mighty name of JESUS.

4. Every ancestral covenant that is responsible for my financial stagnation and

regression let the voice of the LORD shatter those covenants and set me free today

in the name of JESUS.

5. Every pharaoh in my family that has vowed to never let me go, let the plagues of

Egypt be his portion forever and let me be set free by the power of the blood of


6. Oh LORD my father prepare a table before me in the presence of those that want

to see me fail in the name of JESUS.

7. Oh LAMB OF GOD have mercy on me and set me free from the shackles of poverty.

8. MY FATHER MY FATHER bless my pocket today henceforth for your own glory in

the name of JESUS.

9. SWEET JESUS I promise to never stray from your presence or forget you if you bless

me today.

10. MY FATHER in heaven give me wisdom to make sound financial decisions that will

elevate me and my family out of poverty in the name of JESUS.

11. HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD trouble the heart of my helpers till they locate and assist me

today in the name of JESUS.

12. I declare and decree in the name of JESUS that from now henceforth making and

maintaining wealth will be easy for me.

13. Every stench/smell of poverty hovering around me and my family, I cast you out of

our lives and send you to the pit of hell where you belong in the name of JESUS.

14. Every dark figure attracting misery and poverty into my life, let the light of heaven

blast you to oblivion in the name of JESUS.

15. Every tree where my GOD given destiny has been hung and tied to wither in the

name of JESUS and release my destiny now in JESUS mighty name I pray amen.

16. Every witchcraft coven that has gathered for my case and sworn to never let me

escape hardship, let there be an explosion of the fire of GOD in their midst and let

them all roast to death in the name of JESUS.

17. Every principality in charge of my immediate environment that is responsible for

the hardship and poverty of the children of GOD, I dethrone you now in the mighty

name of JESUS and set every child of GOD free from your grip in the name of


18. My father my father let you grace never depart from my life, let it shine through

everything that I do and let me be untouchable to the world of darkness from now

on in the name of JESUS.

19. Dear LORD I ask that your favour continually follows me and my family forever and

ever in JESUS name I pray.

20. FATHER I am grateful for hearing my cry for financial breakthrough and elevation, I

have faith in the power in the name of your son JESUS CHRIST, I know you have

turned things around in my life, I know I am no longer poor, I know I will no longer

lack, I know you will take care of me and bless me like you did Abraham, I know I

have been connected to your riches in glory by the power in the name of JESUS.

Thank you FATHER, Thank you JESUS, Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for setting me free

and giving me wealth in the mighty name of JESUS AMEN.


ANCHOR VERSE: Isaiah 53:5

“But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the

chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

1. O GOD my father your word says that by your stripes I am healed, I am healed in the

mighty name of JESUS.

2. (Lay your hand on your head) You body of mine, you are the temple of the HOLY

SPIRIT, therefore sicknesses cannot dwell in you, be healed today in the mighty name


3. I decree and declare that from this day henceforth I am healed in the mighty name of


4. Every demon of darkness responsible for making me sick, I arrest you by the word of

GOD and the blood of JESUS CHRIST.

5. Every person responsible for this ailment in me, I return this sickness to you now in

the mighty name of JESUS.

6. Every foundational sickness in my body leave by fire by thunder in the mighty name of


7. Every generational curse that has afflicted my health, I break you to pieces and set

myself free today in the name of JESUS.

8. Whatever I have done that has brought this sickness into my life FATHER have mercy

on me and deliver me today in the name of JESUS.

9. Wherever I have gone that has resulted in this sickness, FATHER deliver today in the

mighty name of JESUS.

10. If this sickness has come to me due to the jealousy of the wicked, FATHER disappoint

them today and set me free in the mighty name of JESUS.

11. Fire of the HOLY GHOST fall on me right now and burn away every sickness that is

tormenting me today, in the mighty name of JESUS.

12. Oh FATHER send your healing light from heaven into my body and let every shadow of

sickness disappear today in JESUS name.

13. I prophesy and I decree that I am immune to sicknesses and diseases henceforth, in

JESUS name I pray.

14. Oh GOD my father I am tired of swallowing medications and taking injections to stay

alive, please keep me alive by your love and grace from today on in the mighty name


15. I was not created to live this life in sickness, heavenly FATHER heal me now, in JESUS

name I pray.

16. Every demon where I live that continually makes me sick every time I enter my door, I

bind and cast you into hell by the power in the name of JESUS.

17. Every person that pretends to love me and makes me sick through hugs and touches,

father let this sickness return to them one thousand folds and let them confess and

bow to you in JESUS name.

18. Oh FATHER let my enemies that laugh at my sick condition, see me healed today and

let your wrath fall upon them in the mighty name of JESUS.

19. FATHER anyone from my family that is responsible for this ailment, disgrace and

expose them today in the mighty name of JESUS.

20. Go on your knees and thank GOD for your deliverance and healing, cover yourself with

the blood of JESUS, seal every open door that might bring back that sickness with the

blood of JESUS, ask GOD for protection henceforth and let the HOLY SPIRIT make you

immune to every demonic sickness henceforth in the mighty name of JESUS.


NOTE: For young people who are still in school and are looking to GOD for academic

excellence, it is imperative that you play your part, by working hard and actually

reading your books, GOD rewards hard work and he loves seeing his children prosper

PSALM 128:2

“For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well



“Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he

also reap.”

The verses above are self-explanatory, you won’t neglect your books, miss classes,

copy all your assignments and homework from serious students, miss

tests/quizzes/exams and still expect GOD to make you pass, GAL 6:7 says “GOD is not

mocked”, you will reap what you sow, GOD does not perform magic and give people

things he believes they don’t deserve, you must play your part and he will bless you

accordingly, you must focus on school work and prioritize your academic pursuits, you

must refuse distractions, you must actively fight bad peer pressure and read your

books. Only when you do these things can you expect assistance from GOD when you

pray for his help. It is that simple; also know that you will fail if you only remember

GOD when it’s time to write a test or exam, remember “GOD is not mocked”. If you

are a parent and with two children and one child calls you every day to check up on

you and asks about your wellbeing but the other child only calls when he needs

money or assistance, which child will you do more for? Which child will you sacrifice

more for? Simple the child that calls you often, it’s not being partial, its common sense

that you would do more for those who love you genuinely than for those that just use

you like a tool for their gain… For the last time “GOD is not mocked”.


“And we know that for those who love GOD all things work together for good, for

those who are called according to his purpose.”

1. (Place your hands on your head) You brain of mine I upgrade you to the status of

genius by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in the mighty name of JESUS.

2. Retentive memory from heaven fall upon me today in JESUS name I pray.

3. My father my father wherever the enemies of my family have tied my head, I lose

and take it by fire by force today in JESUS name.

4. Generational curses of academic failure in my family shatter to pieces by the

thunder and lightning of GOD in the mighty name of JESUS.

5. From this day forward everything I read, I shall remember in the name of JESUS.

6. Every demon that follows me into test and exam halls to disorganize my thoughts

and make me forget what I read, I bind you with the rope of fire and cast you to

the bottomless pit of fire today in the mighty name of JESUS.

7. Every evil student or lecture that has vowed to torment me and spiritually oppress

me to fail let the HOLY GHOST arrest them today and set me free from their

shackles in the name of JESUS.

8. Every evil ritual carried out by anyone in my school environment that is

detrimental to my success; backfire to sender today in the name JESUS.

9. Every cultist that has vowed to oppress me and make my life miserable, I arrest

you by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT today in the name of JESUS.

10. I decree and I declare that I will finish from this school in flying colours in the name


11. Heavenly father give me the grace to focus and work hard on my school work in

the mighty name of JESUS.

12. My FATHER in heaven give me wisdom to read and understand, give me wisdom to

think outside the box and solve problems quickly and easier than average in the

mighty name of JESUS.

13. I am a winner and not a loser, failure is not my portion in the mighty name of


14. Father take control of my whole life and let my academic pursuit be for your glory,

in the mighty name of JESUS.

15. Father show my enemies that you are GOD and you are always behind me in the

mighty name of JESUS.

16. Heavenly father protect me and save me from getting into any trouble that will get

me expelled in the mighty name of JESUS.

17. Every satanic, demonic witchcraft set up organized for my sake in this school

scatter by fire by thunder in the name of JESUS.

18. I will graduate when my mates are graduating in the mighty name of JESUS.

19. (For those looking for admission)Every spirit, demon, witch, wizard that has vowed

that I will not get admission into the university, fall down and die in the name of


20. Thank you heavenly father for answering all my prayers and defeating my

enemies, I am a winner in you LORD and not a loser, thank you for all you have

done for me and all you will do, in the mighty name of JESUS.


NOTE: Almost everyone knows that according to medical science, there are

diseases that are inherited through genes and passed down from generation to

generation of a family tree.

But what most people especially Christians do not know is that there are also

curses and covenants that are passed down from generation to generation in a

particular family, some families have ancestors that were heavily into witchcraft

and the occult that dedicated their lineage to a particular demon or to the devil

himself, giving demons legal grounds in their lineage and these demons torture

and wreak havoc in such families until someone finds this secret through the

mercy of GOD and takes a stand to break those covenant/curses to either set

themselves free or their entire family free.

These covenants and curse usually have a pattern,

o Sometimes the men in the family die at a particular age.

o The women find it difficult to get pregnant after marriage.

o The children are always rebellious and wayward and never achieve

anything in life.

o Sickness and diseases plague them continuously.

o Children in the family are tormented in their dreams constantly and may all

see a particular demonic entity during these episodes.

o Firstborn children die if they refuse to go serve a particular family deity as a


o Some families are plagued by suicide; people born into such families are

more likely to die by suicide than by any other causes.

o In some families the females usually end up being prostitutes and bringing

shame to their family.

o In some families the women just never marry early, in some the women

never get married at all and have all their children outside wedlock.

o Some families’ battle with debilitating poverty that makes it seem like

nothing they ever do will ever work out.

What I am saying is that when a family is under ancestral curses and demonic covenants,

usually there a patterns of demonic oppression present, other times there aren’t clear

patterns but one thing is for sure those who look closely can usually tell that something is

wrong with their family that is beyond the physical.

I suggest that everyone prays this prayer of deliverance from ancestral curses and covenant,

just because you don’t feel that this affects you and your family does not mean there isn’t

something there and just to be safe this prayer points are important.


“Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

But thus says the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of

the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I

will save thy children.”

MATHEW 12:19

“Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first

bind the strong man? And then he will spoil his house.”

1. O GOD my FATHER deliver me today from the shackles of demonic ancestral curses, in

the mighty name of JESUS.

2. Let all legal grounds being operated on by demons in my life become illegal today in

the name of JESUS.

3. Every curse placed on my family from anyone at any time be broken today in the

name of JESUS.

4. Foundational curses controlling the direction of my life be shattered by the thunder of

GOD today, in the name of JESUS.

5. Every demon that my family was dedicated to in the past or present, I bind you by the

power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I cast you to hell and set myself free today in the name of


6. From this day forward I now operate on GOD’S purpose for my destiny, in the name of


7. I mute every demon speaking evil on my life and the life of my family today in the

name of JESUS.

8. HOLY SPIRIT shake the foundation of my family till every evil alter is demolished in

the mighty name of JESUS.

9. Every hidden satanic secret in my family that is causing havoc in my life be exposed

and nullified today in the mighty name of JESUS.

10. I re-dedicate my family today to GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON and GOD THE HOLY

SPIRIT, in the mighty name of JESUS.

11. By the power of the HOLY SPIRIT I set free every man, woman, child in my family from

every ancestral curse today, in the mighty name of JESUS.

12. Every satanic oath entered on my behalf by my forefathers be nullified today in the

name of JESUS.

13. Let the peace and light of my savior JESUS CHRIST take over my family today in the

name of JESUS.

14. Let ancestral curses of poverty in my family be broken today by the power of the HOLY

SPIRIT, in the name of JESUS.

15. Let ancestral curses of barrenness in my family be broken today in the mighty name of


16. Angels of the living GOD contend with every stubborn demon that says they will not

let my family go and defeat them today in the name of JESUS.

17. Every strong man in my family that re-activates ancient curses to plague my life and

that of my family, fall down and die today in the mighty name of JESUS.

18. Every witchcraft covenant and curses that are presently active in the life of my family

and myself be nullified today in the mighty name of JESUS.

19. Every dormant witchcraft covenant/curses in my life and that of my family be also

nullified and silenced forever in the name of JESUS.

20. I decree and declare today that old curses, ancient covenants, foundational witchcraft

strongholds and evil ancestral oaths operating in my family are all broken today, my

family and I are henceforth free and live for GOD, in the mighty name of JESUS. Amen


NOTE: There are demonic principalities and powers that control every vicinity and area in

the world, it is like a typical physical government, where we have the federal, state and

local government, each government is responsible for an area and there are ranks and

orders, where there is a central or federal government that controls all the, villages,

zones, states etc. In the spirit world it is called the kingdom of darkness, and it is all

around us. Satan rules this world.

You have to understand that there are demonic spiritual laws that govern every place on

earth, there are some places where some bad things are more prone to occur at than

some other places, there are some places that you will go to and things will become so

hard that without GOD’S grace you will not succeed in anything you do there, there are

other places where suicides are very prevalent and so on. All these are examples of

demonic oppression enforced by a demonic entity in control of a particular place, through

the power and orders of satan himself.

So as children of the CREATOR of this world, whose throne is in heaven, whose son is

JESUS CHRIST and whose HOLY SPIRIT comforts us, we must be wise and understand that

before we go anywhere we must first pray and dethrone the principality ruling that place,

destroy every evil law that has been oppressing that region and mark yourself with the

blood of JESUS and announce your presence as a child of light filled with the HOLY SPIRIT,

we must let every demonic entity know that we are special, different and therefore

exempted from their wicked games, they must know that their evil rules do NOT apply to

us, we are untouchables and will prosper wherever we are because GOD is our FATHER.

Basically you must take dominion over wherever you are as a child of GOD, you must

pray, keep praying, pray some more, while still praying continue praying, we must pray

without “ceasing” or stopping. A lot of Christians change locations to improve their lives,

only to get there and things just get worse, in some cases every time they visit their

village or hometown, someone dies in the family and as a result, they have stopped going

to their villages. These things happen a lot and it occurs because Christians do not know

the power they have through prayers, imagine being totally unable to go to your village

because of fear of a calamity befalling you? Is it not clear that in such an instance you

have finally bowed to the devil and indirectly proclaimed that he is stronger than your

GOD? Some people will be shocked at the last statement I made but it is imperative that I

tell you the truth, you are a king/queen in GOD’S kingdom, you are a general in his army,

you have to understand that the power you are capable of controlling under the authority

of JESUS is immense, does the word not say that at the mention of the name of JESUS,

EVERY knee MUST BOW? So why are you afraid my brothers and sisters? When will you

stand up and really start praying, when will you start exercising the power that GOD has

given to you? Are you not tired of being a victim? Are you not tired of demonic

oppression? Are you not tired of running and hiding? It’s time to wake up, get down on

your knees and start praying your way out of demonic oppression.


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS,

against the RULERS of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in HIGH


DANIEL 10:13

“But the prince of Persia withstood me one and twenty days. But, lo Michael, one of the

chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.”

Both anchor verses above are proof that there are evil spiritual kingdoms that control our

physical world.

1. I take dominion of this environment by the power in the name of JESUS

2. Every demonic entity ruling this vicinity, by the thunder of heaven, I dethrone you

today in the name of JESUS.

3. Every demonic rule or law enforced in this area shatter to pieces in the mighty name


4. I exempt myself from every evil curse and hex controlling the lives in this vicinity.

5. Every demonic dark cloud hovering over this community let the light of heaven burst

through and scatter you to pieces in the name of JESUS.

6. Every evil storm that constantly attacks the peace of this area be silenced and cease in

the mighty name of JESUS.

7. Angels of the living GOD occupy this environment, chase out every demon, stand

guard and make this place free of demonic activity today, in JESUS name.

8. Every physical strong man oppressing this community fall down and die in the name of

JESUS, I strip you off your powers and render you useless from today on. In the name


9. I paralyze every demonic strong man enforcing evil demonic laws in this vicinity, in the

name of JESUS.

10. Blood of JESUS drown every stubborn demon on assignment against the occupants of

this environment.

11. Every ancient curse or covenant that is holding this place down, be broken by the

thunderous voice of GOD today in the name of JESUS.

12. Every marine spirit keeping this place in bondage catch fire and die in the name of


13. I dedicate this environment to GOD the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.

14. Whatever I do here shall prosper henceforth, in JESUS name AMEN.

15. I nullify the powers of blood sucking demons in this vicinity in the name of JESUS.

16. HOLY SPIRIT rule mightily over this place forever, in the name of JESUS.

17. By the power of the HOLY SPIRIT I set free every child of GOD held captive by the

powers in this environment in the mighty name of JESUS.

18. I decree and declare that for as long as I shall be here I will prosper, calamity will

never befall me, I am a soldier of CHRIST, and I am protected by the blood of the

LAMB in JESUS name.

19. I rise above evil and darkness, spiritual wickedness is beneath me, I am henceforth

untouchable by darkness because I declare that I am a child of light and that JESUS is

my king.

20. Thank you father for taking control of this vicinity, thank you for setting me free,

thank you for giving me dominion, in the mighty name of JESUS. Amen.


NOTE: As Christians it is clear that we are not of this world, we are just passing by, our home

is in heaven, that is our goal: To be with our father in his kingdom for eternity to worship him.

We are not supposed to be focused on the issues of this world to the point where it becomes

a distraction, however as long as we are still here we will also not allow the wicked overtake

everything and ruin it all, we must pray for the nations we are born into, we must pray for

the world we live in, we must ask GOD for mercy on behalf of our people, we must stand in

the gap to intercede for those that are not aware of anything that is going on spiritually, we

must ask our heavenly FATHER to take control of everything concerning our nation and

protect us his children from his wrath that will fall on the wicked.


“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap

before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

1. My father in heaven I stand this day in the gap for my nation (say the name of your

country here e.g. “Nigeria”) please do not destroy this land, in the name of JESUS.

2. Heavenly father have mercy on my country “Nigeria” forgive our stubbornness and

spare us from your wrath, in the name of JESUS.

3. Heavenly father arise and fight for your children that are oppressed by the wicked in

this nation, in the mighty name of JESUS.

4. Let the wicked that control this country and oppress the children of GOD drink from

the cup of your anger in the name of JESUS.

5. Let those that continually sell this country to the kingdom of darkness confess and die

in the name of JESUS.

6. Let those that continually desecrate our land with wickedness and evil be swallowed

up by darkness and let them never know peace in the mighty name of JESUS.

7. Every evil principality in charge of my country “Nigeria”, I dethrone you by the power

in the mighty name of JESUS.

8. I nullify every evil plan of the wicked to throw this nation into chaos and war by the

power in the mighty name of JESUS.

9. Every evil demonic committee set up for the oppression of the children of GOD in this

Nation, let the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT explode in your midst and roast you all to ashes

in the mighty name of JESUS.

10. I decree and declare that there will be peace in this land henceforth in the mighty

name of JESUS.

11. I set up a “no fly zone” over my country “Nigeria” today, every demonic activity in the

air must cease by the power in the name of JESUS.

12. I set up a perimeter of GOD’S glory around this nation, only that which our FATHER

allows will occur henceforth in the name of JESUS.

13. Sweet JESUS send your angels to protect every child of the kingdom all over the world

today, in the mighty name of JESUS.

14. Let demonic kingdoms in waters on this earth shake violently and burn to pieces in the

mighty name of JESUS.

15. Let the evil powers of the water be defeated today by the warring angels of heaven, in

the name of JESUS.

16. Let marine principalities causing havoc in my nation be bound by the fire of the HOLY

GHOST and cast into the lake of fire for ever in the name of JESUS.

17. Demonic principalities and rulers on the grounds, forests and waters of my nation

“Nigeria”, I strip you off your powers by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and cast you in

to the lake of fire forever in the name of JESUS.

18. Heavenly father disgrace and expose all wicked politicians and rulers of my Nation, let

them drink from the cup of your wrath today in the name of JESUS.

19. Let the peace and light of heaven fall upon my nation in the name of JESUS.

20. I rededicate this country to JESUS, let the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT fall on our land

and consecrate it and may the children of GOD be relieved from all demonic

oppression henceforth in the mighty name of JESUS.


QUICK NOTE: It is important to advice children of GOD reading this book to stop being afraid,

you need to stop harboring fear, I once heard someone say something that I found really

interesting, he said “Satan uses fear to brainwash us.” And it is very true; people give satan

control of their lives through fear.

After GOD truly revealed himself to me and I surrendered myself to him, I began to wonder

how lost I was, I began to think of all the times I spent worrying about things that were so

small for GOD, I wondered how children of GOD spend so much time thinking, being

depressed, constantly worrying about things that are so small for GOD to do, if only they

understood the greatness of our heavenly FATHER, take a minute and think about the

greatness of GOD, he created the whole world, oceans, mountains, the sun, the stars, he

created you and I, have you seen a picture of the human brain? Have you seen how complex

it is, think about your heart, think about your eyes and how perfectly you have been created,

imagine the complexity of your anatomy, think about a lion and a horse, how majestic are

those animals? In the old days horses were used to travel across continents with baggage plus

a human sitting on top of them, imagine how strong a horse is, yet such a beautiful animal,

imagine a lion that is able to kill prey 2 time its own size? Imagine how beautiful and

powerful that animal is, one strong hit from the paws of a lion to your head will instantly

break your neck and kill you, yet GOD gave man dominion over such a strong beast and we

tame it, cage it, feed it, give it orders, man has made lions perform in circuses for

entertainment purposes. I have to ask, is the GOD you serve not great? If your answer is yes,

which is the truth, then I want you to ask yourself, what is cancer? What is joblessness? What

is poverty? What is HIV? What is corona virus? What is FEAR? Ask yourself is there anything

too hard for him to do?

JEREMIAH 32: 27-35

“Behold, I am the LORD, the GOD of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”


“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let

your requests be made known unto GOD.”

This is what JESUS said in Mathew 6: 25-27

MATHEW 6: 25-27

“Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall

drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the

body than railment?

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet

your heavenly FATHER feedeth them. Are you not much better than they?”

With the last verse above from the mouth of JESUS himself, I really don’t feel like I have

anything else to say, with all I have written, fear henceforth should not even be something

you spend a single time doing, worrying should no longer be found in your heart, the one

who created you is bigger than everything and you definitely will be fine, this is a FACT.


“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art

with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”


“For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and of a sound mind.”

1. Every demonic spirit of fear that is controlling my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in

the name of JESUS.

2. Every seed of worrying planted in my heart by satan, be uprooted by the power in the

name of JESUS and never return forever, in the name of JESUS.

3. Let the spirit of power, love and a sound mind be my portion today in the mighty

name of JESUS.

4. Oh LORD let your rod and your staff comfort me from today onwards in the name of


5. I am BOLD because the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD is me, satan bend your knees to my GOD

now. You are defeated and no longer have control over my life, in the mighty NAME of


6. Let the blood of JESUS cover me and my entire household today in the name of JESUS.

7. From today on, the blood of JESUS will never leave me, I am untouchable to the

kingdom of darkness and their arrows of fear, in the name of JESUS.

8. Fire of the HOLY GHOST surround me, my family and all that concerns my life let the

mercy and grace of my heavenly FATHER never let his holy fire leave me, in the name


9. I am a child of grace and favour, I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death

and I will not be afraid, I will walk into the camps of my enemies and I will conquer

them, in the name of JESUS.

10. Demonic incantations concocted for my sake backfire to sender today in the name of


11. Because GOD is on my side, satan listen today, I am a giant in CHRIST, you are the

serpent and I trample upon your head today and crush it, in the name of JESUS.

12. I fear no demon, principality, power, man, woman, child, animal, tree, water,

mountain, fire, wind because I possess the courage of GOD, I decree and declare that

all that is not of GOD controlling my life, surrender before my FATHER today, in the

name of JESUS.

13. Everywhere I go I shall possess, HOLY SPIRIT of GOD never depart from me, in the

name of JESUS.

14. I declare and decree that from today onwards demonS will flee when they see me,

demons will burn when they hear my voice; demons will bow when they see the glory

of my FATHER in my eyes from today henceforth, in the name of JESUS.

15. I am a conqueror and warrior in CHRIST oh kingdom of satan, by the anointing of the

HOLY SPIRIT I scatter and disintegrate your foundation in the name of JESUS.

16. Angels of the living GOD stand guard around me and my family from today on and

defend us forever in the name of JESUS.

17. I activate every dormant angel assigned to me by the word of my heavenly FATHER,

begin to fight my enemies and destroy them, in the mighty name of JESUS.

18. My FATHER, my FATHER, I surrender all my life to you today, direct my ways and give

me your peace in the name of JESUS.

19. HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, destroy every demonic force that has had access into my life

because of my fear and worrying today, in the name of JESUS.

20. I decree and declare that today I am free and protected in the hands of my heavenly

FATHER, I am untouchable to the kingdom of darkness, I am a general in the army of

GOD, I fear no evil and I am a conqueror in JESUS mighty name I pray AMEN.



“After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as

much as he had before.”

1. My FATHER, my FATHER restore all that my enemies have stolen from me today in the

name of JESUS.

2. I go into the store house of my enemies, where my treasures have been hidden and

collect all that belongs to me today, in the name of JESUS.

3. Everything that I have lost to the wicked from the day of my birth till this day, I

retrieve them by the power in the name of JESUS.

4. Every door I have opened for my enemies to have access to steal my virtues and

blessings, FATHER have mercy on me and shut that door, in the name of JESUS.

5. From now henceforth no evil power can take anything that my FATHER in heaven has

given to me, in the name of JESUS.

6. Oh GOD my FATHER, just like you did for JOB, give me double portion of restoration in

the mighty name of JESUS.

7. I decree and declare that from today on, everything I touch my anointed hands with

shall prosper, in the mighty name of JESUS.

8. In the mighty name of JESUS my hands are blessed forever in the name of JESUS.

9. You my head, you can no longer fail every evil cap or covering of failure I remove you

by the power in the mighty name of JESUS.

10. Every evil pipe that my enemies have been using to suck away my virtues and

blessing, be severed by the sword of the lord and let that loop hole be sealed by the

blood of JESUS.

11. From today henceforth I shall move forward and never backwards in the mighty name


12. Every demon of stagnation keeping me in one spot in this life fall down and die in the

name of JESUS.

13. Fire of the HOLY GHOST fall on every human or spirit that has ever stolen my blessings

from me and roast them to ashes today in the of JESUS.

14. I plunder the thieves of the night that have ever taken what belongs to me; I take

everything from them and leave them desolate and empty in the mighty of JESUS.

15. Wherever my enemies have hidden the things that rightfully belong to me, HOLY

GHOST fire, locate and return them to me today, in the name of JESUS.

16. Every cave where the thieves that have plundered me are hiding, thunder of GOD,

strike them and bury them under rocks forever in the mighty name of JESUS.

17. I am a conqueror from today onwards because I am anointed by the HOLY GHOST; no

power from now on shall touch me or anything I own. In the name of JESUS.

18. Any man or woman, boy or girl that tries to rob me off my blessings from today on,

HOLY GHOST strip them of all they have immediately and give them to me, in the

name of JESUS.

19. Every family covenant responsible for my constant loss of virtues throughout my life, I

break you by the thunder of the HOLY GHOST. In the mighty name of JESUS.

20. Thank you FATHER for restoring me today, I believe and know that from now on I have

recovered all that I have ever lost in double portions, in JESUS mighty name I pray.




“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

But GOD is the judge: HE putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

1. My GOD, my FATHER, have mercy on me and set me up for promotion today, in the

mighty name of JESUS.

2. Every man or woman or demon sitting on my promotion at my place of work fall down

and die in the mighty name of JESUS.

3. Every power that has hidden my name from appearing on the list for promotion, what

are you waiting for catch fire and roast to ashes, in the name of JESUS.

4. Every evil boss standing in my way and beating their chest that they will never let me

move forward or be promoted, be disgraced today in the mighty name of JESUS.

5. Whoever has said that I will remain in one spot till my career is over, die by fire in the

name of JESUS.

6. I silence every evil voice from my foundation speaking against my promotion by the

power in the blood of JESUS today in the name of JESUS.

7. I declare and I decree that by the power in the name of JESUS, I shall rise to the

highest levels of my occupation, in the name of JESUS.

8. I am the head and not the tail; I declare professional success on my life in the mighty

name of JESUS.

9. From this day onwards, I will no longer stay under; let the blood of JESUS float me to

the top, in the mighty name of JESUS.

10. Every power of the devil that says my business will not grow, fall down and die by the

thunder of the HOLY GHOST, in the mighty name of JESUS.

11. I fertilize my business with the blood of JESUS; grow beyond my imagination today, in

the mighty name of JESUS.

12. FATHER give me wisdom to navigate every obstacle to my promotion and the growth

of my business successfully today in the name of JESUS.

13. FATHER let shame and disgrace continually fall on my enemies that want to see me

fail today in the name of JESUS.

14. FATHER expose all those that are against me in my place of work, reveal them to me

and disgrace them, in the mighty name of JESUS.

15. Let those coworkers that hate me and seek my downfall stumble and fall today in the

name of JESUS.

16. MY FATHER MY FATHER I take dominion of my office/place of work today as your

child, everything there must work in my favour henceforth in the mighty name of


17. Every demonic entity, principality power controlling my place of work, affecting my

business fall down and die by the power in the name of JESUS.

18. HOLY SPIRIT of GOD take charge and take control of my place of work and business

today and subdue every demonic activity occurring there in the mighty name of JESUS.

19. Every evil set up by my enemies planned against me for my downfall; backfire to their

senders in the mighty name of JESUS.

20. Thank you father for giving me victory, thank you for your grace and mercy, thank you

for the promotion I have received and thank you my GOD for defeating my enemies,

today in the mighty name of JESUS.



“The LORD is my SHEPHARD; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me besides the still waters.”

1. O GOD my FATHER take charge and take control of my life today in the mighty name


2. I submit myself to you today JESUS, be my SHEPHARD and let your will be done in my

life, in the mighty name of JESUS.

3. I am the head and not the tail, failure is not my portion because I am a child of

covenant in CHRIST JESUS, in the mighty name of JESUS.

4. From today henceforth I will win and never lose because my FATHER in heaven has

said so, in the mighty name of JESUS.

5. I fortify my immune system with the blood of JESUS, sickness is not my portion, I will

be healthy for the rest of my life, in the name of JESUS.

6. Every door that I have foolishly and unknowingly opened to poverty, I shut you today

in the mighty name of JESUS.

7. FATHER let only your will be done in my life in the mighty name of JESUS.

8. Whoever has vowed not to let me go, using demonic forces and evil incantations to

control me, I don’t care to know who you are, let the thunder of GOD strike you dead

right now in the mighty name of JESUS.

9. My FATHER my FATHER please do not let a single plan of my enemies prosper again in

my life, in the mighty name of JESUS.

10. HOLY SPIRIT I invite into my life, please guide me and comfort me, lead me in your

grace and keep me ten steps ahead of my enemies from today in the name of JESUS.

11. Every obstacle in my life that is keeping me from prospering and keeping GOD from

intervening in my case. FATHER have mercy on me, clear them out and take control of

my life today in the name of JESUS.

12. Every power fighting my marriage and trying to scatter my family roast to ashes in the

mighty name of JESUS.

13. Every power that says I will never have my own family, that say I will never get

married, or have children, I defeat and subdue you today in the mighty name of JESUS.

14. Every spirit wife or husband chasing away my prospective partner or spouse, I set

myself free from your hands and set you ablaze by the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT in the

mighty NAME of JESUS.

15. Every marine covenant that is holding me down and keeping me from progressing in

life scatter by thunder in the name of JESUS.

16. Let every power trying to make my children wayward and destroy their future fall

down and die today in the name of JESUS.

17. Let every demon of hatred and un-forgiveness controlling my family fall down and die,

in the mighty name of JESUS.

18. I prophesy wealth, health, prosperity, power, in to my life and that of my family today

in the mighty name of JESUS.

19. FATHER from today onwards let your light shine in me and let demons bow before my

feet and let them flee from wherever I step my feet, in the mighty name of JESUS.

20. Let your grace and mercy never depart from my life FATHER, I submit my whole life to

you JESUS, take control of everything I do in the mighty name of JESUS.


This last chapter and category of prayers is very important because in the world we live in

today, technology has become a tool that the devil uses to destroy the children of GOD, it is

important to understand that not all technology is from GOD, a lot of what we use today are

inspired by the devil and his demons, Christians who do not live in the spirit accept and

believe that all technological advancement are for good, when the truth is that a lot of it is

produced for the sole purpose of perpetuating evil and advancing the growth of the kingdom

of darkness and sending Christians to hell.

I want you to understand that there are diseases that are arising worldwide that are caused

by new technology, some diseases are specifically designed in laboratories in developed

countries by satanic masterminds/scientists and released on the general population to kill

people and destroy lives, most of the pandemics you hear about are not ordinary, they are

sent from the pit of hell with the help of luciferian scientists to wreak havoc on the earth and

as Christians we MUST begin to take these issues seriously and fortify ourselves with prayers,

because at the end of the day, it is all spiritual warfare, it is the war between light and

darkness, it is a war between good and evil, we all know that satan and his agents have

already lost the battle, but we must not be ignorant of his devices, we must utilize the power

of our heavenly FATHER and protect ourselves from these evil attacks and diseases that are

constantly being used through technology and science to attack us. We must protect

ourselves at all times with the blood of JESUS. We must fight back and be aware of what is

going on, ebola and the corona virus is NOT the portion of the children of GOD, we must be

fervent in prayer and make ourselves immune to these diseases brethren.

I will also like to add that Christians worldwide should be careful about accepting any so

called new vaccines and medication they bring and try to coerce you into getting, be careful

of what you allow them inject you with. Just because it is recommended on the news or

television does not mean it is good for you, in fact be weary of anything that is pushed by the

media because you have to understand that we are not of this world, our real home is in

heaven, we are children of GOD and therefore mortal enemies of the devil. Please

understand that this world is run by the devil, he controls the news and most global events,

he brainwashes through the media and it is all done deliberately for your demise and

premature death, it is for your failure on your heavenly race, he is doing so much so he can

get your soul. Brothers and sisters there is so much that I would like to say, but not everyone

will understand these things, however I encourage you to walk in the light of GOD and make

the holy spirit your guide, make sure you draw closer to our FATHER, so that you won’t be

deceived and cajoled out of your heavenly inheritance, do not sell your birthright to satan, be

vigilant and pray brethren, evil is real, the spirit world exists and it controls the physical.

The following prayer points are for your protection against demonic diseases that the devil

has manufactured through technology to make you suffer, please take these prayer points

seriously and pray them violently as often as you can.

1. Every demonic disease manufactured from the pit of hell, you will not prosper in my

life, in the name of JESUS.

2. Let the blood of JESUS stand between me and every satanic illness today and nullify

their powers in the mighty name of JESUS.

3. I fortify myself and my family with the blood of JESUS, no technological or scientific

sickness from the pit of hell shall affect me and my family today in the mighty name of


4. I immunize myself with the blood if JESUS, no evil sickness or pandemic shall prosper

in my life and the life of my family in the mighty name of JESUS.

5. Every new sickness that has been sprayed in the atmosphere to make the children of

GOD sick and miserable be nullified by the power and the blood of JESUS today and

forever in the mighty name of JESUS.

6. HOLY SPIRIT of GOD protect me from every demonic radiation from every evil

technology in the mighty name of JESUS.

7. Evil arrows of diseases fired at my direction shatter to pieces in the mighty name of


8. Blood of JESUS surround me and my family today, let no evil virus penetrate your

hedge and affect us in the name of JESUS.

9. Demonic viral illnesses I burn you with the fire of the HOLY GHOST to ashes in the

name of JESUS.

10. I clear the air of every evil pathogen floating around looking for whom to infect by the

power in the mighty name of JESUS.

11. Blood of JESUS purify the air that I breathe in today and forever in the mighty name of


12. Every virus deployed in the water to infect me and my family be sucked out and

destroyed by the power in the mighty name of JESUS.

13. I refuse to be a victim of any global pandemic because I am a child of GOD; I am

untouchable to their wicked devices and immune to their diseases in the mighty of


14. Every demon masquerading as a disease coming in my direction I roast you to ashes by

the fire of the HOLY GHOST today in the mighty name of JESUS.

15. I nullify every form and avenue that the wicked are trying to use in making me sick

and suffer today by the blood of JESUS.

16. Every hidden agenda by the kingdom of darkness to attack my health and the health

of the children of GOD, be neutralized today in the name of JESUS.

17. Let the light of GOD in me repel every viral disease sent from the kingdom of darkness

against me today in the mighty name of JESUS.

18. Fire of the HOLY GHOST surround my family and myself from today onwards we will

not be affected by the wicked devices of the devil targeted on our health in the mighty

name of JESUS.

19. Angel of the living GOD go to every laboratory and storage facility where they are

producing and storing viral diseases to kill the children of GOD and destroy their plans,

scatter their inventions and set confusion in their midst and cause them to fail

woefully today in the mighty name of JESUS.

20. Thank you father for giving me victory today over demonically produced diseases

aided by satanic technology, in the mighty name of JESUS.


We must do better as Christians, we must pray more and seek the face of GOD more, we

must live our lives to please only GOD and allow him to take care of us. We must be vigilant

and stop being lazy, we are in the end times and the world we live in is getting worse, every

single day, just as it was prophesied in the Bible.

READ-“MATHEW 24:9-12”.

My beloved brothers and sisters in CHRIST, let us try to do better, let us change our ways, let

us not abuse GOD’S grace and mercy, let us stop grieving the HOLY SPIRIT.

We must separate ourselves from this world and set ourselves apart from evil.












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