Protokoll Moskau12.11.13

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PROJEKT PHASE 1 (Rebranding NN) SEITE 1/2

01 PARTICIPANTS Anton (Norilsk Nickel)

? (Norilsk Nickel)
Natalia Vinogradova (Norilsk Nickel)
Sergiy ? (AltanCapital)
Leonid Schlachover (AltanCapital)
Dimitri ?
Guido Emmerich (Avantgarde)
Sangeeta Amin (Avantgarde)
Tim Strathus (Avantgarde)

18.10. 2013
12:00 pm at Norilsk Nickel HQ

1. Introduction revised Logo Version and Strategy :

 Revised Strategy based on the feedback from the last meeting on October 18th
 Introduction of Norilsk Nickel logo examples from the two previous directions: Polaris and
Shapes & Structures
 Introduction of a image movie and 3D movies for both logos to explain the strategy and change
of the existing logo
 Open discussion of the historical approach of the strategy
 The new name “NOBEL NORTH” need to be translated into Russian to see how the name can
 A possibility was mentioned that the rebranding could take place globally but NOT in Russia.
This needs to be discussed further internally at NN (HQ)
 Polaris Logo Feedback: clear approach to the existing company logo, closer to the tradition and
values of the company, easier to communicate to the world as it is the modern interpretation of
the existing logo
 Shapes and Structures Feedback: a very modern look and feel, revolutionary, more
complicated to change as it has a complete new look
 The Russian part of the brand /co brand and the symbolic heritage is important to see

2. Introduction Palladium Conference:

 Presentation of the overall conference approach and idea

 Presentation of speakers
 Client Feedback: The conferences are not the right way to target the investors. We should
focus more on the wealth management rather then on the actual investment communities and
PROJEKT PHASE 1 (Rebranding NN) SEITE 2/2

commodities. ETF’s are not necessary to approach as NN already in touch with a couple of
them. The attention of the trade community is not necessary. We need to track them to the
source: People who are holding the money, people who are investing and already believe into
raw material such as gold.

2. Introduction Fair Trade approach:

 Concept which Fairs we should target was presented

 Trade Fairs where verified in phase 0 and where introduced and strategically explained
 Feedback of client (Anton): We should NOT focus on car fairs as the relevant target group is
not there. There are only 5 companies who are producing catalysators and are therefore not
present at the car fair trades

03 NEXT STEPS To Dos for next meeting:

 Client needs 3-4 weeks to give feedback to the two logo approaches

 Revision of the two logo directions for Avantgarde:

Variante 1 (POLARIS) – In the grafic the Logo will be presented a little bit more 3D

Variante 2 (shapes & strutures) – Everything stays as it is but we will add a chart where the
Logo will be shown with the existing name oft he company „Norilsk Nickel“

Variante 3 (Polaris) – we will make changes to the image movie and reduce the mountain
scenery, the text will be changed in accordance to the new tonality as well as the naming of the
company should remain.

Variante 4 – we will create a complete new logo with a combination of POLARIS and SHAPES

 More input will be given from Anton to revise and finetune the Paladium conference idea.

04 NEXT MEETING TBC – Moskow (Norilsk Nickel HQ) or Munich (Avantgarde HQ)

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