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1. What hobbies are suitable for young teenagers? Why?

2. Describe your favourite hobby. Here are some suggested questions:

 What is your hobby?
 How did you start your hobby?
 Why do you like doing it?
 Does your hobby cost a lot of money?
 Does your hobby take up a lot of your time?
 What do you think your life would be like if you didn't have any
 What friends have you made while doing your hobby?
 Would you recommend this hobby to a friend?

3. Describe a bad hobby/some bad hobbies that you know.

4. Some people turn their hobbies into a career or a way of making money.
Can you think of any examples?

5. What hobbies used to be popular, but aren't common now? Why have they
gone out of fashion?

6. Is it important to have a hobby? If someone only works and sleeps, what is

the problem?


1. Do you think what the 3 most important characteristics to be a good

friend are?

2. Describe one of your most embarrassing experiences.

3. There is an increasing number of people who seem to have only pets

as friends. Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative trend?

4. What do you look for and need in your friendship?

5. It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of

everything. What are the positive sides that you can see of the
COVID-19 Pandemic?

6. Should parents be friends with their children? Why or why not?

7. What is the most memorable childhood experience?

8. Are birthday parties necessary for teenagers? Why or why not?

Fluency: Bài Speaking cần tập nói trôi chảy, không hoặc ít vấp trước khi quay, nên có hình
ảnh minh họa (các em có thể làm slide).
A good first impression: Các em nên tạo 1 ấn tượng ban đầu thu hút người nghe, tránh trình
bày theo kiểu rập khuôn.
Creativity: khuyến khích sự sáng tạo.
Duration: tối thiểu 1'45''
Deadline: 10h30 T7 (09/07/21)


1. Is it better for children to grow up in the city? Why?

2. Is it better for people to live in the countryside where it’s less polluted and more
peaceful? Why?

3. Why is it important to preserve traditional crafts? Describe one traditional craft

in Vietnam.

4. Describe one traditional craft in your hometown or central Vietnam.

5. It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of everything. What are
the positive sides that you can see of the COVID-19 pandemic?

6. What made you impressed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam? 


1. “Even challenges are beautiful, opportunities in disguise.” as the

saying goes. Social distancing has been making study more
challenging to students. How can students turn them into

2. It is advisable to look on the bright side of everything. What are the

positive sides that you can see of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

3. What difficulties do teenagers face with social distancing and

lockdown? How can they overcome them?

4. Talk about a scientist who you admire. (Who? What contribution?

Why did you know him/her? Why do you admire him/her?)

5. Talk about a Vietnamese scientist or scholar who you admire.

(Who? What contribution? Why did you know him/her? Why do
you admire him/her?)

6. Cell phones in the classroom: Learning Tool or Distraction. Should

students be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom?

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